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We investigated genetic parameters for juvenile to mature growth and stem forking in black spruce [Picea mariana (Mill.) B.S.P.] in order to obtain reliable estimates for supporting eastern Canadian tree breeding strategies. The study was based on data collected from two series of progeny tests of black spruce in New Brunswick (NB) including 285 open-pollinated families and more than 57,000 individual trees. Height (HT), diameter at breast height (DBH), and stem forking (SF) were periodically measured between ages 5 and 35 years. Results showed that tree volume (V), HT and DBH were highly genetically controlled, with average individual narrow-sense heritability (\(h_{i}^{2}\)) estimates of 0.29, 0.29 and 0.21, and family mean heritability (\(h_{F}^{2}\)) estimates of 0.82, 0.85 and 0.77, respectively. SF had low \(h_{i}^{2}\) (= 0.06 on average) but had moderate \(h_{F}^{2}\) (= 0.56), indicating family selection might effectively reduce SF. Both \(h_{i}^{2}\) and \(h_{F}^{2}\) increased with age and then stabilized or declined, being the highest around ages 15–20 years for all traits. The type-B genetic correlation (\(r_{B}\)) estimates were moderate to high for all the traits, suggesting negligible genotype × environment interactions. Strong age–age genetic correlation estimates were found for growth traits, implying the potential for practicing early selection. Age–age genetic correlation estimates were moderate for SF (= 0.72). Trait–trait genetic correlation estimates were strong and positive among growth traits, but between growth traits and SF they were mostly negligible albeit positive. Overall, results suggest that genetic selection will be effective for growth traits but much less so for reducing stem forking in New Brunswick’s black spruce.  相似文献   


Genetically improved Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst) has been extensively used in operational plantations in Sweden. However, there have been few studies that aimed at verifying the realized genetic gain over a longer time span in plots established with one genetical entry. Two experimental series at six sites in southern Sweden, established purely for this purpose, were assessed. Early height growth of 10 Norway spruce seedlots of different genetic levels was compared. There were significant differences in height at the age of 5 and 8 years between improved and unimproved seed sources and the differences between most advanced material from the breeding front, represented by full-sib crossings of selected plus-trees, and unimproved Swedish spruce were 36% and 30% at the age of 5 and 8 years, respectively. At the same ages, the trees originating from the second round of seed-orchards were 25% and 21% higher than unimproved material. There were also about 20% differences between the best and worst tested full-sib families, indicating large possible gain in the new generation. The study confirmed earlier estimates of genetic gain levels of different seed sources in the breeding program for Norway spruce.  相似文献   

对营造在浙江省龙泉市林科院6年生杉木三代种子园家系(36个家系,1个对照)子代林的树高、胸径和材积进行测定与分析.结果表明:6年生杉木的树高、胸径和材积3个生长性状在家系间差异达极显著,且有相对较高的广义遗传力,而材积有中等以上的遗传变异系数.杉木三代种子园有较好的群体改良效果,6年生时材积的遗传增益比对照提高了14.89%.以材积为依据,采用对比法选择出9个早期速生型杉木优良家系,其群体的树高、胸径和材积平均值分别大于对照10.04%、15.99%和45.69%.  相似文献   

Italian seed lots of Norway spruce (Picea abies) were analysed by agar plate tests and seedling symptom test. Fusarium spp., Phoma spp. and Sirococcus conigenus were present on seeds, together with some saprophytes, but only S. conigenus and Fusarium spp. caused mortality in the seedling symptom test. Pathogenicity tests with 19 isolates belonging to nine Fusarium species showed that only some were pathogenic. Fusarium dlamini, reported for the first time in Italy, caused only some pre-emergence mortality. Pathogenicity tests with S. conigenus indicated that the isolate was pathogenic and that temperature can greatly affect the results. Seed dressing with prochloraz was suitable for controlling the seedborne pathogens. Agar plate tests are effective and practicable methods for the detection of spruce seed mycoflora.  相似文献   

Hannerz M  Westin J 《Tree physiology》2005,25(9):1181-1186
Reforestation with provenances from locations remote from the planting site (transferred provenances) or the progeny of trees of local provenances selected for superior form and vigor (plus trees) offer alternative means to increase yield over that obtained by the use of seed from unselected trees of the local provenance. Under Swedish conditions, Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) of certain transferred provenances generally has an advantage in productivity relative to the local provenance comparable to that of progeny of plus trees. The aim of this study was to explore the extent to which productivity gains achieved by provenance transfer or the use of plus tree progeny are associated with reductions in autumn frost hardiness, relative to that of trees of the local provenance. In a field trial with 19-year-old trees in central Sweden, bud hardiness was tested on four occasions during the autumn of 2002. Trees of the local provenance were compared with trees of a south Swedish provenance originating 3 degrees of latitude to the south, a Belarusian provenance and the progeny of plus trees of local origin. The Belarusian provenance was the least hardy and the local provenance the most hardy, with plus tree progeny and the south Swedish provenance being intermediate in hardiness. Both the Belarusian provenance and the plus tree progeny were significantly taller than trees of the other populations. Within provenances, tree height was negatively correlated with autumn frost hardiness. Among the plus tree progeny, however, no such correlation between tree height and autumn frost hardiness was found. It is concluded that although the gain in productivity achieved by provenance transfer from Belarus was comparable to that achieved by using the progeny of plus trees of the local provenance, the use of trees of the Belarus provenance involved an increased risk of autumn frost damage because of later hardening.  相似文献   

The main purpose of this study was to investigate the variability of the fibril angle of tracheids in earlywood of Norway spruce (Picea abies L. Karst.). Polarization confocal microscopy was chosen and compared with the method utilizing the orientation of soft rot cavities. There was a significant correlation between the soft rot and polarization confocal microscopy methods, which showed the same trend of high fibril angles in the first part of the earlywood followed by a decrease toward the end of earlywood. This declining trend was less pronounced in annual rings containing compression wood. Moreover, large variations in fibril angle occurred between neighboring tracheids. The investigation also emphasized the differences between X-ray diffraction and microscopic methods, as the large variation seen by the latter methods is not seen by the X-ray diffraction approach because of its large area of measurement. No correlation was found between fiber morphology (i.e., average length, width, density) and the average fibril angle in the investigated annual rings.  相似文献   

Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) trees were preinoculated with a sublethal dose of the blue-stain fungus Ceratocystis polonica Siem. (C. Moreau) 1 to 52 weeks before they were mass inoculated with the same fungus. Trees pretreated 1 week before mass inoculation had similar, severe symptoms of fungal infection as the control trees. Pretreatment 3, 6 or 9 weeks before mass inoculation resulted in effective protection of the trees, reducing pathogenic symptoms by 63-90% relative to the control trees, whereas pretreatment 52 weeks before mass inoculation gave intermediate protection (44-71% reduction in symptoms). Thus, pretreatment induced resistance to the blue-stain fungus in Norway spruce by a process that requires more than 1 week to become activated and protects trees for at least one year after pretreatment. Pretreatment induced formation of traumatic resin ducts (TDs) in the sapwood and swelling and proliferation of polyphenolic parenchyma cells (PP cells) in the phloem. Trees pretreated 3-9 weeks before mass inoculation had more TDs and showed greater swelling of existing PP cells than control trees or trees pretreated 1 week before mass inoculation. We conclude that induced disease resistance in Norway spruce is probably associated with PP cell activation and TD induction, because resistance was enhanced within the same time frame as the induction of these defense responses.  相似文献   

Summer drought, i.e. unusually dry and warm weather, has been a significant stress factor for Norway spruce in southeast Norway during the 14 years of forest monitoring. Dry and warm summers were followed by increases in defoliation, discolouration of foliage, cone formation and mortality. The causal mechanisms are discussed. Most likely, the defoliation resulted from increased needle‐fall in the autumn after dry summers. During the monitoring period 1988–2001, southeast Norway was repeatedly affected by summer drought, in particular, in the early 1990s. The dataset comprised 455 ‘Forest officers’ plots’ with annual data on crown condition and mortality. Linear mixed models were used for estimation and hypothesis testing, including a variance–covariance structure for the handling of random effects and temporal autocorrelation.  相似文献   

  • ? Relatedness among parents, variation in clonal fertility and background pollination deviate the realized genetic gain and the gene diversity of open pollinated seed orchard from expectation, in particular in wind pollinated species such as Pinus pinaster Aiton.
  • ? This work investigates the genetic variation, the mating system and the pollen contamination in a P. pinaster clonal seed orchard (CSO), by screening the 60 clones from the CSO and the seeds collected from 21 mother-trees with three nuclear microsatellites.
  • ? The expected diversity was similar, but the observed heterozygosity decreased 20% in the progenies compared with the parental trees. The outcrossing rate was 90.1%, the biparental inbreeding 21.7% computed through a multilocus approach, and the observed selfing 3.9%. The observed gene flow from outside the CSO was 52.4%.
  • ? From the results we concluded that the observed gene flow and the biparental inbreeding were high, and care should be taken in the implementation and management of future CSO, in particular clones should be checked for relatedness and the ramet number could be directly proportional to their breeding value.
  •   相似文献   

    European Journal of Forest Research - Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) is a tree species native to Central Europe and occurs in scattered or in small populations mixed with other tree species....  相似文献   


    Wood is susceptible to decay by rot fungi if it is exposed to high-moisture contents during long periods of time and it is therefore important to limit the duration of such periods. Critical points in outdoor wood structures are, for example, end grain surfaces in joints where water can get trapped after a rain. It is therefore of interest to study both absorption and redistribution of moisture in wood. This paper presents moisture content profiles during end grain water absorption and redistribution in Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) measured by computed tomography with the specimens in individual climate boxes. Heartwood and sapwood of two provenances (slow-grown and fast-grown wood) were included. No major differences were seen between the water uptake of the slow-grown and the fast-grown wood since the densities were similar despite of the large difference in growth ring width. However, for the sapwood specimens, the moisture content was higher further into the specimens than for the heartwood specimens in agreement with previous studies. For the slow-grown wood, the redistribution was also generally more rapid for the sapwood specimens than for the heartwood specimens.  相似文献   

    Distance-independent individual tree growth models based on about 30,000 observations from the National Forest Inventory and the Norwegian Forest Research Institute have been developed for the main tree species in Norway. The models predict 5-year basal area increment over bark for trees larger than 5 cm at breast height. Potential input variables were of four types: size of the tree, competition indices, site conditions, and stand variables including species, mixtures and layers. The squared correlation coefficient (R2) varied from 0.26 to 0.55. The accuracy of the models was tested by comparing the individual tree models with Norwegian diameter increment models. The accuracy is similar, but individual tree models forecast diameter distributions directly. The inclusion of species mixture and layer as variables increases the reliability of the models in mixed and in uneven-aged stands.  相似文献   

    Photosynthetic O(2) evolution and chlorophyll a fluorescence were measured in 1-year-old needles of unfertilized and fertilized trees of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) during recovery of photosynthesis from winter inhibition in northern Sweden. Measurements were made under laboratory conditions at 20 degrees C. In general, the CO(2)-saturated rate of O(2) evolution was higher in needles of fertilized trees than in needles of unfertilized trees over a wide range of incident photon flux densities. Furthermore, the maximum photochemical efficiency of photosystem (PS) II, as indicated by the ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence (F(V)/F(M)) was higher in needles of fertilized trees than in needles of unfertilized trees. The largest differences in F(V)/F(M) between the two treatments occurred before the main recovery of photosynthesis from winter inhibition in late May. The rate of O(2) evolution was higher in needles of north-facing branches than in needles of south-facing branches in the middle of May. Simultaneous measurements of O(2) exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence indicated that differences in the rate of O(2) evolution between the two treatments were paralleled by differences in the rate of PS II electron transport determined by chlorophyll fluorescence. We suggest that, during recovery of photosynthesis from winter inhibition, the balance between carbon assimilation and PS II electron transport was maintained largely by adjustments in the nonphotochemical dissipation of excitation energy within PS II.  相似文献   

    Bockstette  Simon W.  Thomas  Barb R. 《New Forests》2020,51(3):421-434
    New Forests - Seed orchards play a critical role in reforestation, but often struggle to consistently produce enough seed. A mixture of the less polar gibberellins, GA4 and GA7, has been shown to...  相似文献   

    We studied the defense reactions of 33-year-old susceptible and resistant clones of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) to the major root-rot fungus Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref. and determined if tissue cultures can be used as a model system for studying defense responses of mature trees at the molecular level. Quantitative PCR analysis of genomic DNA obtained from samples taken at different times along the lesion length in living bark indicated that the fungus was present in higher amounts and extended further into the host tissue in the susceptible clone than in the resistant clone. In protein extracts from the same lesion samples, there were differences in temporal and spatial changes in host chitinase isoform profiles between the resistant and susceptible clones. Host chitinase isoforms with pI values approximately 4.8, 4.4 and 3.7 increased more during the first 7 days after wounding and inoculation and extended further along the lesion length in the resistant clone than in the susceptible clone. These results suggest that the time from wounding and infection to induction of defense-related expression is shorter in the resistant clone indicating a more efficient host defense response than in the susceptible clone. Tissue cultures from the same clones were not resistant to H. annosum and showed no difference in the timing of the increase in chitinase isoforms in response to the pathogen. However, tissue cultures from both clones showed an increase in chitinase isoforms within 6 to 24 h past inoculation, indicating that increased chitinase expression in response to the pathogen is part of a general defense response common to both mature clones and tissue cultures.  相似文献   

    To facilitate future carbon and nutrient inventories, we used mixed-effect linear models to develop new generic biomass functions for Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in Central Europe. We present both the functions and their respective variance-covariance matrices and illustrate their application for biomass prediction and uncertainty estimation for Norway spruce trees ranging widely in size, age, competitive status and site. We collected biomass data for 688 trees sampled in 102 stands by 19 authors. The total number of trees in the "base" model data sets containing the predictor variables diameter at breast height (D), height (H), age (A), site index (SI) and site elevation (HSL) varied according to compartment (roots: n = 114, stem: n = 235, dry branches: n = 207, live branches: n = 429 and needles: n = 551). "Core" data sets with about 40% fewer trees could be extracted containing the additional predictor variables crown length and social class. A set of 43 candidate models representing combinations of lnD, lnH, lnA, SI and HSL, including second-order polynomials and interactions, was established. The categorical variable "author" subsuming mainly methodological differences was included as a random effect in a mixed linear model. The Akaike Information Criterion was used for model selection. The best models for stem, root and branch biomass contained only combinations of D, H and A as predictors. More complex models that included site-related variables resulted for needle biomass. Adding crown length as a predictor for needles, branches and roots reduced both the bias and the confidence interval of predictions substantially. Applying the best models to a test data set of 17 stands ranging in age from 16 to 172 years produced realistic allocation patterns at the tree and stand levels. The 95% confidence intervals (% of mean prediction) were highest for crown compartments (approximately +/- 12%) and lowest for stem biomass (approximately +/- 5%), and within each compartment, they were highest for the youngest and oldest stands, respectively.  相似文献   

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