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Assistance of microbial glycolipid antigen processing by CD1e   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Complexes between CD1 molecules and self or microbial glycolipids represent important immunogenic ligands for specific subsets of T cells. However, the function of one of the CD1 family members, CD1e, has yet to be determined. Here, we show that the mycobacterial antigens hexamannosylated phosphatidyl-myo-inositols (PIM6) stimulate CD1b-restricted T cells only after partial digestion of the oligomannose moiety by lysosomal alpha-mannosidase and that soluble CD1e is required for this processing. Furthermore, recombinant CD1e was able to bind glycolipids and assist in the digestion of PIM6. We propose that, through this form of glycolipid editing, CD1e helps expand the repertoire of glycolipidic T cell antigens to optimize antimicrobial immune responses.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) recognize class I major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecules associated with antigenic peptides derived from endogenously synthesized proteins. Binding to such peptides is a requirement for class I assembly in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). A mutant human cell line, T2, assembles and transports to its surface some, but not all, class I MHC molecules. The class I molecules expressed on the surface of T2 do not present peptides derived from cytosolic antigens, although they can present exogenously added peptides to CTL. The transported class I molecules may interact weakly with an unknown retaining factor in the ER such that they can assemble despite the relative shortage of peptides.  相似文献   

Differential antigen processing by dendritic cell subsets in vivo   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Dendritic cells (DCs) process and present self and foreign antigens to induce tolerance or immunity. In vitro models suggest that induction of immunity is controlled by regulating the presentation of antigen, but little is known about how DCs control antigen presentation in vivo. To examine antigen processing and presentation in vivo, we specifically targeted antigens to two major subsets of DCs by using chimeric monoclonal antibodies. Unlike CD8+ DCs that express the cell surface protein CD205, CD8- DCs, which are positive for the 33D1 antigen, are specialized for presentation on major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class II. This difference in antigen processing is intrinsic to the DC subsets and is associated with increased expression of proteins involved in MHC processing.  相似文献   

Blocking of HIV-1 infectivity by a soluble, secreted form of the CD4 antigen   总被引:77,自引:0,他引:77  
The initial event in the infection of human T lymphocytes, macrophages, and other cells by human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1) is the attachment of the HIV-1 envelope glycoprotein gp120 to its cellular receptor, CD4. As a step toward designing antagonists of this binding event, soluble, secreted forms of CD4 were produced by transfection of mammalian cells with vectors encoding versions of CD4 lacking its transmembrane and cytoplasmic domains. The soluble CD4 so produced binds gp120 with an affinity and specificity comparable to intact CD4 and is capable of neutralizing the infectivity of HIV-1. These studies reveal that the high-affinity CD4-gp120 interaction does not require other cell or viral components and may establish a novel basis for therapeutic intervention in the acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).  相似文献   

In order to examine the mechanisms by which clonal deletion of autoreactive T cells occurs, a peptide antigen was used to induce deletion of antigen-reactive thymocytes in vivo. Mice transgenic for a T cell receptor (TCR) that reacts to this peptide contain thymocytes that progress from the immature to the mature phenotype. Intraperitoneal administration of the peptide antigen to transgenic mice results in a rapid deletion of the immature CD4+ CD8+ TCRlo thymocytes. Apoptosis of cortical thymocytes can be seen within 20 hours of treatment. These results provide direct evidence for the in vivo role of apoptosis in the development of antigen-induced tolerance.  相似文献   

Substantial evidence exists that many tumors can be specifically recognized by CD8+ T lymphocytes. The definition of antigens targeted by these cells is paramount for the development of effective immunotherapeutic strategies for treating human cancers. In a screen for endogenous tumor-associated T cell responses in a primary mouse model of prostatic adenocarcinoma, we identified a naturally arising CD8+ T cell response that is reactive to a peptide derived from histone H4. Despite the ubiquitous nature of histones, T cell recognition of histone H4 peptide was specifically associated with the presence of prostate cancer in these mice. Thus, the repertoire of antigens recognized by tumor-infiltrating T cells is broader than previously thought and includes peptides derived from ubiquitous self antigens that are normally sequestered from immune detection.  相似文献   

T lymphocyte activation requires recognition by the T cell of peptide fragments of foreign antigen bound to a self major histocompatibility complex (MHC) molecule. Genetic evidence suggests that part of the class II region of the MHC influences the expression, in trans, of MHC class I antigens on the cell surface, by regulating the availability of peptides that bind to and stabilize the class I molecule. Two closely related genes in this region, HAM1 and HAM2, were cloned and had sequence similarities to a superfamily of genes involved in the ATP-dependent transport of a variety of substrates across cell membranes. Thus, these MHC-linked transport protein genes may be involved in transporting antigen, or peptide fragments thereof, from the cytoplasm into a membrane-bounded compartment containing newly synthesized MHC molecules.  相似文献   

The binding of antigen or monoclonal antibody to the T cell receptor for antigen or the closely associated CD3 complex causes increases in the concentration of intracellular ionized calcium and subsequent cell proliferation. By measuring second messenger production in primary cultures of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV-1)--infected T cells stimulated with monoclonal antibodies specific for either CD3 or CD2, a specific impairment of membrane signaling was revealed. The HIV-1--infected T cells were unable to mobilize Ca2+ after stimulation with anti-CD3, whereas CD2-induced calcium mobilization remained intact. Furthermore, the HIV-1--infected cells proliferated poorly after CD3 stimulation, although the cells retained normal DNA synthesis in response to interleukin-2 stimulation. These results show that the signals initiated by CD2 and CD3 can be regulated independently within the same T cell; uncoupling of signal transduction after antigen-specific stimulation provides a biochemical mechanism to explain, in part, the profound immunodeficiency of patients with HIV-1 infection.  相似文献   

A titer for homologous viral neutralization activity (greater than 1:19,683) was observed after a 3.5-year immunization period with an octameric, branching peptide representing the principal neutralizing determinant (PND) of the human immunodeficiency virus-1IIIB envelope protein. Booster immunizations elicited persistent and potent antibodies in guinea pigs, exceeding responses produced by a conventional bovine serum albumin conjugate by 100-fold. Peptide length, central presentation of a conserved sequence, and inclusion of an upstream sequence contributed to immunogenicity. Titers (greater than 1:1,000) of heterotypic neutralizing antibodies also developed. Octameric PND peptides are a promising approach for an acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) vaccine.  相似文献   

The specialized ribonuclease Dicer initiates RNA interference by cleaving double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) substrates into small fragments about 25 nucleotides in length. In the crystal structure of an intact Dicer enzyme, the PAZ domain, a module that binds the end of dsRNA, is separated from the two catalytic ribonuclease III (RNase III) domains by a flat, positively charged surface. The 65 angstrom distance between the PAZ and RNase III domains matches the length spanned by 25 base pairs of RNA. Thus, Dicer itself is a molecular ruler that recognizes dsRNA and cleaves a specified distance from the helical end.  相似文献   

Editing of CD1d-bound lipid antigens by endosomal lipid transfer proteins   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
It is now established that CD1 molecules present lipid antigens to T cells, although it is not clear how the exchange of lipids between membrane compartments and the CD1 binding groove is assisted. We report that mice deficient in prosaposin, the precursor to a family of endosomal lipid transfer proteins (LTP), exhibit specific defects in CD1d-mediated antigen presentation and lack Valpha14 NKT cells. In vitro, saposins extracted monomeric lipids from membranes and from CD1, thereby promoting the loading as well as the editing of lipids on CD1. Transient complexes between CD1, lipid, and LTP suggested a "tug-of-war" model in which lipid exchange between CD1 and LTP is on the basis of their respective affinities for lipids. LTPs constitute a previously unknown link between lipid metabolism and immunity and are likely to exert a profound influence on the repertoire of self, tumor, and microbial lipid antigens.  相似文献   

麦田多列目标图像检测算法   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
针对麦田图像中多列目标检测问题,提出基于水平线扫描的归类算法。对麦田彩色图像进行绿色强调,利用阈值分割方法提取苗列区域;对二值图像水平扫描,检测目标区域和目标点,根据目标点横坐标值的差值实现归类;利用过已知点的霍夫变换检测多列目标直线。对800幅麦田图像进行多列目标检测结果表明:762幅图像中的多目标列的中心线能够完全正确提取出来;处理640像素×480像素的彩色图像需要0.12 s。该算法在多列目标识别中是一种有效、快速的检测算法。  相似文献   

Dissociation of gp120 from HIV-1 virions induced by soluble CD4   总被引:108,自引:0,他引:108  
The CD4 antigen is the high affinity cellular receptor for the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1). Binding of recombinant soluble CD4 (sCD4) or the purified V1 domain of sCD4 to the surface glycoprotein gp120 on virions resulted in rapid dissociation of gp120 from its complex with the transmembrane glycoprotein gp41. This may represent the initial stage in virus-cell and cell-cell fusion. Shedding of gp120 from virions induced by sCD4 may also contribute to the mechanism by which these soluble receptor molecules neutralize HIV-1.  相似文献   

[目的]选育鲜食、加工兼用型南瓜新品种,为广西南瓜生产提供良种选择和技术支撑.[方法]以一品南瓜杂交种一代经过9代连续自交定向分离的自交系YP为母本、日本甜粟杂交绿白皮色南瓜材料经8代自交提纯的高世代自交系RT为父本进行配组杂交,并进行品种比较试验和生产试验示范.[结果]选育成的鲜食加工兼用南瓜“新品一号”,果实扁圆形,单瓜重1.00~2.00 kg,果皮墨绿色布有浅色小点,果肉橙黄色,果肉厚2.0~3.0 cm,含水量少,淀粉含量18.0%,总糖含量3.01%,口感粉甜带板栗风味;果肉硬韧,耐贮运;从播种至采收嫩瓜仅需65 d,老熟瓜需85 d,品种比较试验平均产量24564.0 kg/ha,生产试验平均产量22440.0~25299.0 kg/ha.[结论]“新品一号”南瓜产量和品质等综合性状突出,可作为鲜食、加工兼用型南瓜新品种在广西南瓜种植区作冬春季大田露地提早栽培推广品种.  相似文献   

鄂茶1号工夫红茶适制性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以鄂茶1号茶鲜叶为原料,按照工夫红茶初制工艺,通过检测主要生化成分和挥发性化合物结合感官评审,研究鄂茶1号茶鲜叶红茶的适制性。结果表明,由鄂茶1号制作的红茶的水浸出物、茶多酚、氨基酸和可溶性糖含量分别为47.3%、16.2%、3.2%和3.3%,茶黄素、茶红素和茶褐素含量分别为0.6%、6.1%和7.2%;共鉴定出51种挥发性化合物,其中气味活度值(Odor activity values,OAVs)大于1的香气成分有11种,包括β-紫罗酮、β-大马烯酮、芳樟醇及其氧化产物(2种)、香叶醇、癸醛、壬醛、苯乙醛、辛醛、柠檬烯;滋味醇厚,花果香浓郁,适制高档红茶。  相似文献   

Effective immune surveillance by cytotoxic T cells requires newly synthesized polypeptides for presentation by major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I molecules. These polypeptides are produced not only from conventional AUG-initiated, but also from cryptic non-AUG-initiated, reading frames by distinct translational mechanisms. Biochemical analysis of ribosomal initiation complexes at CUG versus AUG initiation codons revealed that cells use an elongator leucine-bound transfer RNA (Leu-tRNA) to initiate translation at cryptic CUG start codons. CUG/Leu-tRNA initiation was independent of the canonical initiator tRNA (AUG/Met-tRNA(i)(Met)) pathway but required expression of eukaryotic initiation factor 2A. Thus, a tRNA-based translation initiation mechanism allows non-AUG-initiated protein synthesis and supplies peptides for presentation by MHC class I molecules.  相似文献   

Homopurine-homopyrimidine sequences that flank certain actively transcribed genes are hypersensitive to single strand-specific nucleases such as S1. This has raised the possibility that an unusual structure exists in these regions that might be involved in recognition or regulation. Several of these sequences, including d(C-T)n.d(A-G)n, are known to undergo a transition in plasmids to an underwound state that is hypersensitive to single strand-specific nucleases; this transition occurs under conditions of moderately acid pH and negative supercoiling. Chemical probes were used to examine the reactivity of a restriction fragment from a human U1 gene containing the sequence d(C-T)18.d(A-G)18 as a function of supercoiling and pH, and thus analyze the structure in this region. Hyperreactivity was seen in the center and at one end of the (C-T)n tract, and continuously from the center to the same end of the (A-G)n tract, in the presence of supercoiling and pH less than or equal to 6.0. These results provide strong support for a triple-helical model recently proposed for these sequences and are inconsistent with other proposed structures.  相似文献   

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