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A panel of 10 monoclonal antibodies specific for bovine immunoglobulins M, A, G1, G2 and light chains were produced and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays developed to measure Ig levels in body fluids and culture supernatants using this panel of MAbs. An inhibition ELISA was accurate and sensitive for MAbs of high affinity, detecting levels as low as 10 ng ml-1 of IgM using a high-affinity MAb, IL-A50 (dissociation constant = 1.3 X 10(-11) M). For MAbs of lower affinity (KD of less than 0.25 X 10(-9) M) a sandwich ELISA was more sensitive, detecting 0.1-1.0 microgram ml-1 Ig, provided a conjugate of an anti-light chain MAb was used. Using these ELISA techniques, four pairs of MAbs specific for bovine IgM, IgA, IgG1 and IgG2 respectively, were screened on sera from over 100 cattle of different breeds to determine whether any detected a polymorphic epitope. MAbs IL-A30, IL-A60, IL-A66, IL-A71, IL-A72, IL-A73 and IL-A74 were shown to recognise monomorphic determinants on their respective heavy chains. In contrast, the epitope recognised on the mu-heavy chain by MAb IL-A50, which had previously been shown to be polymorphic, was found to be allelic and inherited under the control of a single gene, probably Cu.  相似文献   

On the basis of recent observations that immunoglobulin (Ig) E antibodies specific for bacterial antigens occur in the serum of persons with chronic respiratory tract disease, we used bovine epsilon chain-specific antiserum to investigate the possibility that IgE antibodies are induced in cattle infected with Pasteurella. Using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay and Western blotting techniques, we studied bovine sera to detect and quantitate the presence of IgE antibodies specific for antigens of Pasteurella. Immunoglobulin E antibodies reactive with whole formalinized P haemolytica, potassium thicyanate, and saline solution extracts were detected in serum of calves with bronchopneumonia, feedlot steers with interstitial pneumonia, as well as nonaffected penmates, and adult dairy cows. The role of parenteral vaccination in eliciting an IgE response was examined in healthy calves; vaccination with a Pasteurella bacterin failed to induce an IgE response. Adsorption studies were done to demonstrate the specificity of the antibodies for Pasteurella. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay absorbance values were significantly decreased by adsorption with P haemolytica, whereas adsorption with other gram-negative bacteria only moderately decreased serum absorbance values. To begin identification of the antigen(s) to which the IgE binds, Western blotting of P haemolytica extract with sera from calves with bronchopneumonia was done. A dense band of protein (approximately 60,000 daltons) reacted strongly with IgE in the highest titer sera. These results indicate that Pasteurella-specific IgE antibodies are not readily induced by parenteral vaccination, but can be found in serum of some cattle, possibly induced by existing or previous infection.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Bovine immunoglobulin G2 (IgG2) was quantitated by fluoroimmunoassay (FIA) based on competition with fluorescein-conjugated IgG2 for Sepharose-bound anti-IgG2 antibodies. The optimal range was 0.1 to 1 microgram IgG2. The FIA was compared with the single radial immunodiffusion (SRD) test. Both methods gave comparable means and standard errors for IgG2 in serum. The FIA method was 30 times more sensitive.  相似文献   

Developing lymphoid tissues of bovine fetuses ranging from 70 to 270 days of fetal age were examined by histological and immunohistochemical procedures. In the peripheral blood, surface membrane immunoglobulin bearing cells (B-lymphocytes) and sheep red blood cell rosette forming cells (T-lymphocytes) had already appeared by 70 days of fetal age. In the lymph nodes intracytoplasmic IgM positive cells appeared at 90 days of fetal age. The cells positive for IgG appeared at 150 days of fetal age and IgA positive cells appeared at 180 days of fetal age. The spleen contained intracytoplasmic immunoglobulin positive cells at almost the same time as those in the lymph nodes. In the ileocecal region, IgM positive cells and IgG positive cells were present at 180 days of fetal age and IgA positive cells were present at 210 days of fetal age. The tonsils contained IgM positive cells and IgG positive cells at 240 days of fetal age. In the thymus, terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase positive cells appeared at 90 days of fetal age.  相似文献   

Distribution of immunoglobulin (Ig)-containing cells and secretory component in internal organs of two 15-day-old embryos and 17 chickens, 1 to 480 days old, were examined by fluorescent antibody technique. In 15-day-old embryos, Ig-containing cells were not found in gut, bursa, spleen, or thymus. The bursa of Fabricius synthesized IgM, IgG, and IgA in as young as 1-day-old chicks. In extrabursal organs, IgM-containing cells were already present in intestine of 1-day-old chicks, but IgA-containing cells appeared in intestine, thymus, and spleen between the 3rd and 7th day after hatching. Very few IgG-containing cells were in intestine on the 3rd and 7th day after hatching. Secretory component was found in epithelial surfaces of intestine and ductus choledochus of most chickens examined. The presence of secretory component and IgA-containing cells in intestine supported the existence of secretory-immunologic system in chickens.  相似文献   

For the cytogenetic analysis lymphocytes of the peripheral blood were used that had been obtained from cows suffering from leucosis. The blood was taken from a diseased cow, from its 15 months old daughter suffering from leucosis, and from the healthy bull-father (NAT-47). The diagnosis of leucosis was determined by means of hematological examination. In the cow 139 metaphase plates were evaluated, in the daughter 118, and in the bull 132. On the one hand, normoploidy was determined and on the other hand, chromosome aberrations. In the cow 31.0 p. c. of chromosome aberrations were found, in the daughter 32.3 p. c., and in the bull 37.2 p. c. Breaks in X chromosomes were found in the cow (6.7 p. c.) and in the daughter (1.7 p. c.). Longitudinal diversion of arms in the centromere in X chromosomes in the vertical axis into two separate arms was found in the cow amounting to 6.5 p. c., in the daughter to 5.9 p. c., and in the bull to only 0.8 p. c.  相似文献   

The role of IgE in protective immunity is becoming understood, therefore the colostral transfer of IgE and the age-dependent changes of IgE levels may be important for neonatal immunity. To investigate this question, serum samples were collected from range-fed Hereford cows and their calves from birth through 9 months of age. The sera were assayed for total IgE by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Calves were found to have significant levels of IgE during the first week postpartum, indicating colostral transfer of IgE. Thereafter, serum levels declined rapidly within 3 weeks from birth. The IgE levels began to increase after 12 weeks of age, and in some cases reached adult levels. The passive transfer of maternal IgE through colostrum may be important in providing early protection from disease, especially against intestinal parasites.  相似文献   

Monoclonal antibodies were produced against serum-derived bovine immunoglobulin E (IgE). Culture supernatants of hybridomas were initially screened by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Supernatant-derived antibodies were concentrated and further characterized using ELISA, reverse cutaneous anaphylaxis, immunohistochemical staining, and immunoblotting of IgE-containing samples separated by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE). Eight monoclonal antibodies showed specificity for bovine epsilon immunoglobulin heavy chain. Two antibodies (E2 and E32) reacted in immunoblots of SDS-PAGE of serum IgE under reducing conditions. Additionally, E2, E5, and E32 detected epsilon chain in serum separated by SDS-PAGE and then renatured. Antigen-specific IgE was detected in Western blots by E5 and E32. Immunoperoxidase staining of IgE-containing cells in mesenteric lymph node sections was detected with E5, E21 and E32. All eight antibodies produced positive reverse cutaneous anaphylaxis reactions in calf skin. All functioned well in ELISA as a plate-sensitizing reagent for quantitation of total IgE; E5 and E32 worked well as a primary antibody in antigen-specific IgE assays. These antibodies will be useful in research applications and in diagnostic assays.  相似文献   

A murine monoclonal antibody specific for bovine immunoglobulin (Ig) G2 was used to develop an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) to measure serum antibodies against the bovine pathogen Staphylococcus aureus. Anion exchange chromatography was used to prepare IgG2 from serum taken from a mastitic cow infected with S aureus. Specific-IgG2 antibodies binding S aureus were purified with an affinity column, using a heat-killed, low protein A strain of S aureus (M-10). Purified antibodies did not contain IgG1 or IgM and were composed of greater than 95% heavy and light chains determined on the basis of polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Purified IgG2 anti-S aureus antibody was used as a reference in an ELISA that (i) could detect 5.0 ng of IgG2, (ii) was specific for IgG2 antibodies binding S aureus, (iii) was precise within and among different assays, (iv) yielded 112% recovery of the purified standard, and (v) when diluted in nonspecific IgG2, generated a curve that was parallel to the standard when a sample was serially diluted. A field study with cows having elevated California mastitis test scores showed evidence of infection with S aureus, as judged by a 59% increase (P less than 0.01) in IgG2 S aureus-specific antibodies and a 25% increase (P less than 0.05) in total IgG2 antibodies. There were no differences in IgG1 concentrations in plasma. Using indirect immunofluorescence, we also confirmed that bovine polymorphonuclear cells bound IgG2 preferentially over IgG1 or IgM. Measurement of antigen-specific IgG2 antibodies may therefore be useful as an index of specific antibody immunity to mastitis-causing organisms.  相似文献   

Dome and dome epithelial cells were selectively dissociated from gut-associated lymphoid tissues of rabbits. Sequential tissue washes in dithiothreitol, EDTA, and collagenase removed the dome epithelium, without disrupting the follicles or villi, and provided a cell suspension containing 74 +/- 6% lymphocytes, 9 +/- 4% columnar epithelial cells, 10 +/- 7% tangible-body macrophages, and 4 +/- 2% M cells (follicle-associated epithelial cells). The last mentioned cells were characterized by transmission electron microscopy as large (20 to 55 microns diameter) cuboidal, round, or oval cells with eccentric nuclei and thin membranous processes surrounding empty vacuoles. The M cells were occasionally joined together by tight junctions. Histochemical and immunocytochemical analyses of M cells with the light microscope showed that they were devoid of immunoglobulins and negative for T-cell antigen and secretory component and had no detectable alkaline phosphatase or endogenous peroxidase activity. The M cells had few vacuoles with faint acid phosphatase activity; nonspecific neutral esterase was abundant. Possible uses for dome and dome epithelial cells are discussed.  相似文献   

We established an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) system for the quantitation of bovine macrophage colony-stimulating factor (M-CSF) and used it to measure the serum M-CSF levels in bovine fetuses and calves. The average serum M-CSF level was 2.7+/-1.5 ng/ml in 39 calves under 100 days old, and 1.8+/-0.8 ng/ml in 15 cattle between 101 and 418 days old. Fetal sera samples (n = 6) prepared from cattle between 150 and 280 days of gestational age had a higher average level of M-CSF (8.8+/-1.4 ng/ml). Alteration in serum M-CSF levels in each individual calf was also measured. The serum levels of M-CSF in calves at 0-1 day after birth ranged from 0.52 to 7.3 ng/ml. During the period 113-125 days after birth, serum levels were around 1.4+/-0.39 ng/ml. Although serum M-CSF levels generally decreased as the age of calves advanced, differences among individuals, especially among newborn calves, were observed.  相似文献   

To develop a model of bovine thymus and lymph node growth in vivo, we have implanted bovine foetal tissues (16-23 weeks gestation) under the renal capsule of severe combined immune deficient (SCID)/beige (BG) mice and assayed for graft growth and characteristics 2-18 weeks after engraftment. Bovine foetal thymus and lymph node grew considerably following engraftment of SCID/BG mice. Growth was optimal if bovine foetal tissues were used before gestation Week 17. Bovine-mouse chimerism was confirmed using glucose phosphate isomerase analysis. Bovine thymus grew during the entire 18 weeks of study. Growth of bovine lymph node was initially rapid, reaching a maximum at 2 weeks after transplantation followed by a progressive decrease in size. Transplanted bovine lymph node and thymus were morphologically similar to age-matched bovine foetal tissue for a limited time period. Fibrosis, degeneration and depletion of lymphocytes were evident 6 weeks after engraftment; changes were more severe in lymph node than in thymus whereas increases in lymphocytes, lymphopoiesis and follicle formation were evident in age-matched bovine foetal tissue. Despite growth and morphological similarities of the transplanted tissue, blood counts suggested there was no peripheralization of bovine leucocytes. Bovine immunoglobulins (IgG1 and IgG2) were detected in serum of some SCID/BG chimeric mice for a limited time. The appearance of bovine immunoglobulins at 2 weeks in SCID/BG chimeric mice depended on the age of the foetal donor (> 18 weeks) and coincided with the appearance of morphologically mature lymphocytes in the donor foetus lymph nodes. The ability to produce bovine immunoglobulins decreased 8 weeks after engraftment, coinciding with the depletion of lymphocytes in the engrafted lymph node. Lymphocyte depletion and loss of function of engrafted tissues appear the result of a lack of lymphoid progenitors normally derived from hematopoietic stem cells in the bone marrow.  相似文献   

In this study, cellular localization and the distribution pattern of BVDV genome in lymphoid tissues during the course of experimental acute BVDV-1 infection of sheep was investigated. Tonsils, mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) and spleen were collected on 3, 6, 9, 12 and 15 days post infection (dpi) from twenty 4-month-old lambs, experimentally inoculated intra-nasally with 5?×?105 TCID50 of a non-cytopathic (ncp) BVDV-1 isolate, Ind-17555. Tissues collected from ten mock-infected lambs served as controls. In situ hybridization (ISH) was carried out in paraformaldehyde fixed paraffin embedded tissue sections using digoxigenin labelled riboprobe targeting 5′-UTR of BVDV-1. BVDV genome was detected at all the intervals from 3 dpi to 15 dpi in the lymphoid tissues with variations between the intervals and also amongst the infected sheep. During the early phase of acute infection, presence of viral genome was more in tonsils than MLN and spleen, whereas the distribution was higher in MLN during later stages. BVDV-1 genome positive cells included lymphocytes, macrophages, plasma cells, reticular cells and sometimes crypt epithelial cells. Genome distribution was frequently observed in the lymphoid follicles of tonsils, MLN and spleen, besides the crypt epithelium in tonsils, paracortex and medullary sinus and cords of MLN. Most abundant and widespread distribution of BVDV-1 genome was observed on 6 dpi while there was a reduction in number and intensity of positive signals by 15 dpi in most of the infected animals. This is the first attempt made to study the localisation of BVDV-1 in lymphoid tissues of acutely infected sheep by in situ hybridization. The results show that the kinetics of BVDV-1 distribution in lymphoid tissues of experimentally infected non-pregnant sheep follows almost a similar pattern to that demonstrated in BVDV infected cattle.  相似文献   

The present research has been designed to understand the effect of selenium and vitamin E on the lymphocyte and changes in the frequency of Ig-containing plasma cells in the lymphatic organ and ileum (representative organ for mucosa-associated lymphatic tissues) of different postnatal stages of Kasilla broiler chickens. A routine haematoxylin and eosin (H and E) stain were used to study the histology of the lymphocytic changes, and indirect immunoperoxidase staining method was performed for the study of the distributional and dynamical changes of the Ig-containing plasma cells within the lymphatic tissues and in the ileum of control broilers and in the broilers supplemented with different concentration of selenium and vitamin E in the diet. Histologically, the population of lymphocytes decreased in the lobules of the thymus, medulla of bursal follicles, splenic masses, lymphatic nodules of the cecal tonsil, and villi of the ilium in 0.1 mg and 0.5 mg selenium supplemented broilers in comparison with the control. The population of these cells was found to increase in 150 mg and 300 mg vitamin E supplemented chickens in the present study. In the spleen IgG- and the IgM-containing plasma cells were more than IgA-containing plasma cells. In contrast, in the cecal tonsil and ileum IgA-containing plasma cells were more than IgG- and IgM-containing plasma cells. The frequency of these immunopositive cells were decreased in 0.1 mg and 0.5 mg selenium supplementated chickens, and increased their frequency in the chickens supplemented with 150 mg and 300 mg vitamin E. In the spleen the frequency of IgM-containing plasma cells and both in the cecal tonsil and ileum, the IgG-containing plasma cells were more decreased by selenium supplementation which restored in their population by vitamin E supplementation.  相似文献   

Fifteen piglets were used to determine the effect of vitamin E supplementation on the number of CD4-immunoreactive (CD4+) T-lymphocytes, CD8-immunoreactive (CD8+) T-lymphocytes and IgA-immunoreactive (IgA+) B-lymphocytes per follicle in the Peyer's patch of distal ileum and the mesenteric lymph nodes of weaned piglets. Piglets, following a 3-day adaptation period after weaning, were assigned to one of three experimental groups: control (no vitamin E supplementation), vitamin E supplementation of 100 mg/kg of diet and vitamin E supplementation of 300 mg/kg of diet. Supplementation of vitamin E lasted for a period of 36 days. The basal diet contained 80 mg alpha-tocopherol/kg of diet. All piglets were killed at day 39 after weaning and samples of the distal ileum and adjacent mesenteric lymph nodes were collected. The number of cells for each lymphocyte subset was counted in the Peyer's patch and the mesenteric lymph nodes follicles, in cryostat sections processed for immunohistochemistry. Results showed that vitamin E supplementation (300 mg/kg diet) of piglets caused an increase (P < 0.05) in the number of IgA+ B-lymphocytes in the Peyer's patch, but not in the mesenteric lymph nodes, compared with the corresponding values in control animals. Vitamin E supplementation had no effect (P > 0.05) on the number of CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes in the follicles of the Peyer's patch and the adjacent mesenteric lymph nodes. Thus, vitamin E had relatively minor effects on distribution of the major immunocompetent cells in the gut. The numbers of CD4+ and CD8+ T-lymphocytes as well as IgA+ B-lymphocytes per follicle were higher by 26-77% (P < 0.05) in the mesenteric lymph nodes than the corresponding values in the Peyer's patch.  相似文献   

An antibody of known specificity and active in long (72 hours) latent period passive cutaneous anaphylactic reactions, was isolated and partially purified from bovine serum. This antibody was not associated with immunoglobulins IgG, IgM or IgA. A rabbit antiserum raised against this antibody and used as an immunoabsorbent, successfully recovered skin sensitising antibody from bovine reaginic serum.  相似文献   

Distribution and characterization of interlukin-10 (IL-10)-secreting cells in lymphoid tissues of pigs naturally infected with porcine circovirus type 2 (PCV2) were evaluated in accordance with PCV2 antigen detection. After screening a total of 56 pigs showing the symptoms of postweaning multisystemic wasting syndrome (PMWS), 15 pigs were PCV2 positive and 5 pigs, which showed stronger positive signals over multiples tissues were further investigated. This study showed that in PCV2-infected lymphoid tissues, particularly mandibular lymph node, spleen and tonsil, IL-10 expression was mainly localized in T-cell rich areas but rarely in B cell rich areas. IL-10 was highly expressed in bystander cells but rarely in PCV2-infected cells. Elevated IL-10 expression was predominantly associated with T cells, but rarely with B cells or with macrophages. The results of this study provide evidence for the role of IL-10 in chronic PCV2 infection and its relation to PCV2 antigen in affected tissues. Constantly elevated levels of IL-10 lead to immunosuppression in persistent and chronic viral infections. The increased IL-10 expression observed in PCV2 infection in this study suggests that IL-10-mediated immunosuppression may play an important role in the pathogenesis and maintenance of naturally occurring PCV2 infection.  相似文献   

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