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Mass propagation of the German cockroach in refuse tips may result in an increased emigration of this species into the surrounding area of the tip and thus in a heavy infestation of nearby buildings. Therefore, knowledges about the migration behavior are important when refuse tips are managed or projected. The influence of several environmental factors (as sun, day time, wind, temperature, season, light intensity) on the running behavior of the German cockroach was investigated under outdoor conditions. The most important results are as follows:
  1. The reaction of young larvae (especially of L1 and L2) on the investigated factors differs considerably from that of older larvae and adults. As the young larvae do not emigrate, their behavior can be neglected in respect to the questions discussed here.
  2. During sunshine, the position of the sun is primarily responsible for the direction of the migration. The highest percentage of the cockroaches walks directly towards the sun or a few grade right and left from the sun. When the sun is covered by clouds, the variation in the running direction is very high and many cockroaches migrate even into the direction opposite to the sun.
  3. From morning to evening, the main migration direction is shifting from east to west, following the position of the sun.
  4. Wind direction (at speeds of less than 5 m/sec.) and temperature (within the activity range of the cockroaches from approximately 18 to more than 30°C) have no recognizable influence upon the migration direction.
  5. The clearest reaction of the running cockroaches towards the position of the sun was noticed during the main migration-time in the year (June and July).
  6. The results of these investigations confirm former findings made in the field during a mass emigration of the German cockroach from a refuse tip.

Zusammenfassung Um den Einfluß verschiedener Insektizide und Fungizide auf Schlupfwespen der GattungTrichogramma zu prüfen, wurde deren Parasitierungsleistung bei Dauerkontakt mit dem betreffenden Mittel untersucht. Mit unbehandelten Apfelzweigen wurden solche verglichen, die mit den Fungiziden Dithane, Orthozid 50 und Ferbam F 40 bzw. den Insektiziden Ryania, Basudin R, Dipterex, Thiodan oder Metasystox gespritzt waren. Das Alter der Rückstände betrug 0, 24 bzw. 72 Stunden.Alle drei genannten Fungizide reduzierten die Parasitierung in den verschiedenen Varianten erheblich.Das spezifisch gegen Tortriziden wirkende Ryania zeigte praktisch keine toxische Wirkung. Die Anzahl der parasitierten Eier lag entweder gleich hoch wie bei den unbehandelten Kontrollen oder in einem Fall sogar erheblich höher.Die übrigen 4 Insektizide töteten die Schlupfwespen in kurzer Zeit ab, so daß in keinem Fall eine Parasitierung erzielt werden konnte.Noch nicht abgeschlossene Lebensdauerversuche bestätigen die erzielten Ergebnisse.Die Möglichkeiten und Probleme einer gemeinsamen Anwendung vonTrichogramma und Schädlingsbekämpfungsmitteln im Obstbau werden diskutiert.
Summary To examine the influence of various insecticides and fungicides upon egg-parasites of the genusTrichogramma, their efficiency of parasitization at permanent contact with the concerning pesticide was checked. With untreated applebranches were compared those ones, which were treated with the fungicides Dithane, Orthozid 50 or Ferbam F 40 and the insecticides Ryania, Basudin R, Dipterex, Thiodan or Metasystox resp.All three fungicides reduced the parasitization in the different variations considerably.Ryania, which shows a specific effect against tortricides, had no toxical influence on,Trichogramma.The other four insecticides killed the parasites within a short time, so that in no case a parasitization could be achieved.Investigations concerning the duration of life confirmed the result of the parasitization investigations.The possibilities and problems of a combined application ofTrichogramma and pesticides in apple orchards are discussed.

Dem Leiter des Instiltutes für Biologische Schädlingsbekämpfung, Herrn ORR. Dr. J. Franz bin ich für wertvolle Hinweise und jederzeitige Hilfe dankbar. — Durchgeführt mit Unterstützung der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In Fallen, die mit Sekreten und Duftstoffen der Waldmaus (A. sylvaticus) kontaminiert waren, wurden signifikant mehr Mäuse gefangen wie in nicht-kontaminierten Fallen. Im allgemeinen wurden die Fallen mit männlichen Duftstoffen bevorzugt. Auch im Labor hielten sich Rötelmäuse und Waldmäuse in einer zweigeteilten Arena vorzugsweise auf der kontaminierten Seite auf. Männliche Rötelmäuse vermieden jedoch eher die behandelte Seite, wenn sie mit Duftstoffen und Sekreten von männlichen Artgenossen kontaminiert war. Bei der Aufzucht von Wurfgeschwistern auf kontaminierter und nicht-kontaminierter Einstreu wurden keine signifikanten Unterschiede in der körperlichen und geschlechtlichen Entwicklung bei männlichen Rötelmäusen beobachtet.
Influence of odours and secretions upon the behavior and development of the red-backed vole (Chlethrionomys glareolus) and some sympatric species
Live traps, contaminated by secretions from either males or females of the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) and untreated were set in triplets at trapping points in a forest garden near Munich from June until October 1986. Eighty-four rodents were trapped, 47 were red-backed voles. Significantly more rodents (38) were caught in the traps scented with male secretions, and only slightly more (26) in the traps containing female secretions than in the untreated traps(20).Apodemus spp. visited the male traps three times more than untreated traps. The male mice and voles particularly the sexually mature individuals significantly preferred the traps contaminated with male odour. Most reproductive females of theApodemus spp. were captured in the male traps. However, the immature rodents of both sexes were distributed more evenly among the three types of traps and showed no distinct preferences.In the lab a male red-backed vole was put in an enclosure divided intwo two parts. The floor of one half was covered with wood shavings contaminated with secretions from conspecific males or females or from males ofA. sylvaticus, the other half contained the untreated material. The activities of the test animals in both sides were observed by means of a video recorder. All tested male voles significantly preferred the contaminated side, especially for activities like digging and grooming, excepted when it was contaminated by odour and secretions from a conspecific male.Thirteen litters of red-backed voles were separated 20 days after birth. The males were caged singly and kept either on bedding material impregnated with secretions and odour from conspecific elder males or on untreated material. Growth and development of eighteen pairs were observed up to six weeks but no significant differences could be detected. However, the growth and development of all males born after August were delayed.The results showed that odours and secretions had a strong influence upon behaviour of the red-backed vole and some sympatric species.

Mit 2 Abbildungen und 3 Tabellen  相似文献   

  1. The appearent leaf consumption by folivorous arthropods (especially sawfly and lepidopteran larvae and beetles) on Grey and Black Alders was investigated in banks of three brooks near Bayreuth (Upper Frankonia, FRG) during 1990. Additional data about some folivorous guilds were drawn by assessement of twig samples.
  2. The gallmites (Eriophyiidae) were the most important gall formers reaching high densities in early summer. Leaf rollers were very, rare.Phyllonorycter species (Gracillariidae) andColeophora serratella (Coleophoridae) were the most significant leaf miners. Nevertheless the miners reached only comparatively low densities in 1990.
  3. The relative appearant leaf consumption on Black Alder (Alnus glutinosa) reached 17% in two of the three investigation areas, at the third site the maximum was 9,7%. The maximal recorded leaf consumption on Grey Alder (A. incana) amount to 14.8%. Between the different feeding tracks the leaf holes and the “window” feeding were likewise responsible for the major amount of the leaf consumption. In contrast to this the leaf tissue loss caused by mines ofC. serratella and by other feeding types was only slight.
  4. The assessment of the early leaf abscission (nearly 40%) showed that leaves consumed to a higher extend felt off earlier than others. In consideration of this, the real leaf consumption is roughly estimated to be about 2% higher than the measured appearent leaf consumption. Also the frequency of gall mites was higher in the early summer leaflitter. The results are not definite in case of the leaf miner guild.
  5. There were distinct between-site differences in consumption rates and its seasonal development. The consumption rates differed only at few sampling dates between the north and south exposed sides of the banks. Remarkable exposition preferences were found in case of a gall mite (Eriophyes laevis). The measurement of leaf area loss in different layers of trees first points to a higher consumption rate at 5 m shifting to lower branches (3.5 m, 2 m) during summer.

Zusammenfassung Beobachtungen von Kalamit?ten der FichtengespinstblattwespeLyda hypotrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) in den letℨten beiden Jahrzehnten in ?sterreich ergaben unter den biotischen Faktoren des Umweltwiderstandes auch das Aufscheinen einer Kernpolyedrose, die vor allem das Fettgewebe, teilweise aber auch das Mitteldarmgewebe ergriff. Die Bedeutung der Erkrankung lag vor allem in den nun erstmalig festgestellten epidemischen Ausbrüchen w?hrend der Fra?periode der Afterraupen in den Kronen. Es wurden dadurch Fra? sch?den weitgehend gemildert und das Abbaumen zahlreicherer vollentwickelter Larven zu den B?den verhindiert. Die reduzierende Wirkung der Erkrankung auf die Latenzlarven in den B?den war von geringerer Bedeutung; sie lag nach vorgenommenen Probegrabungen zwischen 0 und 27%.
Summary Observations on an atony disease of the false spruce webworm,Lyda hypotrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) in the stage of latency and during its feeding period in tree crowns. Observations on outbreaks of the false spruce webwormLyda hypertrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) during the last two decades in Austria revealed, among biotic factors of environmental resistance, the occurrence of a nuclear polyhedrosis attacking mainly the fatty tissue but partly also the mesenteric tissue. The importance of the disease consisted chiefly in epidemie outbreaks during the larvae's (pseudo-caterpillars') feeding period in the tree-crowns. Damages by the larvae's feeding were greatly reduced by this way, and the descent of numerous larvae from trees to the ground prevented. The reducing effect of the disease on larvae in the stage of latency (diapausis) in soils was of less importance varying between 0% and 27% in sample diggings.

Résumé Observations sur une atonie de Lyda Hypotrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.)en diapause et pendant la periode de pature dans les cimes d'arbres. Les observations sur des gradations deLyda hypertrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) pendant les deux dernières décennies en Autriche ont révélé, parmi les facteurs biotique de la résistance ambiante, l'apparition d'une polyédrose nucléaire attaquant avant tout le tissu adipeux, mais encore en partie le tissu mésentérique. L'importance de la maladie consistait avant tout en irruptions épidémiques pendant le période de pature des larves (pseudochenilles) dans les cimes d'arbres. Les dégata par pature en furent considérablement modérés et la descente par terre de nombreuses larves vivant sur les arbres fut empêchée. L'éffet réduisant de la maladie sur les larves en diapause dans les sols était de moindre importance, avec une variation entre 0% et 27% dans les déterrements d'échantillonnage.

Резюме Наблюдения на заб олевании от атони и слового пилильщика — ткач а (Lyda hypotrophica Htg. [Cephaleia abietis L.]) в диапаузе и в п ериод поедания в к ронах. Доцент Др. Эльза Ян Наблюдения на гра дациях слового пи лильщикаткача Lyda hypertrophica Htg. (Cephaleia abietis L.) в последние два де сятиетия в Австри и показали между биотически ми факторами отпо ра внешной среды и появление ядрового полиэдр оза, поражавлиего прежде всего жирн ую ткань, но частич но и средне кишечную т кань (mesenteron). Значение заболевания сост ояло прежде всего в эпидемических в спышках во время п ериода поедания личинок (ложных гу сениц) в кронах. Так им образом повреж дения от поедания были значительно умерены, а спуску м ногочисленных ли чинок от деревьев на землю было поставлено п репяствие. Уменьшительное д ействие заболева ния на личинок в ди апаузе в почвах бы ло более незначит ельно, колебаясь по испо лненным пробным в ыкопаниям между 0 и 27%.

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