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金属采矿产生的尾矿不但粒度小、重量轻、表面积大 ,堆放时易流动和形成塌漏 ,而且含有高浓度的重金属 ,对附近的村镇、农田、水源等构成极大威胁[1~ 3] 。因此 ,为保护环境、减小矿业开发对自然生态的破坏 ,金属尾矿库的土地复垦将非常必要[4 ,5] 。早期的结果表明 ,重金属的毒性和营养物质的缺乏是矿区植物定植的主要限制因子[6 ,7] 。添加改良剂和化学肥料来改变矿砂性质从而改善植物生长条件 ,实现尾矿库的植被恢复是一个可行的途径[8,9] 。有机物料的施用不但改善了尾矿砂较恶劣的物理性状 ,并且其分解产物具有一定的活性基团 ,很容易…  相似文献   

通过温室盆栽试验,开展了天然蒙脱石和沸石处理对黑麦草在铜矿尾矿砂上生长影响的研究。结果表明:蒙脱石和沸石改良对黑麦草的地上部生物量没有显著影响,但改变了黑麦草的根重;而施用肥料促进了黑麦草生长。蒙脱石的加入使尾矿砂的有效态锌含量显著降低,但对有效态铜的含量影响不明显;而沸石的加入均显著降低了尾矿砂的有效态铜和锌的含量;另外,矿物的加入降低了尾矿砂的pH值,但其变化与尾矿砂重金属有效态含量变化之间无相关性。矿物的加入降低了黑麦草根中的铜锌吸收,但蒙脱石增加了第一茬黑麦草地上部铜锌吸收,对第二茬黑麦草地上部铜锌吸收无影响;而沸石对两茬黑麦草地上部铜锌含量均无显著影响。不同生长期黑麦草对铜锌吸收量有差异,第二茬黑麦草的地上部锌含量明显高于第一茬,而铜含量则变化不大。  相似文献   

硒对不同氮源多花黑麦草幼苗生长的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
试验研究Se对不同N源多花黑麦草幼苗生长的影响结果表明,低浓度Se对多花黑麦草幼苗生长发育并无显著促进效应,但可显著提高其根可溶性蛋白质含量和幼苗可溶性糖含量,尤以Se浓度≤0.10mg/L处理显著提高其根干物质量和幼苗可溶性蛋白质含量,而Se浓度1.0mg/L处理则显著抑制幼苗生长,使幼苗失绿。酰胺态氮显著促进幼苗增重且叶色深绿;同一N源经Se、Si及二者配施处理均未显著提高幼苗干物质量及叶绿素含量。  相似文献   

开展了土壤柴油污染的单因素盆栽实验和柴油污染盐渍化土壤中添加锯末-硝酸铵-磷酸二氢钾的三因素正交盆栽实验,对黑麦草幼苗抗氧化酶活性和叶绿素含量进行了分析,探究了柴油污染土壤中黑麦草幼苗的生理变化与调节。结果表明,土壤柴油污染显著减小了黑麦草幼苗生物量,与对照相比,叶SOD活性在柴油浓度0.3%和0.9%时显著降低,POD和CAT活性在0.6%和0.9%柴油浓度下显著降低;根SOD活性在0.9%柴油浓度下显著增大,POD活性在0.6%和0.9%柴油浓度下显著下降。受柴油污染的盐渍化土壤,施加锯末体积分数为10%时,黑麦草幼苗叶POD和CAT活性显著增强,叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量显著增加;施氮量为0.3 g·kg~(-1)土时,黑麦草幼苗叶绿素a和叶绿素b含量显著增加。可见,土壤受柴油污染时,添加锯末和硝酸铵可有效调节黑麦草幼苗的生理代谢。  相似文献   

通过不同浓度的镉污染土壤接种丛枝菌根真菌的黑麦草盆栽试验,研究了丛枝菌根真菌对镉污染条件下黑麦草幼苗生长的影响。结果表明:重度镉污染(Cd2+:180 mg/kg)条件下,Glomus mosseae对黑麦草根系的侵染率仍达到30.23%,对黑麦草的生长有较好的促进作用;丛枝菌根在一定程度上缓解了镉污染对黑麦草株高、根长和生物量积累的抑制;镉污染显著降低黑麦草叶片的叶绿素含量,叶绿素a在重度镉污染时下降幅度最大,不接种丛枝菌根真菌的黑麦草较对照下降37.9%,而接种的黑麦草下降26.7%,接种菌根真菌在中重度镉污染条件下显著提高了黑麦草叶片的叶绿素含量;重度镉污染下接种和不接种的黑麦草根系活力都开始显著下降,但接种植株根系活力下降的幅度小于不接种植株。  相似文献   

表征了4种供试桐油包膜尿素(TCU)的特性和包膜形貌,测定了其养分释放曲线和释放速度。在不施基肥以及基施氮素15.8g/m2的尿素和4种TCU的情况下,用盆栽试验考察了各施肥处理对黑麦草生长、形态指标和色泽的影响。结果表明,所有施肥的处理均有助于黑麦草的出苗,在播种后的最初4~5周,TCU和尿素处理的黑麦草植株高度和生物量均优于未施基肥的处理,施肥处理间的差别不大;在播种的5~6周后,具有长释放周期的TCU.UT-02(t8024d)和UC-04(t8026d)处理的黑麦草植株高度和生物量均超过了施尿素的处理,这些TCU处理的黑麦草的绿期长于7周,也优于尿素处理的黑麦草的绿期5周。  相似文献   

为探明秸秆颗粒改良剂对川西北高寒沙地土壤氮素和黑麦草生长的影响,以农业废弃物(秸秆)为主要原料,复合聚丙烯酰胺、微生物菌剂和氮磷钾肥,加工成秸秆颗粒改良剂,设4个施用量水平(6,12,18,24t/hm2),以空白对照(CK0)和当地常规牦牛粪处理(CK1)为对照。结果表明:与CK0相比,秸秆颗粒改良剂和CK1均能显著增加土壤全氮、全氮密度、全氮储量和硝态氮含量,增加黑麦草株高、总根长、总根表面积、总根体积、平均根系直径和单株干重(p0.05),达到增加土壤氮素含量和促进黑麦草生长的效果。与CK1相比,秸秆颗粒改良剂处理的平均全氮含量、全氮密度、全氮储量和硝态氮含量分别增加了12.50%,22.73%,20.90%和344.56%,黑麦草地上和地下部平均单株干重分别增加了57.50%和66.86%。增施秸秆颗粒改良剂可有效增加土壤氮素含量,黑麦草各生长指标也随改良剂施用量增加呈逐渐增加的趋势。施用量超过18t/hm2时,0—10cm土层的全氮、全氮密度、全氮储量和黑麦草各生长指标差异不显著。土壤氮素指标与黑麦草单株干重存在正相关关系,其中土壤全氮、全氮储量与黑麦草单株干重的相关性最高(r≥0.90**)。随改良剂施用量增加,外源养分淋溶率呈先降低后升高的趋势,在18t/hm2处有最小值。综合考虑土壤氮素含量、外源养分淋溶率和黑麦草生长的变化,秸秆颗粒改良剂以18t/hm2为川西北沙地土壤改良的最佳施用量。  相似文献   

不同管理调控措施对盐渍化土壤上大麦生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过盆栽试验,对不同管理调控措施包括灌溉、施肥、化学改良剂对作物生长(产量、株高、生物量等)的影响进行了综合研究。结果表明,施肥、灌水极显著地增加了作物的有效分蘖数、地上部生物量和产量。改良剂、肥×水、肥×改良剂的交互作用也极显著地影响作物的生物量和产量。  相似文献   

沼泽土施硒对黑麦草生长、品质及生理活性的影响   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
用土培试验方法研究了若尔盖高原沼泽土施硒对黑麦草(L.mu ltiflorum Lam aubada)生长、品质、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性及根系活力的影响。结果表明,适量施硒能促进黑麦草的生物量、GSH-Px活性和根系活力的增加;当施硒高于20 mg kg-1时黑麦草的生长受到抑制,GSH-Px活性与根系活力均随之降低。施硒量在0~20 mg kg-1范围时,黑麦草的粗蛋白、粗脂肪、磷和钙的含量随施硒量的增加而提高,粗纤维与硅的含量下降。适量施硒能促进黑麦草的品质改善。  相似文献   

采用盆栽试验方法研究黑麦草、黑麦草联合改良剂等不同修复方式对铅锌尾矿砂的理化性质和微生物性状的改良作用。结果表明,不同处理使铅锌尾矿砂中有机质、碱解氮、速效磷含量显著提高,其中黑麦草联合10%菜园土和1%赤泥处理(CN1)对铅锌尾矿砂中有机质、碱解氮、速效磷含量明显提高,分别比对照提高了51.82%,300.00%和901.29%。添加改良剂显著增加了黑麦草的生物量,减少了黑麦草根部重金属的含量。不同处理使铅锌尾矿砂中微生物数量,微生物C、N含量显著增加,其中CN1处理使细菌、真菌、放线菌数量和微生物C、N含量增加效果最好,分别比对照增加了33.78,5.99,21.82,6.34,6.35倍。各处理显著提高了尾矿砂中脲酶、磷酸酶、蔗糖酶、纤维素酶活性,其中CN1处理使脲酶、磷酸酶、蔗糖酶、纤维素酶活性分别比对照提高了18.43,12.58,5.00,9.15倍。黑麦草联合10%菜园土和1%赤泥较其他处理有利于提高铅锌尾矿砂的肥力,改良尾矿砂的微生态环境,促进植物生长。  相似文献   

Revegetation of copper mine tailings with ryegrass and willow   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
To restore vegetation on metal mine tailings is very difficult because they often contain high concentrations of heavy metals, low nutrient content and low water retention capacity. This study involved 3 experiments that evaluated the effects of 4 treatment amendments: montmorillonite, rice straw, organic manure and chemical fertilizer on the growth of ryegrass (Loliurn perenne L.) and willow (Salix virninalis L.) with Cu and Zn mine tailings from two mining areas. The results showed that ryegrass was the most tolerant of 4 crops to Cu toxicity. Also when organic manure, which contained high concentrations of inorganic salts, was added to the mine tailings, it significantly hindered ryegrass growth (P=0.05).Meanwhile, with ryegrass organic manure significantly increased (P=0.05) the extractable Cu concentration in both mine tallings. When montmorillonite was used as a mine tailings amendment with willow, the height and tress number at the 1st cut were significantly greater (P = 0.05) than a control without montmorillonite. However there was no significant difference for height, tress number, dry weight or root dry weight at the 2nd cut. So, amendment applications to reduce metal toxicity and increase nutrients retention in mine tailings were essential during revegetation of mine tailings.  相似文献   

改良剂对重金属污染红壤的修复效果及评价   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
采用盆栽试验,研究了施用改良剂—石灰、有机肥、海泡石对红壤上小油菜生物产量、镉锌吸收量、pH、吸收系数的影响。结果表明,施用改良剂,连续种植3季小油菜 (Brassia campestris L.) 的生物产量都显著提高,石灰、有机肥和海泡石配施的产量是对照的15倍。改良剂能不同程度提高红壤的pH,以石灰的效果最好,土壤pH平均升高了2个单位;而且小油菜对镉锌的吸收也较低。小油菜对镉的吸收系数大于对锌的吸收系数,说明镉容易在土壤-植物体系中迁移,施用改良剂后吸收系数降低。施石灰的小油菜中锌含量达到食品卫生标准。改良剂对提高土壤pH的后效逐渐减弱,对抑制小油菜吸收锌的后效不如抑制镉的后效好。  相似文献   

通过盆栽试验研究了铅锌尾矿污染土壤中施用有机肥、石灰、蛭石和白云石等4种改良剂对光叶紫花苕生长发育、叶绿素及重金属Cu、Cd、Pb、Zn积累特性的影响,并分析了施用改良剂后土壤pH和有效态重金属含量的变化。结果表明,与对照相比,不同改良剂及其不同施用水平均能不同程度地提高土壤pH,显著降低土壤各重金属有效态含量,并显著抑制了Cd、Pb向光叶紫花苕地上部转移,降低了重金属在光叶紫花苕植株地上部的积累,改善了光叶紫花苕的生长和发育,光叶紫花苕株高、地上部鲜重和地下部鲜重、叶绿素含量均有不同程度增加,其中株高和地上部鲜重增加达到显著水平。4种改良剂的不同处理水平对光叶紫花苕地下部重金属含量影响均达显著水平。  相似文献   

A 32 ha tailings pond used for the disposal of pyritic mine waste was examined after a period of eight years to determine the success of the rehabilitation plan used to revegetate the site. This was achieved by examining both the vegetation cover and the quality of the topsoil in order to determine the effect of the tailings. A number of floristic habitats were identified within the site indicating that succession had occurred since revegetation of the area with metal-tolerant grass species. Four main habitats were investigated: leguminous, grass, gorse and low canopy. The soil layer in Shelton Abbey was 25–30 cm deep and contained levels of nutrients and metals comparable to those found in unpolluted soils. It was followed by a 20–25 cm layer of mixed soil and tailings, followed by the tailings only. The tailings retained elevated concentrations of metals indicating their unsuitability for growth of unadapted plant species. Vegetation from all habitats, analysed both in the summer and winter, contained higher levels of iron only compared with vegetation grown on unpolluted soils. Metals do not appear to be significantly leached from the tailings either into the soil or into surface and ground waters, and have not been accumulated to above normal levels by plant uptake. The rehabilitation protocol used at the site appears to have been successful. However, the site needs to be managed on an on-going basis to ensure the integrity of the bund and revegetated area. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

芦苇定居后铜尾矿细菌群落结构的变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil samples were collected from both bare and vegetated mine tailings to study the changes in bacterial communities and soil chemical properties of copper mine tailings due to reed (Phragmites communis) colonization. The structures of bacterial communities were investigated using culture-independent 16S rRNA gene sequencing method. The bacterial diversity in the bare mine tailing was lower than that of the vegetated mine tailing. The former was dominated by sulfur metabolizing bacteria, whereas the latter was by nitrogen fixing bacteria. The bare mine tailing was acidic (pH = 3.78), whereas the vegetated mine tailing was near neutral (pH = 7.28). The contents of organic matter, total nitrogen, and ammonium acetate-extractable potassium in vegetated mine tailings were significantly higher than those in the bare mine tailings (P < 0.01), whereas available phosphorus and electrical conductivity were significantly lower than those in the bare mine tailings (P < 0.01). The results demonstrated that 16S rRNA gene sequencing could be successfully used to study the bacterial diversity in mine tailings. The colonization of the mine tailings by reed significantly changed the bacterial community and the chemical properties of tailings. The complex interactions between bacteria and plants deserve further investigation.  相似文献   

Copper (Cu) mine tailings, because of their high content of heavy metals, are usually hostile to plant colonization. A pot experiment was conducted to determine the tolerance of four forage grasses to heavy metals in Cu mine tailings and to examine the variation in the microbial functional diversity of soils from the tailing sites in southern China. All the four grass species survived on Cu mine tailings and Cu mine tailing-soil mixture. However, on pure mine tailings, the growth was minimal, whereas the growth was maximum for the control without mine tailings. The tolerance of grasses to heavy metals followed the sequence: Paspalum notatum 〉 Festuea arundinaeea 〉 Lolium perenne 〉 Cynodon daetylon. The planting of forage grasses enhanced the soil microbial biomass. The Biolog data indicated that the soil microbial metabolic profile values (average well color development, community richness, and Shannon index) of the four forage grasses also followed the sequence: P. notatum 〉 F. arundinaeea 〉 L. perenne 〉 C. daetylon. Thus, P. notatum, under the experimental conditions of this study, may be considered as the preferred plant species for revegetation of Cu mine tailing areas.  相似文献   

为明确国产化盐碱地改良剂在重度盐碱地的施用效果,采用田间试验和室内分析相结合的方法,以牧草和绿肥兼用型紫花苜蓿为供试作物,研究重度盐碱地施用国产1号(2 250 kg·hm-2)、国产2号(7 960kg·hm-2)和脱硫石膏(22 500 kg·hm-2)3种改良剂对土壤理化性质、紫花苜蓿(Medicago sativa L.)出苗率和鲜草产量的影响,以及施用脱硫石膏对土壤(0~20 cm)和紫花苜蓿茎、叶中重金属含量的影响。结果表明,与对照(不施改良剂)相比,施用改良剂处理的紫花苜蓿出苗率提高18.4%~31.7%,3茬鲜草总产量提高18.9%~43.5%;土壤pH下降0.11~1.46,容重降低0.01~0.06 g·cm-3、孔隙率提高1.15%~10.15%,土壤理化性状得到改善;施用脱硫石膏和含有脱硫石膏的国产2号使土壤和紫花苜蓿中汞、铅和铬含量有显著提高,但土壤重金属含量未超过国家《农业土壤环境质量标准》GB15618—2001规定的二级土壤使用标准,紫花苜蓿中汞、镉、铅和铬的含量检测符合国家饲料卫生指标(GB13078—2001)的规定。本研究表明,3种盐碱地改良剂以国产2号的施用效果最好,可在同类型盐碱地大力推广应用。  相似文献   


Phosphorus (P) loading of soils from the repeated application of manure and the associated loss of P to water systems is a serious and increasing problem in today's agricultural landscape. The hypothesis of this study was that the application of mineral amendments to manure might reduce P availability in manure and soil without affecting crop productivity. An incubation experiment was conducted to evaluate the ability of aluminum sulfate, ferric chloride or calcium hydroxide at 100 and 200 g kg?1 of manure to reduce phytoavailable (Mehlich-3 extractable) P in liquid dairy, laying hen and broiler chicken manure. Mehlich-3 extractable P was reduced from 59 to 97% in all manure treated with aluminum sulfate and ferric chloride. The calcium hydroxide treatment resulted in a Mehlich-3 extractable P reduction ranging from ?17 to 51%. A container experiment was then carried out to examine the effect of soil with pre-treated manure on timothy (Phelum pretense L.) growth and soil P levels. Timothy yields in all dairy manure treatments were 45–57% lower compared to an N–P–K control, but were not lower compared to the untreated manure control. Dairy manure + aluminum sulfate (200 g kg?1) reduced water-extractable P by 82% relative to the N–P–K control. All other manure and amendment treatment combinations were not statistically different from the N–P–K or the untreated soil controls in terms of water-extractable P, Mehlich-3 extractable P or grass yield. Significant reductions in Mehlich-3 extractable P were observed with the aluminum sulfate or ferric chloride amendments, while varied results were observed with the calcium hydroxide amendment. Results suggest that the use of manure amended with aluminum sulfate or ferric chloride has little effect on growth or P accumulation by timothy. Overall, this study demonstrated that mineral pre-treatment of manure can reduce the extractable P content of the manure and soil without negative effects on plant growth.  相似文献   

Mine tailing soils created from the copper extraction in Touro Mine (Northwest Spain) are very degraded both physically and chemically. Three plots in this mine tailing were amended with Technosols in different proportions in each one to know if this mixture improved the physico-chemical characteristics of the mine soil and contaminated it with heavy metals. The Technosols were made of organic wastes, including mussel residues, wood fragments, sewage sludges and paper mill ashes. An unamended area was used as a control soil. Pseudototal and diethylenetriaminepentaacetic acid (DTPA)-extractable contents of Al, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn were determined in soil samples. The untreated soil had significant limitations for vegetation growth. All the Technosols improved the properties of the mine soil by increasing organic carbon and pH value, but they added Ni, Pb or Zn to the soil. It is advisable to check whether the heavy metal concentrations of the wastes are hazardous or not before adding to soils. It is also necessary to study the effect of these wastes over time and in more areas to conclude if they are actually favourable to restore degraded mine soils.  相似文献   

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