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景观型木麻黄优良品种选育研究小结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该研究主要利用木麻黄树种种源丰富的特点,调查筛选和新引进的景观型木麻黄种质资源,经过繁殖、育苗、修剪、管理研究,选育出具有景观型观赏价值的木麻黄优良品种,为城乡及沿海地区的园林绿化、四旁绿化、景观改造提供新的品种。  相似文献   

云惟炳  陈宏锦 《热带林业》2009,37(4):14-16,13
文章主要以木麻黄优良无性系子代造林现状与结果为依据,提出目前海南木麻黄优良无性系林业发展主要措施是持续不断的抓好木麻黄优良品种选育,为生产提供木麻黄新种质材料和其他繁殖材料。从某一侧面研讨海南木麻黄优良无性系林业发展战略问题。  相似文献   

为了丰富和增加海岸带防护林体系建设的新材料,引进木麻黄新无性系进行育苗与更新造林试验,结果表明:9个参试的木麻黄无性系造林成活率均达到95.9%以上;现有保存率也均达到95.5%以上,说明新引进的木麻黄无性系都比较适宜新的生态环境。试验还表明,木麻黄无性系之间最主要的胸径、树高生长量处于快速成长水平,真正的竞争才开始,有待进一步观察研究。  相似文献   

木麻黄水培育苗的技术措施   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文对木麻黄水培育苗的各种技术措施进行了探讨、研究和改进。研究结果表明,影响木麻黄小枝水培生根的内因是植株本身的遗传性;外因有水培时期的温度、光照、采穗母树的树龄、穗条在母树上的部位、同一家系子代不同个体以及小枝采用生长素处理技术等。其中温度为主要因素,福建省木麻黄小枝水培应在日平均气温达25℃以上进行。  相似文献   

木麻黄(Oasuarina equisetifolia)又称驳骨树、马尾树、澳洲铁木,属木麻黄科,是福建省沿海防护林主要树种,也是我市沿海防风固沙农田防护林的先锋树种之一,为常绿乔木,高达30m,胸径70cm。其树干通直,主根深长,侧根发达,具有根瘤菌共生,喜光,适应性强,对土壤要求不严,能耐盐碱,适宜在滨海有机质和含氮量很低瘠薄的沙土上迅速生长。它与湿地松混交造林形成复层混交林,筑成沿海防护林带,防风固沙抗风力强,10级以下风力能正常生长。多年来,我市在沿海育苗营造不少木麻黄防护林带。笔者根据几年来的育苗实践,对木麻黄种子育苗进行不同方式试验,摸索出几点种子育苗的关键技术。  相似文献   

<正>我国在国际上首次完成木麻黄基因组测序日前,由福建省林业科学研究院副院长、福建省木麻黄工程技术研究中心主任叶功富教授级高工带领的科研团队,在国际上首次完成了木麻黄的全基因组测序。木麻黄基因组的破译,为木麻黄优良品种的定向选育奠定了分子基础,并将为沿海防护林体系建设提供更好的物质保障,同时标志着我国在木麻  相似文献   

木麻黄苗期生长特性和生物产量的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过木麻黄实生苗年生长节律的研究,划分了苗木的生长时期,确定了影响苗木高、径生长的主导因子。同时探讨了木麻黄1年生苗的生物产量积累和分配特点,查明了密度对苗木生物产量的影响,提出了木麻黄适宜的育苗密度和苗木生物量估测模型。  相似文献   

滨海沙地木麻黄优良无性系的引种推广试验   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
1994年从广东引进 3个木麻黄无性系 ,在本地育苗 ,小面积试验造林 ,按常规经营条件进行管理 ,各生长指标分别是本地品种 (对照 )的 2~ 7倍 ,大大超过部颁的木麻黄速生丰产林标准。引进的 3个木麻黄无性系比本地品种适应性好、生长快、抗性强 ,防风固沙效果好  相似文献   

木麻黄水培育苗技术试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对木麻黄的无性繁殖——水培育苗技术进行了试验研究。结果表明:采取苗龄2~4个月的健壮母株上中部和中上部2/3的长度作穗条,经过2.5%萘乙酸+10mL叶面肥"扶它旺"配成(50~65)×10-6溶液,浸泡时间6~12h为宜,穗条水培密度20~40条/杯、最适温度在24~30℃之间。对木麻黄水培育苗过程中的一些相关事项进行了讨论。  相似文献   

韩松元 《热带林业》2007,35(4):10-11,9
充分肯定了先锋树种木麻黄在海防林建设中的作用,进一步分析了当前营造海防林体系建设中面临的挑战和机遇,提出加强木麻黄优良品种选育,不断推进海南沿海防护林体系建设的几点建议。  相似文献   

分别在云南威达元宝枫产业开发有限公司的元宝枫种植基地(位于昆明市晋宁县)的山脊、坡地和平地,对元宝枫1年生和2年生苗木群体的株高、地径及叶片数进行调查和数据分析,结果表明,各苗木群体在此3个生长性状上均存在极丰富的变异。其株高变异系数为47.838%~70.890%,地径变异系数为42.505%~57.497%,叶片数变异系数为60.698%~68.140%。苗木经移栽消除植株的密集生长竞争和环境差异后,该苗木的生长性状依然表现出“优者更优,劣者更劣”的趋势,表明元宝枫苗木生长性状所存在的丰富变异主要是基因型差异造成的。据此,对元宝枫进行早期优株选择是可行的。  相似文献   

生长激素处理薄壳山核桃容器苗生长效应初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
试验用不同质量浓度GA3和PP333溶液分别喷施薄壳山核桃容器苗叶面,用不同质量浓度GA3溶液涂抹薄壳山核桃容器苗茎基部;同时在薄壳山核桃容器苗生长旺季初期分3个时期摘心进行对比试验。结果表明,叶面喷施不同质量浓度GA3溶液能显著促进薄壳山核桃苗高生长,但对增粗生长无影响。不同溶度GA3溶液涂抹薄壳山核桃容器苗茎基部、不同质量浓度PP333溶液喷施薄壳山核桃容器苗叶面及不同时期摘心处理都能显著促进薄壳山核桃苗的增粗生长。GA3茎基部涂抹处理相比对照地径增粗26.90%~76.55%,PP333处理相比对照地径增加21.70%~66.04%,摘心处理地径增粗仅为3.79%~23.48%。600 mg/L的GA3溶液涂抹茎基部对薄壳山核桃容器苗生长发育效果最好,300 mg/L的PP333溶液喷施叶面能有效促进薄壳山核桃容器苗增粗,比对照地径分别增粗71.12%和66.04%。  相似文献   

In California today, several species of native oaks are not regenerating adequately. Artificial regeneration is a means of ensuring sufficient recruitment to replace trees that die or are harvested, and restoring areas where trees have been cleared. Until recently, however, no bareroot oak seedlings were being produced in the state and there was little information to guide nursery operators. This study evaluated the potential of bareroot blue oak seedlings to survive and grow after outplanting. Results indicated that 1-0 nursery stock performed well in the field as long as seedlings were planted early enough in the season to take advantage of a favorable growing environment. Late lifting and long storage resulted in planting at a time when soils were already becoming dry and temperatures were hot. As a result, seedlings grew slowly or even died. Seedlings lifted early in the season (December) grew best. Either one or two months of storage had little effect on seedlings lifted at this time of year. However, seedlings lifted in January, February, and even early March performed adequately as long as they were in the ground by early March. In this study, root growth capacity was not a good predictor of subsequent field performance.  相似文献   

红锥优质苗培育技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
红锥为速生珍稀树种之一,具有生长快、成材早、适应广、材质优、价值高等优良特性,市场应用前景广阔,人工栽培技术已趋于成熟。本文主要对红锥裸根苗、容器苗培育过程种子收集处理、苗圃地选择、催芽、播种、苗期管理等各个环节的技术措施进行综合,以期为培育红锥优质苗木提供技术参考。  相似文献   

苗圃育苗采取适时早播,可增加苗木的抗逆性,促进幼苗快速生长发育,对提高单位面积产量,实现优质壮苗,起到关键性作用。  相似文献   


When Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) seedlings are short-day (SD) treated in May or early June, height growth ceases but seedlings reflush within a few weeks and grow secondary needles (later referred to as early SD treatment). These “2-year-old-like” seedlings have been thought to be more stress tolerant than traditional 1-year-old pine seedlings, and thus suitable for summer and autumn plantings. To test this, seedlings sown in April were early SD treated over a 3-week period from the beginning of June and the seedlings were planted at 10-day intervals from the beginning of July until the end of September, and also during the following spring. Neither survival nor height growth of early SD-treated seedlings differed from untreated (1-year-old) seedlings. Moreover, for both early SD-treated seedlings and 1-year-old seedlings, those planted in summer grew and survived better after planting but had more multiple leaders than seedlings planted in autumn or spring.  相似文献   

在4种不同中间砧高接东试早柚,经过4年观察分析,初步认为泰国柚A、泰国柚B、琯溪蜜柚和曼赛龙柚砧的嫁接成活率高,亲和性良好;嫁接植株生长势强,早结性和丰产性较好,果实品质与接穗母株基本一致;果实成熟期可提早10d左右。  相似文献   

In order to determine the effect of stocktype and cultivation treatment on the field performance (survival and growth) and physiological status of Picea abies in cutaway peatlands, small bare-root, large bare-root and containerised seedlings were planted in a deep ploughed and a control site. Survival after 2 years was good across all treatment (>90%) except for the large bare-root seedlings growing in the control site (84%). For all the morphological characteristics assessed in this study, there was no significant interaction between stocktype and cultivation treatment indicating that the growth response to site cultivation was not stocktype dependent. After two growing seasons, all Norway spruce seedlings performed better in the deep ploughed site and displayed also better nutritional and physiological status. Regardless of cultivation treatment, mean height, diameter and volume increment were significantly smaller for the large bare-root seedlings while the small bare-root seedlings displayed the greatest growth rates. In order to promote early height growth in container and small bare-root stock, large diameter is important. Other initial characteristics such as foliar nitrogen content may also have a strong influence on first year field performance. The physiological status of the seedlings during the first year after outplanting was assessed using chlorophyll fluorescence (CF) measurements. CF measurements detected a higher level of stress for the large-bare root stock (low Fv/Fm). On the other hand, small bare-root stock displayed highest maximum potential photochemical activity which corresponded to greatest growth rates. Container seedlings demonstrated higher capacity for photosynthetic electron transport during the first five months after planting suggesting that they recovered from planting stress quicker and optimised better light interception and utilization than bare-root stock. It can be concluded that intensive management systems including deployment of best-adapted stocktype and site cultivation can be used to enhance early height growth of Norway spruce on cutaway peatlands.  相似文献   

比较黎蒴扦插苗与实生苗苗期和造林后7个月及31个月的生长情况,发现黎蒴扦插苗多个性状优于实生苗;造林初期,实生苗生长较快,生长明显优于扦插苗,扦插苗蹲苗期较长,但后期扦插苗生长可以超过实生苗。从目前情况来看,黎蒴扦插苗造林值得推广。  相似文献   

介绍了染井吉野樱引种栽培技术和大树移栽技术:栽培环境选择以土层深厚、排水性能良好的沙性土壤为佳;栽植早期为尽快成景株距以4m为宜,树龄达8~10年后株距应保持在8~10 m;做好水肥管理和整形修剪,包括施足基肥和追肥,做好除萌等修剪;喷洒合适的杀虫剂防治病虫害;大树移栽采用B2活力素进行灌根处理.  相似文献   

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