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A small‐plot experiment was carried out in Northern Ireland on a predominantly perennial ryegrass sward over the period July 1993 to March 1994 to investigate the effect of timing and rate of fertilizer nitrogen (N) application on herbage mass and its chemical composition over the winter period. Eighty treatment combinations, involving four N fertilizer application dates (28 July, 9 and 30 August and 20 September 1993), four rates of N fertilizer (0, 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha?1) and five harvest dates (1 October, 1 November, 1 December 1993, 1 February and 1 March 1994), were replicated three times in a randomized block design experiment. N application increased herbage mass at each of the harvest dates, but in general there was a decrease in response to N with increasing rate of N and delay in time of application. Mean responses to N applications were 13·0, 11·5 and 9·5 kg DM kg?1 N at 30, 60 and 90 kg N ha?1 respectively. Delaying N application, which also reduced the length of the period of growth, reduced the mean response to N fertilizer from 14·3 to 7·4 kg DM kg?1 N for N applied on 28 July and 20 September respectively. Increasing rate of N application increased the N concentration and reduced the dry‐matter (DM) content and water‐soluble carbohydrate (WSC) concentration of the herbage but had little effect on the acid‐detergent fibre (ADF) concentration. Delaying N application increased N concentration and reduced DM content of the herbage. The effect of date of N application on WSC concentration varied between harvests. A decrease in herbage mass occurred from November onwards which was associated with a decrease in the proportion of live leaf and stem material and an increase in the proportion of dead material in the sward. It is concluded that there is considerable potential to increase the herbage mass available for autumn/early winter grazing by applying up to 60 kg N ha?1 in early September.  相似文献   

There is scope of increasing the nitrogen (N) efficiency of grazing cattle through manipulation of the energy and N concentrations in the herbage ingested. Because of asymmetric grazing by cattle between individual plant parts, it has not yet been established how this translates into the concentrations of N and water‐soluble carbohydrates (WSC) in the herbage ingested. A model is described with the objective of assessing the efficacy of individual tools in grassland management in manipulating the WSC and N concentrations of the herbage ingested by cattle under strip‐grazing management throughout the growing season. The model was calibrated and independently evaluated for early (April), mid‐ (June, regrowth phase) and late (September) parts of the growing season. There was a high correlation between predicted and observed WSC concentrations in the ingested herbage (R2 = 0·78, P < 0·001). The correlation between predicted and observed neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF) concentrations in the ingested herbage was lower (R2 = 0·49, P < 0·05) with a small absolute bias. Differences in the N concentration between laminae and sheaths, and between clean patches and fouled patches, were adequately simulated and it was concluded that the model could be used to assess the efficacy of grassland management tools for manipulating the WSC and N concentrations in the ingested herbage. Model application showed that reduced rates of application of N fertilizer and longer rotation lengths were effective tools for manipulating herbage quality in early and mid‐season. During the later part of the growing season, the large proportion of area affected by dung and urine reduced the effect of application rate of N fertilizer on herbage quality. In contrast, relative differences between high‐sugar and low‐sugar cultivars of perennial ryegrass were largest during this period. This suggests that high‐sugar cultivars may be an important tool in increasing N efficiency by cattle when risks of N losses to water bodies are largest. The model output showed that defoliation height affects the chemical composition of the ingested herbage of both the current and the subsequent grazing period.  相似文献   

Developing sustainable grazing management systems based on perennial species is critical to preventing land degradation in marginal land classes. A field study was conducted from 2002 to 2006 to identify the impacts of deferred grazing (no defoliation of pastures for a period generally from spring to autumn) and fertilizer application on herbage accumulation, soil seed reserve and nutritive value in a hill pasture in western Victoria, Australia. Three deferred grazing strategies were used: short‐term deferred grazing (no defoliation between October and January), long‐term deferred grazing (no defoliation from October to the autumn break) and optimized deferred grazing (withholding time from grazing commenced between annual grass stem elongation and seed head emergence and concluded in February/March). These treatments were applied with two fertilizer levels (with or without fertilizer at 50 kg phosphorus ha?1 and 2000 kg lime ha?1 applied in year 1 only) in a factorial arrangement and two additional treatments: continuous grazing (CG) and no grazing (NG) in year 1. The deferred grazing treatments on average produced herbage dry matter of 4773 kg ha?1, the NG produced 4583 kg ha?1 and the CG produced 3183 kg ha?1 in year 4 (2005–06) of the experiment. Deferred grazing treatments with and without fertilizer application produced an average of 5135 and 4411 kg DM ha?1 respectively. Averaged over 4 years, deferred grazing increased the germinable seed pool of perennial grasses by 200% and annual grasses by 50% (except optimized deferred grazing that considerably decreased the annual grass seed pool) compared with the CG. The best of the deferred grazing strategies increased the digestibility of pastures by 7% compared with the CG. The results demonstrated that deferred grazing from spring to autumn followed by rotational grazing could be an effective tool to increase herbage production and soil seed pool and improve the digestibility of native pastures in the steep hill country of southern Australia.  相似文献   

As herd sizes and labour costs increase, and the availability of skilled labour decreases, efficient use of available labour becomes more important in dairy cow systems. Two experiments were conducted to examine the effect of reducing the frequency of application of inorganic nitrogen (N) fertilizer on inputs of labour and performance of dairy cows. Experiments 1 (duration of 169 d) and 2 (duration of 179 d) involved fifty-eight and forty multiparous Holstein–Friesian dairy cows, respectively, in mid-lactation. In each experiment, in the 'infrequent' treatment fertilizer was applied to all paddocks on a single occasion at the start of each grazing cycle, while in treatment 'frequent', fertilizer was applied on three occasions each week, within 2 or 3 d of each paddock having been grazed. The experimental treatments were started from 30 March and 29 March in Experiments 1 and 2 respectively. Total N application rates were approximately 360 and 250 kg N ha−1 in Experiments 1 and 2 respectively. Concentrate feed (4·0 kg per cow) was offered daily in both experiments. With the 'infrequent' treatment, highest concentrations of crude protein and nitrate in herbage were observed in swards grazed approximately 10 d after N fertilizer was applied. Treatment had no significant effect on milk yield, milk fat and protein concentrations, and final live weight and body condition score of cows in either experiment. Milk urea and plasma urea concentrations were not significantly affected by treatment. Calculated application times of fertilizer for a herd of 100 dairy cows were 107 and 83 min week−1 for the 'frequent' and 'infrequent' treatments respectively.  相似文献   

There is limited information on the effects of the increase in the density of shrubs on herbage production and nutritive value of natural grasslands in the Mediterranean region, currently facing major land use changes. Herbage production of drymatter (herbaceous fractions, of plant functional groups and by species), crude protein (CP), neutral‐detergent fibre (NDF), acid‐detergent fibre (ADF), acid‐detergent lignin (ADL) and hemicellulose concentrations and in vitro organic matter digestibility were determined at the time of peak of annual growth across four types of grassland vegetation each characterized by different shrub cover regimes. A sharp reduction in herbage production and a reduction in nutritive value were found as a result of the increase in shrub cover. These changes appeared to be closely related to the shift in plant functional groups detected as shrub density increased. Herbage production from grasses and legumes was found to be more sensitive to shrub cover changes than herbage production from forbs, whereas, as grassland types became denser, annual species were gradually replaced by perennials and C4 grasses by C3 ones. The impact of shrub encroachment on Mediterranean grasslands is discussed in relation to their use by livestock.  相似文献   

The changes in dry matter (DM) yield, botanical composition and nutritive value of herbage to ruminants of two wet grasslands, Arrhenatherum elatius grassland (Experiment 1) and a Molinia caerulea fen meadow (Experiment 2), in which a range of cutting and fertilizer treatments were imposed in 1999, were assessed after 4–7 years of treatment imposition. Both experiments had a split‐plot design with four replicates. In Experiment 1 the three main‐plot cutting treatments were two cuts with a delayed first cut, three cuts and four cuts during the growing season of each year. In Experiment 2 the cutting treatments were two cuts with a traditional harvest time, two cuts with a delayed first cut and three cuts. The four sub‐plot fertilizer treatments were an unfertilized control, application of a phosphorus and potassium (PK) fertilizer, application of a nitrogen (N) and PK fertilizer to the first cut only (N1PK) and application of PK plus N applied to each of two, three or four cuts (Nc PK). Application of fertilizer influenced yield and botanical composition of herbage more than the cutting treatments while the opposite occurred for nutritive value of the herbage. Application of fertilizer increased the proportion of tall grasses in Experiment 1 and forbs in Experiment 2. The proportion of Equisetum palustre, present only in Experiment 1, was reduced from 0·33 to less than 0·01 by increased cutting frequency together with the NPK fertilizer treatments. In Experiment 1 diversity of vascular plants was negatively affected only by the four‐cuts treatment while on both wet grasslands other cutting and fertilizer application treatments had no effect. Changes in DM yield of herbage caused by the cutting and fertilizer application treatments were similar for both vegetation types with DM yield increased significantly by fertilizer application but only slightly or not reduced by increasing the cutting frequency. Nutritive value of herbage was positively correlated with cutting frequency and was most influenced at the first cut.  相似文献   

Four perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.) cultivars were compared for differences in herbage production, nutritive value and herbage intake of dry matter (DM) during the summers of 2002 and 2003. Two paddocks were sown with pure stands of four cultivars in a randomized block design with three replicates. Each plot was subdivided into fourteen subplots (22 m × 6 m) which were grazed by one cow during 24 h. Twelve lactating dairy cows were assigned to one cultivar for a period of 2 weeks in a 4 × 4 Latin square experimental design; the experiment lasted 8 weeks in each year. Sward structure (sward surface height, DM yield, green leaf mass, bulk density and tiller density) and morphological characteristics were measured. The ash, neutral‐detergent fibre, acid‐detergent lignin, crude protein and water‐soluble carbohydrate concentrations, and in vitro digestibility of the herbage were measured. The sward was also examined for infestation by crown rust (Puccinia coronata f. sp. lolii). Herbage intake of dairy cows was estimated using the n‐alkane technique. Cultivar differences for all sward structural characteristics were found except for bulk density and tiller density in 2003. Cultivars differed for proportions of pseudostem, stem (in 2003 only) and dead material. The chemical composition of the herbage was different among cultivars, with the water‐soluble carbohydrate concentration showing large variation (>0·35). Cultivars differed in susceptibility to crown rust. Herbage intake differed among cultivars in 2002 (>2 kg DM) but not in 2003. Herbage intake was positively associated with sward height, DM yield and green leaf mass. Canopy morphology did not affect herbage intake. Crown rust affected herbage intake negatively. It was concluded that options for breeders to select for higher intake were limited. High‐yielding cultivars and cultivars highly resistant to crown rust were positively related with a high herbage intake.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to examine the effect of herbage mass and daily herbage allowance (DHA) on sward characteristics and animal performance, dry‐matter intake, rumen pH and volatile fatty acid production of unsupplemented spring‐calving dairy cows throughout the main grazing season. Sixty‐eight Holstein‐Friesian dairy cows were randomly assigned across four treatments (n = 17) in a 2 × 2 factorial design. Two swards were created with different levels of pre‐grazing herbage mass [allocated above 4 cm (>4 cm); 1700 kg DM ha?1 (medium; M) or 2200 kg DM ha?1 (high; H)] and two levels of DHA (>4 cm; 16 or 20 kg DM per cow d?1). An additional eight lactating ruminally cannulated Holstein–Friesian dairy cows were randomly assigned to each treatment in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design. Sward and animal measurements were collected across four periods each of 1 week duration in April and May (PI) and July and August (PII). Maintaining the medium‐mass sward across the season improved the nutritive value of the sward in the latter part of the grazing season compared with high‐mass swards, thus resulting in increased animal intakes and milk production throughout PII. The higher organic matter digestibility of the medium‐compared with high‐masses during PII indicates that grazing severity and herbage mass in the spring to mid‐summer period will determine sward quality parameters in the late summer period.  相似文献   

Eastern Gamagrass [ Tripsacum dactyloides (L.) L.] is a perennial C4 grass with potentially high productivity. Intensive management through the application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer and frequency of cutting, however, may be required to maximize its potential for forage production. This study determined the long-term and residual responses of Eastern Gamagrass in terms of dry matter (DM) yield and tiller density to three annual application rates (0, 50 or 100 kg ha−1) of a N-fertilizer solution applied by broadcasting or knife placement for 5 out of the 10 years of the study, and harvested using one-cut or two-cut regimes. Application of N-fertilizer increased total DM yield in the 5 years of N applications by 0·44 with the first increment of 50 kg N ha−1, and by an additional 0·15 with the next increment of 50 kg N ha−1. In the first year that directly followed N-fertilizer applications, DM yield was 0·175 higher than the no fertilizer treatment when 50 kg ha−1 had been previously applied and a further 0·16 higher when 100 kg ha−1 had been previously applied. Dry matter yields were greater from the one-cut than the two-cut regime only in years when no N-fertilizer was applied. Knife placement of N-fertilizer increased total DM yield only at 100 kg N ha−1. Tiller densities were generally higher under the one-cut than the two-cut regime, particularly when N-fertilizer was broadcast. The application of N-fertilizer increased herbage production, especially when responses in the year subsequent to application are considered.  相似文献   

The present study highlights the effects of sheep grazing and precipitation on herbage and animal performance in a grazed steppe of Inner Mongolia. Experimental data were collected during grazing periods of four consecutive years (2005–2008), and effects were analysed across a gradient of seven grazing intensities. Variation in annual precipitation, reflected by the effect of ‘year’, was the major factor affecting herbage; i.e., the production and nutritive value of herbage increased with increasing precipitation. Herbage parameters were also affected by grazing intensity, as herbage production (HP) and herbage nutritive yields decreased, while herbage nutritive values increased with increasing grazing intensity. The grazing‐induced decrease in herbage nutritive yields suggests that decreases in HP offset the positive effect of grazing on the nutritive value. Liveweight gain (LWG) was predominantly affected by grazing intensity, as LWG per sheep and per ha decreased and increased, respectively, with increasing grazing intensity. However, responses varied among years: LWG per sheep was maximized by light grazing in the drought year and by moderate grazing the wet year. Our results showed that herbage shortage at high grazing intensities reduces LWG per sheep and thus diminishes responses in LWG per ha. Nevertheless, the highest grazing intensity provides highest animal production per ha in the short term; however, this is not sustainable in the mid‐ and long term because decreasing HP induces degradation processes. Based on our results, a reduction in grazing intensity that still provides 78% of the maximum LWG per ha meets the requirements of a sustainable grazing management.  相似文献   

A cut plot experiment was undertaken at two sites in Ireland, one a free‐draining acid brown earth at Moorepark (MPK) and the other a fine loam soil with imperfect drainage at Johnstown Castle (JC). The effect of applying the nitrification inhibitor dicyandiamide (DCD) at 10 kg ha?1 in July, August and September or not applying DCD to plots receiving synthetic urine or zero urine on spring and annual herbage production was examined. In the experiment, each site received 350 kg nitrogen (N) fertilizer ha?1 year?1. The application of DCD in August at a rate of 10 kg ha?1 significantly increased spring and annual herbage production by 14 and 15%, respectively, at MPK, when applied following urine application in year 1. There was no effect of DCD applied in year 1 on herbage production at JC. The application of DCD in August resulted in lower soil total oxidized N (TON) content up to sampling day 56 post‐urine application, at MPK in year 1, retaining higher N content in the soil. There was no effect of DCD on any of the parameters measured in year 2 at MPK or at JC. Urine application did not increase spring herbage production at either site. Urine application significantly increased annual herbage production at MPK only in year 1. Urine application increased annual herbage N uptake, herbage crude protein (CP) content and soil mineral N at both sites in both years.  相似文献   

Abstract The recovery of nitrogen (N) from, and the fertilizer‐N value of, low dry‐matter (DM) cattle slurry and farm yard manure (FYM), applied annually to perennial ryegrass swards grown at two sites, on sandy loam and shallow calcareous silty clay loam soils, were studied over a 4‐year period. Slurry or FYM, applied at target rates of either 150 kg N ha?1 or 300 kg N ha?1 in either October, February or May/June, in combination with 150 kg N ha?1 inorganic fertilizer‐N (applied as split dressings before the first and second grass cut), were compared with a set of inorganic fertilizer‐N response treatments. DM yield, N offtake, apparent manure‐N recovery (in herbage) and manure‐N efficiency (compared with inorganic fertilizer‐N) were determined at two silage cuts each summer. Soil mineral nitrogen (SMN) measurements in autumn and spring were used to assess potential N leaching loss over winter and to quantify available N residues in the soil in spring. Apparent manure‐N recovery and manure‐N efficiency were usually greater from slurry applications in February than from those in October, but the timing of the application of FYM had a much smaller effect, compared with the timings of the application of slurry, on the utilization of N from manure by grass. Spring assessment of SMN was useful in quantifying available N residues from October slurry applications. Manure‐N recovery for all application timings was, on average, higher from the sandy loam than the shallow calcareous clay loam. The application of slurry to grass in early spring, at a rate of 150 kg total N ha?1, with the addition of a supplementary 50 kg inorganic fertilizer‐N ha?1, was the most suitable strategy for utilizing slurry‐N effectively and for supplying the N requirement for first‐cut silage.  相似文献   

长期大量施用化肥造成土壤退化、环境污染等诸多问题。为培肥地力、提高肥料利用率,于2018年和 2019年在山东省沂南县设置减氮配施钙肥试验,选用品种龙花5号为试材,探明氮钙运筹对花生光合特性、产量、肥 料贡献率的影响。结果表明:与常规施氮量相较,减氮25%和35%处理降低了花生的主茎高、叶面积指数、净光合 速率、百果重、百仁重和产量,但对出米率无显著影响。氮肥不变的前提下,增施钙肥可促进花生主茎高的生长,增 加花生叶面积指数、SPAD、净光合速率和产量。氮钙运筹情况下,减氮25%配施300 kg∙hm-2 钙肥处理的净光合速 率、叶面积指数、产量、肥料贡献率最高。通过数学建模分析得出,2018年减氮25%配施311.15 kg∙hm-2 钙肥时花生 产量最高,2019年减氮25%配施304.99 kg∙hm-2钙肥时花生产量最高。本试验为花生均衡施肥、高产、稳产提供理 论支撑。  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted in 2006 and 2007 to determine the agronomic performance and nutritive value of Sorghum almum for introduction in the derived savannah area of Nigeria. The experiment was arranged in a 2 × 4 factorial design with 2 plant spacings (0·5 × 0·5 m and 1·0 × 1·0 m) and 4 nitrogen (N) fertilizer levels (0, 60, 120 and 180 kg N ha?1). Plant height, tiller number, leaf proportion, biomass yield and nutritive value of the herbage were evaluated as part of the search for alternatives (especially drought tolerant) to local forages for dry season feeding of ruminants. Herbage yield data were tested for linear, quadratic and cubic trends to identify the optimal fertilizer levels for both spacings. Spacing × N interactions (P < 0·05) were observed for plant height and tiller number in both years. Agronomic performance was marginally better in 2007 compared with 2006. The maximum dry‐matter (DM) yield of 3500 and 3740 kg ha?1 for the more dense row spacing (0·5 × 0·5 m) was achieved at N fertilizer levels of 144 and 149 kg N ha?1 for 2006 and 2007 respectively. For the less dense (1·0 × 1·0 m) row spacing, the maximum DM yield of 3020 and 3240 kg ha?1 was achieved at 51 and 97 kg N ha?1 for 2006 and 2007 respectively. The crude protein content of the grass ranged from 61 to 89 g kg?1 DM, while the neutral detergent fibre (NDF) content ranged from 700 to 734 g kg?1 DM. The ability of S. almum to persist into the second year in this region is seen as a promising index as persistence is one of the characteristics of a good forage plant. Considering the exorbitant price of N fertilizer, less dense row spacing with N fertilizer rate in the range of 50–100 kg N ha?1 is hereby recommended for this region.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine the effect of three grazing treatments (year‐round stocking rates of 0·8 ewes ha?1, 0·5 ewes ha?1 and 0·5 ewes ha?1 plus grazing cattle in summer), imposed for 4 years, on the herbage mass and surface height of a Nardus stricta‐dominated grassland in western Scotland and to obtain estimates of annual productivity of this grassland. Nardus stricta‐dominated grassland comprised proportionately 0·20 of the grazing area. Stocking rate of sheep had no significant effect on the herbage mass of the grassland in the first 2 years of the experiment, although mean summer pasture heights were significantly higher under the lower stocking rate of sheep. The pasture on the treatment with cattle grazing in summer had a significantly lower herbage mass and lower surface height than the two sheep‐only grazing treatments. Year‐to‐year variation in the herbage mass and surface height of herbage in summer was greater than the effect of treatments. Despite changes in surface height, the structural diversity of the grasslands was not increased by the treatments. The annual production of vascular plant material ranged from 417 g DM m?2 in 1994 to 628 g DM m?2 in 1996.  相似文献   

Only 0·20–0·70 of the fertilizer-nitrogen (N) applied to grassland is taken up in herbage in the harvest directly following application. Residual effects at subsequent harvests can be large but are poorly quantified, and rarely taken into account in current management practices. An increased understanding of N-use efficiency per harvest can improve operational management. This study systematically assessed the residual effects of previously applied N fertilizer on N uptake, dry matter (DM) yield and soil mineral-N (SMN) during the whole of the growing season. It is based on field experiments conducted on peat and mineral soils in 1991–1994. Statistical models were derived for SMN, N uptake and DM yield as a function of previously and freshly applied N fertilizer. There were clear residual effects of previously applied N in later cuts. They were relatively greater at higher levels of N fertilizer. On peat soils, 0·15–0·25 of the N applied was recovered as SMN. On mineral soils the proportion was maximally 0·08. There was a clear relationship between SMN and N uptake in the subsequent cut on mineral soils but not on peat soils. The value of SMN as a tool to adjust fertilizer-N application rates was hence found to be limited. There were clear relationships between the amount of previously applied N and the N uptake in subsequent cuts, on both soil types and over the whole of the growing season. It was concluded that the total amount of previously applied N is a useful indicator for adjusting N-fertilizer application rates.  相似文献   

本研究旨在为陕南地区科学施肥提供依据,于2019-2020年进行了田间试验,以明确该地区甘蓝型冬油菜绿色高效生产的氮肥适宜用量。采用裂区设计,主处理选用当地栽培的早熟品种大地199和常规熟期品种秦优28,副处理是5种施氮量(N0、N90、N180、N270、N360)。结果发现:常规熟期品种秦优28在越冬期的氮素营养状况强于早熟品种大地199,收获时地上部干物质积累量和氮素累积量也均高于后者。线性+平台模型分析发现,常规熟期品种秦优28和早熟品种大地199达到最大产量的氮肥投入阈值分别是188.9 kg/hm2和238.1 kg/hm2,获得最高产量分别是3774.4 kg/hm2和3678.2 kg/hm2。此外,两种不同熟期的品种产油量均在氮肥投入量为180 kg/hm2时达到最大,分别为1823.4 kg/hm2和1735.1 kg/hm  相似文献   

Efficient use of cattle-slurry to avoid nitrogen (N) leaching and other losses is important in designing intensive dairy systems to minimize pollution of air and water. The response in dry-matter (DM) yield of herbage and nitrate-leaching potential to different rates and timing of application of N as cattle slurry and/or mineral fertilizer in a double-cropping system producing maize ( Zea mays L.) silage and Italian ryegrass ( Lolium multiflorum Lam.) was investigated in north-west Portugal. Nine treatments with different rates and combinations of cattle slurry, and with or without mineral-N fertilizer, applied at sowing and as a top-dressing to both crops, were tested and measurements were made of DM yield of herbage, N concentration of herbage, uptake of N by herbage and amounts of residual soil nitrate-N to a depth of 1 m, in a 3-year experiment. Regression analysis showed that the application of 150 and 100 kg of available N ha−1 to maize and Italian ryegrass, respectively, resulted in 0·95 of maximum DM yields of herbage and 0·90 of maximum N uptake by herbage. Residual amounts of nitrate-N in soil after maize ranged from 48 to 278 kg N ha−1 with an exponential increase in response to the amount of N applied; there were higher values of nitrate-leaching potential when mineral-N fertilizer was applied. The results suggest that it is possible in highly productive maize/Italian ryegrass systems to obtain high DM yields of herbage for maize silage and Italian ryegrass herbage with minimal leaching losses by using slurry exclusively at annual rates of up to 250 kg available N ha−1 (equivalent to 480 kg total N ha−1) in three applications.  相似文献   

GrazeIn is a model for predicting herbage intake and milk production of grazing dairy cows. The objectives of this paper are to test its robustness according to a planned arrangement of grazing and feeding scenarios using a simulation procedure, and to investigate the precision of the predictions from an external validation procedure with independent data. Simulations show that the predicted effects of herbage allowance, herbage mass, herbage digestibility, concentrate supplementation, forage supplementation and daily time at pasture are consistent with current knowledge. The external validation of GrazeIn is investigated from a large dataset of twenty experiments representing 206 grazing herds, from five research centres within Western Europe. On average, mean actual and predicted values are 14·4 and 14·2 kg DM d?1 for herbage intake and 22·7 and 24·7 kg d?1 for milk production, respectively. The overall precision of the predictions, estimated by the mean prediction error, are 16% (i.e. 2·3 kg DM d?1) and 14% (i.e. 3·1 kg d?1) for herbage intake and milk production, respectively. It is concluded that the GrazeIn model is able to predict variations in herbage intake and milk production of grazing dairy cows in a realistic manner over a wide range of grazing management practices, rendering it suitable as a basis for decision support systems.  相似文献   

The implications for UK upland sheep systems of reducing nitrogen fertilizer application to perennial ryegrass/white clover swards were studied over 3 years. Sward height (3·5–5·5 cm) was controlled for ewes with lambs until weaning using surplus pasture areas for silage; thereafter, ewes and weaned lambs were grazed on separate areas, and sward height was controlled by adjusting the size of the areas grazed and using surplus pasture areas for silage if necessary. Combinations from three stocking rates [10, 6 and 4 ewes ha−1 on the total area (grazed and ensiled)] and four nitrogen fertilizer levels (150, 100, 50 and 0 kg ha−1) provided six treatments that were replicated three times. Average white clover content was negatively correlated with level of nitrogen fertilizer. The proportion of white clover in the swards increased over the duration of the experiment. Control of sward height and the contribution from white clover resulted in similar levels of lamb liveweight gain on all treatments. All treatments provided adequate winter fodder as silage. It is concluded that the application of nitrogen fertilizer can be reduced or removed from upland sheep pastures without compromising individual animal performance provided that white clover content and sward height are maintained. Resting pastures from grazing by changing ensiled and grazed areas from year to year sustained white clover content over a 3-year period.  相似文献   

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