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The progression of external signs of Ichthyophonus infection in Pacific herring Clupea pallasii Valenciennes was highly variable and asynchronous after intraperitoneal injection with pure parasite preparations; however, external signs generally persisted through the end of the study (429 days post‐exposure). Observed signs included papules, erosions and ulcers. The prevalence of external signs plateaued 35 days post‐exposure and persisted in 73–79% of exposed individuals through the end of the first experiment (147 days post‐exposure). Among a second group of infected herring, external signs completely resolved in only 10% of the fish after 429 days. The onset of mortality preceded the appearance of external signs. Histological examination of infected skin and skeletal muscle tissues indicated an apparent affinity of the parasite for host red muscle. Host responses consisted primarily of granulomatous inflammation, fibrosis and necrosis in the skeletal muscle and other tissues. The persistence and asynchrony of external signs and host response indicated that they were neither a precursor to host mortality nor did they provide reliable metrics for hindcasting on the date of exposure. However, the long‐term persistence of clinical signs in Pacific herring may be useful in ascertaining the population‐level impacts of ichthyophoniasis in regularly observed populations.  相似文献   

为阐明太平洋鲱和大西洋鲱种间形态上的差异,应用单因子方差分析、聚类分析和判别分析方法对两种鱼的23个形态学参数进行了研究。单因子方差分析结果表明:14个形态参数平均值存在极显著差异(P〈0.001),且种群间差异大于种内差异。聚类分析结果显示所有82个个体明显聚成两支。所有23个形态参数的判别分析结果表明,两种间的形态差异极显著(P〈0.001);利用挑选后的11项参数判别分析,得出判别等式,两种鱼间的形态差异仍然极显著(P〈0.001),判别准确率100%。所有23个形态参数的差异系数全部小于Mayr的75%法则临界值,表明两个种间形态学上虽然存在一定分化,但分化程度尚未达到亚种水平。作者推测两个种间形态上低水平的分化可能由于分化的时间较短以及相似的生活环境造成的。  相似文献   

Physical and biological variables affecting juvenile Pacific herring (Clupea pallasi) in Prince William Sound (PWS) from 1995 to 1998 were investigated as part of a multifaceted study of recruitment, the Sound Ecosystem Assessment (SEA) program. Though more herring larvae were retained in eastern PWS bays, ages‐0 and ‐1 herring used bays throughout PWS as nursery areas. Water transported into PWS from the Gulf of Alaska (GOA) contributed oceanic prey species to neritic habitats. Consequently, variations in local food availability resulted in different diets and growth rates of herring among bays. Summer food availability and possible interspecific competition for food in nursery areas affected the autumn nutritional status and juvenile whole body energy content (WBEC), which differed among bays. The WBEC of age‐0 herring in autumn was related to over‐winter survival. The limited amount of food consumption in winter was not sufficient to meet metabolic needs. The smallest age‐0 fish were most at risk of starvation in winter. Autumn WBEC of herring and winter water temperature were used to model over‐winter mortality of age‐0 herring. Differences in feeding and energetics among nursery areas indicated that habitat quality and age‐0 survival were varied among areas and years. These conditions were measured by temperature, zooplankton abundance, size of juvenile herring, diet energy, energy source (GOA vs. neritic zooplankton), WBEC, and within‐bay competition.  相似文献   

We examined recruitment and average weight-at-age time series for Pacific herring ( Clupea pallasi ) populations from the Bering Sea and north-east Pacific Ocean to determine similarities. Statistical correlation and multivariate clustering methods indicated Pacific herring populations form large-scale groups. Large year classes occur synchronously among several Pacific herring populations. Multivariate cluster analyses of recruitment and weight-at-age data indicated that Bering Sea herring populations are distinct from north-east Pacific Ocean populations. Within the NE Pacific Ocean, there appear to be three groups of herring populations: a British Columbia group, a south-east Alaska coastal group, and an outer Gulf of Alaska group. Jackknife and randomization tests indicate these groups are robust and not the result of random chance. Deviations from observed herring population groups were examined for indications of anthropogenic perturbations. The Prince William Sound herring populations did not show any strong deviations corresponding to the oil spill of 1989. There might not yet be enough data since the spill to detect changes in the recruitment or weight-at-age data since that time, particularly if oil spill effects were concentrated on the early life history stages.  相似文献   

In 2003, the Alaska walleye pollock industry reported product quality issues attributed to an unspecified parasite in fish muscle. Using molecular and histological methods, we identified the parasite in Bering Sea pollock as Ichthyophonus. Infected pollock were identified throughout the study area, and prevalence was greater in adults than in juveniles. This study not only provides the first documented report of Ichthyophonus in any fish species captured in the Bering Sea, but also reveals that the parasite has been present in this region for nearly 20 years and is not a recent introduction. Sequence analysis of 18S rDNA from Ichthyophonus in pollock revealed that consensus sequences were identical to published parasite sequences from Pacific herring and Yukon River Chinook salmon. Results from this study suggest potential for Ichthyophonus exposures from infected pollock via two trophic pathways; feeding on whole fish as prey and scavenging on industry‐discharged offal. Considering the notable Ichthyophonus levels in pollock, the low host specificity of the parasite and the role of this host as a central prey item in the Bering Sea, pollock likely serve as a key Ichthyophonus reservoir for other susceptible hosts in the North Pacific.  相似文献   

Pacific and Atlantic herring populations (genus Clupea) commonly experience episodic collapse and recovery. Recovery time durations are of great importance for the sustainability of fisheries and ecosystems. We collated information from 64 herring populations to characterize herring fluctuations and determine the time scales at low biomass and at high and low recruitment, and use generalized linear models and Random Survival Forests to identify the most important bottom‐up, top‐down and intrinsic factors influencing recovery times. Compared to non‐forage fish taxa, herring decline to lower minima, recover to higher maxima and show larger changes in biomass, implying herring are more prone to booms and busts than non‐forage fish species. Large year classes are more common in herring, but occur infrequently and are uncorrelated among regionally grouped stocks, implying local drivers of high recruitment. Management differs between Pacific and Atlantic herring fisheries, where at similarly low biomass, Pacific fisheries tend to be closed while Atlantic fisheries remain open. This difference had no apparent effect on herring recovery times, which averaged 11 years, although most stocks with longer recovery periods had not yet recovered at the end of the observation period. Biomass recovery is best explained by median recruitment and variability in sea surface height anomalies and sea surface temperatures—higher variability leads to shorter recovery times. In addition, the duration of recruitment failure is closely linked with low biomass. While recovery times rely on the nature of the relationship between spawning biomass and recruitment, they are still largely governed by complex and uncertain processes.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that Pacific herring populations in the Bering Sea and north-east Pacific Ocean can be grouped based on similar recruitment time series. The scale of these groups suggests large-scale influence on recruitment fluctuations from the environment. Recruitment time series from 14 populations were analysed to determine links to various environmental variables and to develop recruitment forecasting models using a Ricker-type environmentally dependent spawner–recruit model. The environmental variables used for this investigation included monthly time series of the following: southern oscillation index, North Pacific pressure index, sea surface temperatures, air temperatures, coastal upwelling indices, Bering Sea wind, Bering Sea ice cover, and Bering Sea bottom temperatures. Exploratory correlation analysis was used for focusing the time period examined for each environmental variable. Candidate models for forecasting herring recruitment were selected by the ordinary and recent cross-validation prediction errors. Results indicated that forecasting models using air and sea surface temperature data lagged to the year of spawning generally produced the best forecasting models. Multiple environmental variables showed marked improvements in prediction over single-environmental-variable models.  相似文献   

A novel disease outbreak occurred among cultured loach, Misgurnus anguillicaudatus in China. The diseased fish displayed lethargy, loss of appetite, black discolouration, anasarca and ventral skin hyperaemia. Clinical signs were observed in most of the fish examined, which consisted of discoloured liver, swollen spleen and petechial haemorrhage in the intestine and peritoneal membranes. The causative agent was found to be two species of bacteria by experimental infection, identified as Shewanella sp. and Listonella sp. The result showed that these were likely to be Shewanella putrefaciens and Listonella anguillarum respectively. Bacterial identification consisted of physiological and biochemical tests as well as 16S rRNA sequence analysis. In addition, antibiotic susceptibility testing was performed, revealing that Shewanella putrefaciens and Listonella anguillarum were susceptible to enrofloxacin, ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin, pipemidicacid and norfloxacin. This is the first report of S. putrefaciens and L. anguillarum from cultured loach.  相似文献   

A qualitative understanding of the long‐term variation in the population dynamics of Yellow Sea (YS) herring is particularly important for clarifying the evolutionary processes and driving mechanisms of the YS large marine ecosystem. Unfortunately, because of a lack of long‐term, continuous, and simultaneous monitoring data, the specific driving processes and mechanisms of climate effects on the population dynamics of YS herring remain largely unknown. In response to this scientific issue, we preliminarily propose the idea of reconstructing long‐term changes in YS herring abundance over the past 590 years (AD 1417–2004) based on historical documents and attempt to explore the impacts of climate on the population. Our results show that YS herring abundance maintained at a relatively high level from AD 1417 to 1870 (during the Little Ice Age); in contrast, the population declined significantly from AD 1870 to 2004 at different rates. In addition, we also found that there were strong relationships between the population abundance of YS herring and the Pacific decadal oscillation (PDO) and drought/flood cycles. We suggest that the fluctuations in YS herring abundance may be influenced by ocean–climatic circulation shifts throughout the North Pacific, especially the PDO.  相似文献   

Successful rearing of larval fish requires culture conditions and feeding strategies matching the ontogenetic status of larvae. This study describes the external morphology and development of organs and structures involved in the feeding process (i.e. sensorial organs, mouthparts and digestive system) from hatching until first feeding in Pacific red snapper. Hatching occurred 26 h after fertilization at 26°C and total length (TL) was 2.45 ± 0.08 mm. The larvae showed an undifferentiated eye and digestive tract. At 48 hah, TL was 3.31 ± 0.12 mm. Yolk and oil globule were still present. The mouth was still closed, but the Meckel's, quadrate, hyoid and hyomandibular cartilages were present. The retina was formed by 5 layers, and a thin layer of pigment epithelium was observed in the outer nuclear layer (ONL). At 70 hah, TL was 3.44 ± 0.22 mm. A remnant of oil globule was still present. The mouth and anus were open. At 93 hah, the number of cones in the ONL of the retina have increased and there was more pigment in the pigment epithelial layer. A joint between Meckel's and the quadrate cartilage and also a joint between the hyomandibular cartilage and the skull were present. The presence of live feed was detected in the digestive tract of these larvae. Based on these observations, the Pacific red snapper larvae is functional to start ingesting live feed between the 3rd and 4th day after hatching.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:   The genetic diversity of wild and hatchery-released Pacific herring Clupea pallasii collected from three brackish lakes and two bays in Honshu and Hokkaido, Japan was examined with five microsatellite loci. All loci showed high genetic variability with expected heterozygosities ranging from 0.815 to 0.945. Significant differences in genotypic and allelic distributions were detected among all locations except for between the two bays in Honshu Island. Pairwise population analysis based on the F ST values showed close genetic relationships among the locations in Hokkaido Island, and the hierarchical analyses of molecular variance showed significant genetic difference between the two islands. Those results suggest the existence of subpopulations due to natal homing. In addition, stocked fish showed as much genetic diversity as the wild fish. The pairwise population analyses also showed close relationships between the hatchery fish and the wild fish in respective stocking areas, showing that no effects of stocking programs on genetic diversity of wild populations were detected.  相似文献   

This study reports the ontogenetic development of the digestive system of larval Pacific red snapper (Lutjanus peru), an important candidate species for aquaculture on the Pacific coast of Mexico. Histological sections of larvae were cut and dyed using the haematoxylin–eosin technique. The development of the digestive tract of Pacific red snapper larvae follows a general pattern of differentiation that can be divided into three stages. Stage I lasted from 1–3 days post hatching (DPH) and included the endogenous nutrition period; it was characterized by the initial differentiation of the digestive tract in preparation for the onset of exogenous feeding (3 DPH). At this time, the digestive tract was differentiated into buccopharynx, oesophagus, stomach anlage, anterior intestine, posterior intestine and a short rectum. The liver, pancreas and kidney were also present. The mouth and anus were open. Stage II occurred after first feeding, lasted for 16 days (4–23 DPH) and included both preflexion and flexion larvae. The main changes that occurred during this stage reflected the adaptation to exogenous feeding and the concomitant growth. Stage III (24–30 DPH) included post‐flexion larvae and started with the appearance of the gastric glands and pyloric caeca. The presence of the gastric glands suggests that early weaning during culture trials of the Pacific red snapper larvae may be possible at this early age.  相似文献   

The Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas is a representative bivalve mollusc that is widely cultured in the world and is the largest molluscan group cultured in China. In order to assess the feasibility of improving survival of C. gigas through genetic selection, the heritability and genetic correlations for growth and survival traits between different life stages were examined. Genetic parameters were estimated based on intraclass correlations of 49 full‐sib families (29 half‐sib families) in larvae (4 and 20 days after fertilization) and spat (140 days after fertilization) stages. The heritability for growth traits in larvae and spat was 0.30–0.86 and 0.53–0.59, respectively, and varied with ages. The heritability of survival was low in larvae (0.13 ± 0.05 and 0.17 ± 0.04, respectively for 4 and 20 days after fertilization) but medium (0.39 ± 0.07) in spat, suggesting that selection for increasing spat survival was feasible. The genetic correlation between growth traits within age was medium to high and positive (ranging from 0.47 to 0.96, respectively, between shell length (SL) and shell height (SH) at 20 days and between SL and SH at 140 days after fertilization), suggesting that selection to improve single growth trait will cause positive response in another growth traits in C. gigas. The genetic correlations between survival and growth traits at 140 days were low but positive (ranging from 0.23 to 0.27, respectively, between survival and SH and between survival and SL at 140 days after fertilization), suggesting that selection for survival may not have a negative response in growth. Overall, this study suggests that survival traits should be taken as improving target of next selection breeding programme in C. gigas.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the use of microalgae (Aurantiochytrium sp.) meal as a substitute for fish oil in the diet of juvenile Pacific white shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) reared in a clear‐water system. Dietary treatments at five replacement levels (0%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 100%) were performed in triplicate. After 46 days, only a slight difference in shrimp final weight was observed among treatments (0.61 g). An increase in final weight was observed with replacement of up to 50% fish oil for microalgae meal, while the optimal percentage of replacement estimated was 44.7%. Feed conversion rate (FCR) of animals fed a diet of Aurantiochytrium sp.meal to replace up to 50% fish oil decreased, and the optimal percentage of replacement estimated was 49.3%. The fatty acids profile in shrimp muscle tissue demonstrated an increase in docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) from 10.03% to 14.28% with increased replacement of fish oil by microalgae meal in the diet. Therefore, the partial replacement of fish oil by microalgae meal resulted in improved shrimp growth and FCR, and total replacement of dietary fish oil had no negative effects on these parameters. In addition, inclusion of microalgae meal raises the level of DHA in shrimp muscle.  相似文献   

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