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Taking medium density fiberboards (MDF) as samples, the feasibility of the applications of wavelet analysis in a nondestructive
test is discussed in this paper. The main results are as follows: the modulus of elasticity of longitudinal resonance, measured
by wavelet analysis, can replace the conventional static modulus of elasticity. Their correlation coefficient is significant
(p < 0.01). The defect of samples can be judged by wavelet analysis, which is superior because it is a nondestructive test.
Translated from Scientia Silvae Sinicae, 2006, 42(10): 91–94 [译自: 林业科学] 相似文献
The possibility of using the Iosipescu shear test device to study the combined shear and compression behavior of anisotropic materials was examined. Measurements were made using both an original (Wyoming version) and an in-house modified Iosipescu shear and compression fixture. Numerical simulation of the combined shear and compression test was carried out to verify the reliability of the modified device. The numerical results were compared with data from experiments on a medium-density fiberboard. The numerical results show good agreement with the experimental results for the shear test in all the three material directions tested. The shapes as well as the values of the strain fields were similar in the numerical and experimental results. Different rotations of the combined shear and compression device were studied using the finite element method to find the combinations that gave reliable results in shear and compression. It was found that the 45° rotation gave the most uniform strain fields in the section between the notches. This rotation was tested on the fiberboard. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to design a compression shear device for easy and fast measurement of the bonded shear strength of wood-based materials to replace the conventional method used to evaluate internal bond strength (IB). To assess the performance of this device, five differently sized specimens, included group I (dimension 5 × 1 cm), group II (5 × 2 cm), group III (5 × 3 cm), group IV (5 × 4 cm), and group V (5 × 5 cm) cut from commercial particleboard and medium-density fiberboard (MDF) (1.8 cm thick) were tested in compression shear. Only group V (5 × 5 cm) was prepared for the IB test. Results indicated that the compression shear strengths (CS) of particleboard and MDF, loaded in the horizontal or the diagonal direction, were greater than the IB, although a significant correlation existed between the two. This finding suggests that the IB of particleboard and MDF could be accurately estimated from the data collected by the CS test.Part of this report was presented at the Third Pacific Rim Bio-based Composites Symposium, Kyoto, December 2–5, 1996 相似文献
采用均匀实验设计方法,通过单因素及两因素间交互作用情况,探讨工艺参数对稻壳-木刨花复合板内结合强度(IB)的影响。在试验研究范围内,密度、芯层比例、芯层施胶量、热压温度、热压时间对复合板IB影响显著,表现为IB随密度的增大先增大后减小,随芯层比例和芯层施胶量的增加而增加,随热压温度和热压时间的增加而减小。当密度为0.77 g/cm3、芯层比例为60%~65%、芯层施胶量为4.5%、热压温度为170℃、热压压力为2.5 MPa、热压时间为20 s/mm时,在兼顾生产效率与生产成本的同时,能够获得IB良好的稻壳-木刨花复合板。 相似文献
中密度纤维板是市场非常看好的建材,又是一个富有挑战的新兴产业。本文从我省中密度纤维板的生产现状出发,指出了我省中密度纤维板面临的严峻挑战,并提出了应对策略。 相似文献
Min-Kug Hong Muhammad Adly Rahandi Lubis Chang Hyun Sohn Jeongkwan Roh 《Wood material science & engineering》2020,15(3):163-171
ABSTRACTHigh global production of medium-density fiberboard (MDF) in recent years could generate an equal quantity of waste MDF at the end of its service life, requiring recycling of waste MDF instead of landfilling or incineration. This study investigated effects of the addition of recycled fiber (RF) obtained from surface laminated MDFs with three different materials to the properties of three-layer recycled MDF (rMDF). Three types of surface laminates such as low-pressure laminate, polyethylene terephthalate, and polyester coating were hammer milled, and then went through a patent-pending fiber recovery system to obtain the resultant RFs that were added to the core layer of rMDF. These RFs at three contents (10, 20, and 30%) were blended with 12% of urea-formaldehyde (UF) resin prior to hot-pressing. Statistical analysis showed that the best internal bonding strength, modulus of rupture, and modulus of elasticity of rMDF panels were obtained for LPL-rMDF with a 20% RF content. Thickness swelling, water absorption, and formaldehyde emission of rMDF were reduced by increasing the RF content. These findings suggest that a minimum RF content of 20% can be replaced with virgin fibers for the rMDF manufacture, indicating the feasibility of recycling waste laminated MDF into three-layer rMDF. 相似文献
Evaluating the durability of wood-based panels using internal bond strength results from accelerated aging treatments 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this study, the durability of wood-based panels was evaluated by comparing the internal bond (IB) strength retention after
five different laboratory-based accelerated aging tests with the IB retention after 5 years of outdoor exposure in Shizuoka
City. In each accelerated aging test, the IB retention of MDI-bonded panels showed high retention compared to other panels.
Outdoor exposure in Shizuoka City resulted in an IB retention value for particleboard (PF) and oriented strandboard (aspen)
of less than 10% after the 5-year exposure period. Medium-density fiberboards maintained their initial IB strength over the
same period. Calculation of the mean IB retention for all board types allowed comparison of the severity of aging between
the accelerated test methods and outdoor exposure. The ASTM six-cycle test method was the most severe among the standard treatment
cycles applied. 相似文献
ABSTRACTGas permeability and structure of fiberboard mats are essential properties because of their impact on mat internal gas pressure, moisture content and temperature evolution during the hot-pressing process. The objectives of this work were to determine the effect of fiber size and mat density on the intrinsic gas permeability of the mat. For the study of these mat properties, panels with a homogeneous density profile through the thickness were manufactured at five density levels (200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000?kg m?3) for three different fiber sizes. Fiber refining was performed in a disk refiner at three plate spacings. Gas permeability was measured with an in-house built apparatus. The results showed that the fiber sizes studied had no significant effect on the intrinsic permeability. This was likely due to a more significant impact of the internal porous structure of the mat compared to fiber size. Besides, the intrinsic permeability decreased significantly when the panel density increased from 198 to 810?kg m?3. This suggests that the decrease of the intrinsic gas permeability during the last seconds of press closure plays an essential role in the bulk moisture mass transfer through the fiberboard mat. 相似文献
Phenol–formaldehyde resin-bonded particleboard (PF board) and isocyanate resin-bonded particleboard (MDI board) were soaked in water at 40, 70 and 100 °C, and the relationships between soaking conditions and board properties were analyzed. The relationships between the deterioration of board properties resulting from water soaking and those arising from outdoor exposure were also analyzed. At 100 °C, the modulus of rupture (MOR) and internal bond strength (IB) of the PF board decreased significantly within the first hour, and subsequently constant values were shown with increasing soaking time. This low constant value was defined as the lower limit. At 70 °C, both the MOR and IB decreased with increasing soaking time, and reached the lower limit. At 40 °C, however, neither decreased significantly with increasing soaking time and neither reached the lower limit. The MOR of the MDI board showed the same trend as the PF board. However, the IB of the MDI board showed a different trend to the PF board, that is, the lower limit of IB required extensive soaking, even at 100 °C. The MOR and IB of both the PF and MDI boards reached the lower limit when thickness change peaked. On the other hand, the MOR and IB for outdoor exposure were lower than those for water soaking, even at the same thickness change. The MOR and IB of water soaking decreased owing to the collapse of the bonding points caused by board swelling. On the other hand, the board properties of outdoor exposure decreased owing to the collapse of the bonding points, and biodegradation also added to the decrease. 相似文献
Martin Riegler Bernhard Spangl Martin Weigl Rupert Wimmer Ulrich Müller 《Wood Science and Technology》2013,47(6):1243-1259
The industrial manufacturing of wood-based panels has become a highly technological process, where all parameters have to be perfectly adjusted to manufacture products of high quality. However, variations caused by differing wood characteristics as well as variations of single process parameters can cause out-of-control events. These undesirable events can be diminished by monitoring and controlling the entire manufacturing process using multivariate statistical techniques. Hence, a real-time process adaptation of an industrial scale fibreboard manufacturing process was simulated. Regression results revealed a mean normalised root mean squared error of prediction of 4.6 %, when predicting the internal bond strength of fibreboards. The regression model is regularly validated and, if necessary, recalibrated using the offline determined board properties (feedback control). Consequently, the process can immediately be adapted as soon as the board is produced (feedforward control). The investigations resulted in reliable models and revealed high potential for permanent industrial implementation. 相似文献
Hideaki Korai Katsuhiro Nakao Tetsuya Matsui Ken Watanabe Yasushi Ishigooka 《Journal of Wood Science》2017,63(3):253-262
The effects of climate change on the reduction of internal bond strength (IB) of particleboard subjected to various climatic conditions in Japan were predicted. The temperature increased throughout Japan with increasing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, so the climate deterioration index (climate index for predicting the IB reduction of particleboard; a high index indicates a large IB reduction) also increased to decrease IB. The number of low-temperature areas decreased because of climate change. The rupture of bonding points in particleboard caused by outdoor exposure led to a IB reduction, and biodeterioration accelerated this reduction. In high-temperature areas, particleboard was found to be prone to biodeterioration, and the IB significantly reduced. An area wherein there was a significant decrease in the IB spread along the Pacific Ocean side of western Japan and the Sea of Japan in central Japan in relation to increasing GHG emissions. Particleboards are difficult to use outdoors because of climate change. 相似文献
木材顺纹抗压强度是评价木材力学性能的重要指标,而传统测量方法操作复杂、精确度低。以桦木为例,提出基于近红外光谱技术(NIR)的SEPA-VISSA-RVM木材顺纹抗压强度模型,实现对其更加精确的预测。试验选取100个木材试件,在900~1700 nm近红外光谱波段上采集数据并测量抗压强度真值;然后采用卷积平滑(SG)方法进行光谱预处理;使用采样误差分布分析(SEPA)作为变量空间迭代收缩算法(VISSA)的改进策略进行特征波长优选;最后通过粒子群优化算法(PSO)优化核函数参数并建立相关向量机(RVM)的预测模型。试验表明:在特征波长优选方面,以偏最小二乘法(PLS)建模为基础的SEPA-VISSA方法,其预测决定系数为0.9593,预测均方根误差为2.8995,相对分析误差为3.0256,光谱变量数由512减小到111个,占总波长的22%,均优于VCPA、CARS和VISSA算法;在建模预测方面,以SEPA-VISSA所选波长为基础的RVM模型,PSO优化的拉普拉斯(Laplacian)核函数的核宽度为10.4043,决定系数为0.9449,预测均方根误差为2.0432,相对分析误差为4.2936,预测效果优于PLS和SVR。因此,基于近红外光谱的SEPA-VISSA-RVM建模能够实现对桦木顺纹抗压强度更准确和稳定的无损检测。 相似文献
Boreal forests play an important role in global environment systems. Understanding boreal forest ecosystem structure and function requires accurate monitoring and estimating of forest canopy and biomass. We used partial least square regression (PLSR) models to relate forest parameters, i.e. canopy closure density and above ground tree biomass, to Landsat ETM+ data. The established models were optimized according to the variable importance for projection (VIP) criterion and the bootstrap method, and their performance was compared using several statistical indices. All variables selected by the VIP criterion passed the bootstrap test (p<0.05). The simplified models without insignificant variables (VIP <1) performed as well as the full model but with less computation time. The relative root mean square error (RMSE%) was 29% for canopy closure density, and 58% for above-ground tree biomass. We conclude that PLSR can be an effective method for estimating canopy closure density and above-ground biomass. 相似文献
The measurement of wood surface roughness is performed once the machining process is completed. It requires considerable time since the measurement is performed at slow speed. The objective of this study was to develop a method to evaluate the surface roughness of paper birch wood while routing. For this purpose, a number of transducers were mounted on the router spindle and also in the proximity of the workpiece and cutting zone. Signals were acquired during a wide range of cutting conditions and analyzed. Statistical regression and artificial neural networks were employed to establish relationships between the signals and the actual cutting depth and surface roughness. The sensor selection and the feasibility of the sensor placement were determined. The models were subjected to a validation procedure to confirm their performance. The placement of the microphone at constant distance from the cutting zone was determined to be the most useful one. A model able to predict the surface roughness of routed paper birch wood regardless of the depth of cut was produced. The performance of the model was valid independently of the length of the workpiece. 相似文献
Miloš Ivković Washington J. Gapare Aljoy Abarquez Jugo Ilic Michael B. Powell Harry X. Wu 《Wood Science and Technology》2009,43(3-4):237-257
Development of optimal ways to predict juvenile wood stiffness, strength, and stability using wood properties that can be measured with relative ease and low cost is a priority for tree breeding and silviculture. Wood static modulus of elasticity (MOE), modulus of rupture (MOR), radial, tangential, and longitudinal shrinkage (RS, TS, LS), wood density (DEN), sound wave velocity (SWV), spiral grain (SLG), and microfibril angle (MFA) were measured on juvenile wood samples from lower stem sections in two radiata pine test plantations. Variation between inner (rings 1–2 from pith) and outer (rings 3–6 from pith) rings was generally larger than that among trees. MOE and MOR were lower (50%) in inner-rings than in outer-rings. RS and TS were higher (30–50%) for outer-rings than inner-rings, but LS decreased rapidly (>200%) from inner-rings to outer-rings. DEN had a higher correlation with MOR than with MOE, while MFA had a higher correlation with dry wood MOE than with MOR. SLG had higher significant correlation with MOE than with MOR. DEN and MOE had a weak, significant linear relationship with RS and TS, while MOE had a strong negative non-linear relationship with LS. Multiple regressions had a good potential as a method for predicting billet stiffness (R 2 > 0.42), but had only a weak potential to predict wood strength and shrinkage (R 2 < 0.22). For wood stiffness acoustic velocity measurements seemed to be the most practical, and for wood strength and stability acoustic velocity plus core density seemed to be the most practical measurements for predicting lower stem average in young trees. 相似文献
《Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research》2012,27(7):692-699
Abstract The rapid development in aerial digital cameras in combination with the increased availability of high-resolution Digital Elevation Models (DEMs) provides a renaissance for photogrammetry in forest management planning. Tree height, stem volume, and basal area were estimated for forest stands using canopy height, density, and texture metrics derived from photogrammetric matching of digital aerial images and a high-resolution DEM. The study was conducted at a coniferous hemi-boreal site in southern Sweden. Three different data-sets of digital aerial images were used to test the effects of flight altitude and stereo overlap on an area-based estimation of forest variables. Metrics were calculated for 344 field plots (10 m radius) from point cloud data and used in regression analysis. Stand level accuracy was evaluated using leave-one-out cross validation of 24 stands. For these stands the tree height ranged from 4.8 to 26.9 m (17.8 m mean), stem volume 13.3 to 455 m3 ha?1 (250 m3 ha?1 mean), and basal area from 4.1 to 42.9 m2 ha?1 (27.1 m2 ha?1 mean) with mean stand size of 2.8 ha. The results showed small differences in estimation accuracy of forest variables between the data-sets. The data-set of digital aerial images corresponding to the standard acquisition of the Swedish National Land Survey (Lantmäteriet), showed Root Mean Square Errors (in percent of the surveyed stand mean) of 8.8% for tree height, 13.1% for stem volume and 14.9% for basal area. The results imply that photogrammetric matching of digital aerial images has significant potential for operational use in forestry. 相似文献