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生猪养殖污水成分复杂且对环境存在较大的污染风险,常规实验室监测法准确性高但效率低且时效性差,自动监测法速度快但成本高。为寻求一种能兼顾两种方法优点的监测方案,该研究以一家规模生猪养殖场的排放污水为研究对象,对衡量污水水质的7个主要指标的变化特征、相关性和其中2个指标的回归建模进行了研究。通过对不同季节及不同气候条件下30组随机样本的检测与相关性分析,发现氨氮、总氮和电导率有相似的变化趋势且彼此之间均存在强相关性,相关系数分别为0.772、0.775和0.920。基于相关性分析结果,对氨氮和总氮分别进行了一元和多元回归分析建模,并确定了相对最佳的适合于氨氮的"多项式回归模型"和总氮的"综合模型"。经验证,两个模型的决定系数分别为0.855和0.953,可较好地用于评价生猪养殖污水中氨氮和总氮2个指标的浓度大小。基于这2个模型,生猪养殖污水需直接检测的主要指标的数量可有效减少、检测难度和成本均明显降低。因此,模型可为生猪养殖污水高效、低成本的自动监测方案的建立提供重要的理论基础。  相似文献   

Soil phosphorus management and water quality: a UK perspective   总被引:23,自引:0,他引:23  
Abstract. An increasing proportion of P reaching surface waters appears to be derived from agricultural land; apportioning the relative contribution to particular farming systems is not straightforward. The majority of farms in the UK operate on the basis of an annual agricultural P surplus, the size of which varies across different farm types. Particularly high values (>20kg ha-1) are commonly associated with intensive-livestock production and the lower values (<10kg P ha-1) with arable farms. The geographical divide between the predominance of arable cropping in the east and livestock enterprises in the west of the UK should result in an uneven pattern to the distribution of annual P surplus. The expected cumulative effects of this surplus should be a noticeable increase in total and extractable soil P concentrations, but this is not readily apparent. While evidence from experimental plots suggests a relationship between the concentration of available soil P and that present in drainage waters, extrapolating this information so that it can be useful at the scale of a whole catchment is difficult. The loss of P from agricultural land is controlled by factors which are independent of the size of the annual P surplus. The pattern of P cycling, together with the dominant loss pathways, differ greatly between livestock and arable farming systems. Proportioning the contributions that either increased soil erosion arising from changing agricultural practices or the cumulative effect of a P surplus have had upon P loss is a necessary prerequisite to effective management.  相似文献   

【目的】水分和氮素是限制作物产量和品质的最重要因素,合理的水肥管理是农业生产高产高效的关键。结合同位素技术研究最优水氮耦合模式,为樱桃番茄生产中合理灌水和施氮,提高番茄果实品质及水分利用效率(WUE)提供科学依据。【方法】以樱桃番茄品种‘千禧’为试验材料,结合稳定同位素技术进行水肥耦合盆栽试验。试验设置3个灌溉水平(W)和3个氮素水平(N),灌溉水平包括90%土壤持水量(充分供水,WH),70%土壤持水量(中度水分胁迫,WM)和50%土壤持水量(重度水分胁迫,WL);氮素水平包括高氮(0.23 g/kg,NH),中氮(0.16 g/kg,NM)和低氮(0.08 g/kg,NL)。试验采用完全随机设计,共9个处理。在灌溉施肥处理60天后收获,分析测定了植株不同部位的生物量及碳、氮、氧同位素含量。【结果】在WH和WM条件下,增加氮素用量使番茄地上部干物质量和叶面积显著增加,增幅分别为19.8%~45.4%和29.4%~106.8%;相同氮素水平下,WH和WM的地上部干物质量和叶面积比WL分别增加24.7%~83.4%和17.6%~90.4%。WHNH处理干物质量和叶面积最高,WMNH处理次之,但后者耗水量低,具有最高的WUE。在WH和WM下,随着氮素用量的增加番茄植株的WUE和氮素含量同步增加。土壤水分水平下降提高了植株的WUE以及δ13C和δ18O,而WUE提高的主要原因是由于叶片气孔的优化调控,植株叶片的δ13C和δ18O可以用于表示灌溉施肥条件下长时间尺度上的WUE信息。WLNM处理提高番茄的糖分含量,而WHNM处理能降低番茄的有机酸含量,从而使番茄口感更好,提高番茄品质。【结论】中度水分胁迫和高氮处理(WMNH)能在促进番茄生长和提高氮素吸收和利用效率的同时减少水分用量,提高番茄的水分利用效率,为本试验的最优水氮耦合处理。  相似文献   

Arkansas Discovery Farms (ADFs) are private farms that collaborate with on-farm research, verification, and demonstration of farming's impact on the environment. We have nine ADFs representing livestock (broiler poultry and pasture grazed beef and sheep) and row crop agriculture (corn, cotton, rice, soybean, and wheat), where we collect water use and water quality data as a function of conservation management, using autosamplers equipped with edge-of-field H-flumes or weir flow structures, which measure and collect surface runoff. On the poultry farms, we are monitoring nutrient and sediment runoff originating immediately near poultry houses due to concerns with spillage of litter during bird removal and house clean out, as well as dust from tunnel ventilation. On a nearby farm we are assessing the impact of rotational grazing on water quality, soil organic matter, and soil health metrics. On the row crop farms we are assessing the impacts of conservation tillage and cover crops on soybean–corn rotations and cotton on nutrient and sediment runoff and the benefits of water harvesting and reuse of water conservation and quality. The information in this paper while preliminary, demonstrates how a state-wide on-farm demonstration program operates. Elevated nutrient and sediment runoff from around poultry production areas are decreased three-fold by directing runoff into ponds or through grassed waterways. While conservation tillage and cover crops do decrease nutrient and sediment runoff, no significant difference between conventional and conservation operations is yet to be realized. Importantly, ADF empowers farmers to proactively address environmental concerns. This paper discusses the development, guidance, principals, and goals of ADF and contrasts this with other farm monitoring projects, where the sources of nutrient impairment are the subject of ongoing litigation. Monitoring in divisive and transparent situations presents unique challenges with data ownership and release of findings, which can hinder productive outcomes of such monitoring.  相似文献   

The Modular Modeling System (MMS) is an integrated system of computer software that is being developed to provide the research and operational framework needed to support development, testing, and evaluation of physical-process algorithms, and to facilitate integration of user-selected sets of algorithms into operational physical-process models. MMS uses a module library that contains compatible modules for simulating a variety of water, energy, and biogeochemical processes. A model is created by selectively linking modules from the library using MMS model-building tools. A geographic information system (GIS) interface also is being developed for MMS to support a variety of GIS tools for use in characterizing and parameterizing topographic, hydrologic, and ecosystem features, visualizing spatially and temporally distributed model parameters and variables, and analyzing and validating model results. MMS is being coupled with the Power Reservoir System Model (PRSYM) to provide a database-centered decision support system for making complex operational decisions on multipurpose reservoir systems and watersheds. The U.S. Geological Survey and the Bureau of Reclamation are working collaboratively on a project titled the Watershed Modeling Systems Initiative to develop and apply the coupled MMS — PRSYM models to the San Juan River basin in Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah.  相似文献   

水稻种植管理过程中水分控制关系着稻米质量安全。本研究通过田间大区试验,研究了种植根部起垄(RR)、干湿交替(IF)、长期淹水(CF)和常规管理(CK)4种水分管理模式对土壤重金属Pb、Cd和As的迁移、转运特性及对水稻质量安全的影响。结果表明:RR模式可以显著降低土壤中Pb、Cd和As含量;CF模式可显著增加土壤中Pb、Cd和As的含量;IF和CK模式下土壤重金属含量变化不显著;水分管理RR、IF和CK模式对土壤As的活度影响不大,仅CF模式可以增强As的活度;重金属Cd较Pb和As易活化,CF和CK可以显著增强其的活性,RR和IF模式对Cd的活化影响较小;重金属Pb有效态活化与水分管理模式无关;RR、IF水分管理模式可显著降低水稻根部重金属Pb、Cd和As的含量;IF模式下根上茎的重金属含量均为最高,RR模式下根上茎As的含量显著低于其他水分管理模式;RR和IF水分管理模式可以显著降低糙米中重金属的含量,低于《食品安全国家标准食品中污染物限量标准》(GB 2762-2017)对Pb、Cd和As的限量值,保障了糙米质量安全。RR模式对土壤中重金属从根系到茎叶的转运能力较强,从根系到糙米...  相似文献   

A Gaussian-box modeling approach was presented in this paper to examine the urban air quality due to multiple point- and area-source emissions in the northern Chinese city of Fengnan, which is associated with a deteriorated air quality as a consequence of industrialization and rapid urban growth. A 3-D multi-box (3DMB) air quality model was developed to predict air quality due to area-source emissions. It improved upon the conventional box models by allowing consideration of more details in spatial variations of emission sources and meteorological conditions. The modeling domain was divided into various layers within the mixing height, while each layer was associated with a number of sub-boxes. A multi-source and multi-grid Gaussian modeling approach was then applied to predict the air quality in different sub-boxes that are associated with multiple point-source emissions. Thus the Gaussian-box modeling approach could effectively simulate impacts of both area- and point-source emissions but also reflect more details of the spatial variations in source distributions and meteorological conditions. This modeling approach was employed to predict daily average SO2, TSP and PM10 concentrations for each sub-box during the heating and non-heating seasons, respectively. The analysis of the mean normalized error of the modeling results demonstrates the feasibility and applicability of the developed method, and the presented method could provide more useful and scientific bases for developing effective urban air quality control and management strategies.  相似文献   

适度水分亏缺管理提高青稞营养品质和环境效益   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】 针对青藏高原水资源短缺会降低青稞产量,但对产量构成和籽粒品质特性的影响尚不明确的问题,研究不同水分供应对青稞籽粒产量构成以及营养品质的影响,为青稞合理高效栽培管理提供理论依据。 【方法】 以昆仑14号为供试品种,进行了随机区组田间试验。设计灌溉至田间持水量的75% (充分灌溉处理)、50% (水分轻度亏缺处理) 和25% (水分重度亏缺处理) 3个水平。调查了青稞根系、产量和籽粒NPK、蛋白质和氨基酸含量。 【结果】 水分亏缺显著降低青稞公顷穗数、穗长、穗粒数、产量、分蘖数、株高,且降幅随水分亏缺程度的加剧而增大。水分亏缺致使青稞产量显著降低,但不同亏缺程度对产量三因素的影响存在一定差异。水分轻度亏缺使公顷穗数和穗粒数显著降低,重度亏缺使产量三因素均显著降低。水分亏缺下青稞籽粒中氮、钾、蛋白质和总氨基酸的含量均呈升高趋势,且随着水分亏缺程度的加剧而进一步增加。重度亏缺处理青稞籽粒中磷含量、必需和非必需氨基酸含量均比充分灌溉显著升高。 【结论】 水分轻度亏缺有助于促进青稞根系生长,重度亏缺则会严重抑制根系生长。水分亏缺不利于青稞穗部的生长发育,导致其产量显著降低,却有利于籽粒中蛋白质及其组分含量的提高。适度亏缺灌溉不仅能节约水资源和降低农业成本,且该灌溉方式下青稞产量和籽粒中养分、蛋白质及其组分的含量均较高,为较佳的灌溉制度。   相似文献   

The concentrations of226Ra, As, and NO 3 ? have been measured in Lake Ontario waters off Eldorado Nuclear Limited's Port Granby radioactive waste management site. Only one sample gave a226Ra value higher than the Ontario criterion for public surface water supplies. The highest levels of As and NO 3 ? were below the Ontario criteria. The leachate plume appears to move parallel to the shoreline in the direction of the prevailing wind but disperses rapidly reaching ambient levels within 150 m of the source. The leaching of these pollutants has only a minor effect on the lake water quality.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to explore if more crop-specific plant growth modules can improve simulations of crop yields, and N in tile flow under different management practices compared with a generic plant growth module. We calibrated and evaluated the Root Zone Water Quality Model (RZWQM) with the Decision Support for Agrotechnology Transfer (DSSAT v3.5) plant growth modules (RZWQM-DSSAT) for simulating tillage (NT — no till, RT — ridge till, CP — chisel plow, and MP — moldboard plow), crop rotation {CC — continuous corn, and CS — corn (Zea mays L.)-soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.]}, and nitrogen (N) (SA — single application at preplant, and LSNT — late spring soil N test based application) and manure (SM — fall injected swine manure) management effects on crop production and water quality. Data from 1978 to 2003 from a water quality experiment near Nashua (Nashua experiments), Iowa, USA, were used. The model was calibrated using data from one treatment plot and validated for the rest of the plots. Simulated management effects on annual N loading in tile flow were agreeable with measured effects in 85%, 99%, 88%, and 78% of the cases for tillage, crop rotation (CS vs. CC), N application timing (SA vs. LSNT), and swine manure applications (SM vs. SA), respectively. On average, the LSNT plots were simulated to have 359 kg ha− 1 higher corn yield compared to SA, when the observed increase was 812 kg ha− 1. Grain yield simulations were not sensitive to differences between RT and NT, between SM and SA treatments, and between CS and CC. We conclude that considering the uncertainties of basic input data, processes in the field, and lack of site specific weather data, the results obtained with this RZWQM-DSSAT hybrid model were not much better than the results obtained earlier with the generic crop growth module.  相似文献   

A modeling framework by linking air quality simulation with system optimization was presented in this paper to develop cost-effective urban air quality management strategies in Fengnan district of China. The relation between the total allowable emission and wind speed as well as the relation between the total allowable emission and air-quality-guideline satisfaction were quantified based on the simulation results of the Gaussian-box modeling system. The area-source emission reduction objective in each functional zone of the study city during the heating and non-heating seasons was calculated based on such relations. A linear programming model was then developed to optimize the emission abatement which was subject to a number of dust and SO2 control measures. The economic objective of the air quality management strategy was to minimize the total emission control system cost while the environmental objective can still be satisfied. The environmental objective was reflected by the emission reduction objective of TSP, PM10 and SO2 corresponding to an air-quality-guideline satisfaction percentage of 80%. Consequently, the modeling system comprehensively took into account the information of emission reduction objectives, emission abatement alternatives, emission reduction cost, and related resources constraints. An optimal emission abatement strategy and the related cost were obtained for various pollution control measures. The results would provide sound bases for decision makers in terms of effective urban air quality management and ensuring healthy economic development in the study city.  相似文献   

The hydrolysis of disodium p-nitrophenyl phosphate catalyzed by alkaline phosphatase was chosen as a model to study the kinetics of changes in frozen food products. The initial reaction rate was determined in concentrated sucrose solutions down to -24 degrees C, and the enzymatic characteristics K(M) and V(max) were calculated. The experimental data were compared to the kinetics predicted by assuming that the reaction was viscosity dependent. Indeed, an analysis of the enzymatic reaction demonstrated that both the diffusion of the substrate and the flexibility of the enzyme segments were controlled by the high viscosity of the media. When the temperature was too low for the viscosity to be measured simply, the Williams-Landel-Ferry equation was used to predict the viscosity, taking, as reference temperature, the glass transition temperature (T(g)) corresponding to the concentration of the freeze-concentrated phase at the test temperature. Predicted values of the reaction rate were very close to the experimental ones in the studied temperature range.  相似文献   

Residuals management comprises an important part of effective environmental quality management, and the assimilative services provided by the natural environment are essential inputs into Man's production and consumption activities. The failure to appreciate the external effects of residual discharges, however, has led to excessive uses of environmental assimilative capacity. The policy choices for environmental quality management involve decisions about the wisest use of common-property environmental resources, as balanced against other social needs and the production of goods and services. Ecosystems management provides opportunities for beneficial use based upon intelligence, rather than default.  相似文献   

现代农业对生产资料的质量要求越来越高,种子企业建立和完善质量管理体系,提高种子质量和服务水平,是适应现代农业发展的要求和企业求生存谋发展的必然抉择;是种子企业实施品牌扩张战略,拓展海内外市场的基础;对规范和深化我国种子市场管理具有深远意义.  相似文献   

据调查,吕梁市现有治理面积超过66 hm2的水土保持大户77户,民营水保大户已成为一支重要的水土保持力量。水保大户的成功经营模式主要为种养为主的牧工商一体型、以经济林为主的园区建设型、以生态林为主的水保生态经济型、以工致富反哺农业型。水保大户带动了农业的产业化发展,增加了农民收入,推动了流域治理深入开展。为了引导水保大户健康发展,要制定优惠政策,认真落实产权,提供优质服务。  相似文献   

Journal of Soils and Sediments - In urban areas, soil functions are deeply impacted by all human activities, e.g., water infiltration, carbon storage, and chemical substances degradation potential....  相似文献   

Water quality conditions in three oxbow lakes were examined before and after best management practices (BMPs) implementation within the Mississippi Delta. Experimental design called for the development of structural and cultural treatments to reduce sediment and associated pollutants entering watershed oxbow lakes. Three watersheds were selected and developed with different levels of BMPs. Changes in lake water quality were used as measures of management success. Analyses of water quality data prior to the implementation of BMPs suggested the lakes were stressed and ecologically damaged due to excessive sediment inflow. Significant improvements in water quality were observed with the use of cultural and structural BMPs. Sediments decreased 34–59%, while Secchi visibility and chlorophyll generally increased. The most dramatic improvements in water quality occurred in the two watersheds that featured cultural practices and combinations of cultural and structural practices. Reducing suspended sediment concentrations in these oxbow lakes favored phytoplankton production resulting in increased chlorophyll concentrations and higher concentrations of dissolved oxygen. Cultural BMPs, more so than structural BMPs, play a vital role in improving lake water quality, and are needed in addition to structural measures to ensure improved water quality in oxbow lakes receiving agricultural runoff.  相似文献   

基于"风险评价—规划分区—分别管理"的非点源污染管理思路,采用非点源污染风险评价模型、最佳管理措施(best management practices,BMPs)评估体系及非支配排序遗传算法相耦合的方式,对北京怀柔区北宅小流域非点源污染进行不同空间尺度下最佳管理措施空间优化配置模拟,为小流域非点源污染最佳管理措施的实施,提供决策支持。研究结果表明:1)非点源污染潜力高风险区为距离河道较近受人为活动影响明显的居民区、养殖场和耕地,为重点管理区;2)根据污染物污染控制功效、成本投入以及景观美学功效3个方面综合评价结果对拟实施的BMPs进行综合评分排序,人工湿地、入渗池、绿屋顶、植物蓄留池等以下渗过程为主要污染控制机制类措施,可作为BMPs情景配置的优选措施;3)不同空间尺度下最佳管理措施空间优化配置模拟表明,流域层面BMPs最优方案为为生物滞留池0,湿式滞留池105 000元,占总成本的8%,入渗沟469 560元,占总成本的92%,总氮、总磷年污染负荷量综合削减率45%;村庄层面BMPs优化配置方案为生物滞留池3 105元,占总成本的0.8%;湿式滞留池21 000元,占总成本的5.6%;绿屋顶216 306元,占总成本的64%;透水性路面11 0736元,占总成本的29.6%。总氮、总磷年污染负荷综合削减率能够达到46%;农户层面BMPs优化配置方案为绿屋顶0元;雨水罐38元,占总成本的2.5%;生物滞留池675元,占总成本的44.5%;透水性路面805元,占总成本的53%。总氮和总磷两种污染物的年污染负荷削减率65%。  相似文献   

Ecosystems produce goods and services that are essential for the wellbeing of humans and other organisms. The earth’s expanding human population is altering both pattern and process in ecosystems, and hence is impacting the provision of ecosystem goods and services at a variety of scales. Food production and other ecosystem services, such as the many benefits provided by forests, are not exclusive of one another at a regional scale. Although it is becoming obvious that uncoordinated local management is inadequate to address regional ecosystem changes in the face of regional drivers of change, few regional governments have addressed the need for holistic landscape management of regional ecosystem services. We compare and contrast two regional programs, the agricultural agenda of integrated pest management (IPM) and an as-yet hypothetical, fragmentation-oriented conservation agenda that we term ‘Regional Fragmentation Management’ (RFM). IPM has a strong practical foundation but is weak on theory. RFM has a stronger theoretical base, but is weak on practice and has mainly focused on protected areas. Both programs address only a small subset of the larger question of how to effectively maintain regional production of regional ecosystem services. Some of the successes of IPM practitioners in building institutions and achieving societal acceptance for their program, particularly in relation to regionally coordinated (‘areawide’) pest management, suggest that regional ecosystem management is plausible. IPM offers some ingredients of an institutional role model for a broader, more ambitious program that seeks to manage regional ecosystem services and processes in a sustainable manner. As the looming crisis of global climate change brings a potential window of opportunity for the introduction of novel approaches for managing deforestation, closer synergies between conservation and agriculture at regional scales seem not only possible, but essential.  相似文献   

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