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克山大豆种质及其利用研究(黑龙江省农科院小麦研究所.克山161006)赫世涛,牛若超克山大豆种质自1936年始创于前克山农事试验场,至今已形成了独具特色的种质体系。育种单位直接或间接地利用克山大豆种质,选育出了很多大面积高产优质抗病的大豆新品种。全省...  相似文献   

谈三种大豆种植方式黑龙江省农业科学院大豆研究所董丽华目前大豆的种植方式很多,增产显著的方法有以下几种:一、大豆等距穴播栽培法:在高产栽培条件下,实行大豆穴播栽培,使穴间距离加大,促使封行期拖后,造成良好通风透光条件,有效的利用光能,提高光能利用率,而...  相似文献   

为夺取大豆高产,结合生产实际,进行了四种种植方式对比试验,结果以130cm的大垄双条穴播和130cn大垄四条播增产作用最为明显。  相似文献   

黑龙江垦区大豆种植方式的变革和运用宋继红祝宝林(黑龙江省农垦科学院·佳木斯,154007)黑龙江垦区大豆生产经过长足发展,近年来播种面积和总产量已占全国大豆的十分之一左右,出口量占三分之一以上,成为国家重要的大豆商品和出口基地。20年代以前,垦区大豆...  相似文献   

刘德金  周以飞 《大豆科学》1991,10(3):231-233
本文分析了基因型的播种期对春大豆产量及其构成因素的效应,结果表明,播期对春大豆产量及饱粒重的效应大于基因型,而对总荚数的效应较小,因此,必须重视春大豆的播种期,尽量使结荚鼓粒期提前在高温干旱到来之前完成,乃是春大豆高产的关键。不同基因型对环境的反应略有不同,因此要根据不同的前作物和春大豆的播种期,选择合适的基因型。  相似文献   

克山大豆种质及其利用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
克山大豆种质自1934年始创于前克山农事试验场,至今已形成了独具物色的种质体系。育种单位直接或间接地利用克山大豆种质,选育出了很多大面积高产优质抗病的大豆新品种。全省以有性杂交方式选育的119个大豆品种中,含有克山大豆种质的品种就有92个,占77.3%。为了进一步发挥克山大豆种质在育种中的作用,本文提出了改造和利用克山大豆种质的建议。  相似文献   

改变种植方式提高大豆群体产量的研究张智策,马守富,王守国,宋锐(黑龙江省北安农业学校北安市164000)一、前言大豆的种植方式如何?直接关系到其群体的大小,而群体的大小则是决定单位面积产量的重要因素。生产上,往往受特定种植方式的约束,而限制了大豆的增...  相似文献   

高蛋白春大豆套种木薯的种植方式研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
2009年在福建省大田县进行了高蛋白春大豆与木薯不同行距套种方式试验,结果表明:在固定木薯密度,套种单行、双行和三行大豆3种种植方式中,双行大豆套种木薯,效益最高,即大豆种植密度25×50cm,7280株/667m2;木薯种植密度0.8×1m,800株/667m2,效益465.50元/667m2.  相似文献   

宁夏灌区大豆除了春播单种之外,结合本地光热资源,土地资源以及种植业制度可以采取间、套、复种方式,本文就宁夏大豆种植的几种主要方式及技术关键作简要介绍。  相似文献   

鲁西南夏大豆免耕精播高产栽培技术马爱国田秉贵颜承德郎丰奎蔺继龙(山东省六四农场·济宁,272127)我场位于山东省济宁市,冬小麦后以种植夏大豆为主,占播种面积的60%~70%。由于冬小麦栽培管理水平的提高,成熟期逐渐偏晚,目前一般在6月中旬,收获后整...  相似文献   

克山县大豆窄行密植栽培技术的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍大豆窄行密植栽培技术的增产效果。2004年克山县农业技术推广中心引进大豆窄行密植栽培技术,经过几年生产示范,增产显著。  相似文献   

在分析佳木斯地区冬、春季气候特点的基础上,针对2011年生产实际,提出了大豆生产春播技术指导建议,为大豆管理者、生产者与豆农提供技术指导。  相似文献   

东北是我国大豆的主要生态区,克山是东北北部重要产区。本研究于2012-2014年,以搜集到的东北地区各单位现存的361份大豆地方品种和育成品种作为东北现存的本地种质,观察该群体在克山地区的表现,研究其在克山的潜在育种意义。获得以下主要结果:(1)东北大豆种质群体平均表现为全生育期133 d(103.8~157.0 d)、蛋白质含量39.69%(35.6%~44.38%)、油脂含量20.58%(17.47%~22.84%)、蛋脂总量60.27%(54.00%~63.97%)、百粒重17.61 g(6.13~28.17 g)、株高约96 cm(54.92~146.8 cm)、主茎19节(11.23~25.83)、分枝2.75个(0.22~7.63)、倒伏2级左右(1.00~4.00);(2)当地适合熟期组为MG 0和MG I,各性状的平均值与群体平均相近,其它熟期组在当地的表现与之不同。MG 000和MG 00的生育天数集中在110~120 d,比当地无霜期早约10~20 d,不能充分利用当地的自然条件;而品质性状表现则略优于MG 0和MG I,特别是油脂含量和蛋脂总量分别高约1%、1.5%;株高、节数均低于MG 0和MG I,分别低约10~40 cm、2~8节。MG II的生育天数在当地高达150 d,不能稳定正常成熟,不适合当地种植;品质性状表现低于当地品种水平,特别是蛋白质、蛋脂总量均低约2%,油脂低约0.5%;而株高、节数高于当地品种,分别高约10 cm、2节,倒伏程度则高达3级。MG III在克山不能正常成熟,导致其它性状表达不正常,生长量和倒伏度增加;(3)根据各农艺品质性状在克山表现的遗传进度估计,虽然油脂和蛋白质含量相对小些,但均有一定的改良潜力。克山地区利用东北大豆资源育成了许多适于东北北部的优异品种,体现了东北种质的重要作用。根据当地品种的表现,从供试的东北资源中提出了各农艺、品质性状改良可用的亲本品种名单,供育种工作者参考。  相似文献   

主要针对宁夏灌区春(冬)小麦收获后,充分利用当地的光、热、土地等资源夏播复种大豆,既解决了粮食作物一季有余,两季不足的矛盾,又增加了大豆产量和农民收入,本文提出了适宜宁夏灌区夏播复种大豆的高产栽培关键技术。  相似文献   

Two field trials were carried out in successive years in which (1) perennial ryegrass and white clover seeds were drilled together, or (2) clover was broadcast and grass drilled, or (3) both clover and grass were broadcast. The last two treatments were followed by harrowing or not of the seed bed. Sowing took place in early May or August. Four harvests were taken in each full harvest year. In establishment years, sowing in May resulted in a total dry matter (DM) production at least ten times higher than that resulting from sowing in August. No sowing method treatment effects on total DM or clover yield were significant in the establishment year (measured only in spring-sown plots). In the first harvest year the August-sown treatments produced 15% less DM than those sown in May and clover yield was, on average, 40% lower than the earlier sown treatments; clover proportion followed a similar pattern to yield. Drilling of both grass and clover without harrowing produced swards with a significantly lower proportion of clover in the first harvest year in the first trial than in treatments in which clover was broadcast but not harrowed. In the second trial at harvest 1, clover proportion just failed to be significantly lower in the treatment in which grass and clover were drilled than in the treatment when clover was broadcast and the seed bed harrowed. In the second harvest year (first trial only), annual clover yield and proportion were not affected but drilled grass and clover had lower DM yield than when grass was drilled and clover broadcast without harrowing and when both were broadcast, without harrowing. At one harvest, the yield of clover in treatments sown in May was actually lower than that in the later-sown plots. In a subsidiary controlled environment experiment to investigate the effect of stage of clover development on cold hardiness (a factor in autumn-sown swards), plants which were about to initiate stolons (58 days old) had an LD50 of ?5·1° compared with ?9·3°C for plants 60 days older. It is concluded that autumn sowing delays the time at which optimum clover production is achieved (late in the first full harvest year) and method of sowing does not compensate for this. However, sowing in August under Northern Ireland conditions does not seem to jeopardize the chances of a successful establishment of white clover, and plants should be sufficiently winter hardy to withstand relatively hard freezing conditions.  相似文献   

针对德宏边疆地区冬大豆种植管理水平低、单产不高这一问题,提出从品种的选择、整地质量、播期的安排、种植密度、播种方式、施肥、田间管理等几方面入手来改进栽培模式,推广规范化栽培,挖掘德宏冬大豆增产潜力。  相似文献   

棉花“干播湿出”技术在新疆库尔勒推广实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
新疆农业用水日益紧张,无法提供充足的春灌和冬灌用水,发展节水农业势在必行。近几年在新疆库尔勒植棉区示范推广棉花“干播湿出”播种技术在轻度盐碱地上应用表现出明显的节水、保苗、缓解用水紧张、避灾的效果,但在重度盐碱地上示范推广表现出缺苗、死苗、僵苗等现象,对棉花取得高产造成一定的影响。针对该技术在新疆库尔勒的推广现状,总结了其关键性技术及存在的问题,并提出了建议,为该技术在新疆库尔勒的推广提供参考。  相似文献   

本试验针对克山县大豆盲目施肥严重的现象,研究不同施肥量配比对大豆产量和效益的影响。结果表明:配方施肥对克山县黑土大豆生长发育和产量有明显的促进作用,与习惯施肥相比较,配方施肥(OPT)增产14.1%;不施氮肥减产14.2%;不施磷肥减产8.8%;不施肥(CK0)减产11.8%。  相似文献   


Sowing using a rotary tiller rotating in reverse (up-cut) is a labor-saving technology for soybean production because it can perform tillage and sowing, make ridges, and bury winter crop residues in one operation. However, the power requirement of up-cut rotation is higher than of normal rotation (down-cut), resulting in lower working speeds. Shallow tillage sowing methods may be a solution to this problem. Here, we develop a shallow tillage sowing method using an up-cut rotary and a side-disk which could perform the aforementioned works in one operation and conducted field experiments in 2015 and 2016 to study the effect of our sowing method (up-cut shallow tillage; UST) on ridge shape, soil volumetric water content (VWC) and soybean growth and yield, compared to conventional sowing methods (up-cut conventional tillage; UCT, and down-cut conventional tillage; DCT). Ridge shape did not differ among sowing methods. The VWC at 10 and 20 cm depths in DCT was always higher than in UST and UCT, indicating poorer drainage. The VWC at 10 cm depth decreased quickly after rain in UST and UCT, indicating good surface-layer drainage, but at 20 cm depth in UCT, VWC was lower than in UST, especially during dry spells, indicating higher water-holding capacity in UST than in UCT. Shoot and root growth and seed yield did not differ among sowing methods, indicating that UST did not negatively affect soybean growth and yield. These results suggest that UST can be used for soybean production.  相似文献   

张雅丽 《中国糖料》2009,(4):79-80,82
调查、分析、总结了克山县甜菜生产中存在的问题,提出了解决问题的对策。  相似文献   

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