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In a 2‐year field experiment, morphological development and measures of the nutritive value of herbage for livestock during primary growth in Meadow foxtail, Tall oatgrass, Cocksfoot, Perennial ryegrass and Yorkshire fog were investigated. All measured variables were affected significantly by both species and sampling date, and their interaction (P < 0·001), in the period of primary growth. Changes with time in mean stage weight for Meadow foxtail and Cocksfoot were different from the other species due to their indeterminate growth habits. Mean stage weight of Tall oatgrass and Yorkshire fog increased more rapidly than that of Perennial ryegrass with time. Changes in mean stage weight with time were described by linear, parabolic and sigmoid relationships. Crude protein (CP) concentration of herbage was higher for Cocksfoot and Meadow foxtail than for Perennial ryegrass. A parabolic relationship of CP concentration with time was typical for all the species. Concentrations of neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF) and acid‐detergent fibre (ADF) in herbage of the species differed most during the mid‐period of primary growth. Their increases with time showed curvilinear (sigmoid and parabolic) relationships. Perennial ryegrass had lower concentrations of both NDF and ADF in herbage than the other species. Differences between the in vitro dry matter (DM) digestibility among the grasses increased in mid‐ and late periods of primary growth. Perennial ryegrass had higher values for in vitro DM digestibility but the difference from other species was small in the early period of primary growth and from cocksfoot in the late period of primary growth. In vitro DM digestibility showed, in most cases, a sigmoid and, in others, a linear decrease with time. Principal component analysis showed that perennial ryegrass and meadow foxtail were the most distinctive of the species in characteristics relating to morphological development and the nutritive value of herbage to livestock.  相似文献   

Farmer seed production schools in combination with participatory field experimentation might be effective instruments to enhance the skills of farmers to produce high-quality seed in the informal seed system in Vietnam. Four hundred twenty nine, unreplicated on-farm experiments were carried out in four different provinces and analyzed by the farmer seed production schools. These experiments consisted of two adjacent seed production plots: one with common local practice and one with improved practice. Differences between the two plots in yield and profit were assessed. Averaged across provinces, yields of the “improved practice plots” were 0.43 Mg ha−1 higher in the wet season and 0.78 Mg ha−1 higher in the dry season than the “local practice plots”. In the Nam Dinh and Nghe An provinces more hills per m2, more input of potassium and muck, and fewer seedlings per hill at transplanting contributed to the higher yields in the “improved practice plots”. In the provinces Binh Dinh and Dong Thap, using a drum seeder for sowing, reduced seed rate, less input of nitrogen fertilizer and more potassium contributed to the yield advantage of the “improved practice plots”. The profit of the improved practice plots was 212 US$ ha−1 higher than the profit in the local practice plots. Rice growers can benefit from lower seed rates, better yields and higher prices when grains are sold as seeds. These findings may direct the seed policies and extension approaches in Vietnam.  相似文献   

The increasing cost of N fertilizer has stimulated an interest in sourcing protein from warm‐season legumes among beef cattle producers in the tropical/subtropical areas of the world. The objective of this study was to evaluate effects of two strategies of incorporating cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] into bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flügge) pastures on the herbage characteristics and performance of grazing cow–calf pairs. The study was conducted in Ona, Florida, USA, from May to August in 2007 and 2008. Experimental units were 1·0 ha. Treatments were bahiagrass pasture alone (control), 50:50 bahiagrass–cowpea pasture (cowpea), bahiagrass pasture with a cowpea creep grazing area (0·1 ha, creep grazing) and bahiagrass pasture with a creep‐fed concentrate [(creep feeding; 10 g kg?1 body weight (BW)]. The cowpea pastures had lower herbage mass [HM, 1·8 vs. 3·7 t ha?1] and herbage allowance [HA, 0·8 vs. 1·4 kg DM kg?1 live weight (LW)] compared with the other treatments. Cowpea had greater CP (CP, 160 g kg?1) and in vitro digestible organic matter (IVDOM), (600 g kg?1) than bahiagrass (110 and 490 g kg?1 respectively); however, cowpea HM was only 0·9 t ha?1 in May and 0·7 t ha?1 in June, but it did not persist in July and August. Calves receiving the creep feeding treatments had greater average daily gain (0·8 vs. 0·7 kg d?1) than calves in other treatments. Further research is necessary to exploit the superior nutritive value of cowpea in grazing systems in the south‐eastern USA.  相似文献   

A 2‐year whole‐farm system study compared the accumulation, utilization and nutritive value of grass in spring‐calving grass‐based systems differing in stocking rate (SR) and calving date (CD). Six treatments (systems) were compared over two complete grazing seasons. Stocking rates used in the study were low (2·5 cows ha?1), medium (2·9 cows ha?1) and high (3·3 cows ha?1), respectively, and mean CDs were 12 February (early) and 25 February (late). Each system had its own farmlet of eighteen paddocks and one herd that remained on the same farmlet area for the duration of the study. Stocking rate had a small effect on total herbage accumulation (11 860 kg DM ha?1 year?1), but had no effect on total herbage utilization (11 700 kg DM ha?1 year?1). Milk and milk solids (MS; fat + protein) production per ha increased by 2580 and 196 kg ha?1 as SR increased from 2·5 to 3·3 cows ha?1. Milk production per ha and net herbage accumulation and utilization were unaffected by CD. Winter feed production was reduced as SR increased. Increased SR, associated with increased grazing severity, resulted in swards of increased leaf content and nutritive value. The results indicate that, although associated with increased milk production per ha, grazed grass utilization and improved sward nutritive value, the potential benefits of increased SR on Irish dairy farms can only be realized if the average level of herbage production and utilization is increased.  相似文献   

Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.) has become dominant in many portions of the northern Great Plains. During hot and/or dry periods, pastures consisting of mostly cool-season grasses will most likely lack the productivity and diversity needed to provide sufficient forage for livestock. Determining the impact of weather conditions on the variation of forage production and nutritive response of Kentucky bluegrass is becoming increasingly important to agricultural producers. Sampling occurred at the USDA Northern Great Plains Research Laboratory near Mandan, North Dakota, USA. Kentucky bluegrass samples were clipped every 2–3 weeks in mowed and unmowed unfertilized rangeland plots during the growing seasons of 2017 and 2018. Samples were dried, weighed, ground to pass a 1-mm sieve, and analysed for nutritive value. There are differences between the modelled supply of metabolizable energy and metabolizable protein and the requirements for cow-calf pairs for all years and most months. Early defoliation of Kentucky bluegrass decreases productivity and nutritive value as the grazing season progresses. Adjusting management to allow an adequate growth interval and plant canopy cover throughout the year can ensure a more consistent supply of Kentucky bluegrass. Our data and models provide a glimpse into future scenarios, which allow producers to be more proactive in dealing with Kentucky bluegrass and projected changes in climate.  相似文献   

Silvopastoral systems in the Appalachian region of the USA could increase the carrying capacity of livestock and contribute to a reliable supply of high‐quality herbage. In 2000, 2001 and 2002, the influence of solar radiation [0·20, 0·50 or 0·80 of maximum solar radiation (MSR); treatments 20‐, 50‐ and 80‐MSR respectively] on the productivity and nutritive value of a mixture of sown grasses and legumes established under a mature stand of conifers was investigated. Yields of dry matter (DM), crude protein (CP), total non‐structural carbohydrates (TNC) and total digestible nutrients (TDN) were greater for the 80‐MSR treatment except in 2000 when DM yield did not differ. As a proportion of the sward, introduced species (Dactylis glomerata L., Trifolium repens L., and Lolium perenne L.) increased over time for the MSR‐80 treatment, corresponding with a decrease in the proportion of bare area and of non‐introduced species. CP concentration of herbage was 207 g kg?1 DM or greater across treatments and years with higher concentrations on the 20‐ and 50‐MSR treatments. Herbage from the 80‐MSR treatment had a greater concentration of TNC than that of the 20‐ and 50‐MSR treatments. Estimated concentration of TDN was similar for all treatments in 2000 and greater for the 80‐MSR treatment than the other two treatments in 2001 and 2002. High CP concentrations in herbage, as a result of appropriate thinning of trees in an Appalachian silvopastoral systems, could be utilized as a protein supplement to herbage with low CP and higher fibre concentrations.  相似文献   

The yield and chemical composition of thirteen Lotus corniculatus varieties and one Lotus uliginosus variety, when grown and ensiled in the UK, were investigated. Replicate plots of each variety were established in a randomized block design. Dry‐matter (DM) yield was measured over two harvest years. At cuts 1 and 2 of the first harvest year, 1 kg of each variety was ensiled and sub‐sampled for chemical analysis. At cut 2 of the second harvest year, sub‐samples of forage were analysed for condensed tannins. Two L. corniculatus varieties, Oberhaunstaedter and Lotar, had higher DM yields (with Oberhaunstaedter having the highest DM yield at cut 3) in both harvest years compared with other varieties (P < 0·001). Chemical analyses showed differences among silages of varieties of L. corniculatus (P < 0·001) and that the ammonia‐N concentration of L. uliginosus silage was higher than that of L. corniculatus (P < 0·001), despite its lactic acid concentrations being within the range observed for L. corniculatus (17 g kg?1 DM vs. 13–19 g kg?1 DM). Differences (P < 0·001) in HCl/Butanol test absorbance units were found among varieties of L. corniculatus, indicating possible differences in concentrations of condensed tannins. Overall, the variety Oberhaunstaedter was found to be the most suitable variety for silage production. Based on its agronomic performance, L. corniculatus does not compare well with other legumes such as red clover.  相似文献   

In arid, semi‐arid and dry subhumid regions, which represent ~ 41% of the Earth's land surface, desertification and soil degradation are very frequent, leading to low soil fertility and productivity. In these regions, revegetation with locally adapted native species may aid in ameliorating desertification processes. Trichloris crinita is a C4 perennial grass native to arid and semi‐arid regions of the American continent. Its good forage quality, drought tolerance, resistance to trampling and grazing, and rapid growth and competing aggressiveness among other native species warrant its use as forage and for revegetation purposes. In the last decades, many studies have revealed broad intraspecific genetic variation for ecophysiological, morphological, biomass production, nutritional quality (as forage) and adaptive stress response‐related traits. Also, results from field trials evaluating T. crinita genotypes as forage and for restoration of degraded areas suggest great potential for—and have encouraged—its utilization under different habitats and environmental conditions. In this integrative review, we compiled and discussed the most relevant research data regarding T. crinita, focusing on aspects and traits that influence its utilization both as forage and in rehabilitation of degraded lands. Challenges and prospects towards the improvement of this species in breeding programmes with specific goals are discussed.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in sustainable land use in the tropics to optimize animal production while also reducing methane (CH4) emissions, but information on nutritive value and CH4‐emission potential of tropical forage species is limited. Samples of 24 grasses and five other forages were collected during the main rainy season on randomly positioned quadrats in semi‐arid grassland in the Mid Rift Valley of Ethiopia. Samples were pooled by species, analysed for chemical composition and incubated with rumen fluid to determine total gas and CH4‐emission potentials using a fully automated in vitro gas production apparatus. Organic matter digestibility (OMD) and metabolizable energy (ME) contents were calculated from chemical composition and gas production data. Large variability was observed among forages for all nutritional variables considered. The grasses Eleusine multiflora, Pennisetum stramineum, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Eragrostis aspera, Cenchrus ciliaris and Eragrostis cilianensis showed relatively high OMD (68–72%) and ME values (9·1–10·2 MJ kg?1 dry matter). Melinis repens, E. multiflora and the non‐legume forb Zaleya pentandra showed relatively low CH4 to total gas ratios; these species may have potential for use in low CH4‐emission forage diets. Acacia tortilis fruits had high content of crude protein and moderate ME values, and may be an ideal feed supplement for the grazing ruminant. Sodium content was below the recommended level for ruminants in all the forage species. Overall, the pasture stand during the main growing season was evaluated as having moderate nutritional quality.  相似文献   

Woody species played, and in many Nordic regions still play, a very important role in livestock feeding. However, forage quality (contents of macroelements and fibre fractions) of the leaves of common woody species is often inadequate. The aim of our study was to determine forage quality of leaves of Betula nana, Betula pubescens, Salix lanata, Salix phylicifolia and Sorbus aucuparia from Iceland and to compare it with the forage quality of the common native grass Deschampsia cespitosa and the introduced grass Alopecurus pratensis used by contemporary Icelandic farmers for forage production. Samples were collected at four localities in Iceland in late June 2013 and analysed for nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), neutral and acid‐detergent fibre and lignin concentration. Analyses were compared with the optimum range for cattle and sheep nutrition. The nutritive value of leaves of the Icelandic woody species was relatively high, and analysis showed their nutritive content satisfied both cattle and sheep nutrient requirements for N, P, K, Ca and Mg, but the relatively high content of indigestible lignin in all woody species could cause problems for livestock metabolism. Grasses were characterized by lower P, Ca and Mg, but substantially higher K concentrations, and higher N:P and K:(Mg + Ca) ratios. The forage quality of leaves of woody species increased in the order B. nana < B. pubescens < S. phylicifolia < S. aucuparia < S. lanata. Results are discussed in relation to use of leaf fodder in the past, when woody species, particularly Salix spp., are likely to have played an important role in livestock feeding.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the prediction accuracy of grass dry‐matter intake (GDMI) and milk yield predicted by the GrazeIn model using a large database representing 8787 per cow GDMI measurements. In this study, the animal input variables (age, parity, week of lactation, potential peak milk yield, milk fat content, milk protein content, bodyweight, body condition score (BCS), week of conception, BCS at calving and calf birth weight) were investigated. The mean actual GDMI of the database was 15·9 kg DM per cow d?1 and GrazeIn predicted a mean GDMI for the database of 15·5 kg DM per cow d?1. The mean bias was ?0·4 kg DM per cow d?1. GrazeIn predicted GDMI for the total database with an RPE of 15·5% at cow level. The mean actual daily milk yield of the database was 21·3 kg per cow d?1 and GrazeIn predicted a daily milk yield for the database of 22·2 kg per cow d?1. The mean bias was +0·9 kg per cow d?1. GrazeIn predicted milk yield for the total database with an RPE of 16·7% at cow level. From the evaluation, GrazeIn predicted milk yield of all cows in late lactation with a larger level of error than in early and mid‐lactation. This error appears to be due to the persistency of the lactation curve used by the model, which results in a higher predicted milk yield in late lactation compared with the actual milk yield.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the prediction accuracy of grass dry‐matter intake (GDMI) and milk yield predicted by the model GrazeIn using a database representing 522 grazing herds. The GrazeIn input variables under consideration were fill value (FV), grass energy content [Unité Fourragère Lait (UFL)], grass protein value [true protein absorbable in the small intestine when rumen fermen energy is limiting microbial protein synthesis in the rumen (PDIE)], pre‐grazing herbage mass (PGHM), daily herbage allowance (DHA) and concentrate supplementation. GrazeIn was evaluated using the relative prediction error (RPE). The mean actual GDMI and milk yields of grazing herds in the database ranged from 9·9–22·0 kg DM per cow d?1 and 8·9–41·8 kg per cow d?1, respectively. The accuracy of predictions for the total database estimated by RPE was 12·2 and 12·8% for GDMI and milk yield, respectively. The mean bias (predicted minus actual) for GDMI was ?0·3 kg DM per cow d?1 and for milk yield was +0·9 kg per cow d?1. GrazeIn predicted GDMI with a level of error <13·4% RPE for spring, summer and autumn. GrazeIn predicted milk yield in autumn (RPE = 17·6%) with a larger error in comparison with spring (RPE = 10·4%) and summer (RPE = 11·0%). Future studies should focus on the adaptation of GrazeIn to correct and improve the prediction of milk yield in autumn.  相似文献   

The purpose of the research was to identify the phenolic and flavonoid compounds of seven different traditional pigmented whole rice cultivars grown in the temperate regions of Kashmir so as to study their relationship with in vitro antioxidant capacities. The completely pigmented rice cultivars were found to have higher phenolic, flavonoid, anthocyanin contents and exhibited higher antioxidant capacities than the light colored and sparely colored rice cultivars. A total of 40 compounds had been identified in the analyzed rice cultivars that were found to be distributed in 6 major categories with 6-phenolics, 6-flavonoids, 11-hydroxycinnamic acid derivatives, 7-hydroxybenzoic acid derivatives, 3-anthocyanins and 7-flavonoid glucosides of different flavonoid compounds. Among the free and bound fractions for each cultivars the light and sparsely colored depicted higher content of phenolics and in vitro antioxidant properties in bound faction, while the completely pigmented cultivars showed higher antioxidant properties in free fractions. The anthocyanins quercetin-3-O-galactoside, cyanidin-3-O-rutinoside and pelargonidin-3-O-diglucoside had been identified by LC-MS existing in the free fractions of the analyzed rice cultivars whereas, the free fraction of acetone + H2O possessed higher percentage of phenolic compounds as compared to methanolic extracts and bound fractions. The black colored cultivars possessed higher DPPH scavenging activity and lipid peroxidation inhibition.  相似文献   

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