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文章通过对国内奶牛腐蹄病的产生原因、临床症状、预防措施等方面的研究的综述,为奶牛腐蹄病综合防治提供参考。  相似文献   

腐蹄病是指侵害指(趾)间皮肤及皮肤更深层软组织的急性或亚急性炎症。患病皮肤常坏死、裂开,炎症从指(趾)间皮肤蔓延到蹄冠、系部和球节,病肢明显跛行,并伴有全身性症候。腐蹄病是奶牛蹄病中危害性极为严重的一类疾病,病畜食欲减退、泌乳量下降、繁殖能力降低,病情严重者将被迫淘汰,严重影响奶牛业的发展,造成严重的经济损失。鉴于该病对奶牛业的严重危害,奶牛出现蹄病时的及时、准确临床诊断,以及与其他蹄病的鉴别诊断,对于奶牛蹄病的临床治疗和预防具有重要的实际指导意义。本试验根据节瘤拟杆菌纤毛蛋白基因序列的特异性,设计1对引物BPP并建立了PCR检测方法。试验结果表明,引物BPP具有相对较高的特异性和敏感性,其敏感性达到了152.5 pg,且引物FLP具有很好的特异性,能够准确诊断出节瘤拟杆菌的存在。  相似文献   

坏死梭杆菌研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
坏死梭杆菌(Fusobacterium necrophorum,Fn)是一种严格厌氧的革兰阴性多形态杆菌,其致病因子包括内毒素、白细胞毒素、血小板凝集因子、血凝素和溶血素等,其中主要的致病因子是白细胞毒素。由坏死梭杆菌引起的疾病在不同国家和地区均有发生,鹿、羊等反刍动物感染坏死梭杆菌时表现为跛行,关节肿大,肝脓肿和腐蹄病,猪、马等动物感染坏死梭杆菌时主要表现为跛行,严重时继发其他细菌感染,对养殖业造成巨大损失;人类感染该细菌时表现为急性咽炎综合征(Lemierres syndrome)。论文通过对国内外坏死梭杆菌及其疫苗研究和新型佐剂的开发进行综述,以期为该细菌疫苗的研制提供参考。  相似文献   

国内奶牛腐蹄病综合防治研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章通过对国内奶牛腐蹄病的产生原因、临床症状、预防措施等方面的研究的综述,为奶牛腐蹄病综合防治提供参考.  相似文献   

为分离纯化奶牛腐蹄病坏死杆菌,分析其与其他菌株的亲缘关系,本研究利用坏死杆菌白细胞毒素特异性引物,对奶牛腐蹄病病牛蹄部拭子样品进行了PCR检测,利用厌氧培养基对PCR检测阳性样品进行了坏死杆菌的分离培养,以分离的坏死杆菌基因组DNA为模板,对白细胞毒素基因进行了克隆和序列分析。结果显示,9份奶牛腐蹄病病牛蹄部拭子样品PCR检测结果均为阳性,对其中一份样品中的坏死杆菌进行分离培养,获得了纯培养物,命名为bFR13-1。坏死杆菌bFR13-1菌株白细胞毒素基因测序结果显示,与GenBank已发表的H05、A25和B35菌株的白细胞毒素基因在核苷酸水平的同源性分别为98.40%、98.35%和90.79%,推导氨基酸的同源性分别为97.7%、97.6%和89.0%。进化树分析结果显示,坏死杆菌bFR13-1菌株白细胞毒素与H05菌株的同源性最高,bFR13-1菌株与H05菌株和A25菌株呈较近亲缘关系。结果表明,不同坏死杆菌分离株的白细胞毒素呈现一定的变异性,这种变化是否与坏死杆菌致病性相关,值得深入研究。  相似文献   

近年来,奶牛产业进入转型升级、提质增效的关键时期,奶牛疾病已成为阻碍奶牛养殖业健康发展的一个重要因素.腐蹄病在临床上比较普遍,发病率较高,不仅影响产奶和运动,严重者往往导致淘汰,危害性非常严重.  相似文献   

坏死梭杆菌是一种严格厌氧的革兰阴性(G-)杆菌,可以依据坏死梭杆菌的菌体形态、菌落特征、生化试验、耐药性试验、酶特性试验等进行检测。根据坏死梭杆菌的16 S rRNA基因序列、16 S~23 SrRNA基因间序列以及rpoB基因序列,可以对其进行菌种水平上的鉴定;根据坏死梭杆菌的gyrB基因序列和白细胞毒素操纵子启动子区序列,可以对坏死梭杆菌进行亚种水平的鉴别。环介导的等温扩增(LAMP)技术的发展也为坏死杆菌病的快速诊断提供了检测方法。  相似文献   

参考羊腐蹄病坏死梭杆菌白细胞毒素蛋白的抗原表位基因序列,利用DNAStar软件预测了牛腐蹄病坏死梭杆菌白细胞毒素蛋白的5个抗原表位区,设计5对在上游和下游含有特异性限制性内切酶的引物,以牛腐蹄病坏死梭杆菌H05菌株白细胞毒素基因阳性质粒pMD18-T-lkrA为模板,PCR扩增了预测的5个抗原表位区基因,分别命名为PL1、PL2、PL3、PL4和PL5,将其定向克隆到原核表达载体pGEX-6p-1和pPROEX HTa后转化E.coli BL21(DE3),37℃条件下,用IPTG诱导表达,结果PL1、PL2、PL4和PL5在pGEX-6p-1中获得了表达,而PL3在pPROEX HTa中获得了表达。Westem blot试验结果表明,牛腐蹄病坏死梭杆菌H05菌株白细胞毒素蛋白5个抗原表位区的重组蛋白PL1、PL2、PL3、PL4和PL5均与坏死梭杆菌多克隆血清反应。  相似文献   

奶牛腐蹄病是指蹄真皮层和角质层组织发生化脓性病例过程的一种疾病.其特征是真皮坏死与化脓、角质的溶解、疼痛、跛行.  相似文献   

从四川规模化奶牛场患腐蹄病的奶牛蹄部分离坏死梭杆菌,采用常规实验室检测方法对其进行分离鉴定,并进行坏死梭杆菌分离条件、保存条件、实验动物致死和感染试验以及药敏试验。结果:不同的分离方法导致坏死梭杆菌的分离率不同,坏死梭杆菌在不同的保存条件下存活时间不同;攻毒后死亡小鼠注射部位形成脓肿;绵羊蹄部感染坏死梭杆菌后蹄部灌脓,形成脓肿;药敏试验表明坏死梭杆菌对林可霉素、洁霉素、强力霉素、阿莫西林、氨苄青霉素、头孢唑啉高度敏感,对头孢拉定、青霉素中度敏感,对卡那霉素、氧氟沙星、四环素、链霉素耐药。  相似文献   

The phylogenic relationships of two subspecies of Fusobacterium necrophorum were investigated by randomly amplified polymorphism DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR). With each of the 12 random primers, the DNA fingerprints generated were subjected to cluster analysis for dendrograms. The analysis indicated that twelve strains were organized into two major clusters, and that all strains of each subspecies were confined to one cluster. Furthermore, two of the random primers examined each generated a unique band in F. n. necrophorum strains. We cloned these specific bands and determined the nucleotide sequences. A search for amino acid sequence homologies revealed that the two specific fragments had significant homology to the rpoB gene of Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis and the hemagglutinin-related protein gene of Ralstonia solanacearum, respectively. New specific primers designed for the rpoB gene were able to amplify 900bp fragments from both subspecies. However, the specific primers designed for the hemagglutinin-related protein gene amplified only a 250bp fragment of the genome of the F. n. necrophorum strains, suggesting that this gene is unique to F. n. necrophorum. These results were further confirmed by dot blot hybridization. Finally, a one-step duplex PCR technique in a single tube for the rapid detection and differentiation of the F. necrophorum subspecies was developed.  相似文献   

坏死梭杆菌是动物和人的各种坏死化脓感染的条件性致病菌.坏死梭杆菌的白细胞毒素是一种高度不稳定性分泌蛋白,被认为是主要的毒力因子.坏死梭杆菌白细胞毒素基因的开放阅读框(lktAORF)包括9 726 bp,编码3 241个氨基酸,总分子质量为336 ku的蛋白,且与其他细菌的细胞毒素没有任何相似的序列.覆盖在整个坏死梭杆菌lktA ORF上的5个短的重叠的多肽分别是BSBSE,SX,GAS,SH和FINAL,将它们在大肠埃希菌中表达,所有的多肽都有免疫原性,但GAS引起最小的抗体反应,BSBSE和SH对坏死梭杆菌攻击诱导产生了很强的保护力,比坏死梭杆菌的培养上清内全长活性lkt或无活性上清的保护性要好得多.  相似文献   

坏死梭杆菌白细胞毒素(Lkt)是一组对反刍动物白细胞特别是多形性白细胞(PMNs)有特异性毒性作用的细胞外毒素,被认为是坏死梭杆菌感染动物的主要毒力因子。白细胞毒素的物理稳定性较低,高温或极端pH环境中都能使白细胞毒素活性丧失。研究发现,白细胞毒素开放阅读框(ORF)全长9 726bp,由3个基因(lktB、A和C)组成,结构基因是第2个基因(lktA)。白细胞毒素对白细胞的毒性作用有剂量依赖性,并且溶血活性较低,不能在豚鼠猪皮肤上形成皮肤坏死症状。  相似文献   

An 8 year-old cow showing severe dyspnea and nasal mucosal necrosis immediately after parturition was subjected to pathological examination. The principal lesions were fibrinonecrotic rhinitis, necrotic bronchopneumonia and renal infarction. Fusobacterium necrophorum biotype A and Arcanobacterium pyogenes antigens were detected in the nasal and pulmonary lesions. These results suggest that the lesions were caused by a concurrent infection of the detected bacteria and that the pulmonary lesions were caused by the aspiration of infectious materials from the nasal ones. Mucosal coagulative necroses observed as the initial lesions in rhinitis were frequently associated with multiple thrombosis. The findings might suggest that thrombosis played an important role in the development of the nasal lesions.  相似文献   

Leucocidin from several strains of Fusobacterium necrophorum was partially purified by gel filtration on Fractogel HW55 (F), the majority of the activity being present in the 50 ml of filtrate collected after 1.1 void volumes had passed through the column (termed Fraction 1, or #1). The material also contained lipopolysaccharide in 12.5% SDS-PAGE gels run under reducing conditions, but the protein did not migrate into 7.5% PAGE gels run under non-reducing conditions. Rabbit and bovine antisera to the leucocidin possessed antibodies against antigens in concentrated, washed culture supernates from toxigenic F. necrophorum and neutralized the leucocidal activity of such supernates. Absorption of the antisera with homologous, washed F. necrophorum cells reduced ELISA antibody titres by greater than 50%, but decreased neutralization titres by 15%. Absorbed rabbit IgG anti-#1 precipitated a single rocket in crossed immunoelectrophoresis and identified two proteins, of molecular weights (M.W.) 14 000 and 13 000, and 1 protein of M.W. 13 500 in immunoblots from toxigenic and non-toxigenic strains, respectively. An additional protein of M.E. 103 000 was present after SDS-PAGE separation of supernates from toxigenic but not non-toxigenic F. necrophorum and was not present in whole cell components. It was considered that the leucocidin may be present in a dimeric form in culture supernates from toxigenic strains. Antisera to leucocidins from several strains of F. necrophorum exhibited variable neutralization titres against leucocidins from heterologous bacteria.  相似文献   

Washed cell suspensions of biovar A strains of Fusobacterium necrophorum aggregated cattle platelets, but similar suspensions of biovar B strains did not. Platelets were also aggregated by heat-treated bacterial cells or the lipopolysaccharide of biovar A. No platelet aggregation occurred in the presence of the cell-free culture supernatant of biovar A and of all samples prepared from biovar B. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that aggregated platelets were not damaged. Platelet aggregation was inhibited by EDTA, aspirin and quinacrine, and lag time was retarded by these inhibitors, indicating the reaction was a Ca(2+)-dependent, cyclo-oxygenase sensitive event. Platelet aggregation may be a virulence marker, probably mediated by the lipopolysaccharide of F. necrophorum biovar A strains.  相似文献   

Wallabies (Macropus rufogriseus) were not appreciably more susceptible than rabbits or mice to Fusobacterium necrophorum, a fact established by the subcutaneous injection of a series of graded doses into animals of each species. The strikingly frequent occurrence of necrobacillosis in captive macropods is therefore not due to a uniquely high susceptibility. A vaccine containing inactivated F necrophorum culture emulsified with Freund's complete adjuvant failed to increase the resistance of wallabies to subcutaneous challenge with a moderate dose of the homologous strain. The control of necrobacillosis in captive wallabies must therefore depend on managemental measures aimed at minimising faecal contamination of the environment and damage to the buccal mucous membrane and skin.  相似文献   

Five virulent strains of Fusobacterium necrophorum resembled a single strain examined earlier by possessing little or no immunogenicity: severe subcutaneous infections cured with metronidazole failed to increase the resistance of mice to subcutaneous challenge 22 days after the cessation of treatment.  相似文献   

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