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Abstract Infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) virus (ISAV) has been causing disease in New Brunswick since 1996. As a control measure, all fish in an outbreak cage are killed. The objective of this study was to compare ISAV prevalence in cages experiencing an outbreak with healthy cages from the same farm, neighbouring farms and distant farms. Atlantic salmon from five different groups were tested using an RT-PCR test. Groups included moribund fish from a cage experiencing an outbreak (A), healthy fish from an outbreak cage (B), healthy fish from a negative cage from a farm experiencing an outbreak in a different cage (C), healthy fish from a negative farm near an outbreak farm (D), and healthy fish sampled at a negative farm located in an area with only negative farms (E). Apparent prevalences (standard error) for the different groups (A-E) were 0.94 (+/-0.026), 0.41 (+/-0.062), 0.29 (+/-0.040), 0.08 (+/-0.037) and 0.08 (+/-0.037), respectively. All groups were significantly different (P < 0.002) from each other except for groups B and C and groups D and E. Because the prevalence of the virus was significantly higher in the outbreak cage (B) compared with other sites, early harvest of outbreak cages will remove one source of virus. However, ISA negative cages (C) that remain on the positive farm may potentially act as a viral reservoir.  相似文献   

The infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) has not been observed to cause natural disease in farmed rainbow trout, Onchorhynchus mykiss (Walbaum), but may cause high mortality in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. In this study, ISAV was passaged 10 times in succession by intraperitoneal injections of serum from previous passage into naïve rainbow trout. The serum viraemia was monitored by real‐time qPCR. The rainbow trout in this study became infected but did not develop ISA. No clinical signs were observed in the rainbow trout in any passage, but replication of ISAV was detected from Day 4 post‐infection (p.i.). Neither increased relative virus loads nor histopathological and immunohistochemical findings consistent with ISA were observed. However, the expression of interferon type I and Mx genes were slightly up‐regulated in the hearts of some individual fish at day 17 p.i. Sequencing of all open reading frames in the ISAV genome of the 10th passage revealed two nucleotide mutations, one in segment 6 coding for the haemagglutinin–esterase (HE) and one in segment 1 coding for the basic polymerase 2 (PB2). The mutation in HE resulted in an amino acid substitution T/K312.  相似文献   

The salmonid orthomyxovirus infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) causes disease of varying severity in farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Field observations suggest that host factors, the environment and differences between ISAV strains attribute to the large variation in disease progression. Variation in host mortality and dissemination of ISAV isolates with high and low virulence (based on a previously published injection challenge) were investigated using immersion challenge. Virus dissemination was determined using real‐time PCR and immunohistochemistry in several organs, including blood. Surprisingly, the low virulent virus (LVI) replicated and produced nucleoprotein at earlier time points post‐infection compared to the virus of high virulence (HVI). This was particularly noticeable in the gills as indicated by different viral load profiles. However, the HVI reached a higher maximum viral load in all tested organs and full blood. This was associated with a higher mortality of 100% as compared to 20% in the LVI group by day 23 post‐infection. Immersion challenge represented a more natural infection method and suggested that specific entry routes into the fish may be of key importance between ISAV strains. The results suggest that a difference in virulence is important for variations in virus dissemination and pathogenesis (disease development).  相似文献   

Infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) surveillance in the Bay of Fundy has identified the existence of a large number of genetically distinct ISAV isolates which appear to be of variable virulence. Genetically distinct isolates are currently being designated based on sequencing of the hyper polymorphic region (HPR) of genomic segment 6, which encodes the haemagglutinin–esterase protein, but it has been difficult to elucidate a clear association between these molecular variations and variations in virulence. This has hampered the establishment of proactive management decisions regarding infected fish, and ISAV infections, regardless of type, must be treated as one. Field data of ISAV infections is difficult to collect and to compare between infections because of a wide range of confounding factors including time of year, fish stock, cage site location, mitigating factors and stressors. An important tool in determining the relationship between molecular differences and virulence comes from analysis of quarantine studies. The goal of this study was to compare the virulence, by co-habitation and intraperitoneal injection, of four regionally common and recent ISAV isolates in a controlled environment. We found significant differences in mortality between ISAV molecular isolates, and present data showing that survival of ISAV infection confers significant resistance to re-infection with a different ISAV isolate. These findings, if borne out in field studies, will significantly alter the way ISAV infections are managed in the Bay of Fundy and elsewhere.  相似文献   

Results from an acoustic telemetry study revealed for the first time a northerly migration route for Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.) smolts leaving the east coast of Ireland. Atlantic salmon smolts were tagged in spring 2019 in the Castletown and Boyne rivers. Three tagged smolts registered on disparate deep‐water offshore marine receivers as they travelled northwards out of the Irish Sea through the North Channel. One fish had migrated an estimated 250 km in a period of 32 days. The remaining two individuals were detected on receivers located off the Northern Ireland coast, further corroborating the northward migration of salmon smolts through the Irish Sea.  相似文献   

Integrated multi‐trophic aquaculture (IMTA) is an alternative approach to mono‐culture aquaculture that reduces environmental impacts of commercial aquaculture systems by combining the cultivation of fed species with extractive species. Shellfish play a critical role in IMTA systems by filter‐feeding particulate‐bound organic nutrients. They may also increase or decrease disease risk on farms by serving as reservoirs or barriers for important finfish pathogens such as infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV). This study aimed to optimize culture and molecular assays in shellfish tissues and to determine the fate of ISAV in mussels, Mytilus edulis. To determine detection limits, qRT‐PCR and culture assays in both CHSE‐ and ASK cells were optimized in ISAV‐inoculated mussel tissue homogenates. Both qRT‐PCR and culture assays performed in ASK cells had comparable detection limits of 102.8 TCID50 mL?1. The ISAV RNA genome was consistently detected in digestive gland tissue of ISAV‐exposed mussels. Viable ISAV was not detected in mussel tissues by culture analysis in CHSE‐ and ASK cells. The fact that qRT‐PCR analysis resulted in positive cycle threshold (CT) values that corresponded to the detectable range of ISAV in ASK culture assays suggests that little to no viable ISAV particles are present in the mussel tissues.  相似文献   

Infectious salmon anaemia (ISA), caused by ISA virus (ISAV), is a serious disease of farmed Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L. Recently, molecular‐ and immunofluorescent‐based techniques have become powerful diagnostic tools for ISAV detection, but culture‐based techniques remain the gold standard. A disadvantage of ISAV culture is that the incubation time required before cytopathic effect (CPE) is observed in cell monolayers. To decrease time until CPE is observed, a low‐speed centrifugation technique was applied to existing standard operating procedures for ISAV culture in three fish cell lines. Time until CPE observation was compared in CHSE, SHK and ASK cells, treated or not treated with low‐speed centrifugation after inoculation with ISAV. Low‐speed centrifugation treatment significantly enhanced observable cell infection. Compared to control cells, the length of time until ISAV CPE observation decreased in centrifuged ASK and CHSE cells. Low‐speed centrifugation was also incorporated into a modified clinical shell vial assay. At 48 h post‐inoculation with approximately 20 viral particles, ISAV was detected by an immunofluorescence antibody test in treated ASK and SHK1 cells but not in control cells. Finally, this enhanced viral adsorption assay performed in ASK cells demonstrated higher sensitivity than a real‐time RT‐PCR assay performed on RNA isolated from ISAV‐spiked salmon kidney homogenates.  相似文献   

Amoebic gill disease (AGD), caused by Neoparamoeba perurans, is a major health challenge for Atlantic salmon aquaculture globally. While freshwater bathing for 2 hr is effective in reducing infection severity, there is need for more rapid and lower cost alternatives. To this end, a combination of sodium percarbonate (SPC) in freshwater was examined for its treatment efficacy. Initial in vitro studies showed a reduction in amoeba viability when exposed for 30 min to freshwater containing >500 mg/L SPC. Subsequently, AGD‐affected salmon were bathed for 30 min in 16°C freshwater containing 100, 500 or 1,000 mg/L SPC, or for 2 hr in 16°C freshwater to mimic industry practice. Treatment at the highest SPC concentration caused extensive gill damage and substantial mortality. Neither occurred to a significant extent at lower SPC concentrations. Gill pathology of surviving fish 10 days post‐treatment (dpt) was comparable to or more severe than pre‐treatment, and significantly (p < .001) more severe than in 2 hr freshwater bathed fish. N. perurans DNA was confirmed by qPCR in all treatment groups at 10 dpt. The data indicate that a 30‐min exposure to SPC in freshwater is not a suitable alternative to existing freshwater treatment of AGD.  相似文献   

Beginning in 1992, three epidemic waves of infectious hematopoietic necrosis, often with high mortality, occurred in farmed Atlantic salmon Salmo salar L. on the west coast of North America. We compared the virulence of eleven strains of infectious hematopoietic necrosis virus (IHNV), representing the U, M and L genogroups, in experimental challenges of juvenile Atlantic salmon in freshwater. All strains caused mortality and there was wide variation within genogroups: cumulative mortality for five U‐group strains ranged from 20 to 100%, four M‐group strains ranged 30‐63% and two L‐group strains varied from 41 to 81%. Thus, unlike Pacific salmonids, there was no apparent correlation of virulence in a particular host species with virus genogroup. The mortality patterns indicated two different phenotypes in terms of kinetics of disease progression and final per cent mortality, with nine strains having moderate virulence and two strains (from the U and L genogroups) having high virulence. These phenotypes were investigated by histopathology and immunohistochemistry to describe the variation in the course of IHNV disease in Atlantic salmon. The results from this study demonstrate that IHNV may become a major threat to farmed Atlantic salmon in other regions of the world where the virus has been, or may be, introduced.  相似文献   

The effect of adding 0%, 1%, 2% and 5% chitin from prawn shells in the diets for Atlantic cod, Atlantic halibut and Atlantic salmon on growth was investigated. Nutrient digestibility and feed utilization was investigated in salmon and cod. Atlantic cod grew from 186 ± 29 to 383 ± 78 g (N = 960) over 13 weeks. Dietary chitin had no effect on length, weight, condition, liver size or specific growth rate (SGR). The apparent digestibility (ADC) for protein ranged from 84.7% to 86.5%, lipid between 88.8% and 93.1% and dry matter from 96.1% to 96.6%. Feed utilization varied between 1.08 and 1.11 and was not correlated with dietary chitin content. Atlantic salmon tripled their weight from 199 ± 9 to 615 ± 75 g (N = 480) during the 13 weeks. High inclusions of chitin (>1%) reduced both growth rate and condition. Protein and lipid ADC was negatively correlated with dietary chitin. Feed utilization ranged between 0.86 and 0.90 and was not significantly affected by dietary chitin. Faecal protein increased significantly with increasing dietary chitin, while faecal dry matter and lipid did not. Individually tagged Atlantic halibut grew from 1300 ± 470 to 2061 ± 714 g (N = 70) during 6 months. Individual growth rates varied within each group from being slightly negative to 0.81%·day?1. Diet had no significant effect on growth rates. Atlantic cod and Atlantic halibut seems unaffected by up to 5% chitin additions in the diet, while chitin >1% of diet negatively affects growth and nutrient utilization in Atlantic salmon.  相似文献   

Real-time PCR assays are being increasingly applied to the detection of fish pathogens due to their sensitivity, specificity and potential for high throughput sample processing. Such assays allow for the ready and efficient inclusion of appropriate quality controls which are fundamental to scientific integrity and to satisfying the demands of diagnostic test accreditation. In this article, we report development of a universal positive control strategy for real-time PCR assays, which has been used to support and improve a previously published method for detection of infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV). The strategy employed uses an RNA mimic template, which is based on the ISAV segment 8 target sequence but includes an artificial universal positive control sequence. Inclusion of this sequence, which is targeted by a second specific probe carrying a different fluorophore to the primary assay, allows for convenient screening of all real-time PCR reactions for the presence of contaminating positive control material. The development of readily distinguishable artificial positive control material offers distinct advantages to real-time PCR assays over using control material derived from clinical material.  相似文献   

The distribution of infectious salmon anaemia (ISA) was examined among 80 cages from three Atlantic salmon grow-out farms in Maine, USA that were stocked with smolts from a single hatchery. Cage-level disease was broadly defined as one or more moribund fish testing positive for infectious salmon anaemia virus (ISAV) by RT-PCR and a second confirmatory test (IFAT, culture or genotype sequence). Spatio-temporal and cage-level risks were explored using logistic regression and survival analysis. Non-spatial risk factors associated with ISA, or shortened survival time to disease, included increased predation, trucking company choice for smolt transfers, a finely-sedimented benthic substrate, and smaller average size of smolts at stocking. Univariable analysis identified the time-dependent spatial factor 'adjacency to newly infected cages' to be predictive of new infection in neighbouring cages 11-12 weeks later. However, none of the spatial factors, or their lags retained relevance in multiple-variable models. The results suggest a diffuse distribution of virus exposure throughout infected sites, with host-susceptibility factors probably influencing disease manifestation in individual cages. The narrow focus of the current study may limit application of the findings to other sites and year-classes. However, these data support the relevance of husbandry efforts to optimize fish health in regions affected by ISAV.  相似文献   

In this study, 221 two‐year‐old hatchery‐reared salmon, Salmo salar, smolts were tagged with radio transmitters over a period of three consecutive years and released in the river in groups of 20–21 fish in various dates between late April and early June. Tagged smolts were tracked during their downstream migration in the lower 36‐km stretch of the regulated River Oulujoki, with the focus on the effects of release date, water temperature and river flow on migration behaviour and survival. The results indicate that release timing and river temperature have profound effects on the initiation of migration, swimming speed and survival of released S. salar smolts. Smolts released early in the spring in cold waters ceased migration after brief downstream movement and were vulnerable to predation, whereas the migration speed and survival rates increased markedly for smolts released later in the spring.  相似文献   

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