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This research described in this article aimed to investigate international market potentials for Pangasius catfish (Pangasianodon hypopthalmus). The monthly export data from Vietnam, which accounts for more than 95% of the global export value, in the period 2007 to 2014, were used to estimate a non-linear Inverse Almost Ideal Demand System of the seven market regions. Prices in all markets are found very inflexible, with own-price flexibilities on ?0.200 to ?0.917, or ?0.419 on average, revealing the option of expanding global production and export without inducing a substantial price reduction. Consumers in all markets except Latin America evaluate Pangasius as a necessary good, indicating that the Pangasius industry is relatively little affected by recessions and booms in the world economy. The major markets are substitutes for each other; therefore, if demand at one market region is reduced, the presence of substitution leads suppliers to find other markets. The results reveal that demand provides stable framework conditions for the Pangasius industry.  相似文献   

The most common bacterial diseases in pond‐raised channel catfish Ictalurus punctatus (Rafinesque) are enteric septicemia of catfish and columnaris, caused by Edwardsiella ictaluri and Flavobacterium columnare respectively. Medicated feed containing antibiotics is one management approach that catfish producers use in the treatment of bacterial diseases. However, the future use of all types of medicated feed in catfish aquaculture is uncertain. To discover effective alternatives to antibiotics, a rapid 96‐well microplate bioassay utilizing E. ictaluri and F. columnare to evaluate natural compounds and extracts was developed. In this bioassay, bacterial growth is determined by absorbance measurements of microplate wells after 24 h incubation and then confirmed by detecting cell viability after the addition of 3‐(4,5‐dimethylthiazol‐2‐yl)‐2,5‐diphenyl tetrazolium bromide with additional incubation for 24 h. The minimum inhibitory concentration, minimum bactericidal concentration and 50% inhibition concentration (IC50) are determined by graphing the absorbance data. The 24 h IC50 results of test compounds are compared with the 24 h IC50 results of the drug controls oxytetracycline and florfenicol. Among the antibiotics evaluated, doxycycline and tetracycline appear more effective against E. ictaluri and F. columnare than either drug control. This bioassay is rapid, reproducible and economical for evaluating a large number of compounds and extracts.  相似文献   

A new approach to monitoring fish feeding rhythms and associated environmental variables is described. This system includes demand feeders attached to load cells to monitor feed consumption, and environmental probes to monitor variables such as temperature, solar radiation, barometric pressure, dissolved oxygen, turbidity, and pH. Measurements from the load cells and probes are recorded at some desired time interval on a data logger, and the data are then analyzed for correlations between feed consumption and environmental conditions. An example of feed consumption rhythms by Chinese catfish (Clarias fuscus) is given.  相似文献   

Grading trials were performed in experimental and commercial catfish ponds to compare an in-pond horizontal floating bar grader to current live-car grading. Three replicate trials were conducted in experimental ponds at three different temperature ranges (warm, >26 °C; cool, 13–26 °C; cold, <13 °C) with catfish size groups stocked in ratios of either 75:25, 50:50, or 25:75 sub-marketable (<0.57 kg) to marketable fish (≥0.57 kg). Commercial pond trials were replicated three times at each temperature range with a fish size range typical of ponds ready to harvest. Stress experienced by fish during harvest and grading was measured by mean serum glucose and cortisol levels. Grading speed was greater (P < 0.05) with the UAPB grader (105–449 kg/min) than the traditional live-car grader (0.5–0.6 kg/min). The UAPB grader decreased (P < 0.05) the proportion of sub-marketable fish during all trials. In contrast, the live car did not reduce the proportion of sub-marketable fish with the experimental methods used in this study during commercial trials or in the 25:75 distributions during warm and cold temperature trials in experimental ponds. The UAPB grader returned an average two to four times (range of 2–52) more sub-marketable fish by weight to the pond than the traditional live car method. Glucose and cortisol levels in fish graded with the two technologies were not significantly different. The UAPB grader sorted fish more accurately, consistently, and quickly than the live car at all temperatures in both experimental and commercial trials.  相似文献   

We present a model that simulates the foraging behaviour of tunas in the vicinity of ocean fronts. Stochastic dynamic programming is used to determine optimal habitat choice and swimming speed in relation to environmental variables (water temperature and clarity) and prey characteristics (abundance and energy density). By incorporating submodels for obligate physiological processes (gastric evacuation, standard and active metabolic costs) and sensory systems (visual feeding efficiency), we have integrated into a single fitness-based model many of the factors that might explain the aggregation of tunas at ocean fronts. The modelling technique describes fitness landscapes for all combinations of states, and makes explicit, testable predictions about time- and state-dependent behaviour. Enhanced levels of searching activity when hungry and towards the end of the day are an important feature of the optimal behaviour predicted. We consider the model to be particularly representative of the behaviour of the warm-water tunas or Neothunnus (e.g. skipjack, Katsuwonus pelamis , and yellowfin, Thunnus albacares ) and for surface-dwelling temperate tunas (e.g. young albacore, Thunnus alalunga ), which are often observed to aggregate near fronts. For the bluefin group (i.e. older albacore; northern and southern bluefin, Thunnus thynnus and Thunnus maccoyii ), for which extended vertical migrations are a significant and as yet unexplained component of behaviour, the model is able to reproduce observed behaviour by adopting the lower optimal temperature and standard metabolic rate of albacore. The model cannot explain why physiological differences exist between and within the different tuna species, but it does show how differences in susceptibility to thermal stress will permit different behaviour.  相似文献   

Aquaculture development in Kenya has been hampered by lack of targeted feeds. Chemical fertilizers can enhance natural food production and thus indirectly provide protein to complement energy-rich cereal brans used as feed. Consequently, an experiment was conducted at Sagana Fish Farm in central Kenya to realize least-cost combinations of rice bran and fertilizer. Twelve 800 m2 (0.08 ha) ponds were stocked with juvenile (32 g) Oreochromis niloticus L. at 2 m−2 and Clarias gariepinus (Burchell 1822) (fingerlings of 4.6 g) at 0.2 m−2. Four treatments, calculated to approximate isonitrogenous conditions, were applied in triplicate as follows: (1) urea and diammonium phosphate (DAP) to provide 16 kg of N ha−1 week−1 and 4 kg of P ha−1 week−1; (2) urea and DAP applied to give 8 kg of N ha−1 week−1 and 2 kg of P ha−1 week−1, plus rice bran fed at 60 kg ha−1 day−1; (3) rice bran fed at 120 kg ha−1 day−1; (4) rice bran as in treatment 3 and fertilizer as in treatment 2. Ponds were sampled monthly to measure fish growth, and drained completely after 20 weeks. A partial economic analysis indicated minimal net profits of K.Sh. 18 851 (US$ 251), K.Sh. 9895 (US$ 132), K.Sh. 3299 (US$ 44) and K.Sh. 7015 (US$ 94) for treatments 1–4, respectively, because of high feed and seed costs.  相似文献   

A dynamic mass-balance model for marine protected areas   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A modified Ecosim model was used to investigate the impact of establishing marine protected areas (MPAs) in ecosystems defined by existing Ecopath models. The impact of MPAs of various sizes was simulated, and changes in biomass and catch over a range of years observed. The response of biomass and catch to MPA size depended on the time period examined. For some ecosystem groups, the initial response was negative, but for all groups there were increases after 10 years. The greater the biomass exchange rate across the MPA boundary, the larger the MPA required to increase biomass levels. Within the range of exchange rates simulated, the maximum increases in catch and overall biomass levels were reached when 20% of the system was protected.  相似文献   

本研究旨在建立虾夷扇贝的动态能量收支(Dynamic Energy Budget,DEB)数值模型,为进一步构建北方海域虾夷扇贝养殖容量评估模型奠定基础。根据DEB理论,以水温和叶绿素浓度作为强制函数,基于现场及室内实验收集DEB模型参数,针对桑沟湾养殖环境和虾夷扇贝生长的数据,利用STELLA软件构建了虾夷扇贝的DEB模型,以长海县养殖环境和1龄、2龄、3龄虾夷扇贝生长的数据对模型进行验证。模型的模拟结果显示:(1)构建的DEB模型能够很好地模拟虾夷扇贝软体部干重的生长,反映了不同时间的能量分配情况;(2)在桑沟湾,6月1日至9月25日期间水温的限制性强于食物限制;在长海海域,9月15日至次年的6月20日期间食物的限制性强于水温的限制,由此推断,长海海域虾夷扇贝的养殖密度过大,可能超出了海域的养殖容量。另外,敏感性分析结果显示,能量分配系数k以及食物摄食能力参数–最大体表面积吸收率PAM、半饱和常数Xk,对虾夷扇贝生长模拟结果有着较大的影响,例如,PAM提高10%,生长模拟结果可增加13%。因此,这些敏感性较大的参数需要通过室内实验或者现场实验准确测定,谨慎赋值。  相似文献   

为建立缢蛏动态能量收支(dynamic energy budget,DEB)的数值模型,实验根据DEB理论,采用相应方法测定计算了建模必须的形状系数(δm)、阿伦纽斯温度(TA)、单位时间单位体积维持生命所需的能量[pM]、形成单位体积结构物质所需的能量[EG]和单位体积最大储存能量[EM]等基本参数.以水温和叶绿素浓...  相似文献   

A dynamic simulation model was adapted to investigate the effect of feed composition on growth of Clarias gariepinus. The effect of feed composition was restricted to that of the macronutrients, i.e. protein, fat and carbohydrates. Most parameters used in the model were derived from the literature. Parameters which were expected to have specific values for the species used, or which could not be derived from the literature, were calibrated with experimental results. Results used for calibration originate from an 84-day feeding trial with 20 different semi-moist diets. The protein content of these varied from 20 to 60% and the fat content from 0 to 38%.Data used to test the model originated from balance respiration experiments. In these experiments dietary protein content varied from 20 to 40% and fat content from 4 to 29%. A dry pelleted feed was used in these experiments. The test results of the model for fresh weight gain, protein gain, fat gain and oxygen consumption were compared with the independently obtained results of the balance respiration experiments.It is concluded that the model predicts reasonably well the effects of feed composition on growth and growth composition. The predicted values are in agreement with the observed values, except for the diets with the highest fat content. With these diets the predictions are overestimated. During the modelling procedure it became apparent that feed intake is influenced by the fat content of the fish biomass. Fat fish consume less than leaner fish of the same weight.  相似文献   

To investigate the effect of feeding level on growth of the African catfish a dynamic simulation model was developed. The model can be characterized as explanatory. This means that growth is explained by the processes involving nutrient intake, digestion and absorption, biochemical reactions in the intermediate metabolism and the ultimate deposition of body constituents. In the model these processes are described. After development and parameterization the model was tested with independently obtained data originating from experimental research on the effect of feeding level on growth and energy metabolism of fish of different weight classes, held at different temperatures (20, 25 and 30°C) and fed with a commercial trout diet. Initial values and input variables used were mean body weight (g) of the fish, fat content (%) of the fish, feed composition, feeding level (g·day−1·fish−1) and temperature. Output obtained included daily values of growth, protein gain, fat gain and oxygen consumption.It is concluded that the model estimates satisfactorily effects of feeding level on growth and energy metabolism of fish at different temperatures. The model is sufficiently general to be applicable to other species after calibration of a few parameters and assumptions. Finally it is shown that more research is needed to determine the maximum attainable growth rate of the African catfish, especially when different dietary compositions are used.  相似文献   

Fishery management measures to reduce interactions between fisheries and endangered or threatened species have typically relied on static time‐area closures. While these efforts have reduced interactions, they can be costly and inefficient for managing highly migratory species such as sea turtles. The NOAA TurtleWatch product was created in 2006 as a tool to reduce the rates of interactions of loggerhead sea turtles with shallow‐set longline gear deployed by the Hawaii‐based pelagic longline fishery targeting swordfish. TurtleWatch provides information on loggerhead habitat and can be used by managers and industry to make dynamic management decisions to potentially reduce incidentally capturing turtles during fishing operations. TurtleWatch is expanded here to include information on endangered leatherback turtles to help reduce incidental capture rates in the central North Pacific. Fishery‐dependent data were combined with fishing effort, bycatch and satellite tracking data of leatherbacks to characterize sea surface temperature (SST) relationships that identify habitat or interaction ‘hotspots’. Analysis of SST identified two zones, centered at 17.2° and 22.9°C, occupied by leatherbacks on fishing grounds of the Hawaii‐based swordfish fishery. This new information was used to expand the TurtleWatch product to provide managers and industry near real‐time habitat information for both loggerheads and leatherbacks. The updated TurtleWatch product provides a tool for dynamic management of the Hawaii‐based shallow‐set fishery to aid in the bycatch reduction of both species. Updating the management strategy to dynamically adapt to shifts in multi‐species habitat use through time is a step towards an ecosystem‐based approach to fisheries management in pelagic ecosystems.  相似文献   

A feeding experiment was conducted in aquaria to study the effect of body composition on growth and feed intake of Clarias gariepinus. Fishes weighing about 20 g were fed diets with different protein to fat ratios. Diet A contained 60% protein, 7% fat and 19% carbohydrate. The composition of diet B was 20% protein, 7% fat and 54% carbohydrate. After 4 weeks the mean fish weight per tank amounted 33.2±1.5 and 27.5±1.4 g for fish fed diets A and B, respectively, while the fat content of the fish was 3.6±0.3 and 6.1±0.4%.During two consecutive periods of 21 days both the lean and the fat fish were fed diet A or B at five feeding levels. The feeding levels ranged from maintenance to above satiation. Fresh weight gain, protein gain and fat gain were higher with increasing feed ration, until a maximum was reached where extra feed did not result in more gain. This maximum gain was higher for diet A. Feeding with this high-protein diet resulted in better feed conversions compared with diet B. Within one diet, lean fish had a higher maximum growth rate compared to fat fish due to a higher feed consumption. Below the maximum gain, fat fish showed a slightly better conversion efficiency when fed with diet A.A explanatory model, for simulating growth of C. gariepinus, was extended in accordance with these experimental findings. It is assumed that the maximum consumption is regulated by both lipostatic and glucostatic mechanisms. The relevant parameter values were fitted with results obtained in the second experimental period. The adjusted model was tested by comparing simulation with experimental results found in the third period. The model gives good results for feeding levels providing sub-maximum gain. At the highest feeding levels of diet A, fed to initially fat fish, the model overestimated gain. The model was used to predict fresh weight gain of C. gariepinus fed diets with different compositions.  相似文献   

A dynamic simulation model is used to calculate growth of Clarias gariepinus (Burchell) fed with differently formulated diets. To verify the calculations, the results of the simulation are compared with experimental data. The experiments were carried out to determine the growth performance of C. gariepinus, fed with diets containing different protein sources. A fish meal diet was fed at four feeding levels in a respiration experiment. The alternative sources (blood meal, casein, groundnut, cottonseed, rapeseed and soybean) were tested at various inclusion rates with fish meal in aquarium experiments at one feeding level. Both experiments lasted two periods of 4 weeks each.The output of the simulation model, being fresh weight gain, protein gain, fat gain, oxygen consumption and ammonia production, agreed well with results from the respiration experiment, except for fat gain at the highest feeding levels and ammonia production in the second experimental period. It was shown that C. gariepinus is able to convert feed nutrients very efficiently into fish biomass. A protein conversion efficiency of nearly 60% was found.In the aquarium experiments the fresh weight gain decreased when an increasing part of the fish meal was replaced by alternative protein sources. The output of the simulation model (fresh weight gain) in comparison with the experimental results showed that it is possible to calculate the weight conversions of differently formulated diets, when there is a reliable estimation of the amino acid composition of the protein sources used.  相似文献   

Determination of the occurrence and importance of densitydependent responses is central to understanding stream trout population dynamics. I propose a conceptual model of growth, based on a distribution of feeding site quality, that considers the effects of density on growth. The site quality model assumes that trout select the best feeding sites available and, as the number of trout increases, they will be forced to use less energetically profitable sites, resulting in decreased growth, but also an increase in variance of size or growth. Results from a 3-year study of a brown trout (Salmo trutta) population show that growth to age 1 was significantly reduced for the 1981 year class, which was about 4 times more dense than other year classes. The reduction in growth was not due to a decrease in the growth of all trout but rather an increase in the number of slower growing fish. These results are consistent with my site quality distribution model and suggest that individual fish growth, the distribution of growth, and the variance of growth rates should be considered in addition to mean size and growth.  相似文献   

虾夷扇贝动态能量收支模型参数的测定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究以虾夷扇贝为实验生物,介绍了动态能量收支(dynamic energy budget,DEB)模型5个关键基本参数的测定及计算方法,分析了方法的利弊及注意事项,为贝类DEB模型参数的准确获取提供参考方法。采用壳长与软体部湿重回归法计算虾夷扇贝的形状系数δm;采用静水法测定不同温度条件下虾夷扇贝的呼吸耗氧率,计算阿伦纽斯温度TA参数;采用饥饿法测定、计算单位时间单位体积维持生命所需的能量[]、形成单位体积结构物质所需的能量[EG]和单位体积最大储存能量[EM]3个参数。室内饥饿实验持续60 d,直至呼吸耗氧率及软体部干重基本保持恒定。结果显示,壳长(SL)与软体部湿重(WW)的回归关系式为WW=0.0118SL3.4511(R2=0.9365),根据公式V=(δm L)3,对软体部湿重的立方根和壳长进行线性回归,所得的斜率即为形状系数δm值(δm=0.32);获得不同规格的虾夷扇贝耗氧率与水温(热力学温度,K)倒数的线性回归关系,线性回归方程斜率的绝对值为阿伦纽斯温度TA,平均为(4160±767)K。饥饿实验结束时,软体部干重和呼吸耗氧率分别降低了56%和81%。虾夷扇贝的耗氧率稳定在0.17 mg/(ind·h),经计算获得[]=25.9 J/(cm~3·d);饥饿持续30天之后,虾夷扇贝软体部干重基本维持在(0.25±0.01)g,经计算获得[EG]=3160 J/cm~3,[EM]=2030 J/cm~3。动态DEB理论是基于能量代谢的物理、化学特性而建立的,体现了生物能量代谢的普遍性规律,能够反映摄食获取能量在不同发育生长阶段的能量分配情况。但是,DEB模型参数的测定及计算比较复杂。基本参数的准确获取将影响其他参数以及模型的准确性。本研究为虾夷扇贝DEB模型的构建奠定基础。  相似文献   

为评估文蛤生态容量,实验根据动态能量收支理论,基于R语言构建了文蛤动态能量收支模型,采用线性与非线性回归法估算模型参数,通过对比围塘环境下文蛤壳长、湿重、软体部湿重的实测值与模拟值验证模型,并应用于模拟黄海海域滩涂区文蛤的生长过程。结果显示,文蛤模型主要参数形状系数、阿伦纽斯温度系数和单位体积结构物质所需能量分别为0.57、9 278 K和2 056 J/cm3;实测与模拟的文蛤壳长、湿重和软体部湿重相关系数R2平均为0.996,模拟值与实测值的平均误差为3.58%;如东沿海区域6月实测文蛤软体部干重为0.48 g,壳长3.12 cm,模型模拟的软体部干重、湿重和壳长分别为0.476 g,6.6 g和3.2 cm。研究表明,实验构建的文蛤动态能量收支模型的准确度较高,可真实地反映出文蛤在自然水域中的生长过程,为评估文蛤生态容纳量及构建文蛤相关的生态系统模型提供科学参考。  相似文献   

It is clear from a variety of data that cod (Gadus morhua) in the North Sea do not constitute a homogeneous population that will rapidly redistribute in response to local variability in exploitation. Hence, local exploitation has the potential to deplete local populations, perhaps to the extent that depensation occurs and recovery is impossible without recolonisation from other areas, with consequent loss of genetic diversity. The oceanographic, biological and behavioural processes which maintain the spatial population structures are only partly understood, and one of the key unknown factors is the extent to which cod exhibit homing migrations to natal spawning areas. Here, we describe a model comprising 10 interlinked demes of cod in European waters, each representing groups of fish with a common natal origin. The spawning locations of fish in each deme are governed by a variety of rules concerning oceanographic dispersal, migration behaviour and straying. We describe numerical experiments with the model and comparisons with observations, which lead us to conclude that active homing is probably not necessary to explain some of the population structures of European cod. Separation of some sub-populations is possible through distance and oceanographic processes affecting the dispersal of eggs and larvae. However, other evidence suggests that homing may be a necessary behaviour to explain the structure of other sub-populations. The consequences for fisheries management of taking into account spatial population structuring are complicated. For example, recovery or recolonisation strategies require consideration not only of mortality rates in the target area for restoration, but also in the source areas for the recruits which may be far removed depending on the oceanography. The model has an inbuilt capability to address issues concerning the effects of climate change, including temperature change, on spatial patterns of recruitment, development and population structure in cod.  相似文献   

基于氮和磷平衡的负责任养殖模式下的养殖海区规划   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以氮(N)和磷(P)2种重要营养盐为研究对象,提出负责任养殖概念,建立了基于负责任养殖模式下的鱼、藻复合养殖海区的规划模型。这一模式下仅考虑人工养殖行为,饲料作为养殖海区唯一的营养盐输入途径,鱼类和经济藻类作为营养盐输出途径,不考虑海水交换、自然海区藻类营养盐吸收、野生鱼类残饵摄食和生物降解等因素引起的营养盐吸收和转化过程。研究表明,鱼、藻复合养殖模式可以实现负责任养殖行为,但鱼类和藻类养殖规模比例悬殊,藻类羊栖菜(Sargassum fusiform e)和鱼类大黄鱼(Pseudosciaena crocea)的养殖面积比约为95:1,生物量比值约为30:1。单纯采用经济藻类养殖作为养殖海区营养盐平衡手段效果有限,可以考虑增加贝类养殖,加强海区营养盐转移功能。  相似文献   

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