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Data from a field experiment conducted in China's Loess Plateau (2013–2015) were used to determine the energy balance of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as affected by tillage and straw treatments. Tillage treatments included chisel plow, no tillage, and mouldboard plow. Crop straw levels included straw returning and straw removed. The energy balance was evaluated by comparing the following parameters: net energy, energy profitability, energy use efficiency, and energy intensity. The yield parameters were significantly influenced by the tillage treatments and revealed that the chisel plow entailed fewer field operations and lower energy requirements with a higher yield than mouldboard plowing tillage. The highest proportion of energy input came from a nitrogen fertiliser, followed by diesel fuel. The total energy input applied per hectare increased with an increase in the tillage intensity, and the lowest energy input was required for the no tillage case with the straw returning treatment, and the highest for the case of mouldboard plow with the straw returning treatment. The lowest average energy intensity was recorded for the no tillage case, followed by the case of chisel plow tillage in both cropping seasons. Moreover, in the case of mouldboard plough tillage, the maximum energy intensity was recorded in both cropping seasons. In the cases of the chisel plow tillage and the no tillage, we observed the maximum energy gain, while in the no tillage case, we observed the maximum energy use efficiency. The net return and the benefit/cost ratio were higher in the case of straw returning than those in the case of no straw treatment. We concluded that no tillage and chisel plow tillage with straw returning could improve the energy use efficiency and the benefit/cost ratio of winter wheat production systems.  相似文献   

Pit and mound micro-relief(resultant microsites from trees uprooted by windthrow) could have regimes of microclimate and soil features that differ from areas of undisturbed soil. In an attempt to provide a comprehensive evaluation of the significance of pits and mounds on soil features and also the dynamics of greenhouse gas(GHG) fluxes at local scale, this study was carried out in a reserved area of Darabkola forest in Mazandaran Province, northern Iran. The age of a pit and mound was considered equal to the degree of decay of the blown down tree. Three microsites were distinguished, consisting of pit bottom(PB), mound top(MT) and undisturbed area(UA). Soil samples were taken at 0–15 and 15–30 cm depths from all microsites and analysed for soil physical, chemical and biological features. Our findings suggested that in context of forest ecology, pits and mounds following windthrow events should be considered as an effective factor influencing soil features(i.e., density, texture, water content, p H, organic C, total N, available nutrients and earthworm density/biomass) and especially GHG fluxes. Results showed that MT acted as a sink for N2O(-0.010 mg N2 O m-2d-1) and CH4(-0.257 mg CH4m-2d-1) fluxes and also produced lower CO2 concentrations(0.095 mg CO2 m-2d-1) than PB(0.207 mg CO2 m-2d-1) and UA(0.098 mg CO2 m-2d-1). As a consequence, a separation into pits/mounds would be important for a precise budgeting of greenhouse gases.  相似文献   

Nitrous oxide (N2O) is a potent greenhouse gas, which is mainly produced from agricultural soils. Ammonia oxidation is the rate‐determining step in N2O production, and the process is carried out by ammonia oxidizers, bacteria and archaea. Soil aggregate size has been shown to alter soil properties, which affect N2O emissions and bacterial communities. However, the effect of aggregate size on temporal and total N2O emissions and ammonia‐oxidizing bacteria (AOB) and archaea (AOA) is not fully understood. This incubation study investigated the effect of three different soil aggregate sizes on N2O emissions and ammonia oxidizer abundance under high urine‐N concentrations and the effectiveness of a nitrification inhibitor, dicyandiamide (DCD), at reducing N2O emissions in different aggregate soils. It was found that temporal patterns of N2O emissions were affected by aggregate size with higher peak emissions in the large and medium aggregates. However, the total emissions were the same due to a ‘switch’ in emissions at day 66, after which smaller aggregates produced higher N2O emissions. It is suggested that the switch was caused by an increase in aggregate disruption in the small aggregates, following the urine application, due to their higher surface area to volume ratio. AOB and AOA abundances were not significantly affected by aggregate size. DCD was effective in reducing N2O emissions in all aggregate sizes by an average of 79%. These results suggest that similar ammonia oxidizer abundance is found in soils of different aggregate sizes, and the efficacy of DCD in reducing N2O emissions was not affected by aggregate size of the soil.  相似文献   


To evaluate the hypothesis that plant-mediated oxygen supplies decrease methane (CH4) production and total global warming potential (GWP) in a tropical peatland, the authors compared the fluxes and dissolved concentrations of greenhouse gases [GHGs; CH4, carbon dioxide (CO2) and nitrous oxide (N2O)] and dissolved oxygen (DO) at multiple peatland ecosystems in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia. Study ecosystems included tropical peat swamp forest and degraded peatland areas that were burned and/or drained during the rainy season. CH4 fluxes were significantly influenced by land use and drainage, which were highest in the flooded burnt sites (5.75 ± 6.66 mg C m?2 h?1) followed by the flooded forest sites (1.37 ± 2.03 mg C m?2 h?1), the drained burnt site (0.220 ± 0.143 mg C m?2 h?1), and the drained forest site (0.0084 ± 0.0321 mg C m?2 h?1). Dissolved CH4 concentrations were also significantly affected by land use and drainage, which were highest in the flooded burnt sites (124 ± 84 μmol L?1) followed by the drained burnt site (45.2 ± 29.8 μmol L?1), the flooded forest sites (1.15 ± 1.38 μmol L?1) and the drained forest site (0.860 ± 0.819 μmol L?1). DO concentrations were influenced by land use only, which were significantly higher in the forest sites (6.9 ± 5.6 μmol L?1) compared to the burnt sites (4.0 ± 2.9 μmol L?1). These results suggest that CH4 produced in the peat might be oxidized by plant-mediated oxygen supply in the forest sites. CO2 fluxes were significantly higher in the drained forest site (340 ± 250 mg C m?2 h?1 with a water table level of ?20 to ?60 cm) than in the drained burnt site (108 ± 115 mg C m?2 h?1 with a water table level of ?15 to +10 cm). Dissolved CO2 concentrations were 0.6–3.5 mmol L?1, also highest in the drained forest site. These results suggested enhanced CO2 emission by aerobic peat decomposition and plant respiration in the drained forest site. N2O fluxes ranged from ?2.4 to ?8.7 μg N m?2 h?1 in the flooded sites and from 3.4 to 8.1 μg N m?2 h?1 in the drained sites. The negative N2O fluxes might be caused by N2O consumption by denitrification under flooded conditions. Dissolved N2O concentrations were 0.005–0.22 μmol L?1 but occurred at < 0.01 μmol L?1 in most cases. GWP was mainly determined by CO2 flux, with the highest levels in the drained forest site. Despite having almost the same CO2 flux, GWP in the flooded burnt sites was 20% higher than that in the flooded forest sites due to the large CH4 emission (not significant). N2O fluxes made little contribution to GWP.  相似文献   

The effects of timber harvesting and the resultant soil disturbances (compaction and forest floor removal) on relative soil water content, microbial biomass C and N contents (Cmic and Nmic), microbial biomass C:N ratio (Cmic-to-Nmic), microbial respiration, metabolic quotient (qCO2), and available N content in the forest floor and the uppermost mineral soil (0-3 cm) were assessed in a long-term soil productivity (LTSP) site and adjacent mature forest stands in northeastern British Columbia (Canada). A combination of principal component analysis and redundancy analysis was used to test the effects of stem-only harvest, whole tree harvest plus forest floor removal, and soil compaction on the studied variables. Those properties in the forest floor were not affected by timber harvesting or soil compaction. In the mineral soil, compaction increased soil total C and N contents, relative water content, and Nmic by 45%, 40%, 34% and 72%, respectively, and decreased Cmic-to-Nmic ratio by 29%. However, these parameters were not affected by stem only harvesting or whole tree harvesting plus forest floor removal, contrasting the reduction of white spruce and aspen growth following forest floor removal and soil compaction reported in an earlier study. Those results suggest that at the study site the short-term effects of timber harvesting, forest floor removal, and soil compaction are rather complex and that microbial populations might not be affected by the perturbations in the same way as trees, at least not in the short term.  相似文献   

The puddled layer of paddy soils represents a highly dynamic environment regarding the spatio-temporal variability of biogeochemical conditions. To study these effects on the abundance and community structure of microbial populations, a rhizotron experiment was conducted throughout an entire growing season of wetland rice. Soil samples were taken from selected areas of the puddled layer (bulk soil, oxidized layer, rhizosphere) at main plant developmental stages such as (i) the initial stage, (ii) tillering, (iii) panicle initiation, (iv) flowering, and (v) maturity. Cell numbers of archaea, bacteria, and selected phyla were assessed by catalyzed reporter deposition-fluorescence in situ hybridization (CARD-FISH). The structure and diversity of microbial communities was analyzed by polymerase chain reaction-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (PCR-DGGE) along with sequencing of selected bands. Following submergence of the paddy soil, shifts of bacterial community structure were observed in the oxidized layer and the rhizosphere. Members of the β-Proteobacteria became predominant in the rhizosphere at tillering stage and were affiliated with aerobic, iron-oxidizing bacteria of the genus Sideroxydans. Seasonal effects were mainly visible in the rhizosphere, as several phylogenetic subgroups including methanotrophic bacteria showed increased cell numbers at flowering stage. Cell numbers of methanogenic archaea were also highest at flowering stage (bulk soil, rhizosphere) and members of the Methanocellales were identified as predominant archaeal populations in areas of oxic and anoxic conditions. In contrast to bacteria, the communities of archaea in the puddled layer of the studied paddy soil were less influenced by spatio-temporal variations of biogeochemical conditions.  相似文献   

为筛选出"低投入-低排放-高收益"的稻田水氮管理模式,该研究以汉江平原双季稻为研究对象,设计4种氮肥管理方式:1)普通尿素;2)树脂包膜控释尿素;3)普通尿素减氮20%;4)控释尿素减氮20%,和2种水分管理方式:1)常规灌溉;2)薄浅湿晒节水灌溉。采用静态箱-气相色谱法测定甲烷(CH4)和氧化亚氮(N2O)的排放量,应用生命周期法(Life Cycle Assessment, LCA)计算水稻生产碳足迹,基于成本收益核算分析单位水稻产量和单位净收益的碳排放强度。结果表明,控释尿素能有效提高双季稻产量,节水灌溉和减氮20%能节约投入成本,对双季稻产量存在一定负效应,但差异不显著。相比普通尿素和常规灌溉,不同水氮优化处理可不同程度降低水稻生产的碳足迹和排放强度,并有助于提高收益。其中节水灌溉搭配控释尿素减氮的综合减排效果最好,早、晚稻总减排量分别为45.8%和42.5%(P<0.05),同时全年净利润最高,达14 340元/hm2。因此,节水灌溉、控释尿素同时减氮20%的组合技术可实现稻田节本减排增收。  相似文献   

Modeling how the role of forests in the carbon cycle will respond to predicted changes in water availability hinges on an understanding of the processes controlling water use in ecosystems. Recent studies in forest ecosystem modeling have employed data-assimilation techniques to generate parameter sets that conform to observations, and predict net ecosystem CO2 exchange (NEE) and its component processes. Since the carbon and water cycles are linked, there should be additional process information available from ecosystem H2O exchange. We coupled SIPNET (Simple Photosynthesis EvapoTranspiration), a simplified model of ecosystem function, with a data-assimilation system to estimate parameters leading to model predictions most closely matching the net CO2 and H2O fluxes measured by eddy covariance in a high-elevation, subalpine forest ecosystem. When optimized using measurements of CO2 exchange, the model matched observed NEE (RMSE = 0.49 g C m−2) but underestimated transpiration calculated independently from sap flow measurements by a factor of 4. Consequently, the carbon-only optimization was insensitive to imposed changes in water availability. Including eddy flux data from both CO2 and H2O exchange to the optimization reduced the model fit to the observed NEE fluxes only slightly (RME = 0.53 g C m−2), however this parameterization also reproduced transpiration calculated from independent sap flow measurements (r2 = 0.67, slope = 0.6). A significant amount of information can be extracted from simultaneous analysis of CO2 and H2O exchange, which improved the accuracy of transpiration estimates from measured evapotranspiration. Conversely, failure to include both CO2 and H2O data streams can generate results that mask the responses of ecosystem carbon cycling to variation in the precipitation. In applying the model conditioned on both CO2 and H2O fluxes to the subalpine forest at the Niwot Ridge AmeriFlux site, we observed that the onset of transpiration is coincident with warm soil temperatures. However, after snow has covered the ground in the fall, we observed significant inter-annual variability in the fraction of evapotranspiration composed of transpiration; evapotranspiration was dominated by transpiration in years when late fall air temperatures were high enough to maintain photosynthesis, but by sublimation from the surface of the snowpack in years when late fall air temperatures were colder and forest photosynthetic activity had ceased. Data-assimilation techniques and simultaneous measurements of carbon and water exchange can be used to quantify the response of net carbon uptake to changes in water availability by using an ecosystem model where the carbon and water cycles are linked.  相似文献   

Soil microbial organisms are central to carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) transformations in soils, yet not much is known about the stable isotope composition of these essential regulators of element cycles. We investigated the relationship between C and N availability and stable C and N isotope composition of soil microbial biomass across a three million year old semiarid substrate age gradient in northern Arizona. The δ15N of soil microbial biomass was on average 7.2‰ higher than that of soil total N for all substrate ages and 1.6‰ higher than that of extractable N, but not significantly different for the youngest and oldest sites. Microbial 15N enrichment relative to soil extractable and total N was low at the youngest site, increased to a maximum after 55,000 years, and then decreased slightly with age. The degree of 15N enrichment of microbial biomass correlated negatively with the C:N mass ratio of the soil extractable pool. The δ13C signature of soil microbial biomass was 1.4‰ and 4.6‰ enriched relative to that of soil total and extractable pools respectively and showed significant differences between sites. However, microbial 13C enrichment was unrelated to measures of C and N availability. Our results confirm that 15N, but not 13C enrichment of soil microbial biomass reflects changes in C and N availability and N processing during long-term ecosystem development.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of soil management and changes of land use on soils of three adjacent plots of cropland, pasture and oak (Quercus robur) forest. The pasture and the forest were established in part of the cropland, respectively, 20 and 40 yr before the study began. Soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics, water-filled pore space (WFPS), soil temperature, inorganic N and microbial C, as well as fluxes of CO2, CH4 and N2O were measured in the plots over 25 months. The transformation of the cropland to mowed pasture slightly increased the soil organic and microbial C contents, whereas afforestation significantly increased these variables. The cropland and pasture soils showed low CH4 uptake rates (<1 kg C ha−1 yr−1) and, coinciding with WFPS values >70%, episodes of CH4 emission, which could be favoured by soil compaction. In the forest site, possibly because of the changes in soil structure and microbial activity, the soil always acted as a sink for CH4 (4.7 kg C ha−1 yr−1). The N2O releases at the cropland and pasture sites (2.7 and 4.8 kg N2O-N ha−1 yr−1) were, respectively, 3 and 6 times higher than at the forest site (0.8 kg N2O-N ha−1 yr−1). The highest N2O emissions in the cultivated soils were related to fertilisation and slurry application, and always occurred when the WFPS >60%. These results show that the changes in soil properties as a consequence of the transformation of cropfield to intensive grassland do not imply substantial changes in SOM or in the dynamics of CH4 and N2O. On the contrary, afforestation resulted in increases in SOM content and CH4 uptake, as well as decreases in N2O emissions.  相似文献   

Forest management practices such as prescribed burning and thinning in forest ecosystems may alter the properties of soil organic matter (SOM).In this study,surface soils from field plots in the Bankhead National Forest,Alabama,USA,were used to investigate possible SOM transformations induced by thinning and burning.Elemental analysis and solid-state 13C cross polarization magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (13C CPMAS NMR) spectroscopy were used to characterize SOM fractions in whole soils,humic substances,and density fractions.Our data revealed that the changes in SOM fractions due to the repeated burning carried out in the forest ecosystem studied were involved mainly with alkyl C,O-alkyl C,and carbohydrate functional groups,implying that most prominent reactions that occurred involved dehydrogenation,de-oxygenation,and decarboxylation.In addition,burning and thinning might have also affected the distribution and composition of free and occluded particulate SOM fractions.The limited structural changes in SOM fractions suggested that low-intensity prescribed fire in the forest ecosystem studied will not create major structural changes in SOM fractions.  相似文献   

Sanborn Field, an agricultural demonstration field at the University of Missouri-Columbia, has over 100 years of cropping histories and management practices implemented at this site. We examined the effect of these cropping systems and management practices on earthworm populations and microbial activity. A field experiment was conducted to characterize and quantify earthworms and to determine the microbial activity in the same selected plots. We sampled 14 plots at the site, six of which were the original plots established in 1888 with the same cropping histories and management, and eight of which had been modified over the years to accommodate changing farmer needs and scientific questions. Earthworms and soil samples were collected in the spring and fall of 1999. Aporrectodea trapezoides, Aporrectodea caliginosa, and Lumbricus terrestris were the dominant species found in this field. Lumbricus terrestris was commonly associated with the no-tillage plot at Sanborn Field. Due partly to soil moisture conditions, most of the species were found and identified during the spring. Microbial activity, as expected, was greatest during the spring. Manure, no-tillage and crop rotations that include legumes had the greatest earthworm abundance and microbial activity. In general, where no fertility treatments were added to soil or where food sources were lacking, earthworm abundance decreased significantly. The abundance of earthworms found in this field reflected the cropping history and management practices used recently and within the last 100 years. In most cases, microbial activity showed similar trends as earthworm density. However, some dynamic microbial transformations, like nitrification, do not always follow the same trend as potential soil quality biotic indicators. Earthworms, along with microbial activity, may serve as useful soil quality indicators in sustained and short-term field trials.  相似文献   

Spatial variations in nutrient concentrations and turnover may contribute to variations in productivity within forest ecosystems and be responsible for creating and maintaining diversity of plant species. The aim of this study was to relate spatial patterns in soil nutrient availability and microbial properties in the forest floor and mineral soil in order to explore the controls on variations in nutrient availability in the two horizons. Microbial C, N and P, extractable N and P, and plant-available nutrients as estimated by plant root simulator probes were measured. We then used geostatistical techniques to determine the scale of spatial autocorrelation in the forest floor and mineral soil. Several of the measured variables were spatially autocorrelated at a scale of tens to hundreds of meters. Although more variables were autocorrelated in the mineral soil than in the forest floor, spatial patterns in gravimetric moisture content and nutrient concentrations in the two horizons generally overlapped. The spatial patterns were probably caused by differences in topography, except for ammonium whose shorter range of spatial autocorrelation may reflect variations in nitrogen content of the canopy.  相似文献   

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