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抗棉铃虫棉花新品系的室内和田间抗虫性鉴定与综合评估   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
通过室内2-3片真叶期棉苗、6-7片真叶期棉叶接幼虫与田间蕾期罩笼接蛾试验,对18个棉花新品系进行室内与田间抗棉铃虫水平的综合鉴定评估。根据室内幼虫死亡率、叶片受害程度与田间幼虫减少率、蕾害减少率及存活幼虫发育进度的试验结果,GK14、GK22、109、154等品系达高抗,苏抗103和972等品系接近高抗,南抗7号、新洋822、YH-1、JK19、690等品系为中抗,其余供试品系则不具抗虫性。  相似文献   

野生棉种多茸毛是一种形态抗蚜性状,其抗虫机理在于阻碍害虫特别是刺吸式害虫的取食,对幼虫的移动产生机械障碍作用,对棉蚜、棉叶螨、棉叶蝉、红铃虫等棉花害虫具有抗性。通过远缘杂交方式将野生棉种的多茸毛性状转育到栽培种陆地棉上,采用花粉管通道法将Bt基因导入形态抗蚜棉,获得转Bt基因形态抗虫棉纯合系;对纯合系2种害虫的抗性检测表明,通过转基因技术可以将高抗棉铃虫特性导入到形态抗蚜棉,但转化株系仍然保留了受体材料的抗蚜性状。表明通过远缘杂交与转基因技术可以实现多茸毛抗蚜性状与转基因抗棉铃虫性状的融合,并可有效解决棉花生产上的主要虫害。  相似文献   

土壤淹水对Bt棉抗棉铃虫能力的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
在盆栽淹灌12天或在大田连续阴雨21天的涝渍条件下,Bt棉抗铃虫能力显著下降。食其棉叶的棉铃虫死亡率低于正常供水的Bt棉,当逆境解除后,棉株恢复生长,B棉的棉铃虫能力又恢复到涝渍前的水平。  相似文献   

6月18日,正在举行的第五届中国生物产业大会上,来自深圳创世纪转基因技术公司的两株硕果累累的棉花,因为具有强大的抗棉铃虫能力而备受瞩目。据介绍,棉铃虫大爆发的时候,会造成棉铃脱落,内叶被吃掉,在棉花的大的年份里,可能导致减产50%左右。这两株棉花导入抗棉铃虫的基因,抗棉铃虫能力大幅提高,在种植过程中,基本不用药了,抗虫成本每亩可减少150元左右。  相似文献   

本研究以经过大田多次抗虫鉴定的柿花品种为材料。分析并阐明了棉花品种的各虫食部位内棉酚和可水解丹宁的含量与棉铃虫幼虫营养指标的相关性.结果表明,棉酚和可水解丹宁是影响幼虫生长的重要抗生物质,棉花对棉铃虫化学抗性强弱很大程度上取决于棉花虫食部位内二者含量的高低.苞叶、花萼和花瓣内富含抗虫物质,是重要的抗虫部位.棉酚和可水解丹宁含量在不同的品种内呈一定的负相关性.抗虫品种 HG-BR-8以高浓度的棉酚为主要扰性因子,而抗虫品种花苞棉则通过棉酚和可水解丹宁双因子起作用.  相似文献   

抗棉叶螨棉花种质川98系的选育   总被引:14,自引:1,他引:14  
 1979年从陆地棉与海岛棉的杂种后代“抗77”选系的分离群体中,选得抗螨株。历经12代定向选育和抗螨性鉴定,获得了稳定的抗螨种质川98系,并已在国内发放。川98系对棉叶螨具抗生性。与对照73-27相比,在川98植株上取食的叶螨发育缓慢,若螨存活率低,雌螨产卵量减少,单位叶面积螨数仅为73-27的50%。川98降低螨害2级左右,4年不治螨与治螨相比,试验结果不减产。其抗性机制主要与叶面积扩展快、蜡质和几种氨基酸组分含量较高以及其海岛棉遗传背景有关。用川98与陆地棉86-1等杂交,已初步选出抗螨、丰产、优质新品系。  相似文献   

转基因抗棉铃虫品种与常规棉花品种的比较研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
选择4个抗棉铃虫品种(系)和4个常规品种(系),从产量及其构成因素、纤维品质、农艺性状进行了比较研究。结果表明,抗棉铃虫品种产量低于常规品种产量,主要原因是抗虫品种单铃重偏低,其次是抗虫品种生长期偏短和生长势偏弱。纤维品质指标都能满足纺织工业的要求。  相似文献   

盐抗杂1号(原名:GKz32)系新洋试验站等单位选育的转基因杂交棉新品种。该品种不仅结铃性强、早熟、丰产,而且高抗枯萎病、耐黄萎病,对棉铃虫有较强的抗性,纤维品质好,综合性状优良。2004年12月该品种获得了农业部颁发的农业转基因生物安全证书,2005年10月通过江苏省农作物品种审定委员会审定,并命名。  相似文献   

棉花色素腺体和棉酚对棉铃虫生长发育和抗药性的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
 以3对陆地棉色素腺体近等基因系为材料,研究了棉花色素腺体和棉酚对棉铃虫生长发育和抗药性的影响。结果表明,棉花色素腺体对棉铃虫的生长发育具有明显的抑制作用,而对于棉铃虫的抗药性具有明显的诱导作用。对棉铃虫体内的羧酸酯酶和谷胱甘肽转移酶活力测定结果表明,取食无色素腺体棉的棉铃虫体内的两种解毒酶活力均显著低于取食于相应的有色素腺体近等基因系的棉铃虫。不同棉酚含量的半人工饲料饲喂棉铃虫的结果表明,在一定范围内,棉铃虫的生长发育与饲料中的棉酚含量成负相关,而与棉铃虫的抗药性成正相关.棉铃虫体内的2种解毒酶活力随所取食饲料中的棉酚含量增加而增加,但当棉酚含量超过0.3%时,棉铃虫体内的两种解毒酶活力均受到抑制。  相似文献   

棉花温室内单株抗蚜性鉴定方法研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以来源不同的13个陆地棉品种(系)为材料,对棉花单株抗蚜性鉴定方法进行了研究。结果表明,目前生产上推广的品种(系)抗蚜性都较差,公开发放的抗蚜品系抗蚜性有待进一步提高。按简便、快速、高效的原则,对抗蚜性鉴定方法的四要素实行优化配置,接虫方式为叶片正面接蚜,接虫途径为搭叶接混合蚜,接虫期为棉苗二叶期,单株接虫量40头。提出以棉苗真叶畸形和新生叶卷曲为棉花蚜害的特征性症状。  相似文献   

用选择性嗅觉仪测定棉铃虫对植物气味反应的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
发展了一种选择性嗅觉仪 ,用这种嗅觉仪测定了棉铃虫成虫对萎蔫的枫杨叶、新鲜的棉花叶、棉花花蕾、玉米叶及玉米花丝气味的反应。结果表明 :萎蔫的枫杨叶的气味对棉铃虫处女雌蛾具有引诱作用 ,对雄蛾和已交配过的雌蛾无引诱作用 ;棉铃虫雌、雄蛾不受新鲜棉花气味的引诱 ;玉米叶的气味对棉铃虫成虫无引诱作用 ,但玉米花丝对棉铃虫处女雌蛾具有较强的引诱作用。讨论了生测方法在研究昆虫与植物气味关系中的作用以及萎蔫的枫杨叶气味引诱棉铃虫的生物学意义  相似文献   

不同生态区域转基因抗虫棉抗棉铃虫水平波动度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以在南京、盐城、南通3地参加长江流域棉花品种区试的抗虫棉品种为材料,采用室内棉叶接虫方法,检测不同生态区域间品种抗棉铃虫水平的波动程度.结果表明:17个品种在不同试点间的抗级吻合度为82.35%;有10个转基因棉花品种在不同试点的棉铃虫幼虫校正死亡率(CLM)、叶片受害指数(LII)、活虫发育指数(SLI)与活虫发育指数减退率(DR)等抗虫性检测指标出现达到差异显著或极显著的波动反应,波动度介于16.67%~100.00%;其波动度的大小与该品种的抗虫水平值呈极显著相关,特抗或特感的品种,即平均抗虫性水平值高于3.6或低于1.5,其试点间抗虫性指标波动度为0,而介于二者之间的品种,其生态区域间抗虫性水平就会出现不同程度的波动.据此建立了抗虫性指标波动度(Y)与品种平均抗虫性水平值(x)之间的二次曲线函数关系,并探讨了不同生态区域转基因棉花的品种引进与抗性利用技术.  相似文献   

棉铃虫成虫对几种植物挥发物的触角电位反应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
测定了棉铃虫(Helicoverpaarmigera)雌蛾对几种植物挥发物的触角电位反应。结果表明 ,柠檬醛、苯乙醛、β -石竹烯和石竹烯氧化物均能引起棉铃虫雌蛾产生显著的触角电位反应 ,但以柠檬醛引起的反应最强 ;棉铃虫雌蛾对茴香醛不产生显著的反应 ;桉叶素能屏蔽棉铃虫雌蛾对气味的反应。棉铃虫雌蛾对苯乙醛的触角电位反应强度与苯乙醛的剂量成正相关 ,对 β -石竹烯的反应强度与剂量无相关性。讨论了这些化合物在棉铃虫防治中的应用  相似文献   

新疆一枝蒿与黄花蒿粗提物抗棉铃虫与棉蚜的特性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]为利用新疆一枝蒿研制新型无公害植物杀虫药剂奠定基础.[方法]采用97;乙醇对新疆一枝蒿(Artemisia rupestris)和黄花蒿(Artemisia annua)进行了总提,将所得粗提物对棉花重要害虫-棉铃虫(Helicoverpa armigera)与棉蚜(Aphis gossypii)进行了生物活性测定,同时还使用新疆一枝蒿粗提物对棉铃虫开展了室内、室外的驱避实验.[结果](1)新疆一枝蒿与黄花蒿粗提物对棉铃虫半致死浓度LC50分别为3.515 7与4.781 1 mL/100g;(2)新疆一枝蒿与黄花蒿粗提物对棉蚜半致死浓度LC50分别为0.956与2.047 4g/100mL;(3)新疆一枝蒿粗提物对棉铃虫室内室外趋避率分别为28.39;与80.68;.[结论]新疆一枝蒿粗提物对棉铃虫与棉蚜的毒杀作用较好并高于黄花蒿粗提物,且新疆一枝蒿粗提物对棉铃虫有驱避和生长抑制等作用.  相似文献   

RNAi trigged by dsRNA not only facilitates the development of molecular biology, but also initiates a new way for pest control by silence of fatal genes. However, one of the key limitations in pest control is lack of the convenient and efficient method for dsRNA delivery. In this study, different dsRNA delivery methods at their own optimum conditions were evaluated comparatively for their efficiency with Helicoverpa armigera as test animal. It was found that the popular one- time injection of larvae with dsRNA could reduce the pupation rate by 43.0% and enhance larva mortality by 11.7%. One- time ingestion of dsRNA did not result in any significant effect on phenotype. Continuous ingestion of in vitro synthesized dsRNA by refreshing the bait diet every day caused 40.4% decrease in successful pupation and 10.0% increase in larval mortality, which was similar as one-time injection. The most efficient method was found to be the continuous ingestion of the bacteria containing dsRNA expressed, which reduced the rate of pupation by 68.7% and enhanced the larval mortality by 34.1%. Further analysis found that dsRNA was degraded faster in midgut juice than in hemolymph. However, the cell of bacteria could protect dsRNA and delay the degradation in the midgut juice of H. armigera. These results throw light on the application of dsRNA in pest management with proper ways.  相似文献   

RNAi trigged by dsRNA not only facilitates the development of molecular biology, but also initiates a new way for pest control by silence of fatal genes. However, one of the key limitations in pest control is lack of the convenient and efficient method for dsRNA delivery. In this study, different dsRNA delivery methods at their own optimum conditions were evaluated comparatively for their efficiency with Helicoverpa armigera as test animal. It was found that the popular one- time injection of larvae with dsRNA could reduce the pupation rate by 43.0% and enhance larva mortality by 11.7%. One- time ingestion of dsRNA did not result in any significant effect on phenotype. Continuous ingestion of in vitro synthesized dsRNA by refreshing the bait diet every day caused 40.4% decrease in successful pupation and 10.0% increase in larval mortality, which was similar as one-time injection. The most efficient method was found to be the continuous ingestion of the bacteria containing dsRNA expressed, which reduced the rate of pupation by 68.7% and enhanced the larval mortality by 34.1%. Further analysis found that dsRNA was degraded faster in midgut juice than in hemolymph. However, the cell of bacteria could protect dsRNA and delay the degradation in the midgut juice of H. armigera. These results throw light on the application of dsRNA in pest management with proper ways.  相似文献   

The coincidence rates were more than 96% among the instar-weighted average of bioassays in the lab, the percentage of resistance to Km in the field and the percentage of plants containing Bt gene. So, the performance of resistance to Km in the field can be used to represent the transgenic Bt gene for selecting the resistance to bollworm. The instarweighted averages were 30.585, 24.182, 16.615, 10.601, 10.123, 7.440 and 7.215 for the CO, P1, M1, M2, MP1, P2 and MP2 populations, respectively. The variance analysis indicated that the instar-weighted average in CO was greatly significantly higher than that in all other populations, i.e., the performance of resistance to bollworm in CO was highly significantly lower than all other populations. And the resistance in P1 was greatly lower than that of M1, M2, MP1, P2 and MP2, and M1 greatly lower than that of M2,MP1, P2 and MP2. There were no significant differences among M2, MP1, P2 and MP2. Within the populations of the first cycle selection, MP1 and M1 were greatly significantly higher than P1, and MP1 significantly higher than M1. The populations of the second cycle selection were significantly higher than their initial population M1, but no significantdifference among them. The boll size, seed index, the percent of the first harvest yield,fiber length, strength and elongation of the resistant plants to bollwormwere significantly lower than that of sensitive plants to bollworm. And the yield of seed and lint cotton of the resistant plant to bollworm were lower than that of the sensitive to bollworm, but no significant difference between them. The boll numbers per plant, lint percent and micronaire of the resistant plants to bollworm were significantly higher than that of the sensitive plant to bollworm.  相似文献   

 应用室内生测的虫龄加权值、田间卡那霉素抗性植株百分率、含Bt基因植株百分率3种方法检测陆地棉的抗虫性,3种方法的符合率达 96%以上。因此,田间卡那霉素抗性鉴定可作为转 Bt基因的标记加以利用。C0、P1、M1、M2、MP1、P2 和 MP2等 7 个群体的平均虫龄加权值分别为30.585、24.182、16.615、10.601、10.123、7.440和7.215,方差分析显示C0群体的虫龄加权值极显著高于其它6个选择群体,即其抗虫性水平极显著低于其它群体。同样,P1 极显著低于 M1、M2、MP1、P  相似文献   

根据抗药性治理的原则,针对我省棉蚜、棉铃虫抗药性实际状况,在全省范围内,制定和实施了一套适合我省特点的抗药性治理方案。在综合防治的前提下,具体和优化了化学防治,强调科学、合理使用农药。采用抗药性治理措施和综合防治措施后,示范区防治成本降低23%~33%,防治效果明显优于非示范区,经济效益十分显著。示范区用药次数和用量减少,对延缓棉铃虫抗药性的增长将起重要作用。  相似文献   

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