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Dogs are the main domestic reservoir of Leishmania infantum in the Old World (Leishmania chagasi in the New World) a parasite responsible for many cases of human visceral leishmaniasis in both endemic and non-endemic regions. One strategy for the control of leishmaniasis would be to prevent dogs from being bitten by sandflies, the vector of leishmaniasis. This study was designed to assess the efficacy of spraying a combination of permethrin and pyriproxyfen on to dogs artificially exposed to sandflies. Two groups of four male dogs, one of them treated and the other left untreated as controls, were exposed for one hour to 100 female sandflies seven days before the treatment, on the day of treatment and seven, 14, 21, and 28 days later. After each exposure, sandflies were collected, counted and scored. The prevention of sandfly bite was calculated by measuring the number of fed sandflies (dead and alive) after treatment. In this experimental assay, the repellent effect of the treatment against sandfly bites after 21 days was 71.4 per cent, but the insecticidal effect was only 7.2 per cent.  相似文献   

Leishmania infantum is a protozoan parasite causing leishmaniosis, a visceral disease transmitted by the bites of sand flies. As the main reservoir of the parasite, dogs are the principal targets of control measures against this disease, which affects both humans and dogs. Several studies have revealed the usefulness of topical insecticide treatment (collars, spot-ons and sprays) in reducing the incidence and prevalence of L. infantum. The present study was designed to test the efficacy of 65% permethrin applied to dogs as a spot-on against the sand fly vector Phlebotomus perniciosus. The duration of the desired effects was also estimated to help design an optimal treatment regimen. Twelve dogs assigned to treatment (n=6) and control (n=6) groups were exposed to sand flies once a week over a seven-week period. Repellent and insecticidal efficacies were estimated and compared amongst the groups. Our findings indicate satisfactory repellent, or anti-feeding, effects lasting 3 weeks and short-term insecticidal effects lasting 2 weeks after initial application. Accordingly, we recommend the use of this product every 2-3 weeks during the active phlebotomine sand fly period to protect dogs against the bites of P. perniciosus.  相似文献   

This study compared the efficacy of two of the most widely veterinary-dispensed topical products for control of ticks on dogs: fipronil-(S)-methoprene and imidacloprid-permethrin. Eighteen healthy beagle dogs of both sexes were divided into three groups of six dogs. Group 1 served as the untreated control. Dogs in group 2 were treated with fipronil 10% + (S)-methoprene 9% w/v applied once on day 0, and those in group 3 were treated with imidacloprid 8.8% and permethrin 44% w/v, applied once on day 0. All dogs were infested with approximately 50 unfed Dermacentor reticulatus ticks on days 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42, and ticks remaining were counted and removed 48 hours after each infestation. The 48-hour efficacy of the fipronil-(S)-methoprene combination remained at 100% at all assessment points through and including day 37, declining to 95.30% on day 44. The 48-hour efficacy of the imidacloprid-permethrin combination peaked at 86.46% on day 9, decreased to 73.37% by the third week, and fell to 63.53% by the end of the study (day 44). Significantly (P < .05) fewer ticks were recovered from dogs treated with fipronil-(S)-methoprene or imidacloprid-permethrin than from untreated control dogs at each infestation. Notably, the dogs treated with fipronil-(S)-methoprene had significantly (P < .05) lower tick counts at every assessment than the dogs treated with imidacloprid-permethrin.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate efficacy of monthly administration of selamectin, fipronil, and imidacloprid against Ctenocephalides felis in dogs. DESIGN: Randomized controlled trial. ANIMALS: 44 healthy dogs. PROCEDURE: Dogs known to be free of fleas were infested with 100 unfed adult fleas on days -28 and -21. On days 0, 30, 60, 90, and 120, dogs (12/group) were treated by topical administration of selamectin (6 mg/kg [2.7 mg/lb] of body weight), fipronil (7.5 mg/kg [3.4 mg/lb]), or imidacloprid (10 mg/kg [4.5 mg/lb]); 8 untreated dogs were used as controls. On day -6 and every 2 weeks after initial treatment, comb counts of viable adult fleas were made, and fleas (< or =50/dog) were replaced onto the dog from which they were removed. On day 89, fleas were not replaced. On day 91 and every 7 days until the end of the study, dogs were challenged with 20 adult fleas. RESULTS: 14 days after initial treatment, geometric mean flea counts were reduced by 97.5 to 99.1 % for all treatments, compared with pretreatment counts on day -6. Selamectin, fipronil, and imidacloprid reduced geometric mean flea counts by 99.7 to 100% from day 29 to the end of the study. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Selamectin is as effective as fipronil and imidacloprid in reducing C felis infestation in dogs housed for 3 months in a flea-infested environment under conditions known to support the flea life cycle, and in protecting against subsequent weekly challenges with C felis for an additional 2 months.  相似文献   

In a series of three replicated and controlled trials, nine dogs artificially infected with Ctenocephalides felis were treated with a systemically active ‘spot-on’ formulation of fenthion, six with a topical spray containing dichlorvos and fenitrothion and six with a surface active ‘spot-on’ preparation containing permethrin, all at recommended dose rates. Good knockdown efficacy was apparent at eight hours with the dichlorvos/fenitrothion combination and at 24 hours with the other formulations. Efficacy values in excess of 95 per cent persisted for at least 22 days in the case of the systemic fenthion preparation and the permethrin product and eight days for the dichlorvos and fenitrothion combination. Twenty-nine days after treatment there was still substantial protection in the fenthion- and permethrin-treated animals, indicated by an 88 and a 77 per cent reduction in flea counts in the two groups, respectively.  相似文献   

The efficacy of topically administered ivermectin against Chorioptes bovis and Sarcoptes scabiei var bovis on cattle was evaluated in five studies involving a total of 68 cattle. Treatment with ivermectin solution at a dose rate of 500 micrograms/kg bodyweight topically once was fully effective against C bovis and S scabiei when applied to healthy skin. Efficacy against S scabiei was impaired when the formulation was applied over areas of severe lesions caused by this parasite, presumably due to reduced absorption of ivermectin.  相似文献   

The study was undertaken to evaluate and compare the efficacy of an imidacloprid (10% w/v)/moxidectin (2.5% w/v) combination (Advocate Bayer HealthCare, Animal Health) with that of selamectin for the treatment of Sarcoptes scabiei on dogs. Thirty naturally infested dogs, of which one was later withdrawn because of distemper, were allocated to two equal groups and individually housed. The dogs in each group were treated twice, four weeks apart, with either the combination product (0.1 mL/kg body weight) or with selamectin (0.05 mL/kg body weight) administered topically. Skin scrapings were made every 14 days over a period of 50 to 64 days after the first treatment to quantify mite numbers. Clinical signs and the extent of sarcoptic lesions were assessed on each dog when skin scrapings were made. Efficacy was based on the presence or absence of mites, supported by clinical signs associated with canine sarcoptic mange. From Day 22 and onwards no Sarcoptes mites were found in the skin scrapings of any of the treated dogs. Treatment with the imidacloprid/moxidectin formulation or with selamectin was highly effective against Sarcoptes scabiei and resulted in an almost complete resolution of clinical signs within 50 to 64 days after the initial treatment.  相似文献   

The efficacy of oxfendazole, given at a dose rate of 10 mg/kg for three consecutive days, against adult and larval Toxascaris leonina was determined in four litters of naturally infected adolescent greyhounds. When administered to five dogs 10 weeks after exposure to infectiori, oxfendazole gave an efficacy value of 100 per cent as determined by comparison of the numbers of adult worms expelled and the numbers remaining at subsequent post mortem examination. When medication was given only five weeks after exposure to infection, the number of immature T. leonina in 10 treated pups was found to be reduced by 92-1 per cent as compared with 10 matched, untreated controls. Incidental infections of Toxocara canis and Uncinaria stenocephala were adequately controlled but the treatment was less effective against Trichuris vulpis and Strongyloides species.  相似文献   

The kinetics and efficacy of a cinchophen prednisolone combination preparation (PLT) were assessed in the dog. Cinchophen administered at a dose rate of 12-5 mg/kg intravenously had a volume of distribution (Vd area) of 0–13 litres/kg, a clearance rate (Cl) of 0–15 litres/h and a half-life (t 1/2β of 7–92 hours. Following oral administration the bioavailability was 87-21 per cent. Prednisolone administered at a dose rate of 0–15 mg/kg intravenously had a Vd area of 2–7 litres/kg, a CI of 0–116 litres/h and a t1/2β of 1–11 hours. PLT given to dogs with osteoarthritis at a dosage range of between 25 and 44 mg/kg per day cinchophen and between 0–125 and 0–220 mg/kg per day prednisolone for a maximum of 14 days significantly improved lameness (P<0–001), weight bearing (P<0–005), joint mobility (P<0–01) and stiffness (P<0–001) scores and was similar in clinical efficacy to phenylbutazone.  相似文献   

Combinations of imidacloprid and permethrin were frequently used to control harmful arthropod of companion animals. The inhibitory effects on blood-feeding activity of mosquitoes in dogs raised under outdoor conditions were evaluated by using combination of 10% (w/v) of imidacloprid and 50% (w/v) of permethrin as spot-on form. Dogs in the treated group received the combination imidacloprid/permethrin spot-on. After treatment, dogs in the control and treated groups were kept separately from the evening (17:00) to the morning of the following day (09:00) in two different kennels installed outdoors to mimic realistic dog-raising conditions. Mosquitoes in the kennels were collected by light traps placed in the kennels and a sweep net to determine evidence of blood feeding, and for species identification. Mosquitoes were collected at Days 5, 3 and 1 before agent treatment, and the Day of treatment, and Days 3, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35 and 42 after treatment. The percentages of blood-fed mosquitoes measured at Days 0, 3, 21, 28 and 42 after treatment were statistically significantly lower (p<0.01) in the treated group than in the control group. The most commonly collected mosquito, Culex tritaeniorhynchus, revealed statistically significant lower percentages (p<0.01) of blood-fed mosquitoes in the treated group than in the control group at the Day of treatment, and Days 3, 7, 21, 28 and 42 after treatment. It appeared that the test agent was effective in inhibiting blood feeding by adult female mosquitoes, and the efficacy lasts for 42 days after treatment under outdoor conditions.  相似文献   

The efficacy of imidacloprid 10%and permethrin 50% (Advantix; Bayer AG, Germany) in a spot-on formulation was evaluated in the field as a control measure to prevent canine leishmaniasis (CanL) in dogs in an endemic area of southern Italy. In February 2005, out of 845 dogs initially tested for CanL, 631 dogs which tested negative (315 from a kennel in Bari (KB) and 316 from a kennel in Ginosa (KG)) in a serological and a parasitological examination were allocated to one of three groups: Group A-treated with imidacloprid 10% and permethrin 50% once a month; Group B-treated every 2 weeks; and Group C-untreated control animals. All the dogs were examined serologically and parasitologically for CanL prior to the start of the study, in November 2005 (end of the sandfly season) and in March 2006 (end of the study). An initial CanL seroprevalence of 24.7% (209 dogs) was detected in KB and KG. In KB Leishmania infection, inferred by positivity in at least one of the three tests performed at the interim or final follow-up, was found in one animal from Group A and in nine from Group C. No positive animals were detected in Group B, thus giving a final protection efficacy of 88.9% in Group A and 100% in Group B. In KG Leishmania infection was identified in one animal from Groups A and B, respectively, and 11 from Group C (protection efficacy of 90.36% in Group A and 90.73% in Group B). The incidence density rates (IDRs) of infection in both Groups A and B at each kennel were statistically significantly lower than that registered in Group C (KB p<0.05 and KG p<0.01). The results clearly show that a combination of imidacloprid 10% and permethrin 50%, by virtue of its repellent activity against sandflies, is effective under both application regimes in preventing CanL in the field in endemic areas.  相似文献   

Preventing tick bites is a fundamental step towards reducing the impact of tick-borne protozoal, bacterial and viral diseases (TBDs) in humans and animals. The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of a combination of imidacloprid 10%/permethrin 50% and of fipronil 10%/S-methoprene 12% against ticks in naturally infected dogs and to assess methodological parameters to calculate drug efficacy on tick immature stages.

From July to August 2004, 45 privately owned dogs of various sexes, ages, breeds, coat length and habits were enrolled in a trial carried out in an area (radius approximately 50 km) in Southern Italy. Three homogeneous groups (both for dog population and tick population) were formed: 15 dogs treated with imidacloprid 10% and permethrin 50% spot-on (group A), 15 dogs treated with fipronil 10% and methoprene 12% spot-on (group B) and 15 untreated dogs (group C). The dogs in each group were then sub-grouped according to their age and weight. Two different treatments were administered (time 0 and +28 days) to groups A and B, and the dogs were checked weekly for tick infestation until day +56 post-treatment (p.t.). Twenty-four areas distributed on the whole body surface were examined for ticks at each follow-up, while only at time 0 and at day +56 p.t., ticks were collected from the dogs and identified.

For the immature stages a semi-quantitative method was adopted and the load of immature stages was evaluated and grouped into four classes up to day +56 p.t. when the mean number of immature ticks (MIT) for each infection class was evaluated.

All the adult ticks collected were identified as brown dog ticks (Rhipicephalus sanguineus). Immature stages were first compared at day +28 p.t.. The efficacy of both products used in groups A and B on adult ticks was high and generally very similar. Conversely, the efficacy of imidacloprid 10% and permethrin 50% against immatures was higher than that of fipronil 10% and methoprene 12% throughout the observation period with statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) at day +28 p.t. (i.e. group A = 98.52%, group B = 72.40%).

On the whole, in analysing the efficacy of both products against adult plus immature ticks, it was found that the combination of imidacloprid 10% and permethrin 50% was more effective than fipronil 10% and methoprene 12%, with the differences being statistically significant at day +28 p.t. (group A = 98.43%, group B = 77.56%).  相似文献   

A new topically administered anhydrase inhibitor, MK-927, was evaluated for its ocular hypotensive activity in normotensive and glaucomatous Beagles. Single- and multiple-dose studies were performed. Six concentrations of the drug were evaluated in the single-dose study and the 2% solution was used for multiple-dose evaluation. The decrease in intraocular pressure (IOP) was greater in glaucomatous Beagles at the higher concentrations of the drug. The 2 and 4% solutions of MK-927 significantly lowered IOP (mean, 5 mm of Hg; SEM +/- 1.6 and SEM +/- 1.2, respectively) in normotensive and glaucomatous Beagles. In the multiple-dose study, IOP was significantly decreased in the normotensive (mean, 4 mm of Hg; SEM +/- 0.74) and glaucomatous Beagles (mean, 9 mm of Hg; SEM +/- 1.2). The maximal effect was observed by day 4. A contralateral effect was found in glaucomatous Beagles, with the maximal effect on day 4.  相似文献   

A dog with chronic dirofilariasis (Dirofilaria immitis) was given 15 doses of 12 or 24 mg of levamisole/kg of body weight in 6 treatments within 96 days. Concentration of microfilariae in the blood was determined before and after treatment, and Aedes triseriatus mosquitoes were fed on the dog 1 to 5 days after each treatment and examined for D immitis larvae. Several adult worms were recovered from the dog 160 days after the end of the treatments.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate efficacy of topically administered doramectin against eyeworms, lungworms, and gastrointestinal nematodes of cattle. ANIMALS: 400 cattle (20 cattle in each of 20 trials). PROCEDURE: Trials were conducted in North America; natural and experimentally induced infections were used. In each trial, cattle were allocated randomly to control (placebo [saline [0.9% NaCl] solution at 1 ml/10 kg of body weight] or untreated; n = 10) or doramectin-treated (500 microg/kg of body weight; 10) groups. Treatments were applied in a single passage along the midline of the back, from the withers to the tailhead. Cattle were euthanatized > or =14 days after treatment, and worm burdens were determined by use of standard techniques. RESULTS: Efficacy of doramectin was > or =95.3% against adults of Thelazia gulosa, T skrjabini, Dictyocaulus viviparus, Haemonchus contortus, H placei, Ostertagia lyrata, O ostertagi, Trichostrongylus axei, Bunostomum phlebotomum, Capillaria spp, Cooperia oncophora, C pectinata, C punctata, C spatulata, C surnabada, Nematodirus spathiger, Strongyloides papillosus, T colubriformis, Oesophagostomum radiatum, and Trichuris spp. Efficacy was 95.1% against fourth-stage larvae of D viviparus, H placei, O lyrata, O ostertagi, T axei, C oncophora, C punctata, C spatulata, C surnabada, N helvetianus, T colubriformis, O radiatum, and Trichuris spp. In addition, efficacy against inhibited fourth-stage larvae of O ostertagi and Ostertagia spp was > or =98.1%. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: A single topical application of doramectin pour-on was efficacious against a broad range of nematode species in cattle.  相似文献   

Trials were conducted to evaluate the anthelmintic effect of a combination of epsiprantel at a dose rate of 5-5 mg/kg bodyweight and pyrantel pamoate at 5 mg pyrantel base/kg against Toxocara canis in prenatally infected unweaned greyhound pups, Toxascaris leonina, Uncinaria stenocephala, Trichuris vulpis and Dipylidium caninum in naturally infected adolescent greyhounds and Ancylostoma caninum, U stenocephala. Taenia hydatigena and Taenia pisiformis in artificially infected laboratory beagles. The product was well accepted and produced no obvious side effects. Percentage efficacy values based on post mortem worm counts were: T hydatigena 100; T pisiformis 100; D caninum 100; adult T canis 84-0; adult T leonina 96-5; immature T leonina 99-8; U stenocephala 99-0 and 87-7; A caninum 92-7; and T vulpis 43-3.  相似文献   

The persistent anthelmintic effect of ivermectin as a topical treatment at 500 microg/kg was evaluated against induced infections of Ostertagia ostertagi, Trichostrongylus axei and Dictyocaulus vivparus in calves. The results showed a highly significant (P<0.001) anthelmintic activity for at least 14 days against O. ostertagi and T.axei (>99 per cent efficacies) and for at least 28 days (98 per cent efficacy) against D. viviparus.  相似文献   

The persistent anthelmintic effect of ivermectin as a topical treatment at 500 µg/kg was evaluated against induced infections of Ostertagia ostertagi, Trichostrongylus axei and Dictyocaulus vivparus in calves. The results showed a highly significant (P<0.001) anthelmintic activity for at least 14 days against O. oslertagi and T: axei (>99 per cent efftcacies) and for at least 28 days (98 per cent efficacy) against D. viviparus.  相似文献   

The efficacy of a novel avermectin, selamectin (Stronghold, Pfizer), was evaluated against naturally acquired aural infestations of Otodectes cynotis. Selamectin was administered topically in a single spot to the skin of each animal's back at the base of the neck in front of the scapulae at a minimum dosage of 6mgkg(-1). Thirty cats of a cattery of 120 animals with an endemic infestation were treated on days 0 and 30. Including untreated control cats was therefore not possible because of animal welfare consideration. Clinical examination and visualization of mites by otoscopic examination of the external ear canal and microscopic examination of aural debris/exudate were performed twice weekly from days 0 to 30. On day 0 (and day 28 if the ears canals were erythematous), a swab was taken from each canal and sent to bacteriology and mycology units for detection and identification of bacteria (Staphylococcus mainly) and yeast (Malassezia pachydermatis only).Selamectin was safe, parasites were killed before day 3 and eliminated before day 17. Selamectin was 100% effective against natural aural infestations, even if erythema (26-33% of cats) and scratch reflex (23-40% of cats) persisted for 2 weeks after the cats tested negative for mites.  相似文献   

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