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Pasting properties are among the most important characteristics of starch, determining its applications in food processing and other industries. Pasting temperature derived from the Rapid Visco-analyser (RVA) (Newport Scientific), in most cases, is overestimated by the Thermocline for Windows software program. Here, two methods facilitating accurate measurement of pasting temperature by RVA were described. One is to change parameter setting to ‘screen’ the true point where the pasting viscosity begins to increase, the other is to manually record the time (T1) when the pasting viscosity begins to increase and calculate the pasting temperature with the formula of (45/3.8)×(T1–1)+50 for rice flour. The latter method gave a manually determined pasting temperature which was significantly correlated with the gelatinization temperature measured by differential scanning calorimetry.  相似文献   

淀粉的糊化温度是稻米淀粉品质的重要指标,决定淀粉在食品及工业上的用途,也与食用稻米的蒸煮品质密切相关。淀粉的糊化温度可以用淀粉谱仪(如快速淀粉黏滞性测定仪,Rapid Visco analyser,RVA)间接测定,但用淀粉谱仪测定的是淀粉的成糊温度(pasting temperature,PT),它是指淀粉黏度刚开始升高时的温度。在许多情况下,从RVA配套软件 Thermocline for Windows中测定的PT是过高的。提出了两种能够用RVA较准确测定成糊温度的方法。一种是改变参数设置来“筛选”出能反映真正成糊温度的点;另一种是手工记录下淀粉黏度刚开始升高时的时间,利用公式(45/3.8)×(T1-1)+50 计算出稻米的成糊温度。利用手工计算出的成糊温度与通过差示扫描量热仪测定的最高糊化温度呈极显著正相关(r=0.97)。  相似文献   

以高直链淀粉及突变体材料Goamy2及其野生型亲本Ilpumbyeo米粉为材料,比较了它们在理化性质和糊化特性上的差别,并通过体积排阻色谱(Size Exclusion Chromatography,SEC)分析其水溶性和不溶性淀粉组成结构差别。从冷水溶性成分来看,Goamy2主要以小分子DP141~DP2(DP为聚合度)为主,而Ilpumbyeo中带分支的链DP4100~DP64也就是相对大分子所占的比例较高,达到33.3%。从热水溶性淀粉成分来看,突变体Goamy2直链淀粉和支链淀粉的比例大致为4∶1,而Ilpumbyeo直链淀粉和支链淀粉比例大致为1∶1。至于两个材料的热水溶性支链淀粉链长分布,长短链比例差别较大,Goamy2长短链比率为0.67,而Ilpumbyeo为0.32。从热水不溶性成分来看,两个材料均以支链淀粉为主,直链淀粉所占的比例很低,均不到5%。热水不溶性支链成分的链长分布中,野生型亲本Ilpumbyeo以短链为主,短链所占的比例高达72.5%,而突变体Goamy2短链和长链几乎各占一半。  相似文献   

稻米糊化温度特性形成规律研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用差示扫描量热仪(DSC)对花后5 d起灌浆期间稻米糊化温度特性进行了研究。结果表明,糊化温度特性是随着谷粒的成熟而逐步形成的,表现出由高到低并逐渐趋于稳定的趋势。低糊化温度水稻品种黄玉B和高糊化温度品种Ⅱ32B的起始糊化温度(To)分别在花后第7 天和第9 天达到稳定,此后不再显著下降。两个品种花后5 d的稻米峰值温度(Tp)和终结温度(Tc)均极显著高于此后的稻米样本;花后7~25 d,黄玉B的Tp和Tc都出现了下降 上升 下降 上升的过程,但花后7 d和25 d的值没有显著差异;Ⅱ32B的Tc的变化与黄玉B相似,但其Tp只出现了一个下降 上升过程,且开花后7 d的Tp显著高于开花后25 d。这些结果表明,高、低糊化温度品种糊化温度特征的形成可能存在差异,在生产实践中,应该针对不同品种类型加以调控。  相似文献   

稻米糊化温度和直链淀粉含量的简易测定法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用2 mol/L的KOH进行糙米糊化,其糊化温度与标准方法测定结果相比,两者相关系数为0.932,达极显著水平;糊化后直接染色,样品直链淀粉含量与标准方法测定样品直链淀粉含量之间的相关系数为0.915,达极显著水平。该方法具有简便、高效并相对准确的特点,非常适合低世代材料的直链淀粉含量和糊化温度的快速鉴定。  相似文献   

用糙米粉代替精米粉测定淀粉粘滞性的效果研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
研究了利用糙米粉代替精米粉测定RVA谱的效果,发现用3.0 g的糙米粉测得的RVA谱的最高粘度、热浆粘度和冷胶粘度约是用3.0 g精米粉相应值的76%,而用3.3 g糙米粉测定的RVA谱则基本与用3.0 g精米粉测得的RVA谱相近。在育种中,用糙米粉代替精米粉测定RVA谱可节省大量的人力和物力,从而可大大提高早期选择效率。  相似文献   

Rice grain chalkiness is an important characteristic, but the difference between chalky and translucent parts in grains is still unclear. Here, we investigated the differences of flour made from the chalky or translucent part of rice grains in three indica and three japonica rice varieties. The chalky flour had significantly lower amylose and protein contents and looser starch granule morphology, and starches in the chalky flour had higher relative crystallinity, higher short chain content but lower long chain content than those in the translucent flour. The water states, determined with nuclear magnetic resonance, differed between the chalky and translucent flour after soaking, cooking and retrograding, and the chalky flour had more bound and free water but less constructural water than the translucent flour. Mostly, the chalky flour had lower viscosity and shorter gel consistency, but higher onset temperature and gelatinization enthalpy than the translucent flour. The results indicated that starch granule morphology would be more indicative than other attributions on pasting and gelatinization properties of chalky and translucent parts of rice grains.  相似文献   

水稻糯性突变对淀粉理化特性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
比较了籼、粳两个糯性突变品种与原亲本品种淀粉的理化特性。糯性突变后除了直链淀粉含量显著降低外,淀粉的糊化温度变高、胶稠度增大、RVA谱(rapid viscosity analyzer)参数下降。RVA谱参数降低的幅度从高到低依次是消减值>回复值>冷胶粘度>热浆粘度>最高粘度>崩解值,表明控制直链淀粉含量的Wx位点对淀粉糊化特性和粘滞性是有影响的,存在多效性。同时,两个糯稻品种之间的RVA谱差异较大,其中崩解值和最高粘度差值均大于糯性突变对它们的影响,说明除直链淀粉外,支链淀粉也影响淀粉的理化特性。对Wx位点鉴定的结果显示扬辐糯4号wx基因第一内含子剪切位点+1位的碱基由原品种的G突变成了T,扬糯2号与其原品种相同(均为T);两个糯稻突变品种wx基因前导区的(CT)n微卫星重复序列与原品种相比都发生了变化。  相似文献   

花后水稻穗部夜间远红外增温处理对稻米品质的影响   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
 以武育粳3号为材料,在开放环境下使用远红外加热器对水稻穗部进行增温处理,研究了灌浆结实期穗部日间或夜间增温对稻米品质的影响。结果表明,夜间增温降低了糙米率、精米率和整精米率,增加了垩白发生,降低了稻米的加工品质和外观品质,与日间增温影响一致。夜间增温提高了稻米蛋白质含量,与日间增温相似,但夜间增温有降低稻米直链淀粉含量的趋势,与日间增温相反。夜间增温处理淀粉结构与日间增温差异较分明,尤其是胚乳腹部,夜间增温胚乳腹部的淀粉粒个体较大,棱角分明,排列紧密;而日间增温淀粉体较小,呈圆形和椭圆形,但数量较多。夜间增温对淀粉相对结晶度的影响与日间增温相似,但夜间增温增幅较小。总体来说,灌浆结实期夜间增温对稻米的加工品质、外观品质、营养品质影响与日间增温一致,对蒸煮食味品质和淀粉结构的影响与日间增温存在很大的差异,且夜间增温对稻米品质的影响程度整体上小于日间增温。  相似文献   

【Objective】To clarify the effect of night temperature changes on rice starch accumulation, and to explore circadian changes of physiological characteristics of rice amylose/amylopectin formation at various night temperatures.【Method】High-quality japonica rice ‘Zhehexiang 2’ was subjected to three night temperature gradients of 31℃/20℃ (LT), 31℃/24℃ (NT), and 31℃/28℃ (HT) at the beginning of grain ripening stage, and the amylose and amylopectin contents, the key enzyme activities involved in amylose and amylopectin formation and the expression of related genes were measured at noon and midnight. 【Result】 The results showed that 1) compared with NT, LT and HT treatments significantly reduced grain weight and starch accumulation, LT and HT both reduced amylopectin content and increased amylose content, meanwhile the effect of HT was greater than LT. LT and HT treatments decreased grain pasting temperature and gel consistency, and had a significant influence on branched chain length. 2) The net photosynthetic rate of leaves under LT and HT presented no significant difference compared to NT, but LT and HT significantly reduced the accumulation of non-structural carbohydrates, meanwhile down-regulated the expression level of sucrose transporter genes OsSUT1, OsSUT2, and OsSUT4 both at noon and midnight. 3) LT and HT treatment reduced sucrose hydrolysis-related enzyme activities, meanwhile promoted starch hydrolase activities, resulting in increased soluble sugar contents, sugar utilization in grain was blocked. 4) Compared with NT, the adenosine diphosphate glucose content showed a downward tendency during the day and a rising trend at night under the treatment of LT and HT, which presented that the accumulation and utilization of adenosine diphosphate glucose were inhibited. And the granules bound starch synthetase activity were significantly reduced under LT and HT compared to NT with the prolongation of the treatment, and the enzyme activity at daytime was significantly influenced by temperature changing at night. 5) Compared with NT, LT and HT reduced the activities of night-time amylopectin synthesis-related enzymes and inhibited the expression of night-time related genes, which retarded formation of amylopectin, but the enzyme activities related to amylopectin synthesis was not significantly influenced by night temperature changing. 【Conclusion】High night temperature had a less effect on starch accumulation than low night temperature. High or low night temperature inhibited sucrose transport and metabolism, resulting in declined starch accumulation. The retarding of amylopectin formation was the main reason for the increase of relative content of amylose at high or low night temperature. Night temperature changes directly affected the metabolic process of starch formation at night, but the daytime activities of amylose-related enzymes were affected by night temperature changes, while the daytime activities of amylopectin-related enzymes were not significantly affected by night temperature changes.  相似文献   

采用普鲁兰酶和异淀粉酶制备脱支菠萝蜜种子淀粉(debranched jackfruit seed starch,DS)及脱支菠萝蜜种子支链淀粉(debranchedjackfruitseedamylopectin,DAP),旨在研究所得DS和DAP之间的差异。结果表明,DS具有较宽的分子量分布,而DAP具有较窄的分子量分布。普鲁兰酶水解α-1,6糖苷键更完全,所以普鲁兰酶DS和DAP平均分子量更低。普鲁兰酶水解较短侧链更有效,异淀粉酶则可水解外分支链。异淀粉酶DAP具有高比例B2链、B3链和长平均链长,导致其具有低的峰值黏度、谷值黏度、崩解值、最终黏度和回生值,但糊化温度高。因此,淀粉脱支酶的选择和直链/支链淀粉组成均能导致淀粉分子结构和糊化特性显著不同(p<0.05),可根据特定需要选择合适制备方法增强或抑制菠萝蜜种子淀粉固有性质或赋予其新的特定性质。  相似文献   

【Objective】Gelatinization temperature (GT) is one of the key physicochemical properties in rice quality, which is mainly regulated by ALK (SSII-3) gene. In general, there are two ALK alleles among indica cultivars. To detect their functional differentiation in indica rice,【Method】Zhenshan 97B (a high GT variety carrying ALKc allele) and Longtefu B (a low GT variety carrying ALKb allele), were used as receptors for the generation of transgenic rice with down-regulation of ALK expression by RNA interference (RNAi).【Result】Down-regulation of ALK gene significantly decreased the GT of the transgenic lines. Due to the difference of original GT between the two receptors, the GT of transgenic rice lines derived from Zhenshan 97B (a high GT variety) decreased significantly, but it is slightly decreased in transgenic plants derived from Longtefu B (a low GT variety). The differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) results showed that the initial temperature of RNAi transgenic rice was significantly lower than the corresponding control and the transgenic lines were gelatinized in advance. The peak value of GT(Tp) in RNAi rice grains was significantly lower than that of the control under Zhenshan 97B background. However, Tp of RNAi rice grains under Longtefu B background was significantly lower than the control to a lesser extent. Also, down-regulation of ALK expression had a significant effect on rice physical-chemical characteristics. An increase of apparent amylose content in RNAi transgenic plants was detected due to the decreased expression of ALK gene. Besides, the pasting properties showed that down-regulation of ALK gene had obvious effects on peak viscosity and breakdown value, improving the taste of the transgenic rice. The gel consistency was significantly different among Zhenshan 97B RNAi lines and their parents, but no difference was found in Longtefu-derived transgenic lines.【Conclusion】RNA interference to ALK allele expression had a significant effect on rice quality, especially the gelatinization characters. Down-regulated expression level of ALKc allele would cause larger variation of physical-chemical characteristics between transgenic rice and their parent than that of ALKb allele.  相似文献   

【目的】稻米糊化温度是影响稻米品质的重要指标,该性状受主效基因ALK/SSII-3调控,ALK基因具有多个复等位基因,本研究旨在通过RNAi技术明确籼稻亚种中两个不同ALK等位基因的效应。【方法】以分别含有ALKc和ALKb等位基因的高糊化温度品种珍汕97B和低糊化温度品种龙特甫B为试验材料,使用RNAi技术构建ALK表达下调的转基因株系,通过对其稻米理化品质的测定来明确不同等位基因表达下调对稻米品质的影响。【结果】对不同转基因水稻目的基因的表达分析显示本研究中转基因株系的ALK基因受到了不同程度的干扰。重点分析了不同RNAi株系稻米的糊化温度,结果表明珍汕97B的RNAi转基因稻米的糊化温度极显著降低,而在低糊化温度品种龙特甫B背景中下调表达ALK基因后对糊化温度的影响较小;转基因株系与未转化亲本相比,米粉的起始糊化温度都显著降低,表现为提前糊化;在珍汕97B背景下干扰系的峰值温度与未转化亲本相比极显著降低,而在龙特甫背景下米粉的峰值温度与未转化对照相比显著降低。对不同转基因系的理化品质分析表明,ALK下调表达植株稻米的表观直链淀粉含量显著增加,下调表达ALK后会引起米粉峰值黏度和崩解值的改变。高糊化温度品种珍汕97B干扰系与未转化对照相比胶稠度呈现极显著性差异,而低糊化温度品种龙特甫干扰系的胶稠度与未转化对照相比没有差异。【结论】下调表达ALK等位基因对稻米理化品质产生显著影响,并且干扰不同等位基因的效应存在明显差异,即籼稻中的两个ALK等位基因的效应存在显著差异。  相似文献   

综述了稻米食味品质对结实期温度的响应特征及稻米食味品质与直链淀粉、支链淀粉和蛋白质含量的关系,并从籽粒灌浆过程中淀粉与蛋白质合成代谢角度阐明了水稻食味品质对结实期温度响应的生理基础,最后展望了结实期温度胁迫对稻米食味品质影响的研究方向。  相似文献   

Wheat flour tortillas (31·9% moisture) were stored at −60, −12, 0, 4, 22, and 35 °C to evaluate textural changes during staling. Subjective rollability and two-dimensional extensibility tests revealed that tortillas stored at ≥0 °C had increasing force, work and modulus of deformation values during storage. Tortillas stored at ≤−12 °C retained their fresh attributes over 25 days. Tortillas staled more as defined by rheological changes when stored at 22 °C than at 0, 4, or 35 °C. Optimum storage temperatures of wheat flour tortillas are ≤−12 °C while optimum staling temperatures are between 4 and 35 °C.  相似文献   

【目的】研究灌浆期不同时段高温对稻米淀粉组成、结构和理化特性的影响,揭示高温对稻米淀粉理化特性影响的时段效应,阐明高温、结构和功能之间的关系。【方法】以耐热水稻品种黄华占和热敏感的9311近等位基因系为实验材料,利用人工气候箱设置高温[38℃(昼)/30℃(夜)]和对照[28℃(昼)/22℃(夜)],研究灌浆前期(齐穗期后1-15 d)和后期(齐穗期后16 d至成熟)高温对稻米的加工品质、外观品质、淀粉组成、支链淀粉链长分布、粒度分布、胶稠度、黏度特性、糊化特性、结晶特性和颗粒形态的影响。【结果】灌浆期高温使糙米率、精米率、整精米率显著下降,使垩白粒率和垩白度显著升高,导致加工品质和外观品质变差。灌浆期高温使总淀粉含量、直链淀粉含量、短支链淀粉含量、大淀粉粒占比、直/支链淀粉比显著下降,而中等支链淀粉含量、小中淀粉粒占比、糊化温度和糊化焓显著上升,黏度特性显著改变,结晶类型不变但结晶度显著改变,淀粉颗粒表面出现小孔,表面变得凹凸不平,导致淀粉颗粒更加碎片化和蒸煮食味品质变劣。灌浆期不同时段高温对稻米品质的影响不同,灌浆前期高温对稻米淀粉的影响大于灌浆后期,耐热品种受影响小于热敏感品种。灌浆前期高温处理下供试材料具有较高的消减值和较低的崩解值,黏度特性变差;灌浆后期高温处理下供试材料具有较低的消减值和较高的崩解值,黏度特性变好。【结论】灌浆前期高温对淀粉理化特性的影响最大,进而导致稻米的加工品质、外观品质和蒸煮食味品质变劣,灌浆后期高温提升了黏度特性。  相似文献   

【目的】花后低温是影响米质的首要生态因子。为明确花后低温对甬优品种稻米品质性状及淀粉RVA谱特性的影响,【方法】以籼粳杂交稻甬优17号、甬优538和杂交籼稻中浙优1号、常规粳稻浙粳88为材料,采用盆栽试验,通过人工气候箱于水稻花后0-15d(前期)、15-30d(中期)和30d-成熟(后期)分别进行20℃、17℃和14℃的低温处理。【结果】花后低温显著影响供试品种整精米率、垩白度、胶稠度、直链淀粉含量及蛋白质,使甬优品种淀粉RVA谱特征值峰值黏度、热浆黏度、冷胶黏度、崩解值降低,回复值和消减值升高。花后前期低温对稻米加工品质影响最大,而花后中、后期低温对外观品质、蒸煮食味品质和营养品质影响最大,且甬优17号比甬优538对低温更敏感。花后低温对稻米品质影响明显,低温处理影响因品种类型、品质指标及处理时段而异。【结论】生产中应基于品种特性综合考虑稻米各品质指标,在结实期采取相应的米质调优栽培措施,充分发挥籼粳杂交稻品种的品质潜力。  相似文献   

以携带相同Wxb基因的籼稻品种黄华占和扬稻6号为试验材料,系统分析了这2个优质籼稻品种的理化特性和淀粉精细结构.结果表明,黄华占稻米蛋白质含量显著低于扬稻6号,而表观直链淀粉含量高于扬稻6号,其他理化品质如胶稠度、总淀粉含量和碱消值两者无显著差异;黄华占稻米具有较高的糊化温度和热焓值.黄华占和扬稻6号稻米淀粉粘滞曲线较...  相似文献   

Paddy rice samples were parboiled by soaking at 65 °C for 180 min and steaming at 96 °C for 2–10 min, and then dried to achieve the final moisture content of 11% ± 1%. The degree of starch gelatinization(DSG) and several quality attributes(head rice yield(HRY), color value and hardness) of parboiled rice were measured. Results showed that DSG(46.8%–77.9%), color value(18.08–19.04) and hardness(118.6–219.2 N) all increased following steaming. In contrast, the HRY increased(64.8%–67.1%) for steaming times between 2–4 min but decreased(67.1%–65.0%) for steaming times between 4–10 min. Linear relations between DSG and color value(R~2 = 0.87), and DSG and hardness(R~2 = 0.88) were observed. The suitable DSG of parboiled rice leading to the highest HRY was found to be 62.5%, obtained following 4 min of steaming.  相似文献   

【目的】研究结实期低温胁迫对水稻强、弱势粒淀粉组分含量、积累速率及关键酶活性的影响,明确淀粉合成关键酶活性变化对淀粉积累速率的调控效应,探究强、弱势粒淀粉形成积累差异对水稻产量的影响。【方法】以耐冷型品种东农428和冷敏型品种松粳10为试验材料,设置1个常温处理(白天温度28℃,14h/夜间温度22℃,10 h,7 d)和4个低温处理(17℃,低温处理时间分别为1、3、5、7 d),分析了结实期低温胁迫对强、弱势粒淀粉组分积累、合成关键酶活性、水稻产量及构成因素的影响,并探讨了灌浆期各阶段淀粉积累差异与酶活性变化的关系。【结果】与对照相比,结实期低温胁迫降低了两个品种水稻强、弱势粒中腺苷二磷酸葡萄糖焦磷酸化酶(AGPase)、可溶性淀粉合成酶(SSS)、淀粉分支酶(SBE)的峰值活性以及支链淀粉和总淀粉含量,提高了齐穗后28~38 d 低温处理3、5、7 d的颗粒结合型淀粉合成酶(GBSS)活性和直链淀粉含量。与对照相比,各低温处理酶活性最高和淀粉积累最快的时间均有不同程度的推迟,低温处理7 d的影响最大,强、弱势粒低温处理7 d的支链淀粉和总淀粉含量分别在齐穗后13、18 d降幅最大,直链淀粉含量在28 d增幅最大。相关分析表明,强、弱势粒直链淀粉含量及强势粒支链淀粉、总淀粉含量与其最大积累速率呈极显著正相关,弱势粒支链淀粉、总淀粉含量还受到其最大积累速率出现时间的影响。AGPase、GBSS、SSS、SBE活性变化与淀粉积累速率和积累时间早晚密切相关,对淀粉及淀粉组分含量的变化有着明显的影响。同时,结实期低温胁迫显著降低了水稻的千粒重、结实率和产量,且随低温处理天数的增加降幅逐渐增大。结实期低温胁迫对弱势粒中淀粉合成关键酶活性变化影响大于强势粒,弱势粒淀粉合成积累减慢,含量降低,导致水稻千粒重显著下降,产量降低。【结论】就品种而言,耐冷型东农428具有较高的淀粉合成关键酶活性,淀粉及其组分含量较高,在低温胁迫下产量能维持在较高的水平。因此,强、弱势粒淀粉合成关键酶活性对淀粉合成起着非常关键的调控作用,淀粉组分和含量及其变化对产量有着十分重要的影响。  相似文献   

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