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The establishment of national parks are an important and often-used tool to protect biodiversity. However, when considering freshwater ecosystems, many of these areas in Brazil are habitat mosaics in which a small part of the ecosystem is protected and strongly influenced by the surrounding environment. By assessing the fish fauna and their diversity patterns in five national parks (NPs) within the Brazilian savanna, we discuss whether the establishment of new NPs or the expansion of their current conservation limits would potentially conserve additional species. We selected all national parks within the third largest drainage area in Brazil. To sample fish communities, we explored 60 streams through a standardised field protocol. We also simulated the potential impact of the enlargement or implementation of a new national park. Our results reinforce the importance of national parks and their surrounding areas to preserve fish species. The enlargement of national parks would result in an increase of potentially protected species; however, the same achievement would be obtained if their buffer zones were effectively managed and protected. We recommend an alternative conservation approach to increase protection of tropical savanna fish biodiversity, especially in developing countries such as Brazil with scarce financial resources available for management, monitoring and creation of protected areas.  相似文献   

  1. Freshwater ecosystems are essential to human well-being and most have high biodiversity. However, this biodiversity has been suffering severe declines owing to the expansion of human activities. Protected areas (PAs) are essential for biodiversity conservation and have proved to be successful in stopping species extirpation if managed properly. Unfortunately, they are usually focused on terrestrial biodiversity, leaving freshwater ecosystems aside.
  2. The main goal of this study was to determine the influence of a PA (Montesinho Natural Park (MNP), Portugal) on freshwater biodiversity. Aquatic macroinvertebrates and fishes were surveyed, and biodiversity (richness, abundance, Shannon-Wiener diversity, and Pielou's evenness) and water quality (IASPT) indices were calculated inside, at the periphery and outside the MNP.
  3. Results showed that the PA does not affect positively either water quality or the two faunal groups monitored. Macroinvertebrate communities were not influenced by the PA; however, the abundance of pearl mussel Margaritifera margaritifera was significantly higher and size was significantly lower inside the MNP. The richness and abundance of fish communities were significantly higher outside the MNP, except for trout Salmo trutta abundance which was higher inside the MNP.
  4. Given these results, the MNP does not guarantee the safeguard of overall aquatic biodiversity and habitats and we propose an extension of MNP to downstream areas in order to increase the number of species (mostly cyprinids) under legal protection. This work demonstrates that terrestrial PA planning and management should also consider aquatic biodiversity to achieve successful conservation.

  1. A high percentage of marine animals produce bioactive compounds that may play a leading role in the discovery of future compounds and drugs of marine origin. However, commercial fishing and other human activities leading to sea warming and pollution may affect these marine animals, even putting them in danger of extinction.
  2. To date, no comprehensive studies have evaluated the conservation status of Mediterranean species with bioactive potential, which is crucial to better understanding of how these species cope with the impacts of human activity.
  3. The study reviewed the bioactive potential and vulnerability of 833 fish and macro-invertebrate species inhabiting the marine protected area of Cap de Creus and surrounding areas. The most active taxa found were Porifera (49 out of 59 species; 83.0%) and Tunicata (17 out of 27 species; 63.0%). The most vulnerable species were Chondrichthyes (eight out of nine species) and Porifera (nine out of 12 species), which together account for over 75% of species classified as such.
  4. Results emphasize the need to introduce specific management measures that protect vulnerable species with bioactive potential as this is a valuable component of marine ecosystems, as well as a potential source of molecules with pharmacological properties beneficial for human health.
  5. Marine protected areas can contribute to preserving marine species of medical interest and achieving their sustainable use in the marine biotechnology industry.

  • 1. In this work, carried out in the province of Murcia, a representative semi‐arid area of the Iberian Peninsula, water beetles were used as indicators to identify the aquatic ecosystems with the highest interest for conservation. For that purpose, an iterative algorithm of complementarity based on the richness of aquatic Coleoptera was applied. ‘Complementarity’ refers to the degree to which an area, or set of areas, contributes otherwise unrepresented attributes to a set of areas. This principle was used to maximize the number of species represented within a given number of areas.
  • 2. Only the species subsets whose taxonomic status, presence and distribution in the study area are well known were used. In total, 146 species were included, of which 12 are Iberian endemics and 32 are rare species (found only in one grid cell in the study area).
  • 3. The highest correlation was generally shown by species richness with endemic, rare and vulnerable species richness. Thus, basing conservation strategies on species richness appears to be an effective protocol.
  • 4. To preserve the highest degree of biodiversity in the aquatic ecosystems of the study area, the following need to be protected: (a) headwater streams in the north west of the province; (b) the uppermost reaches of the Segura River; (c) hypersaline and coastal ramblas; (d) rock pools and coastal ponds.
  • 5. The present network of Protected Natural Spaces in the study area does not include many of the aquatic ecosystems shown to have the highest biodiversity of beetles. However, the future European ‘Natura 2000’ network will protect the 10 grid cells of highest aquatic biodiverstity, or at least part of them.
Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  1. The European Natura 2000 (N2K) network of protected areas stands out as the main conservation strategy in the European Union to preserve biodiversity under the auspices of the Convention on Biological Diversity.
  2. The management of N2K sites is mainly focused on protecting the biological elements as Special Areas of Conservation for habitats or species listed in the European Habitats Directive, or as Special Protection Areas for birds listed in the European Birds Directive for which the site was designated. It seems urgent, therefore, to discriminate which N2K sites are really providing effective protection for aquatic biodiversity.
  3. Although the main objective of N2K is to protect species listed in the Birds and Habitats Directives, the conservation status of threatened species included in the European Red List of the IUCN must also be a concern for the European Union.
  4. Focusing on Central Spain as a case study, the aim of this work was to evaluate how far aquatic N2K (i.e. N2K sites designated for the occurrence of freshwater elements) is effective in protecting both those aquatic species in the Directives [referred to here as Species of Community Importance (SCI) and threatened species (TS)].
  5. Most of the N2K sites in the study area have been designated using aquatic elements, which means that N2K could theoretically provide appropriate mechanisms to preserve aquatic biodiversity. However, N2K provides a low percentage of overlap with some of the hotspots identified for both TS and SCI. Surprisingly, TS are in general similarly or even better represented than SCI by N2K.
  6. N2K may provide good coverage for aquatic biodiversity, mainly by acting as an umbrella for other species, but it could be improved by addressing some spatial gaps, thereby making it more relevant to current challenges such as climate change and other human impacts.

The factors that regulate the self‐recruitment of fish larvae were explored in Cabrera National Park (CNP), an insular Marine Protected Area (MPA) located off southern Mallorca (Western Mediterranean). Our study attributes the regulation of larval arrival to the MPA to a combination of retention by topographically generated circulation patterns around the island and shelf break frontal dynamics. Specifically, within the shelf, interaction of the wind‐induced oscillatory flow with the island was shown to generate ephemeral recirculation patterns that, over time, favor larval retention in the proximity of the MPA. According to our measurements, oscillatory flows produced by wind‐forced island‐trapped waves (ITWs) dominate the flow around CNP. ITW‐forced dispersion simulations were in agreement with the observed distributions of several typical fish species that breed in the CNP. A second regulator of environmental variability is the influence of boundary currents and open ocean mesoscale structures at the shelf break. These structures generate frontal zones that are comparatively more long‐lived than inner‐shelf circulation patterns, and they were shown to act as barriers to the offshore dispersion of coastal fish larval assemblages. Finally, inferences from larval size distributions around the MPA together with particle‐tracking model simulations suggested the relevance of behavioral processes for larval recruitment to the MPA. Based on these observations, the waters around the CNP can be viewed as a relatively stable system that allows breeding fish populations to rely on self‐recruitment for their long‐term persistence, independent of other source populations along the coast of Mallorca.  相似文献   

  • 1. Benthic assemblages in the fjord‐like Bathurst Channel estuarine system, south‐western Tasmania, vary over horizontal scales of 1–5 km and vertical scales of 1–10 m. Multivariate analysis indicated a total of eight major assemblages that characterize different sections and depths of the channel.
  • 2. Because tannins in the low‐salinity surface water layer block light, foliose algae reach 5 m depth in the marine western region but do not penetrate below 1 m in the east. By contrast, sessile invertebrates are most abundant below 5 m depth in the west and below 2 m in the east. Deeper assemblages are unlikely to be continuous with assemblages in deeper waters off the Tasmanian coast as they are highly constrained by depth within particular sections of the estuary.
  • 3. While the species composition of the Bathurst Channel biota is most similar to that found elsewhere in Tasmania, the structural character of the biota in terms of major taxonomic groups is more closely allied to that found in fjords of south‐western Chile and south‐western New Zealand. These three regions all possess wilderness settings, high rainfall that is channelled through estuaries as a low‐salinity surface layer, deep‐water emergence of fauna, rapid change in biotic communities over short horizontal and vertical distances, and high levels of local endemism. They also include some of the most threatened aquatic ecosystems on earth due to increasing human activity from a near pristine base, and the potentially catastrophic impacts of climate change. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • 1. Seasonal pasture wetlands are a common freshwater habitat in many agricultural landscapes, but their invertebrate diversity has rarely been examined compared with other freshwater habitats. Few studies have examined the role of seasonal wetlands for regional biodiversity or the pattern of change in assemblage composition across landscapes.
  • 2. Invertebrates were sampled from 16 naturally occurring seasonal wetlands and three perennial wetlands in south‐western Victoria, Australia. The wetlands were arranged in three clusters, separated by at least 20 km: two clusters each contained one perennial and four seasonal wetlands surrounded by pasture; the remaining cluster consisted of one perennial wetland and four seasonal wetlands on a property that has not been cleared of native vegetation, and four adjacent seasonal pasture wetlands cleared of native vegetation.
  • 3. Presence/absence data showed that seasonal wetlands had fewer taxa than perennial wetlands, but both were taxon rich. Turnover of taxa was high at all three scales, i.e. between samples within a wetland, between wetlands, and between wetland clusters, but each cluster did not have a characteristic assemblage composition. Up to two‐thirds of the invertebrate taxa found in perennial wetlands were also found in seasonal wetlands, showing that seasonal pasture wetlands could provide an expanded area of winter–spring habitat for many taxa.
  • 4. Seasonal pasture wetlands contribute to biodiversity in highly managed and depauperate agricultural landscapes. There was little regionalization of the fauna, taxon turnover was high and ranges appeared relatively continuous. Biodiversity in pasture wetlands was comparable to perennial non‐pasture wetlands elsewhere, despite being used for grazing livestock. This suggests that pasture wetlands may have substantial conservation value and should be managed to protect them from threatening processes such as drainage.
Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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