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The nitrate threshold concentration in rearing water of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) was assessed. Female African catfish with an initial mean (SD) weight of 154.3 (7.5) g were exposed to 0.4 (Control), 1.5, 4.2, 9.7 and 27.0 mM nitrate for 42 days. Mean (SD) plasma concentrations of nitrate increased from 71 (29) to 6623 (921) μM at the highest ambient nitrate level. Mean (SD) plasma nitrite concentration ranged from 1.2 (0.5) to 7.9 (9.0) μM. Haematocrit, plasma concentrations of non‐esterified fatty acids (NEFA), cortisol, glucose, lactate, osmolality, gill morphology and branchial Na+/K+‐ATPase activity were not affected. Feed intake and specific growth rate were significantly reduced at the highest nitrate concentration. We advise not to exceed a water nitrate concentration of 10 mM (140 mg L?1 NO3‐N) to prevent the risk of reduced growth and feed intake in African catfish aquaculture.  相似文献   

This study was performed to evaluate the effect of replacing fish meal with local by‐products on Clarias gariepinus growth performance, feed utilization and body composition. A control diet contained 50% of fish meal. In four other diets, fish meal was partially replaced by vegetable and animal protein blend composed of sunflower oil cake, soybean oil cake, groundnut oil cake, bean meal, chicken viscera and blood meal. The study was conducted in a recirculating water system at a mean temperature of 23.6°C. The five test diets were compared with a commercial diet developed for African catfish. All diets were balanced to be equal in gross energy (19 kJ g−1) and crude protein (40%). The experimental groups were fed in triplicate for 8 weeks, increasing fish weight from about 6.2 g at start to 52.3 g in the end. Best specific growth rate (SGR=3.4), feed efficiency (FE=1.3) and protein efficiency ratio (PER=3) were obtained with the control diet (diet 50% fish meal), although there were no significant differences between the group of fish fed the control diet and those fed diets based on groundnut oil cake or bean meal, whereas SGR (2.17), FE (0.85) and PER (1.95) were significantly (P<0.01) lower in fish fed diet containing sunflower oil cake. No significant differences (P<0.05) were found in fish fed commercial diet and diets containing bean meal or groundnut oil cake. Groundnut oil cake or bean meal can thus replace at least 50% of fish meal in the diet of Clarias fingerlings without amino acid supplementation. Because of its economic importance and its potential in animal nutrition sunflower oil cake is still an interesting feed ingredient, but its efficiency should be improved by various processing techniques. African catfish can utilize efficiently a diet with low percentage of animal protein without growth reduction.  相似文献   

The nitrite threshold concentration in rearing water of African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) was assessed. African catfish with an initial mean (SD) weight of 219.7 (57.8) g were exposed to an increasing range of water nitrite from 6 (Control) to 928 μM nitrite for 28 days. Mean (SD) plasma nitrite concentrations increased from 5.0 (3.6) to 32.5 (12.6) μM at 928 μM ambient nitrite. The increase in nitrite was accompanied by gradual increase in plasma nitrate from 41.6 (28.4) μM to 420.2 (106.4) μM. Haematocrit, haemoglobin, methemoglobin, plasma concentrations of cortisol, glucose, lactate, osmolality, gill morphology and branchial Na+/K+‐ATPase activity were not affected. Feed intake, final weight, SGR, FCR and mortality were not affected. We advise not to exceed a water nitrite concentration of 43 μM (0.6 mg L?1 NO2?‐N) to prevent the risk of reduced growth and feed intake in African catfish aquaculture.  相似文献   

Understanding the major causes of growth variation is crucial for the success of fish farming since its reduction contributes to maximize production efficiency, reduce food waste and improve water quality. The growth variation observed in aquaculture has been associated with the establishment of social hierarchies. However, some studies suggest that this variation may not be mainly a consequence of social hierarchies but mainly a result of inherent (genetic) differences. This study investigates the magnitude of individual responses, independently of group effects (fish housed individually), in growth efficiency and feeding behaviour of African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822). Despite the low variation in initial body weight (6.5%) and cumulative feed consumption (7.5%) over the experimental period, catfish exhibited high variation in final body weight (18.1%), specific growth rate (17.2%) and feed conversion ratio (27.9%), suggesting that individual variation in growth efficiency is important in determining growth rate. This individual variation may be related with individual differences in protein/fat deposition since faster growing fish deposited more protein and less fat than slower growing fish. Pronounced individual differences in feeding behaviour (reaction towards feed and time spent eating) were also observed and correlated with individual differences in growth efficiency. Fast eaters were the fast growers. We suggest that the growth variation observed in African catfish may be inherent and that the use of grading to increase uniformity should be further investigated.  相似文献   

Growth of larval sharptooth catfish Clarias gariepinus fed live Artemia nauplii , a specially prepared dry feed (MN-3), a commercial dry salmon starter feed (Silver Cup 3600), or a combination of 50% live Artemia and 50% MN-3, under conditions of either light or dark for 21 days was studied. For all diets, fish reared in darkened tanks were significantly larger than those in illuminated tanks from day 8 onwards. Fish fed a combination of live Artemia plus MN-3 grew significantly more quickly than those fed either live Artemia or MN-3 only. On day 21 of the experiment, average weight of fish fed the combined diet was 649 ± 30 mg (mean ± SEM ) in darkened tanks and 445 ± 16 mg in illuminated tanks, while those fed Artemia alone were 242 ± 9 and 198 ± 13 mg (dark and light, respectively) and fish fed MN-3 only were intermediate at 377 ± 20 and 267 ± 16 mg (dark and light, respectively). Catfish fed the salmon starter initially grew slowly, but after day 11 grew more quickly than the other groups. Mortalities were highest for fish fed salmon feed.
Permanent darkness enhances the growth of C. gariepinus larvae during and after metamorphosis. While dry diets promoted higher growth rate than live Artemia nauplii alone, a combination of the two resulted in the fastest growth.  相似文献   

The effects of feeding time and frequency on the growth, feed utilization and survival of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822; family Clariidae) fingerlings were evaluated in a 25-day study. Groups of African catfish with an initial individual weight of 0.98 ± 0.02 g were offered feeds continuously for 24 h, or during the day or night at different time intervals, with varying meal size. The growth rate was significantly affected by meal times. Widely practised day time feeding with three equal size meals a day gave the lowest growth and highest food wastage. The growth rates of fish fed continuously or during night time following their feed demand were significantly higher with lowest food conversion ratios and food wastage.  相似文献   

A 12‐week feeding trial was carried out in concrete tanks to examine complete and partial replacement (75%) of fish meal (FM) with poultry by‐product meal (PBM), meat and bone meal (MBM) and soybean meal (SBM) in practical feeds for African catfish Clarias gariepinus. Triplicate groups of fish (initial body weight ranged from 90.33 to 93.93 g fish−1) were fed seven isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets of 20% digestible protein and 300 kcal 100 g−1 of digestible energy. The control contained 25% herring meal, whereas in the other six diets, PBM, MBM and SBM replaced 75% or 100% of the FM. Final body weight (FBW) and specific growth rate (SGR) of the fish fed diets containing PBM (75% and 100%), SBM (75% and 100%) and MBM (75%) were all higher, but not significantly different than those for fish fed the control diet. Replacing 100% of the FM by MBM significantly lowered FBW and SGR. Concerning whole body composition, there were no significant differences in ash and gross energy content of whole‐body among fish; fish fed diets containing PBM‐100% recorded significantly lower protein content compared with the control diet, while fish fed diet SBM‐100% recorded significantly lower moisture content compared with the control diet. Also fish fed diets SBM‐100% and PBM‐75% recorded higher lipid and gross energy contents compared with the control diet. The study revealed that satisfactory growth and feed utilization responses could be achieved through the replacement of FM by PBM, SBM and MBM in the diet of African catfish.  相似文献   

Cage‐pond integration system is a new model for enhancing productivity of pond aquaculture system. A field trial was conducted using African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) and Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) in cages and carps in earthen ponds. There were four treatments replicated five times: (1) carps in ponds without cage, (2) tilapia at 30 fish m?3 in cage and carps in open pond, (3) catfish at 100 fish m?3 in cage and carps in open pond, (4) tilapia and catfish at 30 and 100 fish m?3, respectively, in separate cages and carps in open pond. The carps were stocked at 1 fish m?2. The cage occupied about 3% of the pond area. The caged tilapia and catfish were fed and the control ponds were fertilized. Results showed that the combined extrapolated net yield was significantly higher (P < 0.05) in the catfish, tilapia and carps integration system (9.4 ± 1.6 t ha?1 year?1) than in the carp polyculture (3.3 ± 0.7 t ha?1 year?1). The net return from the tilapia and carps (6860 US$ ha?1 year?1) and catfish, tilapia and carps integration systems (6668 US$ ha?1 year?1) was significantly higher than in the carp polyculture (1709 US$ ha?1 year?1) (P < 0.05). This experiment demonstrated that the cage‐pond integration of African catfish and Nile tilapia with carps is the best technology to increase production; whereas integration of tilapia and carp for profitability.  相似文献   

Individual variation in growth, feed intake and feeding behaviour has been previously recognized in several fish species. However, there is a lack of information regarding the consistency of such individual differences, which is important to understand the probability of a certain individual trait to be inherent, i.e. genetically linked. The goal of this study is to quantify the consistency of individual differences in growth, feed intake/efficiency and feeding behaviour in African catfish Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822). Forty‐eight juvenile fish (58.9±0.4 g) were housed individually for 47 days and weighed every second week. The consistency of growth, feed efficiency (residual feed intake (RFI)) and feeding behaviour (total feeding time (TFT)) was determined using repeatability estimates. Fish exhibited pronounced individual variation in growth (CV=52.8%), feed intake (34.3%) and in the TFT (>100%). The repeatability estimates were 0.55 for growth, 0.70 for feed intake, 0.49 for RFI and 0.81 for TFT. Individual differences in growth were mainly explained by individual differences in feed intake (~80%). Individual differences in feeding behaviour contributed to explain differences in feed intake by affecting the RFI. With increasing TFT, the maintenance levels also increased suggesting that slow eaters were less efficient in feed/energy utilization. The results of this study indicate that individual differences in growth, feed intake/efficiency and feeding behaviour are consistent over time and therefore probably inherent. Moreover, this study may have implications on the use of feeding behaviour as a predictor of feed efficiency in juveniles of African catfish.  相似文献   

In African catfish the dopamine agonist apomorphine (APO) stimulates in vivo growth hormone (GH) release. The present study demonstrates that the potency of APO to stimulate plasma GH levels is affected by the nutritional status of the fish. The effect of starvation on APO induced GH release was investigated in sexually mature and immature catfish. Administration of APO clearly stimulated plasma GH levels in mature catfish that had been starved for 3 and 5 weeks, while no effect could be observed prior to starvation. This increased responsiveness to the GH stimulating action of APO was also demonstrated in fasted immature fish, though it was only evident in fish starved for a prolonged period (19 days or more). The importance of the duration of the starvation period suggests that the enhanced responsiveness is the result of physiological adaptations to starvation rather than an acute effect of food deprivation.  相似文献   

Dietary histidine requirement of fry African catfish, Clarias gariepinus (2.57 ± 0.02 cm; 0.22 ± 0.03 g) was quantified by feeding casein–gelatin-based isonitrogenous (40% crude protein) and isocaloric (17.90 kJ g−1 gross energy) amino acid test diets with graded levels of histidine (0.25%, 0.30%, 0.35%, 0.40%, 0.45% and 0.50% dry diet) in eighteen 80 L indoor circular aqua-coloured troughs provided with the flow-through system for 12 weeks. Maximum absolute weight gain (2.66), best feed conversion ratio (1.29), highest protein efficiency ratio (1.94), protein retention efficiency (34%) and energy retention efficiency (70.4%) were achieved at 0.40% dietary histidine. Broken-line and non-linear regression models were adopted to assess dietary histidine requirement for C. gariepinus . When analysed using broken-line regression model these parameters were also best at 0.40% dietary histidine corresponding to 1.0% protein, respectively, whereas using second-degree polynomial regression analysis, histidine requirement was obtained at 0.42%, 0.41%, 0.40%, 0.41% and 0.41% of dry diet, corresponding to 1.05%, 1.02%, 1.0%, 1.02% and 1.02% protein respectively. Based on the broken-line and second-degree polynomial regression analyses of the growth and nutrient retention data, optimum histidine requirement of fry C. gariepinus was found to be in the range of 0.40–0.42% dry diet, corresponding to 1.0–1.05% of dietary protein.  相似文献   

The present study investigated the qualitative amino acid (AA) requirements of larval African catfish Clarias gariepinus. Yolk-sac larval AA profiles were measured at different temperatures and also in animals reared at 28 °C fed Artemia nauplii or an experimental dry diet. The AA profile of C. gariepinus larvae changed during ontogeny, especially before the start of exogenous feeding. The AA profiles of the food items (yolk, Artemia and the dry diet) differed considerably from that of the larvae. No selective absorption of yolk AA was detected. Higher temperatures led to increased absorption and depletion rates of AA, and also to a higher retention efficiency of yolk nutrients. However, changes in temperature did not induce preferential absorption or depletion of individual AA, and caused only small variations in the AA profile. Depletion rates of individual AAs varied, possibly due to differences between larval and yolk AA profiles, and also to changes in the larval AA profile during ontogeny. There was little regulation of catabolism of individual AA in yolk-sac and starved larvae, and no sparing of essential AA.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of feed particle size on gastric evacuation and growth of fingerling African catfish, Clarias gariepinus . Fish (0.97 ± 0.07 g) held in 40-cm diameter tanks at a stocking density of 5 fish L–1 (25 fish per tank) were presented with one of four sizes of food particles (1, 1.5, 2 and 3 mm diameter). Gastric evacuation rate could be described by an exponential function with small feed particles being evacuated more rapidly: values of 0.076, 0.054, 0.047 and 0.029 were observed for fish fed 1 mm, 1.5 mm, 2 mm and 3 mm food particles, respectively. Growth rates were highest for fish fed the 1.5 and 2 mm pellets. Based on these findings, recommendations are made on the optimum food particle size for C. gariepinus fingerlings.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to evaluate the growth performance and feed utilization of African catfish, Clarias gariepinus, fed six diets (D) in which fishmeal (FM) was gradually replaced by a mixture of local plant by‐products. In diets 1 and 2, FM (250 g kg?1) was replaced by sunflower oil cake (SFOC). In diets 3 and 4, FM (250 and 150 g kg?1, respectively) was replaced by SFOC and bean meal (BM) while FM was totally substituted by a mixture of groundnut oil cake (GOC), BM and SFOC in diets 5 and 6. Sunflower oil cake was cooked, soaked or dehulled in order to determine the appropriate processing techniques for improving the SFOC nutritive value and to evaluate the apparent digestibility coefficient (ADC) values of the alternative diets. No significant differences were observed for daily feed intake, weight gain, specific growth rate (SGR) and feed efficiency (FE) among fish fed D1, D2, D3 (250 g kg?1 FM), D4 (150 g kg?1 FM) and D6 (0 g kg?1 FM). The highest SGR (3.2% per day) and FE (1.2) were achieved in fish fed D3, and the lowest in fish fed D5 (0% FM), suggesting a maximum acceptable dietary concentration of hulled SFOC below 250 g kg?1 in African catfish juveniles. Protein efficiency ratio ranged from 2.2 to 3.2 for all dietary treatments and was positively influenced by FM inclusion. African catfish were able to digest plant protein very efficiently in all diets tested. ADC of protein ranged from 88.6 to 89.5%, while ADC of energy was relatively low for diets containing hulled sunflower oilcake (71–74%) and high when sunflower oilcake was dehulled (78.6–81.3%). Similarly, ADC of dry matter was higher when sunflower was dehulled (72.1%) when compared with crude SFOC (60.5%). Soaking increased ADC values for neutral detergent fibre (NDF), dry matter, energy, protein and amino acids (AA). There were no significant differences in protein ADCs (88–90%) with increased levels of dietary vegetable ingredients. Both soaking and dehulling of sunflower before incorporation helped in the reduction of NDF, antitrypsin and tannins. Digestibility of all AA was generally high, greater than 90% for both indispensable and non‐indispensable AA. Based on the data obtained, it was possible to totally replace menhaden fish meal with a mixture of vegetable proteins (72% of total dietary protein) when diets contained a relatively low percentage of animal protein (28% based on blood meal and chicken viscera meal) without negative effects.  相似文献   


The effect of photoperiod (24L:00D, 12L:12D, and 00L:24D) and temperature (22 ± 1°C and 28 ± 1°C) on performance of Clarias gariepinus larvae was tested. Larvae weighing 3.2 ± 0.24 mg were cultured in aquaria at a stocking density of 20 fish L?1 and fed twice a day on catfish starter diet (40% CP) at 10 % BW day?1. Highest mean weight gain (31.00 mg), SGR (7.56% day?1), and survival (83%) were achieved at photoperiod and temperature combination of 00L:24D and 28 ± 1°C. Percent survival of larvae differed significantly (p < .05) among treatments with optimal survival of (83%) in treatment combination of 28 ± 1°C and 00L:24D, while lowest survival (40%) in treatment combination of 22 ± 1°C and 24L:00D.  相似文献   

In fish larvae the costs of rapid growth may be accommodated by a decrease in the rate of protein turnover or by a reduction in the costs of protein synthesis. Protein growth, synthesis and degradation were measured in yolk-sac larvae of Clarias gariepinus and the costs of protein synthesis and protein growth were estimated. Growth rates were over 100% protein weight day-1. Protein synthesis retention efficiency (retained protein per unit of synthesis) was estimated to be 69.6%, a value comparable to that of larger fish. The larvae used 43% of their oxygen consumption for protein synthesis. Nevertheless, protein synthesis costs were close to theoretical minima. Therefore, the high growth rates of catfish yolk-sac larvae seem to be possible through minimisation of the costs of protein synthesis. These low costs are associated with high rates of protein synthesis (138%protein weight day-1), and elevated RNA concentrations (107 µg RNA mg-1protein), which together suggest very high RNA efficiencies (12.9 g protein synthesized g-1RNA day-1).  相似文献   

One of the challenges that Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS) are still facing is the risk that in RAS fish grow less than in flow-through systems due to the accumulation of substances originating from feed, fish or bacteria associated with the water re-use. The present study investigated whether RAS with high and low accumulation levels of these substances affect feed intake and growth of Nile tilapia Oreochromis niloticus, African catfish Clarias gariepinus, and European eel Anguilla Anguilla. One-hundred and twenty individuals of each species were used (start body weights: Nile tilapia 264.8 ± 8.3 g; African catfish 253.2 ± 2.1 g and European eel 66.6 ± 1.3 g). For a period of 39 days, growth and feed intake were compared between high and low accumulation RAS. HIGH accumulation RAS was designed for maximal accumulation of substances in the water by operating the system at nearly-closed conditions (30 L/kg feed/d), using mature biofilters and high feed loads; and (2) LOW accumulation RAS was designed to be a proxy for flow-through systems by operating at high water exchange rates (1500 L/kg feed/d), new biofilters and low feed load. HIGH accumulation RAS induced a reduction in feed intake (42%) and growth (83%) of Nile tilapia, as compared to systems that are a proxy for flow-through conditions. This effect was not observed in European eel and African catfish. The cause of this reduced feed intake and growth rate of Nile tilapia is still unclear and should be addressed in further studies.  相似文献   

Problems of limited number of dry feeds as supplement or replacement of live feeds have led to poor larval nutrition in many species of fish. Therefore, the suitability of co‐feeding 8‐day‐old African catfish (Clarias gariepinus) posthatch larvae using live feed (Artemia salina) and formulated dry diet containing freshwater atyid shrimp (Caridina nilotica) during weaning was investigated. The experiment ended after 21 days of culture and respective groups compared on the basis of growth performance, survival, feed utilization and nutrient utilization. Larvae co‐fed using 50%Artemia and 50% formulated dry diet resulted in significantly (P < 0.05) better growth performance, food gain ratio (FGR), protein efficiency ratio (PER) and productive protein values (PPV) than other treatments. The lowest growth performance occurred in larvae weaned using 100% formulated and commercial dry diets. Better survival of over 90% was obtained in larvae weaned using 50%Artemia and 50% dry diet, while abrupt weaning using 100% dry diets resulted in lower survival (<75%). These results support a recommendation of co‐feeding C. gariepinus larvae using a formulated dry diet containing C. nilotica and 50% live feed when weaning is performed after 8 days posthatching period.  相似文献   

Light intensity during the early life stages of fish can have profound effects on their survival, developmental rate, yolk utilization efficiency and body size. Here, these aspects were analysed during two separate experiments (with or without exogenous food) on two distinct progenies of African sharptooth catfish, at five different light intensities (<0.1, 70, 500, 2500 and 8000 Lx; 24L:0D, 27.2°C). The duration of the egg incubation period (from 1.01 to 1.25 days post fertilization, dPF) was inversely proportional to light intensity, as hatching took place at more precocious developmental stages with increasing light intensity, i.e. at significantly (< 0.05) shorter body length and slightly more abundant remaining yolk at 8000 Lx in comparison to <0.1 Lx. At the start of exogenous feeding (4 dPF), most of these differences had vanished. During the period of mixed feeding (until the end of yolk absorption, 11 dPF), growth decreased significantly with increasing light intensity. Daily mortality rates after hatching varied very little between light intensities. Mortality during egg incubation increased significantly (< 0.05) with increasing light intensity, whereas it varied very little between light intensities thereafter, with the best survival rates since fertilization until the end of yolk absorption obtained at intermediate light intensities (70–2500 Lx). These results could be useful for improving the performance of African sharptooth catfish hatcheries.  相似文献   

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