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Dermanyssus gallinae is the most significant ectoparasite of European poultry egg laying production systems due to high costs of control and associated production losses as well as adverse effects on bird welfare. In this study, soluble proteins were extracted from unfed D. gallinae (DGE) using a urea-based detergent and ultra-filtration, passed through a 0.22 μm filter and blended aseptically with adjuvant. One group of laying hens was immunized with DGE and adjuvant (Montanide ISA 50 V) whilst another group (Control) received physiological saline and adjuvant. All birds were immunized on two occasions, 21 days apart. Antibody response to immunization was determined by ELISA and western blotting using immunoglobulins (Igs) extracted from egg yolk. DGE immunization of hens resulted in a significant (P < 0.05) IgY response compared to controls, although there was no significant difference in IgM response between treatments. A number of proteins were identified by western blotting using IgY antibodies from DGE immunized birds, most prominently at 40 and 230 kDa. Analysis of proteins from approximately corresponding bands on SDS-PAGE confirmed the identity of tropomyosin, whilst other proteins showed high sequence homology with myosin and actin from other arachnid and insect species. Immunization of hens with DGE resulted in a 50.6% increase in mite mortality (P < 0.001) 17 h after feeding when tested by an in vitro mite feeding model. Data in this study demonstrate that somatic antigens from D. gallinae can be used to stimulate a protective immune response in laying hens. Further work is needed to identify other proteins of interest that could confer higher protection against D. gallinae, as well as optimization of the vaccination and in vitro testing protocol.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovars Typhimurium, Enteritidis, Dublin, Choleraesuis or Gallinarum can colonise liver and spleen in particular hosts while infections with serovars Infantis, Agona, Hadar, etc. are usually limited to gastrointestinal tract. Reasons for this behavior are unknown, although it has been shown that sodCI and spv genes exhibit a strict distribution between more and less virulent serovars and they influence Salmonella virulence. However to what extent the presence or absence of these genes is associated with the increased virulence of serovars which possess them has never been addressed experimentally. In this study we therefore first confirmed the exclusive association of spvB and sodCI genes with the former group of serovars. In the next step we removed these two genes from S. Enteritidis genome and compared the virulence of such a mutant with the virulence of S. Infantis, S. Agona and S. Hadar for chickens and highly sensitive Balb/C mice. Single strain infection showed that the deletion of these two genes from S. Enteritidis resulted in the reduction of its virulence for mice but not for chickens. Mixed infection further confirmed these observations and indicated that in mice but not in chickens the virulence of sodCI and spv mutant was reduced to the natural virulence of serovars Infantis, Agona and Hadar. Although sodCI and spv genes do not influence S. Enteritidis virulence for chickens directly, they may be of an indirect effect through the increased persistence of S. Enteritidis in mice and increased probability of the reintroduction of S. Enteritidis into poultry flocks.  相似文献   

Field evidences have suggested that a natural extract, containing tannins, could be effective against poultry enteric viral infections. Moreover previous studies have shown that vegetable tannins can have antiviral activity against human viruses. Based on this knowledge three different Chestnut (Castanea spp.) wood extracts and one Quebracho (Schinopsis spp.) wood extract, all containing tannins and currently used in the animal feed industry, were tested for in vitro antiviral activity against avian reovirus (ARV) and avian metapneumovirus (AMPV). The MTT assay was used to evaluate the 50% cytotoxic compounds concentration (CC50) on Vero cells. The antiviral properties were tested before and after the adsorption of the viruses to Vero cells. Antiviral activities were expressed as IC50 (concentration required to inhibit 50% of viral cytopathic effect). CC50s of tested compounds were >200 μg/ml. All compounds had an extracellular antiviral effect against both ARV and AMPV with IC50 values ranging from 25 to 66 μg/ml. Quebracho extract had also evident intracellular anti-ARV activity (IC50 24 μg/ml). These preliminary results suggest that the examined vegetable extracts might be good candidates in the control of some avian virus infections. Nevertheless further in vivo experiments are required to confirm these findings.  相似文献   

The gram-negative bacterium Pasteurella multocida constitutes a heterogeneous species associated with wide range of disease in many animals. Isolates are classified into five groups based on capsular antigen (capA, B, D, E and F). Recently, a new valuable PCR-based method was introduced to determine the epidemiological correlation between P. multocida infection and existence of virulence genes including tbpA, pfhA, toxA and hgbB. However, this method is tedious and laborious. Thus, in the current study, we designed a reliable multiplex PCR method for rapid detection of virulence genes in P. multocida. Eighty seven strains of P. multocida isolated from various clinically healthy and infected hosts were examined by uniplex PCR method for each virulence associated genes. Based on our improved and simplified multiplex PCR method, rapid detection of four virulence genes was accomplished. It is proposed that its implementation may benefit the epidemiological investigations.  相似文献   

To assist in the testing of possible antigens in developing a vaccine against the poultry red mite (Dermanyssus gallinae De Geer), a rapid and reliable in vitro screening method is critical. This short paper describes how D. gallinae survival and fecundity rates in an in vivo feeding device compared to that of mites fed using an in vitro method. Results showed that survival of fed D. gallinae females and mites overall was greater in vitro, although there was no difference between male survival and fecundity between in vivo and in vitro designs. The in vitro feeding device described therefore has the potential to provide reliable results, comparable to those obtained by in vivo testing, to allow for the rapid screening of D. gallinae antigens.  相似文献   

Based on our clinical experience on bovine mastitis, we hypothesized that subtypes of Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) exist which differ in their contagious and pathogenic properties. In order to investigate this hypothesis, we analyzed strains of S. aureus isolated from spontaneous intramammary infection (IMI) with their virulence gene patterns and genotypes obtained by PCR amplification of the 16S-23S rRNA intergenic spacer (RS-PCR). The genotypes were then associated with epidemiological and clinical data including 26 herds. The results demonstrated a high association between genotypes and virulence gene patterns as well as between epidemiological and pathogenic properties of S. aureus. In particular, genotype B was related to high contagiosity and increased pathogenicity whereas the other types (C, OG) were found with infection of single cows. Because of the high clinical relevance, our results indicate the need to subtype the IMI-associated strains of S. aureus in the future.  相似文献   

Forty-six Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Enteritidis (S. Enteritidis) strains were isolated from chicken meat, faeces, and eggshells collected from hatcheries throughout Korea. The strains were examined for the presence of antimicrobial resistance and virulence genes. All 46 isolates were resistant to at least one of 21 antibiotics used in this study, 30 (65.2%) were resistant to three or more antimicrobials, and a single remarkable isolate was resistant to 15 antimicrobials. The isolates were primarily resistant to penicillins, sulfisoxazole, streptomycin, tetracycline and quinolones.The high rate of resistance in S. Enteritidis strains, sometimes to multiple drugs, may complicate future options for treating human infections. Nineteen of the 21 penicillin resistant isolates carried the blaTEM gene, while one strain, resistant both to penicillins and ceftriaxone, carried the blaCTX-M gene. Thirty-seven of the 45 sulfisoxazole resistant isolates carried sul2, and 23/24 streptomycin resistant isolates carried both strA and strB. All 10 tetracycline resistant isolates carried the tet(A) gene. Most isolates harboured both SPI-1 and SPI-2-associated genes, and the spv operon, which are known to be associated with human infections. The presence of these genes suggests that these strains could give rise to public health problems if dispersed in the general human population.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated the presence of Cryptosporidium in 171 faecal samples from reptiles commonly used as pet animals. These include lizards belonging to the genera Eublepharis, Pogona, Chlamydosaurus, Hemiteconyx, Teratoscincus, Tiliqua, Iguana, and Chamaeleo, snakes of the genera Lampropeltis, Elaphe, Python, Boa and Corallus, and tortoises belonging to the genera Testudo and Kinixys. Cryptosporidium oocysts were detected by immunofluorescence using a commercially available kit and cryptosporidial DNA by amplification of a polymorphic fragment of the 18S rDNA and the HSP70 locus.Cryptosporidium was detected in 38.6% and 25.1% of the samples analysed by immunofluorescence and PCR, respectively. Molecular characterisation of the isolates confirmed that C. serpentis and C. varanii (syn. C. saurophilum) are the main species involved in infection in pet reptiles but also showed the presence of C. parvum and C. muris, as well as other species or genotypes of this parasite including the Cryptosporidium mouse genotype and Cryptosporidium tortoise genotype previously described in reptiles. In addition, a Cryptosporidium sp. was isolated from a chameleon and a python.  相似文献   

Managing the poultry red mite, Dermanyssus gallinae (De Geer) by conventional means (i.e., synthetic acaricides) has become increasingly problematic. As a possible alternative, research has identified several plant essential oils that are toxic to D. gallinae. However, essential oils are highly volatile and any acaricidal effect they exert could be short-lived in practice.This study investigated the short-lived toxicity of six lavender essential oils to D. gallinae. In sealed Petri-dishes, mites were exposed to filter papers impregnated with essential oil at a concentration of 0.14 mg/cm3. When filter papers were used immediately after impregnation, 66–90% D. gallinae mortality was observed after 24 h, depending upon the essential oil used. If impregnated filter papers were left in a fume cupboard for 24 h prior to use, mortality rates of D.gallinae fell to 11% or less.  相似文献   

In order to verify whether the low impact on livestock production in endemic areas is related to a low number of trypanosome strains circulating in livestock, 37 Trypanosoma congolense isolates collected from cattle in 11 sites in an endemic trypanosomiasis area in Eastern Zambia were characterised for genotype variability using a modified amplified fragment length polymorphism technique (AFLP). Isolates were further cloned to evaluate the occurrence of mixed infections in individuals. The results obtained revealed a high genotype diversity (94.6%) among these isolates. Apart from one site, all isolates gave different AFLP profiles in each of the sites. When clones were compared, three (8%) of the 37 isolates had mixed infections. These results indicate the circulation of a high number of strains in this trypanosomiasis endemic area despite the low impact the disease has on livestock production.  相似文献   

The sensitivity of Brachyspira hyodysenteriae and Brachyspira pilosicoli, respectively the causative agents of Swine Dysentery and Porcine Intestinal Spirochaetosis to two probiotic Lactobacillus strains, L. rhamnosus CNCM-I-3698 and L. farciminis CNCM-I-3699 was studied through viability, motility and coaggregation assays. The cell-free supernatant of these lactobacilli contains lactic acid, that is stressful for Brachyspira (leading to the formation of spherical bodies), and lethal. It was demonstrated for the first time the in vitro coaggregation properties of two probiotic Lactobacillus strains (active or heat-treated) with two pathogenic strains of Brachyspira, leading to (1) trapping of spirochaetal cells in a physical network as demonstrated by SEM; (2) inhibition of the motility of Brachyspira. Such in vitro studies should encourage in vivo studies in animal model to evaluate the potential of the use of probiotic lactobacilli through a feeding strategy for the prevention of B. hyodysenteriae and B. pilosicoli.  相似文献   

本试验旨在通过细菌分离鉴定,明确家养观赏地图鱼的死因,筛选敏感药物。采用常规方法分离纯化细菌后,进行细菌形态学观察,并通过小白鼠致病性试验、细菌主要生化鉴定、16SrDNA序列测定分析、药敏试验及耐药基因检测等方法对分离的细菌进行鉴定及耐药分析。分离出3株革兰氏阴性短杆菌,根据细菌形态特征及理化特性,结合16SrDNA序列测定与系统发育分析结果,判定其分别为肺炎克雷伯氏菌(Klebsiella pneumoniae)、维氏气单胞菌(Aeromonas veronii)和黏质沙雷氏菌(Serratia marcescens),其中肺炎克雷伯氏菌具有较强致病性。3株细菌均对洛美沙星、氧氟沙星、阿米卡星、卡那霉素敏感,对阿莫西林、氟苯尼考、克林霉素、甲硝唑等具有较强耐药性。结果表明,肺炎克雷伯氏菌、维氏气单胞菌、黏质沙雷氏菌的混合感染是家养观赏地图鱼的死亡原因。  相似文献   

Evidence of Anaplasma spp. in goats and sheep in Cyprus has been demonstrated by previous research. Herein, further research was performed for the identification of the exact Anaplasma spp. resulting in the identification of Anaplasma ovis strains in all samples examined. We used a bioinformatics as well as a molecular approach (study of groEl and mps4 genes) in order to verify the validity of the results. All samples depicted the presence of A. ovis regardless of the host (goat or sheep).  相似文献   

The genome of Brucella melitensis strain 16M was sequenced and contained 3,294,931 bp distributed over two circular chromosomes. Chromosome I was composed of 2,117,144 bp and chromosome II has 1,177,787 bp. A total of 3198 ORFs were predicted. The origins of replication of the chromosomes are similar to each other and to those of other α-proteobacteria. Housekeeping genes such as those that encode for DNA replication, protein synthesis, core metabolism, and cell-wall biosynthesis were found on both chromosomes. Genes encoding adhesins, invasins, and hemolysins were also identified.  相似文献   

Sixty-one Mycobacterium avium subsp. paratuberculosis isolates from cattle and deer from the Buenos Aires province, an important livestock region in Argentina, were typed by restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLP) analysis based on IS900. Four different RFLP patterns (designated ‘A’, ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘E’) were identified in BstEII digests of genomic DNA. The most frequently observed type, pattern ‘A’, was found in 46 isolates (75%). The second, pattern ‘E’, included 8 isolates (13%), while the third, pattern ‘B’, included 6 isolates (10%). Pattern ‘C’ was found for only one isolate. All of the deer isolates were classified as pattern ‘A’, while cattle isolates represented all four RFLP patterns. Twenty-one isolates representing the four different BstEII-RFLP patterns were digested with PstI. Twenty isolates showed identical PstI-RFLP pattern. BstEII-RFLP patterns from Argentine cattle and deer were compared with patterns found in cattle, goat, deer, rabbit, and human isolates from Europe. The most common pattern in Argentina, pattern ‘A’, was identical to a less frequently occurring pattern R9 (C17) from Europe. The other Argentine patterns ‘B’, ‘C’ and ‘E’, were not found in the Europe. These results indicate that the distribution of M. avium subsp. paratuberculosis genotypes in the Buenos Aires province of Argentina is different from that found in Europe.  相似文献   

The presence of antibodies against Encephalitozoon cuniculi (E. cuniculi) and Encephalitozoon intestinalis (E. intestinalis) was examined in 215 samples from humans and in 488 samples from five different species of domestic and companion animals in Slovakia. The 215 human samples and samples from 90 swine, 123 non-infected cattle (cattle), 24 cattle infected with bovine leukosis virus (BLV-positive cattle), 140 sheep and 111 dogs were examined by the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Samples with serum titres 1:200 or higher were considered as positive. Specific anti-E. cuniculi antibodies were found in humans (0.9%), swine (52%), cattle (2%), sheep (9%) and dogs (15%) except for the BLV-positive cattle at the titre of 1:200. The titre of 1:400 was detected only in humans (0.5%). The presence of specific anti-E. intestinalis antibodies at the titre of 1:200 was confirmed in humans (6%), swine (51%), cattle (11%), BLV-positive cattle (13%) and dogs (6%) but not in sheep. The anti-E. intestinalis antibodies reached the 1:400 in humans (1%), swine (4%) and BLV-positive cattle (17%). The presence of specific anti-E. intestinalis antibodies at the titre of 1:600 was observed only in one swine (1%). Significant differences were observed in animals at titres 1:200 and 1:400 (chi-squared test: p < 0.0001) for both pathogens and in humans only for E. cuniculi at the titre of 1:400 (chi-squared test: < 0.0075).  相似文献   

In October 2007, a 15-year-old Japanese Black cow on Ishigaki Island, Okinawa, Japan, was diagnosed with Anaplasma marginale infection based on clinical symptoms, blood examination, smear observation, 16S rRNA and groEL gene sequence analysis, and the result of a CF test. The cow was introduced into the farm from mainland Japan as a calf in 1993, one year before the eradication of Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus, the main vector of A. marginale in Okinawa Prefecture. It is possible that the cow was first infected with A. marginale as a calf in Ishigaki Island and had been persistently infected since then. This is the first reported clinical case of A. marginale infection of cattle since the eradication of R. microplus in Okinawa Prefecture. Additional analysis of major surface protein 1α amino acid sequences revealed that the A. marginale Okinawa strain presented four new repeat forms which were not seen in other strains. This indicates that the Okinawa strain may be a unique geographical variant of A. marginale.  相似文献   

A survey of avian Mycoplasma species for neuraminidase enzymatic activity   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Among 23 currently recognized avian Mycoplasma (AM) species only Mycoplasma gallisepticum, Mycoplasma synoviae, Mycoplasma meleagridis and Mycoplasma iowae cause disease and loss of production in chickens and/or turkeys. Because neuraminidases are considered virulence factors in many pathogenic microorganisms the aim of our study was to determine which AM species possess neuraminidase enzymatic activity (NEAC). Small samples of AM cells were assayed for NEAC using the chromogenic substrate 5-bromo-4-chloro-3-indolyl-alpha-d-N-acetylneuraminic acid. In the case of positive NEAC reaction the substrate gave the insoluble indigoblue product what enabled simple test and easy estimation of NEAC. M. gallisepticum and M. synoviae which share sequences of the gene encoding neuraminidase (sialidase NanH) exhibited considerable levels of NEAC. However, NEAC levels differed among their strains, as well as among cultures of different strains. Only certain cultures of the type strain of M. meleagridis showed NEAC, whereas among six serovars of M. iowae only serovar I (type strain 695) showed NEAC. Weak NEAC was detectable in M. anseris, M. cloacale and M. pullorum, whereas the type strain of M. corogypsi (BV1) showed strong NEAC. Our study provides novel informations about NEAC in AM species and suggests that higher invasiveness and possibly, the pathological processes might be associated with their NEAC.  相似文献   

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