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Amynthas agrestis is an exotic, invasive earthworm in North America that has been associated with horticulture settings as well as damage to forest soil. An experiment was conducted to find out whether A. agrestis, an earthworm commonly found in mulches in Vermont, stimulates ligninolytic enzymes in the presence of commercial wood mulches. Mesocosms filled with a sandy loam soil were topped with either spruce, cedar or pine mulch. Half of the mesocosms received juvenile A. agrestis, the other half did not. After 7 weeks soils were analyzed for phenoloxidase and peroxidase activity. Most A. agrestis survived and developed into adults during the incubation period. Significantly greater phenoloxidase activity was detected in soils with A. agrestis than without earthworms. Mean (standard deviation) phenoloxidase activities in the presence of A. agrestis were 0.15 (±0.10), 1.14 (±0.46), 2.71 (±0.98) μmol g−1 h−1 for pine, spruce and cedar respectively, and 0.012 (±0.023), 0.25 (±0.25), 0.78 (±0.45) μmol g−1 h−1 in the absence of A. agrestis. There was significantly greater peroxidase activity for the pine and spruce treatment when earthworms were present. Mean peroxidase activities were 0.47 (±0.21), 0.94 (±0.29), 1.20 (±0.77) μmol h−1 g−1 soil for pine, spruce and cedar, respectively for soils with A. agrestis and 0.15 (±0.10), 0.37 (±0.10), 0.63 (±0.30) μmol h−1 g−1 soil in the absence of earthworms. The increased ligninolytic activity in combination with successful maturation of juveniles into adult A. agrestis suggests that mulch can be habitat for these invasive earthworms. This finding is supported by a survey of master gardeners in Vermont and New Hampshire 20% of whom reported to have seen these earthworms mainly in their gardens and mulched beds.  相似文献   

Pastures in southern Australia are dominated by endogeic earthworms such as Aporrectodea caliginosa (Sav.). Introductions of the anecic earthworm, A. longa (Ude), which is mostly restricted to Tasmania at present, are likely to increase the functional diversity of local communities and thereby enhance plant production and agricultural sustainability. However, the potential impact of A. longa on resident earthworm communities first needs assessing. Glasshouse and field experiments reported here suggested that A. longa can reduce the abundance and biomass of A. caliginosa, but that these effects are likely to be offset by overall increases in worm abundance. There was no evidence to suggest that species richness was reduced by A. longa introduction.  相似文献   

Members of the general public interact with wildlife in many ways, and an inability to distinguish between species can have significant implications for conservation. For example, attempts by environmentally-concerned private citizens to control invasive species may cause collateral damage unless people can reliably distinguish native fauna from the invader. We tested the Australian public’s ability to distinguish invasive cane toads (Bufo marinus) from native frogs at egg, tadpole, subadult and adult life-history stages. Errors were common, especially for eggs and tadpoles (27-31% error rates) and less so for subadult and adult toads and frogs (5-43% error rates). Accuracy of identification was higher in people living in areas where toads occur (compared to other parts of Australia or overseas), and similar in men and women (but with a decrease in older men). Ability to identify anurans was increased by toad-identification awareness programs and membership of “toad-busting” community groups, but direct killing of cane toads by the general public may inflict substantial “friendly fire” on native frogs. In the absence of any clear evidence for ecological benefits from toad-killing, we suggest that such collecting activities should be conducted only in areas where toads are known to occur, and under the supervision of trained personnel (to identify any anuran before it is killed), rather than as an ad hoc activity pursued independently by local residents. More generally, conservation activities that involve public participation should carefully evaluate the potential rates and consequences of species misidentification by well-intentioned but untrained people.  相似文献   

The term domicole, derived from the Latin domus (house) and colere (to inhabit), applies to species that are able (or adapted) to live in urban dwellings. Examples of domicole species include, for example, Psocoptera (dust lice) and Arachnida (spiders). However, so far, no earthworm species has been described as being capable of adapting to this type of niche. It seems, however, that the tropical species Dichogaster bolaui (Michaelsen, 1891) might be the first earthworm species to be defined as a domicole species.D. bolaui is native to eastern Africa. However, it has a wide distribution in tropical and subtropical regions. Additionally, it has been recorded in greenhouses in temperate countries and has also been observed in bathtubs and toilet bowls in Finland and Sweden. We collected data regarding the abundant presence of this species in bathtubs, showers, and sewer pipes in a student dormitory in Szombathely, Hungary, and in a private house in Haifa, Israel. Our data suggest that D. bolaui independently colonized the sewerage systems several times and established breeding populations and, therefore, has become a domicole.  相似文献   

Since November 1997 the Madagascar Fauna Group (MFG) has released 13 captive-bred black and white ruffed lemurs (Varecia variegata variegata) into the Betampona reserve in eastern Madagascar. Five of the thirteen are currently surviving, including one male who has integrated into a wild group. Five of the released lemurs fell victim to predation by fossa (Cryptoprocta ferox), one died of malnutrition, one disappeared from the reserve and one was withdrawn from the release programme. Ten of the released lemurs survived for more than one year post release, although all required varying levels of supplementary feeding. One pair bred twice—the first time the infants did not survive, but on the second occasion triplets were successfully raised beyond weaning. One of the triplets (male) is still surviving. One male has integrated into a wild group and sired a single infant in 2002 and a female released in 2001 gave birth to twins sired by a wild male also in 2002. The release programme has thus achieved a major objective of reinforcing the existing wild population. To date there is no significant difference in survival rates between animals born and raised in free-ranging environments and those raised in cages, between animals greater than or less than 5 years old at time of release, or between males and females.  相似文献   

Restoration of sites degraded by industry to species-rich semi-natural vegetation communities is difficult; it usually involves the addition of soil ameliorants but excessive fertility may favour dominance by competitive species. In a field-experiment we tested the establishment of a biodiverse mesotrophic grassland community using different compost types (comprising of mixtures of waste materials), application rates and seeding (with species in the target community). Compost addition to the alkaline sandy substrate increased soil organic matter, nutrient content and water holding capacity (WHC), whilst decreasing pH. Over the first two growing seasons compost addition, (especially at a higher rate) increased total vegetation cover (from <20% to a maximum of 67%), although the cover of the target community remained below 20%. Seeding with target species greatly increased their establishment on compost-treated plots, demonstrating its value for restoration of mesotrophic grassland communities in such sites lacking a local seed source. Five soil properties accounted for 46% of the variation in target species density: negative correlations with soil pH and %N, and positive correlations with electrical conductivity (EC), %C, and WHC. For this mesotrophic grassland community, high EC and WHC and low pH were most important for forb species and high %C for grasses. Overall, %C was the soil property that best explained variation in the early restoration success of different compost types and application rates; pH and EC were also correlated with the rate of vegetation establishment and available-P was linked to plant community composition. While a longer time period is needed to judge the sustainability of the outcome, this demonstrates the potential to refine compost properties for restoration of biodiversity.  相似文献   

Does invasive plant management aid the restoration of natural ecosystems?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Invasive alien plants of natural ecosystems, commonly referred to as weeds, can reduce the abundance and diversity of native flora and fauna, and alter ecosystem processes. Using Australia’s 20 ‘Weeds of National Significance’ (WoNS), we investigated how natural ecosystems responded following their management. We reviewed the literature and surveyed land managers involved in WoNS management programs by distributing a questionnaire through various e-mail networks. While most of the 95 papers reviewed measured the effect of management on the target WoNS, only 18 assessed the response of other plant species. In these studies, native plant species did not necessarily recover following management and in many instances the managed WoNS was replaced by other weed species. Three other studies investigated the response of invertebrate communities and an ecosystem process following WoNS management but none examined the response of vertebrates or microbial communities. A total of 168 replies were received to the land manager survey. Of the 142 land managers who evaluated their WoNS management program, 86 monitored the response of native plant species and/or other weeds, mostly using qualitative assessments. These managers reported no vegetation response after management of the WoNS (7%) or re-colonisation by a combination of native and weed species (52%) or only by native plants (33%) or the targeted WoNS (2%). Our results emphasise the need to select sites for weed management that are less degraded and thus have a higher likelihood of natural recovery and/or to incorporate activities that facilitate recovery of native plant communities in conjunction with weed removal.  相似文献   

Ecotoxicological tests are often recommended for the environmental risk assessment (ERA) of contaminated soils. In comparison to chemical residue analysis that focuses on individual contaminants, ecotoxicological tests are able to integrate the effects of the overall contamination, including interactions between individual contaminants, as well as between the contaminants and the various soil properties. However, their use is limited by the fact that the most sensitive tests are chronic tests such as the earthworm reproduction test which lasts 56 days. In order to promote the use of ecotoxicological tests for the routine assessment of contaminated test soils, the usage of short-term earthworm avoidance tests were investigated in the German project ERNTE. According to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) guideline no. 17512-1, such a test has a duration of just 48 h which, although less than chronic tests, is still quite long in comparison to modern methods of chemical analysis whereby results are often available within 24 h (“on-site analysis”). Therefore, we assessed the effects of shortening the duration of the earthworm avoidance test from 48 to 24 h on the resulting ecotoxicological data. Eight uncontaminated natural soils and 22 contaminated natural soils containing a wide range of chemicals were tested concurrently for 24 and 48 h. Additionally, seven of the uncontaminated natural soils (one was excluded due to its low pH) plus Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) artificial soil or LUFA (Landwirtschaftliche Untersuchungs- und Forschungsanstalt, Speyer, Germany) St. 2.2 soil were spiked with two model chemicals (zinc nitrate-tetrahydrate and tributyltin-oxide (TBT-O)) and tested accordingly. It was also investigated whether the results would differ when using either standard LUFA St. 2.2 or OECD artificial soil as a control when contaminated natural soils were tested. Statistical analysis of the data indicates that a decrease in test duration in general did not result in a different assessment of the test soils. In view of the fact that an ERA of contaminated soils is increasingly starting with an on-site analysis (i.e. data are available within 24 h) it is recommended to change the existing ISO guideline, i.e. to decrease the test duration from 48 to 24 h. In doing so, the use of a multi-concentration design increases the robustness of the test results. Both OECD and LUFA St. 2.2 soils are equally suitable as controls.  相似文献   

Initial analysis of needle nutrient status and visible symptoms suggested that a declining Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.) stand in south Sweden was suffering from B and Cu deficiency. Effects of addition of 1000 kg ha-1 of a commercial N-free fertilizer containing macro nutrients plus B, Cu, and Zn were investigated. B concentrations and B/N ratios were increased significantly in needles from fertilized trees compared to the control, to levels well above critical levels of deficiency and optimum nutrient ratios. In contrast, the treatment did not change the low needle Cu status and there was no effect on growth measured as needle mass after one growing season. Graphical vector analysis together with the absence of change in needle mass suggested a luxury uptake of B. Application of the concepts for critical levels of deficiency and optimum nutrient ratios in relation to N suggested B and Cu deficiency were contributing factors to the observed forest damage in the area. Graphical vector analysis requires a rapid response in needle mass, in combination with improved needle nutrient status in order to identify nutrient deficiencies. The applicability of the technique appears to be limited to primarily growth-promoting nutrients.  相似文献   

The ability to evolve increased drought tolerance in response to climate change was investigated in the enchytraeid, Cognettia sphagnetorum. Populations exposed to reduced precipitation or increased night time temperature for more than six years were collected in mixed Calluna/grass heathland at the Mols Laboratory, Denmark. The level of prolonged drought and increased temperature corresponded to a predicted climate change scenario and has been applied since 1999. In autumn 2005, enchytraeids were sampled in 3 cm intervals down to 9 cm depth and total number, biomass, diversity and soil organic matter were determined. The drought treatment resulted in a significant reduction of the density and biomass of enchytraeids, as well as changes in the species composition. In total, five different genera were found at the site in all three treatments (control, temperature and drought). C. sphagnetorum was the dominant species, especially in the upper 0–3 cm, and was clearly affected by the drought treatment. C. sphagnetorum from all plots were cultured in the laboratory to rear second or third generation adults. Results showed that populations of drought treated plots had not developed an increased drought resistance compared to populations of control or warming plots even after several years of a putative severe selection. Lack of adaptive potential in C. sphagnetorum suggests that more frequent periods with drought in the future will have a very strong negative influence on enchytraeid density, biomass and diversity.  相似文献   

The loss of crystalline structure in sucrose, glucose, and fructose has been shown to be due to the kinetic process of thermal decomposition (termed apparent melting), rather than thermodynamic melting. The purpose of this research was to investigate whether or not it is possible to scan quickly enough to suppress the kinetic process of thermal decomposition and reach the thermodynamic melting temperature of these sugars using a new rapid-scanning DSC. Indium, a thermodynamic melting material, and sucrose, glucose, and fructose were analyzed at three heating rates from 1 to 25 °C/min using standard DSC and at seven heating rates from 50 to 2000 °C/min using rapid-scanning DSC. Thermodynamic melting was achieved when the onset temperature (T(m onset)) of the endothermic peak leveled off to a constant value independent of heating rate. The T(m onset) for indium was constant (156.74 ± 0.42 °C) at all heating rates. In the case of fructose, the T(m onset) increased considerably until a heating rate of approximately 698 °C/min, after which the average T(m onset) for the remaining three heating rates was constant at 135.83 ± 1.14 °C. Thus, 135.83 °C is proposed to be the thermodynamic melting temperature of fructose. It is important to note that the heating rate at which this thermodynamic melting temperature is achieved is most likely influenced by the type and amount of trace components (e.g., water and salts) contained in the fructose, which are known to vary widely in sugars. In the case of sucrose and glucose, thermodynamic melting temperatures were not able to be obtained, because the upper limit heating rate used was not fast enough to suppress thermal decomposition and achieve thermodynamic melting, perhaps due to the higher apparent T(m onset) for sucrose and glucose compared to that for fructose.  相似文献   

Species with strong preferences for early or late successional stages after fire may be extinction prone under current fire regimes. However, the extent of specialisation to time since fire is poorly understood, and, for reptiles, succession models for predicting responses are in the development phase. In this study we tested predictions of a reptile succession model, and identified species that may be fire specialists. Reptiles were sampled in five burnt and unburnt mallee Eucalyptus woodlands, Australia. Two, 400 m transects within each burn treatment were sampled using 11 pairs of pitfall-traps that were opened for five weeks over two summers. A habitat accommodation model of succession that was previously developed for mallee reptiles correctly predicted the observed responses of three of 16 common reptile species. A further four species showed non-significant trends in the predicted direction. However, eight other species showed unexpected responses. One species showed a strong interaction between burn age and location, requiring a two-dimensional successional model in contrast with the usual linear models explaining reptile responses to fire. One third of common species were not affected by fire and so may not have increased risks of extinction due to the fire suppression/incineration cycle. However, approximately half to two-thirds of common reptiles did have a fire response, so the risk of deterministic extinction in small fragments may be substantial. Further model development is needed to better predict fire responses and to assist the design of fire mosaics that can accommodate early and late successional fire specialists.  相似文献   



The invasive plant, Impatiens glandulifera (common English name: Himalayan Balsam), is now found in many river catchments in most European countries. Its preference for damp, nutrient-rich soils, along with its intolerance to cold weather and rapid dieback, has implicated it in promoting soil erosion along the riparian zone. Despite the implication, its influence on the sediment dynamics of river systems remains unconfirmed. This communication reports the preliminary findings of ongoing work to investigate a possible link between I. glandulifera and accelerated erosion rates in inland river systems.

Materials and methods

Erosion pins, a micro-profile bridge, and a digital caliper were employed to measure changes in the soil surface profile (SSP) at six separate locations, each contaminated with I. glandulifera, along the riparian zone of a small watercourse in northwest Switzerland. Changes in SSP were also measured at an identical number of nearby locations supporting natural vegetation, in order to establish baseline erosion conditions. Soil surface profiles at all 12 locations were re-measured on seven separate occasions, from October 2012 to May 2013. This covers the time before dieback occurred to the germination and seasonal regrowth of new plants.

Results and discussion

A total of 720 individual SSP measurements were recorded during the above monitoring period. Increasingly negative values relative to initial values were documented at most transects, indicating a net reduction in soil surface elevations. This is interpreted as evidence of the removal (i.e., erosion) of surface material. Paired samples statistical analysis of the data indicate that erosion from contaminated sites was significantly greater than erosion from topographically comparable reference sites (t?=?5.758; P?<?0.05; N?=?359) supporting natural vegetation.


The results provide tentative yet compelling evidence that I. glandulifera promotes soil erosion along the riparian zone of the watercourse investigated. Given the unrelenting spread of this notoriously invasive plant throughout inland river systems in many countries, the likelihood of greater quantities of nutrient-rich sediment entering into aquatic environments may steadily reduce water quality in all affected catchments. An absence of effective control measures capable of halting or even slowing its rate of invasion may make it increasingly difficult for affected European Union member states to meet and then maintain key water quality standards set by the Water Framework Directive (WFD) when fully implemented in 2015.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To assess the dietary habits of Balearic Islands' consumers who are successful in meeting current nutritional recommendations, to find clues for the development of future food-based dietary guidelines (FBDG) that would be relevant to this population. DESIGN: Cross-sectional nutritional survey carried out in the Balearic Islands between 1999 and 2000. SUBJECTS AND METHODS: Dietary habits were assessed by means of 24-hour recall (two non-consecutive days: warm and cold season) and a food-frequency questionnaire in a random sample (n=1200, aged 16-65 years) living in private households. Differences in percentage of compliers with the intermediate nutritional objectives for the Spanish population and differences in food consumption patterns between genders and between high (above the upper quartile of intake) and low (below the lower quartile of intake) consumers of fat, saturated fatty acids (SFA), fibre, and fruit and vegetables were analysed. RESULTS: Gender differences were observed in nutrient and energy intakes, as well as in attainment of the recommendations. Less than 25% of the population reached the intermediate nutritional recommendations for iodine, fruit, carbohydrates, SFA, fibre and vegetables. Low fat/SFA and high fruit and vegetables/fibre consumers kept a diet in line with the traditional Balearic diet and prevailing dietary pyramids, which ensured better compliance with the nutritional goals. CONCLUSIONS: The intermediate nutritional objectives for the Spanish population could be achieved through maintenance of the traditional Balearic diet, a Mediterranean-type diet in the Balearic population. Therefore, this dietary model could be used to develop FBDG relevant to this population.  相似文献   

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