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马关湖,华中农业大学教授,博士研究生导师。主要研究领域为肉类蛋品科学理论、贮藏加工和副产物综合利用以及相关的食品安全与质量控制问题。2004年4月前往美国华盛顿州立大学、福罗里达大学交流访问,2006年1月前往丹麦、荷兰、法国、德国、  相似文献   

作为中国羽绒行业的元老,王敦洲先生从12岁开始入行,在60多载的从业过程中,王老见证了我国羽绒行业从无到有、由弱到强的成长历程,如今,年近八旬的王老仍不遗余力地推动我国养鹅事业和羽绒工业发展,为此发光发热。9月16日,“首届中国国际羽绒节”在安徽六安召开期间,本刊记者对其进行了专访,请他全面而深入地解读了我国羽绒行业的历史、现状和未来。  相似文献   

我国是禽蛋生产大国,但不是蛋品工业强国,我国的禽蛋业急需由传统加工型向现代深加工型转变。在欧美发达国家蛋品消费市场中,超过70%是蛋粉和液蛋形态,而中国98%是壳蛋。液蛋以其安全、优质的特性正逐渐在我国的食品加工、化妆品、医药等行业应用。苏州欧福是国内第一家生产巴氏杀菌液蛋产品的有限公司,近日本刊记者采访了该公司技术经理梅中非,从中真切感受到势不可挡的蛋品健康消费潮流已经悄悄到来。  相似文献   

经国务院批准,<全国草原火灾应急预案>自2010年11月1日公布施行,备受业界瞩目.为此,记者对农业部草原监理中心(农业部草原防火指挥部办公室)主任马有祥进行了专访.  相似文献   


Green rot in eggs is widely recognized as one of the principal causes of loss in the preservation of shell eggs. It arises from invasion of the shell contents by strains of Pseudomonas fluorescens which multiply in the albumen and elaborate the characteristic green pigment. The early stages of rotting cannot be detected in the ordinary candling by white light, but the green pigment shows strong fluorescence in ultra violet light. The yolk is also attacked and eventually the entire contents break down into a semi liquid mass with a characteristic putrid odour. At this stage the green colouration is not so obvious due to the admixture of yolk and white, and the resultant fall in pH.; the contents may then be of a yellowish green to greenish brown colour.  相似文献   

钱勇  秋书 《中国禽业导刊》2009,26(20):44-45
《中国禽业导刊》于1999年第16期曾刊发《呕心沥血二十载志在振兴养鸽业》一文,报道了我国著名特禽专家、南京农业大学林其马录教授,从事特禽学科的教学、科研、生产、推广、著作、文章、科普二十年的事迹。光阴冉冉,又匆匆过了十个春秋,林先生现在情况怎样呢?他还奔走在行业一线吗?为此。笔者造访了林教授,了解他现在做些什么,他有哪些见解和展望。  相似文献   

一、建立依恋性的目的意义和判定依据 建立依恋性是警犬训练、模拟演练和实战的前提基础和保障,其目的就是消除警犬对训犬员的探求反射和防御反射,为训练和使用奠定基础.警犬对训犬员依恋性的好坏,决定着其是否能够接受训练,并直接影响训练和使用的效果和质量.稳定巩固的依恋性有利于训犬员与警犬之间的沟通,能够配合默契:有利于训练科目的形成,保持兴奋状态;有利于实战任务的完成,服从指挥命令.  相似文献   

1. On-farm quantification of sustainability indicators (SI) is an effective way to make sustainable development measurable. The egg production sector was used as a case study to illustrate this approach. 2. The objective was to select SI for economic, ecological and societal issues, and to analyse the performance on selected SI of different production systems. 3. For the case study, we compared 4 egg production systems, characterised by differences in the housing systems which are most common in the Netherlands: the battery-cage system, the deep-litter system with and without outdoor run, and the aviary system with outdoor run. 4. Based on a clear set of criteria, we selected SI for animal welfare, economics, environmental impact, ergonomics and product quality. 5. We showed that on-farm quantification of SI was an appropriate method to identify the strengths and weaknesses of different systems. 6. From this analysis it appears that the aviary system with outdoor run is a good alternative for the battery-cage system, with better scores for the aviary system on animal welfare and economics, but with worse scores on environmental impact.  相似文献   

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