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用陕A群自交系KA105、91227与甘肃省自育NSS群的14个自交系进行配合力测定,结果表明,KA105与各自交系单株产量的一般配合力(GCA)总体比较高,91227与各自交系单株产量的特殊配合力(SCA)总体比较高,单株产量总配合力(TCA)效应值较高的组合依次为KA105×1802、KA105×F5001、KA105×F0601和91227×1802。各性状的特殊配合力(SCA)的相关性分析表明,单株产量与秃尖长呈负相关,与其他性状均呈正相关,其中与穗位高、出籽率呈极显著正相关。在自交系选系中株高、穗长、出籽率、轴粗、雄穗分枝、穗行数、百粒重和穗粗可以早代进行选择,单株产量、穗位高和行粒数可在高代进行选择。  相似文献   

The incidence and severity of northern leaf blight (NLB) disease has increased in Southern Africa in the past years with previously resistant cultivars being affected; implying more resistant sources have to be identified and inheritance of NLB resistance investigated. Therefore, 45 F1 hybrids generated in a half diallel mating of ten elite maize inbred lines were evaluated in six environments for combining ability, genotype × environment interaction and effect of NLB disease on grain yield. General and specific combining ability (GCA and SCA) were highly significant (P < 0.001) for both NLB disease and grain yield. The GCA/SCA ratio was close to unity for both NLB (0.96) and grain yield (0.89), indicating predominance of additive over non-additive gene action for the traits in these inbred lines. Parent P2 and P7 had good GCA for both NLB disease resistance and high grain yield. The NLB disease ratings on the maize hybrids and inbreds ranged from 1.0 to 8.5 (approximately 0–75 % severity). Negative slope coefficients of the linear regression indicated maize yield decrease of 280–610 kg ha?1 for NLB final disease severity of about 25–75 %, respectively, stressing the need for resistant cultivars to manage the disease. Genotype and (genotype × environment) (GGE) biplots indicated absence of crossover interaction and revealed positive associations among environments, signifying the suitability of all the environments for disease screening. Therefore, the significant additive effects for NLB disease and grain yield entail that breeding progress would be made through selection and a few disease ‘hot-spot’ sites, such as Cedara (South Africa) and Mpongwe (Zambia) can be used for disease screening.  相似文献   

Drought and poor soil fertility are among the major abiotic stresses affecting maize productivity in sub‐Saharan Africa. Maize breeding efforts at the International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT) have focused on incorporating drought stress tolerance and nitrogen‐use efficiency (NUE) into tropical maize germplasm. The objectives of this study were to estimate the general combining ability (GCA) and specific combining ability (SCA) of selected maize inbred lines under drought stress (DS), low‐nitrogen (LN) and optimum moisture and nitrogen (optimum) conditions, and to assess the yield potential and stability of experimental hybrids under these management conditions. Forty‐nine experimental three‐way cross hybrids, generated from a 7 × 7 line by tester crosses, and six commercial checks were evaluated across 11 optimum, DS and LN sites in Kenya in 2014 using an alpha lattice design with two replicates per entry at each site. DS reduced both grain yield (GY) and plant height (PH), while anthesis–silking interval (ASI) increased under both DS and LN. Hybrids ‘L4/T2’ and ‘L4/T1’ were found to be superior and stable, while inbreds ‘L4’ and ‘L6’ were good combiners for GY and other secondary traits across sites. Additive variance played a greater role for most traits under the three management conditions, suggesting that further progress in the improvement of these traits should be possible. GY under optimum conditions was positively correlated with GY under both DS and LN conditions, but GY under DS and LN was not correlated. Our results suggest the feasibility for simultaneous improvement in grain yield performance of genotypes under optimum, DS and LN conditions.  相似文献   

In maize (Zea mays L.) breeding programs, selection among and within segregating progenies is based mainly on indirect selection criteria. A better understanding of the environment influence on physiological attributes of maize inbred lines is important to the identification and selection of superior inbred lines as well as to successful hybrid seed production. In this study, the size and form of genotype (G) and genotype × environment (G × E) interaction effects for plant grain yield (PGY) and several physiological attributes were examined for 12 maize inbred lines grown in four managed environments, represented by two seasons (Y) and two nitrogen levels. Mixed model analysis revealed that the G effect was relatively high for attributes related to light capture, phenology, early biomass production, and numerical components of PGY. The G × E interaction effect explained most of the variability for PGY, harvest index (HI), and biomass production at maturity. Three-mode principal component analysis allowed us to: (1) describe the associations among multiple attributes across environments, (2) reveal the form of the main patterns of G × E interaction, (3) establish the importance of the genotype × year (G × Y) interaction for kernel number, HI, and biomass at maturity in determining PGY, (4) identify promising genotypes of high-PGY across environments, and (5) detect genotypes of similar response patterns for PGY but with a contrasting relative behavior for other attributes, which may permit the simultaneous selection for grain yield and desired secondary traits. Such selection results would contribute greatly in the identification of superior inbreds than selecting for grain yield alone.
Karina E. D’AndreaEmail:

以3个不育系和10个恢复系为材料,采用NCII交配设计研究10个米质性状的配合力和杂种优势,结果表明:(1)大多数品质性状介于双亲之间,除粒重表现一定的超高亲优势,垩白度和粒宽表现一定的正向平均优势外,其它品质性状优势不明显。(2)杂种稻米的品质性状主要受不育系或恢复系的影响,其中,对于粒长、粒宽和直链淀粉含量这3个性状,不育系的影响要高于恢复系,而对于整精米率、粒重、垩白率、垩白度和糊化温度,则表现为恢复系的影响要高于不育系。(3)就优质育种的利用价值而言,不育系中以广占63-4S为好,而恢复系中则以扬稻6号为好,蜀恢527、镇恢084次之,用上述亲本选配的杂交组合米质较好;恢复系特青、盐恢559表现为一般配合力效应差,特殊配合力方差小,优质育种利用价值不大。  相似文献   

Summary Forty-two crosses and their reciprocals in maize (Zea mays L.) involving inbred lines highly diverse for protein content were evaluated in four environments. Data were recorded on crude protein content of grain, protein yield, grain yield, 1000 kernel weight, dry matter content of ear at harves,, days to 50% slking, plant height, ear height, and early vigor. No significant variation due to reciprocal differences was observed for protein content and early vigor. For all other traits the variance component due to reciprocal x environment interactions was significant while the variance component due to reciprocal differences was significant only for kernel weight, dry matter content of ear, plant height, and ear height. The variance components due to nuclear differences and their interactions with environments were always highly significant and larger than the components due to reciprocal differences and reciprocal x environment interactions. The instability and low magnitude of reciprocal differences indicated that it might be difficult to exploit them commercially. However, seeing the presence of reciprocal differences for most of the traits studied, the evaluation of breeding materials for these differences seems to be important.The research work was supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Sonderforschungsbereich 142.  相似文献   

Characterization of genetic diversity among maize inbred lines can facilitate organization of germplasm and improve efficiency of breeding programs. A set of 218 phenotypically diverse inbred maize lines developed at CIMMYT for hybrid production was characterized using 32 RFLP markers to: (1) analyze the genetic diversity present; (2) define potential heterotic groups based on clusters formed with marker data; and (3) identify the most representative testers for each potential heterotic group. Lines were clustered using five different genetic distance measurements to find consensus non-hierarchical clusters. Dendrograms were produced to study hierarchical classification within smaller groups of lines. A very high average allelic diversity was seen in this germplasm. Lines did not cluster based on phenotype, environmental adaptation, grain color or type, maturity, or heterotic response (as determined based on hybrid performance with testers), but lines related by pedigree usually did cluster together. Previously defined testers from opposite heterotic groups were not genetically differentiated, and did not represent well their heterotic group. Discrete clusters were difficult to find; thus, potential heterotic groups will be difficult to suggest using RFLP markers alone. However, suggestions on how to use molecular markers and cross performance information to refine heterotic groups and select representative testers are presented.  相似文献   

Development of maize (Zea mays L.) types that produce leaf area rapidly and finish vegetative development quickly would increase production of maize in mid- to short-season areas. The Leafy (Lfy1) and reduced-stature (rd1) traits each make contributions to this end. However, these two traits have not previously been combined. Our objective was to evaluate the morphological aspects of non-leafy normal-stature (NLNS), leafy reduced-stature (LRS), non-leafy reduced-stature (NLRS), and leafy normal-stature (LNS) maize inbreds. Two traits, Lfy1 and rd1, were incorporated into a series of inbreds, resulting in a range of canopy architectures. Twelve variables were recorded for each of 30 inbreds over three years. The 12 variables were: seed emergence, above-ear leaf number, below-ear leaf number, dead leaf number at tasselling, live leaf number at tasselling, total leaf number, above-ear leaf area, ear leaf length, ear leaf width, ear height, internode length, and plant height. Inbreds containing the Lfy1 trait had more above-ear leaf area, above-ear leaf number, dead leaf number at tasselling, total leaf number and number of live leaves at tasselling than non-leafy inbred lines. Below-ear leaf number was not different among LRS, LNS, and NLNS inbred lines. LRS and NLRS inbred lines were also not different for below-ear leaf number. Plant height, ear height, and ear leaf length and width were higher in normal-stature than reduced-stature plants. The proportion of the seeds which emerged was higher for LRS inbreds than the other trait groups. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Combining ability information is necessary for selection of suitable advanced lines for hybridization and identification of promising hybrids for development of improved varieties. A number of 14 maize (Zea mays L.) inbred lines and 91 related crosses were evaluated over two years, 2008 and 2009, in a temperate-zone of Iran. The objectives of the study were to identify the best general and specific combiners, heterosis and type of gene actions responsible for agronomic traits. Except for grain yield and growing degree day to milky, significant general (GCA) and specific (SCA) combining ability were observed for all traits. The Baker ratio for plant height (0.15), ear height (0.26), growing degree day to milky stage (0.04), and grain yield (0.002) showed the predominance of non-additive gene effects in the expression of these traits. The heterosis observed for grain yield, grain number, pollination period, ear and plant height was considerably higher than that observed for other traits. The correlations (r) of F1 means and SCA effects were positive and significantly higher than that of r (F1, mid-parents) and r (F1, heterosis) for all the traits except cob percent, growing degree days to silking, and physiological maturity. MO17, K3547/5, and K3615/2 had negative GCA effects for growing degree day to milky stage and maturity. Among hybrids, MO17 × K3653/2, B73 × K3651/2, and K3545/6 × K3493/1 with positive SCAs for pollination period and grain yield had also negative SCA effects for degree day to silking and milky stages. Therefore, the use of these inbred lines and hybrids increases the response to selection for increasing grain yield and early maturity in maize.  相似文献   

Choosing germplasm based on elite and diverse genetic sources is essential for the genetic improvement of maize (Zea mays L.) hybrids. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the agronomic and economic potential of maize population and single-cross hybrids and whether significant maternal (ME) and reciprocal effects (RE) reside in elite population hybrids for seed production purposes. Seven elite maize populations currently under recurrent selection at North Dakota State University (NDSU) [NDSCD(M-S)C11, NDSAB(MER-FS)C14, BS21(R)C7, BS22(R)C7, LEAMING(S)C4, CGL(S1-S2)C5 and CGSS(S1-S2)C5] were crossed in a diallel mating design to form 42 population hybrids, including their reciprocals. The 42 population hybrids with eight single-cross hybrids were evaluated at six U.S. North Central locations in 2005. Data collected across locations indicated that differences across genotypes were significant (P ≤ 0.05) for all traits observed, except for grain yield ear components. General combining ability (GCA) effects were on average larger than specific combining ability (SCA) effects. ME and RE were not significant for all traits, except for ear height. The large grain yield differences between macro-environments were reflected in the ranking of genotypes, with BS21(R)C7 × BS22(R)C7 being the top performer in eastern environments and CGSS(S1-S2)C5 × NDSAB(MER-FS)C14 being the top one across western environments where drought is the major limitation. The increased ethanol production and demand from maize make test weight (and grain quality), earliness, lodging resistance, and drought tolerance as important as grain yield for maintaining a sustainable maize-ethanol relationship. Part of the thesis submitted by McDonald B. Jumbo in partial fulfillment of the requirements for a MS degree at North Dakota State University.  相似文献   

C. G. Yallou    A. Menkir    V. O. Adetimirin    J. G. Kling 《Plant Breeding》2009,128(2):143-148
Maize ( Zea mays ) is a staple food crop in sub-Saharan Africa, but its production is threatened by Striga hermonthica (Del.) Benth. Transfer of resistance genes from wild relatives may increase resistance to S. hermonthica in tropical maize. The objective of this study was to determine the combining ability of resistance to S. hermonthica among lines containing Zea diploperennis and tropical germplasm. Forty-five diallel crosses of 10 inbred lines were evaluated in an alpha-lattice design with and without artificial Striga infestation at two locations each in the Republic of Benin and Nigeria for 3 years. Results of analyses showed that only general combining ability (GCA) mean square was significant (P = 0.01) for number of emerged Striga plants (NESPP), while both GCA and specific combining ability (SCA) mean squares were significant for host damage score (HDS) and grain yield under Striga infestation. The ratio of GCA to SCA mean squares for the three traits varied from 3.5 to 57.5. Although GCA × environment interaction was significant for the three traits, two inbred lines containing Z. diploperennis (ZD 551) and tropical (TZL TC 87) germplasm had negative and significant GCA effects for NESPP and HDS and positive GCA effects for grain yield under Striga infestation in the two countries. Correlation between NESPP and HDS was strong and significant ( r  = 0.87, P = 0.01). Our results highlight the importance of harnessing useful genes from wild relatives to improve resistance to S. hermonthica in adapted maize germplasm.  相似文献   

Development of maize (Zea mays L.) types that produce leaf area and mature quickly would increase production of maize in mid- to short-season areas. The leafy (Lfy1) and reduced-stature (rd1) traits both make contributions to this end. However, these two traits have not previously been combined. Our objective was to evaluate the yield and yield components of non-leafy normal-stature (NLNS), leafy reduced-stature (LRS), non-leafy reduced-stature (NLRS), and leafy normal-stature (LNS) maize inbred lines. The two genes, ‘Lfy1’ and ‘rd1’, were incorporated into a series of inbred lines resulting in a range of canopy architectures. Ten variables were recorded for each of 30 inbred lines over three years. The 10 variables were: corn heat unit requirement from planting to tasselling, corn heat unit requirement from planting to silking, days between tasselling and silking, grain moisture content, husk dry weight, cob dry weight, ear length, maximum ear circumference, grain yield and ratio of grain yield to moisture content. Reduced-stature inbred lines reached anthesis more quickly than normal-stature inbred lines. Grain moisture content was less in reduced-stature inbred lines than normal stature trait groups. Leafy-reduced stature plants had the highest ratio of grain to moisture content and the lowest grain moisture content at harvest. Inbred lines containing the rd1 trait matured more rapidly than other trait groups. The LRS trait group yielded more than the other groups, and showed great potential for use in mid- to short-season environments. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

A. Menkir 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(2):131-139
Striga hermonthica is the most widespread and destructive obligate root parasite infecting maize and other cereals in Africa. Maize inbred lines supporting reduced S. hermonthica emergence can form an important basis for developing Striga‐resistant maize cultivars. Twenty new inbred lines selected for field resistance to S. hermonthica, and five inbred checks with known resitance, tolerance and susceptibility reactions to S. hermonthica were evaluated in pots, greenhouse and field experiments under artificial Striga infestation for 3 years. The experiments were conducted to determine the extent of variation in parasite attachment to the roots of these lines and its relationship with emerged Striga plants and other traits. Significant differences (P < 0.0001) were detected among the inbred lines for the numbers of attached and emerged Striga plants and the results were consistent across test environments. Also, the lines exhibited significant differences for Striga damage symptom ratings and other traits recorded in the field. Parasite attachment to the roots was significantly correlated with emerged Striga count in the screenhouse (r = 0.67–0.68, P < 0.001) and in the field (r = 0.82–0.84, P < 0.0001) and with levels of grain yield reduction due to Striga (r = 0.71, P < 0.0001). Regression analysis of the numbers of attached parasites on the first principal component axis scores that integrated several traits recorded in the field was significant (P < 0.0001) and accounted for 62% of the total variation in numbers of attached parasites. The new inbred lines and the resistant inbred check were the least affected by S. hermonthica and exhibited yield losses of 0–37% compared with the yields of the tolerant and the susceptible inbred checks, which were reduced by 40–85%. Sixteen new inbred lines supported significantly fewer attached parasites compared with the susceptible inbred check. Some of these lines also supported significantly fewer emerged parasites and sustained lower damage symptoms and percentage yield losses due to Striga compared with the susceptible inbred check. These inbred lines would be useful in breeding programmes for developing resistant maize cultivars.  相似文献   

Presence of substantial heterosis and economic hybrid seed production are two most desirable components for success of any commercial hybrid breeding programme. Thermosensitive genic male sterile (TGMS) lines of rice, in this regard, have tremendous potential in realizing further quantum jump in yield and economical hybrid seed cost. Analyses for combining ability and heterosis over optimum (120N : 60P2O5 : 40K2O kg/ha) and high (200N : 90P2O5 : 60K2O kg/ha) fertility environments for six traits were made in 2 years (2001 and 2002) using 120 hybrids of inter‐ and intra‐subspecific nature derived from hybridization of 30 elite indica TGMS lines and four cultivars, viz., ‘Pant Dhan 4’ and ‘Ajaya’ (I = indica), ‘Taichung 65’ (J = japonica) and ‘IR 65598‐112‐2’ (TJ = tropical japonica) in line × tester mating design. Predominance of non‐additive genetic variance suggested good prospects of hybrid breeding. Pooled analysis revealed highly significant variances for lines, general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability (SCA) and line x tester. TGMS line 365‐8S was the best general combiner for all the six traits including grain yield. Trend of relative mid‐parent heterosis for grain yield, panicle length, grain number per panicle and earliness in flowering was I/TJ > I/J > I/I. For panicle number per plant and 1000‐grain weight, trends were I/TJ > I/I > I/J and I/I > I/TJ > I/J, respectively. Grain yield recorded heterosis of 49.3%, 71.9% and 92.7% for I/I, I/J and I/TJ hybrid groups respectively. Effect of environments on the hybrid performance indicated better response of hybrids at high fertilizer dose. Study suggests greater prospects of combining improved japonica and tropical japonica germplasms having wide compatible gene with indica TGMS lines for exploitation of intersubspecific heterosis.  相似文献   

Aflatoxin accumulation in maize (Zea mays L.) kernels is a serious economic and health problem that reduces grain quality and nutritional values and causes death to livestock and humans. Understanding the genetic parameters and heterotic responses of exotic maize inbred lines can facilitate their use for developing aflatoxin resistant parents of hybrids in Africa. This study was designed to (1) determine the heterotic affinities of aflatoxin resistant exotic lines, (2) identify exotic inbreds with good combining ability, and (3) determine the mode of inheritance of resistance to aflatoxin contamination in these lines. A line?×?tester mating design was used to determine combining ability of 12 yellow and 13 white inbreds and classify them into heterotic groups. The inbreds were crossed to two adapted testers representing two African heterotic groups and the resulting testcrosses along with hybrid checks were evaluated in separate trials at two locations for 2 years in Nigeria. General combining ability (GCA) effects were more important than specific combining ability effects for aflatoxin and grain yield. Among 15 exotic inbred lines having negative GCA effects for aflatoxin and 13 with positive GCA effects for grain yield, six combined the two desired traits. Five white and six yellow endosperm testcrosses were found to be good specific combiners for the two desired traits. The exotic lines with negative GCA effects for aflatoxin accumulation will be used as donor parents to develop backcross populations for generating new inbred lines with much higher levels of resistance to aflatoxin accumulation.  相似文献   

Root system architecture is important for common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) adaptability to diverse environments. Beans employ complex adaptive root mechanisms for coping with multiple stresses in production environments. Understanding genetic control of root traits is central to improvement of common bean for adaptation to marginal environments. The objectives of this study were to (i) determine combining ability of root and agronomic traits and (ii) estimate the heritability and genetic correlation of root and agronomic traits in common bean. Four bean lines with superior root traits were crossed with four locally adapted varieties in a North Carolina II mating scheme to generate 16 crosses. The 16 F1s were selfed and advanced to F2 generation. Eight parents and their F2 progenies were evaluated in an alpha-Lattice design with two replications. General and specific combing ability mean squares were significant (p ≤ .05) for all traits measured. General predictability ratios ranged from .47 to .68 across locations suggesting that both additive and non-additive gene action modulate root traits and seed yield. Positive and significant (p ≤ .05) phenotypic and genetic correlations revealed significant association between root traits and yield. Moderate to high heritability estimates of between .43 and .67 were realized. Such estimates point to possible deployment of a successful selection programme. Genotype AFR398 displayed significant positive GCA effects among its crosses for both root and agronomic traits hence a potential candidate genotype for inclusion in a bean genetic improvement programme for marginal environments.  相似文献   

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