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桉树的次生代谢及其对焦枯病抗性的关系   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
为筛选桉树抗病性早期鉴定生化指标,了解桉树抗焦枯病(Clindrocladium quinqueseptatum Moran)的次生代谢特征,对福建省11个桉树主栽种系对焦枯病的抗性进行了调查,并对其次生代谢物质含量进行了分析。结果表明:根据桉树不同种系自然条件下的发病率和感病指数,将11个种系分为抗病种系、中抗种系、中感种系和感病种系。对接种焦枯病菌后桉树不同种系次生代谢的研究表明,无论健叶还是接种后的病叶,多酚类物质含量、黄酮类化合物含量、多酚氧化酶活性、多酚氧化酶同工酶谱均表现为抗病种系〉中抗种系〉中感种系〉感病种系,呈规律性变化。接种前抗病种系、中抗种系同工酶谱带活性明显强于中感种系和感病种系;接种后,除感病种系外,其余种系均新增1~2条同工酶谱带。因此,多酚类物质含量、黄酮类化合物含量、多酚氧化酶活性水平及同工酶谱均可作为衡量桉树对焦枯病抗性的重要生化指标。  相似文献   

以水稻抗、感细菌性条斑病亲本杂交F2代构建的抗、感近等基因集团为材料,研究了接菌前后细菌性条斑病抗性与过氧化物酶活性及其同工酶酶谱的关系。结果表明,细菌性条斑病对抗病和感病水稻叶片过氧化物酶活性的影响不同,尽管两者酶活性都存在先降低后升高的过程,但感病植株酶活性上升的上于抗病植株。过氧化物酶同工酶谱带的差异主要表现在等电点(pI)为4.2~5.3之间的酶带,暗示细菌性条斑病菌能诱导过氧化物酶的某些  相似文献   

重金属对水稻过氧化物酶同功酶的影响   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
对重金属胁迫条件下扬稻 6号体内POD活性测定和POD同功酶的聚丙烯酰胺浓度梯度凝胶电泳分析表明 ,0 0 5mmol L的Cu2 +、Cd2 +和Hg2 +诱导扬稻 6号叶片和根系POD同功酶活性较对照提高 ,但≥ 0 5mmol L的Cu2 +、Cd2 +和Hg2 +抑制叶片分子量较小的POD同功酶的表达。 0 5~ 1 0mmol L的Cu2 +、Cd2 +和Hg2 +强烈抑制根系POD同功酶的表达。 0 0 5~1 0mmol L的Cu2 +、Cd2 +和Hg2 +显著诱导穗中POS同功酶的表达。  相似文献   

本文综述了与植物类病斑突变体相关的抗病信号转导途径,包括水杨酸途径、乙烯茉莉酸途径、活性氧的调节、程序性细胞凋亡,特别是过敏反应与植物抗病性的联系。类病斑一直作为一种抗性初始选择策略加以利用,这些发生机理的深入阐述,可望为定向选择出具有育种直接利用的抗病材料提供理论指导。  相似文献   

选用甘蔗特早熟品种新台糖1号、中熟品种桂糖84/332为供试材料,在分蘖期用0,100,200mg·L-1浓度的乙烯利对甘蔗叶面喷施,在不同时期取样测定超氧物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶的活性。结果表明:乙烯利处理后的一段时间内甘蔗叶片SOD、过氧化物酶、多酚氧化酶的活性表现出先增加后下降的趋势,三种酶表现相似  相似文献   

连栽桉树人工林植物多样性与土壤理化性质的关联分析   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
研究了不同连栽代次桉树人工林土壤物理性质、化学性质及植物多样性的变化,同时利用灰色关联度法分析植物多样性与土壤理化性质问的相关性.结果表明:随着桉树人工林连栽代次的增加,林地土壤的理化性质和林下植物的植物多样性呈下降趋势,二者之间存在一定的关联性.灰色关联度分析显示,在土壤物理性质方面,Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、物种丰富度与土壤总孔隙度的关联性最大,关联系数分别为0.860 8,0.764 2,与毛管孔隙度关联性次之,关联系数为分别为0.860 2,0.761 2;均匀度指数与土壤持水量的关联最大,关联系数为0.880 4,与总孔隙度关联性次之,关联系数为0.787 2;这3项多样性指数均与土壤容重的关联性最小,关联系数分别为0.507 9,0.531 0,0.492 0.在土壤化学性质方面,Shannorr-Wiener多样性指数、物种丰富度、均匀度指数均与土壤大量元素(全N、全P、全K及水解N、速效P和速效K)的关联最大,关联系数分别在0.746 9~0.832 6,0.704 0~0.709 0,0.669 2~0.762 5之间,与有机质和pH值的关联性次之,关联系数在0.558 5~0.711 7之间,而与交换性Ca、交换性Mg的关联最小,关联系数在0.490 3~0.610 4之间.可见,增加林下植被的植物多样性,有利于保持良好的土壤通气透水性和提高土壤N、P、K养分含量.在多代连栽桉树人工林林地抚育过程中应尽量减少对林下植被的破坏,以改善土壤环境、维持较高的林分生产力和生态稳定性.  相似文献   

高温处理对结果期草莓叶片衰老特征的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以‘日本丰香’(Fragaria ananassa Duch.cv Toyonaka)草莓品种为试材,于2010-12-2011-02在人工气候箱进行环境控制试验,以25℃为对照,设30、32、34、36、38℃共5个高温处理,分别在处理1、3、5d后,测定与叶片衰老特征密切相关的生理指标,包括叶片中超氧化岐化酶(SOD)、过氧化物酶(POD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性以及丙二醛(MDA)含量、可溶性蛋白质和叶绿素含量.结果表明,在30 ~ 38℃范围内,随着温度升高及处理时间的延长,草莓叶片中MDA含量呈持续增加趋势;经30 ~ 34℃高温处理后,可溶性蛋白质含量、SOD、POD、CAT酶活性值均高于对照,其中SOD、POD酶活性在34℃处理3d后达到最高,可溶性蛋白质含量、CAT酶活性在34℃处理5d后达到最高.36℃及38℃高温处理后,可溶性蛋白质含量、SOD、POD、CAT酶活性明显低于对照(P<0.05);高温处理中叶片的叶绿素a、b和类胡萝卜素含量均低于对照,而且随着高温时间的延长,草莓叶片叶绿素a、b及类胡萝卜素含量都呈持续下降趋势.表明高温胁迫降低了草莓叶片保护酶活性,导致体内活性氧大量积累,抗氧化能力降低,加速了草莓叶片的衰老,研究结果为设施草莓高温气象灾害的防御提供了依据.  相似文献   

土壤藻类对植物生长影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过小白菜、红薯、薯蓣等3种植物在灭菌、不灭菌以及额外加入了藻类的3种土壤中的生长情况,以及以纯净的活性炭为基质,以磷矿石粉为唯一磷源,以重蒸水作为溶剂的SH培养基(去磷)作为小麦生长所需营养元素的来源的盆栽实验,研究了土壤藻类在植物生长过程中对植物生长及基质状况的影响。结果发现,在正常光照条件下,藻类对基质中微生物数量的增长、基质肥力的提高以及植物的生长有重要作用。  相似文献   

水稻类病斑突变系的培育与研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用γ射线辐照水稻品种嘉浙B的种子,从处理后代中获得了稳定的类病斑突变体嘉浙DB。为了阐明该突变体性状形成的遗传和生物学基础,开展了突变基因定位和类病斑特征及叶绿体相关特性的研究。结果表明,嘉浙DB是一种典型的Sekiguchi类病斑突变体,在无病原菌侵染和外界胁迫的情况下,叶片上可自发形成棕黄色病斑,病斑的面积随着植株的生长不断扩大;在病斑扩展阶段,突变体叶片细胞中叶绿体结构紊乱,提早降解,光合作用效率显著下降;嘉浙DB的类病斑性状属隐性性状,很可能受LOC_Os12g16720的1个突变等位基因控制,其第1 425位核苷酸G缺失可导致移码突变从而编码一个截断的蛋白;突变体中清除活性氧的4个叶绿体抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)的基因转录水平在白天光合作用下均显著高于野生型,而在夜间则无显著差异。叶绿体的结构紊乱及细胞内的高活性氧含量可能是引发突变体叶片细胞凋亡的原因。本研究为从叶绿体的角度阐述Sekiguchi类病斑发生的分子机制提供了依据。  相似文献   

小麦条锈病是小麦生产中的重要病害之一,为了明确苯并噻二唑(Benzothiadiazole,BTH)对小麦条锈病的诱导抗性作用,分别以BTH处理后的苗期和成株期小麦为试验材料,诱发接种小麦条锈菌后调查小麦的发病情况及防治效果。温室苗期试验结果表明,与对照相比,不同浓度BTH处理后,小麦抗锈性明显提高,病情指数降低29.69~49.77,防治效果可高达90%左右,不同浓度处理之间有一定差异,但与对照相比差异极显著;BTH诱导的最佳浓度为0.3 mmol·L-1,BTH喷雾处理后6~7 d小麦诱导抗锈性表达最强,诱导抗性的持久期在15 d以上。田间成株期试验结果表明,不同浓度处理诱导的小麦抗锈性无明显差异,浓度为0.3 mmol·L-1的BTH诱导处理小区小麦的产量最高,千粒重最重,为42.21 g,增产最高达19.3%。小麦在分蘖期、拔节前期和分蘖期+拔节前期喷施BTH,都能诱导小麦抗条锈性增强,病情指数显著降低,防治效果分别为43.07%、47.43%和50.01%,增产13.4%~16.9%。综上所述,BTH可以诱导小麦产生抗锈性,对小麦条锈病防治起到积极作用。  相似文献   

Seven Brassica species were evaluated for their resistance to the cabbage aphid, Brevicoryne brassicae, in a series of field experiments. Four wild Brassica species, two 8 chromosome species with similarities to the B genome of Brassica nigra (Brassica fruticulosa and Brassica spinescens) and two 9 chromosome species containing the C genome (Brassica incana and Brassica villosa) were identified as possessing consistently high levels of antibiosis mediated resistance to B. brassicae. None of the species were shown to possess consistently high levels of antixenosis resistance. In more detailed glasshouse experiments one B-like genome species, B. fruticulosa, showed considerable variation between accessions collected from different sites for resistance to B. brassicae. In addition, individual accessions of one A genome species (Brassica rapa) and one C genome species (Brassica alboglabra) were shown to be highly variable in their resistance to B. brassicae, some plants of each accession being highly resistant and others very susceptible. The implications of the variability in resistance to B. brassicae within wild Brassica species for exploitation in Brassica breeding programmes are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Among the nematodes infesting chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) plants in Syria, cyst nematode (Heterodera ciceri Vovlas, Greco et Di Vito) is the most important. It is uneconomical to grow chickpea in fields infested with cyst nematode and to control this nematode with nematicide. Therefore, investigations were conducted at ICARDA, Syria from 1987 to 1991 to identify sources of resistance to cyst nematode in 7258 lines of C. arietinum and 102 lines of eight annual Cicer species including C. bijugum K.R. Rech. (13 lines), C. chorassanicum (Bge) M. Pop. (3 lines), C. cuneatum Hochst. ex Rich. (3 lines), C. echinospermum P.H. Davis (8 lines), C. judaicum Boiss. (18 lines), C. pinnatifidum Jaub. & Sp. (18 lines), C. reticulatum Ladiz. (36 lines), and C. yamashitae Kitamura (3 lines). All lines were grown in a greenhouse at 15–25°C in pots containing soil infested with 20 eggs of the nematode g-1 soil. Nematode infestation was evaluated on a 0 to 5 scale based on number of females and cysts on roots. Resistance was found in one line of C. bijugum, six lines of C. pinnatifidum, and one line of C. reticulatum. No lines of C. arietinum, C. chorassanicum, C. cuneatum, C. echinospermum, C. judaicum, or C. yamashitae was resistant to cyst nematode. Plants with resistance have been recovered in the F3 generation from crosses between the cultigen and C. reticulatum, indicating the possibility of transfer of gene(s) for resistance to cyst nematode from wild to cultivated Cicer species.Joint contribution from Istituto di Nematologia Agraria, ICARDA and ICRISAT (International Crops Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics), Patancheru P.O., A.P. 502 324, India.  相似文献   

Summary During the winters of 1990/91 and 1991/92, 181 accessions of Triticum dicoccon Schrank from the CIMMYT gene-bank were screened in the field for resistance to Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia (Kurdjumov). Accessions were sown in hill plots of 10 seeds and artificially infested with D. noxia at the two-leaf growth stage. Hills were visually assessed for damage at tillering, booting and heading. Entries differed significantly in their reaction to D. noxia, and severity of symptoms increased with time. Twenty four of the entries were highly resistant to the aphid. In winter 1991/92, 807 accessions of wild and cultivated wheats (26 species) and synthetic hexaploids were screened similarly for resistance to D. noxia. A large number of A-genome species were resistant, while few D-genome species were identified as resistant. These newly discovered sources of resistance can be used to expand the genetic base of resistance to D. noxia in both bread (T. aestivum L.) and durum wheats (T. turgidum L. convar. durum (Desf.) Mackey).  相似文献   

Seedlings of two hundred and thirty-three accessions of the tomato collection maintained at the Centro Agronómico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza, Turrialba, Costa Rica (CATIE) and 7 cultivars used as controls were evaluated for host-plant resistance to 4 virulent strains of Pseudomonas solanacearum representing race 1 biovars 1 and 3. In general, biovar 3 strains wilted seedlings faster than biovar 1 strains but, after 20 days post-inoculation, no significant differences were noted in susceptible control ratings. Significant differences for disease index were noted, but no line with complete resistance was found. For the USA biovar 1 strain UW-25, only 5 accessions, CATIE 17331, 17334, 17349, 17739, 17740, and 2 of the control cultivars, Hawaii 7998 and UC-82B showed some degree of resistance. Conversely, both the frequency and the degree of resistance were high for Costa Rican biovar 1 strain UW-256. For biovar 3, the Costa Rican strain UW-255 was more virulent than the Peruvian strain UW-130. Eight CATIE accessions, 5539, 17331, 17333, 17334, 17345, 17349, 17742, and MIP-CH1, were as resistant as the resistant control Hawaii 7998 to 3 strains and accession 17740 was as resistant as Hawaii 7998 to all 4 strains.Journal Paper No. J-16011 of the Iowa Agriculture and Home Economics Experiment Station, Ames, Iowa. Project 3123.  相似文献   

An isolate ofPuccinia hordei (ND89-3) originally collected in Morocco is virulent on most barley genotypes reported to possess resistance, except cultivar Estate (CI 3410), which possesses theRph3 gene and exhibits a low to intermediate level of resistance (infection type 12). Isolate ND89-3 possesses one of the widest virulence spectrums reported forP. hordei. Accessions ofHordeum vulgare (1,997 in total) andH. spontaneum (885 in total), mostly originating from the Mediterranean region and parts of North Africa, were evaluated with isolate ND89-3 at the seedling stage to identify new sources of leaf rust resistance. Fifty-eight accessions ofH. vulgare, and 222 accessions ofH. spontaneum exhibited low infection types to this isolate. Further evaluations of these resistant accessions with isolates ofP. hordei virulent forRph3,Rph7, andRph12 suggested that most of the resistantH. vulgare accessions possess theRph3 gene. Data suggested additional sources of effective resistance inH. vulgare are rather limited. FiveH. vulgare accessions and 167H. spontaneum accessions were identified as possible sources of new genes for leaf rust resistance. These accessions likely possess resistance genes that are different fromRph1 toRph12, or gene combinations thereof based on their reaction to four leaf rust isolates. Utilization of these accessions in barley breeding will broaden the germplasm resources available for genetic control ofP. hordei. North Dakota Agricultural Experiment Station Journal Series No. 2123. The U.S. Government right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

调亏灌溉和施氮对玉米叶片保护系统的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过盆栽试验,研究了不同生育期亏水和氮肥处理对春玉米叶片丙二醛(MDA)含量、可溶性糖(SS)含量、过氧化物酶(POD)和超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活性的影响.结果表明,调亏灌溉可使玉米叶片MDA和SS含量明显升高,而使POD和SOD活性有所降低.施氮处理能保证叶片在抽雄期前SS含量、SOD和POD活性处于较高水平.MDA含量与灌水和施氮水平呈负相关,拔节后期达最大值,之后减小.从苗期到拔节后期,调亏灌溉施氮处理的可溶性糖含量较高,而高氮持续亏水处理可导致可溶性糖含量降低.POD活性到拔节后期达到最大,抽雄期有所降低.亏水处理明显降低了叶片POD活性,复水后补偿效应明显.施氮可适当提高POD活性,但抽穗亏水和全生育期亏水高氮处理在抽雄期的酶活性降低.SOD活性的变化趋势和POD相似.苗期亏水处理在复水后各生理生化指标补偿效果较好,拔节期亏水处理次之.高氮处理不宜在抽雄期调亏灌溉.调亏灌溉和施氮的最佳处理组合为苗期调亏低氮处理.  相似文献   

Barley is one of Ethiopia's major crops. Cultivation is mostly by traditional varieties that are chosen by farmers for their suitability for end-use or their adaptation to specific farming systems. A collection of 155 barley lines was grouped in 13 varieties, according to the name given by the farmers. The collection was evaluated for simple agronomic traits and resistance to barley scald disease. A large level of diversity was found, mainly between varieties, but also within varieties between farms from which the samples originated. In spite of a certain degree of overlapping, these traditional farmer's varieties showed coherence for the characters measured. Earlier maturing varieties were found to be more susceptible to scald, but a number of accessions combined earliness with scald resistance. It is suggested that the traditional variety name be included, next to the physical characters of the collection site, as a parameter to explain the degree of diversity in Ethiopian barley germplasm evaluation. The cultivated area of a number of traditional barley varieties is declining rapidly and special collection missions are needed to preserve this germplasm.  相似文献   

Summary A total of 59 diploid Aegilops tauschii Coss. (syn. Aegilops sguarrosa auct. non L.) and 39 synthetic hexaploid wheat accessions were evaluated for reaction to Pyrenophora tritici-repentis (Died.) Drechs. in a controlled environment, and classified using a disease rating system based on lesion type. 27 Ae. tauschii and 20 synthetic wheats were found to be resistant to tan spot disease. The overall mean disease ratings of Ae. tauschii and the synthetic wheat lines scored on a scale of 1 (resistant) to 5 (susceptible) were 1.80 and 2.38, respectively. Synthetic wheats generally showed a decrease in resistance, although several lines of synthetic wheat expressed a higher resistance than the diploid parents. Five synthetic wheat lines exhibited higher resistance than the standard resistant common wheat cultivar Red Chief.  相似文献   

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