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D. C. Sharma 《Euphytica》1978,27(2):581-586
Summary True-breeding, leaf rust (Puccinia coronata Cda. f. sp. avenae Fraser and Led.) resistant oat lines with somatic chromosome numbers of 42 and 44, were recovered in the advanced generations of a pentaploid hybrid from the cross between C.I. 7232, a leaf rust resistant and dark lemma colored derived tetraploid and Clarion, a susceptible hexaploid oat. Microsporocyte observations and breeding behaviour of these lines and their F1 hybrids with susceptible hexaploid oat cultivars indicated that the 42- and 44-chromosome lines are disomic substitutions (20+1A) and disomic additions (21+1A), respectively, of the same alien chromosome which carries genes for dark colored lemma and leaf rust resistance. The substitution and addition lines possess good field resistance to leaf rust. Plants of substitution lines were less vigorous, shorter, with poor straw and reduced fertility. Addition lines had reduced tillering ability, plant vigour, culm thickness, leaf width and fertility and were late maturing. Progeny tests for resistance indicated that substitution lines are more stable than addition lines. It is suggested that these lines may be of value in a program of radiation-induced gene transfer.  相似文献   

S. Taketa    T. Awayama    S. Amano    Y. Sakurai    M. Ichii 《Plant Breeding》2006,125(4):337-342
The hulled or naked caryopsis character of barley is an important agronomic trait because of the direct link to its use. A single recessive gene, nud, located on the long arm of chromosome 7H, controls the naked caryopsis character. Previously, linked amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) bands from bulked segregant analysis were screened, and the nud gene was mapped in a population of 151 F2 plants. In the present study, the aim was to construct a high‐resolution map of the nud gene towards its positional cloning. Two AFLP bands were converted into sequence‐characterized amplified region (SCAR) markers (sKT5 and sKT9), and a previously reported SCAR marker sKT3 was improved for more reliable detection of polymorphism. A total of 2380 segregants derived from five cross‐combinations were analysed, and the nud gene was flanked by sKT3 and sKT9, at the 0.6‐cM proximal and the 0.06‐cM distal side, respectively. The SCAR markers developed in this study should be useful for marker‐assisted selection in naked barley breeding employing crosses between naked and hulled accessions.  相似文献   

Understanding the genetic basis of tolerance to high temperature is important for improving the productivity of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in regions where the stress occurs. The objective of this study was to estimate inheritance of heat tolerance and the minimum number of genes for the trait in bread wheat by combining quantitative genetic estimates and molecular marker analyses. Two cultivars, Ventnor (heat-tolerant) and Karl92 (heat-susceptible), were crossed to produce F1, F2, and F3populations, and their grain-filling duration (GFD) at 30/25 °C 16/8 h day/night was determined as a measure of heat tolerance. Distribution of GFD in the F1 and F2 populations followed the normal model (χ2, p > 0.10). A minimum of 1.4 genes with both additive and dominance effects, broad-sense heritability of 80%, and realized heritability of 96%for GFD were determined from F2 and F3 populations. Products from 59primer pairs among 232 simple sequence repeat (SSR) pairs were polymorphic between the parents. Two markers, Xgwm11 andXgwm293, were linked to GFD by quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis of the F2 population. The Xgwm11-linked QTL had only additive gene action and contributed 11% to the total phenotypic variation in GFD in the F2population, whereas the Xgwm293-linked QTL had both additive and dominance action and contributed 12% to the total variation in GFD. The results demonstrated that heat tolerance of common wheat is controlled by multiple genes and suggested that marker-assisted selection with microsatellite primers might be useful for developing improved cultivars. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

New sources of resistance to crown rust, Puccinia coronata f. sp. avenae (Eriks.), the major fungal disease of cultivated oat, Avena sativa L. (2n = 6x = 42), are constantly needed due to frequent, rapid shifts in the virulence pattern of the pathogen. Crown rust resistance identified in the diploid oat A. strigosa (Schreb.) (2n = 2x = 14) accession CI6954SP was transferred into cultivated oat using two methods: direct cross of the diploid to a hexaploid cultivar facilitated by embryo rescue, and initial cross of the diploid to a wild tetraploid oat to make a synthetic hexaploid for subsequent crossing to a hexaploid cultivar. Two tetraploids, a crown rust resistant A. murphyi (Ladiz.) accession P12 and a susceptible A. insularis (Ladiz.) accession INS-1, were used in the 2x·4x crosses. Resistant backcross-derived lines were recovered by both methods. Although the 2x·4x synthetic method did not require the laborious discovery and rescue of an infrequent initial hybrid embryo of the direct cross, the direct cross method provided more rapid backcross recovery of plants with high fertility, full transmission of resistance, and desired plant and seed phenotypes. A suppressor effect, present initially but segregating in backcrosses, appeared to come from the CI6954SP donor and is the same as, or analogous to, suppression by an oat line with the crown rust resistance gene Pc38. No resistance from A. murphyi P12 was detected in advanced generations when it was introduced either as a component of a synthetic hexaploid or in direct crosses to A. sativa, indicating suppression of its resistance in interploidy combinations. That the dominant resistance gene transferred from CI6954SP and a gene Pc94 introgressed earlier from a different A. strigosa accession may be the same or quite similar to one another is indicated by their in-common specificity to suppression of resistance expression, susceptibility to a newly recovered rust isolate, and close linkage to the molecular marker SCAR94-2. The introgressed resistance genes from the different sources, even if the same, may have different cultivar genomic introgression sites, which would allow tests of dosage effects on resistance expression.  相似文献   

Xieyou9308 is the first commercial super hybrid rice released in 1996 in China. To clarify its genetic mechanism underlying high yield potential, a recombinant inbred line (RIL) population derived from the cross between the maintainer line XieqingzaoB (XQZB) and the restorer line Zhonghui9308 (ZH9308) and two derived backcross F1 (BCF1) populations were developed for the identification of quantitative trait loci (QTLs) related to ten important agronomic traits (tiller number (TN), heading date (HD), and grain yield per plant (GYPP), etc.). The BCF1 performance was closely correlated with the performance of their parental RILs according to both the analysis of broad-sense heritability (h B 2) and phenotypic correlation coefficient (PCC) in the two BCF1 populations, but not proved by QTL analysis. A total of 21 additive-effect main QTLs (M-QTLs), 22 dominant-effect M-QTLs, and 19 dominant-effect M-QTLs were detected with the WinQTLCart 2.50 software for the ten traits in the RIL and two BCF1 populations, respectively. Of theses, three QTLs (qHD7a, qPPP3a, and qPL10) of 21 were detected repeatedly in the RIL and one BCF1 populations, ten QTLs underlying four traits were only detected repeatedly in two BCF1 populations, and nine QTLs controlling more than two traits were detected repeatedly, the additive-effect QTLs and dominant-effect QTLs play an important role in the performance of agronomic traits and no epistatic QTL of additive by additive effect and dominant by dominant-effect was detected for all traits in three populations. This research is valuable for M-QTL related to important agronomic trait in future fine mapping and positional cloning.  相似文献   

Selection of oat genotypes combining earliness and short plant height could stimulate oat cultivation worldwide. However, the mechanisms involved with the genetic control of heading date and plant height traits are not fully understood to date. This study aimed to identify genomic regions controlling heading date and plant height in two hulled by naked oat populations and to compare these genomic regions with that of other grass species. Recombinant inbred lines of each population and their parents were genotyped by a 6 K BeadChip Illumina Infinium array and assessed for heading date and plant height in two sowing dates. The quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting these traits were detected by simple interval mapping. The two oat populations showed different genetic mechanisms controlling heading date. A major QTL was identified in one of the populations, mapped into the ‘Mrg33’ consensus linkage group from the current oat map. Two other QTL were detected into the ‘Mrg02’ and ‘Mrg24’ groups, in the second population. On the other hand, both populations presented the same genomic region controlling plant height. Six SNP markers, mapping on the same linkage group within each population, were associated with the trait, regardless the sowing date, explaining more than 20% of the phenotypic variation. Five of these six markers were mapped into three different linkage groups on the oat consensus map. Genomic regions associated with heading date and plant height in oat seem to be conserved in Oryza sativa L. and Brachypodium distachyon. Our results provide valuable information for marker-assisted selection in oats, allowing selection for earliness and plant height on early segregating generations.  相似文献   

Association mapping is a method to identify associations between target traits and genetic markers based on linkage disequilibrium (LD) of a quantitative trait locus. Synthetic hexaploid wheat (SHW) is derived from a cross between Triticum durum Desf. and Aegilops tauschii Coss. that enhances genetic diversity and broadens breeding resources. In this study, phenotypic diversity in 110 wheat accessions (86 SHW germplasm specimens and 24 conventional wheat varieties) was evaluated quantitatively for yield characteristics of grains per spike, thousand kernel weight, and spike length. Phenotypic data were collected over two years at two locations, and 1785 alleles were detected (mean 6.59), ranging from 3 to 11 alleles per locus. The average genetic diversity index was 0.749, with a range from 0.239 to 0.923. The polymorphic information content (PIC) ranged from 0.145 to 0.968, with a mean value of 0.695. The genetic diversity index and PIC indicated that genome B > D > A. Accessions were grouped into three subgroups based on STRUCTURE and unweighted pair-group with arithmetic mean clustering. The mean LD decay across the genome was 11.78 cM. Association mapping between traits and simple sequence repeat markers was performed using the generalized linear model approach. Forty-six SSR loci were significantly associated with the measured agronomic traits in two geographic locations. Together, these results broaden our knowledge of how to harness elite genes and genetic diversity in SHW in genomic and marker-assisted selection.  相似文献   

Parental, F1, F2, BC1, BC2, BC11, BC12, BC21, BC22, BC1 self and BC2 selfed generations of three crosses involving six cultivars of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) were studied for grains per spike under normal and late sown environments to analyze the nature of gene effects. A 10-parameter model did not fully account for the differences among the generation means. In two cases more complex interactions or linkage were involved in the inheritance of grains per spike in durum. Both digenic and trigenic epistatic interactions had a role in controlling the inheritance of grains per spike, however, trigenic interactions contributed more than digenic interactions. Non-fixable gene effects were many times higher than fixable ones in all three crosses and in both sowing environments indicating a major role of non-additive gene effects in the inheritance of this trait. Duplicate epistasis between sets of three genes under both environments was recorded for the cross Raj 911 × DWL 5002. Epistatic interactions, particularly the trigenic ones, contributed the maximum significant heterosis. Epistatic interactions involving dominance in the F2 generations caused significant inbreeding depression. Selective diallel mating and/or biparental mating could be used for amelioration of grains per spike in durum wheat.  相似文献   

The past few decades have witnessed hundreds of family-based linkage studies mapping for numerous traits but only a limited number of QTLs were actually cloned, tagged, or used for marker-assisted selection. Although providing valuable information, this conventional approach cannot be scaled up to underpin the incredible amount of phenotypic variation in the form of 266, 589 hexaploid wheat accessions maintained in public germplasm collections. Association mapping has recently emerged as an alternative and more powerful mapping approach where a natural population is surveyed to determine marker-trait associations using linkage disequilibrium (LD). After its first application for milling quality in 2006, association mapping studies in hexaploid wheat are being extended to tag yield traits, protein quality, and tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses. Advances in genotyping technology and statistical approaches greatly accelerated the shift from conventional linkage-based mapping to LD-based association mapping. Association mapping stands out because of simultaneous utilization of a large number of ex situ-conserved natural variation due to historical recombination events accumulated over centuries.  相似文献   

Summary Molecular mapping is a promising strategy for studying and understanding traits with complex genetic control, such as partial resistance to oat crown rust. The objectives of this research were to develop molecular maps from the progenies of the cross UFRGS7 (susceptible) × UFRGS910906 (partially resistant) and to identify QTLs (quantitative trait loci) associated to partial resistance to oat crown rust in two generations of that population.DNA of 86 genotypes of the F2 and 90 genotypes of the F6 UFRGS7 × UFRGS910906 population were used to generate AFLP markers. Molecular maps were constructed using Mapmaker Exp. 3.0 and QTLs for partial resistance to oat crown rust were identified with Mapmaker/QTL software. Five hundred and fifty seven markers in the F2 and 243 markers in the F6 generations were identified. The F2 map integrated 250 markers in 37 linkage groups. The F6 map integrated 86 markers in 17 linkage groups.Five QTLs were identified for partial resistance to oat crown rust in the F2 generation and three QTLs in the F6. The QTL identified on F6 through the PaaaMctt340 AFLP marker showed consistency across two environments and two generations (F4 and F6), and appear to have potential for marker-assisted selection in oat.  相似文献   

Summary Variation for high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits is reported in Afghan hexaploid wheat landraces from different locations in the country ranging in altitude from 395 to 3170 metres. The variation appeared to be independent of the altitude and geographical location of the landraces. Studies of a number of samples from each of five sites revealed that at some sites there was allelic variation at theGlu-A1 andGlu-B1 loci coding from HMW glutenin subunits, but there was no variation at theGlu-D1 locus within and between sites.  相似文献   

Marker‐assisted selection may be useful for combining specific vernalization response (Vrn) alleles into a single wheat genotype for yield enhancement; however, DNA markers are only available for two of the three genes identified to date. The objectives of this study were to investigate reciprocal effects on days to heading using F2 populations generated by cross‐hybridizing near‐isogenic lines (NILs) carrying spring (Vrn‐B1; TDB) and winter (vrn‐B1; TDC) alleles, and to identify markers linked to Vrn‐B1 through genetic linkage analysis. Heading data were recorded for 91 and 89 progeny from reciprocal mapping populations TDB/TDC and TDC/TDB, respectively, and significant (P < 0.0001) reciprocal and dominance effects were detected. Among 207 amplified fragment length polymorphisms primer pairs and seven wheat microsatellite markers screened, two and one, respectively, were linked distally to Vrn‐B1 on wheat chromosome 5BL. Microsatellite Xgwm408 was most closely linked to Vrn‐B1 at 3.9 and 1.1 cM in the TDB/TDC and TDC/TDB map, respectively. Reciprocal differences in recombination distances emphasize the importance of female parent choice when generating mapping populations. Molecular markers are now available for three Vrn loci in wheat.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic diversity in microsatellites and development of agronomical characters in Nordic oat cultivars (Avena sativa) from the 20th century, ranging from landraces to new cultivars, were studied. A clear development in agronomical characters has taken place in this period: Straw length has been reduced, harvest index has increased and heading date has declined. The persistent oat breeding effort in the northern part of the region was indicated by the data, since cultivars from this region showed higher harvest index. Also adaptation to shorter summers was apparent in cultivars from the most northern part of the area. When comparing cultivars released after 1940 to the landraces, the loss of diversity revealed for the agronomical characters was also indicated by the molecular data. This indicates that a more general loss of diversity has taken place in the period, possibly due to random factors during the breeding process (bottleneck effect). The reduction in diversity revealed by recent cultivars at an agronomical as well as a molecular level emphasises the importance of implementing a conservation strategy for older material in order to secure genetic diversity for future oat breeding efforts.  相似文献   

The leaf and stem surfaces of many land plants are covered with a cuticular wax layer that confers a glaucous appearance or white bloom. Synthetic hexaploid wheat Line 3672 was non-glaucous, and common wheat Line 9753 was glaucous. The cuticular wax was characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). A hybrid using 9753 as female parent and 3672 as male parent was made and 108 F2 plants and their F3 progenies were used to map the non-glaucouness gene. Non-glaucousness in Line 3672 was controlled by a single dominant gene, temporarily designated Iw3672. Five SSR markers mapped on chromosome 2DS were linked to Iw3672. Additionally, two EST-derived markers and a SNP marker were developed and were also linked to Iw3672. The order of the eight markers and Iw3672 was Xte6 730 /Xbarc124 520 Iw3672Xwe6 2100/2150 Xcau96 287 Xcfd51 180/200/230 Xwe7Xgdm5 190 Xgdm35 246/250 , with the genetic distance for each interval being 0.9 cM, 1.4 cM, 0.9 cM, 0.9 cM, 1.9 cM, 7.2 cM and 2.5 cM, respectively. We concluded that Iw3672 is physically mapped on the distal region of wheat chromosome 2DS.  相似文献   

Micronutrient malnutrition, especially zinc (Zn) and iron (Fe) deficiency in diets, has aroused worldwide attention. Biofortification of food crops has been considered as a promising approach for alleviating this deficiency. Quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis was performed to dissect the genetic mechanism of Zn and Fe content in maize grains using a total of 218 F2:3 families derived from a cross between inbred lines 178 and P53. Meta-analysis was used to integrate genetic maps and detect Meta-QTL (MQTL) across several independent QTL researches for traits related to Zn or Fe content. Five significant QTLs and 10 MQTLs were detected. Two informative genomic regions, bins 2.07 and 2.08, showed a great importance for Zn and Fe content QTLs. The correlation between Zn and Fe level in maize grains was proposed by MQTLs as 8 of the 10 involved both traits. The results of this study suggest that QTL mapping and meta-analysis is an effective approach to understand the genetic basis of Zn and Fe accumulation in maize grains.  相似文献   

In an earlier study, chromosome 1D of the hexaploid breadwheat cultivar ‘Chinese Spring’ was introduced into hexaploid triticale to improve its bread‐making quality. That specific chromosome, 1D, carried the a allele at the Glu‐D1 locus coding for high molecular weight (HMW) glutenin subunits 2 + 12, and since subunits 2 + 12 are associated with poor bread‐making quality in wheat, in the present study hexaploid 1D substitution triticale was crossed with octoploid triticale with the d allele at the Glu‐D1 locus encoding HMW glutenin subunits 5 + 10. Following backcrosses to different triticale varieties, 1D substitution lines were established that had Glu‐D1 allele a or d in an otherwise genetically similar background, and the influence of these two different alleles on bread‐making quality of hexaploid triticale was compared. The agronomic performance of 76 selected lines was evaluated in a field trial. The Zeleny sedimentation value was determined as a parameter for bread‐making quality, and related to the presence of chromosome 1D, the different glutenin alleles and the nature of the substitution. The presence of chromosome 1D had a significant and positive effect on the Zeleny sedimentation value, but the difference between the two glutenin alleles 2 + 12 and 5 + 10 was not as obvious as in wheat. Owing to its high cytological stability and minimal effect on agronomic performance, substitution 1D(1A) appears to be the most desirable one to use in triticale breeding.  相似文献   

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