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为分析不同诱情方式对断奶母猪后续生产性能的影响,本试验选取商品二元母猪场的1 100头断奶母猪为研究对象。试验随机分为两组,A组母猪(549头)断奶后不诱情,3d后查情配种,B组母猪(551头)断奶后用性欲良好公猪与之接触,3d后查情配种,记录母猪生产期间的各项指标数据,分析断奶母猪诱情对7d内发情率、受胎率、分娩率和产仔数的影响。结果表明:B组与A组相比,7d内发情率明显提高(92.20%VS 84.15%),发情间隔降低(6.46d VS 5.24d),分娩率提高(94.33%VS 90.01%),窝均总产仔数提高0.34头,但弱仔和死胎分别降低0.1和0.22头。说明母猪断奶时公猪诱情可以提高其繁殖性能,在生产实践中值得推广。  相似文献   

后备母猪初情期推迟,导致繁殖性能和利用率低。试验通过促性腺激素诱导长大二元杂种后备母猪发情,以期提高其繁殖性能和利用率。以类FSH(卵泡刺激素)和HCG(人绒毛膜促性腺激素)处理6.5月龄后备母猪,激素诱导组1周内75.58%的后备母猪出现发情,第2次规律发情比例为67.44%,而空白对照组分别为6.80%和44.22%;激素诱导组首次配种日龄和配种时的情期数分别为259天和2.72次,与空白对照组的266.5天和1.84次,差异达显著和极显著水平;激素诱导组利用率比空白对照组提高12个百分点;激素诱导组母猪第1胎断奶至配种的时间间隔为6.31天,显著短于空白对照组9.47天。后备母猪当胎的分娩率、窝均总产仔数、窝均合格仔数和第1胎断奶后发情配种率等指标,激素诱导组和空白对照组差异均不显著。可见,激素诱导后备母猪发情可显著使母猪的初情期提前,繁殖性能和利用率提高。  相似文献   

摘要:本文应用FSH (促卵泡生成素)等药物对后备母猪和乏情母猪进行疗效试验。结果发现,后备母猪的FSH组和PMSG (孕马血清)组发情率分别为65.39%和66.67%,两组相比无显著性差异(P>0.05);配种受胎率分别为82.35%和78.57%,两组相比差异显著(P<0.05);窝均产仔数分别为10.94头和9.14头,两组相比差异显著(P<0.05);对照组母猪的发情率、配种受胎率和窝均产仔数均不理想。对断奶30 d不发情的乏情母猪,FSH组和PMSG组发情率分别为85.71%和86.96%,两组相比无显著性差异(P>0.05);配种率受胎分别为86.67%和80%,两组相比差异显著(P<0.05);窝均产仔数分别为11.46头和10.06头,两组相比差异显著(P<0.05);对照组母猪的发情率、配种受胎率和窝均产仔数均不理想。表明FSH组和PMSG组对后备母猪、乏情母猪疗效显著,且FSH组优于PMSG组。  相似文献   

根据不同季节配种,对1532头大约克母猪断奶后第一次配种的繁殖记录进行受胎率、产仔数、仔猪断奶育成率分析。结果表明,夏季配种对母猪的受胎率和产仔数影响较大,表现为配种分娩率最低(70.81%)、初生重较小(1.22 kg)、育成率较低(87.11%);秋季配种的母猪,其产仔期集中在寒冷的冬季,对仔猪的育成率影响较大,配种分娩率为74.27%,初生重较大(1.33 kg),育成率最低(84.29%);冬季配种则对大约克母猪和仔猪来说,影响相对较小,配种分娩率(81.42%)、活仔率(97.09%)最高,育成率较高(88.11%)。故采用季节性产仔的规模猪场,大约克母猪的配种期最适宜集中在冬季。  相似文献   

四川白猪Ⅱ系是在我省第一个专门化母本新品系四川白猪I系的基础上,采用不完全群体继代选育法,育成的瘦肉猪专门化母本新品系。对4个世代母猪繁殖性能分析表明,新品系猪保持了原四川白猪Ⅰ系高繁殖性能特性,3世代母猪产仔数13.3头,产活仔数12.4头,初生个体重1.45千克,断奶(35日龄)头数11.3头,断奶个体重8.0千克,断奶成活率91.1%,是一个优良的母本品系。观察四川白猪Ⅱ系母猪的繁殖规律表明,断奶至发情天数为3.84天,断奶至配种天数为5.83天,发情持续期平均为4.6天,适宜的配种时间是在发情后42.4小时,一次情期受胎率92.45%。  相似文献   

激素及中草药制剂对母猪异常发情的作用及对比试验   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
黄颛 《中国畜牧兽医》2006,33(7):I0004-I0006
应用激素和中草药对异常发情母猪进行治疗,并设空白对照组(不使用药物)进行对比试验。结果:对发情表现不明显的青年母猪,中草药 HCG(或LRH-A3)组母猪发情率、配种受胎率、平均产仔数分别为54.3%、89.5%和9.18头,极显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。PM SG HCG(或LRH-A3)组母猪发情率、配种受胎率、平均产仔数分别为51.4%、83.3%和9.33头,极显著高于对照组(P<0.01)。试验结果表明,中草药粉 HCG(或LRH-A3)、PM SG HCG(或LRH-A3)两者效果相当,具有显著的催情作用,受胎率和产仔数得到显著提高。对断奶后长时间不发情的经产母猪,PG c HCG(或LRH-A3)组母猪发情率、配种受胎率、平均产仔数分别为75%、88.9%和9.89头,极显著高于PM SG、中草药组(P<0.01),试验结果表明,断奶后长时间不发情的经产母猪,可能主要由卵巢持久黄体病引起,使用PG c HCG疗效显著。  相似文献   

早期断奶对母猪繁殖性能影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
按母猪泌乳期(28天、35天和45天)设3组,选二花脸经产母猪20头,大约克经产母猪35头,断奶至发情、配种和下次繁殖的繁殖周期:二花脸母猪Ⅰ组分别为5.75天、8天和149.25天,Ⅱ组分别为5.1天、7.3天和156.5天,Ⅲ组分别为4.9天,7.0天和166天;大约克母猪Ⅰ组分别为5.2天、7.2天和149.2天,Ⅱ组分别为4.7天、6.7天和156.2天,Ⅲ组分别为4.2天、6.2和165.5天。各品种各组合的情期受胎率均为100%;同品种内各断奶日龄组间的产仔数、产活仔数和初生窝重均无明显差异(P>0.05)。  相似文献   

应用激素孕马血清PMSG和氯前列烯醇PGC对断奶后长期不发情的母猪进行治疗对比试验。结果:PGC HCG组疗效显著,母猪发情率达66.7%、配种受胎率达87.5,%平均产仔数达9.85头,均显著高于PMSG组和PGC组(p<0.01)。试验结果表明,母猪产后乏情可能主要是卵巢持久黄体病造成,应用PGC HCG治疗,可迅速溶解黄体、促使卵泡发育、成熟,得到较好的母猪发情率、受胎率和产仔数。  相似文献   

针对国内外有关仔猪断奶日龄对下一胎次母猪排卵率、卵子受精率、胚胎存活率、情期受胎率、分娩率、产仔数和断奶至再发情间隔影响的研究成果及现状进行综述。  相似文献   

实验旨在探究冷冻精液子宫内深部输精对母猪繁殖性能的影响。以鲜精配种母猪繁殖成绩为对照,首先在发情鉴定和深部输精等各项操作严格控制的实验条件下,分别在2个猪场(A场和B场)3~4胎小群体纯种长白母猪中比较一个情期输精2次,每次输入4、6、8、10、12亿有效精子的冷冻精液对母猪繁殖性能的影响,在保证不低于鲜精配种母猪繁殖成绩的前提下确定冷冻精液最低输精量。然后再以筛选的冷冻精液最低输精量为标准,分别在2个猪场长白、大白和长×大二元母猪生产群体中开展较大规模的子宫内深部输精实践,以评估在生产条件下冷冻精液输精对母猪繁殖性能的影响。结果表明:在实验条件下,A场和B场长白母猪一个情期输精2次,每次分别输入有效精子数为8亿和12亿的冷冻精液,其情期受胎率、分娩率、总产仔数、活产仔数和健仔数与本场鲜精配种母猪差异不显著;在生产条件下,A场和B场冷冻精液分别完成120头和90头长白母猪、135头和85头大白母猪、350头和280头长×大二元母猪的配种,其冷冻精液配种母猪情期受胎率、分娩率和健仔数与本场鲜精配种母猪差异不显著,但总产仔数和活产仔数显著低于本场鲜精配种母猪。由于冷冻精液比鲜精储存时间长且安全性高,所以仍具有在实际生产中推广应用的优势。  相似文献   

试验旨在建立高效的经产母猪定时输精(timed artificial insemination,TAI)技术,研究了定时输精对经产母猪繁殖性能、断奶-分娩间隔、不同胎次母猪产仔性能及断奶后7 d内血清生殖激素水平的影响。选取309头2~8胎次二元(长×大)经产母猪,随机分为对照组和试验组,对照组母猪进行常规人工授精(artificial insemination,AI),试验组母猪进行断奶后24 h注射PMSG 1 000 IU,间隔72 h注射GnRH 100 μg,在注射GnRH后24和40 h各输精1次的定时输精技术。通过统计两组母猪的断奶1周内发情率、受胎率、分娩率、窝均产仔数等,判断定时输精对经产母猪繁殖性能的影响;通过对断奶时间和分娩时间的统计,检测定时输精对经产母猪断奶-分娩间隔的影响;用放射免疫(RIA)方法检测2~4胎次母猪断奶1周内血清E2、LH、FSH和P4的含量,研究定时输精对母猪生殖激素的影响。结果显示,试验组母猪发情率显著高于对照组(P<0.05),但两组间受胎率、分娩率差异不显著(P>0.05),窝均产仔数、窝均合格仔数和繁殖效率有增加的趋势,但差异不显著(P>0.05);定时输精显著缩短了母猪的断奶-分娩间隔(P<0.05)。在胎次方面,3~4胎母猪使用定时输精的效果较好,其发情率、受胎率和分娩率均显著高于对照组(P<0.05)。在生殖激素方面,试验组E2水平在注射PMSG后迅速上升,且在定时输精处理后66~96 h内持续高于对照组(P<0.05),试验组P4水平在断奶后至配种前显著低于对照组(P<0.05),但配种后快速升高,并高于对照组;LH和FSH的含量在两组间无显著差异。综上,定时输精可有效提高经产母猪的断奶发情率,并减少其非生产天数,可显著提高3~4胎母猪的繁殖性能。  相似文献   

In two experiments, we examined the effect of administration of cloprostenol at artificial insemination on fertility of multiparous sows. Lactation length was 21 days and only sows exhibiting estrus by 7 days after weaning were included. Cloprostenol was administered by IM injection (175 microg; n=126) or supplemented in the semen dose (525 microg; n=129). Control sows (n=130) received no hormone. In either experiment, there was no effect of any treatment on subsequent litter sizes. In experiment 1, there was no effect of treatment on farrowing rate, but in experiment 2, farrowing rate was higher (p < 0.05) in sows receiving cloprostenol by injection. Taken together, these results indicate no consistent effect of cloprostenol administration by intramuscular injection or by inclusion in the semen dose on sow fertility and so its routine use is not warranted.  相似文献   

The purpose of this experiment was to study the effects of corn-soybean meal diets with different levels of crude protein (CP) adding 200 g/t rare earth-chitosan chelate (RECC) on the reproductive performance of sows and growth performance of their offspring.A total of 60 sows at 90 days of gestation with good physical condition,parity and the expected date of birth were selected.Single-factor randomized block design was used,and sows were divided into 3 groups,20 sows in each group,1 sow each replicate.The level of diet CP and RECC were 17.55% CP,17.00% CP+200 g/t RECC and 16.00% CP+200 g/t RECC in control group,test group Ⅰ and test group Ⅱ,respectively.The test was started from the 90th day of gestation of the sow and ended at the time of weaning at 21 days.The sow litter performance and growth performance of offspring suckling piglets were studied.The final results showed that:Compared with the control group,sow's duration of the test groups Ⅰ and Ⅱ were significantly shortened (P<0.05),but the total litter size and number of born alive did not show significant difference (P>0.05).Postpartum weight loss of sows of the test group Ⅱ was significantly improved (P<0.05),but there was no significant difference in the interval from weaning to estrus (P=0.30).In addition,compared with the control group,sow's ADFI of test group Ⅰ and Ⅱ had an increasing tendency during lactation (P=0.08),and there was no significant difference in ADG,the weight of newborn and weaned piglets (P>0.05),but the diarrhea rate of suckling piglets was significantly reduced (P<0.05).In summary,under the conditions of this trial,when the CP level in the diet was 16.00% and with the addition of 200 g/t RECC,it could improve the reproductive performance of sows,shorten the sow's duration,and reduce the diarrhea rate of suckling piglets.It was of great significance to the improvement of the reproductive performance of sows.  相似文献   

熊奕  张博  沈康  雷龙  孙华  赵胜军  任莹 《中国畜牧兽医》2020,47(9):2841-2848
本试验旨在研究不同粗蛋白质(CP)水平的玉米-豆粕型日粮中添加200 g/t稀土壳糖胺螯合盐(rare earth-chitosan chelate,RECC)对围产期母猪繁殖性能及其子代生长性能的影响。选择体况良好、胎次及预产期相近、怀孕90 d的妊娠母猪共60头,采用单因子随机区组设计分为3组,每组20头母猪,每个重复1头母猪,分别是对照组(日粮CP水平17.55%,不添加RECC)、试验Ⅰ组(日粮CP水平17.00%,RECC 200 g/t)和试验Ⅱ组(日粮CP水平16.00%,RECC 200 g/t)。试验从母猪妊娠第90天开始,至仔猪21 d断奶时结束,测定母猪的产仔性能和后代哺乳仔猪的生长性能。结果表明:与对照组相比,试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组母猪产程显著缩短(P<0.05),但总产仔数和产活仔数没有显著差异(P>0.05);试验Ⅱ组母猪产后失重得到了显著改善(P<0.05),但断奶发情间隔无显著差异(P=0.30);试验Ⅰ、Ⅱ组母猪哺乳期平均日采食量(ADFI)有增加趋势(P=0.08),哺乳仔猪的初生重、断奶均重及平均日增重均无显著差异(P>0.05),但腹泻率显著降低(P<0.05)。综上所述,本试验条件下,日粮中CP水平为16.00%且添加200 g/t RECC时可提高母猪繁殖性能,缩短母猪产程,减少母猪失重,同时降低哺乳仔猪腹泻率,加快仔猪增重,对母猪生产繁殖水平的提升具有重大意义。  相似文献   

Cloprostenol, a prostaglandin F2-alpha analogue, used in the Czechoslovak preparation Oestrophan ing. Spofa was tested by a new nontraditional use. The effect of cloprostenol use on reproductive parameters of sows after piglet weaning was followed in a set of 456 experimental and 434 control sows. The effect of single intramuscular instillation of cloprostenol was tested in five partial observations: to multiparous sows at a dose of 175 micrograms on the day of weaning (experimental group no. 1), on day 1 after weaning (group no. 2), 500 micrograms on day 1 after weaning (group no.3), to primiparous sows at a dose of 500 microgram on day 1 after weaning (group no. 4). The treatment used in group no. 4 was also applied to 42 primiparous sows kept on a farm with regular occurrence of post-weaning anoestria of sows (experimental group no. 5). These parameters were evaluated: dynamics of oestrus onset within five, and/or ten, days after weaning, average length of the weaning--first insemination interval, conception rate after the first insemination in dependence on terminated deliveries and parameters of piglet litter. Cloprostenol application did not have a statistically significant effect on the evaluated reproductive parameters. The percentage of multiparous, and/or primiparous, sows in which the oestrus onset was not detected by the 10th day after weaning, did not show any large differences in the various experimental and control groups (17.09 vs. 16.55%, 23.53 vs. 32.56%, 13.66 vs. 18.13%, 29.54 vs. 30.30%; P > 0.05). On the farm with regular occurrence of post-weaning anoestria there were 73.81% of primiparous sows with oestrus onset after cloprostenol instillation and 71.43% primiparous sows without treatment.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

为探讨曲普瑞林对初产母猪定时输精效果的影响,本实验选择健康、体况相近的产后21 d断奶的初产母猪81头,随机分为对照组、生理盐水组、戈那瑞林组和曲普瑞林组。对照组母猪断奶后进行发情鉴定并适时输精,其余3组母猪断奶后24 h注射孕马血清促性腺激素(PMSG),72 h后分别肌肉注射生理盐水2 mL、戈那瑞林100μg、曲普瑞林200μg,间隔24 h、40 h进行定时输精。统计各组母猪发情率、卵泡直径、激素浓度和繁殖性能。结果显示:曲普瑞林组母猪断奶后7 d内发情率(88.46%)最高(P>0.05),卵泡直径在第4天达到最大并高于其他各组(P<0.05);曲普瑞林组的参繁配种率高于对照组(P<0.05),批次妊娠率较对照组有提高趋势(P>0.05),窝产总仔数(11.88头)高于生理盐水组(P<0.05),窝产活仔数为10.13头,与生理盐水组差异不显著,曲普瑞林组的仔猪指数较生理盐水组提高144头(P>0.05)。综上,曲普瑞林应用于定时输精程序可提高初产母猪的繁殖性能及利用率。  相似文献   

This study determined whether the interval from estrus to ovulation was altered by giving P.G. 600 to sows at weaning. Mixed-parity sows received P.G. 600 i.m. (n = 72) or no treatment (n = 65) at weaning (d 0). Beginning on d 0, sows were observed for estrus twice daily. At the onset of estrus and thereafter, ultrasound was performed twice daily to determine the average size of the largest follicles and time of ovulation. Weaning age (20.1+/-0.4 d) did not differ (P > 0.10) between treatments. More P.G. 600 sows expressed estrus within 8 d (P < 0.01) than controls (94.4% vs 78.4%, respectively). Parity was associated with expression of estrus (P < 0.02), with 78% of first-parity and 93% of later-parity sows exhibiting estrus. However, no treatment x parity effect was observed (P > 0.10). The interval from weaning to estrus was reduced (P < 0.0001) by P.G. 600 compared with controls (3.8+/-0.1 d vs 4.9+/-0.1 d). Follicle size at estrus was not affected by treatment (P > 0.10). The percentage of sows that ovulated did not differ (P > 0.10) for P.G. 600 and control sows (90.3% vs 81.5%, respectively). Time of ovulation after estrus was not affected by treatment and averaged 44.8 h. However, univariate analysis indicated that the interval from weaning to estrus influenced the interval from estrus to ovulation (r = 0.43, P < 0.0001). Further, multivariate analysis showed an effect of treatment on the intervals from weaning to estrus, weaning to ovulation (P < 0.0001), and estrus to ovulation (P < 0.04). Within 4 d after weaning, 81% of the P.G. 600 sows had expressed estrus compared with 33% of controls. However, this trend reversed for ovulation, with only 35% of P.G. 600 sows ovulating by 36 h after estrus compared with 40% of controls. The estrus-to-ovulation interval was also longer for control and P.G. 600 sows expressing estrus < or = 3 d of weaning (45 h and 58 h, respectively) than for sows expressing estrus after 5 d (39 h and 32 h, respectively). Farrowing rate and litter size were not influenced by treatment. However, the interval from last insemination to ovulation (P < 0.02) indicated that more sows farrowed (80%) when the last insemination occurred at < or = 23 to > or = 0 h before ovulation compared with insemination > or = 24 h before ovulation (55%). In summary, P.G. 600 enhanced the expression of estrus and ovulation in weaned sows but, breeding protocols may need to be optimized for time of ovulation based on the interval from weaning to estrus.  相似文献   

本试验旨在研究辣诺提取物(辣木和诺丽果提取物)对经产母猪繁殖性能及哺乳仔猪生长性能的影响。选取60头2~4胎长白×大白母猪,随机分为2个处理,每个处理30个重复,每个重复1头母猪。对照组饲喂基础饲粮,试验组饲喂添加500 mg/kg辣诺提取物的基础饲粮。试验期28 d(产前7 d~哺乳21 d断奶)。结果表明:辣诺提取物对母猪产程和断奶后7 d发情率无显著影响;辣诺提取物对哺乳仔猪生长性能无显著影响。综上所述,产前1周的经产母猪饲粮中添加辣诺提取物未能改善母仔猪的生产性能,但在一定程度上缩短了母猪产程,促进了母猪断奶后发情。  相似文献   

In a Slowakian indoor pig production unit, with high prevalence of vaginal-vulval discharges, the sows were subjected one day prefarrowing to urine analysis. Sows suffering urinary tract infection (UTI) were assigned to an UTI group (group 1, n = 384), the remaining sows were classified as free of UTI and were assigned to group 2 (n = 1099). Total born litter size, liveborn litter size, weaning litter size and the occurrence of periparturient diseases, reasons for sow cullings at weaning, subsequent weaning to estrus intervals, conceptions- and farrowing rate, next total born- and lifeborn litter size and the occurrence of periparturient diseases were evaluated. UTI having sows had smaller (p < 0.05) total born litter size (11.71 +/- 1.11) when compared to the healthy animals (12.97 +/- 1.25). Liveborn litter size was significantly (p < 0.01) lower in group 1 (10.21 +/- 0.81 vs. group 2: 11.31 +/- 1.21). The occurrence of periparturient diseases revealed highly significant (p < 0.001) differences between the groups (group one 26.24% vs. group two 4.64%). Weaning litter size showed significant (p < 0.05) differences between group 1 (9.21 +/- 1.02) and 2 (10.11 +/- 0.37). More (p < 0.05) sows were culled post-weaning in the UTI group, compared to the healthy animals. Causes of post-weaning cullings differed between the groups: all sows of the group one had the pathological signs of swine urogenital disease at culling, while the majority of sows of the group 2 were culled due to locomotor problems and chronic mastitis. Subsequent weaning to estrus intervals, conceptions-, and farrowing rate and next total born litter size differed significantly (p < 0.05) between the groups, next lifeborn litter size (p < 0.01) and the occurrence of periparturient diseases (p < 0.001) were high significantly better in the healthy than in the UTI suffering group of sows. Implications: antepartal UTI might be the sign of swine urogenital disease and might negatively influence the sows reproductive performance.  相似文献   

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