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栾峰 《山西果树》2001,(3):40-40
从 1996年开始 ,在齐河县刘桥乡李茂吾村果园进行了果树拱形整枝试验。该园面积 8hm2 ,1994年春季定植 ,其中梨树4 .7hm2 ,品种为砀山酥梨、雪花梨、鸭梨 ,株行距 3 m×5m;苹果 3 .3 hm2 ,品种为红富士、北斗、乔纳金、嘎拉、新红星 ,株行距 3 m× 4 m。选 2 .7hm2 梨树、2 hm2 苹果树进行拱形整枝 ,其余为对照。拱形整枝的方法是 :对行间已交接的枝条不再采取传统的修剪方式 ,而是对交叉枝取其合适位置 ,将其嫁接在一起 ,形成一道道半圆拱形。试验看出 ,拱形整枝法与传统整枝法相比 ,有如下优点 :1解决了树体交叉郁闭问题 ,改善了光照条件…  相似文献   

我们从1985年以来,对花量大的苹果树,进行了“间距疏果法”的试验和大面积示范工作,取得了良好效果,现介绍如下。 一、“间距疏果法”的基本作法 “间距疏果法”就是根据品种特性、树体营养状况以及花果多少,确定适宜的留果间距和留果量,把多余的花、果全部去掉。留果的基本标准是:青香蕉、元帅等品种,间隔20-25厘米留一个果,以中心果为主;金冠、秋花皮等品种间隔20-25厘米留一个座果果台,每台留1-2个果,以单果为主;国光等品种间隔25厘米左右留一个果台,每台留2-3个果,以双果为主。在实际操作时,可根据具体情况适当调整。 间距疏果应采取先…  相似文献   

梨果采收后入库前,进行一些辅助性处理,可以更好地保持品质,提高贮藏效果. 1药剂防腐处理梨果在贮藏过程中发生的腐烂性病害,有的在生长期即已侵染,有的在采收后侵染果实,采后用药剂对果实进行处理,对不同时期侵染的病害均有一定的防治作用.1)药剂熏蒸.主要防治侵入果内的病害.先将梨果用塑料薄膜密封,然后将熏蒸剂(如乙醛)放入密封帐内,达到0.5%的浓度,保持180分钟,或1%浓度保持120分钟.2)药液浸泡.  相似文献   

果园除治梨、桃蚜害虫,多采用落花后卷叶前,喷布乐果农药,虽然能收到较好的防效,但防治对象有一定的局限性,兼治效果较差,且造价较高,杀虫速度较慢,污染严重,在桃树上使用,易造成大量落叶。1990年春,正值防治时节,风多雨勤,给防治带来一定困难。4月25日,我们用万灵农药除治梨、桃蚜虫,收到了快速、高效、投资较少,并可兼治其他害虫的理想效果。 万灵是美国杜邦农药有限公司的新产品,药液为24%的水剂,天兰色无异味,具有内吸,触杀、胃毒作用。本药剂对120种害虫,均有极佳的防效。包括:小菜蛾、各种潜叶蛾、棉蛉虫、螟虫类及其它鳞翅目的害虫,…  相似文献   

苹果小吉丁虫又名串皮虫,以幼虫蛀食苹果树枝干皮层,是一种毁灭性虫害,属于国内检疫对象。由于其幼虫潜隐,成虫羽化期长,给防治带来困难,一旦发生往往2~3年全园毁灭。笔者经过多年探索,总结出一套“开沟涂药”综合防治技术,通过大面积示范推广,取得了初发  相似文献   

<正> 万灵是美国杜邦农药有限公司的新产品,为24%水剂,具有内吸,触杀和胃毒作用,为速效广谱性杀虫剂。对小菜蛾、各种潜叶蛾、棉铃虫、螟虫类、蚜虫、飞虱、叶蝉、介壳虫、蓟马等害虫,均有极佳的防治效果。我们采用万灵1500倍液,做了对梨和桃的蚜虫初步小型防治试验,收到了明显效果。杀虫效果为100%,喷后4小时调查,树冠外围叶片上的蚜虫全部死亡,内膛叶片害虫,24小时后也全部死亡,并可兼治金龟子  相似文献   

苹果腐烂病是苹果产区重要病害,在我郊区也是发生普遍,为害严重。近几年由于此病的蔓延大片大片的果园近毁掉。目前从科研部门的研究表明,病疤重犯原因有三种: 1、发病部位树皮烂透以后腐烂病菌菌丝侵入木质部带菌,木质部内的病菌菌丝继续蔓延侵害病疤四周树皮而引起重犯,这种重犯所占比例最高,接近重犯总数的三分之二。 2、病疤边缘树皮死组织被外来病菌侵染引起重犯,这种重犯占重犯总数的三分之一。 3、因刮治不净,残留病组织引起病疤重犯。 为了对苹果腐烂病进行更有效的防治,我们利用科技情报引进了安徽省的科研成果“托福油膏”。今春…  相似文献   

近几年,我省苹果、梨的产量增长较快。为了调节果品的运输和供应,果品的贮藏就显得日益重要。我省贫下中农,在实践中积累了丰富的经验。现简要介绍几种。供实验贮藏时参考。。 一、室内垛筐贮藏:泰安县道朗公社大湖大队,1970年10月初,把采下的小国光品种,经过选果、分级,按包装标准装筐,在果棚下就地码垛存放,以达到“降温”和“放露”(“发汗”)的作用。到11月下旬,地面出现霜冻,再移到室内分层码垛。垛的层数可根据果筐的坚实程度排2层或3层。果筐要插空排列,并留出走道和通风空隙。室内贮藏初期,还要注意通风散热,后期天气大冷,则应封闭…  相似文献   

2001年春季气温偏高,大多数果树萌芽较往年提前5~7天.在3月26~28日,正值梨树花序分离至花蕾期,苹果花序开绽至伸长期,河北省中南部部分地区突然出现了霜冻灾害天气,其中26日夜间下了一场小雪,27、28日夜间气温降到0℃以下.  相似文献   

梨、苹果花期冻害调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对梨、苹果花期冻害的调查认为 ,不同树种和品种之间抗冻力有明显差异 ,气候条件是发生冻害的直接因素 ,同时也与果树管理水平、树龄大小、树势强弱、物候期早晚有关  相似文献   

苹果和梨花粉的制备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以苹果和梨为试材,进行了花粉制备试验。结果表明,苹果和梨的鲜花出粉率较稳定。在精细摘取铃铛花的前提下,每100kg金冠的鲜花出花粉0.57kg,每100kg鸭梨的鲜花出花粉0.67kg。摘后的鲜花要尽早脱药制粉,勿在常温下堆积:  相似文献   

Fruit growers do not want biennial bearing which is an old problem in fruit growing. Although the problem is less urgent with modern cultivars and cultural techniques, it is still there. In particular, some cultivars of high fruit quality, which have a biennial bearing habit, are a challenge to modern growers. The formation of fruit buds is the central problem, which may be influenced by a number of factors such as, e.g., fruit set and fruit growth, type of branch, rootstock, pruning and growth regulators. By deflowering halves of trees, it is possible to have at least halves of a crop each year and this seems a practical solution for home gardens, although one does not obtain a full crop. The best prospects are for the use of growth regulators which can promote fruit bud formation in an “on-year” and reduce it in an “off-year”. These might be used after thinning of an excess of fruits or even when no thinning has taken place.  相似文献   



Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is an effective technology for the analysis of gene functions in plants. Though there are many reports on virus vectors for VIGS in plants, no VIGS vectors available for Rosaceae fruit trees were reported so far. We present an effective VIGS system in apple, pear, and Japanese pear using Apple latent spherical virus (ALSV) vectors.


Inoculation of ALSV vectors carrying a partial sequence of endogenous genes from apple [ribulose-1, 5-bisphosphate carboxylase small subunit (rbcS), alpha subunit of chloroplast chaperonin (CPN60a), elongation factor 1 alpha (EF-1a), or actin] to the cotyledons of seeds by a particle bombardment induced highly uniform knock-down phenotypes of each gene on the true leaves of seedlings from 2~3 weeks after inoculation. These silencing phenotypes continued for several months. Northern blot and RT-PCR analyses of leaves infected with ALSV containing a fragment of rbcS gene showed that the levels of rbcS-mRNA drastically decreased in the infected apple and pear leaves, and, in reverse, rbcS-siRNAs were generated in the infected leaves. In addition, some of apple seedlings inoculated with ALSV vector carrying a partial sequence of a TERMINAL FLOWER 1 gene of apple (MdTFL1) showed precocious flowering which is expected as a knock-down phenotype of the silencing of MdTFL1 gene.


The ALSV-based VIGS system developed have provides a valuable new addition to the tool box for functional genomics in apple, pear, and Japanese pear.  相似文献   

In 2 experiments, apple and pear trees were grown in growth chambers and air conditioned greenhouses at a range of constant temperatures from 9 to 25° C during spring and summer. After the dormant buds had received a marginal chilling-period, bud break and leaf development were studied. A tendency was observed for the dormancy to be deeper when the temperature at which the buds were formed had been higher. The maximum retardation of bud break was observed in buds formed at 18 and 21° C. The hypothesis is put forward that the phenomenon of “delayed foliation” is not only due to insufficient chilling during winter but also to high temperatures during the preceding summer.  相似文献   

<正>瓦房店市闫店乡农村经济服务中心于2000年4月10日在大东村接官屯建立了一片‘珊夏’苹果试验园,面积0.5hm2,株行距3m×4m,55株/666.7m2,共412株。栽后4年见果,平均666.7m2产量153 kg,其后产量逐年增加,依次为632、1400、2550、3600、4000、4100kg;产值依次为3 792、6 160、10 455、12 960、14 400、15 580元。现将其栽培技术总结如下。  相似文献   

套袋对苹果和梨果实病虫害的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
套袋栽培能有效改善果实外观品质,明显减少农药污染,已作为当前生产优质无公害果品的重要技术进行推广.生产中发现套袋在减轻果实多种常见病虫害的同时,又可加重或诱发一些潜在病虫害的发生.近年来进行了套袋对苹果、梨果实病虫害不同影响的调查研究,以便为套袋栽培制定相应的防治措施提供依据.  相似文献   

The relationship between some physiological and hormonal aspects of the morphogenesis of the lateral shoots (feathers) has been investigated on apple and pear maiden trees.

Bioassays of extracts from the upper part of Jonathan and Rhode Island Greening apple trees showed that the level of endogenous ‘promoters’ decreased in Jonathan (which tends to feather naturally) during the period of spring bud-break, while the level of ‘inhibitors’ appeared to be small but constant. In R. I. Greening (which does not feather easily) the levels of both promoters and inhibitors were higher and constant during the five weeks of the investigation. These data support the view that apical dominance is mainly related to the movement of auxins from the shoot apex to the regions below. Consequently the strong polarity of the shoots can be ascribed to the greater quantity of auxin-like substances and to the balance between these substances and inhibitors.

The application of the anti-auxin TIBA induced feather formation in Starking Delicious apple and Passe Crassane pear (which do not normally branch freely), but its action also involved some negative effects on the anatomical and morphological pattern of the trees.

In Golden Delicious and Starking Delicious apples and Comice and Passe Crassane pears, a large number of feathers without any phytotoxic symptoms was obtained by the use, in the nursery, of diphenylurea (DPU) at 500 and 1000 ppm and maleic hydrazide (MH) at 1300 ppm. These results suggest a possible approach for producing nursery trees that are more suitable for the two modern training systems known as ‘palmetta anticipata’ and ‘slender spindle’.  相似文献   

山东省苹果园梨园土壤肥力状况及改良技术措施   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
路超  王金政 《落叶果树》2008,40(2):24-28
综述目前山东省苹果园和梨园的土壤肥力状况.内容包括土壤pH值和土壤有机质含量,大、中、微量元素含量,土壤微生物和酶活性及土壤污染状况.提出建立土壤肥力监测信息网、合理耕作、增施有机肥、优化用肥结构,科学施肥、推广秸秆还田、发展绿肥作物、人工放养蚯蚓及控制和清除土壤污染源,使用生物农药、科学使用化学农药、推广生物防治,推广深翻换土和施用抑制剂等土壤改良措施.  相似文献   

树干打孔填注ZWQ-1型果树复壮复绿3号胶囊矫治缺铁黄叶病效果显著,嫩叶期注药5d后叶片叶绿素含量开始增加,黄叶指数下降;20d病叶恢复正常,叶绿素含量提高197%,百叶质量增加17.1g。注药1次防效维持3年以上。  相似文献   

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