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Studies were undertaken to determine the fate of the mycotoxins, fumonisins, during the process of alkaline cooking (nixtamalization), using normal-appearing corn that was naturally contaminated with fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)) at 8.79 ppm. Corn was processed into tortillas, starting with raw corn that was cooked with lime and allowed to steep overnight; the steeped corn (nixtamal) was washed and ground into masa, which was used to make tortillas. Calculations to determine how much of the original fumonisin remained in the finished products took into consideration that FB(1) will be converted to hydrolyzed fumonisin B(1) (HFB(1)) by the process of alkaline cooking. All fractions, including steeping and washing water, were weighed, and percent moisture and fumonisin content were determined. Tortillas contained approximately 0.50 ppm of FB(1), plus 0.36 ppm of HFB(1), which represented 18.5% of the initial FB(1) concentration. Three-fourths of the original amount of fumonisin was present in the liquid fractions, primarily as HFB(1). Nixtamalization significantly reduced the amount of fumonisin in maize.  相似文献   

Fate of fumonisins during the production of fried tortilla chips.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The fate of fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)), a mycotoxin found in corn, during the commercial manufacture of fried tortilla chips was studied. FB(1) and hydrolyzed FB(1) (HFB(1)) concentrations in four lots of corn and in the masa, other intermediates, liquid and waste byproducts, and fried chips were determined by HPLC. FB(1) concentrations in the masa and chips were reduced significantly, up to 80% in the fried chips, compared to that in the raw corn. HFB(1) was also found in the masa and chips, but at low concentrations compared to FB(1). LC-MS analyses corroborated HPLC findings and further showed the presence of partially hydrolyzed FB(1) (PHFB(1)), which, like HFB(1), was formed during the nixtamalization (cooking/steeping the corn in alkaline water to make masa) step and found predominantly in the cooking/steeping liquid and solid waste. No significant amounts of N-(carboxymethyl)-FB(1) or N-(1-deoxy-D-fructos-1-yl)-FB(1), indicative of fumonisin-sugar adduct formation, were found. Thus, FB(1) is removed from corn and diverted into liquid and waste byproducts during the commercial production of fried tortilla chips. Nixtamalization and rinsing are the critical steps, whereas grinding, sheeting, baking, and frying the masa had little effect.  相似文献   

Four small tortilla plants were visited in Cameron County, Texas, where observations were made on their production methods. Samples of liquids and solids were collected at each stage of the nixtamalization process, and the pH was recorded. Samples were analyzed for fumonisin B(1) (FB(1)) using an immunoaffinity column/HPLC method chosen for its sensitivity for FB(1). It was found that production methods were highly variable among the producers visited, with major differences particularly in the amount of lime added and boiling times. As reported by others working in Mexico and Central America, FB(1) was found in some tortillas. This led to studies of the effects of the various recipes and across a greater range of initial FB(1) concentration/damaged corn than has typically been reported. Five initial concentrations of FB(1) were tested using irradiated corn kernels inoculated with Fusarium verticillioides MRC 826 as the source of FB(1). The amount of FB(1) detected in the masa and tortillas decreased as the concentration of Ca(OH)(2) increased, and boiling time had no apparent effect. Unexpectedly, as the initial concentrations were increased in the corn prior to nixtamalization, greater percentage reductions in FB(1) were observed.  相似文献   

Phytochemical profiles and antioxidant activity of wheat varieties   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
Whole grain consumption has been associated with reduced risk of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular diseases and cancer. These beneficial effects have been attributed to the unique phytochemicals of grains that complement those found in fruits and vegetables. Wheat is one of the major grains in the human diet; however, little is known about the inherent varietal differences in phytochemical profiles, total phenolic and carotenoid contents, or total antioxidant activities of different wheat varieties, which ultimately influence the associated nutritional and health benefits of wheat and wheat products. The objectives of this study were to determine the phytochemical profiles and total antioxidant activity for 11 diverse wheat varieties and experimental lines. The profiles included free, soluble-conjugated, and insoluble-bound forms of total phenolics, flavonoids, and ferulic acids and carotenoid content including lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-cryptoxanthin. The results showed that total phenolic content (709.8-860.0 micromol of gallic acid equiv/100 g of wheat), total antioxidant activity (37.6-46.4 micromol of vitamin C/g), and total flavonoid content (105.8-141.8 micromol of catechin equiv/100 g of wheat) did not vary greatly among the 11 wheat lines. However, significant differences in total ferulic acid content (p < 0.05) and carotenoid content (p < 0.05) among the varieties were observed, with carotenoid content exhibiting the greatest range of values. Carotenoid content among the 11 wheat varieties exhibited 5-fold, 3-fold, and 12-fold differences in lutein, zeaxanthin, and beta-cryptoxanthin, respectively. A synthetic wheat experimental line, W7985, gave the lowest carotenoid concentrations of any of the genotypes in this study. Such large genotypic differences in carotenoid content may open up new opportunities for breeding wheat varieties with higher nutritional value.  相似文献   

The influence of physicochemical conditions on the phospholipase D (PLD) activity of subcellular preparations of sweet corn (Zea mays L. cv. Peaches and Cream) kernels has been studied. The microsomal, mitochondrial, and cytosolic preparations of corn kernels possessed PLD activity albeit at varying proportions. The microsomal and cytosolic PLD activities were stimulated 2-fold between 5 and 15 degrees C. Ethanol had varying modulatory effects on PLD activity. By contrast, acetaldehyde was a potent inhibitor of PLD. As well, a naturally occurring C(6) aldehyde such as hexanal and an alcohol such as hexanol inhibited PLD activity efficiently. Divalent cations such as calcium chloride and magnesium chloride stimulated PLD activity at micromolar levels. Monovalent cations such as KCl and NaCl did not appear to affect PLD activity. Partial purification of PLD from the microsomal, mitochondrial, and cytosolic fractions separately revealed four major isoforms with relative molecular masses of 200, 140-150, 102-108, and 60-66 kDa. The importance of PLD in the maintenance of processed food quality is discussed.  相似文献   

The infusion of aerial parts of Ilex paraguariensis is widely consumed. Its antioxidant activity suggests an important role of this plant in the treatment/prevention of oxidative stress related diseases. Plant extract active compounds are frequently found in esterified form that may be poorly absorbed. Hydrolysis of the extract is a possible approach to increase its bioavailability. The aim of this study was to perform a phytochemical analysis and evaluate in rats the plasma concentration and tissue distribution of antioxidant compounds in the hydroethanolic extract of Ilex paraguariensis, before and after enzymatic hydrolysis. Both extracts presented high antioxidant activity and phenolic content. Rats given single or repeated doses of the hydrolyzed extract showed increased plasma antioxidant activity and higher plasma levels of caffeic acid. However, no changes of endogenous antioxidants were observed. In conclusion, hydrolysis of the extract of Ilex paraguariensis is a strategy to improve its bioavailability and in vivo antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

The impact of two- and three-phase processing systems and malaxation conditions on phenol content (both total and individual phenols) and antioxidant capacity of laboratory-generated olive mill waste (OMW) was assessed. Two-phase olive processing generated a waste with higher phenol content and antioxidant capacity. Using the two-phase system, both malaxation time and temperature affected the phenol content and antioxidant capacity. The effects of different prestorage drying treatments on phenol content and antioxidant capacity were also compared. Air drying and drying at 60 degrees C resulted in a substantial decrease in the phenol content and antioxidant capacity. Drying at 105 degrees C and freeze-drying produced less degradation. The phenol content and antioxidant capacity of OMW stored at 4 degrees C and of OMW preserved by 40% w/w ethanol and 1% w/w acetic acid and stored at 4 degrees C were monitored for 30 days and compared with those of OMW stored at room temperature. None of these storage conditions could prevent the rapid decrease in phenolic concentrations and antioxidant capacity, which happened within the first 24 h.  相似文献   

A new analytical method (liquid chromatography-antioxidant, LC-AOx) was used that is intended to separate beer polyphenols and to determine the potential antioxidant activity of these constituents after they were allowed to react online with a buffered solution of the radical cation 2,2'-azinobis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS(?+)). Using the LC-AOx method, it was possible to demonstrate that the extent of the antioxidant activity was very much dependent on the phenolic compound considered. The method was also applied to the analysis of beer extracts and allowed the evaluation of their antioxidant activity at different steps of beer processing: brewing, boiling, and fermentation. This study showed that the total antioxidant activity remained unchanged throughout beer processing, as opposed to the polyphenolic content, which showed a 3-fold increase. Hopping and fermentation steps were the main causes of this increase. However, the increase measured after fermentation was attributed to a better extraction of polyphenols due to the presence of ethanol, rather than to a real increase in their content. Moreover, this method allowed the detection of three unknown antioxidant compounds, which accounted for 64 ± 4% of the total antioxidant activity of beer and were individually more efficient than caffeic acid and epicatechin.  相似文献   

Tomato products and especially concentrated tomato paste are important sources of antioxidants in the Mediterranean diet. Tomato fruit contain well-known antioxidants such as vitamin C, carotenoids, flavonoids, and hydroxycinnamic acids. The industrial processing of this fruit into tomato paste involves several treatments that potentially affect the final profile of antioxidants and other metabolites in the commercial product. Here we have used both biochemical and metabolomic techniques to assess the effect of each separate step in the industrial production chain starting from fresh fruit to the final tomato paste. Material was collected from five independent tomato paste production events spread over two successive years. Samples comprised the intact ripe fruits and semifinished products after fruit-breaking, separation of the pulp from skin and seeds, evaporation, and finally after canning and pasteurization. The effect of each processing step was determined by different types of analysis. First, the total antioxidant capacity and total phenolic content were determined by commonly used spectrophotometric methods. Second, individual antioxidants in the extracts were identified and compared using an HPLC with online antioxidant detection. Third, in each sample the levels of the major individual antioxidants present, i.e., vitamin C, phenolic compounds (such as rutin and chlorogenic acid), tocopherols, and carotenoids, were quantified. Fourth, an untargeted metabolomic approach using LC-QTOF-MS was used to identify those production steps that have the largest impact on the overall metabolic profile in the final paste as compared to the original fruits. This multifaceted approach has revealed that each processing step induces specific alterations in the metabolic profile, as determined by the different analysis procedures, and that in particular the fruit-breaking step and the removal of seed and skin significantly affect the levels of antioxidants and many other metabolites present in commercial tomato paste.  相似文献   

The effects of nine cell wall-degrading enzymes on the antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of bilberry were studied. Antimicrobial activity was measured using the human pathogens Salmonella enterica sv. Typhimurium and Staphylococcus aureus as test strains. Enzyme treatments liberated phenolics from the cell wall matrix, which clearly increased the antimicrobial activity of berry juices, press cakes, and berry mashes on the basis of plate counts. Antibacterial effects were stronger against Salmonella than against Staphylococcus bacteria. In general, the increase in activity measured as colony-forming units per milliliter was 3-5 logarithmic units against Salmonella and 1-2 units against Staphylococcus bacteria. Increase in antimicrobial activity was observed only in acidic conditions, which is also the natural environment in various berry products, such as juices. The activity profile of the pectinase preparation affected the chemistry of the phenolics due to the presence of deglycosylating activities in some preparations. The difference in phenolic profiles was reflected in the antimicrobial effects. Bilberry mashes treated with Pectinex Ultra SP-L, Pectinex 3 XL, and Pectinex BE XXL were most efficient against Salmonella bacteria, whereas mashes treated with Pectinex Smash, Pectinex BE 3-L, and Biopectinase CCM showed the strongest antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus bacteria. Due to the liberation of phenolics from the cell wall matrix the antioxidant activity measured as radical scavenging activity was also increased on average about 30% by the enzymatic treatments. The highest increase in phenolic compounds was about 40%. Highest increases in anthocyanins and in antioxidant activity were observed in berry mash treated with Pectinex Smash XXL enzyme, and the lowest increase was observed after treatment with Pectinex BE 3-L. Enzyme-assisted processing is traditionally used to improve berry and fruit juice yields. However, enzymatic treatments also have an impact on the functional properties of the products. The increased liberation of phenolics from the cell wall matrix can prolong the shelf life of berry products by limiting the growth of contaminants during processing or storage. The increased amount of phenolic compounds may also have a positive effect on gut well-being.  相似文献   

Cowpea (Vigna sinensis L. var. Carilla) flours obtained by fermentation with inoculum Lactobacillus plantarum (PF) or with the natural microorganisms present in the flour (NF) and subsequent heat treatment in an autoclave were prepared to study the effect of fermentation on the antioxidant vitamin content and on the antioxidant capacity. Bacterial counts and pH values, vitamins C and E, carotenoids, glutathione (GSH), superoxide dismutase-like activity (SOD-like activity), peroxyl radical-trapping capacity (PRTC), lipid peroxidation in unilamillar liposomes, and Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) were evaluated in raw and processed cowpea flours. gamma-Tocopherol and delta-tocopherol were found in raw cowpea, whereas vitamin C and carotenoids were not detected. An increase in the vitamin E activity was observed in PF, whereas vitamin C and carotenoids were not detected in fermented cowpea flours. Fermentation or heat treatment in an autoclave after fermentation produced processed cowpea flours with lower PRTC, glutathione content, and SOD-like activity than those of the raw seeds. However, those processes increased the capacity to inhibit the lipid peroxidation in unilamellar lipoposomes and TEAC. According to the results obtained in this study, the fermentation of cowpeas (naturally or with L. plantarum) and fermentation and subsequent heat treatment in an autoclave are good processes to obtain functional cowpea flours having higher antioxidant capacity than the raw legume.  相似文献   

Waxy corns are becoming increasingly consumed as fresh foods or as raw materials for whole grain foods facilitating human consumption in China, so they are usually harvested before complete maturity. Unfortunately, information on functional properties of immature waxy corns is very limited. Therefore, we investigated the profiles of carotenoids, anthocyanins, phenolics, and the antioxidant activity in three types of waxy corn with different colors (white, yellow, and black) during maturation, as well as a normal corn (yellow) used as control. The results showed that black waxy corn had the highest quantity of anthocyanins, phenolics and the best antioxidant activity, yellow corn contained a relatively large amount of carotenoids, while white corn had the lowest amounts of carotenoids, anthocyanins, phenolics, and antioxidant capacity. For each type of waxy corn, the higher carotenoids were found at the M2 stage (no major difference between the M1 and M2 stages for yellow corn). The levels of anthocyanin and phenolics decreased for white and yellow corns, contrary to those for black corn during maturation. The antioxidant activity determined by scavenging 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH), the ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), and the Trolox equivalent antioxidant capacity (TEAC) assays increased with ripening, but no difference was found between the M2 and maturity stages for yellow and black corns. For white corn, the DPPH radical scavenging activity first increased and then decreased, while the antioxidant activity determined by TEAC and FRAP assay decreased during maturation. Differences in these parameters indicate that types and harvesting time have significant influences on functional properties of waxy corns.  相似文献   

The majority of fuel ethanol in the United States is produced by using the dry-grind corn ethanol process. The corn oil that is contained in the coproduct, distillers' dried grains with solubles (DDGS), can be recovered for use as a biodiesel feedstock. Oil removal will also improve the feed quality of DDGS. The most economical way to remove oil is considered to be at the centrifugation step for separating thin stillage (liquid) from coarse solids after distilling the ethanol. The more oil there is in the liquid, the more it can be recovered by centrifugation. Therefore, we studied the effects of corn preparation and grinding methods on oil distribution between liquid and solid phases. Grinding the corn to three different particle sizes, flaking, flaking and grinding, and flaking and extruding were used to break up the corn kernel before fermentation, and their effects on oil distribution between the liquid and solid phases were examined by simulating an industrial decanter centrifuge. Total oil contents were measured in the liquid and solids after centrifugation. Dry matter yield and oil partitioning in the thin stillage were highly positively correlated. Flaking slightly reduced bound fat. The flaked and then extruded corn meal released the highest amount of free oil, about 25% compared to 7% for the average of the other treatments. The freed oil from flaking, however, became nonextractable after the flaked corn was ground. Fine grinding alone had little effect on oil partitioning.  相似文献   

Effect of roasting on the antioxidant activity of coffee brews   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Colombian Arabica coffee beans were roasted to give light, medium, and dark samples. Their aqueous extracts were analyzed by gel filtration chromatography, UV-visible spectrophotometry, capillary electrophoresis, and the ABTS(*)(+) assay. A progressive decrease in antioxidant activity (associated mainly with chlorogenic acids in the green beans) with degree of roasting was observed with the simultaneous generation of high (HMM) and low molecular mass (LMM) compounds possessing antioxidant activity. Maximum antioxidant activity was observed for the medium-roasted coffee; the dark coffee had a lower antioxidant activity despite the increase in color. Analysis of the gel filtration chromatography fractions showed that the LMM fraction made a greater contribution to total antioxidant activity than the HMM components.  相似文献   

The effect of fruit maturation on changes in carotenoids, flavonoids, total soluble reducing equivalents, phenolic acids, ascorbic acid, and antioxidant activity (AOX) in different pepper types (Capsicum annuum, Capsicum frutescens, and Capsicum chinese) was determined. Generally, the concentration of these chemical constituents increased as the peppers reached maturity. Peppers contained high levels of L-ascorbic acid and carotenoids at maturity, contributing 124-338% of the RDA for vitamin C and 0.33-336 RE/100 g of provitamin A activity, respectively. Levels of phenolic acids, capxanthin, and zeaxanthin generally increased during maturation, whereas the level of lutein declined. Flavonoid concentrations varied greatly among the pepper types analyzed and were negatively correlated to AOX under the conditions of the beta-carotene-linoleic assay. Model systems were used to aid in understanding the relationship between flavonoids and AOX. Significant increases in AOX were observed in pepper juice models in response to increasing dilution factors and the presence of EDTA, indicating a pro-oxidant effect due to metal ions in the system. In vitro models demonstrated that increasing levels of flavonoids in combination with constant levels of caffeic and ascorbic acid gave a resultant AOX that was either additive of the two compounds or competitive in their ability to scavenge peroxyl radicals. The model systems were in good agreement with the chemical composition of the pepper cultivars and reflected the interactions affecting AOX. More research is needed to understand the complex interactions that occur among various antioxidants present in pepper extracts.  相似文献   

People in the rural areas of Mexico consume corn tortillas and beans as basic components of their diet. However, little is known about the nutritionally relevant features of starch present in such combined meals. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the in vitro bioavailability of starch in tortilla-bean mixtures stored at 4 degrees C for different times, as compared to that of corn tortilla and boiled black beans kept separately under the same conditions. Available starch (AS), resistant starch (RS), and retrograded resistant starch (RRS) contents were measured. The in vitro starch hydrolysis indices (HI) of freshly cooked and cold-stored samples were evaluated using a chewing/dialysis digestion protocol. HIs were used to predict glycemic indices (pGI) of the samples. AS in tortilla and beans decreased between 3 and 6% after 48-72 h, whereas values in the mixture fell by 3% after 48 h, with no further change by 72 h. Only minor rises in RS contents (1.5-1.6%) were recorded for tortilla and beans after 72 h of storage, and a lower increase (0.4%) was recorded in the mixture. Judging from RRS values, an important proportion of RS is due to starch retrogradation. The HI and pGI were higher in tortilla than in bean and the mixture. Hydrolysis rate values decreased in the stored samples, a pattern that corresponded with RS and RRS changes. The slow digestion features of common beans are largely retained by the legume-tortilla combination. Data support the perceived health beneficial properties of starch in this traditional cereal-legume food.  相似文献   

Green malt was kilned at 95 degrees C following two regimens: a standard regimen (SKR) and a rapid regimen (RKR). Both resulting malts were treated further in a tray dryer heated to 120 degrees C, as was green malt previously dried to 65 degrees C (TDR). Each regimen was monitored by determining the color, antioxidant activity (by both ABTS(.+) and FRAP methods), and polyphenolic profile. SKR and RKR malts exhibited decreased L* and increased b* values above approximately 80 degrees C. TDR malts changed significantly less, and color did not develop until 110 degrees C, implying that different chemical reactions lead to color in those malts. Antioxidant activity increased progressively with each regimen, although with TDR malts this became significant only at 110-120 degrees C. The RKR malt ABTS(.+) values were higher than those of the SKR malt. The main phenolics, that is, ferulic, p-coumaric, and vanillic acids, were monitored throughout heating. Ferulic acid levels increased upon heating to 80 degrees C for SKR and to 70 degrees C for RKR, with subsequent decreases. However, the levels for TDR malts did not increase significantly. The increase in free phenolics early in kilning could be due to enzymatic release of bound phenolics and/or easier extractability due to changes in the matrix. The differences between the kilning regimens used suggest that further modification of the regimens could lead to greater release of bound phenolics with consequent beneficial effects on flavor stability in beer and, more generally, on human health.  相似文献   

After far-infrared (FIR) radiation onto rice hull, a methanolic extract was prepared for the determination of antioxidant ability. After 30 min of FIR treatment, the radical scavenging activity and total phenol contents of rice hull extracts increased from 47.74 to 79.63% and from 0.12 to 0.19 mM, respectively, compared to control. Inhibition of lipid peroxidation in extracts was also increased from 41.07 to 47.96%. According to the GC-MS analysis, more phenolic compounds (p-coumaric acid, 3-vinyl-1-oxybenzene, p-hydroxybenzaldehyde, vanillin, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and 4,7-dihydroxyvanillic acid) were detected in FIR-irradiated rice hull extract. These results indicated that FIR radiation onto rice hull could liberate and activate covalently bound phenolic compounds that have antioxidant activities.  相似文献   

Chemical measures of antioxidant activity within the plant, such as the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay, have been reported for many plant-based foods. However, the extent to which chemical measures relate to cellular measures of oxidative stress is unclear. The natural variation in the phytochemical content of 22 broccoli genotypes was used to determine correlations among chemical composition (carotenoids, tocopherols and polyphenolics), chemical antioxidant activity (ORAC), and measures of cellular antioxidation [prevention of DNA oxidative damage and of oxidation of the biomarker dichlorofluorescein (DCFH) in HepG2 cells] using hydrophilic and lipophilic extracts of broccoli. For lipophilic extracts, ORAC (ORAC-L) correlated with inhibition of cellular oxidation of DCFH (DCFH-L, r = 0.596, p = 0.006). Also, DNA damage in the presence of the lipophilic extract was negatively correlated with both chemical and cellular measures of antioxidant activity as measured by ORAC-L (r = -0.705, p = 0.015) and DCFH-L (r = -0.671, p = 0.048), respectively. However, no correlations were observed for hydrophilic (-H) extracts, except between polyphenol content and ORAC (ORAC-H; r = 0.778, p < 0.001). Inhibition of cellular oxidation by hydrophilic extracts (DCFH-H) and ORAC-H were approximately 8- and 4-fold greater than DCFH-L and ORAC-L, respectively. Whether ORAC-H has more biological relevance than ORAC-L because of its magnitude or whether ORAC-L bears more biological relevance because it relates to cellular estimates of antioxidant activity remains to be determined. Chemical estimates of antioxidant capacity within the plant may not accurately reflect the complex nature of the full antioxidant activity of broccoli extracts within cells.  相似文献   

Processed fruits and vegetables have been long considered to have lower nutritional value than their fresh commodities due to the loss of vitamin C during processing. This research group found vitamin C in apples contributed < 0.4% of total antioxidant activity, indicating most of the activity comes from the natural combination of phytochemicals. This suggests that processed fruits and vegetables may retain their antioxidant activity despite the loss of vitamin C. Here it is shown that thermal processing elevated total antioxidant activity and bioaccessible lycopene content in tomatoes and produced no significant changes in the total phenolics and total flavonoids content, although loss of vitamin C was observed. The raw tomato had 0.76 +/- 0.03 micromol of vitamin C/g of tomato. After 2, 15, and 30 min of heating at 88 degrees C, the vitamin C content significantly dropped to 0.68 +/- 0.02, 0.64 +/- 0.01, and 0.54 +/- 0.02 micromol of vitamin C/g of tomato, respectively (p < 0.01). The raw tomato had 2.01 +/- 0.04 mg of trans-lycopene/g of tomato. After 2, 15, and 30 min of heating at 88 degrees C, the trans-lycopene content had increased to 3.11+/- 0.04, 5.45 +/- 0.02, and 5.32 +/- 0.05 mg of trans-lycopene/g of tomato (p < 0.01). The antioxidant activity of raw tomatoes was 4.13 +/- 0.36 micromol of vitamin C equiv/g of tomato. With heat treatment at 88 degrees C for 2, 15, and 30 min, the total antioxidant activity significantly increased to 5.29 +/- 0.26, 5.53 +/- 0.24, and 6.70 +/- 0.25 micromol of vitamin C equiv/g of tomato, respectively (p < 0.01). There were no significant changes in either total phenolics or total flavonoids. These findings indicate thermal processing enhanced the nutritional value of tomatoes by increasing the bioaccessible lycopene content and total antioxidant activity and are against the notion that processed fruits and vegetables have lower nutritional value than fresh produce. This information may have a significant impact on consumers' food selection by increasing their consumption of fruits and vegetables to reduce the risks of chronic diseases.  相似文献   

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