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A triploid hybrid with an ABC genome constitution, produced from an interspecific cross between Brassica napus (AACC genome) and B. nigra (BB genome), was used as source material for chromosome doubling. Two approaches were undertaken for the production of hexaploids: firstly, by self-pollination and open-pollination of the triploid hybrid; and secondly, by application of colchicine to axillary meristems of triploid plants. Sixteen seeds were harvested from triploid plants and two seedlings were confirmed to be hexaploids with 54 chromosomes. Pollen viability increased from 13% in triploids to a maximum of 49% in hexaploids. Petal length increased from 1.3 cm (triploid) to 1.9 cm and 1.8 cm in the two hexaploids and longest stamen length increased from 0.9 cm (triploid) to 1.1 cm in the hexaploids. Pollen grains were longer in hexaploids (43.7 and 46.3 μm) compared to the triploid (25.4 μm). A few aneuploid offsprings were also observed, with chromosome number ranging from 34 to 48. This study shows that trigenomic hexaploids can be produced in Brassica through interspecific hybridisation of B. napus and B. nigra followed by colchicine treatment.  相似文献   

Coffee varieties with resistance for the plant-parasitic nematodes Pratylenchus coffeae and Radopholus arabocoffeae are limited in Vietnam. A selection of imported varieties and high yield varieties of Arabica coffee in Vietnam were evaluated for resistance to both plant-parasitic nematode species in Northern Vietnam. The same experiments were carried out with hybrid arabica coffee, three selected clones of Coffea canephora and one clone of Coffea excelsa in the Western Highland of Vietnam. The screened coffee accessions from Ethiopia (KH1, KH13, KH20, KH21, KH29, and KH31) were susceptible and good host for P. coffeae. Also accessions 90P4 (Portugal) and Oro azteca (Mexico) had a reproduction factor Rf > 1. Pluma Hidalgo (Mexico), 90/6 (Vietnam), 90P3 (Portugal), 90P2 (Vietnam), Variedad (Mexico), 90T (Portugal), and Garnica (Mexico) were poor hosts (Rf < 1) but not tolerant to P. coffeae, expressed by a reduction of root weight compared to untreated control plants. Most of the coffee accessions tested in Northern Vietnam were intolerant to R. arabocoffeae, except 90T which showed no reduction of root weight, even at high initial nematode densities (4,000/pot). Good hosts for R. arabocoffeae were Variedad, KH1, KH21, KH29, KH20, KH31, and KH13 with Rf > 1. Pluma Hidalgo, 90/6, 90P3, 90P2, 90T, Oro azteca, and Garnica were poor hosts (Rf < 1). In the Western Highland experiment, all arabica coffee accessions were susceptible for P. coffeae with Rf ranging from 1.41 to 1.59. Tolerance to P. coffeae was found in C. liberica var. Dewevrei, Hong34 and Nhuantren. Coffea excelsa, Hong34, Nhuantren, and H1C19 were tolerant to R. arabocoffeae at the highest inoculation density (4,000 nematodes/pot). The most susceptible accessions were Nhuantren and K55. Resistance (Rf < 1) to R. arabocoffeae was found in C. liberica var. Dewevrei and Hong34. This article reports on the first screening for resistance and tolerance to P. coffeae and R. arabocoffeae in coffee accessions in Vietnam and shows promising results for enhanced coffee-breeding.  相似文献   

Interspecific hybridization was carried out between Lilium longiflorum and L. lophophorum var. linearifolium by using the cut style method of pollination, as a contrast, intraspecific hybridization between L. longiflorum ‘Gelria’ and L. longiflorum was also made, but no mature seeds and offspring were obtained from the two combinations under in vivo condition. Ovules excised from each carpel 5–35 days after pollination (DAP) were cultured on B5 or half-strength B5 medium containing sucrose at different concentrations in vitro. In L. longiflorum × L. lophophorum var. linearifolium, only 1.17% of ovules excised at 10 DAP developed into seedlings, and in L. longiflorum ‘Gelria’ × L. longiflorum, only 0.99% of ovules excised at 25 DAP developed into seedlings; none of the ovules excised at other different DAP in the two cross combinations produced any seedlings. The results showed that interspecific hybridization had a more serious post-fertilization barrier than the intraspecific hybridization, and that a lower concentration (3%) of sucrose led to better embryo development and higher percentage of seedlings in ovule cultures. All hybrid seedlings obtained were successfully transplanted to soil and grew normally. The progenies investigated were identified as true hybrids based on inter-simple sequence repeat (ISSR) analysis.  相似文献   

7–7365AB is a recessive genic male sterile (RGMS) two-type line, which can be applied in a three-line system with the interim-maintainer, 7–7365C. Fertility of this system is controlled by two duplicate dominant epistatic genes (Bn;Ms3 and Bn;Ms4) and one recessive epistatic inhibitor gene (Bn;rf). Therefore an individual with the genotype of Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4Rf_ exhibits male sterility, whereas, plant with Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4rfrf shows fertility because homozygosity at the Bn;rf locus (Bn;rfrf) can inhibit the expression of two recessive male sterile genes in homozygous Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4 plant. A cross of 7–7365A (Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4RfRf) and 7–7365C (Bn;ms3ms3ms4ms4rfrf) can generate a complete male sterile population served as a mother line with restorer in alternative strips for the multiplication of hybrid seeds. In the present study, molecular mapping of the Bn;Rf gene was performed in a BC1 population from the cross between 7–7365A and 7–7365C. Bulked segregant analysis (BSA) and amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) technique was used to identify molecular markers linked to the gene of interest. From a survey of 768 primer combinations, seven AFLP markers were identified. The closest marker, XM5, was co-segregated with the Bn;Rf locus and successfully converted into a sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) marker, designated as XSC5. Two flanking markers, XM3 and XM2, were 0.6 cM and 2.6 cM away from the target gene, respectively. XM1 was subsequently mapped on linkage group N7 using a doubled-haploid (DH) mapping population derived from the cross Tapidor × Ningyou7, available at IMSORB, UK. To further confirm the location of the Bn;Rf gene, additional simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers in linkage group N7 from the reference maps were screened in the BC1 population. Two SSR markers, CB10594 and BRMS018, showed polymorphisms in our mapping population. The molecular markers found in the present study will facilitate the selection of interim-maintainer.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that expression of salt-responsive genes, including Bruguiera gymnorhiza ankyrin repeat protein 1 (BgARP1), enhances salt tolerance in both Agrobacterium tumefaciens and Arabidopsis. In this report, we further characterized BgARP1-expressing Arabidopsis to elucidate the role of BgARP1 in salt tolerance. BgARP1-expressing plants exhibited more vigorous growth than wild-type plants on MS plates containing 125–175 mM NaCl. Real-time PCR analysis showed enhanced induction of osmotin34 in the 2-week-old transformants under 125 mM NaCl. It was also showed that induction of typical salt-responsive genes, including RD29A, RD29B, and RD22, was blunted and delayed in the 4-week-old transformants during 24 h after 200 mM NaCl treatment. Ion content analysis showed that transgenic plants contained more K+, Ca2+, and NO3 , and less NH4 +, than wild-type plants grown in 200 mM NaCl. Our results suggest that BgARP1-expressing plants may reduce salt stress by up-regulating osmotin34 gene expression and maintaining K+ homeostasis and regulating Ca2+ content. These results indicate that BgARP1 is functional on a heterogeneous background.  相似文献   

Crown rust, which is caused by Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae, P. Syd. & Syd., is the most destructive disease of cultivated oats (Avena sativa L.) throughout the world. Resistance to the disease that is based on a single gene is often short-lived because of the extremely great genetic diversity of P. coronata, which suggests that there is a need to develop oat cultivars with several resistance genes. This study aimed to identify amplified fragment length polymorphism AFLP markers that are linked to the major resistance gene, Pc68, and to amplify the F6 genetic map from Pc68/5*Starter × UFRGS8. Seventy-eight markers with normal segregation were discovered and distributed in 12 linkage groups. The map covered 409.4 cM of the Avena sativa genome. Two AFLP markers were linked in repulsion to Pc68: U8PM22 and U8PM25, which flank the gene at 18.60 and 18.83 centiMorgans (cM), respectively. The marker U8PM25 is located in the linkage group 4_12 in the Kanota × Ogle reference oat population. These markers should be useful for transferring Pc68 to genotypes with good agronomic characteristics and for pyramiding crown rust resistance genes.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas syringae is the main pathogen responsible for bacterial blight disease in pea and can cause yield losses of 70%. P. syringae pv. pisi is prevalent in most countries but the importance of P. syringae pv. syringae (Psy) is increasing. Several sources of resistance to Psy have been identified but genetics of the resistance is unknown. In this study the inheritance of resistance to Psy was studied in the pea recombinant inbred line population P665 × ‘Messire’. Results suggest a polygenic control of the resistance and two quantitative trait loci (QTL) associated with resistance, Psy1 and Psy2, were identified. The QTL explained individually 22.2 and 8.6% of the phenotypic variation, respectively. In addition 21 SSR markers were included in the P665 × ‘Messire’ map, of which six had not been mapped on the pea genome in previous studies.  相似文献   

The genetics of resistance to Cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) in Cucumis sativus var. hardwickii R. Alef, the wild progenitor of cultivated cucumber was assessed by challenge inoculation and by natural infection of CMV. Among the 31 genotypes of C. sativus var. hardwickii collected from 21 locations in India the lowest mean percent disease intensity (PDI) was recorded in IC-277048 (6.33%) while the highest PDI was observed in IC-331631 (75.33%). All the four cultivated varieties (DC-1, DC-2, CHC-1 and CHC-2) showed very high PDI and susceptible disease reaction. Based on mean PDI, 8 genotypes were categorized as resistant, 13 as moderately resistant, 9 as moderately susceptible and one as susceptible. A chi-square test of frequency distribution based on mean PDI in F2 progenies of six resistant × susceptible crosses revealed monogenic recessive Mendelian ratio 1(R):3(S) to be the best fit. This monogenic recessive model was further confirmed by 1(R):1(S) ratio as the best fit for back cross with resistant parent and no fit for either 3:1 or 1:1 in the back cross with the susceptible parent. The results revealed that CMV resistance in C. sativus var. hardwickii was controlled by a single recessive gene. Considering the cross compatibility between C. sativus var. hardwickii and cultivated cucumber, the resistance trait can be easily transferred to cultivated species through simple backcross breeding.  相似文献   

Yue Jin 《Euphytica》2011,179(1):105-108
The common barberry and several other Berberis spp. serve as the alternate hosts to two important rust pathogens of small grains and grasses, Puccinia graminis and P. striiformis. Barberry eradication has been practiced for centuries as a means to control stem rust. Diverse virulence variations have been observed in populations of P. graminis f. sp. tritici that were associated with susceptible barberries in North America. Barberry likely has played a role in generating new races of P. striiformis f. sp. tritici in some regions in the world. Several North American stem rust races, namely races 56, 15B and QCC, initially originated from barberry, were subsequently responsible for generating large-scale epidemics. Thus, sexual cycles on Berberis spp. may generate virulence combinations that could have serious consequences to cereal crop production.  相似文献   

The potential of microsatellite markers for use in genetic studies has been evaluated in Allium cultivated species (Allium cepa, A. fistulosum) and its allied species (A. altaicum, A. galanthum, A. roylei, A. vavilovii). A total of 77 polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer pairs were employed, 76 of which amplified a single product or several products in either of the species. The 29 AMS primer pairs derived from A. cepa and 46 microsatellites primer pairs from A. fistulosum revealed a lot of polymorphic amplicons between seven Allium species. Some of the microsatellite markers were effective not only for identifying an intraspecific F1 hybrid between shallot and bulb onion but also for applying to segregation analyses in its F2 population. All of the microsatellite markers can be used for interspecific taxonomic analyses among two cultivated and four wild species of sections Cepa and Phyllodolon in Allium. Generally, our data support the results obtained from recently performed analyses using molecular and morphological markers. However, the phylogeny of A. roylei, a threatened species with several favorable genes, was still ambiguous due to its different positions in each dendrogram generated from the two primer sets originated from A. cepa and A. fistulosum.  相似文献   

Investigation of cotton nutritional components is important because its seeds provide a useful nutritional profile and can possibly serve as a biofuel resource. In this study, five cultivars, 13 cotton chromosome substitution (CS-B) lines, their donor parent, '3-79', and their recurrent parent, 'TM-1', were evaluated for seed traits over four environments. A mixed linear model approach with the jackknife method was employed to estimate variance components and to predict genotypic effects for each seed trait. Genotypic effects were more important than genotype by environment interaction for all seed traits. Chromosome associations with these seed traits were detected using the comparative method by comparing the differences between each CS-B line and TM-1. For example, chromosome 4 of 3-79 in TM-1 background was associated with reduced seed index (SI), embryo percentage, protein percentage while associated with increased seed oil percentage and seed fiber percentage. Other chromosome associations with these seed traits were also observed in this study. SI was highly correlated with three seed index traits: seed protein index, seed oil index (OI), and seed fiber index. Lint percentage, boll number, and lint yield were positively correlated with protein percentage while negatively correlated with SI and OI. SI and seed fiber content exhibited negative correlations with micronaire but positive correlations with fiber length and strength. Results suggested that agronomic traits and seed nutrition components can be improved simultaneously.  相似文献   

Stem rot caused by Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is one of the most devastating diseases of rapeseed (Brassica napus L.) which causes huge loss in rapeseed production. Genetic sources with high level of resistance has not been found in rapeseed. In this study, 68 accessions in six Brassica species, including 47 accessions of B. oleracea, were evaluated for leaf and stem resistance to S. sclerotiorum. Large variation of resistance was found in Brassica, with maximum differences of 5- and 57-folds in leaf and stem resistance respectively. B. oleracea, especially its wild types such as B. rupestris, B. incana, B. insularis, and B. villosa showed high level of resistance. Our data suggest that wild types of B. oleracea possess tremendous potential for improving S. sclerotiorum resistance of rapeseed.  相似文献   

Molecular markers have been successfully used in rice breeding however available markers based on Oryza sativa sequences are not efficient to monitor alien introgression from distant genomes of Oryza. We developed O. minuta (2n = 48, BBCC)-specific clones comprising of 105 clones (266–715 bp) from the initial library composed of 1,920 clones against O. sativa by representational difference analysis (RDA), a subtractive cloning method and validated through Southern blot hybridization. Chromosomal location of O. minuta-specific clones was identified by hybridization with the genomic DNA of eight monosomic alien additional lines (MAALs). The 37 clones were located either on chromosomes 6, 7, or 12. Different hybridization patterns between O. minuta-specific clones and wild species such as O. punctata, O. officinalis, O. rhizomatis, O. australiensis, and O. ridleyi were observed indicating conservation of the O. minuta fragments across Oryza spp. A highly repetitive clone, OmSC45 hybridized with O. minuta and O. australiensis (EE), and was found in 6,500 and 9,000 copies, respectively, suggesting an independent and exponential amplification of the fragment in both species during the evolution of Oryza. Hybridization of 105 O. minuta specific clones with BB- and CC-genome wild Oryza species resulted in the identification of 4 BB-genome-specific and 14 CC-genome-specific clones. OmSC45 was identified as a fragment of RIRE1, an LTR-retrotransposon. Furthermore this clone was introgressed from O. minuta into the advanced breeding lines of O. sativa.  相似文献   

Peach powdery mildew is one of the major diseases of the peach. Various sources of resistance to PPM have thus been identified, including the single dominant locus Vr2 carried by the peach rootstock ‘Pamirskij 5’. To map Vr2, a linkage map based on microsatellite markers was constructed from the F2 progeny (WP2) derived from the cross ‘Weeping Flower Peach’ × ‘Pamirskij 5’. Self-pollinations of the parents were also performed. Under greenhouse conditions, all progenies were scored after artificial inoculations in two classes of reactions to PPM (resistant/susceptible). In addition to Vr2, WP2 segregated for three other traits from ‘Weeping Flower Peach’: Rm1 for green peach aphid resistance, Di2 for double-flower and pl for weeping-growth habit. With their genomic locations unknown or underdocumented, all were phenotyped as Mendelian characters and mapped: Vr2 mapped at the top of LG8, at 3.3 cM, close to the CPSCT018 marker; Rm1 mapped at the bottom of LG1, at a position of 116.5 cM, cosegregating with the UDAp-467 marker and in the same region as Rm2 from ‘Rubira’®; Di2 mapped at 28.8 cM on LG6, close to the MA027a marker; and pl mapped at 44.1 cM on LG3 between the MA039a and SSRLG3_16m46 markers. Furthermore, this study revealed, for the first time, a pseudo-linkage between two traits of the peach: Vr2 and the Gr locus, which controls the red/green color of foliage. The present work therefore constitutes a significant preliminary step for implementing marker-assisted selection for the four major traits targeted in this study.  相似文献   

Using three varieties of Brassica rapa, cv. Hauarad (accession 708), cv. Maoshan-3 (714) and cv. Youbai (715), as the maternal plants and one variety of B. oleracea cv. Jingfeng-1 (6012) as the paternal plant, crosses were made to produce interspecific hybrids through ovary culture techniques. A better response of seed formation was observed when ovaries were cultured in vitro at 9–12 days after pollination on the basal MS and B5 media supplemented with 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) and naphthylacetic acid (NAA). The best response was observed for cross 714×6012 with the rate of seeds per ovary reaching 43.0%. Seeds for cross 715×6012 showed the best germination response (66.7%) on the regeneration medium (MS+1.0 mg l–1 BA+0.05 mg l–1 NAA). In all three cross combinations, good response in terms of root number and length of plants was observed on the root induction medium (MS+1.0 mg l–1 BA+0.1 mg l–1 NAA). A better response was observed for the regenerated plants cultured for 14 days than for 7 days. The ovary-derived plants with well-developed root system were hardened for 8 days and their survival rate reached over 80%. Cytological studies showed that the chromosome number of all plants tested was 19 (the sum of both parents), indicating that these regenerated plants were all true hybrids of B. rapa (n = 10) × B. oleracea (n = 9). The regenerated plants were doubled with colchicine treatment, and the best response in the crosses 708×6012, 714×6012 and 715×6012 was observed when treated with 170 mg l–1 colchicine for up to 30 h and their doubling frequency reached 52, 56 and 62%, respectively.  相似文献   

Asian rust, caused by the fungus Phakopsora pachyrhizi, is the most severe disease currently threatening soybean crops in Brazil. The development of resistant cultivars is a top priority. Genetic characterization of resistance genes is important for estimating the improvement when these genes are introduced into soybean plants and for planning breeding strategies against this disease. Here, we infected an F2 population of 140 plants derived from a cross between ‘An-76’, a line carrying two resistance genes (Rpp2 and Rpp4), and ‘Kinoshita’, a cultivar carrying Rpp5, with a Brazilian rust population. We scored six characters of rust resistance (lesion color [LC], frequency of lesions having uredinia [%LU], number of uredinia per lesion [NoU], frequency of open uredinia [%OU], sporulation level [SL], and incubation period [IP]) to identify the genetic contributions of the three genes to these characters. Furthermore, we selected genotypes carrying these three loci in homozygosis by marker-assisted selection and evaluated their genetic effect in comparison with their ancestors, An-76, PI230970, PI459025, Kinoshita and BRS184. All three genes contributed to the phenotypes of these characters in F2 population and when pyramided, they significantly contributed to increase the resistance in comparison to their ancestors. Rpp2, previously reported as being defeated by the same rust population, showed a large contribution to resistance, and its resistance allele seemed to be recessive. Rpp5 had the largest contribution among the three genes, especially to SL and NoU. Only Rpp5 showed a significant contribution to LC. No QTLs for IP were detected in the regions of the three genes. We consider that these genes could contribute differently to resistance to soybean rust, and that genetic background plays an important role in Rpp2 activity. All three loci together worked additively to increase resistance when they were pyramided in a single genotype indicating that the pyramiding strategy is one good breeding strategy to increase soybean rust resistance.  相似文献   

The Lr56/Yr38 translocation consists primarily of alien-derived chromatin with only the 6AL telomeric region being of wheat origin. To improve its utility in wheat breeding, an attempt was made to exchange excess Ae. sharonensis chromatin for wheat chromatin through homoeologous crossover in the absence of Ph1. Translocation heterozygotes that lacked Ph1 were test-crossed with Chinese Spring nullisomic 6A tetrasomic 6B and nullisomic 6A-tetrasomic 6D plants and the resistant (hemizygous 6A) progeny were analyzed with four microsatellite markers. Genetic mapping suggested general homoeology between wheat chromosome 6A and the translocation chromosomes, and showed that Lr56 was located near the long arm telomere. Thirty of the 53 recombinants had breakpoints between Lr56 and the most distal marker Xgwm427. These were characterized with additional markers. The data suggested that recombinants #39, 157 and 175 were wheat chromosomes 6A with small intercalary inserts of foreign chromatin containing Lr56 and Yr38, located distally on the long arms. These three recombinants are being incorporated into adapted germplasm. Attempts to identify the single shortest translocation and to develop appropriate markers are being continued.  相似文献   

Submergence is a major stress causing yield losses particularly in the direct-seeded rice cultivation system and necessitates the development of a simple, rapid and reliable bioassay for a large scale screening of rice germplasms with tolerance against submergence stress. We developed two new bioassay methods that were based primarily on the seedling vigor evaluated by the ability of fast shoot elongation under submerged conditions, and compared their effectiveness with two other available methods. All four bioassay methods using cultivars of 7 indica and 6 japonica types revealed significant and consistent cultivar differences in seedling vigor under submergence and/or submergence tolerance. Japonica cultivars were more vigorous than indica cultivars, with Nipponbare being the most vigorous. The simplest test tube method showed the highest correlations to all other methods. Our results suggest that seedling vigor serves as a submergence avoidance mechanism and confers tolerance on rice seedlings to flooding during early crop establishment. A possible relationship is discussed between seedling vigor based on fast shoot elongation and submergence tolerance defined by recovery from submergence stress.  相似文献   

Forsythia suspensa and F.Courtaneur’ were used as female parents to cross with Abeliophyllum distichum in 2011 and an intergeneric hybrid of F. suspensa × A. distichum was obtained, though with very low seed set. The morphological characteristics, flower fragrance and volatile organic compounds of flowers were analysed. The intergeneric hybrid had intermediate morphological characteristics of both parents and flower fragrance and was confirmed as a true intergeneric hybrid by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) markers. Compared with its mother parent (F. suspensa), flowers of the intergeneric hybrid are pale yellow with delicate fragrance. Volatile organic compounds of flowers were retrieved by purge-and-trap techniques, and determined by gas chromatography and mass spectrometry (GC–MS). The main volatile organic components of F. suspensa were isoprenoids, while the main volatile organic components of A. distichum and the hybrid of F. suspensa × A. distichum were aliphatics. To determine the time and the site of intergeneric hybridizing barriers occured, the pollen tubes’ behavior after pollination was observed under fluorescence microscopy. It was found that significant pre-fertilization incompatibility existed in intergeneric crossing combinations [F. ‘Courtaneur’ (Pin) × A. distichum (Thrum) and F. suspensa (Pin) × A. distichum (Thrum)], and only a few pollen tubes of A. distichum penetrated into the ovaries of Forsythia. In our research, an intergeneric hybrid between Forsythia and Abeliophyllum was obtained for the first time, which will provide a solid foundation for expanding the flower color range of Forsythia and breeding fragrant-flowered cultivars.  相似文献   

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