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Forty urinary bladders were collected from apparently healthy cattle slaughtered at the Zaria abattoir. Twenty-four (60%) were from male animals and 16 (40%) from females. Urine samples were obtained and cultured for Corynebacterium renale. Four (16.7%) of the samples from males and 1 (6.3%) from females were positive. The difference in infection between the sexes was statistically significant (P less than 0.001).  相似文献   

The prevalence of salmonellae, shigellae and Plesiomonas shigelloides among 303 dogs in Zaria was determined. Salmonella serotypes including S. kofandoka, a new serotype, were recovered from three dogs giving a proportion of 1.0%. None of the dogs from which salmonellae were isolated was showing evidence of gastroenteritis at the time of presentation. Neither Shigella nor Plesiomonas shigelloides was isolated from any of the dogs.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine the presence of trichinellosis in backyard-farmed pigs and the risk factors associated with the infection in Zaria, Kaduna State. Serum samples were collected from 120 pigs selected at random from 50 small backyard farms, and the presence of Trichinella spp. antibodies was determined using a commercially available enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit. Data on farm management practices from the farms were obtained through the use of a structured questionnaire. The overall seroprevalence of Trichinella spp.-specific antibodies was 40 % (48/120) by ELISA. All the extensive farms sampled had at least one Trichinella-positive animal. The age and sex of the animals were not significantly (p?>?0.05) associated with the infection; however, the management systems, presence of rodents, rodent control, and access to dead pigs showed significant (p?<?0.05) association with Trichinella spp.-infected pigs on the farm. In conclusion, there was a high prevalence of antibodies to trichinellosis in backyard raised pigs in Zaria, and intensive pig farming with the adoption of proper biosecurity measures is advocated to prevent the transmission and spread of trichinellosis.  相似文献   

Cattle transported to the government-run cattle market and slaughter slab in Akinyele, Oyo State, Nigeria on their final voyage are facing a disturbingly cruel, filthy and unsafe environment that is also raising the risk of contamination of meat sold for human consumption. This report gives a picture of what the cattle have to go through before they are slaughtered. This study also reveals cattle awaiting slaughter in abysmal health conditions, cows pulled with extreme force towards lairage and slaughter slab. Equally disturbing is the filthy situation inside the abattoir where the risk of contamination of meat is significant. Also, poor meat handling, transportation and sales practices subject meat to contamination leading to poor quality and exposure of human consumers to health risk. Development of hygienic slaughter slab operations, improved transportation system for both livestock and meat is therefore recommended; not only for Akinyele, but all abattoirs and slaughter slabs in Nigeria.  相似文献   

The mean (+/- sd) batch prevalence of pleura stripping of finished pigs going for slaughter in four abattoirs in eastern England was 0.15 +/- 0.04, and the average batch proportion of lungs totally condemned was 0.23 +/- 0.05. There was a significant positive correlation between the number of carcases requiring total lung condemnation and the number of carcases requiring pleura stripping. There was no significant differences between the type of producer, the herd size or the mean batch live weight and the prevalence of pleurisy, either within individual abattoirs or combining the data from the four abattoirs. There was considerable variation in the batch prevalence of pleurisy from the same producer, indicating the need to monitor a number of batches in order to determine the prevalence of pleurisy on a farm.  相似文献   

Cattle are known reservoirs and asymptomatic excretors of Cryptosporidium, a protozoan parasite that causes severe and protracted diarrhoea in people. The incidence of Cryptosporidium was investigated in 288 matched samples taken from beef carcases of 1 g samples of faeces retrieved immediately after de-legging, 25 cm2 samples of beef excised from the rump of uneviscerated carcases, and 25 cm2 samples of beef excised from the brisket area of eviscerated carcases. Cryptosporidium species were detected in 21 of the faecal samples after salt flotation and immunofluorescent microscopy. The species isolated from the positive samples were identified by restriction fragment length polymorphism and PCR as Cryptosporidium andersoni (54.5 per cent) and Cryptosporidium parvum genotype 2 (45.5 per cent). In the faecal samples, there was a significantly higher prevalence of the parasite in samples taken in summer (May to July) and winter (November to January) than in spring or autumn. No Cryptosporidium species were recovered from any of the beef samples.  相似文献   

1. The aims of this study were (i) to evaluate the prevalence of welfare-related cutaneous lesions in turkeys at the end of the rearing period and (ii) to study the correlations between lesions.

2. The percentage of lesions in each flock was determined by observation at the slaughterhouse. Sixty flocks were investigated in 13 slaughterhouses between April and July 2006.

3. All flocks showed a high proportion of turkeys with footpad lesions, with 40·7% of turkey flocks having severe footpad dermatitis. A significant number of feet had swelling of the footpad and deviated toes (60·0% and 21·4% respectively). Arthritis was observed in 25·4% of the carcases and an average of 30·1% had breast buttons on the keel.

4. Positive correlations were found between evidence of feather pecking and arthritis, toe deviations and swelling of the footpad. Deviated toes, swelling of the feet and feather pecking were negatively linked to the most severe scratches (P? 5. A method is proposed to assess turkey welfare at the slaughterhouse based on several criteria: footpad lesions, arthritis, severe scratches, deviated toes, swelling of the footpad and breast buttons.  相似文献   

A study aimed at describing the magnitude and distribution of gross lesions compatible with bovine tuberculosis (BTB) in Ethiiopian slaughter cattle in five abattoirs (four municipal and one export) located in various cattle husbandry systems in Ethiopia was carried out from July 2006 to January 2007 using detailed meat inspection procedure. Five representative abattoirs (four municipal and one export) located in distinct livestock management systems were selected. A total of 3322 cattle; 2876 (86.6%) male, 446 (13.4%) female; 3094 (93.1%) indigenous zebu, 140 (4.2%) crossbred and 88 (2.7%) pure exotic cattle were included in the study. A nine-year meat inspection record was also analyzed to elucidate the trend of BTB in the local cattle population.Of the carcasses inspected, 337 (10.2%, 95%CI= [9.2–11.2]) had lesions suggestive of tuberculosis, 69 (20.5%) generalized and 268 (79.5%) localized.TB prevalence showed a marked variation between categories of age, breed, class of animals, abattoir, geographic origin and husbandry system. It was higher in old and young animals than middle age group; in exotic than local breed; in calves than other classes of animals. The highest and lowest prevalence of TB was recorded in Adama (24.7%, 95%CI= [21.1–28.7]) and Yabello abattoirs (4.2%, 95%CI= [2.6–6.6]), respectively. Cattle whose origin was from Addis Ababa and its surrounding areas had higher prevalence of TB infection (23.9%, 95%CI= [17.6–31.5]).Cattle maintained in dairy farms had high degree of exposure (23.9%, 95%CI= [16.7–32.9]) to the infection than those maintained in other types of management system. Analysis of meat inspection records also revealed an increasing incidence of TB over the years. Our study demonstrated a high prevalence of tuberculosis in Ethiopian slaughter cattle and this could infer to similar scenario in a reference cattle population in the country. In view of Ethiopia’s increasing involvement in livestock export trade, the reported high prevalence of tuberculosis could be a major obstacle, particularly at this moment when sanitary requirements from importing countries are so much strict. Furthermore, the growing concern over increasing incidence of tuberculosis/HIV/AIDS co-infection, the high incidence of extra- pulmonary tuberculosis and a high risk of acquiring zoonotic tuberculosis among the majority of the population emphasize the need for paying the necessary attention towards the control of bovine tuberculosis.  相似文献   

One hundred and fifty-four dogs brought to the Ahmadu Bello University Veterinary Clinic for routine examination, in which an eosinophil count of 8% or higher was observed on laboratory examination, were found to be infested with one or more types of intestinal parasites. These included hookworms, tapeworms, coccidia, ascarids and spirocerca, with hookworms accounting for 51% of parasites found. Although dogs of all ages were affected, a higher incidence was observed in those under 2 years. The clinical and public health significance of these findings are emphasized.  相似文献   

A clinical and epidemiologic picture of canine hepatozoonosis is presented. Clinically the disease is characterized by a chronic debilitating course, persistent or recurrent fever unresponsive to antibiotics and the common babesiocidal agents, progressive anaemia, eosinophilia and polychromasia, and H. canis parasitaemia. H. canis was the most prevalent haematozoan parasite, affecting 22 per cent of the dogs examined; B. canis affected 11 per cent, and E. canis 5 per cent. H. canis affected all ages of dogs while B. canis and E. canis affected predominantly young dogs.  相似文献   

Two-hundred and ten digestive tracts of local chickens reared in and around Zaria, Northern Nigeria, under the extensive native free range system of management and 203 digestive tracts of exotic chickens raised under the intensive system of management were examined for parasites. Two hundred and one (95.7%) of the local chickens were infected and 24 (11.8%) of the exotic chickens also. Among the local chickens, 12 species of nematodes and 7 species of cestodes were recovered. Only one nematode and one cestode species were recovered from the exotic chickens. The prevalence of helminth infections between local and exotic chickens was significantly different at 1%.  相似文献   

A recent cross-sectional survey of bovine trypanosomiasis at the Obudu Cattle Ranch (OCR), located at an altitude of 1576 m on the Obudu Plateau in Nigeria is presented. Blood samples from 68 adult cattle in three herds and 290 cattle (27 calves and 263 adults) in eight herds were screened for trypanosome infections in August 1989 and February 1990, respectively. Although the plateau is designated as tsetse-free, one (1.5%) (0.015, 95% confidence interval ±0.029) and four (1.4%) (0.014, 95% confidence interval ±0.013) of the ranch's cattle in August and Febraury, respectively, had trypanomome infections. Trypanosoma brucei caused one of the infections while the others were caused by Trypanosoma vivax.  相似文献   

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