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Physical, cultural and biological methods for weed control have developed largely independently and are often concerned with weed control in different systems: physical and cultural control in annual crops and biocontrol in extensive grasslands. We discuss the strengths and limitations of four physical and cultural methods for weed control: mechanical, thermal, cutting, and intercropping, and the advantages and disadvantages of combining biological control with them. These physical and cultural control methods may increase soil nitrogen levels and alter microclimate at soil level; this may be of benefit to biocontrol agents, although physical disturbance to the soil and plant damage may be detrimental. Some weeds escape control by these methods; we suggest that these weeds may be controlled by biocontrol agents. It will be easiest to combine biological control with fire and cutting in grasslands; within arable systems it would be most promising to combine biological control (especially using seed predators and foliar pathogens) with cover‐cropping, and mechanical weeding combined with foliar bacterial and possibly foliar fungal pathogens. We stress the need to consider the timing of application of combined control methods in order to cause least damage to the biocontrol agent, along with maximum damage to the weed and to consider the wider implications of these different weed control methods.  相似文献   

Weed species diversity may benefit from organic farming due to enhanced temporal diversification of crop species in a rotation and omission of herbicide applications. However, in intensively managed conventional systems, little evidence exists as to what extent diversified crop rotations contribute to higher weed species richness. Using an on-farm approach, the effect of crop rotation (organic, conventional diverse (CD) and conventional simple (CS) crop rotations) and weed control (with vs. without) on weed species richness, cover, community composition and crop biomass, was analysed in 24 winter wheat fields. Weed species with beneficial functions for invertebrates and birds were analysed separately. Weed species richness was higher in the organic crop rotation, but did not differ between CD and CS crop rotations. Weed control treatment reduced species richness in both conventional rotations, but not in the organic one. Redundancy analyses revealed that crop rotation intensity accounted for the largest part of the explained variation in weed species composition. Results from the study indicate that the maintenance of weed species richness and conservation of species with important ecological functions requires not only temporal diversification of crop species in the rotation, but also an adjustment of weed control strategies.  相似文献   

The effects of three different weed management strategies on the required input of hand weeding in an arable organic farming system, the weed seedbank in the soil and the emerging weed seedling emergence were studied from 1996 to 2003. Strategies were based on population dynamic models and aimed for (1) control of weeds as carried out in standard organic farming practice, (2) control of all residual weeds that grow above the crop and (3) prevention of all weed seed return to the soil. Under all strategies, the size of the seedbank increased during the conversion from conventional to organic farming systems. The increase under strategy 3 was significantly smaller than the increase under the other strategies. From 1999 onwards, the weed densities in plots treated with strategy 3 became significantly lower than the weed densities in plots treated with the other strategies. The time needed for hand‐weeding required to prevent weed seed return, in addition to the time needed in standard organic farming practices, reduced during the course of the study. A management strategy aimed at the prevention of seed return (strategy 3) can reduce the size of the increase of the seedbank, which is usually observed after transition from conventional to organic farming. This study provides unique real‐world data that are essential for evaluating population dynamic models. The results may contribute to the development of weed management systems based on ‘no seed’ threshold strategies and to a further decrease in the dependence on herbicides.  相似文献   

Despite increased concerns regarding the heavy reliance of many cropping systems on chemical weed control, adoption of ecological weed management practices is only steadily progressing. For this reason, this paper reflects on both the possibilities and limitations of cultural weed control practices. Cultural weed control utilises a number of principles, predominantly: (i) a reduced recruitment of weed seedlings from the soil seedbank, (ii) an alteration of crop–weed competitive relations to the benefit of the crop and (iii) a gradual reduction of the size of the weed seedbank. Compared with chemical control, the general applicability, reliability and efficacy of most measures is only moderate, and consequently, cultural control strategies need to consist of a combination of measures, resulting in increased systems complexity. Combined with the trade‐offs connected to some of the measures, this hampers large‐scale implementation. It is argued that tailoring cultural weed management strategies to the needs and skills of individual farmers would be an important step forward. Research can aid in improving the utilisation of cultural weed control strategies by focussing on a broadening of the range of available measures and by providing clear quantitative insight in efficacy, variability in outcome and trade‐offs of these measures.  相似文献   

Weed biology serves practical weed management   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Weed science is an applied science that serves practical weed management. Traditionally, effective weed management has been dependent upon farmers gaining knowledge of the characteristics of the weeds they were managing. The advent of herbicides has not made this knowledge-based approach redundant and problems, including herbicide resistant weeds, have made weed biology studies necessary even in the herbicide era. Weed populations continue to evolve and weed problems persist, sustaining a requirement for effective management strategies. In this paper, we exhibit several approaches to linking weed biology studies to practical weed management. These approaches demonstrate both the value of and synergy between an in-depth knowledge of weed biology and weed management practices to provide practical solutions in the field.  相似文献   

Paraquat and sustainable agriculture   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sustainable agriculture is essential for man's survival, especially given our rapidly increasing population. Expansion of agriculture into remaining areas of natural vegetation is undesirable, as this would reduce biodiversity on the planet. Maintaining or indeed improving crop yields on existing farmed land, whether on a smallholder scale or on larger farms, is thus necessary. One of the limiting factors is often weed control; biological control of weeds is generally of limited use and mechanical control is either often difficult with machinery or very laborious by hand. Thus the use of herbicides has become very important. Minimum cultivation can also be important, as it reduces the power required to work the soil, limits erosion and helps to maintain the organic matter content of the soil. This last aspect helps preserve both the structure of soil and its populations of organisms, and also sustains the Earth's soil as a massive sink for carbon, an important consideration in the light of global warming. The introduction of the bipyridinium herbicide paraquat in the early 1960s greatly facilitated weed control in many crops. Paraquat has the unusual property of being active only by direct spray onto plants and not by uptake from soil in which strong binding deactivates it. Together with its rapid action in light in killing green plant tissue, such properties allow paraquat to be used in many crops, including those grown by low-tillage methods. This paper reviews the ways in which agricultural systems have been and are being developed to make use of these properties, and provides a risk/benefit analysis of the world-wide use of paraquat over nearly 40 years.  相似文献   

Summary Weeds cause yield losses and reductions in crop quality. Prior to the introduction of selective herbicides, the drudgery of manual weeding forced farmers to adhere to a suit of weed management tactics by carefully combining crop rotation, appropriate tillage and fallow systems. The introduction of selective herbicides in the late 1940s and the constant flow of new herbicides in the succeeding decades provided farmers with a new tool, ‘the chemical hoe’, putting them in a position to consider weed control more independently of the crop production system than hitherto. The reliance on herbicides for weed control, however, resulted in shifts in the weed flora and the selection of herbicide‐resistant biotypes. In the 1980s, the public concern about side‐effects of herbicides on the environment and human health resulted in increasingly strict registration requirements and, in some countries, political initiatives to reduce the use of pesticides were launched. Today, the number of new herbicides being introduced has decreased significantly and integrated weed management has become the guiding concept. Farmers also have the option of growing herbicide‐resistant crops where the biology of the crop has been adapted to tolerate herbicides considered safe to humans and environmentally benign. This paper discusses some of the recent developments in herbicide discovery, technology and fate, and sketches important future developments.  相似文献   

全球气候变化有利于外来杂草的入侵与传播,因为外来种通常可以快速适应环境。除草剂和抗除草剂作物的滥用使抗性杂草严重威胁现代农业的发展,这就需要新技术有效缓解当前的和未来的杂草问题。分子生物学是研究DNA、RNA以及蛋白质分子之间相互作用的科学,该技术已在杂草科学中广泛应用,如决定杂草抗药性机制、抗性杂草的起源、杂草基因型和基因流动的传播、杂草特征的生态适应与进化发展等。这些信息有利于建立可持续发展的杂草管理方案。分子生物技术也具有可直接用于防除杂草的潜力,如可用于开发新的除草措施的技术,包括宏基因组学、病毒诱导基因沉默、转基因雌性不育性等。  相似文献   

Herbicide-resistant populations of annual ryegrass (Lolium rigidum) are estimated to affect crop production on about 5000 farms in southern Australia. In order to manage resistant populations, some farmers have adopted a two-to-three-year pasture phase which allows use of grazing by sheep, and non-selective herbicides to deplete the weed seed-bank. However, in low-to-medium rainfall zones, where financial returns from pastures are relatively low, farmers have generally combined cultural practices for weed management with the use of alternative herbicides, mainly trifluralin. Used singly, none of the currently available cultural techniques provides an adequate level of weed control. However, when used in carefully planned combinations, extremely effective ryegrass control can be achieved. Some of the important cultural practices for ryegrass control include delayed sowing (sometimes in conjunction with a shallow autumn cultivation); stubble burning; cutting the crop for hay or green manure, increased crop density and capture of weed seeds at harvest. Selection of crop species and cultivars with superior weed suppression potential is also receiving considerable attention. ©1997 SCI  相似文献   

Weed competition and nutrient scarcity often restrict organic cereal production, especially where the availability of livestock manure is limited. While harrowing of annual weeds and legume cover crops can be used, these methods are both executed in early spring and may hinder each other. Two cycles of a 2‐year crop rotation were carried out in south‐east Norway (60°42′N, 10°51′E, altitude 250 m) with weed harrowing and undersown cover crops (WHCC) at two fertiliser rates (40 and 100 kg nitrogen ha?1). The effect of the WHCC treatments was measured by weed density and species, weed biomass, changes in weed seedbank and grain yield. The weed density depended on the interaction between WHCC, fertiliser and year. On average, pre‐emergence weed harrowing reduced weed density by 32% and weed biomass by 49%, while pre‐ and post‐emergence weed harrowing reduced weed density by 59% and weed biomass by 67% compared with the untreated control. Spergula arvensis became more abundant at low rather than at high fertiliser rates. On average, white clover cover crop sown after pre‐emergence weed harrowing resulted in the highest yields for both oat (+12.1%) and wheat (+16.4%) compared with the untreated control. Despite differences in weed population density and biomass among WHCC treatments within years, the weed biomass, weed density and seedbank increased for all WHCC treatments over the 4‐year period. More research is required into improving the efficacy of mechanical and cultural weed suppression methods that organic systems rely on.  相似文献   

Weed management in organic agriculture: are we addressing the right issues?   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
P Bàrberi 《Weed Research》2002,42(3):177-193
Summary Despite the serious threat which weeds offer to organic crop production, relatively little attention has so far been paid to research on weed management in organic agriculture, an issue that is often approached from a reductionist perspective. This paper aims to outline why and how this problem should instead be tackled from a system perspective. Compared with conventional agriculture, in organic agriculture the effects of cultural practices (e.g. fertilization and direct weed control) on crop:weed interactions usually manifest themselves more slowly. It follows that weed management should be tackled in an extended time domain and needs deep integration with the other cultural practices, aiming to optimize the whole cropping system rather than weed control per se . In this respect, cover crop management is an important issue because of its implications for soil, nutrient, pest and weed management. It is stressed that direct (physical) weed control can only be successful where preventive and cultural weed management is applied to reduce weed emergence (e.g. through appropriate choice of crop sequence, tillage, smother/cover crops) and improve crop competitive ability (e.g. through appropriate choice of crop genotype, sowing/planting pattern and fertilization strategy). Two examples of system-oriented weed management systems designed for organic agriculture are illustrated as well as future perspectives and problems.  相似文献   

Herbicides applied alone have failed to reduce weed populations in agricultural ecosystems. The use of this management strategy has followed other problems such as damage to ecosystems and organisms that live in it. Herbicide resistance in weeds has also occurred more quickly based on the application of herbicides. Today, most scientists are looking for new integrated weed management programs in agricultural ecosystems. Biological control is one of the most effective ways of weed management. In this way, living organisms are used to reduce and control weed species in arable lands. Weed seed predators, including predispersal and postdispersal predators as biological control agents, can be primary factors of weed seed mortality in agricultural ecosystems. This review has discussed factors influencing seed predator populations, activity, and granivory. Knowledge of the interrelations between factors and seed predators can contribute to designing future strategies that augment weed seed predator activity and enhance weed seed consumption as a component of an integrated weed management system.  相似文献   

Liebman  & Davis 《Weed Research》2000,40(1):27-47
Greater adoption and refinement of low-external-input (LEI) farming systems have been proposed as ways to ameliorate economic, environmental and health problems associated with conventional farming systems. Organic soil amendments and crop diversification are basic components of LEI systems. Weed scientists can improve the use of these practices for weed management by improving knowledge of four relevant ecological mechanisms. First, multispecies crop rotations, intercrops and cover crops may reduce opportunities for weed growth and regeneration through resource competition and niche disruption. Secondly, weed species appear to be more susceptible to phytotoxic effects of crop residues and other organic soil amendments than crop species, possibly because of differences in seed mass. Thirdly, delayed patterns of N availability in LEI systems may favour large-seeded crops over small-seeded weeds. Finally, additions of organic materials can change the incidence and severity of soil-borne diseases affecting weeds and crops. Our research on LEI sweetcorn and potato production systems in central and northern Maine (USA) suggests that these mechanisms can reduce weed density and growth while maintaining crop yields. Low-external-input farming systems will advance most quickly through the application of interdisciplinary research focused on these and other ecological mechanisms.  相似文献   

The recent phaseout of herbicide use on public pavements in Flanders has triggered the development of alternative weed control strategies. Besides the search for effective non‐chemical curative methods, there is also a need for strategies that prevent or reduce weed growth on pavements. In this study a paving experiment was set up under a rain shelter to investigate the effects of four construction factors on weed growth: joint filling material, joint width, organic pollution of the joint filling material and type of bedding layer. Paving mini‐plots were oversown with a mixture of dominant, hard‐to‐control weed species found on pavements. The inhibitory effect on weeds was determined by examining initial weed density and weed coverage over a 2‐year period. More weed growth was found in pavings with wide joints and organically polluted joint filling materials. High permeability of the bedding layer resulted in higher weed cover. The coarse‐grained filling materials and the sodium silicate‐enriched sand Dansand® were associated with less weed cover than the fine‐grained filling materials. Our results show there is potential for preventing weed growth using suitable paving materials and appropriate high‐standard construction and maintenance of pavements.  相似文献   

M.-L. NAVAS 《Weed Research》1991,31(4):171-179
The aim of this paper is to show the need for developing plant population biology studies in order to improve weed management when traditional approaches in weed science have failed, as shown by recent reviews on herbicide resistance. It is also suggested that the usual weed definitions do not reflect the new aims of weed ecology. The results of studies on the genetic, demographic and spatial variability of weed populations and their regulation by pests and pathogens are reported, and are discussed in the specific case of clonal perennial species.  相似文献   

In practical farming, early and shallow stubble tillage is carried out post‐harvest to stimulate germination of freshly ripened crop and weed seeds, to kill the resulting seedlings and hence to reduce the input into the soil seedbank. Additionally, it aims at reducing perennial weeds by mechanical damage. In this paper, field experiments and laboratory studies are presented which show that stubble tillage can reduce perennial weeds. However, it had a variable effect on annual weeds. After 5 years of experimentation, no effect of stubble tillage was seen on the aboveground vegetation. In contrast, the soil seedbank of the control was roughly doubled where the stubble had been left uncultivated until autumn ploughing. These results indicate that practical experience which assumes that stubble tillage reduces annual weed populations may be correct, despite the fact that in other published studies stubble tillage exerted no control on annual weeds or had a variable effect. This will have practical application in organic arable production systems.  相似文献   

Competitive crop cultivars offer a potentially cheap option to include in integrated weed management strategies (IWM). Although cultivars with high competitive potential have been identified amongst cereal crops, competitiveness has not traditionally been considered a priority for breeding or farmer cultivar choice. The challenge of managing herbicide‐resistant weed populations has, however, renewed interest in cultural weed control options, including competitive cultivars. We evaluated the current understanding of the traits that explain variability in competitive ability between cultivars, the relationship between suppression of weed neighbours and tolerance of their presence and the existence of trade‐offs between competitive ability and yield in weed‐free scenarios. A large number of relationships between competitive ability and plant traits have been reported in the literature, including plant height, speed of development, canopy architecture and partitioning of resources. There is uncertainty over the relationship between suppressive ability and tolerance, although tolerance is a less stable trait over seasons and locations. To realise the potential of competitive crop cultivars as a tool in IWM, a quick and simple‐to‐use protocol for assessing the competitive potential of new cultivars is required; it is likely that this will not be based on a single trait, but will need to capture the combined effect of multiple traits. A way needs to be found to make this information accessible to farmers, so that competitive cultivars can be better integrated into their weed control programmes.  相似文献   

J. CONNOLLY 《Weed Research》1988,28(6):431-436
The implications of recent studies on the inappropriatness of replacement series and additive methods in competition studies, and some possible alternatives, are discussed in the context of weed research, Replacement series are usually inadequate to assess competitive interactions and can be misleading. In particular they may be biased in favour of the larger species. Many of the criticisms of replacement series also apply to additive experiments. Response models relating yield per individual to the densities of the species in the mixture provide methodology for answering many questions about mixtures. This paper proposes a framework for using these models to: (i) measure the effect of weed species on yield per individual and yield per unit area for the crop and weed species; (ii) develop methods of biological control of weeds both within a seaons and over seasons, based on the interference between crop and weed species and the population biology of the weed species; (iii) establish a cost-benefit analysis of certain of the biological weed-control programmes. The inclusion of the effect of relative emergence time and management practices in response models is considered as well as experimental design for crop-weed experiments.  相似文献   

发展化学除草重视综合治理   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
我国农田杂草有250多种,全国农田受草害面积4300多万hm2,平均受草害减产13.4%,每年减产粮食1750万t,皮棉25.5万t和大豆50万t。传统农业生产采用机械作业及人力等除草。随着农村经济的发展,化学除草面积迅速扩大,全国农田化学除草面积从1975年的170万hm2增加到1995年的4133万hm2。但是,长期化学除草也带来了除草剂土壤残留对后茬作物药害、农田杂草种群更替和产生抗药性等新问题。必须重视农田杂草综合治理,通过采用各种有效的农业技术措施,为农作物保持良好的生态条件,结合化学除草才是最有效的防除杂草方法  相似文献   

Over 125 permanent full-time scientists conduct research within the USDA Agricultural Research Service (ARS) on issues related to weeds. The research emphasis of most of these scientists involves ecology and management or biological control of weeds. Many scientists perform research on weed biology as components of their primary projects on weed control and integrated crop and soil management. Describing all ARS projects involved with weed biology is impossible, and consequently only research that falls within the following arbitrarily chosen topics is highlighted in this article: dormancy mechanisms; cell division; diversity of rangeland weeds; soil resources and rangeland weeds; poisonous rangeland plants; horticultural weeds; weed traits limiting chemical control; aquatic and semi-aquatic weeds; weed/transgenic wheat hybrids; seedbanks, seedling emergence and seedling populations; and weed seed production. Within these topics, and others not highlighted, the desire of ARS is that good information on weed biology currently translates or eventually will translate into practical advice for those who must manage weeds.  相似文献   

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