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This study describes the effects of balanced versus nutrient-deficiency fertilization on soil microbial biomass, activity, and bacterial community structure in a long-term (16 years) field experiment. Long-term fertilization greatly increased soil microbial biomass C and dehydrogenase activity, except that the P-deficiency fertilization had no significant effect. Organic manure had a significantly greater (P<0.05) impact on the biomass C and the activity, compared with mineral fertilizers. Microbial metabolic activity (dehydrogenase activity per microbial biomass C) was significantly higher (P<0.05) under balanced fertilization than under nutrient-deficiency fertilization. General bacterial community structure was analyzed by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) targeting eubacterial 16S rRNA gene. Mineral fertilization did not affect the DGGE banding pattern, while specific DGGE band was observed in organic manure-fertilized soils. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the change of bacterial community in organic manure-fertilized soil might not be because of the direct influence of the bacteria in the compost, but because of the promoting effect of the compost on the growth of an indigenous Bacillus sp. in the soil. We emphasize the importance of balanced-fertilization, as well as the role of P, in maintaining soil organic matter, and promoting the biomass and activity of microorganisms.  相似文献   

Plant growth can be an important factor regulating seasonal variations of soil microbial biomass and activity. We investigated soil microbial biomass, microbial respiration, net N mineralization, and soil enzyme activity in turfgrass systems of three cool-season species (tall fescue, Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Kentucky bluegrass, Poa pratensis L., and creeping bentgrass, Agrostis palustris L.) and three warm-season species (centipedegrass, Eremochloa ophiuroides (Munro.) Hack, zoysiagrass, Zoysia japonica Steud, and bermudagrass, Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.). Microbial biomass and respiration were higher in warm- than the cool-season turfgrass systems, but net N mineralization was generally lower in warm-season turfgrass systems. Soil microbial biomass C and N varied seasonally, being lower in September and higher in May and December, independent of turfgrass physiological types. Seasonal variations in microbial respiration, net N mineralization, and cellulase activity were also similar between warm- and cool-season turfgrass systems. The lower microbial biomass and activity in September were associated with lower soil available N, possibly caused by turfgrass competition for this resource. Microbial biomass and activity (i.e., microbial respiration and net N mineralization determined in a laboratory incubation experiment) increased in soil samples collected during late fall and winter when turfgrasses grew slowly and their competition for soil N was weak. These results suggest that N availability rather than climate is the primary determinant of seasonal dynamics of soil microbial biomass and activity in turfgrass systems, located in the humid and warm region.  相似文献   

Meadowfoam (Limnanthes alba Hartw. ex Benth) seed meal (MSM), a by-product of meadowfoam oil extraction, has a secondary metabolite known as glucosinolate glucolimnanthin. MSM applied as a soil amendment has been reported to have herbicidal and fertilizer properties. Experiments were conducted over 28 days to evaluate short-term effects of a MSM application on soil microbial communities. MSM was applied to soil as either a full or a split application. In addition to MSM and untreated control treatments, urea was used as a N source to account for the fertilizer effect of the seed meal. Urea was applied either as a full or a split rate on the same schedule as MSM. Soil microbial activities were not different between the full and the split rate applications of MSM. After day 7 following MSM application, carbon-source utilization of microbial communities of MSM was different from the urea and control treatments. Microbial communities in MSM treatments utilized complex carbon sources to a relatively greater degree than microbial communities in urea or control treatments. The C and N inputs from MSM increased the gross metabolic activity of the mixed microbial population. Basal respiration was stimulated and microbes reallocated carbon input to biomass and enzyme production. Within 7 and 14 days after MSM application, the reallocation occurred quickly and microbial biomass increased by at least 80% for C and 95% for N compared to the untreated control. In the short-term, MSM treatments affected nutrient dynamics, and the soil microbial structure and function. The effects of MSM application on the composition of bacterial and fungal communities warrant additional study.  相似文献   

Our aim was to determine whether the smaller biomasses generally found in low pH compared to high pH arable soils under similar management are due principally to the decreased inputs of substrate or whether some factor(s) associated with pH are also important. This was tested in a soil incubation experiment using wheat straw as substrate and soils of different pHs (8.09, 6.61, 4.65 and 4.17). Microbial biomass ninhydrin-N, and microbial community structure evaluated by phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs), were measured at 0 (control soil only), 5, 25 and 50 days and CO2 evolution up to 100 days. Straw addition increased biomass ninhydrin-N, CO2 evolution and total PLFA concentrations at all soil pH values. The positive effect of straw addition on biomass ninhydrin-N was less in soils of pH 4.17 and 4.65. Similarly total PLFA concentrations were smallest at the lowest pH. This indicated that there is a direct pH effect as well as effects related to different substrate availabilities on microbial biomass and community structure. In the control soils, the fatty acids 16:1ω5, 16:1ω7c, 18:1ω7c&9t and i17:0 had significant and positive linear relationships with soil pH. In contrast, the fatty acids i15:0, a15:0, i16:0 and br17:0, 16:02OH, 18:2ω6,9, 17:0, 19:0, 17:0c9,10 and 19:0c9,10 were greatest in control soils at the lowest pHs. In soils given straw, the fatty acids 16:1ω5, 16:1ω7c, 15:0 and 18:0 had significant and positive linear relationships with pH, but the concentration of the monounsaturated 18:1ω9 PLFA decreased at the highest pHs. The PLFA profiles indicative of Gram-positive bacteria were more abundant than Gram-negative ones at the lowest pH in control soils, but in soils given straw these trends were reversed. In contrast, straw addition changed the microbial community structures least at pH 6.61. The ratio: [fungal PLFA 18:2w6,9]/[total PLFAs indicative of bacteria] indicated that fungal PLFAs were more dominant in the microbial communities of the lowest pH soil. In summary, this work shows that soil pH has marked effects on microbial biomass, community structure, and response to substrate addition.  相似文献   

 The effects of 5 years of continuous grass/clover (Cont grass/clover) or grass (Cont grass) pasture or 5 years of annual grass under conventional (Ann grass CT) or zero tillage (Ann grass ZT) were compared with that of 5 years of continuous barley (LT arable) on a site which had previously been under arable crops for 11 years. For added comparison, a long-term grass/clover pasture site (LT past) nearby was also sampled. Soil organic C (Corg) content followed the order LT arable=Ann grass CT<Ann grass ZT<Cont grass=Cont grass/clover<LTpast. Trends with treatment for microbial biomass C (Cmic), basal respiration, flourescein diacetate (FDA) hydrolytic activity, arginine ammonification rate and the activities of dehydrogenase, protease, histidase, acid phosphatase and arylsulphatase enzymes were broadly similar to those for Corg. For Cmic, FDA hydrolysis, arginine ammonification and the activities of histidase, acid phosphatase and arylsulphatase, the percentage increase caused by 5 years of continuous pasture (in comparison with LT arable) was 100–180%, which was considerably greater than that for organic C (i.e. 60%). The microbial metabolic quotient (qCO2) was higher for the two treatments which were mouldboard ploughed annually (LT arable and Ann grass CT) than for the undisturbed sites. At the undisturbed sites, Corg declined markedly with depth (0–15 cm) and there was a similar stratification in the size and activity of Cmic and enzyme activity. The microbial quotient (Cmic/Corg) declined with depth whilst qCO2 tended to increase, reflecting a decrease in the proportion of readily available substrate with depth. Received: 7 July 1998  相似文献   

Here we studied the effects of gut transit through the earthworm Eudrilus eugeniae, on the physicochemical, biochemical, and microbial characteristics of pig slurry, by analyzing fresh casts. The reduction in the dissolved organic C contents in casts we recorded suggests that during digestion, earthworms assimilated labile organic C preferentially, which is a limiting growth factor for them. Furthermore, both microbial biomass and activity in pig slurry were significantly decreased by earthworm gut transit. It appears that E. eugeniae is able to digest microorganisms, although the addition of glucose to the food increased respiration, indicating that growth of microorganisms in casts could be limited by depletion of labile C. Despite reduced microbial biomass and activity, the metabolic diversity of microbial communities was greater in casts than in original pig slurry. Community level physiological profiles obtained from Biolog Ecoplate data revealed that, after earthworm gut transit, the microbial communities in casts and pig slurry were clearly differentiated by their physiological profiles. The results indicate that first stage in vermicomposting of pig slurry by E. eugeniae, i.e., casting, produced changes that will influence the dynamics of the organic matter degradation by reducing forms of N and C available to microorganisms, hence restricting their growth and multiplication. Nevertheless, the reduced microflora of casts was characterized by an increased catabolic potential that might lead to thorough degradation of pig slurry.  相似文献   

The use of composts in agricultural soils is a widespread practice and the positive effects on soil and plants are known from numerous studies. However, there have been few attempts to compare the effects of different kinds of composts in one single study. The aim of this paper is to investigate to what extent and to which soil depth four major types of composts would affect the soil and its microbiota.In a crop-rotation field experiment, composts produced from (i) urban organic wastes, (ii) green wastes, (iii) manure and (iv) sewage sludge were applied at a rate equivalent to 175 kg N ha−1 yr−1 for 12 years. General (total organic C (Corg), total N (Nt), microbial biomass C (Cmic), and basal respiration), specific (enzyme activities related to C, N and P cycles), biochemical properties and bacterial genetic diversity (based on DGGE analysis of 16S rDNA) were analyzed at different depths (0-10, 10-20 and 20-30 cm).Compost treatment increased Corg at all depths from 11 g kg−1 for control soil to 16.7 g kg−1 for the case of sewage sludge compost. Total N increased with compost treatment at 0-10 cm and 10-20 cm depths, but not at 20-30 cm. Basal respiration and Cmic declined with depth, and the composts resulted in an increase of Cmic and basal respiration. Enzyme activities were different depend on the enzyme and among compost treatments, but in general, the enzyme activities were higher in the upper layers (0-10 and 10-20 cm) than in the 20-30 cm layer. Diversity of ammonia oxidizers and bacteria was lower in the control than in the compost soils. The type of compost had less influence on the composition of the microbial communities than did soil depth.Some of the properties were sensitive enough to distinguish between different compost, while others were not. This stresses the need of multi-parameter approaches when investigating treatment effects on the soil microbial community. In general, with respect to measures of activity, biomass and community diversity, differences down the soil profile were more pronounced than those due to the compost treatments.  相似文献   

The effects of soil structure and microbial community composition on microbial resistance and resilience to stress were found to be interrelated in a series of experiments. The initial ability of Pseudomonas fluorescens to decompose added plant residues immediately after a copper or heat stress (resistance) depended significantly on which of 26 sterile soils it was inoculated into. Subsequent studies showed that both the resistance and subsequent recovery in the ability of P. fluorescens to decompose added plant residues over 28 days after stress (resilience) varied significantly between a sandy and a clay-loam soil. Sterile, sandy and clay-loam soil was then inoculated with a complex microbial community extracted from either of the soils. The resulting microbial community structure depended on soil type rather than the source of inoculum, whilst the resistance and resilience of decomposition was similarly governed by the soil and not the inoculum source. Resilience of the clay-loam soil to heat stress did not depend on the water content of the soil at the time of stress, although the physical condition of the soil when decomposition was measured did affect the outcome. We propose that soil functional resilience is governed by the physico-chemical structure of the soil through its effect on microbial community composition and microbial physiology.  相似文献   

以1989年建立的中国科学院封丘农田生态系统国家试验站的长期定位试验为平台,研究经18a连续不同施肥处理后玉米季土壤微生物生物量碳氮和微生物活度的动态变化及其与土壤有机碳之间的相互关系,并探讨施肥措施对土壤微生物及其活性的影响。施肥处理包括:(1)有机肥(OM);(2)1/2化肥和1/2有机肥(1/2OM+1/2NPK);(3)氮磷钾肥(NPK);(4)氮磷肥(NP);(5)磷钾肥(PK);(6)氮钾肥(NK);(7)不施肥,即对照(CK)7个处理。结果表明,微生物生物量碳氮和微生物活度在玉米生长期内均有明显的时间变异性,其中微生物生物量碳与微生物活度的动态变化比较一致,其间的极显著相关关系表明潮土微生物生物量碳的变化可以在很大程度上代表土壤微生物活度的变化。施肥制度显著影响微生物生物量碳氮和微生物活度的变化,总体趋势为OM1/2OM+1/2NPKNPKNPPKNKCK,表明OM有利于保持土壤的生物化学环境及促进土壤的生物学活性;与OM处理相比,化学肥料的长期施用有降低土壤微生物生物量和微生物活度的趋势,尤其是缺素处理的表现更为明显,其中以缺磷处理的表现最为严重。土壤微生物生物量碳氮、微生物活度与土壤有机碳变化均呈极显著正相关。  相似文献   

Dune systems are characterized by strong gradients of physical stress, with blowing sand and salt spray decreasing with distance from the ocean, and soil nutrients increasing. In this study we ask how soil microbial community composition and biomass change along transects away from the ocean, and whether these changes are regulated by abiotic stress or by resource availability. We collected bulk soil from under three plant species representative of the dune front, back, and flat: Ammophila breviligulata, Rosa rugosa, and Myrica pensylvanica. The biomass and composition of microbial communities were examined using phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) analysis under patches of dominant vegetation, and in paired bare plots. We found that microbial biomass was strongly correlated with soil C, and thus the presence of vegetation. Community composition, on the other hand, varied with abiotic stresses, especially soil salinity. These variables in turn depended on distance from the shore, and were ameliorated in some cases by vegetation. These findings demonstrate that biomass and community composition are influenced by different environmental variables. Thus, relationships between biomass and composition are unlikely to be readily predicted on the basis of a single resource.  相似文献   

本试验通过两室分根装置种植玉米,利用网袋法研究接种Glomus mosseae和Glomus etunicatum两种AM真菌对玉米秸秆降解的影响。试验分别在玉米移栽后第20 d、30 d、40 d、50 d和60 d时取样,通过测定接种AM真菌后玉米秸秆中碳、氮释放,土壤中3种常见酶活性、微生物量碳、微生物量氮及土壤呼吸的动态变化,探讨AM真菌降解玉米秸秆可能的作用机制。研究结果表明:经60 d的培养后,与未接种根室相比,接种G.mosseae和G.etunicatum真菌的菌根室玉米秸秆降解量提高了20.75%和20.97%;另外,接种G.mosseae和G.etunicatum加快了玉米秸秆碳素释放,降低了氮素释放,致使碳氮比降低25.45%和26.17%,有利于秸秆进一步降解。在本试验条件下,接种AF真菌的菌根室中土壤酸性磷素酶、蛋白酶和过氧化氢酶活性均有显著提高,并增加了微生物量碳、氮和土壤呼吸作用,形成了明显有别于根际的微生物区系。这一系列影响都反映出AM真菌能够直接或间接作用于玉米秸秆的降解过程,是导致玉米秸秆降解加快的重要原因。  相似文献   

This study focused on examining the impacts of cattle grazing on belowground communities and soil processes in humid grasslands. Multiple components in the soil communities were examined in heavily grazed and ungrazed areas of unimproved and improved bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) pastures in south-central Florida. By using small (1-m×1-m) sampling plots, we were able to detect critical differences in nematode communities, microbial biomass, and mineralized C and N, resulting from the patchy grazing pattern of cattle. Soil samples were collected on three occasions between June 2002 and June 2003. Microbial C and N were greater (P?0.01) in grazed than in ungrazed plots on all sampling dates. Effects of grazing varied among nematode genera. Most genera of colonizer bacterivores were decreased (P?0.10) by grazing, but more persistent bacterivores such as Euteratocephalus and Prismatolaimus were increased, as were omnivores and predators. Higher numbers of persisters indicated that grazing resulted in a more structured nematode community. Some herbivores, particularly Criconematidae, were decreased by grazing. Abundance of omnivores, predators, and especially fungivores were strongly associated with C mineralization potential. Strong correlation of microbial C and N with nematode canonical variables composed of five trophic groups illustrates important links between nematode community structure and soil microbial resources. Including the analysis of nematode trophic groups with soil microbial responses reveals detection of grazing impact deeper into the hierarchy of the decomposition process in soil, and illustrates the complexity of responses to grazing in the soil foodweb. Although highly sensitive to grazing impacts, small-scale sampling could not be used to generalize the overall impact of cattle grazing in large-scale pastures, which might be determined by the intensity and grazing patterns of various stocking densities at the whole pasture level.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to study the impact of metalaxyl application at different concentration levels on microbial biomass and the biochemical activities in soil. A dissipation study of metalaxyl highlighted 52.5-56.8% loss of metalaxyl due to the presence of microbial activity. However, a small but significant decline in microbial biomass was observed on 60 d of incubation period. Metalaxyl showed a highly significant effect in decreasing total N and organic C content in soil from 0 to 30 d of incubation. Dehydrogenase, phosphatase, urease, arylsulphatase and β-glucosidase activities were monitored in metalaxyl treated soils. Except urease, all the enzymatic activities initially increased and then decreased. Urease activity showed a continuous gradual decrease throughout the experimental period. Thus, metalaxyl might influence the growth and development of crop-plants, since it has direct impact on nutrient recycling and energy flow in soil.  相似文献   

Changes in plant community structure, including the loss of plant diversity may affect soil microbial communities. To test this hypothesis, plant diversity and composition were experimentally varied in grassland plots cultivated with monocultures or mixtures of 2, 3 or 4 species. We tested the effects of monocultures versus mixtures and of plant species composition on culturable soil bacterial activity, number of substrates used and catabolic diversity, microbial biomass N, microbial respiration, and root biomass. These properties were all measured 10 months after seeding the experiment. Soil bacterial activity, number of substrates used and catabolic diversity were measured in the different plant communities using BIOLOG GN and GP microplates, which are redox-based tests measuring capacity of soil culturable bacteria to use a variety of organic substrates. Microbial biomass N, microbial respiration, and root biomass were insensitive to plant diversity. Culturable soil microbial activity, substrates used and diversity declined with declining plant diversity. Their activity, number of substrates used and diversity were significantly higher in plots with 3 and 4 plant species than in monocultures and in plots with 2 species. There was also an effect of plant species composition. Culturable soil microbial activity and diversity was higher in the four-species plant community than in any of the plant monocultures suggesting that the effect of plant diversity could not be explained by the presence of a particular plant species. Our results showed that changes in plant diversity and composition in grassland ecosystems lead to a rapid response of bacterial activity and diversity.  相似文献   

本文采用饲料类芽孢杆菌(Paenibacillus pabuli,P)、深红紫链霉菌(Streptomyces violaceorubidus,S)和黄绿木霉(Trichoderma aureoviride,T),组合构建了3种单菌剂(P、S和T)、3种两菌种复合菌剂(PT、PS和ST)及1种3菌种复合菌剂(PST),并将之添加到红壤中,监测各菌剂添加后土壤总磷脂脂肪酸(PLFAs)量、特征微生物PLFAs百分含量、土壤呼吸速率及总代谢熵的变化,旨在探明外源腐解微生物的物种组合对土壤微生物群落结构和代谢活性的影响,进而为优化有机物分解菌剂种群配置提供参考。结果显示,添加单菌剂的P、S和T处理及添加两菌种复合菌剂的PT和PS处理,土壤微生物生物量显著增加,增幅17.2%~121.6%(P0.05)。添加外源腐解微生物后,各处理的土壤微生物群落的细菌百分含量基本稳定在79.6%~83.1%,真菌百分含量显著增加8.8%~50.6%;而放线菌百分含量除P和ST处理外,其他处理显著降低9.4%~69.8%。PLFAs数据的主成分分析表明,各外源菌剂处理与CK处理间的群落结构变异由小到大依次为:接种单菌剂的P、S和T处理,接种两菌种复合菌剂的PT、PS和ST处理,接种3菌种复合菌剂的PST处理。添加单菌剂的P、T处理以及添加两菌种复合菌剂的ST处理,在短期内影响了土壤微生物的对数生长,使土壤呼吸速率的峰值分别提高48.7%、53.7%和78.7%;且外源腐解微生物组合的物种数量越多,土壤微生物进入潜伏期所需的时间越长。从外源腐解微生物对土壤肥力的长期影响来看,两菌种复合菌剂ST的添加使土壤微生物代谢活性提高28.9%,因此该处理的土壤碳矿化量增加11.1%;添加单菌剂的S处理使土壤微生物代谢活性显著降低32.4%,因此该处理的土壤碳矿化量仅降低7.3%;而添加两菌种复合菌剂的PS处理和3菌种复合菌剂的PST处理,在保持代谢活性不变的情况下,其土壤碳矿化量也降低5.8%~8.7%,其原因有待进一步研究。综上所述,外源腐解微生物的添加会改变土壤微生物的群落结构及其生长轨迹,且随外源腐解微生物组合的物种数量增多这一干扰程度越大,而土壤微生物代谢活性与外源腐解微生物组合的物种数量无显著相关性。  相似文献   

Because soil biota is influenced by a number of factors, including land use and management techniques, changing management practices could have significant effects on the soil microbial properties and processes. An experiment was conducted to investigate differences in soil microbiological properties caused by long- and short-term management practices. Intact monolith lysimeters (0.2 m2 surface area) were taken from two sites of the same soil type that had been under long-term organic or conventional crop management and were then subjected to the same 2.5-year crop rotation [winter barley (Hordeum vulgare L.), maize (Zea mais L.), lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.), and rape (Brassica napus L. ssp. oleifera)] and two fertilizer regimes (following common organic and conventional practices). Soil samples were taken after crop harvest and analyzed for microbial biomass C and N, microbial activity (fluorescein diacetate hydrolysis, arginine deaminase activity, and dehydrogenase activity), and total C and N. The incorporation of the green manure stimulated growth and activity of the microbial communities in soils of both management histories. Soil microbial properties did not show any differences between organically and conventionally fertilized soils, indicating that crop rotation and plant type had a larger influence on the microbial biomass and enzyme activities than fertilization. Initial differences in microbial biomass declined, while the effects of farm management history were still evident in enzyme activities and total C and N. Links between enzyme activities and microbial biomass C varied depending on treatment, indicating differences in microbial community composition.  相似文献   

秸秆促腐还田土壤养分及微生物量的动态变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
采用盆钵培养法,通过模拟旱作覆膜条件下秸秆还田,研究了添加不同腐解剂(多个好氧性菌种复合培养而成的F1、富含分解纤维素、半纤维素、木质素和其他生物有机物质的微生物菌群F2、由芽孢杆菌、丝状真菌、放线苗和酵母菌组成的F3)后,小麦秸秆、玉米秸秆在120 d的腐解过程中,土壤养分及土壤微生物量的动态变化特征。结果表明:小麦、玉米秸秆经过120 d的腐解,各处理土壤有机质、碱解氮、全氮的增加速率一致表现为先增加后减小,土壤磷素、钾素的增加速率总体则呈现增-减-增-减的趋势;整个试验阶段小麦秸秆各处理土壤微生物量碳(SMBC)含量表现为先增后减。玉米秸秆土壤SMBC的变化与小麦秸秆差异较大,呈现波浪式变化;玉米秸秆土壤微生物量氮(SMBN)变化在100 d后则与小麦截然不同。秸秆添加腐解剂还田土壤养分增加速率和土壤微生物量碳氮含量均大于秸秆直接还田(对照),培肥土壤效果明显,能够有效增加土壤微生物量碳氮含量。小麦、玉米秸秆添加腐解剂F3的处理各养分含量高于其他处理,即内含具特殊功能的芽孢杆菌、丝状真菌、放线菌和酵母菌的秸秆腐解剂F3增加土壤养分的效果最好;相同腐解剂下不同种类秸秆处理的土壤养分含量表现为:F1,小麦玉米;F2,小麦≥玉米;F3,小麦玉米,即F1对小麦秸秆促腐优势最大,F3对玉米秸秆的促腐作用优于F1和F2,F2对小麦、玉米秸秆的促腐效果基本相似。不同腐解剂下,小麦秸秆处理SMBC、SMBN含量表现为F2F3F1;玉米秸秆处理SMBC含量F2F3≈F1,SMBN为F3F2≈F1。玉米秸秆各处理的SMBC均大于小麦秸秆,SMBN则均小于后者,与秸秆C/N的趋势一致,即C/N越大,SMBC值越大,SMBN值越小。  相似文献   

Interactions between microclimatic variables and the soil microbial biomass   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary Soil moisture, temperature, microbial substrate-induced respiration and basal respiration were monitored in two plots in an agricultural field from April 30 to September 25, 1987, and in a further two plots from May 26 to August 27, 1988. An attempt to relate biological variables to microclimatic variables was made through the use of correlation analysis. The microbial substrate-induced and basal respiration were both strongly positively correlated with the soil moisture content, and to a lesser extent positively related to soil temperature, especially when partial correlation was used to control for variation in soil moisture. Short-term changes in substrate-induced and basal respiration were correlated with changes in soil moisture but were largely independent of soil temperature. The ratio of basal to substrate-induced respiration (indicating the respiration: biomass ratio and therefore ecosystem stability or persistence) was negatively associated with the soil moisture content and in some instances with soil temperature when partial correlation analysis (correcting for soil moisture variation) was used. This suggests that the climatic conditions which contributed to the lowest ecosystem stability were low temperature, low moisture conditions.  相似文献   

我国喀斯特区域面积分布较广,而喀斯特生态系统的退化已成为当前西南地区面临的严重的生态问题。本研究选取贵州中部两种不同植被类型的生态系统—乔木林和灌木林,以乔木林中的白栎、园果化香和灌木林中的火棘、竹叶椒等主要优势树种为对象,研究不同的植物树种对根际土壤微生物生物量及其细菌群落结构的影响。结果显示:乔木林系统中根际土壤微生物生物量碳、氮显著性高于灌木林,植物的根际效应在乔木林中表现更为显著;同时乔木林中的优势树种通过根系分泌物的作用显著提高根际土壤细菌多样性指数,而灌木林中优势树种的根际土壤微生物量及多样性均未表现出明显的根际效应。因此,植被的演替通过改变土壤微生物的特性影响植物-微生物-土壤之间的物质和能量循环,进一步影响喀斯特生态系统的稳定和健康功能。  相似文献   

The Dehérain long-term field experiment was initiated in 1875 to study the impact of fertilization on a wheat-sugarbeet rotation. In 1987, the rotation was stopped to be replaced by continuous maize. Crop residues were soil-incorporated and the mineral fertilization was doubled in some plots. The impact of those changes on the microbial biomass and activity are presented. In spring 1987, the soil was still in a steady-state condition corresponding to the rotation. The microbial biomass was correlated with total organic C and decreased in the order farmyard manure>mineral NPK>unfertilized control. Microbial specific respiratory activity was higher in the unfertilized treatments. The soil biomass was closely related to soil N plant uptake. In 1989, after 2 years of maize and crop residue incorporation, the steady-state condition corresponding to the previous agricultural practices disappeared. So did the relationship between the biomass and total organic C, and the soil N plant uptake. Biomass specific respiratory activity increased because of low efficiency in the use of maize residues by microbes under N stress.  相似文献   

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