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田甜  张妍  张友军  苏奇  王少丽 《植物保护》2023,49(4):302-308
二斑叶螨寄主植物范围极广, 但其对百合科蔬菜造成危害的研究报道极少?本研究采集了来自北京海淀百合科蔬菜蒜和葱上的2个二斑叶螨种群, 生物测定结果显示, 2个种群对阿维菌素呈现出极高水平抗性, 对哒螨灵为中等以上抗性(LC50>5 000 mg/L), 对新型药剂联苯肼酯?虫螨腈和腈吡螨酯也表现出中等到高水平抗性?抗性基因突变频率检测发现, 与阿维菌素抗性相关基因G314D和G326E位点以及和哒螨灵抗性相关基因H92R位点的突变频率均高达100%, 为纯合抗性种群?因此, 本研究所测试的2个二斑叶螨种群对阿维菌素和哒螨灵单剂的敏感性极低, 需慎重选用这2种药剂, 而3种新型杀螨剂联苯肼酯?虫螨腈和腈吡螨酯在田间需轮换使用?  相似文献   

A greater number of, and more varied, modes of resistance have evolved in weeds than in other pests because the usage of herbicides is far more extensive than the usage of other pesticides, and because weed seed output is so great. The discovery and development of selective herbicides are more problematic than those of insecticides and fungicides, as these must only differentiate between plant and insect or pathogen. Herbicides are typically selective between plants, meaning that before deployment there are already some crops possessing natural herbicide resistance that weeds could evolve. The concepts of the evolution of resistance and the mechanisms of delaying resistance have evolved as nature has continually evolved new types of resistance. Major gene target‐site mutations were the first types to evolve, with initial consideration devoted mainly to them, but slowly ‘creeping’ resistance, gradually accruing increasing levels of resistance, has become a major force owing to an incremental accumulation of genetic changes in weed populations. Weeds have evolved mechanisms unknown even in antibiotic as well as other drug and pesticide resistances. It is even possible that cases of epigenetic ‘remembered’ resistances may have appeared. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

普通大蓟马Megalurothrips usitatus在海南省对豇豆造成严重危害且抗药性逐渐增强。本研究测定了2019年至2021年海南省普通大蓟马对氯菊酯和甲氰菊酯的抗性。结果表明,海口、乐东和三亚3个地理种群对甲氰菊酯处于极高水平抗性,对氯菊酯处于高水平抗性,且抗性逐年增强。对普通大蓟马钠离子通道序列分析发现存在M283R突变,该突变位于钠离子通道同源结构域Ⅰ。突变频率检测显示,2019年至2021年连续3年海口种群该突变位点的突变频率分别为1/30、1/30、3/30,有升高趋势。本研究发现海南省普通大蓟马从2019年到2021年对拟除虫菊酯类药剂的抗药性呈逐年上升趋势。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Trichoderma asperellum SKT-1 is a microbial pesticide of seedborne diseases of rice. To investigate the mechanisms of disease suppression in SKT-1, the ability to induce systemic resistance by SKT-1, or its cell-free culture filtrate (CF), was tested using Arabidopsis thaliana Col-0 plants. RESULTS: Both SKT-1 and its CF elicit an induced systemic resistance against the bacterial leaf speck pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000 in Col-0 plants. Involvement of plant hormones in the induced resistance by SKT-1 and CF was assessed using Arabidopsis genotypes such as the jasmonic acid (JA)-resistant mutant jar1, the ethylene (ET)-resistant mutant etr1, the plant impaired in salicylic acid (SA) signalling transgenic NahG and the mutant npr1 impaired in NPR1 activity. In soil experiments using SKT-1, no significant disease suppression effect was observed in NahG transgenic plants or npr1 mutant plants. Expression levels of SA-inducible genes such as PR-1, PR-2 and PR-5 increased substantially in the leaves of Col-0 plants. Expression levels of JA/ET-induced genes such as PDF1.2a, PR-3, PR-4 and AtVsp1 were also induced, but the levels were not as high as for SA-inducible genes. In a hydroponic experiment using CF from SKT-1, all Arabidopsis genotypes showed an induced systemic resistance by CF and increased expression levels of JA/ET- and SA-inducible genes in leaves of CF-treated plants. CONCLUSION: The SA signalling pathway is important in inducing systemic resistance to colonisation by SKT-1, and both SA and JA/ET signalling pathways combine in the signalling of induced resistance by CF. These results indicate that the response of A. thaliana is different from that found in root treatments with barley grain inoculum and CF from SKT-1. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   



Chloris virgata is a troublesome weed in tropical regions. With the evolution of glyphosate resistance in key grass species, acetyl CoA carboxylase (ACCase) inhibitors have become a commonly used tool in soybean production areas in Brazil. We assessed if suspected resistant populations exhibited cross resistance to the different classes of ACCase inhibitors and investigated the resistance mechanisms in C. virgata.


Dose–response experiments revealed resistance to haloxyfop-methyl and pinoxaden, with 432- and 3-fold resistance, respectively, compared to susceptible populations. Due to the lack of genetic resources for C. virgata, we sequenced, assembled, and annotated the genome using short-read Illumina technology. The k-mer analysis estimated a genome size of approximately 336 Mbp, with BUSCO completeness of 97%, and over 36 000 gene models were annotated. We examined if ACCase copy number variation and increased gene expression were involved in the resistance phenotype and found no difference when compared to a susceptible population. A mutation was detected in ACCase that encodes for amino acid position 2027, resulting in a tryptophan-to-cysteine (Trp2027Cys) substitution. We found the resistant population absorbed 11.4% less herbicide and retained 21% more herbicide on the treated leaf compared to the susceptible population. We developed a genotyping assay targeting the resistance-endowing Trp2027Cys substitution for quick resistance diagnosis.


A Trp2027Cys amino acid substitution in ACCase confers resistance to haloxyfop and pinoxaden in C. virgata. We provide important insights into the evolutionary history of C. virgata and a draft genome as a useful resource to further our understanding of the biology in the genus Chloris. © 2023 The Authors. Pest Management Science published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Society of Chemical Industry.  相似文献   

Suspected sulfonylurea (SU)‐resistant Schoenoplectus juncoides plants were collected from rice paddy fields at 24 sites in Japan in order to discover the occurrence pattern of target‐site substitutions on a nationwide scale and at a local field scale. A genetic analysis of the two acetolactate synthase (ALS) genes, ALS1 and ALS2, of the collected plants confirmed that a single‐nucleotide mutation at the Pro197, Asp376 or Trp574 site of either ALS1 or ALS2 existed in each suspected SU‐resistant plant. On a nationwide scale, it was shown that the ALS1 mutations and the ALS2 mutations occurred at a similar frequency, that the P197S and the P197L substitutions were found most frequently among all the substitutions, and that the W574L substitutions (known as global resistance to any ALS‐inhibiting herbicide) were found at a relatively low frequency but in a geographically wide range. In the local field‐scale survey, which was conducted at two sites in Hyogo Prefecture, it was shown that the substitutions were less diverse, compared to on a nationwide scale, probably because the investigation involved a limited number of local fields, and that several substitutions and a susceptible biotype were found in single fields suggesting that a number of collections is required in order to understand the local SU‐resistant status of S. juncoides. In addition, this study reported new findings, that of the P197R, P197T and D376E substitutions in S. juncoides. This set of diverse substitutions in a weed species can be used for further research purposes.  相似文献   

This study characterized a fragment of the cytochrome b gene from Ascochyta rabiei isolates collected in North Dakota, USA, that varied in sensitivity to quinone‐outside inhibitor (QoI) fungicides. The sequenced genomic DNA fragment contained a group I intron immediately after codon 131. The size of the cytochrome b gene was estimated to be over 4·6 kb. Multiple alignment analysis of cDNA and protein sequences revealed a mutation that changed the codon for amino acid 143 from GGT to GCT, introducing an amino acid substitution from glycine to alanine (G143A), which is frequently associated with QoI resistance. Based on this mutation, a diagnostic PCR assay was developed using an approach called mismatch amplification mutation assay. This method was successfully validated by testing a total of 70 A. rabiei isolates, of which 38 isolates were found to be QoI‐resistant. This fast and accurate PCR assay provides a very useful and simple screening method for QoI resistance in A. rabiei isolates.  相似文献   

Downy mildew, caused by Plasmopara viticola, is one of the most destructive diseases of grapevine and is controlled with intense application of chemical fungicides. Treatment with Trichoderma harzianum T39 (T39) or benzothiadiazole‐7‐carbothioic acid S‐methyl ester (BTH) has been previously shown to activate grapevine resistance to downy mildew and reduce disease symptoms in the Pinot noir cultivar. However, enhancement of plant resistance can be affected by several factors, including plant genotype. In order to further extend the use of resistance inducers against downy mildew, the physiological and molecular properties of T39‐ and BTH‐activated resistance in different cultivars of table and wine grapes were characterized under greenhouse conditions. T39 treatment reduced downy mildew symptoms, but the degree of efficacy differed significantly among grapevine cultivars. However, efficacy of BTH‐activated resistance was consistently high in the different cultivars. Expression profiles of defence‐related genes differed among cultivars in response to resistance inducers and to pathogen inoculation. T39 treatment enhanced the expression of defence‐related genes in the responsive cultivars, before and after P. viticola inoculation. A positive correlation between the efficacy of T39 and the expression level of defence‐related genes was found in Primitivo and Pinot noir plants, while different genes or more complex processes were probably activated in Sugraone and Negroamaro. The data reported here suggest that the use of a responsive cultivar is particularly important to maximize the efficacy of resistance inducers and new natural inducers should be explored for the less responsive cultivars.  相似文献   

This study combined the micro‐cross‐section cultural system with in vitro mutagenesis induced by ethyl methanesulphonate (EMS) to screen for fusarium wilt‐resistant lines of Brazil banana (Musa spp., AAA). The results indicated that the optimum EMS concentration and duration for the treatment of micro‐cross‐sections cut from the pseudostem of tissue‐cultured plantlet were 300 mm and 60 min, respectively. Under the optimal treatment, an average of 2·2 regenerated shoots were produced from each explant. One hundred regenerated plantlets were used for screening for fusarium wilt‐resistant lines by the early screening technique. The initial disease symptom – yellowing in lower leaves of susceptible plantlets – was observed 2 weeks after inoculation. After 2 months, only six plants survived – the putative fusarium wilt‐resistant lines. The fusarium wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense race 4, was identified in the preliminary test field by a SCAR marker technique. Of the six putative resistant lines, five survived the preliminary field test. The regenerated plantlets from these five fusarium wilt‐resistant lines were subjected to early screening again, where they showed markedly reduced disease incidences compared with regenerated plantlets of Brazil banana (control). It was concluded that EMS‐induced mutation of banana through the micro‐cross‐section cultural system is potentially useful for banana improvement.  相似文献   

For many years, the emphasis of industry discovery programs has been on finding new target sites of pesticides and finding pesticides that inhibit single targets. There had been an emphasis on genomics in finding single targets for potential pesticides. There is also the claim that registration of single target inhibiting pesticides is simpler if the mode of action is known. Conversely, if one looks at the evolution of resistance from an epidemiological perspective to ascertain which pesticides have been the most recalcitrant to evolutionary forces, it is those that have multiple target sites of action. Non‐target‐site resistances can evolve to multi‐target‐site inhibitors, but these resistances can often be overcome by structural modification of the pesticide. Industry has looked at pest‐toxic natural products as pesticide leads, but seems to have abandoned those where they can find no single target of action. Perhaps nature has been intelligent and evolved many natural products that are synergistic multi‐target‐site inhibitors, and that is why natural compounds have been active for millennia? We should be learning from nature while combining new chemistry technologies with vast accrued databases and computer aided design allowing fragment‐based discovery and scaffold hopping to produce multi‐target site inhibitors instead of single target pesticides. © 2019 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Root‐knot nematodes (RKNs), Meloidogyne spp., are a major disease problem in solanaceous crops worldwide, including pepper (Capsicum spp.). Genetic control provides an economically and environmentally sustainable protection alternative to soil fumigants. In pepper, resistance to the main RKN species (M. incognita, M. javanica and M. arenaria) is conferred by the major genes (R genes) Me1, Me3 and N. However, RKNs are able to develop virulence, thus endangering the efficiency of R genes. Quantitative resistance (QR) against Meloidogyne spp. is expected to provide an alternative to R genes, or to be combined with R genes, to increase the resistance efficiency and durability in pepper. In order to explore the ability of QR to protect pepper against RKNs, five pepper inbred lines, differing in their QR level, were tested directly, or after combination with the Me1 and Me3 genes, for their resistance to a panel of M. arenaria, M. javanica and M. incognita isolates. The M. arenaria and M. javanica isolates showed low pathogenicity to pepper, unlike the M. incognita isolates. The QR, controlled by the pepper genetic background, displayed a high resistance level with a broad spectrum of action, protecting pepper against Me3‐virulent as well as avirulent M. incognita isolates. The QR was also expressed when combined with the Me1 and Me3 genes, but presented additive genetic effects so that heterozygous F1 hybrids proved less resistant than homozygous inbred lines. The discovery of this QR is expected to provide promising applications for preserving the efficiency and durability of nematode resistance.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pediculosis is the most prevalent parasitic infestation of humans. Resistance to pyrethrin‐ and pyrethroid‐based pediculicides is due to knockdown (kdr)‐type point mutations in the voltage‐sensitive sodium channel α‐subunit gene. Early detection of resistance is crucial for the selection of effective management strategies. RESULTS: Kdr allele frequencies of lice from 14 countries were determined using the serial invasive signal amplification reaction. Lice collected from Uruguay, the United Kingdom and Australia had kdr allele frequencies of 100%, while lice from Ecuador, Papua New Guinea, South Korea and Thailand had kdr allele frequencies of 0%. The remaining seven countries investigated, including seven US populations, two Argentinian populations and populations from Brazil, Denmark, Czech Republic, Egypt and Israel, displayed variable kdr allele frequencies, ranging from 11 to 97%. CONCLUSION: The newly developed and validated SISAR method is suitable for accurate monitoring of kdr allele frequencies in head lice. Proactive management is needed where kdr‐type resistance is not yet saturated. Based on sodium channel insensitivity and its occurrence in louse populations resistant to pyrethrin‐ and pyrethroid‐based pediculicides, the T917I mutation appears to be a key marker for resistance. Results from the Egyptian population, however, indicate that phenotypic resistance of lice with single or double mutations (M815I and/or L920F) should also be determined. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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