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Two proteinaceous invertase inhibitors, designated ITI-L and ITI-R, were purified to electrophoretic homogeneity. ITI-L was purified from acetone powder of sweet potato leaves through sequential steps entailing buffer extraction, acid treatment, DEAE-Sephacel ion-exchange chromatography, and Sephacryl S-100 gel filtration. ITI-R was purified from sweet potato tuberous roots by sequentially applying buffer extraction, Con A-Sepharose affinity chromatography, DEAE-Sephacel ion-exchange chromatography, Sephacryl S-200, and Superose 12 gel filtration. The optimal pHs for interaction between ITI-L and ITI-R and acid invertase from sweet potato leaves were 5.5 and 5.0, respectively. The molecular masses of ITI-L and ITI-R were 10 and 22 kDa, respectively, as estimated by both gel filtration and SDS-PAGE. Both inhibitors were thermostable (90% of the activity remained after incubation at 100 degrees C for 20 min), and Western blotting showed them to be immunologically related.  相似文献   

Trypsin inhibitors (TIA), one of the antinutritional factors of soy milk, are usually inactivated by heat treatment. In the current study, high-pressure processing (HPP) was evaluated as an alternative for the inactivation of TIA in soy milk. Moreover, the effect of HPP on lipoxygenase (LOX) in whole soybeans and soy milk was studied. For complete LOX inactivation either very high pressures (800 MPa) or a combined temperature/pressure treatment (60 degrees C/600 MPa) was needed. Pressure inactivation of TIA was possible only in combination with elevated temperatures. For TIA inactivation, three process parameters, temperature, time, and pressure, were optimized using experimental design and response surface methodology. A 90% TIA inactivation with treatment times of <2 min can be reached at temperatures between 77 and 90 degrees C and pressures between 750 and 525 MPa.  相似文献   

【目的】利用根系分隔技术, 研究不同需氮特性的旋花科、 豆科作物与玉米套作后,玉米的生长特性与养分吸收差异及其增产机理。【方法】采用石英砂培盆栽试验,二因素完全随机试验设计。以玉米-大豆、 玉米-甘薯两种套作模式为研究对象,设计不分隔、 部分分隔、 完全分隔三种隔根方式。分析不同套作模式下不同隔根方式对玉米地下根系活力、 根系生物量及地上植株叶片光合特性、 籽粒产量和吸氮量的影响。【结果】1)不同种植模式对玉米生长有显著影响,不分隔处理时,与大豆套作的玉米根系活力、 籽粒重及地上植株总吸氮显著高于与甘薯套作的玉米,分别高6.25%、 8.69%和18.89%; 部分分隔或完全分隔时,两套作处理间差异不显著(P0.05)。 2)隔根方式影响玉米的物质积累及籽粒产量,表现为不分隔部分分隔完全分隔。3)不分隔有助于促进共生玉米生长,但不同套作模式的影响效果不一致;玉米-大豆套作处理下,不分隔处理的玉米根系活力、 净光合速率、 籽粒产量和总吸氮量均高于隔根处理,比完全分隔处理的分别高25.65%、 27.31%、 64.69%和71.65%;玉米-甘薯套作下增加幅度为17.59%、 19.83%、 52.38%和46.21%,分别比玉米-大豆套作处理低31.44%、 27.39%、 19.03%和35.51%。 4)相关分析表明,两种套作处理玉米地下根系干重与地上植株干物质重、 叶片光合速率及籽粒重显著正相关,相关系数分别为0.984、 0.927和0.986(P0.01);且地下根系活力与地上植株叶片净光合速率显著正相关,相关系数达0.929(P0.01)。【结论】种植模式和隔根方式显著影响了玉米的物质积累及氮素吸收。根系不分隔时,玉米-大豆套作处理下玉米的根系活力、 净光合速率、 生物量、 籽粒产量及总吸氮量显著高于玉米-甘薯套作;隔根处理导致的生物量和吸氮量下降主要是由根系活力降低引起的。与玉米-甘薯套作相比,大豆促进了玉米根系活力的提高,有效调节了玉米地上部植株光合作用及干物质积累,实现产量和氮素吸收的增加。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to investigate the antiproliferative effect and the mechanism of trypsin inhibitor (TI) from sweet potato [Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam. 'Tainong 57'] storage roots on NB4 promyelocytic leukemia cells. The results showed that TI inhibited cellular growth of NB4 promyelocytic leukemia cells in a time-dependent and dose-dependent manner, and treatment for 72 h induced a marked inhibition of cellular growth, showing an IC50 of 57.1 +/- 8.26 microg/mL. TI caused cell cycle arrest at the G1 phase as determined by flow cytometric analysis and apoptosis as shown by DNA laddering. TI-induced cell apoptosis involved p53, Bcl-2, Bax, and cytochrome c protein in NB4 cells. P53 and Bax proteins were accumulated, and antiapoptotic molecule Bcl-2 was decreased in the tested cells in a time-dependent manner during TI treatment. TI also induced a substantial release of cytochrome c from the mitochondria into the cytosol. Hence, TI induced apoptosis in NB4 cells through a mitochondria-dependent pathway, which was associated with the activation of caspase-3 and -8. These results demonstrated that TI induces NB4 cell apoptosis through the inhibition of cell growth and the activation of the pathway of caspase-3 and -8 cascades.  相似文献   

Sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas [L.] Lam) is a versatile crop globally serving as food, feed and raw material for industries. Designed selection for higher yields and related traits is crucial to identify complementary sweet potato clones for breeding. The objective of this study was to determine phenotypic variation among diverse sweet potato collections with regard to yield, dry matter content (DMC) and sweet potato virus disease (SPVD) resistance and to identify suitable clones for breeding. A total of 144 sweet potato genotypes were evaluated at 2 sites in Tanzania using a 12?×?12 simple lattice design. Data collected included 10 quantitative and 17 qualitative agro-morphological traits and virus reaction. Results indicated differences among genotypes for most traits studied. The mean DMC was 36% with clones Zapallo and Ukerewe exhibiting the lowest and highest values of 29% and 45%, respectively. The mean storage root yield of clones was 5.1?t/ha with genotype Jewel expressing the highest yield of 11.3?t/ha. Genotypes Resisto and Mataya were early flowering at 40 and 50 days, respectively, while Ex-Mwanza and Kandoro did not flower at all. Fifty-eight per cent of the genotypes showed resistant reaction to SPVD, while 31% and 11% were moderately susceptible and susceptible to the disease, respectively. A positive correlation was observed for the number of roots and fresh root yield. Seven clones including Simama, Ukerewe, Mataya, Resisto, 03–03, Ex-Msimbi-1 and Gairo were selected for high storage root yield and related traits or SPVD resistance. The selected genotypes are recommended as potential parents for sweet potato breeding.  相似文献   

Peroxynitrite (ONOO-), formed from a reaction of superoxide and nitric oxide, is one of the most potent cytotoxic species known to oxidize cellular constituents including essential proteins, lipids, and DNA. ONOO- induces cellular and tissue injury, resulting in several human diseases such as Alzheimer's disease, atherosclerosis, and stroke. Due to the lack of endogenous enzymes responsible for ONOO- scavenging activity, finding a specific ONOO- scavenger is of considerable importance. In this study, the ability of trypsin inhibitor (TI), isolated from sweet potato storage roots (SPTI), to scavenge *ON and ONOO- was investigated. The data obtained show that TI generated a dose-dependent inhibition on production of nitrite and superoxide radicals. The IC50 value of TI on superoxide radical was 143.2 +/- 4.29 microg/mL. SOD activity staining was used to confirm SOD activity of SPTI. SPTI also caused a dose-dependent inhibition of the oxidation of dihydrorhodamine 123 (DHR) by peroxynitrite. A calculated IC50 value of 809.1 +/- 32.36 microg/mL was obtained on the inhibition of peroxynitrite radical. Spectrophotometric analyses revealed that TI suppressed the formation of ONOO--mediated tyrosine nitration through an electron donation mechanism. In further studies, TI also showed a significant ability to inhibit nitration of bovine serum albumin (BSA) in a dose-dependent manner. In vivo TI inhibited lipopolysaccharide-induced nitrite production in macrophages in a concentration-dependent manner with an IC50 value of 932.8 +/- 29.85 microg/mL. The present study suggested that TI had an efficient reactive nitrogen species scavenging ability. TI might be a potential effective NO and ONOO- scavenger useful for the prevention of NO- and ONOO--involved diseases.  相似文献   

甘薯对不同形态氮素的吸收与利用   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
为探讨氮素形态对甘薯氮素吸收、利用及其氮素生产效率的影响。在大田生产条件下,分别施用酰胺态氮、铵态氮和硝态氮肥料,研究了甘薯生长发育过程中吸收根活力变化和氮素吸收动态、收获期氮素积累量和分配以及块根产量。结果表明,与酰胺态氮处理相比,铵态氮和硝态氮处理的吸收根活力和氮素积累起始势较高,氮素积累量、肥料氮素利用率及其生产效率也较高,块根产量提高了16.37%和10.52%。与硝态氮处理相比,铵态氮处理的氮素积累量较低,肥料氮素在块根中的分配比例较高,块根产量、氮素生产效率和肥料氮素生产效率分别提高了5.30%、13.28%和5.29%。甘薯施用铵态氮肥有利于高产和高效。  相似文献   

为了解决4UZL-1型甘薯联合收获机作业过程中损失率大、伤薯率高等问题,该研究在分析4UZL-1型甘薯联合收获机整机结构的基础上开展薯块交接输送机构设计。以薯块交接输送过程中伤薯率和损失率为主要评价指标,在单因素试验基础上运用Box-Benhnken试验方法,以挖掘输送机构角度、刮板链输送角度、挖掘输送机构速度、刮板链输送速度为试验因素,对4UZL-1型甘薯联合收获机薯块交接输送机构工作参数进行四因素三水平试验研究,建立了评价指标对各因素的多元回归模型,分析了各因素对作业质量的影响,并得到了最优结构和作业参数。试验结果表明:各因素对损失率从大到小的影响顺序为刮板链输送角度、挖掘输送机构速度、刮板链输送速度、挖掘输送机构角度;各因素对伤薯率从大到小的影响顺序为挖掘输送机构速度、挖掘输送机构角度、刮板链输送速度、刮板链输送角度;当机器前进速度为1 m/s,挖掘输送机构角度为20°、刮板链输送角度为68°、挖掘输送机构速度为1.2 m/s、刮板链输送速度0.67 m/s时,薯块损失率为1.12%、损伤率为0.94%,与预测值相比,误差分别为3.4%和1.1%。研究结果可为甘薯联合收获机的结构完善和作业参数优化提供参考。  相似文献   

连作障碍是甘薯种植中的一个突出问题。为了阐明甘薯连作障碍发生的原因,分别采集了5、10和15年连作甘薯及其对照土壤,分析了土壤pH、有机质、阳离子交换量、全量和有效态氮、磷、钾含量、有效态中微量元素含量,并计算了土壤氮、磷、钾之间的比值。结果表明:相比于各自对照,5年甘薯连作显著提高了土壤pH,但是10和15年连作显著降低了土壤pH;5年连作对土壤有机质含量影响较小,但是10和15年连作提高了土壤有机质含量,其中15年连作达显著水平;5年连作对土壤全氮和碱解氮含量影响较小,但是10和15年连作均显著提高了土壤全氮和碱解氮含量;5、10和15年连作均显著提高了土壤全磷和有效磷含量;不同连作年限对土壤全钾、速效钾和中微量元素(钙、镁、硫、铁、锰、铜、锌、硅)含量的影响没有明显规律;甘薯多年连作后,土壤氮/磷降低,氮/钾和磷/钾升高,导致土壤氮、磷、钾失衡,氮磷过多可能引起钾的相对缺乏,也会破坏土壤微生态体系,引起病虫害发生。甘薯是一种耐贫瘠且喜钾植物,基于上述结果,甘薯连作一般不会造成土壤肥力的降低,土壤酸化和氮磷钾养分失衡可能是造成甘薯连作障碍发生的两个主要原因。  相似文献   

The enzyme pectin methylesterase (PME) is present in acerola fruit and was partially purified by gel filtration on Sephadex G-100. The results of gel filtration showed different PME isoforms. The total PME (precipitated by 70% salt saturation) and one of these isoforms (fraction from Sephadex G-100 elution) that showed a molecular mass of 15.5 +/- 1.0 kDa were studied. The optimum pH values of both forms were 9.0. The total and the partially purified PME showed that PME specific activity increases with temperature. The total acerola PME retained 13.5% of its specific activity after 90 min of incubation at 98 degrees C. The partially purified acerola (PME isoform) showed 125.5% of its specific activity after 90 min of incubation at 98 degrees C. The K(m) values of the total PME and the partially purified PME isoform were 0.081 and 0.12 mg/mL, respectively. The V(max) values of the total PME and the partially purified PME were 2.92 and 6.21 micromol/min/mL/mg of protein, respectively.  相似文献   

Natural hydroxamic acids and related compounds derived from the 1,4-benzoxazin-3-one structure show antifeedant activity against the aphid Rhopalosiphum padi. This antifeeding activity is based on the electrophilic character of the hydroxamic acid function, the opening of the hemiacetal function and the lipophilic character of the molecule. In addition, the antifeedant activity of the aqueous extracts of different tissues of Acanthus mollis (Acanthaceae) was determined. The activity observed is attributed to the presence of 2,4-dihydroxy-1,4-benzoxazin-3-one in the extracts.  相似文献   

氮肥施用量对甘薯产量和品质性状的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
【目的】氮是影响作物产量和品质性状的重要因素,合理施氮是提高作物产量和改善品质的主要途径。研究施氮量对甘薯块根产量形成、营养品质和淀粉糊化特性的影响,对于明确江苏徐淮地区甘薯种植的适宜施氮量具有重要意义。【方法】本文选用淀粉型甘薯品种徐薯22和兼用型甘薯品种徐薯28为试验材料,设置5个施氮水平0、60、120、180、240 kg/hm2。调查了甘薯不同生育期的叶面积指数、光合势、干物质积累和产量构成要素,采用分光光度法测定了块根主要营养品质指标,利用Tech-master型RVA快速测定淀粉谱粘滞特性,分析明确施氮量对块根主要品质指标和淀粉糊化特征值的影响。【结果】施氮N 60 kg/hm2增加了各生育期甘薯的叶面积,提高了甘薯的光合势,显著增加了块根产量(徐薯28增产16.38%,徐薯22增产9.31%),过量施氮(N 240 kg/hm2)则产量降低。施氮并未显著降低块根中的淀粉和直链淀粉含量,但明显增加了可溶性糖和蔗糖含量。施氮显著提高最高粘度、最低粘度、最终粘度和消减值。相关分析显示,直链淀粉含量与最高粘度值和崩解值呈极显著或显著负相关(相关系数分别为-0.90**和-0.71*);直链淀粉含量与消减值呈显著正相关(相关系数为0.73*)。【结论】综合考虑甘薯的产量和品质,在本实验条件下甘薯较为适宜的氮肥用量约为60 kg/hm2。  相似文献   

The mechanisms of low cadmium (Cd) accumulation in sweet potato cultivars are obscure. In this study, seedlings of a low-Cd (Nan88, N88) and a high-Cd cultivar (Xiang 16, X16) were grown in Hoagland’s solution containing Cd concentrations of 0 (control), 1 (Cd1), and 10 µM (Cd10) for 20 days. We analyzed the Cd accumulation, root morphology and low molecular weight organic acids (LMWOAs) excreted by the root tips (RTs). The total root length (RL) and specific root length (SRL) in X16 were greater than those in N88 following Cd treatments. In the Cd1 treatment, RL and surface area for root diameter was ≤0.2 mm, and RTs in X16 were also greater than those in N88. LMWOAs excreted from the RTs initially increased and then decreased as Cd concentration increased. The RTs of N88 were more efficient at excreting organic acids than were those of X16. The low-Cd cultivar with lower RL and SRL displayed greater ability to excrete organic acids in Cd treatments, which can decrease Cd translocation from roots to shoots. Furthermore, root morphology and some LMWOAs released from the root tips played an important role in the differing rates of Cd accumulation in the two sweet potato cultivars.  相似文献   

甘薯收获是甘薯生产中用工量最多、劳动强度最大的环节。为了解决甘薯联合收获机集薯环节存在伤薯率高、自动化程度低等问题,该研究开展了高度自适应集薯装置的机械结构设计与控制系统搭建。系统及结构设计充分考虑物料物理性状及作业过程中的运动学与力学特性,通过新的集薯方式以满足落薯高度自适应、集薯装筐和自动卸料换筐等作业要求。通过落薯高度自适应功能减小并控制薯块下落的高度达到有效减少甘薯伤薯率与破皮率的目的。在单因素试验分析结论的基础上,以清选平台转速、落薯机构转速和落薯设定高度为试验因素,开展三因素三水平Box-Benhnken试验,以伤薯率、破皮率、微破率和损伤率为试验指标建立多元回归方程并进行响应面分析。回归模型进行多目标优化后获得装置最优工作参数组合为:清选平台转速108.07 r/min、落薯机构转速74.75 r/min、落薯设定高度18.15 cm。对优化结果进行验证试验,试验结果为:伤薯率0.39%、破皮率0.54%、微破率22.93%和漏薯率0.54%,各评价指标与模型预测值相近。研究结果可为甘薯联合收获机高度自适应集薯装置进一步设计与优化提供参考。  相似文献   

针对北方丘陵山地甘薯膜上移栽机械缺乏这一产业难题,该研究基于甘薯覆膜栽培“浅栽、多埋节”农艺需求,以理论扦插角度、栽植深度、膜下薯苗长度、穴口长度的最优综合得分为目标,对薯苗栽植单元取植动作时空配合参数和工作参数进行分析,并设计了丘陵山地仿形扦插甘薯移栽机,进行了室内外试验。室内取苗试验结果表明,在40~50 r/min植苗速度下,栽植单元对黄淮海地区常用薯苗品种取苗效果较好,取苗率在99%以上,满足田间作业需求。以作业速度、薯苗基部形态、薯苗伸出夹苗刷长度为影响因素,以膜下薯苗长度、栽深合格率和漏苗率为考核指标,进行田间移栽正交试验。结果表明,影响薯苗栽植指标综合评分的主次因素为薯苗伸出夹苗刷长度、薯苗基部特征、作业速度,最优参数组合为作业速度0.5 km/h、薯苗基部形态优、薯苗伸出长度60 mm。验证试验结果表明,最优参数组合下,平均薯苗扦插深度为73.6 mm,膜下薯苗平均长度为205.4 mm,平均穴口长度为76.5 mm,薯苗栽植后与地面平均夹角为53.8°,扦插株距变异系数为8.9%,栽深合格率为93.7%,漏苗率为3.5%,扦插效果良好,满足北方膜上船底形插的农艺需求。...  相似文献   

单垄单行甘薯联合收获机薯秧分离机构设计与参数优化   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
针对中国甘薯联合收获机作业薯秧分离机构分离不彻底、甘薯损伤数量多、茎秆缠绕机具部件等亟待解决的问题,该文基于自走式甘薯联合收获机设计了一种结构简单、摘净率高、伤薯率低以及防茎秆缠绕的薯秧分离机构。根据设计计算确定了分离机构结构参数,其中挖掘输送装置总长度为2050mm,水平倾角为24°;主动轴和摘辊半径分别为18、36 mm;输送装置下层杆条与摘辊间距为27 mm,最上端与摘辊之间距离为251 mm。经过理论分析明确了甘薯的运动特性及其影响作业质量的主要工作参数机具前进速度、主动轴转速、输送装置水平倾角。通过薯秧分离试验发现在甘薯收获期薯秧分离力与其含水率变化规律符合二次函数关系,进一步开展田间试验借助Box-BenhnKen的中心组合设计方法选取主要工作参数对摘净率和损伤率的影响并作试验设计,以此为基础开展三因素三水平一次回归正交试验。在DESIGNEXPERT中使用响应曲面法分析各因素对摘净率和损伤率影响效应并对回归模型的参数进行优化。当田间试验取最优参数组合机具前进速度1.2 m/s、主动轴转速895 r/min、输送装置水平倾角24°时,摘净率和损伤率分别为98.14%、2.76%,分离效果满足甘薯收获要求。该研究也为其他土下果实联合收获作业果秧分离机构提供思路。  相似文献   

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