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Estimation of the postmortem interval (PMI) is a poorly studied field in veterinary pathology. The development of field-applicable methods is needed given that animal cruelty investigations are increasing continually. We evaluated various histologic criteria in equine brain, liver, and muscle tissue to aid the estimation of PMI in horses, which is central to forensic investigations of suspicious death. After death, autolysis proceeds predictably, depending on environmental conditions. Currently, no field-applied methods exist that accurately estimate the PMI using histology in animals or humans through quantification of autolysis. Brain, liver, and skeletal muscle from 12 freshly euthanized horses were held at 22°C and 8°C for 72 h. Tissues were sampled at T0h, T1h, T2h, T4h, T6h, T12h, T24h, T36h, T48h, T60h, and T72h. For each tissue, we quantified 5 to 7 criteria associated with autolysis, based on the percentage of microscopic field involved. Each criterion was modeled, with temperature and time as independent variables. Changes were most predictable in liver and muscle over the first 72 h postmortem. The criteria for autolysis that were present most extensively at both temperatures were hepatocyte individualization and the separation of bile duct epithelium from the basement membrane. The changes that were present next most extensively were disruption of myofiber continuity, hypereosinophilia, and loss of striation. Brain changes were highly variable. The high statistical correlation between the parameter “autolysis” and the variables “time/temperature”, indicates that autolysis is progressive and predictable. Further investigation of these criteria is needed to establish histologic algorithms for PMI.  相似文献   

Measurement of renal function in horses poses a particular challenge because plasma creatinine is influenced by muscle mass which is highly developed and variable between individuals, while conventional clearance methods involve potentially daunting problems, particularly urine collection and bladder washout. This paper provides data which enable technetium-diethyleneaminopentacetic acid (Tc-DTPA) clearance to be used to calculate glomerular filtration rate (GFR)/extracellular fluid volume (ECFV) as an expression of GFR in horses, as previously validated in humans, dogs and calves. Apart from being arguably a more physiological expression of GFR than using derivatives of body weight, the use of GFR/ECFV eliminates a source of delay and error, namely measurement of the injected dose, and offers the convenience of requiring only three blood samples. It therefore has advantages for both research and clinical applications.  相似文献   

BackgroundThe equine temporomandibular joint (TMJ) has a complex anatomical structure that makes diagnosis of TMJ disorders difficult. Computed tomography (CT) is now available in equine medicine; hence, TMJ evaluation has become more convenient.ObjectivesThe objectives of this study were to describe the CT features of the TMJ in Jeju horses and to compare these features with those of Thoroughbreds.MethodsIn this report, the TMJs of 10 Jeju horses (mean age: 4.5 ± 1.9 yr; mean body weight: 282.6 ± 40.3 kg) and 6 Thoroughbreds (mean age: 7.3 ± 1.6 yr; mean body weight: 479.7 ± 44.0 kg) were examined using CT. After CT scanning, the Hounsfield units (HU) and height to width ratio (H:W) of the mandibular condyle were measured.ResultsThe mean H:W in Jeju horses was significantly lower than that in Thoroughbreds. The mean HU in Jeju horses was lower than that in Thoroughbreds; however, the difference was not significant. The most frequent CT finding was an irregular medial margin of the mandibular condyle in both breeds.ConclusionsIn this study, the shape of the mandibular condyle in Jeju horses was flatter than that in Thoroughbreds. This report could be useful in evaluating the TMJ in Jeju horses. Moreover, CT could be a pragmatic choice for the examination of the TMJ in horses.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to compare the pharmacokinetics of ivermectin and its antiparasitic activity in two horse breeds. Eight Hutsul and 14 Toric horses were administered ivermectin orally at a dose of 0.2 mg/kg body weight. Blood samples were collected for 96 hr, and faecal samples were collected one day before and on days 14 and 21 after drug administration. Ivermectin concentrations in plasma samples were determined by high‐performance liquid chromatography. Ivermectin concentration was significantly higher in Toric than in Hutsul horses 90 min after ivermectin administration and was maintained at higher level for up to 96 hr. The area under the concentration versus the time curve from 0 to the last sampling point (AUC0→t) and the maximum plasma concentration (Cmax) were significantly higher in Toric than in Hutsul horses (1792.09 ± 246.22 μg × hr/L vs. 716.99 ± 255.81 μg × hr/L and 62.72 ± 17.97 ng/ml vs. 35.34 ± 13.61 ng/ml, respectively). No parasitic eggs were found in the faecal samples collected from both groups of horses on days 14 and 21 after drug administration. The obtained results indicate that although the pharmacokinetics of ivermectin may differ significantly between horse breeds, these differences do not affect the effectiveness of therapy.  相似文献   

Dehydration and increased risk of respiratory problems are common outcomes of transport, and both appear to be related to journey duration, emotional effects, such as fear, and challenging environmental conditions. Welfare may be improved by familiarising equines with transport vehicles and loading procedures before travel starts, and by providing thermally comfortable and well ventilated conditions during the journey. For long road journeys, rest breaks with drinking water should be given. Both trained and unhandled animals should have sufficient space and freedom to adjust their posture and to lower their heads, but maximum safe space allowances are unknown. Mares and foals should be transported together. Injury during transport is relatively common, particularly in groups of horses travelling to slaughter, and is usually associated with driver error, internal fittings and vehicle type or design, but also with mixing of animals of different sex and weight leading to fighting. There needs to be better training and monitoring to prevent such avoidable risks to horse welfare. There is also a need for more research into appropriate prophylaxis and post transport therapy as knowledge of accumulated stress and depressed immune function following prolonged and repeated transport is poorly understood.  相似文献   

Ross River Virus (RRV) was believed to be the cause of acute illness in four horses around the Bellarine peninsula in south-west Victoria, Australia. The horses presented with clinical signs including petechial haemorrhages, lymphadenopathy, distal limb swelling and reluctance to move. Fibrinogen was also elevated in three of the four horses. Whilst no virus was isolated, serological testing revealed elevated RRV IgM titres in all horses indicating acute infection. The outbreak occurred at a time when a known RRV vector, the mosquito Aedes camptorhynchus was recorded at very high levels in the region. This report is one of very few to attribute specific signs of disease to RRV in horses in conjunction with serological evidence of infection. Aust Vet J 2008;86:367-370.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the pharmacokinetics of potassium bromide (KBr) in horses after a single and multiple oral doses. ANIMALS: Twelve adult Standardbred and Thoroughbred mares. PROCEDURE: Horses were randomly assigned into two treatment groups. In Part 1 of the study, horses were given a single oral dose of 120 mg/kg KBr. Part 2 of the study evaluated a loading dose of 120 mg/kg KBr daily by stomach tube for 5 days, followed by 40 mg/kg daily in feed for 7 days. Serum concentrations of bromide were determined by colorimetric spectrophotometry following drug administration to permit determination of concentration versus time curves from which pharmacokinetic parameters could be calculated. Treated horses were monitored twice daily by clinical examination. Serum concentrations of sodium, potassium and chloride ions and partial pressures of venous blood gases were determined. RESULTS: Maximum mean serum bromide concentration following a single dose of KBr (120 mg/kg) was 284 +/- 15 microg/mL and the mean elimination half-life was 75 +/- 14 h. Repeated administration of a loading dose of KBr (120 mg/kg once daily for 5 days) gave a maximum serum bromide concentration of 1098 +/- 105 microg/mL. The administration of lower, maintenance doses of KBr (40 mg/kg once daily) was associated with decreased serum bromide concentrations, which plateaued at approximately 700 microg/mL. Administration of KBr was associated with significant but transient changes in serum potassium and sodium concentrations, and possible changes in base excess and plasma bicarbonate concentrations. High serum concentrations of bromide were associated with an apparent increase in serum chloride concentrations, when measured on an ion specific electrode. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A loading dose of 120 mg/kg daily over 5 days and maintenance doses of approximately 90-100 mg/kg of KBr administered once daily are predicted to result in serum bromide concentrations consistent with therapeutic efficacy for the management of seizures in other species. The clinical efficacy of this agent as an anticonvulsant medication and/or calmative in horses warrants further investigation.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of exercise on plasma tryptophan (TRP) and free serotonin (f5-HT), whole blood-5-HT (WB-5-HT) and f5-HT/WB-5-HT ratio in Italian Saddle horses. Six clinically healthy Italian Saddle horses were subjected to a 450 meters obstacles course. Blood samples were collected from each horse by jugular venipuncture using vacutainer tubes with K3-EDTA at rest, immediately after exercise, and after 30 min. TRP, f5-HT and WB-5-HT were analyzed by HPLC. Immediately after exercise, statistically significant increases of f5-HT (p<0.001) and WB-5-HT (p<0.001) were observed. After 30 min, f5-HT and WB-5-HT decreased compared to immediately after exercise, but were still significantly higher than rest values (p<0.01 and p<0.05, respectively). A significant linear regression between f5-HT and WB-5-HT was observed during experimental conditions. f5-HT and WB-5-HT modifications after exercise suggest an important role of peripheral serotoninergic markers in response to physical activity. The possible source of extra serotonin detected after show jumping should be clarified by further investigation.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate by echo- and electrocardiography the cardiac effects of sedation with detomidine hydrochloride, romifidine hydrochloride or acepromazine maleate in horses. STUDY DESIGN: An experimental study using a cross-over design without randomization. ANIMALS: Eight clinically normal Standardbred trotters. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Echocardiographic examinations (two-dimensional, guided M-mode and colour Doppler) were recorded on five different days. Heart rate (HR) and standard limb lead electrocardiograms were also obtained. Subsequently, horses were sedated with detomidine (0.01 mg kg(-1)), romifidine (0.04 mg kg(-1)) or acepromazine (0.1 mg kg(-1)) administered intravenously and all examinations repeated. RESULTS: Heart rate before treatment with the three drugs did not differ significantly (p = 0.98). Both detomidine and romifidine induced a significant decrease (p < 0.001) in HR during the first 25 minutes after sedation; while acepromazine had a varying effect on HR. For detomidine, there was a significant increase in LVIDd (left ventricular internal diameter in diastole; p = 0.034) and LVIDs (left ventricular internal diameter in systole; p < 0.001). In addition, a significant decrease was found in IVSs (the interventricular septum in systole; p < 0.001), LVFWs (the left ventricular free wall in systole; p = 0.002) and FS% (fractional shortening; p < 0.001). The frequency of pulmonary regurgitation was increased significantly (p < 0.001). Romifidine induced a significant increase in LVIDs (p < 0.001) and a significant decrease in IVSs (p < 0.001) and FS% (p = 0.002). Acepromazine had no significant effect upon any of the measured values. CONCLUSIONS: and clinical relevance The results indicate that sedation of horses with detomidine and to a lesser extent romifidine at the doses given in this study has a significant effect on heart function, echocardiographic measurements of heart dimensions and the occurrence of valvular regurgitation. Although the clinical significance of these results may be minimal, the potential effects of sedative drugs should be taken into account when echocardiographic variables are interpreted in clinical cases.  相似文献   

Dobutamine is routinely used to improve cardiovascular function in anaesthetized horses. However, dobutamine in conscious horses is insufficiently investigated. Ten research horses that were already instrumented for a preceding trial were included into the study. Cardiovascular variables were recorded and blood samples taken after instrumentation (Baseline), before starting dobutamine and after 10 min of dobutamine infusion (2 µg kg−1 min−1). A significant increase in systemic blood pressure, mean pulmonary artery pressure and right atrial pressure, and a decrease in heart rate were observed with dobutamine compared with baseline measurements. Arterial and mixed venous haemoglobin and oxygen content, as well as mixed venous partial pressure of oxygen increased. No significant changes in cardiac output, stroke volume, systemic vascular resistance, arterial partial pressure of oxygen, or oxygen consumption, delivery and extraction ratio were detected. Concluding, dobutamine increased systemic blood pressure without detectable changes in stroke volume, cardiac output or systemic vascular resistance in conscious horses.  相似文献   

Brainstem auditory evoked potential (BAEP) waveforms were recorded as a means of objectively evaluating auditory and brainstem function in horses. BAEP recordings were readily and repeatably recorded from horses, under minimal restraint, using signal averaging equipment. Clearly identified BAEP waveforms were obtained with compression clicks of 30-100 dB (HHL) at 10 Hz applied in the external auditory meatus of one ear and masking white noise (10 dB lower) in the other ear. Vertex positive (upwards) waveforms I through V were obtained with an active, subdermal electrode over the ipsilateral and contralateral zygomatic processes of the temporal bones and the reference electrode over the vertex. Recording sweep duration was 10 ms, amplifier sensitivity 10 microV/division, display gain x 10 and low and high amplifier filters set at 200 Hz to 2 kHz. Such recordings can be useful in evaluation of all clinical cases suspected of showing degrees of deafness, vestibular disease or brainstem disease, and in monitoring the progress of such cases.  相似文献   

Objective To identify the incidence of adverse effects caused by morphine 100–170 µg kg?1 administration during surgery in horses. Design Retrospective case record analysis (1996–2000). Animals Eighty‐four healthy (ASA 1 or 2) horses, mean age 5.5 ± 3.1 (SD) years (2 months to 16 years), mean weight 524 ± 14 kg (100–950). Methods Physiological data and evidence of complications were collected from the anaesthetic records of all animals anaesthetized with romifidine, ketamine, diazepam and halothane and undergoing laryngeal surgery or orchiectomy at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies. Cases were divided into those receiving (group M+; n = 18) and those not receiving morphine (M?; n = 29), and the data compared. Values for heart and respiratory rate and mean arterial pressure were compared at 15‐minute intervals between 30 and 120 minutes after induction using anova for repeated measures. The incidence of intraoperative problems was compared using Fisher's exact test. Recovery scores were compared using Student's unpaired t‐test. The records of a further 37 horses undergoing umbilical herniorrhaphy (n = 5), arthroscopy (n = 29) or tarsal arthrodesis (n = 3) were also studied but not analysed statistically due to disparate treatment distribution. Results There were no significant differences between the M+ and M? groups. The incidence of post‐operative complications such as box‐walking and colic were similar in each group. Conclusions Morphine doses of 100–170 µg kg?1 do not increase the risk of problems when used to provide perioperative analgesia in horses anaesthetized with romifidine, ketamine, diazepam and halothane. Clinical relevance Morphine provides an acceptable and relatively inexpensive way to provide perioperative analgesia in horses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the cardiopulmonary effects of desflurane (DES) in horses. ANIMALS: Six healthy adult horses, three males and three females, aged 9 +/- 4 (mean +/- SD) years and weighing 370 +/- 36 kg. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Anaesthesia was induced with an O2 (10 L minute(-1)) and DES mixture (vaporizer setting 18%). After oro-tracheal intubation, horses were positioned in right lateral recumbency. Anaesthesia was maintained with DES in O2 (20 mL kg(-1) minute(-1)) delivered through a large animal circle breathing system. The minimum alveolar concentration of DES (MAC(DES)) that prevented purposeful movement in response to 60 seconds of electrical stimulation of the oral mucous membranes was determined for each horse. The delivered concentration of DES was then increased to achieve end-tidal concentrations corresponding to 1.5 x MAC(DES), 1.75 x MAC(DES), and 2.0 x MAC(DES). Heart rate (HR), mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), respiratory rate (fr), tidal volume (VT), minute volume (VM) and core temperature were determined, and blood samples for arterial blood gas analysis taken at each DES concentration. All data were analysed by two-way anova for repeated measures and Fisher's test for multiple comparisons. A probability level of p < 0.05 was applied. RESULTS: Desflurane concentrations of 2.0 x MAC(DES) increased HR whereas lower concentrations did not. Mean arterial pressure was not affected by 1.0 x MAC(DES) 1.5 x MAC(DES) or 1.75 x MAC(DES), whereas it decreased at 2.0 x MAC(DES). All concentrations of DES examined significantly depressed fr, VT and VM. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Desflurane concentrations between 1.0 and 1.75 x MAC(DES) reduces fr and VM but does not affect HR or MAP in horses.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the cardiorespiratory and behavioural effects of epidural xylazine (XYL) or clonidine (CLO) in horses. STUDY DESIGN: Blinded, randomized experimental study. ANIMALS: Twelve healthy Arabian yearling horses weighing 117-204 kg were randomly allocated into two groups: XYL (n = 6) and CLO (n = 6). METHODS: An epidural catheter was inserted and a facial arterial catheter was placed and the next day the horses were restrained in stocks. Baseline values for heart (HR) and respiratory (RR) rates, arterial pressure and behavioural responses were evaluated before (T0) and 10, 20, 30, 45, 60, 90 and 120 minutes after epidural injection (T10-T120). The horses received 0.2 mg kg(-1) of XYL or 5 microg kg(-1) CLO; adjusted to (3.4 + (body weight in kg x 0.013) mL with saline. Data were analysed by the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, one-way anova with repeated measures, and one-way anova followed by a Student-Newman-Keuls test or Fisher's exact test, as necessary. Significance was set at p < or = 0.05. RESULTS: Sedation and ataxia were seen at T10, persisting until T120 in four and three horses, respectively, in XYL and all horses in CLO respectively. Two XYL and one CLO horses became recumbent at T45 and T25 respectively. Penile prolapse occurred in four of five males at T30 and T45, in the XYL and CLO groups, respectively, resolving by T120. Tail relaxation was present from T10 to T120 in all horses in XYL and in four horses in CLO. Head drop was observed from T20 to T60 and from T10 to T120 in XYL and CLO respectively. Respiratory rate decreased significantly only at T45 in the CLO group. Heart rate and arterial blood pressure remained stable. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Epidural CLO and XYL produce similar cardiorespiratory and behavioural changes but neither would be safe to use clinically at the doses used in this study.  相似文献   

Purpose To describe 11 clinical cases of ulcerative keratitis in horses associated with beta-hemolytic Streptococcus equi in Florida, USA. METHODS: Retrospective clinical study (1996-99). RESULTS: Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus equi was cultured from 11 horses with deep ulcers, descemetoceles or iris prolapse (n = 8), a suture abscess found with a penetrating keratoplasty for a stromal abscess (n = 1), and ulceration that developed following keratectomy/irradiation for corneal squamous cell carcinoma (n = 2). Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus equi subspecies zooepidemicus was found in 10 eyes and subspecies equi in one. Marked signs of uveitis including miosis and hypopyon were present in 8/11 (72.7%) eyes. Keratomalacia was severe in all eyes. The mean diameter of the ulcers associated with beta-hemolytic Streptococcus was 10.2 +/- 6.1 mm. Eight of the eyes required conjunctival flap surgery (four grafts dehisced) and one eye corneal transplantation. Two eyes were treated with medication only. Isolate sensitivity to antibiotics included ampicillin (6/11), bacitracin (11/11), cephalothin (11/11), chloramphenicol (11/11), gentamicin (5/11), polymyxin B (2/11), and tobramycin (1/11). All isolates were resistant to neomycin. The average healing time was 44.7 +/- 26.7 days. The visual outcome was positive in 8/11 eyes, and the globe retained in 9/11 eyes. CONCLUSIONS: Although Gram-positive bacteria predominate in the normal conjunctival microflora of horses throughout the world, Gram-negative bacteria and fungi are more often isolated from equine ulcers. Beta-hemolytic Streptococcus spp. are associated with a very aggressive ulcerative keratitis with the capability to digest conjunctival graft tissue. Clinical signs are pronounced. Aggressive surgical and intensive medical therapy with topical antibiotics and protease inhibitors is indicated.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo examine the influence of direct current shock application in anaesthetized horses with atrial fibrillation (AF) and to study the effects of cardioversion to sinus rhythm (SR).Study designProspective clinical study.AnimalsEight horses successfully treated for AF (transvenous electrical cardioversion after amiodarone pre-treatment).MethodsCardioversion catheters and a pacing catheter were placed under sedation [detomidine 10 μg kg?1 intravenously (IV)]. After additional sedation (5–10 μg kg?1 detomidine, 0.1 mg kg?1 methadone IV), anaesthesia was induced with ketamine, 2.2 mg kg?1 and midazolam, 0.06 mg kg?1 (IV) in a sling and maintained with isoflurane in oxygen. Flunixin meglumine, 1.1 mg kg?1, was administered IV. Shocks were delivered as biphasic truncated exponential waves, synchronized with the R-wave of the electrocardiogram. Monitoring included pulse oximetry, electrocardiography, capnography, inhalational anaesthetic agent concentration, arterial blood pressure, LiDCO and PulseCO cardiac index (CI) and arterial blood gases. Values before and after the first unsuccessful shock and before and after cardioversion to SR were compared.ResultsValues before the first shock were comparable to reported values in healthy, isoflurane anaesthetized horses. Reliable CI measurements could not be obtained using the PulseCO technique. Intermittent positive pressure ventilation was required in most horses (bradypnea and/or PaCO2 >8 kPa, 60 mmHg), while dobutamine was administered in two horses (0.3–0.5 μg kg?1 minute?1). After the 1st unsuccessful shock application, systolic arterial pressure (SAP) was decreased (p = 0.025), other recorded values were not influenced (CI measurements not available for this analysis). SR was associated with increases in CI (p = 0.039) and stroke index (p = 0.002) and a decrease in SAP (p = 0.030).Conclusions and clinical relevanceDespite the presence of AF, cardiovascular function was well maintained during anaesthesia and was not affected by shock application. Cardiac index and stroke index increased and SAP decreased after cardioversion.  相似文献   

Four mature Icelandic geldings were used in a balance trial to investigate the effect of stage of maturity of timothy (Pleum pratence L.) haylage fed at maintenance level on coefficients of total tract apparent digestibility (CTTAD), and nitrogen and energy metabolism in a 4 × 4 change-over arrangement of treatments. The content of fibre increased and crude protein content decreased with advancing stage of maturity. Very high CTTAD values were found for DM, OM, CP, CF, NDF and ADF in the first two cuts. Overall, there was a negative relationship between stage of maturity (p < 0.05) and the CTTAD of all measured dietary components. Nitrogen (N) intake, N losses in urine and N balance were affected (p < 0.05) by stage of maturity, while the N losses in the faeces were unaffected. There was a strong correlation (r2 = 0.95) between N balance and water intake. Gross energy intake and losses in urine (as % of digestible energy intake) were unaffected by stage of maturity, while the energy balance was affected (p < 0.05). The digestible energy content of the timothy haylage studied ranged from 14.1 to 9.0 MJ/kg DM.

In conclusion, early-cut timothy haylage (stem elongation to flowering) has the energy content required to form the basis of diets for high-performing horses. Late-cut timothy haylage (seeding to late seeding), on the other hand, can be used to fulfil the energy and protein needs of maintenance-fed Icelandic horses.  相似文献   

CASE DESCRIPTION: 3 racehorses were evaluated because of poor performance or abnormal noise originating from the upper portion of the respiratory tract. CLINICAL FINDINGS: During maximal exercise, initial dynamic videoendoscopy of the upper respiratory tract revealed complete arytenoid cartilage abduction in 2 horses and incomplete but adequate abduction of the left arytenoid cartilage in 1 horse. Subsequent exercising endoscopic evaluation revealed severe dynamic collapse of the left arytenoid cartilage and vocal fold in all 3 horses. TREATMENT AND OUTCOME: 2 horses were treated with prosthetic left laryngoplasty and raced successfully. One horse was retired from racing. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Idiopathic laryngeal hemiplegia can be a progressive disease. Successive dynamic videoendoscopic upper airway evaluations were used to confirm progression of left laryngeal hemiplegia in these 3 horses. Videoendoscopy of the upper respiratory tract during exercise should be considered as part of the clinical evaluation of horses with signs of upper respiratory tract dysfunction.  相似文献   

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