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Information on phosphorus (P) release kinetics and sorption–desorption in soils is important for understanding how quickly reaction approaches equilibrium and replenishes the depleted soil solution. Laboratory experiments were conducted to study the P release and sorption–desorption kinetics in soils differing in clay, soil organic carbon (SOC), available P, and calcium carbonate (CaCO3) contents. Phosphorus release from soils proceeded in two phases: initially faster phase followed by a slower phase as equilibration progressed. Elovich equation (R2 ≥ 0.97**) described well the P release versus time data. P release coefficients for power function were significantly correlated with available P and SOC. Freundlich sorption constants increased with increase in clay and CaCO3 content. With increase in SOC and available P concentration in soils, substantial reduction in sorption constants was observed. It was concluded that for efficient P management, it is important to take into account soil texture, the existing soil P level, SOC content, and soil calcareousness.  相似文献   

This study aimed at determining the water quality of River Sirimon and River Kongoni, Ewaso Ng'iro North Basin, Kenya. Water quality analysis of these two rivers was done for a period of 5 months between November 2005 and February 2006. Portable Palintest equipment was used for the chemical analysis. The study established that there were sulphates concentrations of 22 mgL?1 in the Kongoni River water associated with the use of commercial fertilisers as compared to mean values of 7 mgL?1 along Sirimon River; phosphate concentrations were 1.3 mgL?1 in Kongoni and 0.15 mgL?1 in Sirimon and salinity 3 mgL?1 in Kongoni and 0.47 mgL?1 in Sirimon. On average, mean nitrates concentrations of 1.7 mgL?1 were recorded for Kongoni River, which were higher than those recorded for Sirimon River (0.033 mgL?1). These concentration levels were however within the standard levels set by WHO for example 50 mgL?1 for nitrates (WHO 2008). River Kongoni has two major irrigated horticultural farms across it which were likely polluting the river during the time of this study.  相似文献   

The additional mineralized soil organic carbon (SOC) after soil crushing is considered to be the amount of SOC protected within aggregates (>200 μm). This study investigated the effect of soil moisture in crushed and uncrushed soil samples on the calculated amounts of protected SOC in five tropical soils (Arenosol, two Ferralsols, Nitisol, and Vertisol). No differences in soil moisture optimum were observed between crushed and uncrushed soil samples, except in clayey soils with high SOC contents and high SOC mineralization rates (Nitisol and Vertisol). Crushing the soil increased soil respiration by 0.9 to 2.4 times. Soil moisture seemed to be a confounding factor in estimation of the SOC-protected amount only in soil with a high amount of protected SOC or with a low macroaggregate stability (Ferralsol and Vertisol). In these soils, the amount of protected SOC could be influenced by the method used to estimate it.  相似文献   

Little is known regarding the impact of calcium chloride applications during growth and development on tomato postharvest quality. This trial investigated supplemental calcium chloride applications on yield, nutrient content, texture, and postharvest quality of tomato fruit. Calcium (Ca) nutrient solution concentrations were: 60, 180, and 360 mg·L?1 calcium, while foliar applications were (0, 1, and 2% calcium chloride w/v). Plants grown with 60 mg·L?1 Ca had a high incidence of blossom end rot, which was not affected by calcium chloride sprays. Fruit nutrient concentrations were affected by calcium delivered through the nutrient solution. As fruit cluster position increased, fruit nutrient concentrations significantly decreased. Foliar calcium chloride sprays affected fruit soluble solids content and dry weight, but did not affect texture. Pericarp elasticity increased concomitantly with calcium in the nutrient solution. Postharvest disease incidence was not affected by calcium treatment, though weight loss during storage was negatively affected by calcium chloride sprays.  相似文献   

The suitability of loss‐on‐ignition (LOI) as an alternative to direct measurement of organic carbon (OC) has been debated for decades without resolution. The literature contains an abundance of different linear regression models to describe the LOI–OC relationship, most based on untransformed values of LOI and OC. Such regression is suspect because the variables are unable to occupy Euclidean space. Logratio transformation—based on relative rather than absolute differences—eliminates this constraint. Re‐analysis of the relationship on new and 10 previously published datasets using logratio techniques reveals that the relationship is nonlinear and that the profusion of regression models is in part a function of the range of LOI. Although LOI may offer a crude estimate of OC at high LOI levels, OC/LOI ratios when LOI is less than about 25% are too variable for reliable OC estimation, and interstudy comparisons remain dubious. Direct measurement of OC is recommended.  相似文献   


Loss‐on‐ignition (LOI) and concentration of organic carbon (Cc) were determined on pristine forest soils and soils from afforested arable fields. The objectives were to investigate the relation between the Cc of soil estimated indirectly from LOI and true Cc from dry combustion (CLECO) and further to evaluate how the applied analytical method affects the carbon pool estimates. According to results, LOI was a good indicator of Cc in the organic layer. As regards mineral soil, however, CLECO/LOI ratio significantly decreased with increasing depth, and the ratio changed differently in soils underlying forest sites as opposed to the soils from former fields. The results indicate that estimation of carbon pools from conversion factors would lead to considerable bias and that direct measurement of Cc is preferable to the use of any Cc/LOI ratio. The results also emphasize the need for elimination of carbonate carbon when measuring Cc from the soil of arable fields.  相似文献   


Heavy‐metal concentration in underground and surface water, soil, and crop plants growing in farmers' fields near the industrial city of Ludhiana, Punjab, India, that receive irrigation with water contaminated with sewer and untreated industrial effluents was studied. The concentrations of lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), and nickel (Ni) in sewage‐contaminated water were 18, 80, 88, and 210 times higher than in shallow handpump water, and 21, 133, 700, and 2200 times higher than in deep tube‐well water, respectively. The concentrations of Cd and Ni in shallow handpump underground water were significantly higher than in deep tube‐well underground water. The concentrations of Pb, Cr, Cd, and Ni in deep tube‐well water were 0.017, 0.003, 0.0002, and 0.0002 mg L?1, respectively. Soils irrigated with sewage‐contaminated water had higher electrical conductivity, cation exchange capacity, organic carbon (C), and clay content but had lower pH and calcium carbonate content compared to soils irrigated with deep underground water. The concentrations of diethylenetriamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA)–extractable Pb, Cr, Cd, and Ni in soils irrigated with sewage‐contaminated water were 1.8, 35.5, 3.6, and 14.3 times higher, and total concentrations of these heavy metals were 1.5, 3.0, 3.7, and 2.2 times higher than that in soils irrigated with deep underground water. The mean concentrations of Pb, Cr, Cd, and Ni in crop plants growing on soils irrigated with sewage‐contaminated water were 4.88, 4.20, 0.29, and 3.99 mg kg?1, which were 1.2, 2.1, 8.7, and 1.9 times higher than in plants irrigated with deep tube‐well water, respectively. The amounts of potentially toxic metals were significantly and positively correlated with cation exchange capacity and organic C content and negatively correlated with soil pH. In conclusion, long‐term accumulation of toxic metals in soils and their uptake by crop plants has a high potential for phytotoxicity as well as for entering into the food chain. The findings also suggest contamination of underground shallow drinking water through leaching of some highly mobile metals.  相似文献   

Until 1990 the Bitterfeld region (Germany) was heavily polluted by mining, an obsolete chemical industry and the uncontrolled deposition of chemical wastes. The cessation of lignite-mining and open-pit drainage may result in a rise of the groundwater level followed by the mobilization of contaminants, especially halogenated hydrocarbons.At a research area in Bitterfeld, highly mobile chlorinated hydrocarbons were detected in both groundwater and sediments. In particular, the pollutants were found to have penetrated a lignite seam separating the quaternary and the tertiaryaquifers. The consequences of the present situation for the progressive groundwater quality of the quaternary aquifer are assessed by means of hydrodynamic modeling using the groundwater simulation program FEFLOW.Starting from the results of the preliminary investigations and adjusting the relevant hydrogeological parameters for diffusion, dispersion, adsorption and initial pollutant distributions, various scenarios were modeled and discussed. It was shown that the impact of a diffusion-controlledscenario on groundwater quality can be neglected, and that only the reversal of the advective vertical direction of flow from the lower seam border to the surface will result in a significant deterioration of groundwater quality.  相似文献   


In countries with suitable conditions for growing winter wheat, there are millions of tons of poor‐baking‐quality wheat harvested every year. In this investigation, representative samples of low‐quality‐wheat lots were analyzed. The baking quality properties, protein, ash, and macro‐ and microelement concentrations were determined for different particle‐size fractions of flour. Flour fractions of different particle sizes sieved from the same flour samples yielded significantly different analyses for protein, ash, and macro‐ and microelements. It was determined that the particle fraction of 125–63 µm had better baking parameters than the original flour sample, and it constituted 32.5% of the total mass of the original amount of flour. In addition, the mineral‐element concentration was also found to be much higher than that of the original flour, which means that besides its better baking quality, it also had a higher nutritional value. The single, unmixed utilization of the 125‐ to 63‐µm flour fraction would mean more economic production for the baking industry and a higher value end product for the consumer. Based on our findings, we also recommend that in the chapters on materials and methods of the articles dealing with different kinds of flour, the authors should indicate the particle sizes of the flour samples analyzed because these may result in more objective evaluations of the readings.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to examine effects of fall sprays of nitrogen (N), boron (B) and zinc (Zn) on nutrition, reproductive response, and fruit quality of tart cherry (Prunus cerasus L.). The experiment was conducted during 2008–2010 in Poland on mature ‘Schattenmorelle’ sour cherry trees, planted at a spacing of 4.0 × 1.5 m on a coarse-textured soil with low level of organic matter, and adequate reaction and availabilities of macro- and micronutrients. Tart cherries were sprayed with boric acid-B, ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA)-Zn, and urea-N at 40–50 d prior to initiation of leaf fall according to following schema: (i) spray of N at a rate of 23 kg ha?1; (ii) spray of B and Zn at doses of 1.1 kg ha?1 and 0.5 kg ha?1, respectively; and (iii) spray of N, B, and Zn at the same rates as in the above spray combinations. The trees sprayed with water were served as the control. The results showed that postharvest spray treatments had no effect on defoliation, cold damage of flower buds, fruit set, yielding, plant N status, mean fruit weight, and soluble solids concentration in fruit. Postharvest sprays of B and Zn with or without N enhanced status of Zn and B in fall leaves, and B in flowers but had no impact on levels of the above micronutrients in summer leaves. Leaf-absorbed B was withdrawn in the fall, whereas Zn was immobile. It is concluded that postharvest B sprays can be recommended to increase B status in flowers of tart cherry, whereas fall sprays of urea-N and Zn are not able to improve plant nutrition of those nutrients the following season.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in an attempt to study the impact of using different organic residues as fertilizers on grain yield, magnitude of nitrous oxide (N2O) emissions, and soil characteristics. Five fertilizer treatments including conventional nitrogen (N) fertilizer, cow manure, rice straw, poultry manure, and sugarcane bagasse were applied in the rice field in 2012. The maximum reduction in seasonal N2O emissions (10–27%) was observed under the influence of rice straw application over conventional N fertilizer. The experiment was repeated for a second season in 2013 with the same treatments for further confirmation of the results obtained during the first year of experimentation. The application of rice straw also showed a slight advantage by increasing grain yield (4.38 t ha?1) compared to control. Important soil properties and plant growth parameters were studied and their relationships with N2O emission were worked out. The incorporation of organic residues helped in restoring and improving the soil health and effectively enhancing grain yield with reduced N2O emission from rice fields.  相似文献   

A laboratory experiment was conducted to study the changes in inorganic and organic forms of nitrogen (N) in a Typic Haplustept soil treated with mustard cake vis-à-vis humic acid in the presence and absence of inorganic N. Results revealed that irrespective of treatments, significantly higher amount of soluble nitrate (NO3-), hydrolysable ammonium (NH4+), non-hydrolysable and total N were accumulated in the soil treated with mustard cake in the presence of inorganic N. However, on the other hand, a humic acid-treated system showed significantly higher content of exchangeable NH4+ and hexosamine N. Application of humic acid alone leads to the accumulation of a significantly higher amount of total hydrolysable and unidentified N in the soil. Among the different treatments, NH4+ fixation was more in mustard cake followed by humic acid-treated soil. Humic acid is more susceptible to mineralization than mustard cake, particularly with respect to total N accumulation in soils.  相似文献   


Incorporating deep litter cow and deep litter poultry manures with the top 30-cm soil improved orchard soil chemistry, including nutrient availability, soil organic matter, electrical conductivity (EC), pH, cation exchange capacity (CEC) and biological activity in a ‘Golden Delicious’ apple (Malus domestica Bork) orchard in Zanjan, Iran. Application of deep litter cow manure at 30 t ha?1 or deep litter poultry manure at 10 t ha?1 resulted in a higher rate of nitrogen (N) release, and thus increased yield and fruit size, but decreased fruit color. The least leaf minerals were found in the untreated control trees. The control trees showed minor symptoms of N, iron (Fe), and magnesium (Mg) deficiencies during the following season. Positive correlation existed between the rate of manure applied and the content of soil organic matter (OM). The deep litter poultry manure at 10 t ha?1 increased the soil K, Mg, calcium (Ca), ammonium-N, and EC levels.  相似文献   

The purpose of this laboratory incubation study was to assess the solubility of phosphorus (P) in alum‐treated poultry litter (ATPL) when applied to three Virginia soils at equivalent P‐based rates. Three poultry litter sources (one that had received no alum additions and two that had received alum additions) were utilized in the study. These litter sources and monopotassium phosphate (KH2PO4) were applied at rates of 66, 132, and 197 mg P kg?1 with a 0‐P check treatment included for each soil. Soils were incubated for 1 year, and samples were collected at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months after treatment application. Data collected were used to calculate the relative extractability of P applied in the three litter sources. Results indicated that ATPL applications reduced P solubility compared to untreated poultry litter (NPL); this effect was most significant at 1 month after application. However, at 12 months, significant differences in extractable P between NPL and ATPL treatments were limited at the 66 mg P kg?1 rate. This resulted from continuous decline in the extractability of P applied in the NPL, whereas the extractability of P applied in the ATPL source changed little with time and in some cases increased slightly between the 1‐ and 3‐month sampling periods. Calculated values of relative extractability were influenced not only by litter source but also P application rate, soil type, and incubation time. Therefore, use of relative extractability values as P source coefficients should be done with caution, because experimental protocol can have profound effects on their magnitude.  相似文献   

The long-term crop residue retention coupled with external nutrient inputs are crucial for maintaining soil phosphorus (P) and soil organic carbon (SOC) in Vertisols of Central India. A study was conducted to evaluate the long-term effect of three wheat residue management practices (residue burning, incorporation, and surface retention) in combination with three supplementary nutrient inputs (SNI) [control, fertilizer, and farmyard manure (FYM)] on stratification of P and SOC in the soybean–wheat system in Vertisol. The wheat residue either incorporated or retained on the soil surface increased the availability of P and SOC content as compared to the common practices of residue burning. Residue retention or incorporation increased stratification of P and soil organic carbon over the residue burning. Irrespective of the nutrient treatments, greater stratification ratio of SOC and P were registered under wheat residue incorporation or retention compared to residue burning. It is evident from the study that wheat residue incorporation or retention plus addition of FYM could be an effective strategy for increasing the soil fertility in a soybean–wheat system of Vertisols of Central India.  相似文献   


The performance of the Polish rootstocks P2 and P22 under Norwegian growing conditions was evaluated over 10 years (1983–92). Tree vigour of the apple cultivar ‘Gravenstein’ on P2 and P22 was 64 and 16% of that on M9, respectively. Trees on P2 had the highest yield efficiency, but less total yield per tree than M9. Owing to very dwarfing growth, trees on P22 failed to establish a sufficient canopy and produced significantly smaller apples. P2 and P22 affected apple soluble solids in a favourable way, but did not influence fruit acidity.  相似文献   

Biological treatment systems such as biofilters offer a potential alternative to the existing physicochemical techniques for the removal of volatile organic compounds from gaseous emissions. In this experimental work, continuous phase biofiltration of xylene vapors were performed in a laboratory scale compost biofilter that was inoculated with a xylene-acclimatized consortium. The performance was assessed by continuously monitoring the removal efficiency (RE) and elimination capacity (EC) of the biofilter at loading rates varying between 2–220 g?m?3?h?1. The steady-state removal efficiencies were maintained between 60% and 90% up to a loading rate of 80 g?m?3?h?1. The removal efficiency decreased significantly at loading rates higher than 100 g?m?3?h?1. The pressure drop values were consistently less and insignificant in affecting the performance of the system. The present study also focuses in evaluating the stability of biofilter during shut down, restart, and shock-loading operations. An immediate restoration of biological activity after few days of starvation indicated their capability to handle discontinuous treatment situations which is more common to industrial biofilters. The sensitiveness of the biofilm to withstand shock loads was tested by abruptly increasing/decreasing the loading rates between 9–55 g?m?3?h?1, where, removal efficiencies between 60–90% were achieved. These results prove the resilience of the biomass and the stability of the compost biofilter. Anew, results from kinetic analysis reveal that, steady-state xylene removal in the biofilter can be adequately represented by Michaelis–Menten type kinetics, and the kinetic constants namely, ECmax (120.4 g?m?3?h?1) and K s (2.21 g?m?3) were obtained.  相似文献   


Influence of long‐term sodic‐water (SW) irrigation with or without gypsum and organic amendments [green manure (GM), farmyard manure (FYM), and rice straw (RS)] on soil properties and nitrogen (N) mineralization kinetics was studied after 12 years of rice–wheat cropping in a sandy loam soil in northwest India. Long‐term SW irrigation increased soil pH, exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP), and sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) and decreased organic carbon (OC) and total N content. On the other hand, application of gypsum and organic amendments resulted in significant improvement in all these soil properties. Mineralization of soil N ranged from 54 to 111 mg N kg?1 soil in different treatments. Irrigation with SW depressed N mineralization. In SW‐irrigated plots, two flushes of N mineralization were observed; the first during 0 to 7 d and the second after 28 d. Amending SW irrigated plots with GM and FYM enhanced mineralization of soil N. Gypsum application along with SW irrigation reduced cumulative N mineralization at 56 days in RS‐amended plots but increased it under GM‐treated, FYM‐treated, or unamended plots. Nitrogen mineralization potential (No) ranged from 62 to 543 mg N kg?1 soil. In the first‐order zero‐order model (FOZO), the easily decomposable fraction ranged from 5.4 to 42 mg N kg?1 soil. Compared to the first‐order single compartment model, the FOZO model could better explain the variations in N mineralization in different treatments. Variations in No were influenced more by changes in pH, SAR, and ESP induced by long‐term SW irrigations and amendments rather than by soil OC.  相似文献   

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