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Stem rust of wheat, caused by Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici, was under control worldwide for over 30 years by utilizing genetic resistance. The emergence of stem rust in 1998 in eastern Africa in form of race Ug99 and its evolving variants with virulence to many resistance genes were recognized as potential threats to wheat production. In this study we identified genomic regions contributing to putatively durable, adult plant resistance (APR) to wheat stem rust. A recombinant inbred line (RIL) population of 298 lines was previously developed at CIMMYT from a cross between ‘Avocet S’ and ‘Pavon 76’. Pavon 76 has been described to carry APR to stem rust. Avocet S carries the race-specific resistance gene Sr26. A subset of RILs without Sr26 segregated for APR to stem rust race Ug99 when evaluated in Kenya for three years. Single year and joint year analysis by inclusive composite interval mapping using 450 DArT markers identified five quantitative trait loci (QTL) that contributed to the resistance of wheat to stem rust race Ug99. Three of these, including QSr.cim-3B, which probably represents the Sr2 gene, were contributed by Pavon 76 whereas the remaining two QTL were contributed by Avocet S. QSr.cim-3B, or putatively Sr2, on chromosome arm 3BS explained 32 % of the phenotypic variation while the additional QTL in Pavon contributed 24 and 20 %, respectively. Two QTL from Avocet S explained 8 and 6 % of phenotypic variance, respectively. A combination of APR QTL from the two parents resulted in transgressive segregants expressing higher levels of resistance than Pavon 76. Our results indicate that it is possible to accumulate several minor resistance genes each with a small to intermediate effect resulting in a variety that exhibits negligible disease levels even under high stem rust pressure.  相似文献   

Genetic studies were conducted on an European winter wheat cultivar, Beaver, to determine the mode of inheritance of leaf rust resistance at seedling and adult plant growth stages using a recombinant doubled haploid population, Beaver/Soissons. Greenhouse studies indicated the involvement of genes Lr13 and Lr26 in governing leaf rust resistance at seedling growth stages, whereas, adult plant resistance (APR) in the field with pathotypes carrying virulence individually for Lr13 and Lr26 showed trigenic inheritance for the population. Marker regression analysis of adult plant field data indicated the involvement of six significant QTLs (chromosomes 1B, 3B, 3D, 4B, 4D and 5A) in year 2005, four QTLs (1B, 3B, 4B and 5A) in 2006, and six QTLs (1A, 1B, 3B, 4A, 4B and 5A) in 2007 for reducing leaf rust severity. QTLs on chromosomes 1B, 4B and 5A were considered the most important because of their detection across years, whereas QTLs on chromosomes 1A, 3B, 3D and 4A were either inconsistent or non-significant and unexplained. Based on an association of closely linked markers with phenotypic data, putative single gene stocks were identified for each consistent QTL and crossing was initiated to develop populations segregating for each to permit fine mapping of the identified regions.  相似文献   

This work reports a gene pyramiding approach assisted by DNA markers used to develop “carioca” seeded common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) elite lines harboring three different rust resistance genes. Rust is among the most destructive diseases that attack P. vulgaris and cause serious damage worldwide. The rust resistance genes Ur-5 (from ‘Mexico 309’), Ur-11 (from ‘BelMiDak RR-3’), and Ur-14 (from ‘BRS Pioneiro’, a “carioca” seeded cultivar derived from the resistance source ‘Ouro Negro’) were combined in the “carioca” seeded bean cultivar ‘Rudá’. Firstly, two different backcross programs were conducted separately to produce progenies harboring individually the Ur-5 and Ur-11 genes. Molecular fingerprinting analysis was used to select plants genetically similar to ‘Rudá’ in the backcross cycles to accelerate the recurrent-background recovery. The obtained progenies were initially intercrossed and then crossed with ‘BRSMG Pioneiro’ (Ur-14). The final F1 plants derived from these crosses were screened with DNA markers linked to the three rust resistance genes: SI19 (Ur-5), SAE19 (Ur-11) and OPX11 (Ur-14). The plants selected as harboring all the alleles of interest were used to obtain the next generations. The selection based on DNA markers was conducted up to the F4:5 generation. We were able to select F4:7 progenies showing all the DNA markers associated to the genes of interest and resistant to all specific races of U. appendiculatus used for phenotypically detecting each one of the rust resistance genes. Yield evaluations show that these selected lines are as productive as the recurrent parent ‘Rudá’ and high-performing control cultivars grown in Brazil.  相似文献   

Summary F2-plant progenies, derived from seven crosses between susceptible erectoides breeding lines and conventional, nutans breeding lines with partial resistance to leaf rust incited by Puccinia hordei Otth., derived from Vada x Cebada Capa, were examined in a field and a glasshouse experiment. In the field experiment, the nutans plant progenies generally were more resistant to leaf rust and powdery mildew than the erectoides progenies. In the glasshouse experiment, the components of partial resistance to leaf rust of six erectoides and six nutans progenies derived from one cross were studied. The nutans progenies generally had lower infection frequencies than erectoides progenies with a similar infection level in the field experiment. The variation for leaf rust and powdery mildew infection in the field was similar for the nutans and erectoides progenies. This suggests that erectoides lines with a fairly high level of partial resistance to leaf rust and powdery mildew can be selected from these populations.  相似文献   

The results of a cytological study of hybrid necrosis in wheat are presented. Two types of necrosizing of the leaves have been found viz. necrosis via dull green discoloration, and necrosis via a yellow intermediate colour. In the first case the conglomeration of the cell contents starts when the size of the chloroplasts is only little reduced. In the second case the chloroplasts become very small before forming small lumps or bunches. It is suggested that the conglomeration of the cell contents is more disastrous for the plant than the decrease in size of the chloroplasts. The problem of the genetical and physiological causes of hybrid necrosis is discussed.  相似文献   

Wheat yellow mosaic, caused by Wheat yellow mosaic virus (WYMV), is one of the most devastating soil-borne diseases of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in Japan. Yellow-striped leaves and stunted spring growth, symptomatic of WYMV infection, result in severe yield loss. A new putative WYMV resistance gene in the European wheat cultivar ‘Ibis’ was mapped in the cluster of microsatellite markers including Xcfd16, Xwmc41, Xcfd168 and Xwmc181 on the long arm of chromosome 2D at the distances of 2.0 cM, 4.0 cM, 7.1 cM and 12.4 cM, respectively. WYMV-resistant cultivars contained a common haplotype of the four markers, whereas moderately susceptible and susceptible cultivars did not. These results should be useful in marker-assisted selection for WYMV resistance in wheat.  相似文献   

Previous studies showed that a T. aestivum-H. villosa disomic substitution line DS4V(4D) showed a high level of resistance to wheat spindle streak mosaic virus (WSSMV). By crossing DS4V(4D) with the common wheat variety Yangmai #5, plants were obtained that were double monosomic for chromosomes 4V and 4D. Univalents are prone to misdivision at the centromere, and fusion of the derived telocentric chromosomes leads to the production of Robertsonian whole-arm translocations. We screened the progenies of such double monosomic plants by C-banding and genomic in situ hybridization and identified one compensating translocation where the short arm of 4V was translocated to the long arm of 4D of wheat, T4VS⋅4DL. RFLP analysis using the group-4 specific probe BCD110 was used to confirm the translocation. The T4VS⋅4DL translocation stock, accessioned as NAU413, is highly resistant to WSSMV and is also of good agronomic type. The WSSMV resistance gene located on 4VS was designated Wss1.  相似文献   

Increased labor costs and reduced labor pools for hop production necessitate the development of strategies that improve efficiency and automation of hop production. One solution for reducing labor inputs is the use of “short-trellis” hop varieties. Unfortunately, little information exists on the genetic control of this trait in hop, and there are no known molecular markers available for selection. This preliminary study was enacted to identify QTLs associated with expression of short-stature growth phenotype using SNPs identified within genome-assembled scaffolds. A bi-parental mapping population of 87 offspring was obtained from the cross, “Pioneer × 25/95/15”. Genotyping-by-sequencing was performed on parents and offspring. SNPs were identified using TASSEL v3.0 with either ‘Teamaker’ reference genome or ‘Shinsuwase’ genome. The genetic map derived from ‘Teamaker’ SNPs was far superior and was used for all further analysis. QTL analysis identified eight QTLs linked to short stature with five showing strong statistical association based upon three different statistical analyses. All eight QTLs were found on linkage group one. Evaluation of scaffolds containing SNP markers located at or surrounding QTL regions (±1 cM) identified 67 putative genes—several of which are known structural genes. A genome-wide scan of SNP markers identified an additional marker found on a scaffold containing a putative gene (Aspartyl protease family protein) known to induce dwarf characteristics in other species. Further validation of significantly associated markers on different populations is necessary prior to implementation in marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

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