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Nymphs of Hyalomma impeltatum and H. dromedarii, fed as larvae on an infected calf transmitted fatal Theileria annulata infection to two susceptible calves. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the epidemiology of tropical theileriosis in the Sudan.  相似文献   

Nymphs of Hyalomma impeltatum and H. dromedarii, fed as larvae on an infected calf, transmitted fatal Theileria annulata infection to two susceptible calves. The significance of these findings is discussed in relation to the epidemiology of tropical theileriosis in the Sudan.  相似文献   

The effect of temperature on the transtadial transmission of Theileria annulata in Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum was studied. Variation in temperature (4-40 degrees C) had a significant effect on moulting rate of the ticks and transmission of theilerial parasites from nymphs to resultant adults. The temperatures above 40 degrees C and below 12 degrees C prevented moulting. Maximum infection levels were obtained in salivary glands of adult ticks when the infected engorged nymphs were incubated at 24-28 degrees C. The infection rate in salivary glands was assessed using a methyl green pyronin technique.  相似文献   

Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum ticks were collected around cattle pens at two locations close to Khartoum. They were assessed for theileria infection by four methods. Salivary glands were stained whole with methyl green pyronin and examined for parasite masses. Adult ticks were partially fed on rabbits, ground up in medium, and the suspensions were examined in Giemsa stained smears and by inoculation into bovine lymphocyte cultures. Ticks were fully fed on calves which were monitored for developing theileriosis. H a anatolicum were found infected with parasite masses similar to those seen in experimental infections with T annulata. At one site 38 per cent of 102 ticks were infected and the mean number of parasite masses per tick for the whole sample was 37. At the other site 86 per cent of 156 ticks were similarly infected and the mean parasite masses per tick was 19.5. Suspensions of sporozoites contained sporozoites typical of those found in experimental preparations of T annulata. Sporozoites harvested from ticks from both locations infected and transformed normal bovine lymphocyte cultures. H a anatolicum ticks from both locations produced fatal theileria infection in susceptible calves.  相似文献   

The relative role of male and female Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum ticks in the epidemiology of Theileria transmission was studied by detecting Theileria sporozoites in the dissected salivary glands of 568 ticks by the methyl green pyronin staining method. Detailed frequency distribution of Theileria-positive acini in the salivary glands of the 264 (46.48%) positive ticks from a field collection in Haryana indicated that the number of infected salivary acini per positive tick was greater in females than in males. This suggests that female ticks have a more important role in Theileria transmission than male ticks. This finding assumes greater significance in the light of the observation that the natural male:female ratio is also in favour of female ticks.  相似文献   

Methods are described for the production of nymphs of Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum for later use in transmission experiments with Theileria annulata where the timing of the application of nymphs to infected cattle needs to be accurately controlled. Larvae are fed on the torsos of rabbits where approximately 98% undergo a two-host feeding cycle. This cycle is interrupted 2 days after the first larvae moult into nymphs by killing the rabbits and the nymphs are then collected with a suction pump. Nymphs produced by the interrupted larval feeding method feed well on cattle, in regard to timing of detachment and weight, compared with nymphs produced by interrupted feeding on rabbits.  相似文献   

Rabbits immunized with purified sporozoites from Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum produced antibody to Theileria annulata specific antigens as measured by the indirect fluorescent antibody test. Nonspecific fluorescence which compounded the interpretation of the test was observed. Incorporation of Eriochrome black and Evans blue as a counterstain in the diluent buffer for the conjugate significantly reduced the background fluorescence.  相似文献   

The infectivity rate of Babesia equi in the salivary glands of Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum was assessed. The hungry nymphs were fed on a donkey experimentally infected with B. equi. The engorged dropped-off nymphs were collected at different levels of parasitaemia and kept in BOD incubator. After ecdysis, the hungry adults were prefed on rabbits for different time intervals, thereafter the salivary glands were dissected out and acini were examined after methyl green pyronin (MGP) staining. A total of 134 male and 139 female ticks were dissected out. Average infected acini per tick were found to be significantly higher (p<0.05) in male as compared to the female ticks. Further, maximum infected acini in both male and female ticks were found at 24h of prefeeding on rabbits and overall infected acini per tick increased with rise in parasitaemia. The release of infected ticks on susceptible donkeys resulted in development of clinical babesiosis.  相似文献   

Adult Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum ticks infected with Theileria annulata (Hissar strain) were incubated at 36 degrees C or fed on rabbits. Tick salivary glands were stained whole with methyl green pyronin or ground up and deposited on microscope slides and stained with Giemsa's solution. Separate batches of ticks from both treatments were ground up, centrifuged and filtered to produce sporozoite suspensions. The suspensions were examined as deposits on microscope slides stained with Giemsa's solution. The Theileria in the salivary glands of the fed ticks matured more completely and rapidly than in the incubated ticks. The peak numbers of sporozoites from the fed ticks was greater by at least tenfold than the peak from the incubated ticks. This peak was on the third day of feeding or on the fourth day of incubation. It was confirmed that fed ticks will be more suitable for sporozoite production for infection of cattle and production of stabilates.  相似文献   

In an attempt to develop vaccine against Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum and Theileria annulata, three antigens were expressed in prokaryotic expression system and protective potentiality of the antigens was evaluated in cross bred calves. Two groups (grs. 1 and 4) of male cross-bred (Bos indicus × Bos taurus) calves were immunized with rHaa86, a Bm86 ortholog of H. a. anatolicum, while one group of calves (gr. 2) were immunized with cocktails of two antigens viz., surface antigens of T. annulata (rSPAG1, rTaSP). One group each was kept as negative controls (grs. 3 and 5). The animals of groups 1, 2 and 3 were challenged with T. annulata infected H. a. anatolicum adults while the animals of groups 1, 3, 4 and 5 were challenged with uninfected adult ticks. A significantly high (p<0.05) antibody responses to all the three antigens were detected in immunized calves, but the immune response was comparatively higher with rHaa86 followed by rTaSP and rSPAG1. Upon challenge with T. annulata infected ticks, animals of all groups showed symptoms of the disease but there was 50% survival of calves of group 1 while all non immunized control calves (group 3) and rSPAG1+rTaSP immunized calves died. The rHaa86 antigen was found efficacious to protect calves against more than 71.4-75.5% of the challenge infestation. The experiment has given a significant clue towards the development of rHaa86 based vaccine against both H. a. anatolicum and T. annulata.  相似文献   

利用蜱传播试验确定小亚璃眼蜱对中国新分离的牛的巴贝斯虫未定种和环形泰勒虫的传播能力与传播方式,进而明确其在中国牛梨形虫病传播中的流行病学意义。试验结果表明:小亚璃眼蜱可在雌虫阶段受到巴贝斯虫未定种的感染,并可在次代若虫(2/2)和成虫(3/3)阶段将病原传播给试验牛;小亚璃眼蜱幼虫和若虫吸入环形泰勒虫,饱血脱落的幼虫和若虫所蜕化发育的饥饿若虫(2/2)和成虫(2/2)均可将病原传递给敏感动物;感染巴贝斯虫未定种的小亚璃眼蜱饱血雌虫所孵育出的次代幼虫和若虫仍可被环形泰勒虫感染,所发育出的若虫(2/2)和成虫(2/2)可在一次传播试验中将环形泰勒虫和巴贝斯虫未定种同时传播给试验动物。  相似文献   

Two Bos taurus calves were made resistant to tick infestation by exposing them to approximately 500 rabbit-reared nymphs of Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum twice at a 2-week interval. These two calves, together with a tick-susceptible control calf, were inoculated with a stabilate of Theileria annulata (Ankara). Patent infection resulted in all three calves. Seven-hundred and fifty gerbil-reared nymphs were then applied on each of these calves as well as another tick-susceptible calf that was Theileria free. This infestation was carried out on Day 8 post-inoculation. Ticks that dropped on Day 13 post-inoculation were examined to note the development of T. annulata in them and the histological changes that occurred in the gut and salivary glands. During the second phase of feeding, the gut epithelia of the ticks from the tick-resistant calves were less active. There were no notable differences in the characteristics of the developmental stages of T. annulata between the ticks from the tick-resistant calves and those from the susceptible calf. However, ticks from one calf that acquired a higher level of tick resistance were significantly less susceptible to infection by T. annulata. Bovine tick resistance therefore compromises the vector capacity of H. a. anatolicum and this may be of epidemiological significance in the endemic areas of tropical theileriosis.  相似文献   

Partially engorged adult Hyalomma excavatum ticks infected with Theileria annulata were reared for the preparation of an infective suspension. About 6000 partially engorged infected adults were obtained from 420 non-infective adult ticks. The entire cycle required about 4 months. Six rabbits were used for the production of the fully engorged females. The larvae were fed on 180 gerbils, the nymphs on 17 infected calves and the partially fed adults on 22 goats, 7 sheep and 7 rabbits The adult ticks did not show any host preference.  相似文献   

In this comparative study unfed nymphs of four Hyalomma tick species (Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum, Hyalomma anatolicum excavatum, Hyalomma detritum and Hyalomma marginatum marginatum) were allowed to engorge on calves experimentally infected with Theileria annulata. The infection prevalence in the salivary glands of the adult female and male ticks of each Hyalomma species used in the study were assessed. The infection prevalence with T. annulata was high and did not vary markedly in the four Hyalomma tick species. The mean number of infected acini per tick in female and male ticks was different with female ticks having higher numbers of infected acini than the male ticks. The sex difference was more significant between H.a. anatolicum and H.a. excavatum than between H. detritum and H.m. marginatum. This study clarifies the roles of four Hyalomma tick species, and their sex, in the development of T. annulata.  相似文献   

A crossbred calf (3 months old) obtained from a farm where regular control of ticks was practised and found to be free of blood parasites was inoculated with 20 ml pooled blood collected from four field cattle which had very low Trypanosoma theileri parasitaemias (one parasite per 70 microl blood as determined by the haematocrit centrifugation technique). Trypanosoma theileri was present in the blood 6 days after injection and a peak parasitaemia of 42 parasites per 70 microl blood was recorded by day 12. Hyalomma anatolicum anatolicum nymphs were applied on the ears of the calf on day 8 and they dropped engorged by days 13 and 14. The resulting adult ticks were examined for the presence of T. theileri by severing a leg and making a smear of the clear haemolymph which exuded from the wound. The smear was fixed in methanol and stained with Giemsa stain. The infection rate with T. theileri in the ticks was 43.3% (26 out of 60). The intensity of infection was very high and various developmental stages of the flagellates were observed (epimastigotes, sphaeromastigotes, trypomastigotes and other intermediate stages). The haemolymph from 12 ticks was also collected in tissue culture medium and the trypanosomes survived for 25 weeks before eventually dying. The results demonstrated unequivocally the high vectorial capacity of the tick H. a. anatolicum for T. theileri.  相似文献   

The role of the ixodid tick Hyalomma lusitanicum Koch 1844 as a vector of Mediterranean or tropical theileriosis (caused by the protozoan parasite Theileria annulata Dschunkowsky et Luhs 1904) in southern Spain was studied. Hyalomma lusitanicum was the most common tick, and the only species of the genus Hyalomma L., found on T. annulata-infected cattle from the theileriosis enzootic area studied (province of Cádiz, southern Spain). Likewise, we found that all sera of the cattle previously considered as suspected of theileriosis by clinical signs, tested for T. annulata antibodies, were positive and all blood samples of these suspected cattle examined had infected erythrocytes. Partially fed H. lusitanicum adults were collected in the field on T. annulata-infected cattle in this enzootic area and fed on an uninfected calf in an experimental farm free of theileriosis and ticks. At approximately 3 weeks post-tick feeding on the calf, this became positive for T. annulata antibodies and T. annulata merozoites were found in erythrocytes from blood smears. These results show the ability of H. lusitanicum to transmit the protozoan parasite T. annulata to susceptible cattle and indicate that H. lusitanicum is probably an important vector of T. annulata in the enzootic area surveyed.  相似文献   

针对牛环形泰勒虫裂殖子表面抗原(Tams1)基因设计特异性引物,对提取的奶牛全血DNA和小亚璃眼蜱组织DNA进行环形泰勒虫病原的PCR扩增,并对PCR产物进行克隆、测序和同源性分析。结果显示,血源性和小亚璃眼蜱蜱源性环形泰勒虫Tams1基因序列大小分别为534bp和546 bp,经NCBI BLAST后发现,血液源性环形泰勒虫与环形泰勒虫印度株同源性为99%,而蜱源性环形泰勒虫与环形泰勒虫意大利株有99%的同源性,表明新疆地区存在环形泰勒虫不同株型的流行。  相似文献   

通过对璃眼蜱形态学及璃眼蜱属特异性基因(ITS-2)和其携带病原基因(Tams1)PCR扩增及其PCR产物的克隆、测序、同源性比较等,鉴定和检测采自新疆吐鲁番地区疑似牛体表璃眼蜱(n=50)及其携带病原状况。结果显示,采集的蜱虫经形态学鉴定均为小亚璃眼蜱,PCR扩增的璃眼蜱种属特异性ITS-2基因和环形泰勒虫Tams1基因序列大小分别为491 bp和534 bp。本试验获得的ITS-2序列与Gen Bank中已记载的小亚璃眼蜱ITS-2序列一致,与形态学鉴定结果相符,故这些璃眼蜱属于小亚璃眼蜱种(Hyalomma anatolicum)。在检测的50只璃眼蜱中,携带牛环形泰勒虫的有3只,阳性率为6%(3/50),并发现所扩增的携带病原目的基因序列与已登录记载的牛环形泰勒虫基因序列相似性为99%。结果表明,在传统形态学分类的基础上,借助分子生物学方法对璃眼蜱种属鉴定及无典型硬蜱种的鉴定具有简易、准确度高等特点,而且在璃眼蜱种属确定的基础上分离其携带的病原更有实际意义。  相似文献   

The possibility of the attenuation of the infective stage (sporozoite) of Theileria annulata within salivary gland suspension of the tick, Hyalomma anatolicum, was investigated using 60Co irradiation at levels of 5 and 10 kiloröntgens (kR). Inoculation of the irradiated ineffective material in susceptible calves induced a relatively less severe disease and longer incubation period than those in control animals inoculated with non-irradiated organisms. Milder reactions and longer incubation periods were observed in animals inoculated with sporozoites irradiated with 10 kR than those inoculated with sporozoites irradiated with 5 kR. Irradiation at these levels did not alter the morphology of the parasites. Because only few animals were used in these trials, further investigations are recommended to test the suitability of the technique for immunoprophylaxis.  相似文献   

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