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在水产养殖过程中,我们经常碰到池塘中氨氮过高的问题,在高密度精养池塘中这个问题更加严重,给养殖造成了一定的危害。下面,我们就池塘中氨氮的形成、氨氮的危害、氨氮的消除途径以及氨氮的控制方法一一加以阐述。一、池塘中氨氮的形成池塘中的氨氮主要来源于三种途径,即水生动 相似文献
3种微生物制剂调控工厂化对虾养殖水质的研究 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
研究了地衣芽孢杆菌(Bacillus licheniformis,BL)、荚膜红假单胞菌(Rhodopseudomonas capsulate,RC)和乳酸杆菌(Lactobacillusspp.,LB)对凡纳滨对虾(Litopenaeus vannamei)工厂化养殖水质的影响。结果表明,施用不同微生物制剂组合,其作用效果各不相同。各组微生物制剂均能降低水体中氨氮,地衣芽孢杆菌 荚膜红假单胞菌(G1)组、地衣芽孢杆菌 荚膜红假单胞菌(G2)和地衣芽孢杆菌 乳酸杆菌(G3)组NH4 的相对降解率为62%、63%和65%;前21d,G2组降低NH4 效果最明显,相对降解率为79%。在降低NO2-方面,G1组的效果较好,相对降解率为46%;但各处理组对于PO34-、COD均无显著效果。相对而言,G1组改善养殖水质的效果最好。实验中微生物制剂的不同施用频率对水质的净化没有明显的差别。各项水质指标均随养殖时间的推移呈现不断上升的趋势。 相似文献
<正>近年来,全国各地都掀起水产品健康养殖高潮,取得较好的效益及成功的经验,现就广东对虾健康养殖技术中几个关键环节作一个综合介绍。一、虾池放苗前的准备工作1.清池消毒清池主要是将池底污泥和有机物加以处理,使之彻底除去或氧化成为有用的肥料。一是冲洗,利 相似文献
随着人民生活水平的提高和国家对食品质量安全管理逐渐走上法制化轨道,为适应我国渔业发展新阶段的要求,全面提高水产品质量安全水平,进一步增强水产品国际竞争力,维护消费者合法权益,保护农业生态环境,促进渔业可持续发展,近年来,国家不断加强标准化基地建设,加大无公害食品、有机食品、绿色食品的培育和认证力度,从源头消除水产品不安全隐患,让消费者吃上绿色环保的水产品。在无公害水产品养殖过程中如何用药进行病害防治,成为养殖过程中影响水产品品质的重要环节。 相似文献
复合微生物制剂对虾塘养殖水体生态因子的控制效应 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
应用利生素-复合微生物制剂对养殖虾塘水体中各项水质因子的控制,含活菌数为10个,g的菌剂,用量为1kg-0.5kg/hm,经二个月的试验,结果表明:有益微生物对提高虾塘水质DO,调节水中PH值及分解有机物(COD)污染和有毒物质有明显的功效。对照塘DO升高20%以上,COD上升16%,NH-N升高11.3%,NO-N升高828.6%,DIN升高101.3%PON升高485%,总有机氮(TN)升高70.7%:而试验塘COD下降12.9%-21.3%NH-N下降43.3%-75.6%,NO-N下降74.8%-100%,DIN下降70.8-94.8%,PON和TN分别下降75.2%-70.7%:和32.3%-38.3%,说明用复合微生物制剂是目前水质处理中一种较为理想的方法。 相似文献
本文针对凡纳滨对虾养殖过程中青苔滋生的条件、环境等因素进行了详细分析,总结出了青苔对养殖造成的严重危害,如消耗水体中大量营养物质、降低水体溶解氧和产生有毒有害物质等,并提出了适当肥水、合理投饲等切实有效的防控方法,为今后淡化、标粗和养殖凡纳滨对虾提供了可参考的技术依据。 相似文献
养殖池塘经过一段时间的养殖生产,由于死亡的生物体、鱼类的粪便、残饵和有机肥料等不断积累,加上泥沙混合,在池底淤积成厚厚的淤泥,很容易造成水质恶化,既破坏了养殖水体的生产能力,又对水产品的质量造成影响。大量研究和实践证明,养殖池塘淤泥增多,底质恶化,导致有毒有害物质增加,也是造成养殖水体污染的重要原因。所以清除养殖池塘过多淤泥是池塘改造不可缺少的一项工作。 相似文献
M Kunda M Ekram Azim M Abdul Wahab Somen Dewan Nanna Roos & Shakuntala H Thilsted 《Aquaculture Research》2008,39(5):506-517
The effects of different stocking densities of freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) on its growth and production in relation to the presence of small self‐recruiting species mola (Amblypharyngodon mola) were investigated in modified rice fields after rice harvest at Mymensingh, Bangladesh. Keeping the stocking density of mola fixed at 20 000 ha?1 in each treatment, four densities of freshwater prawn (treatments) were maintained: 10 000, 15 000, 20 000 and 25 000 ha?1 respectively. The rice plots were limed (CaCO3) and fertilized with urea, triple super phosphate and cowdung regularly. The prawns were fed daily with commercial pellets. Water quality parameters such as temperature, dissolved oxygen, transparency, pH, total alkalinity, inorganic nitrogen (nitrate, nitrite and total ammonia), chlorophyll a and orthophosphate were determined fortnightly. Numerical analysis of plankton communities was performed monthly. All water quality parameters were found to be within the suitable range for freshwater prawn culture, except high temperature, in the peak summer months. There was a homogenous abundance of plankton communities in all treatments throughout the experimental period. Mola started to breed in the second month of the original stocking with partial harvesting after the second month and continued until the final harvest. The total production of mola ranged between 124 and 152 kg ha?1 during the 4‐month culture period. The average prawn survival ranged from 49% to 57% without any significant difference among treatments. Freshwater prawn production ranged from 294 to 596 kg ha?1 with significantly higher production in the treatment where 20 000 ha?1 freshwater prawn were stocked. This treatment also resulted in a higher net profit margin (74%), indicating that stocking at a combination of 20 000 ha?1 freshwater prawn and 20 000 ha?1 mola could be the optimum proposition for prawn–mola culture in modified rain‐fed rice fields after rice cultivation. 相似文献
河蟹(Eriocheir sinensis)育苗与养殖在北方是继中国对虾育苗与养殖之后又一新兴产业.目前河蟹育苗技术日趋成熟,但在某些技术环节上还不够完善,育苗产量有时还不够稳定.笔者结合几年来从事河蟹育苗的实践,就几个关键环节提出如下粗浅看法. 相似文献
Jaw-Kai Wang 《Aquacultural Engineering》1985,4(1):21-32
It has been shown that there is no significant difference (P < 0·05) in the weight = f (width) and orbit length = f (width) relationships of commercially produced male and female Macrobrachium rosenbergii in Hawaii. A regression equation of the form ? = (A 1 X 7 B) 1 ? has been shown to adequately describe the above relationships. In particularWeight = 0·01278 1 (width) 7 2·5189, R 7 2 = 0·978Orbit length = 0·1828 1 (width) 7 0·77685, R 7 2 = 0.996This relationship allows the development of a simple mechanical prawn size sorter. 相似文献
青虾的暂养与活体运输技术 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
青虾 ,又名河虾 ,学名叫日本沼虾 (Macro brachiumnipponense) ,隶属节肢动物门、甲壳纲、长臂虾科、沼虾属 ,是淡水虾中最重要的一类 ,也是我国产量最大的淡水虾。青虾在我国分布很广 ,江苏、上海、浙江、福建、江西、四川、广东、湖北等省市均有分布 ,它广泛生活于淡水湖泊、 相似文献
During the past 20 years there has been a dramatic global expansion in fish farming, with both positive and negative consequences. Although commercial aquaculture has contributed positively to the economies of many producing countries, there are considerable negative environmental and social impacts. In intensive and semi-intensive systems, artificial feeds supplemented with antibiotics are used to prevent the spread of disease and to improve feed conversion ratios. Current knowledge of the health and environmental impact of antibiotics used in aquaculture is poor, particularly in tropical regions. Residues may remain in fish used for human consumption and antibiotics released into the environment can lead to the development of antibiotic-resistant bacteria in the food chain. The accumulation of waste feeds in ponds stimulates the growth of bacteria, including human pathogens, which can contaminate products and lead to foodborne disease and the rejection of products in export markets. In extensive systems, where fish are produced mainly for the domestic market, different food safety concerns exist. The consumption of aquatic plants and raw or partially cooked freshwater fish has been associated with foodborne trematode infections. These are a major public health problem in East and South East Asia and occur when products that are contaminated by the infective stages of the parasites are consumed. This paper reviews food safety hazards associated with products from aquaculture and proposes the application of principles of the hazard analysis critical control point (HACCP) system as a general strategy to control the hazards identified. 相似文献
George H. Balazs S.E. Olbrich M.E. Tumbleson 《Aquaculture (Amsterdam, Netherlands)》1974,3(2):147-157
Baseline serum values of newly captured Malaysian prawns (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) and pink shrimp (Penaeus marginatus) were determined by Sequential Multiple AutoAnalysis. Both of these species have considerable potential for commercial captive culture.Sex differences in serum constituent levels were found within species. Female pink shrimp had higher serum glucose levels than the males. Malaysian prawn males had higher cholesterol levels than females, and the latter had higher levels or activities of urea nitrogen, creatinine and lactic dehydrogenase.Pink shrimp held under laboratory conditions for 10 days had higher levels or activities of serum glucose and alkaline phosphatase and lower levels or activities of serum inorganic phosphorus, total protein, lactic dehydrogenase and glumatic-oxaloacetic transaminase than pink shrimp sampled immediately after capture. 相似文献