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In a survey of 900 Dalmatian dogs, brainstem auditory-evoked responses (BAER) and clinical observations were used to determine the incidence and sex distribution of bilateral and unilateral BAER abnormalities and their association with heterochromia iridis (HI). To assess the efficacy of BAER testing in guiding breeding programs, data from 749 dogs (subgroup A), considered to be a sample of the population at large, were compared with data from a subgroup (subgroup B; n = 151) in which selection of breeding stock had been based on BAER testing from the beginning of the 4-year survey. Brainstem auditory-evoked responses were elicited by applying click stimuli unilaterally, while applying a white noise masking sound to the contralateral ear. Under these conditions, BAER were either normal, unilaterally absent, or bilaterally absent. Dogs with bilaterally absent BAER were clinically deaf; dogs with unilaterally absent BAER were not clinically deaf but appeared dependent on their BAER-normal ears for their auditory-cued behavior. Dogs with unilaterally absent BAER often were misidentified as normal by uninformed observers. Among the 900 dogs, 648 (72.0%) were normal, 189 (21.0%) had unilateral absence of BAER, and 63 (7.0%) had bilateral absence of BAER or were clinically deaf and assumed to have bilaterally absent BAER (n = 4). Total incidence in the population sampled was assumed to be higher, because some bilaterally affected dogs that would have been members of subgroup A undoubtedly did not come to our attention. Among females, 24.0% were unilaterally abnormal and 8.2% were bilaterally abnormal whereas, among males, 17.8% were unilaterally abnormal and 5.7% were bilaterally abnormal.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Abstract— Herpes simplex is discussed as a possible cause of encephalitis in the adult canine. Eleven cases are reviewed in the following categories: Herpes encephalitis, meningeal hemorrhage, chronic meningitis, meningeoencephalitis and "degenerative encephalitic process".
Standard references are cited. Serology, histology and associated clinical symptoms are reviewed.
Résumé— On discute de la possibilité pour 1'Herpex simplex d'entraîner une enctphalite chez le chien adulte. On considère onze cas relevant des catégories suivantes: enctphalite herpétique, hémorragie méningé, méningite chronique, méningo-encéphalite et "processus de dégénerescence encéphalitique".
Les référencea correspondantes sont citées. Les symptômes sérologiques, histologiques et cliniques associéS sont passé en revue.
Zusammenfassung— Herpes simplex wird als mögliche Ursache der Encephalitis beim ausge-wachsenen Hund betrachtet. Elf Fälle der folgenden Kategorien werden besprochen: Herpes encephalitis, meningeale Blutung, chronische Meningitis, Meningoencephalitis und "degenerativer encephalitischer Prozess".
Es werden Standardquellen zitiert. Serologie, Histologie und diesbezügliche klinische Symp-tome werden behandelt.  相似文献   

Brainstem auditory—evoked potentials (BAEPs) were recorded from 26 dogs with intracranial neoplasia. The tumors were grouped according to their neuroanatomic location. Normal BAEPs were recorded from 12 dogs with cerebral (6/7), diencephalic (4/4), cerebellar (1/1), and multifocal tumors (1/5). Abnormal BAEPs were recorded from 14 dogs with cerebral (1/7), cerebellar/brainstem (4/ 4), brainstem (5/5), and multifocal tumors (4/5). Analysis of the multifocal neoplasms showed that alterations of BAEPs correlated with the degree of brainstem involvement. Overall, 13 of the 14 dogs with abnormal BAEPs had tumors involving the brainstem. The changes of the BAEP correlated with the extrinsic or intrinsic location of the tumor relative to the brainstem. The BAEP reflected the right, left, or median location of the tumor in 7 of the 14 abnormal recordings. In 1 dog, the BAEP was abnormal contralateral to the tumor side. A peripheral hearing disorder was excluded in most dogs based on the presence of peak 1.  相似文献   

Central nervous system (CNS) infection caused by anaerobic bacteria (including Bacteroides, Fusobacterium, Peptostreptococcus, and Eubacterium) was diagnosed in two dogs and two cats. In one dog there was extensive meningomyeloencephalitis, presumably the result of hematogenous spread of bacteria from lung abscesses and bacterial endocarditis. Subdural empyema of unknown origin was found in a second dog and two cats. Clinical signs in all four animals included mental depression and focal neurologic deficits, without fever.  相似文献   

Hemostatic Abnormalities in Dogs With Hemangiosarcoma   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The hemostasis profiles of 24 dogs with histologically confirmed hemangiosarcoma were prospectively evaluated. Microangiopathic hemolysis was defined as the presence of schistocytes; disseminated intravascular coagulation was defined as 1) thrombocytopenia, 2) fibrin(ogen) degradation products greater than 10 micrograms/mL, 3) prolongation of one or more coagulation times (activated partial thromboplastin time or one-stage prothrombin time) by greater than 25% of the control, 4) fragmented red blood cells (greater than or equal to 1+ based on a semiquantitative grading scale), and 5) fibrinogen less than or equal to 80 mg/dL. Three of the five criteria listed above had to be met for disseminated intravascular coagulation to be diagnosed. Fifty percent of the dogs were considered to have disseminated intravascular coagulation at presentation. Thrombocytopenia was present in 75% of the dogs and was the most common abnormality. The mean platelet count was 137,800/microL. Twenty-five percent of the dogs died as a result of the hemostatic abnormalities. Only 12% of the dogs had microangiopathic hemolysis without other evidence of disseminated intravascular coagulation. Hemostatic abnormalities are present in many dogs with hemangiosarcoma at the initial clinical presentation and represent an important clinical finding.  相似文献   

Intracranial Lesions in Dogs With Hemangiosarcoma   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
A retrospective analysis of 85 dogs with hemangiosarcoma (HSA) that underwent complete necropsy, including gross examination of the brain, was conducted. Grossly identifiable intracranial lesions were present in 17 dogs. Twelve of 85 dogs (14.2%) had brain metastases. Four of 85 dogs (4.7%) had hemorrhagic lesions and/or ischemic necrosis without identifiable tumor. One dog had a primary central nervous system tumor. Signs of intracranial disease were present in six of 85 dogs (7.1%) with HSA; four had brain metastases and two had nonneoplastic lesions. Metastases had a propensity for cerebrum and gray matter. Dogs with brain metastases had more widely disseminated disease than dogs without brain metastases (P less than 0.001). Dogs with pulmonary metastases were at greater risk for developing brain metastases than dogs without pulmonary metastases (odds ratio = 8.31). Although thoracic radiography accurately identified ten of 12 dogs (83%) with pulmonary metastases, too few cases were available to assess the applicability/accuracy of thoracic radiography in predicting the presence or absence of brain metastases in dogs with malignancy and signs of intracranial disease.  相似文献   

Intracerebral and intraspinal inoculations of non-neuropathic and neuropathic strains of influenza virus into rhesus, patas and cercopithecus monkeys resulted in an acute focal ependymitis, choroiditis and meningitis followed by focal ependymal denuding without parenchymal involvement. Aqueductal stenosis and moderate hydrocephalus developed in two animals as sequelae of ependymal cell loss.  相似文献   



Systemic aspergillosis is a manifestation of Aspergillus sp. infection that can result in central nervous system (CNS) involvement with marked alterations in CNS function. Information regarding the clinical presentation and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings in cases of aspergillosis with CNS involvement is lacking, resulting in a need for better understanding of this disease.


The primary objectives were to describe the clinical features and MRI findings in dogs with CNS aspergillosis. The secondary objectives were to describe clinicopathologic findings and case outcome.


Seven dogs with CNS aspergillosis.


Archived records from 6 institutions were reviewed to identify cases with MRI of CNS aspergillosis confirmed with serum galactomannan enzyme immunoassay (EIA) testing, culture, or supported by histopathology. Signalment, clinical, MRI, clinicopathologic, histopathologic, and microbiologic findings were recorded and evaluated.


Aspergillosis of the CNS was identified in 7 dogs from 3 institutions. The median age was 3 years and six were German Shepherd dogs. Five dogs had signs of vestibular dysfunction as a component of multifocal neurological abnormalities. The MRI findings ranged from normal to abnormal, including hemorrhagic infarction and mass lesions.

Conclusions and Clinical Importance

Until now, all reported MRI findings in dogs with CNS aspergillosis have been abnormal. We document that CNS aspergillosis in dogs, particularly German Shepherd dogs, can be suspected based on neurologic signs, whether MRI findings are normal or abnormal. Confirmatory testing with galactomannan EIA, urine, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) or tissue culture should be performed in cases where aspergillosis is a differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

Two crossbred puppies exhibited a generalized tremor that was accentuated by excitement or voluntary movement. Hypermetria was also present. Neurohistologic examination showed a bilaterally symmetric spongy condition, predominantly of the gray matter in the brain and spinal cord. These two dogs were different, both in their clinical presentation and histologic appearance, from other reported cases of spongy degeneration. The clinicopathologic correlation between spongy degeneration and tremor is unclear. Spongy degeneration should be included in the differential diagnosis of tremor syndromes in puppies.  相似文献   

自发现牛海绵状脑病是对人类有重大威胁的疾病以来,牛的神经系统疾病逐渐受到人们的重视,牛的神经系统疾病不但对养牛业造成了巨大的经济损失,而且在世界许多国家广泛存在,严重威胁着人类的健康,所以该类疾病在公共卫生上具有重要的意义。在目前情况  相似文献   

The medical records of 220 dogs with inflammatory/infectious diseases of the central nervous system (CNS) were retrospectively examined. The aims of the study were to determine if clinical and clinicopathologic data (not including biopsy or necropsy examination) could distinguish inflammatory CNS diseases from diseases of other types, and to search for criteria allowing differentiation of specific inflammatory diseases. The signalment, historical findings, extraneural and neurological signs, and the lesion site contributed marginally to a specific diagnosis. Multifocal signs were only noticed in one third of the dogs with inflammatory/infectious diseases. Particular neurological abnormalities were more frequent in certain diseases than in others (eg, myoclonus was frequent in dogs with distemper, but it was also found in those with other meningoencephalomyelitides). Hematologic findings contributed to the diagnosis in certain conditions (eg, canine distemper encephalitis, protozoal encephalomyelitis, steroid-responsive meningitis-arteritis). Cerebrospinal fluid examinations, including immunoglobulin G index and cytology were useful to separate meningoencephalomyelitides from the other CNS diseases and to distinguish certain conditions from others. In most cases a specific diagnosis depended on a combination of clinical signs and ancillary diagnostic aids. Still, a specific diagnosis remained very difficult, if not impossible, in at least one third of the dogs.  相似文献   

The remnant of ultimobranchial (UB) body in the thyroid gland of adult buffalo was studied. This remnant appeared in the form of irregular and elongated follicles of various size and shape with folded lumen. These structures occupied a peripheral location beneath the capsule, as well as being embedded mostly in the vascular connective tissue of the thyroid. Calcitonin cells were predominantly localized in the UB follicles. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that surface of most UB follicular cells was almost flat and polyhedral or hexagonal in shape. Other follicles possessed cells with dome shaped apical surface demarcated by a shallow intercellular depression. The luminal surface of the follicular cell lining was studded with microvilli that appeared with various density and length and were numerous at the cellular borders. Interestingly, most of UB follicular cells were provided with single cilium, projecting over the cell surface. Notably some UB follicles presented various stages of apocrine activities.  相似文献   

Two horses with cerebrospinal nematodiasis (Micronema deletrix) had signs similar to those of other neurologic diseases resulting from parasitic (fly larvae, protozoa, or other helminths) migration through the central nervous system (CNS). In one horse (horse 1), a 13-year-old Paso Fino stallion, the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) was slightly xanthochromic (1+), with a pleocytosis (25 nucleated cells/microliter) and a normal protein level (69 mg/dl). A CSF differential cell count showed 15% neutrophils, 56% lymphocytes, 22% macrophages, 5% eosinophils, and 2% basophils. In the other horse (horse 2), a 19-year-old Tennessee Walking Horse stallion, the CSF was modestly xanthochromic (2+), with pleocytosis (81 nucleated cells/microliter) and a modestly elevated protein concentration (114 mg/dl). A CSF differential cell count showed 9% neutrophils, 41% lymphocytes, and 50% macrophages. The CSF changes were consistent with those described for equine protozoal myeloencephalitis and verminous encephalitis. The microscopic lesions in both brains contained multifocal areas of malacia and granulomatous inflammation. Meningeal vessels throughout the brain were greatly thickened and inflamed, and they contained parasites. The CSF changes were not specific and histopathologic examination was required for a definitive diagnosis.  相似文献   

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