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Attempted stabilization of open, distal radius and ulnar fractures in a 3-year-old German shepherd dog using intramedullary pins and a Schroeder-Thomas splint resulted in malalignment of the limb and osteomyelitis. A double hook plate was used to rigidly stabilize the distal radial fracture after anatomical realignment. An autogenous cancellous bone graft was used where a lateral architectural defect remained after reduction. Culture of the fracture site showed Staphylococcus sp., which responded to chloramphenicol therapy. Fracture union and resolution of osteomyelitis occurred by 9 weeks after surgery, and the dog had no lameness and a normal muscle mass 22 weeks after surgery. The double hook plate provided rigid internal fixation of the radial fracture, allowed a rapid return to function during osteosynthesis, and minimal interference of antebrachiocarpal joint function occurred.  相似文献   

Osteosarcoma at the Site of a Cortical Bone Allograft in a Dog   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An osteosarcoma developed in the proximal femur of a 9-year-old female Great Dane. The femur had been fractured 5 years previously and was stabilized with plate fixation with the incorporation of a frozen cortical bone allograft. The dog recovered without complications after the surgery and had normal use of the leg before the osteosarcoma developed. The tumor had metastasized to the lungs, spleen, and ipsilateral popliteal lymph node.  相似文献   

This case illustrates that good results may be achieved with fractured femur that was severely comminuted (i.e. a "Humpty Dumpty" fracture). The blood supply at the fracture site must be carefully preserved. The bony architecture must be reestablished with perfect reduction of the articular surfaces, preferably with interfragmentary compression between the bone fragments. These fragments are held in place with screws and Kirschner wires. Some of the screws and pins were left in place as the trauma incurred to retrieve them would have done more harm than good due to bony overgrowth.  相似文献   

A 3-year-old, female black-tailed prairie dog (Cynomys ludovicianus) was presented for complications related to an earlier rhinostomy procedure and placement of a breathing tube for treatment of a pseudo-odontoma. The complaint by the owner was that the prairie dog would constantly remove the breathing tube. The breathing tube was replaced with a human earlobe retractor positioned (partially) under the nasal bones. The patient tolerated the procedure and location of the human earlobe retractor. This is the first reported case using a human earlobe retractor to function as a permanent rhinostomy device in a prairie dog.  相似文献   

Objective— To assess whether there is a difference in the mechanical medial proximal tibial angle (mMPTA) measured on a tangential caudocranial (tCdCr) radiographic projection versus a straight caudocranial (sCdCr) projection before and after inducing a varus deformity in the proximal tibia. Study Design— In vitro study. Sample Population— Cadaveric canine tibiae (n=4 pair). Methods— For each tibia, a mediolateral radiographic projection was performed and the tibial plateau angle was measured. sCdCr and tCdCr radiographic projections were obtained and the mMPTA measured. A varus deformity was created in the proximal aspect of the tibia and sCdCr and tCdCr projections were repeated and mMPTA measured. Results— mMPTA for tCdCr was statistically different from mMPTA for the sCdCr projection for the varus tibiae (P<.05). There was no significant difference in the mMPTA measured on the sCdCr projections before and after creation of a varus deformity (P>.05). There was a significant difference in mMPTA measured on the tCdCr projection before and after creation of a varus deformity (P<.05). Conclusion— Varus deformity in the mMPTA was identified on tCdCr projections of the varus tibiae whereas it was not identified on sCdCr projections. Clinical Relevance— Tangential radiographic projections of the tibial plateau may be useful for evaluating varus deformities involving the articular surface of the tibia and should be performed during preoperative evaluation of angular limb deformities involving the proximal aspect of the tibia and for tibial plateau leveling osteotomy (TPLO) planning.  相似文献   

Abstract— An illustrated review is presented of the techniques, methods and treatment of fractures of the hind limb in the dog and cat. Fractures of the pelvis, femoral head and neck, femoral shaft, patella, tibia, metatarsus and phalanges are all discussed.
Résumé— Un compte-rendu illustré est présenté sur les techniques, les méthodes et le traîtement des fractures des membres arrière chez le chat et le chien. Les fractures du pelvis, tête et cou fémoral, diaphyse fémorale, patellule, tibia, métatarse et phalanges, sont toutes discutées.
Zusammenfassung— Ein illustrierter Überblick der Kunstgriffe, Methoden und Behandlung von Brüchen in den Hinterbeinen von Hunden und Katzen ist gegeben. Brüche im Becken, Ober-schenkelballen- und Hals, Oberschenkelknochen, in der Kniescheibe, dem Schienbein, sowie Knickfuss und Zehengliederbrüche werden besprochen.  相似文献   

Osteomyelitis with sequestration of large fragments of cortical bone accompanied delayed union-nonunion in the tibia of three dogs. All fracture sites were grossly unstable at initial presentation, with the sequestration creating large bony deficits that required bone grafting. All three fractures were treated by the application of external fixation, seques-trectomy, debridement, cancellous bone grafting, and dependent wound drainage. One animal refractured the tibia causing an exacerbation of the osteomyelitis. Reapplication of an external fixation frame and direct current electrical stimulation resulted in bony union. There were no recurrences of infection on long-term follow-up in any of the three tibias.  相似文献   

Limb Fractures in the Dog and Cat—IV Fractures of the Fore Limb   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Abstract— A review is presented of the diagnosis and treatment of fractures of the fore limb in the dog and cat. A series of 200 fractures and dislocations including the scapula (1), humerus (21), ulna (7), radius and ulna (25), metacarpus and phalanges (19) are discussed including methods of external support.
Résumé— Un compte-rendu est présenté sur la diagnose et le traîtement des membres de devant chez le chat et le chien. Une série de 200 fractures et dislocations sont discutées, y compris l'omoplate (1), l'humérus (21), le cubitus (7), le radius et le cubitus (25), le métacarpe et les phalanges (19) de même que les méthodes de support externe.
Zusammenfassung— Ein Überblick wird über die Diagnose und Behandlung von Vorderbein-brüchen bei Hunden und Katzen gegeben. Eine Serie von 200 Brüchen und Verrenkungen, ein-schliesslich Schulterblatt (1), Oberarmknochen (21), Ulna (7), Radius und Ulna (25), Metakarpus und Zehenglieder (19) sowie äusserliche Stützmethoden werden besprochen.  相似文献   

Objective: To report laparoscopic splenectomy in a dog. Study Design: Clinical report. Animals: Mixed breed dog (n=1). Methods: Hemangiosarcoma was diagnosed by ultrasound‐guided fine‐needle aspiration of a splenic mass in an 11‐year‐old, 30 kg, mixed breed dog. No metastatic disease was identified during complete staging (chest radiographs, echocardiogram, and abdominal ultrasonography); however, cystic calculi were identified. Laparoscopic splenectomy using Ligasure V was performed through 3 portals and the calculi were removed by laparoscopic‐assisted cystoscopy. Results: Total surgical time was 2 hours and for laparoscopic splenectomy, 65 minutes. The celiotomy incision for splenic removal was 7 cm. The dog recovered uneventfully and was ambulatory 2 hours postoperatively. Conclusion: Laparoscopy with Ligasure V facilitated successful removal of a spleen with a 3 cm mass. Clinical Relevance: Laparoscopic splenectomy in dogs is feasible for removal of a normal‐sized spleen with a moderate‐sized mass.  相似文献   

Objective —To describe function and identify factors that affect outcome in dogs undergoing limb salvage surgery for osteosarcoma (OS) of the proximal humerus.
Study Design —A retrospective study of dogs in which OS of the proximal humerus was treated with limb salvage surgery.
Animals —17 client-owned dogs.
Methods: Records were analyzed for functional outcome, recurrence, metastasis, and survival.
Results —Outcome was good to excellent in 12% of dogs. Recurrence, metastasis, and survival were significantly affected by completeness of surgical margins. Double plating of the distal allograft-host junction significantly reduced frequency of biomechanical failure.
Conclusions —Limb salvage surgery for OS of the proximal humerus did not result in acceptable function and was fraught with postoperative complications. Outcome was significantly affected by completeness of surgical margins.
Clinical Relevance —Limb salvage surgery for OS of the proximal humerus in dogs cannot be recommended until improvement in functional outcome and reduction in postoperative complications can be achieved. The dependence of outcome on completeness of surgical margins supports aggressive en bloc resection and marking and evaluating surgical margins.  相似文献   

犬子宫积脓的B-超诊断及手术治疗   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
犬子宫积脓是犬生殖系统疾病中较为棘手的疾患 ,现已被认为是中老年犬的一种常见疾病。它是由激素引起的发情间期疾病 ,是细菌和异常子宫上皮间相互作用的结果。子宫积脓常分为子宫颈开放型和子宫颈闭合型两种。由于该病病因复杂 ,且无特异示病性典型症状 ,其临床症状视子宫颈开放程度、犬所处的发情周期阶段、子宫感染微生物程度、病程长短、子宫及外生殖器官损伤情况的不同而各异。 2 0 0 0年我院接诊过几十例子宫积脓患犬 ,选其一例报告如下。1 发病情况哈市某居民豢养一只白色北京犬 ,6岁 ,体重 6kg。曾于半年前来我院就诊。病历记录…  相似文献   

蚕种的供需平衡往往受多种变化因素的影响 ,蚕种准备少了 ,会影响蚕桑生产需要。如果提前出库浸酸 ,因冷藏时间不足造成蚕种孵化不齐 ,不符合生产用种要求。反之 ,蚕种准备过多 ,则造成报废损失。因此 ,搞好蚕种余缺调剂工作是蚕种供应中经常面临的问题。为了解决这一问题 ,我站近两年开展了相关的试验研究。 1999年进行了成批中秋用种改早秋用种的浸酸处理 ,结果表明 ,浸酸前采用高温冲击2小时 ,浸酸时适当增加浸酸时间 ,其实用孵化率将显著提高 ,孵化和养蚕成绩与早秋入库蚕种一样 ,均获得丰收。1 处理操作1.1 入库冷藏。按照传统的浸酸…  相似文献   

犬糖尿病是犬的常发疾病,其临床症状为多饮、多食、多尿、体重下降。持续的血糖升高导致机体代谢紊乱,出现如白内障、胰腺炎、肾上腺皮质机能亢进等继发症,对犬的生活质量及生命健康造成严重的威胁。论文对1例Ⅰ型糖尿病犬进行详细分析,通过测量血糖、尿糖确诊为糖尿病,并通过实验室检查包括血细胞计数、血清生化检测及血气分析,排除并发症。治疗过程与主人共同配合,使用外源性胰岛素结合食物疗法与运动疗法。目前该犬的血糖稳定并接近正常值,身体状况得到改善,生活质量提高,主人对治疗效果满意。持续治疗方法是根据犬的身体情况及血糖变化适当调整胰岛素的剂量。  相似文献   

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