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Increase in shrimp farming was stimulated by growth in world market for high-value shrimp products in the 1980s. The major cultured shrimp producers are located in Asia-Pacific and Latin American regions. The revealed comparative advantage (RCA) method is used to provide insights into the export performance of nine selected shrimp producers in the Japan and United States markets, separately. Shrimp is marketed in a wide variety of product forms, and prices vary according to various product attributes including species, size, taste, quality and origin. The results show that vertical product differentiation concerning different varieties of a good in terms of both quality and price plays an important role on the relative export competition of shrimp products among major shrimp-exporting countries. As a result of the geographical advantage, Asia-Pacific producers enjoy comparative advantage in the Japanese imported shrimp market. Joint ventures with the United States provide great benefits to Ecuador and Mexico in exporting fresh shrimp into the United States market.  相似文献   

The estimated production of cultured shrimps for 1995 in Taiwan, the Philippines, Indonesia and Thailand was 20 000, 40 000, 80 000 and 220 000 tonnes, respectively. Intensive shrimp ponds in the Philippines (71%) and Indonesia (63%), which are developed in the tidal and mangrove areas, cannot be properly treated by complete drying, owing to seepage from supply and drainage, nor by removal of the fouled layer by heavy machines such as bulldozers. Intensive farms in Thailand and Taiwan are owned by small-scale operators operating 2-3 ponds simultaneously, each ranging from 0.16 to 1.0 ha, which is the optimal size for efficient farm management and lower overhead and investment costs compared with larger farms such as those found in Indonesia and the Philippines. In Taiwan, 90% of pond water supply is mixed open sea water with underground fresh water. Pond salinity, which is kept constant at 10-15%o, causes Taiwanese farmers to encounter an array of problems which include high cost of underground water pumping, land subsidence, salinization, more pathogens and rapidly fouled bottom. Water loss by seepage in Thailand is minimal (average 23 cm in the final month), compared with Indonesia and the Philippines, because pond dikes are tightly compacted by heavy machines and high clay content (86%). Circular water movement in ponds in Thailand, facilitated by heavy aeration (13.3 hp ha?1), aids in the settling of waste in pond centres for easy removal. Indonesia and the Philippines still maintain high water exchange systems (335 cm and 470 cm in the final month, respectively) which introduce viruses, other pathogens, excess organic loads, ammonia and other toxic particles released by nearby farms through the incoming water. Despite serious crop failures in other countries within the past few years, the annual shrimp production in Thailand still remains high because farmers have readily adopted new, environmentally friendly and locally suitable, water exchange systems such as less water exchange, and closed, full-strength seawater and freshwater systems, overcoming heavy viral and disease infections. Approximately 30% of shrimp production in Thailand comes from the freshwater areas, sometimes 200 km from the sea. Half of the Philippine farmers rely on imported feeds; this has caused high shrimp mortality owing to toxins produced from expired feeds kept in humid conditions.  相似文献   


This paper discusses fish consumption and preference patterns for fish species by income groups, and by urban/rural divide in Bangladesh, China, India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Thailand, and Vietnam. The analysis is based on primary data collected by the WorldFish Center and its partner institutes by means of a survey of 5,931 households in the selected countries. The FAO database and other published materials were also used to analyze trends in fish consumption. Freshwater fish species constitute a major share in total per capita fish consumption in most of these countries. Pelagic and demersal marine fish are the main contributor to per capita total fish consumption in the countries with longer coastal boundaries (such as Indonesia, the Philippines and Thailand), and in the coastal regions within each country. Results suggest that fish contributes between 15% and 53% of the total animal protein intake in these countries. Fish consumption varies widely with economic position of the households, in terms of both per capita consumption and type of fish species. Per capita fish consumption increases with increase in income. The share of fish protein in total animal protein expenditure is higher for lower income groups, demonstrating their dependence on fish as a source of animal protein. Poor people consume mostly low-price fish and rich people spend a significant portion of their fish budget on expensive fish. Per capita fish consumption is substantially higher in rural areas than in urban areas.  相似文献   


Apart from penaeid shrimp culture, crab farming and fattening and other several diversified aquaculture practices are now emerging as viable ventures in India. About 11 types of crab products are being exported from India with an average unit value realization of US$ 3.73 kg?1, pinpointing its importance in the foreign exchange earnings. An economic evaluation of mud crab culture, fattening and fattening with composite culture of shrimp/finfish has been attempted in this paper. The major operating cost was that of seed and it was higher for crab fattening (87% of the total operating cost). Feed costs were very low compared to that of shrimp farming. Annual profit obtained was US$ 22812.5 ha?1 year?1 for culture and US$ 30820.8 ha?1 year?1 for fattening. Economic indicators such as net profit, rate of return, pay back period and breakeven price indicate that crab fattening/culture is much more profitable than any other coastal aquaculture operations currently in practice, provided hatchery production is established in the country to ensure adequate supply of mud crab seeds.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to examine whether and to what extent the shares of selected countries' fishery exports in the world markets reflect their international competitiveness. The Constant Market Share (CMS) model, which decomposes export growth into some broad components (i.e., structural effects, market effects, commodity effects and competitive effects), is applied to examine this issue. The results of decomposition analysis revealed that structural factors have been more significant in explaining the growth of exports. The growth effects, though, appeared positive for each country, the exports of open economies like Canada, the United States, Iceland and Turkey benefited more from the growth of world exports. The analysis of commodity composition and market effects suggests that countries like Canada, the United States, Iceland and Turkey were pursuing the product differentiation policy and were penetrating in those markets, which have been growing relatively faster. These countries remained committed throughout the sample period (i.e., 1980–2000) to export their diversified products in fast-growing markets. The analysis of competitiveness effects, which are derived as a residual, show that Norway, Spain, the United States, Indonesia, Thailand, Chile and China were strong fishery exporters and increased their competitiveness during the sample period.  相似文献   


Shrimp farming in Latin America and the Caribbean (hereinafter, LA&C) is a complex, diverse and dynamic activity, occurring in 22 out of 36 countries, producing 231,000 tons, valued at US$ 1.2 billion in 20021. Farmed shrimp represents 52% of all shrimp volumes produced regionally, and almost 18% of all shrimp and prawn (S&P, hereinafter) cultivated worldwide. Whiteleg shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) constitutes 91% of all shrimp farmed in LA&C and five nations, led by Brazil ‐formerly by Ecuador‐, comprise 82% of farmed production. Over 90% of LA&C shrimp production is exported (230,000 tons of end products from both aquaculture and wild origin valued at US$ 1.36 billion), generating a trade surplus of US$ 1.28 billion (2002).

Farmed shrimp could easily surpass 513,000 tons by 2030, more than doubling current regional figures (2.9% annual growth rate, compounded). However, competition with Asian countries, anti‐dumping accusations and other factors might limit the expansion process, which is increasingly determined by strategically important matters rather than by physical production constraints. Here, a ‘production‐driven’ process of past decades is being replaced by a ‘demand‐led’ situation, where market and marketing issues will increasingly influence the outcome of shrimp farming.

Growing market competition will continue to press prices down and industry will be forced into a permanent process to improve competitiveness. Here, development strategies include actions by governments and producer associations, promotional and marketing campaigns and the application of good management practices across the production and distribution chains.  相似文献   


Technology innovation and diffusion in shrimp aquaculture has resulted in increased quantity and supply of shrimp to satisfy expanding consumer demand. Logistic growth curves are estimated to depict the rate of diffusion of shrimp aquaculture technology throughout the major shrimp producing countries. A time series/cross sectional model is applied to 1985–1991 and 1995–1999 production data to evaluate factors influencing shrimp production growth rates. Calculated market shares for each country indicate that operating costs, lagged shrimp price, number of hectares in production, lagged export quantity of shrimp, and market structure influence the aquaculture technological diffusion rates and shrimp produced, and suggest that countries that incorporate technologies into their production system benefit the most from increased market share.  相似文献   


Six diet sizes, manufactured from crumbling large pellets, were investigated for their effect on the feeding behavior and growth of Pacific white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei. These diets containing 44.7% protein and 8.2% lipid were fed to 0.9 g shrimp for a period of eight weeks under indoor controlled laboratory conditions. Shrimp were stocked at a density of 12 animals per 52 L aquarium (50/m2) and were evaluated for feeding behavior, final weight, growth rate, feed conversion ratio (FCR), and survival. Feeding behavior was observed weekly starting at the beginning of the 4th week until the end of the trial. Results indicated that the variation in diet sizes did not produce significant differences in shrimp growth, FCR or survival. However, shrimp feeding behavior (in terms of total attacking incidents during feeding) was significantly different among diet sizes. This shrimp behavior was observed more frequently in aquaria fed larger diet size (3.0 mm pellet) as compared with those fed smaller diet sizes (0.7 mm and 1.2 mm crumbles). When shrimp were fed larger pellets, some of the individuals obstruct other individuals and monopolize the diet. Such “selfish” behavior of shrimp could result in considerable size variation and severe mortality of smaller individuals, which could be the case when shrimp are reared to market size. The effect of diet size on shrimp feeding behavior deserves further investigation and the use of a continuous monitoring device such as a video camera is strongly recommended. Future study should also consider various shrimp and pellet sizes more meaningful to aquaculture producers.  相似文献   

  • 1. All seahorse species (genus Hippocampus) are listed under CITES Appendix II, requiring that exports of these fishes must be regulated for sustainability. Preliminary trade surveys and anecdotal reports suggested Malaysia and Thailand represented an important source for seahorses used globally in traditional medicine, curios, and aquarium display, but few historic trade or fisheries data are available. Baseline information about pre‐CITES catch and trade is essential for managing seahorse fisheries and trade under CITES, and for understanding present‐day effects of CITES regulation on the seahorse trade.
  • 2. In 1998–1999, seahorse fisheries and trade in both countries were assessed by interviewing participants at many levels of the trade and corroborating those surveys with official trade documents.
  • 3. Seahorses were found to be landed primarily as trawl bycatch. Malaysia's catch of 2900 kg year?1 was less than the estimated domestic consumption (5500–6000 kg year?1), whereas Thailand's catch of 6600 kg year?1 apparently far exceeded domestic consumption (~520 kg year?1).
  • 4. Both countries imported seahorses from and exported to other Asian nations. Import statistics from Hong Kong SAR and Taiwan recorded maximum annual trade from Malaysia at 1280 kg year?1. Trade surveys indicated that Thailand exported at least 5000 kg annually (similar to the estimation of catch), but national Customs records reported 10 500 kg year?1 in exports, supported by official import records from Hong Kong SAR and Taiwan which indicated that Thailand was the source of up to 11 400 kg year?1.
  • 5. Fishers and traders in both countries reported decreasing availability of seahorses, raising conservation concerns. These apparent declines, in combination with substantial domestic consumption, point towards the challenges that Malaysia and Thailand face in establishing sustainable levels of exports under CITES. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

The farming of the red seaweed Kappaphycus alvarezii and related species as raw material for the hydrocolloid carrageenan rapidly spread from the Philippines in the late 1960s to Indonesia, Tanzania, and other tropical countries around the world. Although numerous studies have documented positive socioeconomic impacts for seaweed farming, factors such as diseases and distance to export markets have led to an uneven development of the industry. Using standard budgeting techniques, this study adapted production and market data from a FAO-led global review of seaweed farming to develop comparative enterprise budgets for eight farming systems in six countries (Indonesia, the Philippines, Tanzania, India, Solomon Islands, and Mexico). Although the basic technology package is the same across countries, the study revealed large differences in the economic performance of systems due to wide variations in farm prices and the scale of operations. Although seaweed farming is a suitable activity for small-scale producers, a minimum of 2,000 m of cultures lines are still necessary to ensure adequate economic returns. Greater farming plots may be needed if farm prices are well below the average farm prices paid in Indonesia and the Philippines. Policy recommendations are made to improve the economic potential of underperforming systems.  相似文献   

文章结合贸易统计数据从总体和分国别角度分析了欧洲虾产品的贸易特征和竞争格局。研究结果表明,欧洲内部虾产品贸易活跃;欧盟是虾产品主要消费市场,其中西班牙、法国、英国和意大利是主要进口国;厄瓜多尔、印度、阿根廷、中国、泰国、孟加拉国和印尼是主要出口国,以出口养殖虾为主的南美洲国家和亚洲国家在虾产品出口中逐步占据主导地位;主要进口国市场对虾产品偏好的不同,导致从各主要来源国进口量、价格、产品类别的显著差异.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of acute hepatopancreatic necrosis disease (AHPND) have caused great economic losses to many shrimp‐producing countries in Asia since its first appearance in 2009. The causative agent was reported in 2013 as specific isolates of Vibrio parahaemolyticus (VPAHPND) that were later found to harbor a plasmid (pVA) encoding the Pir‐like binary toxin genes Pir vpA and Pir vpB. VPAHPND isolates colonize the shrimp stomach and release the binary toxins that cause massive sloughing of tubule epithelial cells followed by shrimp mortality. More recent information indicates that pVA plasmid and variants occur in many V. parahaemolyticus serotypes and also in other Vibrio species such as Vibrio campbellii, Vibrio harveyi, and Vibrio owensii. Information on such genomic and proteomic studies of different VPAHPND isolates from different countries are reviewed. A cohort study carried out in Thailand in 2014 indicated that AHPND outbreaks account for only a portion of the disease outbreaks reported by shrimp farmers as outbreaks of early mortality syndrome (EMS). It is recommended that a regional research network and surveillance program for newly emerging or re‐emerging pathogens be established to speed up the process of diagnosis and the implementation of coordinated control measures and to avoid a repeat of the EMS/AHPND scenario.  相似文献   

2013年以来,我国沿海各省市养殖对虾中先后出现虾肝肠胞虫(Enterocytozoon hepatopenaei, EHP)感染且感染率居高不下,使我国虾类养殖产业遭受了严重经济损失。为查明2021—2022年沿海省市养殖虾类中EHP的流行情况,本研究在沿海地区开展了养殖虾类EHP流行情况调查,共采集样品936份,并采用TaqMan实时荧光定量PCR (TaqMan qPCR)和组织病理检测对样品进行分析。TaqMan qPCR检测结果表明,2021和2022年所采集的虾类样品中,EHP的阳性检出率分别为10.67% (54/506)和13.72% (59/430);2021和2022年主要在凡纳对虾(Penaeus vannamei)中检出EHP阳性,阳性检出率分别为14.10% (54/383)和16.71% (58/347),且检出EHP阳性的凡纳对虾主要来自山东、辽宁、广东、河北和天津等省市;1份脊尾白虾(Exopalaemon carinicauda)样品中检出EHP阳性,罗氏沼虾(Macrobrachium rosenbergii)、克氏原螯虾(Protocrayfish cruzi)、斑节对虾(P. monodon)、日本对虾(P. japonicus)和中国对虾(P. chinensis)等虾类样品中未检出EHP阳性。对TaqMan qPCR检测呈阳性的凡纳对虾进行组织病理检测,在其肝胰腺上皮细胞中观测到分散或成簇的EHP孢子以及处于生长阶段的EHP原质团。本研究表明,2021—2022年EHP仍在我国沿海地区养殖的凡纳对虾中流行,尽管其流行率较前几年呈下降趋势,但其对凡纳对虾养殖产业的危害仍不容忽视。  相似文献   


In contrast to the stabilization or decline of wild fishery harvests, aquaculture's contribution to the world fish supply is steadily increasing. Aquaculture has begun to have a major influence on the trade of export‐orientated species such as salmon and shrimp. This paper reviews the role of aquaculture in international trade and the research which has been conducted to examine its influence. Despite the growing significance of aquaculture on international trade, especially for shrimp and salmon, formal analysis of the shrimp trade is sparse, only moderate for salmon, and essentially nonexistent for other species. This paper also presents specific examples of how aquaculture has played an important role in international trade. These include an examination of: (1) the influence of shrimp aquaculture and trade on the development of a shrimp futures contract; and (2) the countervailing duty and antidumping case against the Norwegian farmed salmon industry.  相似文献   

White spot syndrome virus (WSSV) is highly pathogenic to penaeid shrimp and has caused significant economic losses in the shrimp farming industry in Thailand. Genotyping analysis was done in 124 WSSV isolates from cultured Pacific white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei. These samples were obtained during 2007–2014 from eight provinces in Thailand. We investigated five variable loci in the virus genome: deletions in two variable regions, VR14/15 and VR23/24, and three variable number tandem repeats (VNTR) located in open reading frame (ORF) 75, 125 and 94. WSSV genotype was characterized as (X14/15, X23/24) (N75‐N125‐N94) where X is the number of base pair deletion in the variable region and N is the number of repeat units (RUs) in a specific ORF. The deletion pattern in VR14/15 and VR23/24 regions characterized three WSSV genotypes. The most prevalent genotype was (595014/15, 1097123/24), and it was found in all studied areas. At least 33 genotypes of WSSV were analysed based on 3 VNTR loci, indicating that the VNTRs of WSSV genome are highly variable. From 124 WSSV samples, two samples presented the characteristic of all five variable loci similar to WSSV collected during 2010 in Saudi Arabia (595014/15, 1097123/24) (375‐6125‐794). Many different WSSV genotypes shown in this study as compared to previously reported genotypes in Thailand suggests current status of disease epidemiology, as well as probable movements of WSSV between countries.  相似文献   

There is growing interest in sustainable intensification of aquaculture production. Yet little economic analysis has been done on farm‐level effects of the economic sustainability of production intensification. Data from 83 shrimp farms (43 in Vietnam and 40 in Thailand) were used to identify (through principal component and cluster analyses) 13 clusters of management practices that reflected various scales of production intensity that ranged from 0–1999 kg/ha/crop to 10,000 kg/ha/crop and above, for both Penaeus monodon and Litopenaeus vannamei in Vietnam and Thailand. The clusters identified reflected sets of management practices that resulted in differing yields despite similarities in stocking densities among some clusters. The enterprise budget analysis developed showed that the more intensively managed clusters outperformed the less intensively managed clusters in economic terms. More intensively managed farm clusters had lower costs per metric ton of shrimp produced and were more profitable. The greater yields of shrimp produced per hectare of land and water resources in more intensively managed shrimp farms spread annual fixed costs across a greater volume of shrimp produced and reduced the cost per metric ton of shrimp. Costs per metric ton of shrimp produced decreased from the lowest to the highest intensity level (from US$10,245 at lowest intensity to US$3484 at highest for P. monodon and from US$24,301 to US$5387 for L. vannamei in Vietnam and from US$8184 at the lowest intensity level to US$3817 at the highest intensity level per metric ton for L. vannamei in Thailand). Costs of pond amendments used in shrimp production were particularly high in Vietnam and largely unwarranted, whereas fixed costs associated with the value of land, production facilities, equipment, and labor were sufficiently high in Thailand so that net returns were negative in the long run. Nevertheless, economic losses in Thailand were less at greater levels of intensification. The study demonstrated a clear value proposition for shrimp farmers to use natural resources (such as land) and other inputs in an efficient manner and supports findings from corresponding research on farm‐level natural resource use efficiency. Additional research that incorporates economic analysis into on‐farm studies of sustainable intensification of aquaculture is needed to provide ongoing guidance related to sustainable management practices for aquaculture.  相似文献   

  1. Among the several threats to the conservation of mangrove ecosystems in most South Asian countries, shrimp farming is predominant. Since the introduction of shrimp farming in Sri Lanka in the 1980s, mangroves on the island’s north-western coast have been continually cleared to create new shrimp farms, leading to a decline in the social-ecological services provided by the mangrove ecosystems.
  2. Using aerial (1973) and satellite (1996–2020) images, this study assessed areal changes in mangroves and shrimp farms in the Pambala-Chilaw lagoon complex and Ihala Mahawewa, as well as the ecological footprint of shrimp farming in the study area.
  3. Mangroves around the Chilaw lagoon had decreased in areal extent by 45% from 1973 to 2020 of which 92% of this change was attributed to shrimp farming. There was, however, a decrease in the areal extent of shrimp farms from 2001 to 2020, and a corresponding increase in mangroves from 2006 to 2020.
  4. The ecological footprint of shrimp farming was assessed by comparing the expected surface ratios with those recorded for shrimp farms with mangroves and surface water bodies in the study area from 1973 to 2020. The results showed that the current shrimp farming was unsustainable (i.e. high ecological footprint).
  5. While the results support the current view that there is cause for cautious optimism with mangrove conservation (as evidenced by an increase in mangrove areal extent), it also reveals that semi-intensive shrimp farming in Sri Lanka and probably other similar tropical countries is unsustainable.
  6. If immediate actions such as effective regulation of shrimp farming activities and mangrove restoration are not taken, the mangrove ecosystem will continue to decline.

A nutrient budget of some intensive marine shrimp ponds in Thailand   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Abstract. A mass balance was constructed for nutrient flow through intensive marine shrimp ponds in which budgets for nitrogen and phosphorus were determined for a series of ponds in southern Thailand over two or three culture cycles. Ninety-five per cent of the nitrogen and 71% of the phosphorus applied to the ponds was in the form of feed and fertilizers. Of the feed input (at a food conversion ratio of 2) only 24% of the nitrogen and 13% of the phosphorus was incorporated into the shrimp harvested, whilst the remainder was retained in the pond and ultimately exported to the surrounding environment. The effluent water contained 35% of the nitrogen and 10% of the phosphorus discharged. Of the N and P exported in this effluent, 63–67% occurred during routine water exchange and the remainder during drainage on harvest. A major portion of the nitrogen (31%) and most of the phosphorus (84%) was retained in the sediments, emphasizing the importance of the correct removal and disposal of sediments between crops. Pond age (between two and six production cycles) did not markedly affect nutrient flows, whilst increasing stocking density increased the quantity of nutrients, but not their relative proportions.
The results derived from the nutrient budget provide data which may help define effective management techniques for reducing potentially harmful nutrient levels within intensive shrimp ponds, and for reducing the discharge of nutrients to the local environment. The data may also assist in determining the carrying capacity of an area for shrimp farming, and the potential impact of its development on the environment.  相似文献   

世界对虾生产及其贸易特征分析   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
文章利用统计数据分析了近20年来世界对虾生产和贸易的主要特征。结果表明,随着对虾养殖业的迅猛发展,世界对虾生产出现了从捕捞到养殖的巨大变化,对虾贸易规模也呈现稳步增长的态势;对虾贸易具有典型的由发展中国家流向发达国家的特点,2006年从发展中国家向发达国家的对虾净出口额不低于98.7亿美元;出口商品结构以冷冻虾为主,制作保藏虾的比例稳步上升;对虾进口主要集中在欧盟、美国、日本3大市场,而对虾出口以东南亚和美洲国家为主,但出口国间的竞争优势差异较大,中国对虾出口竞争力较其它东南亚主要出口国明显要弱。  相似文献   

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