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Transfer of the stenohaline catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis from tap water (TW) to deionized water (DW) resulted in an increase in the glomerular filtration rate, urine volume and osmolar and free water clearance. In a closed system, where the DW was renewed only once a day, no change in the plasma osmolality was evident for up to 14 days. When DW was renewed four times a day for 25 days, a significant reduction in the plasma osmolality was observed within 24h. When the fish were transferred back to TW, plasma osmolality increased to normal freshwater level within 24h. These observations suggest the existence of highly efficient branchial mechanisms for active uptake of salts from an exceedingly dilute ambient medium. The fact that prolactin-secreting cells as well as corticotrophs in the pituitary of the fish in DW were highly stimulated suggests the involvement of the hormones in the adaptive responses of the catfish to DW.  相似文献   

Although a stenohaline freshwater fish, the stinging catfish Heteropneustes fossilis, is also available in the freshwater fringes of the coastal areas of Bangladesh, the tolerance of this species to variable environmental salinity has not been thoroughly investigated. Based on median lethal salinity (MLS‐50 96 h), three sublethal salinity levels (3 ppt, 6 ppt and 9 ppt) and a control (0 ppt), each with three replications were selected to observe the effects of mildly brackish conditions on the fish for a period of 90‐day exposure. Better growth and survival were found up to 6 ppt compared with control. Salinity more than 6 ppt appeared unsuitable for H. fossilis fingerling due to increased mortality and reduced growth. To determine biochemical alterations, a few important physiological parameters were observed after 90 days of exposure. Glycogen level of liver and muscle in the fish reared at 9 ppt salinity decreased significantly (P < 0.05) as compared to the control. Glucose level in blood and liver was also found to be increased in fish with increase in salinity. ALP and ATPase activities were reduced significantly in both muscle and liver tissues at higher salinity, indicating the stress mitigation effect. However, all the biochemical parameters were found in normal condition up to 6 ppt compared with control. This evidence suggests that H. fossilis can sustain and grow well below 6 ppt and can be a potential candidate for culture in coastal areas after heavy downpour when the salinities level falls to 6 ppt or lower.  相似文献   

The spawning period of Indian catfish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch), was hormonally manipulated by testosterone treatment of hatchlings for one month. Immersion treatment of testosterone propionate at 300 μg L1 water resulted in complete paradoxical feminization, with about 70% of females showing precocious ovarian maturation 3 months ahead of spawning season.  相似文献   

Three consecutive days of injections of triiodothyronine (T3)(0.038, 0.075, 0.15 and 1.54 nmoles/g) significantly elevated the acetylcholinesterase (AchE) activity in the brain of Singi fish, Heteropneustes fossilis (Bloch). The higher doses of 0.075, 0.15 and 1.54 nmoles of T3/g induced a greater increase in enzyme activity than 0.038 nmoles/g. A T3 dose of 0.019 nmoles/g was found to be ineffective. The T3 action on AchE activity was blocked by cycloheximide. Thiourea treatment for 30 days decreased the AchE activity below the control level. This reduced level of the enzyme activity was brought back even above the control level by T3 injections. It is, therefore, suggested that thyroid hormone is involved in the sustenance of AchE activity in fish brain.  相似文献   

Light and shelter are very important ecological factors that can affect many traits of fish. Therefore, a study was conducted to explore the effect of light and shelter on some phenotypic traits of stinging catfish (Heteropneustes fossilis Bloch, 1794). During experiment, equal‐sized juveniles (mean ± SE: 9.04 ± 0.09 cm) were collected and reared in aquariums dividing into four treatment groups, such as T1 (0L:24D without pipe), T2 (0L:24D with pipe), T3 (12L:12D without pipe) and T4 (12L:12D with pipe). Each treatment had 36 fish, which were randomly distributed into three replications. The fish were kept up to 120 days, and then, the growth performance and skin colour were analysed. The results showed that both lighting and shelter conditions as well as their interactions had significant effects on some traits expression. The analyses revealed that lighting condition significantly influenced body area, head width and skin coloration, while shelter condition significantly affected total and standard length, body area, and their interaction showed significant effects on body area, head width and anal fin length. Thus, this study indicates that stinging catfish show better growth performance and colour patterns especially in dark and sheltered conditions which could be recommended for the successive production of this highly priced fish species.  相似文献   

Triploid fish have under-developed gonads due to altered reproductive endocrinology. Triploids of Indian catfish (H. fossilis) showed significantly reduced plasma levels of gonadotropin (GtH-II), testosterone (T) and estradiol-17 (E2) than that of diploids throughout the year, except for the resting phase, irrespective of sex. Plasma levels of GtH-II were significantly different (p<0.001) between diploid and triploid fish during preparatory, prespawning and spawning phase. The plasma testosterone contents in triploids were significantly less (p<0.001) than that of diploids, except during the resting phase. Triploid females showed very low titres of estradiol-17 (<1 ng ml–1) throughout the annual reproductive cycle in contrast to highly fluctuating levels in diploid females. Thus, this study for the first time provides information on reduced levels of GtH-II and sex steroids in plasma of male triploid fish and additional information on species-specific alteration of sex hormones in female triploids.  相似文献   

The extensively farmed giant freshwater shrimp, Macrobrachium rosenbergii, can survive salinities up to 26 g L?1, but the commercially important grow‐out occurs exclusively in freshwater areas. Recent studies suggest the shrimp equally capable of growing in brackish as fresh water and a better understanding of how this species responds to changing salinity could significantly impact freshwater prawn farming in deltas and coastal areas. Here, the effect of salinity (0 and 15 g L?1) on standard metabolic rate (SMR) and critical oxygen tension (Pcrit) was measured in adult M. rosenbergii using intermittent closed respirometry. SMR was 79.8 ± 3.1 and 72.7 ± 2.9 μmol kg?1 min?1 in fresh and brackish water, respectively, with no significant difference between the two salinities (P = 0.122). During hypoxia M. rosenbergii maintained oxygen uptake down to a Pcrit of 26.3 ± 1.4 mmHg in fresh and 27.2 ± 2.0 mmHg in brackish water (P = 0.682), showing that salinity had no overall effect on oxygen conductance in the animals. These findings are in agreement with recent growth studies and provide further evidence that grow‐out phase could be accomplished in brackish water areas. Thus, the predicted intrusions of brackish water in tropical deltas as a consequence of future global warming may not impact this important production.  相似文献   

In this study, the presence of sialic acid is demonstrated in the seminal vesicle (SV) of Heteropneustes fossilis. Sialic acid levels show an annual variation that was correlated with the secretory activity of the SV (expressed as the SV somatic index (SV-SI)) with the index being lowest in resting phase (January) and highest in spawning phase (July). Sialic acid was not detectable from November to March (resting to mid-preparatory phases). Castration (3 weeks) induced a significant rise in both SV-SI and SV sialic acid content possibly due to an elevated local production of androgens under the influence of increased gonadotropin secretion. Cyproterone acetate treatment caused a significant decrease in both SV-SI and SV sialic acid content. The results suggest that secretion of sialic acid in the SV is influenced by androgens and its measurement can be used as a simple and reliable index for quantitative assessment of the functional testicular state.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted by injecting/feeding white spot syndrome virus (WSSV) derived from infected shrimp, Penaeus monodon (Fabricius), to different life-stages, namely post-larvae, juveniles, sub-adults and adults of Macrobrachium rosenbergii (de Man). The disease was also induced in brood stock, and the eggs and larvae derived from these animals were subsequently tested for WSSV infection. All the stages except egg used for the experiment were found WSSV positive in histopathology, cross infection bioassay and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis. Experimentally infected post-larvae and juveniles showed a high percentage of mortality and an increased rate of cannibalism. The cumulative mortality in post-larvae was up to 28%; with 28–40% cannibalism resulting in a maximum loss of up to 68%. In juveniles, observed mortality and cannibalism were 10–20% and 6.7–30.0%, respectively, and the maximum loss recorded was 50%. In sub-adults, mortality ranged from 2.8 to 6.7%, cannibalism was up to 20% and the total loss was up to 26.7%. Sub-adults and adults were found to be more tolerant to the infection as evidenced by the mortality pattern. A nested (two-step) PCR resulted in a 570-bp product specific to WSSV in all stages, except the eggs.  相似文献   

The effects of different photoperiod regimes, and total darkness on day-night variations in hypothalamic serotonin (5-HT) content and turnover index (TI), and monoamine oxidase (MAO) activity that occur exclusively during the gonadal preparatory phase (February–March) were investigated in female Heteropneustes fossilis. Exposure of the fish to long photoperiods (16L:8D; light between 06.00–22.00h, for 40 days elevated both the midphotophase and midscotophase values of 5-HT content and MAO, and abolished their day-night differences. The daily variations of 5-HT-TI was further intensified by the treatment. Under short photoperiods (4L:20D; light between 18.00–22.00h for 40 days), there was a significant decrease in both 5-HT content and TI, a reversal of the day-night variations of 5-HT content and MAO activity, and loss of the 5-HT-TI pattern. In fish maintained in total darkness the day-night variations were not found and there was a significant inhibition of 5-HT. Exposure of the fish to continuous light abolished the day-night variations of these correlates and elevated their values at both intervals. When the LD cycle was reversed, there was a corresponding shift in the day-night patterns. The gonadosomatic index (GSI) was significantly elevated in the long photoperiod and continuous illumination groups, significantly decreased in the short photoperiod and total darkness groups, and unchanged in the reversed LD cycle regime. The results indicate that the day-night variations of 5-HT and MAO are photoperiod-dependent and are controlled by the prevailing LD cycle during the gonadal preparatory phase of the annual reproductive cycle. The photoperiod effects on the gonadal activity may be mediated through the hypothalamic serotonergic system.  相似文献   

Thiodan® is an insecticide which can cause morphological changes in fish tissues, dependent on the concentration. To investigate possible morphological changes, this study evaluated the number and diameter of ovarian follicles in lambaris Astyanax bimaculatus exposed to Thiodan® for 96 h in different treatments at three sub‐lethal concentrations: 1.15, 2.3 and 5.6 μg L?1 and a control group without Thiodan®. Females exposed to Thiodan® were divided into four treatments: (i) without acclimation and without food, (ii) without acclimation and with food, (iii) with acclimation for 10 days and without food; (iv) with acclimation for 10 days and with food. In this study, it was noted that the action of Thiodan® at sub‐lethal concentrations in a static system did not affect the morphology of follicular development. However, the treatments with acclimation showed lower numbers of primary and secondary follicles when compared to fish from treatments without acclimation. For the groups exposed to Thiodan®, a greater number of atretic follicles were observed compared to the control groups. The follicular diameter of secondary follicles in fish exposed to Thiodan® in the treatment with acclimation and with food was highest in the control group (P < 0.05). Furthermore, the mean gonadosomatic (GSI) and hepatosomatic (HSI) indices of treatments with acclimation were lower than those for treatments without acclimation. These data suggest that the fish may be being affected by the pesticide to which the fish were submitted, and may cause impairment to the follicular development.  相似文献   

Growth response of fingerling Heteropneustes fossilis (6.8 ± 0.2 g; 11.2 ± 0.3 cm) to dietary l ‐leucine levels was assessed by conducting 8‐week feeding trial in a flow‐through system (1–1.5 L min?1) at 28 °C water temperature. Casein–gelatin‐based isonitrogenous (380 g kg?1; crude protein) and isoenergetic [17.9 MJ kg?1; gross energy (GE)] basal diet was supplemented with different levels of l ‐leucine to achieve desired leucine levels ranging between 10 and 22.5 g kg?1 dry diet. Analysed values were 9.9 (Lc9.9), 12.4 (Lc12.4), 15.1 (Lc15.1), 17.4 (Lc17.4), 20.1 (Lc20.1) and 22.4 (Lc22.4) g leucine kg?1 diet. Fishes were stocked randomly in quadruplicates and fed to satiation at 07:00 and 17:30 h. Maximum absolute weight gain (AWG g fish?1), feed conversion ratio (FCR), protein utilization efficiency (PUE%), leucine retention efficiency (LRE%) and haematological parameters were found in fish fed diet Lc17.4. For precise determination of dietary leucine requirement of Singhi, AWG g fish?1, FCR, PUE% and LRE% were subjected to broken‐line and second‐degree polynomial regression analysis. Second‐degree polynomial regression analysis fitted the data more accurately (P > 0.05) exhibiting high R2 values. Hence, based on this analysis, dietary leucine requirement of fingerling H. fossilis is recommended to be 16.5 g kg?1 of the diet, corresponding to 43.4 g kg?1 protein for developing leucine‐balanced commercial feeds.  相似文献   

The Asian swamp eel Monopterus albus is normally considered a freshwater species, but can also occasionally be found in brackish water. It is an obligate air‐breather with highly reduced gills, making its osmoregulation physiology interesting because the gills normally represent the primary site of osmoregulation in teleosts. Being a popular fish for human consumption, the swamp eel is cultured extensively in freshwater ponds in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam. However, very little is known about its salinity tolerance, which is becoming topical due to the increasing salt‐water intrusions into tropical deltas. We therefore studied how increased salinity affects survival, growth, blood pressure, heart rate, blood osmolality and plasma ions. All eels survived prolonged exposure to 5 and 10 g L?1, although plasma osmolality increased significantly at 10 g L?1. Further elevation to 15 and 20 g L?1 was associated with significantly elevated mortality, with a corresponding increase in plasma osmolality and ion con‐centrations. Our results show that swamp eels thrive in 0–10 g L?1 with an optimum growth between 0 and 9 g L?1, indicating that utilization of low saline brackish waters for aquaculture is possible.  相似文献   

Sexually mature female hatchery‐reared snapper, Pagrus auratus (Bloch & Schneider) were captured from sea cages by handline and injected at first capture (control) or 24 h after capture, transport and subsequent confinement (delayed injection) with either saline, luteinizing hormone releasing hormone analogue, human chorionic gonadotropin, or 17α‐hydroxyprogesterone. Blood was sampled before hormone treatment and again after 168 h, and fish were checked daily for ovulation. Plasma levels of 17β‐estradiol (E2), testosterone (T), 17α, 20β dihydroxy‐4‐pregnen‐3‐one (17, 20βP) and cortisol were determined by radioimmunoassay. The ovulatory response was assessed from the proportion of fish ovulating, ovulation volume, egg quality and fertility. A delay in injection resulted in significantly lower plasma E2 and T levels in response to hormone treatment, smaller ovulation volumes, and poorer egg quality than in control fish. The results are consistent with the generally inhibitory effects of stress on reproduction in fish, and confirm the requirement to treat fish with hormones designed to induce ovulation, as soon as possible after capture and disturbance.  相似文献   

Abstract –  This study aims to analyse whether Satanoperca pappaterra changes its feeding habit throughout ontogenetic development, and whether morphological ontogenetic patterns are related to its feeding habit and food capture. We collected 258 individuals in the Cuiabá river basin (Brazil) for analyses. There was a weak relationship between diet and body size, as evidenced by size class and multivariate analyses, and niche breadth did not vary strongly during ontogenetic development. Eight morphometric variables were measured in each individual. We found an isometric relationship for mouth height and width, and for head length. We found positive allometry for snout length and body height in relation to body length, whereas this relationship for intestine length and eye diameter showed negative allometry. These results suggest that morphology and consequently diet vary weakly during ontogenetic development of S. pappaterra .  相似文献   

The effects of feeding guppy fry, Poecilia reticulata (Peters), different commercial diets from BernAqua [MeM (R = Regular, O = Ornamental and P = Premium) and experimental feed (EF] and Ocean Nutrition (ON) on growth was tested for 57 days. Health status and resistance to Tetrahymena infection were analysed at the end of the trial. The highest growth was obtained in fish fed MeM Regular and MeM Premium (mean final weights of 427 and 417 mg respectively). Fish fed EF had a significantly higher rate of spinal deformity (12.7%) than all other feeding groups (3.05% or less). Histological analysis revealed the accumulation of liver glycogen and/or lipid in fish from all feeding groups; fat accumulation in the abdomen was most pronounced in the EF and MeM Regular‐fed fish, and muscle dystrophy was observed in ca. 50% of the fish from all feeding groups except the MeM Ornamental‐fed group. The highest mortality following Tetrahymena infection occurred in fish fed EF (87%) and the lowest mortality in the MeM Ornamental‐fed fish (58%). Mortalities in all other feeding groups ranged between 69% and 76%. In summary, MeM Ornamental feed provided a moderate weight gain, no muscle dystrophy, negligible deformity and the greatest resistance to parasitic infection.  相似文献   

低盐胁迫下松江鲈HSPB1、HSPB7和HSPB11基因的表达变化规律   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探究小分子热休克蛋白基因HSPB1、HSPB7和HSPB11在松江鲈(Trachidermus fasciatus)应对低盐胁迫过程中的调节作用,本研究基于前期转录组数据,获取3个目标基因的序列信息并进行了系统进化分析,利用实时荧光定量PCR技术检测了3个基因在两种低盐胁迫处理下不同时间点(0 h、12 h、24 h和48 h)在鳃、肠、肾和肝组织中的表达水平。系统进化分析结果表明, HSPB1、HSPB7和HSPB11基因分别聚类形成独立分支;在各基因分支中,松江鲈与已报道的鲈形目、鲤形目和鳉形目等鱼种共同聚为硬骨鱼类分支。在两种低盐胁迫处理下, 3个基因在鳃组织中的表达量均在12h显著升高,而在肠、肾和肝组织中的表达量则呈现不同的变化趋势。肠组织中,HSPB7和HSPB11在盐度渐变低盐胁迫(盐度变化速率1.1/h)下表达量均显著升高, HSPB1表达量在48 h显著降低;盐度骤变低盐胁迫(盐度变化速率27/h)下HSPB1和HSPB7表达量在24 h显著升高, HSPB11表达量显著降低。肾组织中,HSPB1、HSPB7和HSPB11表达量均仅在盐度渐变低盐胁迫24h显著升高;盐度骤变低盐胁迫下HSPB1表达量显著降低, HSPB7和HSPB11表达量则显著升高。肝组织中, HSPB7无表达; HSPB1表达量在盐度渐变低盐胁迫下无显著变化,但在盐度骤变低盐胁迫下则显著升高;HSPB11表达量在两种处理下均显著升高。本研究比较分析了HSPB1、HSPB7和HSPB11基因在松江鲈应对不同低盐胁迫时表达变化规律的异同,相关结果为探讨小分子热休克蛋白在鱼类应激调节过程中的作用及洄游性鱼类适应盐度变化的分子调控机制提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

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