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利用重组自交系群体检测水稻耐铝毒数量性状基因座   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
利用Kinmaze / DV85 81个重组自交家系(RIL)作图群体,采用苗期单营养液水培鉴定方法,以相对根伸长量(RRE)作为耐铝毒性状的表型值,分析亲本和重组自交系群体对铝毒的耐性表现。利用Windows QTL Cartographer 1.13a软件共检测到5个耐铝毒QTLs,分别位于第1、5、8、9和11染色体上,各个QTL的贡献率在8.64%~18.60%之间,其  相似文献   

Summary The genetic dissection of morphological traits can helpful to evaluate their potential values as markers for rice genetic improvement. In this study, a RI population derived from a cross from Zhenshan97 and IRAT109 was used to dissect the genetic bases of seven morphological traits such as leaf sheath color (LSC), grain apiculus color (GAC), grain hairiness density (GHD), grain awn length (GAL), ratio of leaf length to width (RLW), leaf erectness (LER) and natural leaf rolling status (NLR). Totally, 26 main-effect QTLs and 22 epistatic QTLs were detected. Of them, 11 main-effect and 3 epistatic QTLs expressed environmental interactions. GAC controlled by a single gene could be regarded as the most useful marker. LSC controlled by two major interacted main-effect QTLs, but with no environmental interaction, is suitable to become morphological marker. LSC will be a very efficient morphological marker for identification of hybrid plants at rice seedling stage when the two major QTLs are introduced into male sterile line and restorer line separately. GHD controlled by a major QTL and a few minor QTLs with comparative low QEIs could also be used as marker. The traits GAL, NLR, RLW and LER, which were controlled by a number of minor effect QTLs and affected by environmental conditions could not be used as marker. But the QTLs with large effects, such as nrl8, can be targeted for corresponding trait improvement through marker-aided selection in rice breeding.  相似文献   

Salinity tolerance in rice varies with the state of growth, with the seedling and reproductive stages being the most sensitive. However, association between tolerances at the two stages is poor, suggesting that they are regulated by different processes and genes. Tolerance at the reproductive stage is the most crucial as it determines grain yield. An F2 mapping population was developed from two rice genotypes contrasting in tolerance: Cheriviruppu and Pusa Basmati 1 (PB1). Cheriviruppu is highly tolerant at the reproductive stage, while PB1 is highly sensitive at both seedling and reproductive stages. One hundred and thirty‐one microsatellite markers polymorphic between the parents were used to construct a linkage map of 1458.5 cM (Kosambi), with a mean intermarker distance of 11.1 cM. Sixteen QTLs with LOD values ranging from 3.2 to 22.3 were identified on chromosomes 1, 7, 8 and 10, explaining 4–47 % of the phenotypic variation. The maximum number of QTL clusters for different component traits was colocalized on the long arm of chromosome 1 and chromosome 7. We identified several significant epistatic interactions, including three inter‐QTL interactions, using MapManager. The results suggest that pollen fertility, Na+ concentration and Na/K ratio in the flag leaf are the most important mechanisms controlling salt tolerance at the reproductive stage in rice. The study reports the construction of a genetic map for reproductive‐stage salt tolerance in rice and demonstrates its utility for molecular mapping of QTLs controlling salinity tolerance‐related traits, which will be useful in marker‐assisted selection in the future.  相似文献   

Mapping of QTLs for leaf developmental behavior in rice (Oryza sativa L.)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Leaf developmental behavior in rice (Oryza sativa L.) is one of the important agronomic characteristics, which not only determines vegetative growth but also influences grain yield. This study was conducted to identify quantitative trait loci (QTLs) for total number of leaves (TNL), days to the emergence of flag-leaf (DEF) and the leaf emergence rates (LER) on main stem, which mainly represent leaf developmental behavior, using recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between a japonica variety, Asominori and an indica variety, IR24, cultivated in 2001 and 2002. The transgressive segregations in both parental directions and continuous variations of all three tested traits were observed. Significant correlations among these traits were detected. A total of fourteen QTLs for leaf development behavior were detected with 289 RFLP markers. Six QTLs controlling TNL were mapped to chromosomes 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, and accounted for 5.615.7% of the total phenotypic variations, and three QTLs for DEF were mapped to chromosome 3, 6, 8 and accounted for 10.735.4% of total phenotype variation and five QTLs for LER were mapped to chromosome 1(two QTLs), 2, 4, 9 and explained 6.217.5% of phenotype variation. The identification of QTLs for leaf developmental behavior in rice may be useful for selection of fast growing genotype before heading using maker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

水稻苗期耐Cd胁迫的QTL定位分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]进行水稻苗期耐Cd胁迫的QTL初步定位。[方法](1)以Lemont(美国)和Dular(印度)杂交建立的重组自交系(RILs)群体,包括123个家系和亲本在内,用含有0.2mg/L镉的水培液进行处理,以不加镉培养的水培液作为对照,考察了叶绿素含量、根长、株高、叶长等4个性状,并转换成抗性指数,用于评价水稻对Cd污染的抗性指标。(2)在已构建的以109个引物为基础的遗传图谱上进行复合区间定位。[结果](1)共检测到9个加性QTLs,涉及1,2,3,11等4条染色体,其中,以叶绿素抗性指数为指标,检测到3个与耐Cd有关的QTLs 分别位于第2,3,11染色体上,解释了14%,9%,9%的表型变异;(2)以根长抗性指数为评价指标,只定到1个位于第1染色体上控制耐Cd的QTLs,解释了9%的表型变异; (3)用株高抗性指数进行定位,共有3个与耐Cd相关的QTLs,位于1,1,11染色体上,分别解释了10%,27%,10%的表型变异;(4)而以叶长抗性指数进行水稻秧苗耐Cd性表现的QTL定位,结果发现也有2个QTLs与其耐Cd 反应有关,它们分别位于1,11染色体上,解释了21%,12%的表型变异。分析表明,在采用不同评价指标所检测到的9个与耐Cd相关的QTLs中,有7个集中于第1和第11染色体上,其中第1染色体上有4个,第11染色体上有3个。(结论)以株高和叶绿素抗性指数为评价指标,检测到的QTLs最多,根长抗性指数为评价指标的最少。研究还发现在第1和第11染色体上的相同区间内同时检测到以不同抗性指数为评价指标的多个与耐Cd相关的QTLs,推测它们可能是功能相同的几个紧密连锁的非等位基因,也可能就是同一等位基因的不同表现形式,从而也说明了该评价指标用于基因定位的准确性和可行性。  相似文献   

水稻苗期耐淹相关性状QTL分析   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
以相同淹水条件下存活率差异较大的籼稻TN1与粳稻春江06(CJ06)为亲本构建的DH群体为试材,考察了DH群体及其双亲与苗期耐淹相关的5个性状,各性状均表现为连续分布,且都存在一定数量的双向超亲遗传类型,受多基因控制。使用分子连锁图谱进行QTL分析,共检测到16个与苗期耐淹有关的QTL,包括4个中胚轴长度QTL、3个株高QTL、3  相似文献   

水稻染色体片段代换系对氮、磷胁迫反应差异及其QTL分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用来源于9311(籼稻)与日本晴(粳稻)杂交后代衍生的遗传背景为9311的染色体片段代换系群体,分析其在大田正常、低氮和低磷条件下的单株有效穗和单株产量的差异。结果表明,低磷、低氮胁迫对单株有效穗和单株产量影响较大。代换系对低磷和低氮的反应存在明显差异。在低氮(磷)水平下共检测到26个单株有效穗和单株产量片段或QTL,以及12个相对单株有效穗和相对单株产量QTL。源于日本晴的等位基因均呈减效作用。低磷和低氮下共同检测到5个导入片段影响单株有效穗或单株产量。而大部分(约81%)QTL只在单胁迫处理下被检测到。表明水稻对磷胁迫和氮胁迫的反应既存在不同的遗传基础,也存在共同的遗传机制。  相似文献   

Guo  Longbiao  Zhu  Lihuang  Xu  Yunbi  Zeng  Dali  Wu  Ping  Qian  Qian 《Euphytica》2004,140(3):155-162
Effective cumulative temperature (ECT) after heading would be a more reasonable parameter for seed sampling of pre-harvest sprouting/seed dormancy (SD) tests in segregating populations than the days after flowering. SD is an important agronomic trait associated with grain yielding, eating quality and seed quality. To identify genomic regions affecting SD at different grain-filling temperatures, and to further examine the association between SD and ECT during grain-filling, 127 double haploid (DH) lines derived from a cross between ZYQ8 (indica)/JX17 (japonica) by anther culture were analyzed. The quantitative trait loci (QTLs) and their digenic epistasis for SD were identified using a molecular linkage map of this population. A total of four putative QTLs for SD (qSD-3, qSD-5, 6 and 11) were detected on chromosomes 3, 5, 6 and 11, together explaining 41.4% of the phenotypic variation. Nine pairs of digenic epistatic loci were associated with SD on all but chromosome 9, and their contributions to phenotypic variation varied from 2.87%–8.73%. The SD QTL on chromosome 3 was identical to the QTLs found in other mapping populations with different genetic backgrounds, which could be a desirable candidate for gene cloning and marker-assisted selection in rice breeding.  相似文献   

水稻耐低磷胁迫研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
土壤中有效磷缺乏是制约水稻生产的主要因素之一。利用磷效率不同的水稻基因型选育磷高效水稻品种,是解决水稻磷营养问题的一种更为经济、环保的途径。本文简要论述了水稻耐低磷胁迫的机理及磷高效基因型筛选体系,重点综述了近年来水稻磷效率相关性状的QTL定位分析结果,以期为水稻耐低磷研究及磷高效水稻品种的选育提供参考。  相似文献   

水稻品种倒伏指数QTL分析   总被引:36,自引:2,他引:34  
利用由98个株系组成的Nipponbare(粳)/ Kasalath(籼)∥Nipponbare 回交重组自交系群体,对水稻倒伏指数与株高、茎粗及单株生物量等性状进行了相关分析,并对水稻倒伏相关性状QTL进行了分子标记定位和遗传效应分析。结果表明,株高、茎粗、单株生物量3性状与倒伏指数的相关系数均达1%显著水平。利用基于性状-标记多元线性  相似文献   

Information on the genetics of aroma in rice facilitates breeding and selection of new aromatic varieties with high yield and good quality. Objective of the present study was to make clear the number of genes controlling aroma, and the allelism of aroma genes and the location of aroma gene(s) on the chromosome in three Japanese native aromatic rice varieties (Kabashiko, Shiroikichi and Henroyori). Lack of leaf aroma in all F1 plants of non-aromatic/aromatic crosses indicated the recessive nature of aroma, and the segregation ratios (3:1) of non-aromatic to aromatic plants in its F2 populations from Nipponbare/aromatic varieties crosses revealed that each of the three aromatic varieties contains a single recessive gene for aroma. Through trisomic analysis, the segregation of non-aromatic and aromatic plants in all F2 populations from the crosses between trisomics lines NT8, with an extra chromosome 8, and aromatic varieties deviated significantly from disomic segregation of 3:1 ratios, and fitted to trisomic segregation, however, in other F2 populations derived from other 7 types of trisomic F1 plants, the segregation ratios of non-aromatic to aromatic were 3:1, indicating that the single recessive aroma gene was located on chromosome 8 in three aromatic varieties. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The genetics of stem elongation ability in rice was studied in parents, F1, F2 and backcross generations of six crosses. Segregation analysis indicated dominance for stem elongation ability. Estimation of genetic parameters under epistatic model indicated more than one locus control stem elongation ability and both additive and nonadditive gene effects were important. Epistatic effects were predominant over additive and dominance effects with an important role of duplicate type of epistasis. The occurrence of significant additive and additive x additive types of genetic variation and the moderately high broad sense heritability indicated the possibility of selection for an increased manifestation of stem elongation ability.  相似文献   

粒重是决定水稻产量的三要素之一。利用世界上粒重最大的品种之一SLG-1(供体亲本)与小粒品种日本晴(Nipponbare,轮回亲本)杂交,在各回交世代选择粒重较大单株与日本晴回交,构建水稻粒重和粒形的姊妹近等基因系(SNILs)。对获得的73 株BC4F1单株进行粒重频率分布统计,选择粒重频率分布在4个峰值处的代表性单株,自交获得4个BC4F2 SNILs群体。利用BSA法(分离群体分组混合分析法),从均匀分布在水稻染色体上的1 513对SSR标记中筛选出与粒重和粒形相关的多态性标记19对,以LOD≥2.5作为选择阈值,对粒重、粒长、粒宽和粒厚进行QTL扫描,共检测到6个区域的12个QTL,贡献率从7.22%到53.38%。这些QTL所在区域包含已克隆的粒长GS3和粒宽GW2,也包含没有精细定位的第2染色体的RM6318-RM1367、第3染色体的RM5477–RM6417和第6染色体的RM3370–RM1161等3个区域控制粒重和粒形的5个QTL。其中第3染色体上RM5477–RM6417区间存在粒形贡献率较大的新的QTL。构建含有这些粒重QTL的姊妹近等基因系,为进一步精细定位或克隆新的粒重或粒形QTL奠定了基础。  相似文献   

水稻重组自交群体灌浆速率的遗传分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了解籽粒灌浆和籽粒产量相关性状的遗传基础,为改良籽粒灌浆特性提供依据,以小穗小粒型水稻Milyang 46和大穗大粒型FJCD建立的包含130个家系的F10重组自交系为研究材料,分析福建省武夷山和莆田环境下水稻籽粒灌浆速率,并结合已构建的遗传图谱进行QTL动态定位及环境互作研究。QTL定位分析共检测到10个加性QTL,位于1、2、5、6、7号染色体上,对表型变异贡献率0.92%~24.41%。同时,qGR-1-4、qGR-2-1、qGR-5-9及qGR-6-7均存在显著的环境互作效应,体现了一因多效。qGR-6-7和qGR-6-8加性均可解释表型变异24.41%。另外,qGR-6-7的环境互作效应可解释表型变异贡献率9.33%。  相似文献   

以华南农业大学选育的140份甜玉米自交系为材料,利用0.4 mmol·L-1的AlCl3溶液处理玉米幼苗,测定其相对根长、相对叶绿素含量、相对株高、相对鲜重和相对干重等值并汇总排序,进行耐铝性鉴定分析评价.结果表明,系统聚类分析将140份甜玉米自交系分为4个类群,类群Ⅲ中自交系平均耐铝水平较高.分析140个甜玉米自交系...  相似文献   

以IR36(indica)和热研2号(japonica,广亲和品种)为亲本,构建了包含180个单株的F2群体及包括110个标记的分子连锁图谱。利用该F2群体,进行了水稻花粉不育数量性状基因座(quantitative trait locus, QTL)的检测和遗传效应分析,共检测到3个花粉不育QTL,分别位于第3、5、7染色体上,此外,共检测到9个由雄配子引起的偏分离QTL,其中7个与ga-14和ga-11位点的配子败育类型相同。与花粉形态鉴定相比,偏分离的数据对检测F1杂种花粉败育基因更为敏感。在第5、6染色体上控制偏分离的2个QTL位点,其杂合基因型出现的频率偏高。在qHPS-5位点,粳型纯合子表现出比杂合子和籼型纯合子更低的育性水平。本研究获得的分子标记将有助于聚合尽可能多的中性亲和基因以解决亚种间F1杂种的花粉不育性问题。  相似文献   

水稻三明显性核不育基因的初步鉴定   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2001年在福建省尤溪县西城镇凤元村进行两系核不育系育性鉴定时, 在SE21S/Basmati 370组合编号为S221的800多株F2代分离群体中发现1株与其他不育株的花粉败育形态不同的植株。经测交、回交、姐妹交的后代育性分离调查, 不育株与可育株呈1︰1分离, 以不育株为母本与普通品种配制杂交组合, 其后代育性呈1︰1分离, 可育株后代分离不出不育株, 表明S221不育性受核内1对显性不育基因控制。  相似文献   

Summary Genetic analysis of generation means of F1, F2, F3, F4, and the parental populations of the cross IR10154-23-3-3A/IR15795-232-3-3-2 for ratooning ability was conducted. Good ratooning ability is a recessive trait. The parents differed by at least two pairs of major genes for ratooning ability. A large proportion of transgressive segregants in F2 suggested that the expression of ratooning ability is influenced not only by major genes but also by modifiers. Broad-sense heritability estimates computed by different methods ranged from 0.66 to 0.88. Narrow-sense heritability by the F4–F3 regression method was 0.39. The heritability estimates were 0.42 and 0.33 by the variance component method. The prevalence of additive x additive type of gene effects along with prominent additive effects imply some scope for selection in the segregating generations. However, non-additive type of gene action also affects the expression of ratooning ability.  相似文献   

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