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Before prioritising regional agroforestry training and extension content, it is necessary to discover which practices are common, what benefits are perceived, which barriers prevent use, and how people feel about practices. Agroforestry taps both agriculture and forestry agencies to increase the possible set of educators for landowners and managers. Interdisciplinary activities also present barriers to professionals unfamiliar with some topics or not served by lead partner agencies. To understand motives, barriers and needs involved in agroforestry extension and training activities for professionals, the Center for Subtropical Agroforestry (CSTAF) designed a survey to gauge knowledge, practice and information needs of professionals in Alabama, Florida and Georgia. Landowners in Alabama and Florida received similar survey questionnaires. Initial interviews of a test group with open-ended questions formed the basis for a closed-ended mail survey to all agriculture and natural resource extension agents and county foresters in the subtropical area. Response rates for various professional groups varied between 14% and 43%, and most ranked the potential for use of agroforestry as moderate or high. In all three states, wildlife habitat, water quality and soil conservation were the most important benefits seen by extension professionals. The most important concerns identified were lack of familiarity, lack of demonstrations, no financial incentive, and lack of information about agroforestry. These data provide insights about how to prioritise research and materials development and indicate that agroforestry training can be expected to be of value to at least half of the regional forestry and extension professionals.  相似文献   

A mail survey was conducted to gain understanding of the agroforestry practices of non-industrial private forest landowners (NIPF) in Washington State, located in the north-western USA. Although NIPF owners control 1.5 million hectares of the state's commercial forestland base, their diversity of forestland uses, land management practices and objectives as land managers are not well understood. Past NIPF surveys and anecdotal information suggest agroforestry is a major use of NIPF lands. We defined agroforestry as a potentially sustainable land use practice combining the deliberate growing of woody perennials with agricultural crops and/or animals. Objectives of this study were to:
  1. determine the extent that agroforestry is used by Washington's NIPF owners,
  2. develop insight into NIPF owners' motivations for practicing agroforestry,
  3. describe the agroforestry practices within three distinct physiographic and agroecological zones in Washington, and
  4. determine the agroforestry information needs of NIPF owners.
The target population consisted of NIPF owners in 4 counties within each of the three regions. Response to the August 1990 mail survey was 63.5%, yielding 296 useable questionnaires. Fifty-seven percent of all respondents practice agroforestry. Forestland grazing is the most common agroforestry practice (39% of all respondents), followed by windbreaks (34%), harvest of special forest products (12%), livestock enrichment plantings for forage or shelter (7%), orchard grazing (5%), orchard intercropping (2%), and Christmas tree grazing (0.34%). The most frequent motives for owning land were passing land on to children (80%), keeping it natural and income from timber (both 72%). Respondents saw aesthetics (77%), increasing land unit income (74%), and water conservation (70%) as possible advantages of practicing agroforestry. High establishment costs (66%) and livestock damage to trees or crops (64%) were the most frequently selected potential disadvantages to practicing agroforestry. Lack of technical and educational support (67%) and lack of access to livestock/livestock facilities (58%) were disincentives to practicing agroforestry. Landowners are interested in learning more about agroforestry and how agroforestry techniques might be incorporated in their land management tool kit. A significant number of non-industrial private forest land owners in Washington believe that management of forestland, balancing conservation and production goals, can be furthered by suitable agroforestry practices.  相似文献   

The Australian Master TreeGrower (MTG) program was launched in 1996 as an agroforestry extension initiative of The University of Melbourne. The program included a short course for landholders that provided knowledge and practical skills but also had a strong focus on developing the information and peer networks that would provide them, and their community, with on-going support as they implement their agroforestry activities. Since 2010 the MTG has been delivered by The Australian Agroforestry Foundation, a not-for-profit organisation, and integrated with the Peer Group Mentoring (PGM) concept developed by a regional farmer group in Australia. The PGM trains, then pays, past Master TreeGrowers to support other landholders as they design and develop their own agroforestry projects. More than 100 MTG courses have been run across Australia involving over 2000 landholders and more than fifty partner organisations. Independent evaluation shows that participants enthusiastically support the program, increase the area of tree cover on their land, adopt more intensive or purposeful management practices, are more inclined to want to grow trees for a mix of both public and private good outcomes, and, actively encourage others in their community to do the same. This paper reviews the development and delivery of the MTG and PGM in Australia and explores whether the models are transferable to developing countries. To date four MTG courses have been conducted in Africa (Uganda (2) and Niger (2)), seven in Indonesia and one in Timor-Leste. Whilst the structure of the international MTG courses was different to that commonly adopted in Australia the content was similar in that they included: information to support the development and implementation of agroforestry designs that reflect their particular interests and aspirations; a review of market opportunities for agroforestry products and services, training in tree and forest measurement, education in tree growth and silviculture; and, encouragement, guidance and support to encourage landholders to share their experience with others in their community. The response suggests that the MTG, originally developed for Australian farmers, may represent a very different model of agroforestry extension to what is commonly offered to farmers in developing countries, and that it may be worth developing in regions where farmers believe they have relatively secure land tenure and are able to make long-term land management decisions regarding tree establishment and management.  相似文献   

A major worldwide trend toward the use of agroforestry and other sustainable agricultural systems has heightened the need for training. Such training is currently underway on every continent. This paper addresses the general principles and practices of training in agroforestry focusing on who needs training, what training is required, and designing training programs. The breadth and depth of training required by the various clientele groups — villagers, politicians, technicians, and professionals — are quite different. Politicians require broad but rather shallow training in agroforestry making them aware of the physical and biological constraints, as well as the social and economic aspects of agroforestry. Villagers require applied, hands-on training but teaching principles also enables them to develop and modify their own systems. Technicians and professionals both need more in-depth and thorough training consisting of both principles and practices. Spaid's approach to training involves the 4-D program: Define, Design, Develop and Deliver. Another model for training, the critical events model, emphasizes the need for feedback and evaluation in every stage of the training program. If a series of well-defined steps is followed, valuable, efficient, effective training programs that further the understanding and practice of agroforestry can be a reality.  相似文献   

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A combination of social, economic and physical factors contribute to a decision to migrate for a peasant farmer. Seventy percent of Panamanian land comprises steep topography with low soil fertility. Campesinos (peasant farmers) must perpetually migrate when the land they have settled in the forest loses fertility. This process of continual migration results in deforestation and conversion of forest land to pasture land, which then becomes degraded and subsequently abandoned. Also, government policy has not favored the activities of small land owners, but loans from national banks have financed the promotion of large-scale cattle ranches.

Migration patterns consist of moving to a forested area, clearing it for agriculture for one to three years, and thereafter sowing it for pasture. These conditions eventually result in low agricultural and cattle production. Campesinos therefore sell the land to cattle ranchers who can afford to invest in better management practices. Deforestation in the Canal Watershed, therefore, has left a pattern of land ownership comprising a matrix of a few large landowners, within which remain numerous but small peasant land holdings.

A program for small land owners in and around the Watershed region that promotes social, cultural, and economic stability of land use is needed. Supporting and promoting agroforestry with uses of native tree species associated with subsistence and market crops is an alternative for slowing deforestation and promoting sedentary land use.  相似文献   

Over the past two decades, the American education system has experienced profound challenges due to long-term and sustained declines in federal and state funding, coupled with rapid and innovative progress in the development of advanced educational technologies. Concurrently, employers are increasing their expectations and outputs from their employees and as a result, working professionals are seeking affordable opportunities to upgrade their skills for career advancement while maintaining full time job responsibilities. Responding to these challenges, both public and private educational institutions have developed innovative online courses and curricula creating fully accredited undergraduate and graduate degree programs often at lower cost than in campus-based degree programs. These courses and programs enable working professionals and other non-traditional learners to realize their aspirations for advanced training, and breach the traditional barrier for those disadvantaged by limited time or distance. Agroforestry, the intentional mixing of trees with crop and/or animal production systems to create economic, environmental, and social benefits, is gaining recognition as an integral component of multifunctional working landscapes. While gradually gaining attention, widespread agroforestry illiteracy remains and the need for a cadre of well trained professionals is essential to support its continued growth. Short courses and workshops are helpful, but professionals and landowners alike across the U.S., Canada and overseas are seeking more comprehensive graduate degree or certificate programs. A web-based, asynchronous M.S. degree and/or a graduate Certificate will help to fill this void. Presently, there are no comparable comprehensive graduate programs in agroforestry elsewhere in the U.S. To meet the current and future needs of the agroforestry profession, The Center for Agroforestry at the University of Missouri has created an online graduate certificate and master’s degree program in agroforestry. Initial student evaluation data reveals that online agroforestry courses compare favorably with face-to-face courses. This program will serve as a model for other institutions interested in developing online programs in agroforestry and related disciplines.  相似文献   

Land tenure has long been considered a critical factor in determining the adoption and long-term maintenance of agroforestry practices. Empirical evidence from non-US settings has consistently shown that secure land tenure is positively associated with agroforestry adoption. In the US, over 40% of private agricultural land is farmed by someone other than the owner. Given the importance of land tenure in agroforestry decisions in other countries and the magnitude of non-operator landownership in the US, there has been surprisingly little focus on land tenure in the temperate agroforestry literature. Using data from a 1999 survey in Missouri, this study explores factors associated with non-operator landowner interest in agroforestry. Results suggest that differences in farming orientation are linked to interest in agroforestry. Closer ties to farming, stronger financial motivations for landownership, and higher proportion of land planted to row crops were negatively related to interest in agroforestry among non-operator landowners. Environmental or recreational motivations for landownership and contacts with natural resource professionals were positively associated with interest in agroforestry. These results, consistent with earlier qualitative research suggesting that farm operators who have a strong “conventional farming identity” were less interested in agroforestry, point to a divide between landowners for whom environmental and recreational values play an important role in ownership motivation and those for whom financial considerations take precedence. The findings imply that agroforestry development programs in the US should take non-operator landowners and their farming and ownership orientations into account when designing research and outreach efforts.
J. Gordon Arbuckle Jr.Email:

This paper examines how agroforestry-based farming systems evolved in the Dhanusha district of Nepal following the conversion of forest into agriculture during the early 1950s. Some data are from two focus group discussions with agroforestry farmers and one meeting with agroforestry experts. The farmers?? discussion traced the development of farming practices from 1950 to 2010 to identify the drivers of land use change. The experts?? discussion resulted in a scale to differentiate the prevailing farming systems in the study area considering five key components of agroforestry: agricultural crops, livestock, forest tree crops, fruit tree crops and vegetable crops. Data related to the system components were collected from the randomly selected households. The study reveals that land use had generally changed from very simple agriculture to agroforestry, triggered by infrastructure development, technological innovations, institutional support (subsidies and buy-back guarantees) and extension programs. A range of farming systems with varying degrees of integration was evident in the study area: simple agriculture; less integrated agroforestry; semi-integrated agroforestry and highly integrated agroforestry. The three types of agroforestry systems, which are the focus of this study, varied significantly in terms of farm size, cropping intensity, use of farm inputs, tree species diversity, tree density, home to forest distance and agricultural labour force.  相似文献   

The foresters' perspectives of agroforestry is an important aspect that can influence strategies concerned with agroforestry uptake by the farmers. Keeping this in view the empirical studies of foresters' perspective of agroforestry have gained considerable importance. Present study, therefore, investigates foresters' perspectives on different aspects related to agroforestry. This study was conducted in Mandi district located in Indian Western Himalayan province of Himachal Pradesh. Not only the traditional forest management but also agroforestry training of foresters has remained oriented towards learning silvi-technical (plantation management and nursery management) rather than extension (social) and agricultural aspects. Consequently, there was a felt need amongst foresters for training in extension and agricultural aspects for effective implementation of agroforestry programmes. This provides a window of opportunity for re-orienting their training curriculum towards learning extension (social) and agricultural besides the silvi-technical skills. For effective implementation of agroforestry programmes the manpower requirement, particularly that of extension specialist and well trained agroforesters, of the department needs to be estimated and strategy should be devised to minimise political interference. The study emphasises a need for interaction between foresters and farmers, mechanism for better co-ordination with other departments and absolving agroforesters of their policing role for effective planning and implementation of agroforestry programmes. There were significant variations in the opinion of forestry staff about the effectiveness of various strategies to meet farmers tree-based needs, increase tree cover in the state and expected plantation survival rate. There were significant variations in the opinion of foresters about the different factors discouraging private tree growing but ‘restriction on felling green trees growing on private land and selling them in the market’ was viewed as the most important factor. “Provision of incentives to the villagers for tree growing on private land” was the major factor from the foresters' perspective that will encourage tree growing on private land. As there was a lack of congruence of foresters' perception on majority of issues pertaining to agroforestry, a need to incorporate the uniform understanding of issues pertaining to agroforestry amongst the foresters was emphasised. This study also identifies a need to investigate the perspectives staff of agriculture, horticulture departments for better planning and execution of agroforestry programmes, and their uptake by the farmers.  相似文献   

The interdisciplinary program in agroforestry was established at the University of Florida's Institute of Food and Agricultural Science in 1987 in response to the growing interest in the subject among students and faculty members from different units of the university. It is now an internationally recognized center for education, training, and research in the subject. Pursuant to the overwhelming student and faculty interest in agroforestry issues in developing countries of the tropics and subtropics, the program is particularly active in those areas. Educational activities of the Program are at the post-graduate level. In conjunction with the degree granted in one of the designated departments or other academic units, students can earn a Specialization or Minor in Agroforestry by fulfilling certain requirements. Research projects are undertaken in such diverse topics as biophysical processes, production/conservation technologies, and socioeconomic aspects. Training activities include various short-term courses for professionals involved in management, development/extension, or research related to agroforestry.  相似文献   

Traditional forestry education and outreach activities tend to focus on transfer-of-knowledge, often through workshops initiated and led by professionals to “teach” landowners about forest management and conservation. Less than 10 percent of family forest owners in the US have a management plan, participated in cost-share programs, certified their forest land, or hold a conservation easement, suggesting flaws in this traditional model. Some researchers and practitioners have suggested the need for a paradigm shift away from transfer-of-knowledge to more facilitative, participatory approaches, among which peer learning has gained growing attention and is supported by a number of behavioral theories. By analyzing data from participant feedback of a peer learning pilot program in Massachusetts and a follow-up mail survey, this paper examines the perceived usefulness of peer-to-peer interactions and the effect of peer learning over time. The results suggest peer learning did not only appeal to landowners with forestry background, but also succeeded in attracting inexperienced landowners. Participants rated their peer-to-peer experience positively. The retention of information obtained through the program was reflected by participants’ ability to correctly identify foresters, land trust organizations, and reasonable sources of forestry or land management advice. Participants also shared a strong willingness to spread information obtained through peer learning. This study contributes to the identification of potential barriers to and opportunities for peer learning, informs forestry extension efforts in the US and beyond, and highlights the importance of integrating peer learning into the broader forestry education, technical assistance, and financial incentive programs to increase participation and promote sustainable forest management and conservation.  相似文献   

Biologically mediated soil processes rely on soil biota to provide vital ecosystem services in natural and managed ecosystems. However, land use changes continue to impact on assemblages of soil biota and the ecosystem services they provide. The objective of the present study was to assess the effect of land use intensification on the distribution and abundance of soil invertebrate communities in the Nilgiri, a human-dominated biosphere reserve of international importance. Soil invertebrates were sampled in 15 land use practices ranging from simple and intensively managed annual crop fields and monoculture tree plantations through less intensively managed agroforestry and pristine forest ecosystems. The lowest taxonomic richness was found in annual crops and coconut monoculture plantations, while the highest was in moist-deciduous and semi-evergreen forests. With 21 ant species, agroforestry systems had the highest diversity of ants followed by forest ecosystems (12 species). Earthworms and millipedes were significantly more abundant in agroforestry systems, plantations and forest ecosystems than in annual crop fields. Ants, termites, beetles, centipedes, crickets and spiders were more abundant in forest ecosystems than in other ecosystems. It is concluded that annual cropping systems have lower diversity and abundance of soil invertebrates than agroforestry and natural forest ecosystems. These results and the literature from other regions highlight the potential role that agroforestry practices can play in biodiversity conservation in an era of ever-increasing land use intensification and habitat loss.  相似文献   

Recreational Multifunctionality refers to those farms providing at least one recreational service to members of the farm household or the public. Based on the types of recreational services offered, two types of landowners have been identified: Productivists and Ruralists. They differ on their extent of Recreational Multifunctionality, farm household attributes and farm representation. Both types of landowners also have different behavior and understanding of agroforestry. This study builds on the Recreational Multifunctionality construct to identify message content, channels and agencies that can better facilitate the diffusion of agroforestry. In 2006, 353 randomly selected landowners from Missouri were interviewed and clustered in two groups: Productivists (38.0%) and Ruralists (62.0%). These groups were examined to identify differences regarding their perceptions of being a good farmer (i.e., message content); their preferred source of information (i.e., communication channel); and their preferred agencies for learning purposes (i.e., communication agencies). Study results show differences between Productivists and Ruralists in all three aspects of diffusion examined (i.e., message content, channels and agencies), suggesting that all landowners should not be approached in the same way when promoting agroforestry. Messages conveyed to Productivists should emphasize the economic benefits of agroforestry, while messages to Ruralists should emphasize the conservation benefits of agroforestry. Touring farms with active tree management is a good way to disseminate agroforestry practices among Productivists while state and federal extension agents appear to be more suitable to approach Ruralists. Both groups can effectively be reached using printed materials, especially through official conservation magazines.  相似文献   

Agroforestry plantings and other trees intentionally established in rural and urban areas are emerging as innovative management options for addressing resource issues and achieving landscape-level goals. An understanding of the ecosystem services contributed by these and future plantings would provide critical information to policy and program developers, and a comprehensive inventory would contribute to estimating the cumulative effects of these plantings. Trees used in these practices are not explicitly inventoried by the primary national forest resource inventory of the United States: the Forest Inventory and Analysis (FIA) program of the USDA Forest Service. The FIA program currently limits its inventories to trees in forests meeting specific size and density criteria, but the draft FIA Strategic Plan suggests the addition of an “other treed land inventory” (excluding urban forests). In this study, we use FIA data to estimate the agroforestry and other tree resources of the Midwest and document some obstacles to effective inventories of agroforestry practices. We compare our estimates of forestland area in the Midwest to those derived from MODIS (MODerate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) Vegetative Continuous Fields (VCF). The differences between these two estimates, particularly in sparsely forested states, support the idea that the expansion of the FIA program to an all-tree inventory would fill an important gap. We propose minor modifications to the inventory that would lead to an improved assessment of agroforestry and other tree resources and practices.  相似文献   

Managed Timberland Tax Incentive Program (Managed Timberland), the program which authorizes preferential property taxation of forest land in West Virginia, was created in anticipation of expected drastic changes in property assessment values when the state ordered a reassessment to correct a long-standing underassessment problem. Since the enactment of Managed Timberland no detailed research has been conducted to determine the benefits of the policy to the state or to private forest landowners. Managed Timberland has low enrollment rates and may be an unfair shift of the tax burden to non-forest owners. A detailed study of Managed Timberland was conducted to determine the effectiveness of the policy. This study employs a historical review to examine the implication of past tax policies and provide a context and direction for future research and policy recommendations. The historical review reveals that in West Virginia, a preferential tax program for forests is desirable, but requires changes due to a history of inefficient and unfairly distributed property taxes and inadequate benefits from Managed Timberland to forest landowners. Simplification of forest tax policies would make these policies more transparent and understandable to landowners and easier for local tax authorities to administer. In addition, landowners may be more inclined to participate in preferential forest tax programs if program outreach and reward systems were more in keeping with known landowner values and beliefs.  相似文献   

Almost 20 million acres of non-forest cropland in the South can be classified as marginal. Demand projections for forest products call for a 40 percent increase by year 2030. Recent regenerated tree acres lag behind harvested acres. Multiple land use practices combining trees and grazing adjust cash flows forward mitigating negative flow period associated with conventional forest production. Profit opportunities for private, non-industrial landowners can be increased by ranking inputs in order of changes to net present value(NPV). A sensitivity analysis of an agroforestry scenario, including trees, beef cattle, and pasture, allows producers to concentrate management efforts where returns are greatest. Model results show greatest returns to NPV was realized from improvement to Chip-N-Saw income. The least increase in NPV came when the cost of control burns was changed.  相似文献   

A study was conducted in Madhupur sal forest of Tangail, Bangladesh to identify the suitable agroforestry practices of the area. Considering the ecological aspects of different agroforestry practices 10 sample plots (10 m × 10 m) from each land uses were taken, including natural forest to get a comparative scenario. The study showed that among the different agroforestry practices, Margalef and Shannon-Weiner index values are the maximum for pineapple agroforestry and lower for banana agroforestry, and Evenness index value is the maximum for lemon agroforestry. Determination of tree biomass in different land uses revealed that it is highest (3 078.6 kg/100 m2) in natural forest followed by pineapple agroforestry, lemon agroforestry and banana agroforestry. Soil pH, moisture content, organic matter, organic carbon, phosphorus and total nitrogen showed statistically significant variation while bulk density, particle density, sulphur and potassium did not show any statistically significant variation among the land uses. Soil fertility status showed that pineapple agroforestry is more fertile than rest of other land uses. The Net Present Value (NPV) indicated that banana agroforestry is financially more profitable than other two systems, while the Benefit-Cost ratio (BCR) is higher in pineapple agroforestry (4.21 in participatory agroforestry and 3.35 in privately managed land). Even though banana agroforestry gives higher NPV, capital required for this practice is much higher. The findings suggest that pineapple agroforestry has a tendency towards becoming ecologically and economically more sound than other two practices as it has better ecological attributes and required comparatively low investment.  相似文献   

In the United States, agroforestry adoption has lagged behind progress in agroforestry systems research. This study sought to facilitate the communication of landowner land management objectives, values, knowledge and perceptions of the barriers and benefits to agroforestry through applied social marketing research methods and market segmentation analysis. A mail survey instrument was sent to 250 members of the Pennsylvania Association of Sustainable Agriculture (PASA) and 250 members of Woodland Owner Associations (WOA). Current management objectives and production strategies, agroforestry awareness, agroforestry interest, and perceptions regarding the benefits and obstacles to agroforestry adoption were gauged. Market segmentation was performed with a two-step cluster analysis to produce four agroforestry adoption potential models: Timber-Related Practices, Livestock-Related Practices, Specialty Crop-Related Practices, and Non-Adopters. The analyses showed that agroforestry practices could satisfy specific land management objectives within diverse populations. The method effectively identified similarities in agroforestry adoption scenarios. Market segmentation could be utilised as a social marketing tool to guide future policy development, scientific research, and the efficacy and relevance of future agroforestry research and outreach programs. The next step in program development should include the creation of a statewide multidisciplinary team comprised of university, non-profit association and landowner representation, to develop agroforestry applications relevant to each cluster and promote the practices through landowner-led on-farm demonstrations and workshops.  相似文献   

沙地樟子松人工林混农经营的生态经济效益   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在沙区樟子松人工林中开展混农经营研究,结果表明:混农经营改善了林地的水分养分条件,增强了林木抗病能力,并且种植带内风蚀程度很轻;混农经营促进了林木生长,当种植带宽度为7 m时,花生、黑豆产量分别达到农田地产量的80%、60%,实现了林地长短期经济效益的结合。在樟子松人工林中开展混农经营兼顾了林分的生态和经济效益。  相似文献   

To implement effective climate change mitigation and carbon sequestration activities in the southern US, nonindustrial private forest landowner (NIPF) participation is necessary because of the significant area of forest land under their ownership. For policy implementation to involve this major ownership group in climate change mitigation activities in this region, it is important to understand their forest management motivations and understanding toward carbon sequestration. This study develops a regional typology of NIPF landowners based on reasons for owning forest land in the southern US. The specific goals were to: (1) segment NIPF landowners into smaller homogeneous groups based on reasons for owning forest land; (2) identify landownership characteristics and forest management behavior by ownership groups; and (3) assess their climate change beliefs and understanding of forest carbon sequestration by ownership groups. A principal component-cluster analysis of 735 responses to a mail questionnaire distributed to NIPF landowners in the southern US revealed three groups, which were named amenity, multi-objective, and timber-oriented landowners. The amenity group included 21% of the landowners, while the timber and multi-objective groups included 40% and 39% of the landowners, respectively. These landowner groups varied in terms of owner characteristics, forest species type and management behavior, climate change beliefs and understanding of carbon sequestration. The amenity and multi-objective owners tend to have more positive belief toward climate change than the timber group, but more landowners in each group indicated having poor understanding of forest carbon sequestration. The study fills a knowledge gap in research efforts by developing a regional typology of NIPF landowners and linking it with their forestry resources and management strategies along with their climate change beliefs and understanding of forest carbon sequestration.  相似文献   

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