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俗话说:家和万事兴。大至国家之强盛,社会之祥和,小至个人生活之幸福,事业之兴旺,身体之健康,均有赖于和谐的家庭为基础。  相似文献   

蝴蝶是商品 是商品原料   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
几千年来,人们对蝴蝶的喜爱表现在:画家画之,诗人咏之,歌者歌之,舞者舞之,……直到上个世纪,蝴蝶产业出现,就有了商者商之,于是蝴蝶就成了商品和商品原料。  相似文献   

中国豆腐的起源与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨坚 《农业考古》2004,(1):217-226
豆腐,常见易得,又不同凡响。我国近代大豆专家李煜赢曾说:“中国之豆腐为食品之极良者,其性滋补,其价廉,其制造之法纯本乎科学。”“西人之牛乳与乳膏,皆为最普及之食品;中国之豆浆与豆腐亦为极普及之食品。就化学与生物化学之观之,豆腐与乳质无异,故不难以豆质代乳质也。  相似文献   

金豆一号是强分枝、超高产大豆品种,植株之壮,分枝之多,结荚之密,产量之高实属罕见。金豆一号与普通大豆不同,必须采用正确的栽培技术,才能获得高产、高效。  相似文献   

恒章 《农业考古》2004,(4):82-82
茶,产自华夏,流布五洲。茶,草之系,木之本,叶之嘉;绿如滴,红胜火,白过帛,黑似铁。屈曲弯折,揉作一团,或尖或片,并饼亦沫,嗅之馨香,藏之流韵,沏之成汤,饮胜王浆。啜之品之,先苦后甘,滋腹润肺,荡浊扬清,气舒神爽。  相似文献   

倪瓒身处元末,散尽家财,隐迹山水,交游甚广,以写诗、作画以自娱。倪瓒之画,不求形似,简笔率略而成,自得天真逸趣,形成简远空疏之境。倪瓒之诗,不事雕琢,遇事感兴,得乎性情之正,有冲淡萧散之风。作为画家兼诗人,倪瓒打破了画与诗两种不同艺术形式之间的壁垒,实现了其诗画艺术风格的互通。  相似文献   

“梨者利木也。”古往今来,梨造福于人类的功利、效益之大,堪称’“百果之宗”,富民之果。中国梨品种之丰富,栽培历史之悠久、分布之广泛,产量、面积居世界之首位。而巴梨以其果肉柔软多汁,细腻,香甜可口,倍受人们欢迎,目前在迁安市发展很快。梨树以其适应性广、抗逆性强,无论山地、丘陵、沙滩及荒芜的盐碱地,不能栽培苹果、桃、李的地区,梨都能生长结果。但是其产品品质、产量受土壤影响很大。  相似文献   

《大观茶论》   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
序尝谓首地而倒上所以供人[之]求者,其类不一。谷粟之于饥,丝 之于寒,虽庸人孺子皆知。常须而日用,不以岁[时]之舒适而可以兴废也。至若茶之为物,擅瓯闽之秀气.钟山川之灵禀,祛襟涤滞.致清导和,则非庸人孺子可得而知矣;(中)[冲]澹间洁,韵高致静,则非遑遽之时可得而好尚矣。本朝之兴,岁修建溪之贡,龙团凤饼,名冠天下,而壑源之品亦自此而感。延及于今,百废俱举,海内晏然,垂拱密如,幸致无为。缙绅之士,韦布之流,沫浴膏泽,薰购德化,(盛)[咸]以雅尚相推从,事茗饮,故近岁以来,采择之精,制作之工,品第之…  相似文献   

何平 《河南农业》2011,(12):4-4
中国之重,重在哪里?河南之责,责在何方?稳粮强农,重中之重。一亿人的吃饭问题,泱泱大国的战略安全,实赖粮食之充盈,全靠农业之基础。粮食一旦危机,犹如釜底抽薪;基础倘若不牢,必定地动山摇。  相似文献   

我国著名诗人艾青的诗作《窗外的争吵》有一句话"去问开化的大地,去问解冻的河流",改用艾青的诗意那就是:冀棉的品种如何,去问燕赵大地的棉农,去问长江流域、黄河流域、新疆内陆棉区的棉农!溯洄从之,溯游从之,真正的千秋种业,真正的春秋大义,真正的人间正道,不在水中央,不在水之湄,不在水之坻,不在水之涣,在棉农的心中。思冀棉之发展,顾冀棉之成长,看冀棉之今天,盼冀棉之凌云,曲径寻幽,提纲挈领,故书:冀棉十个一、镌勒成永记。  相似文献   

提出了圆柱与圆锥正交、圆锥与球偏交、圆柱与球偏交等三种情况下确定相贯线上特殊点的数学模型及相应的作图法,为实现回转体相贯线的计算机辅助绘图提供了理论基础,为实际工程应用提供了一种快速精确的作图方法.  相似文献   

解决腐败问题的关键是要健全权力运行制约和监督机制,推进权力运行程序化和公开透明。通过树立科学善治的权力观,启动反腐倡廉建设的"思想引擎",构建科学合理的权制结构,打造反腐倡廉建设的"民主利器",增加权力运行的透明度,搭建反腐倡廉建设的"可视化平台",提升权力制约的法治化水平,建构反腐倡廉建设的"刚性要件",提高权力运行程序的严密化程度,编织反腐倡廉建设的"缚权网络",运用高科技手段制约权力,构筑反腐倡廉建设的"科技屏障"等,从而逻辑地形成"思想引领—权制昌明—政务透明—法治规范—程序保障—科技手段"这样"六位一体"的科学"运"权机制,这是构建惩治和预防腐败体系的重要内容,也是推进反腐倡廉建设科学化的关键所在。  相似文献   

非计算机专VFP程序设计语言教学实践与探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
VFP程序设计语言是一种能处理大量的数据和进行管理系统开发的常用工具。它是很多高校非计算机专业的计算机基础课程,如何教好这门课程是计算机基础课教师非常关心的问题。本文对重视课前准备,精心制作多媒体课件、注重课堂教学,激发学习兴趣、重视上机实验指导、“无纸化”上机考核方式等几个方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Data management in food supply chains to facilitate product traceability has gained importance in recent years. This paper presents a relational database model to facilitate internal traceability at a grain elevator, which is one of the first nodes in a food supply chain. This approach for modeling traceability information in bulk food supply chains has not been studied in past. At an elevator, grain lots (inbound deliveries) are blended to meet buyer specifications, and individual lot identity is not maintained. As a result, an outbound shipment to a customer likely contains grain from many different sources. In a food safety related emergency, tracing the source of a problem or tracking other affected shipments would be nearly impossible. An efficient internal data management system could mitigate these problems by recording all grain lot transformations/activities, including movement, aggregation, segregation, and destruction as well as supplier and customer information. In this paper, a relational database management system is proposed that stores all necessary information, including product and quality information, related to the grain lots in order to enable product traceability. The system can be queried to retrieve information related to incoming, internal and outgoing lots and to retrieve information that connects the individual incoming grain lots to an outgoing shipment. Furthermore, this system can be used both to trace back to the source of a given lot and to track information about previously shipped lots forward. In addition to traceability application, the information stored in this database provides a comprehensive dataset for many applications including mass flow optimization, resource optimization and improved operational efficiency of the grain elevator.  相似文献   

认知计算是认知科学、神经科学、数据科学和云计算的交叉学科。数据的急剧增长、算法的不断优化和高性能计算能力的发展加速了认知计算在健康医疗、智慧城市、农业等各个领域的研究和应用。认知计算提供了一种新的模式,是大数据、机器学习、深度学习、自然语言处理、IOT (The Internet of Things)、云计算等不同成熟技术的结合体。在此模式下,研究人员不再满足于继续延用传统的数据分析方法,开始寻求新的方法以期在大规模结构和非结构数据中探索其中模式和相关性。从而认知系统可以提供学习、推理、发现、自然语言交流、决策支持的功能。农业领域的数据量呈现爆发式的增长,认知计算和农业大数据的结合有效促进了智慧农业的发展,但是由于数据不仅包括时空数据、图像、视频等多种类型,其数据质量和地理位置、网络连接和数据来源密切相关。所以对于认知计算在农业领域的应用,这既是机遇也是挑战。基于已有研究工作探讨了认知计算的概念和相关学科;阐述了认知计算的发展历程、不同架构类型和技术体系;总结了近年来认知计算的研究进展;简要介绍了认知计算在农业领域的应用现状,同时对认知计算在农业领域应用中的挑战和发展趋势进行了总结、思考与展望。  相似文献   

推进农业高校与企业广泛合作,逐步建立高等农业教育与社会生产密切结合的教育机制,是农业高等教育进一步发展的必然趋势。云南是一个农业大省,云南高等农业院校是培养农业高级专门人才的基地。通过对云南农业大学的产学研合作状况进行调查,分析评价云南农业大学产学研合作过程中经验和不足,提出相应措施以推进产学研一体化的新型教育模式。  相似文献   

无边界职业生涯是指个体跨越单一组织边界来获取一系列的工作机会..在无边界职业生涯的条件下,个体要求具有一种跨职业的能力,具有更加广泛的可迁移的职业技能。跨职业能力的培养本身就是对无边界职业生涯的一种主动回应,也体现了学校教育对学生未来生存与发展的当下关怀。跨职业能力的培养是一项复杂的系统工程。面向一个职业群的宽基础课程模式、致力于培养企业家精神的创业教育、着重于发掘学生一般潜能的通识教育等都与跨职业能力的培养有着密切的关联。无边界职业生涯理念将对当代职业教育产生深刻的影响.  相似文献   

This paper describes a Viticulture Service-Oriented Framework (VSOF) which turns around context elements or tags that are placed in the field and which can be decoded by mobile devices such as mobile phones or PDAs. The tags are used to automatically associate a field location to the relevant database tables or records and also to access contextual information or services. By pointing a mobile device to a tag, the viticulturalist may download data such as climatic data or upload information such as disease and pest incidence in a simple way, without having to provide coordinates or any other references, and without having to return to a central office. This work is part of an effort to implement a large-scale distributed cooperative network in the Douro Demarcated Region in Northeast Portugal, a region in which the effort makes particular sense due to the extremely variable topography and mesoclimates. The possibility of exchanging contextualized information and accessing contextualized services in the field, using well-known devices such as cell phones, may contribute to increase the rate of adoption of information technology in viticulture, and contribute to more efficient and closer-to-the-crops practices.  相似文献   

In agriculture, a major challenge is to automate knowledge-intensive tasks. Task-performing software is often opaque, which has a negative impact on a system’s adaptability and on the end user’s understanding and trust of the system’s operation. A more transparent, declarative way of specifying the expert knowledge required in such software is needed.We argue that a white-box approach is in principle preferred over systems in which the applied expertise is hidden in the system code. Internal transparency makes it easier to adapt the system to new conditions and to diagnose faulty behaviour. At the same time, explicitness comes at a price and is always bounded by practical considerations. Therefore we introduce the notion of bounded transparency, implying a balanced decision between transparency and opaqueness. The method proposed in this paper provides a set of pragmatic objectives and decision criteria to decide on each level of a task’s decomposition whether more transparency is sensible or whether delegation to a black-box component is acceptable.We apply the proposed method in a real-world case study involving a computer vision application for seedling inspection in horticulture and show how bounded transparency is obtained. We conclude that the proposed method offers structure to the application designer in making substantiated implementation decisions.  相似文献   

柳金平  邵科 《农业展望》2013,9(7):25-30
中国农业农村发展进入了新的发展阶段,在宏观背景上,进入工业反哺农业新阶段;在政策框架上,进入系统性扶持农业发展新阶段;在对外关系上,进入开放格局新阶段;在产品供求上,进入"紧平衡"新阶段;在生产方式上,转向规模化、组织化、社会化新阶段;在要素投入上,转向科技、资本密集型新阶段;在收入构成上,转向依靠非农产业新阶段。未来如何借力城镇化、工业化、信息化,如何拓展和延伸强农惠农政策并有效落实,如何科学调配国际、国内农产品渠道,如何平衡城镇居民、工商企业和农民之间利益,如何稳定和提高农业从业者队伍的数量和质量,如何构建新型农业经营体系,如何和谐处理人与自然之间的关系,如何持续稳定提高农民收入,如何实现农业转移人口市民化是解决好"三农"问题必须面对的核心问题与挑战。  相似文献   

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