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为研究常用叶面肥在小麦上的增产效果,设置5个处理(水溶性肥、十二元素、磷酸二氢钾、尿素、空白对照),进行产量相关性状的调查。结果表明,喷施叶面肥对增加小麦穗粒数、千粒质量和成穗数有一定的作用。小麦喷施水溶性肥、十二元素、磷酸二氢钾、尿素均有一定的增产效果,但喷施水溶性肥、十二元素较对照增产较少。  相似文献   

不同年份对小麦穗数穗粒数的影响及其对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过多年的小区高产栽培试验和高产攻关,对小麦的穗数、穗粒数进行了研究。结果表明,在相似栽培条件下,有的年份间穗教相差较多,有的年份间穗粒教相差较多。年后幼苗阶段积温,是决定穗数多少的主要因子;小麦返青后5d平均滑动气温首次≥4℃至拔节前的天数,是决定穗粒数多少的主要因素。但只要采取相应的技术措施,不论什么年份,均可获得足够的穗数和较多穗粒数。  相似文献   

在小麦开花前16-8d和开花前8d至开花期进行遮光处理分别使穗粒数减少了37%和23%。在处理期间,遮光穗的还原糖和果聚糖浓度氏于对照穗,而蔗糖浓度与对照差异较小,遮光处理降低了穗中蔗糖-蔗糖果糖基转移酶和可溶性酸性转化酶的活性。  相似文献   

本文以研究生理拔节至成熟期间主要温、光、水等气象因素,在多播期情况下对各类群小麦穗粒数、穗粒重及千粒重的变化影响,探索其变化规律,为我区小麦高产避免不良气候影响,扬长避短,提供适宜播期及品种. 1 生态条件及试验方法试验在铜仁谢桥坝上进行。试验地海拔254米,年均温16.7℃,年降雨量1271.6毫米,以4、5、6月雨量偏多。年日照时数1180.8小时。温光水等气候条件均能满足小麦正常播  相似文献   

周卫霞  王秀萍  穆心愿  李潮海 《作物学报》2013,39(11):2065-2073
以不耐阴型玉米豫玉22和耐阴型玉米郑单958为试验材料,设置自然光照和弱光胁迫两个处理,研究弱光胁迫对不同基因型玉米雌雄花发育的影响。研究结果表明,弱光胁迫延缓了雌雄穗的生长发育,表现为抽雄、吐丝和盛花期延迟,花期和雌雄间隔期延长。弱光胁迫下,在吐丝期不耐阴型玉米花粉量比对照显著增加,耐阴型玉米花粉量与对照差异较小;不耐阴型玉米花粉表面网纹在弱光胁迫下变粗且间隙增大,花粉萌发孔及其附近严重畸形,有的明显内陷,花粉内淀粉粒数目显著减少,营养供应能力减弱,耐阴型玉米在弱光胁迫下花粉表面网纹略有加粗或没有变化,萌发孔略微凹陷且程度远低于不耐阴型玉米,花粉中淀粉粒密度略有降低。遮光处理后,不耐阴型玉米的花粉活力、花粉萌发率和萌发速率表现为下降,而耐阴型玉米表现为上升。花丝的生长速率及伸出苞叶数量在弱光胁迫下显著下降,果穗上部花丝受到的影响最大,向下逐渐减弱。弱光胁迫下两个基因型玉米穗长和穗粒数减少,不耐阴型玉米受弱光胁迫影响的程度高于耐阴型玉米。雌雄间隔期延长、营养供应能力减弱导致的花粉畸形、花丝生长速率和可授粉花丝数目的减少以及籽粒IAA含量的下降和ABA含量的增加是弱光条件下玉米穗粒数显著减少的主要原因。  相似文献   

本文选用高产小麦新品种山农15号和济麦22号,在田间高产条件下,研究了不同密度对小麦穗部性状的影响。结果表明,亩基本苗在8万~12万株范围内,随着密度增加,两品种小麦穗数增加,穗粒数、结实小穗数降低,不孕小穗率提高;济麦22号穗粒数降低幅度小于山农15号。山农15号亩基本苗12万株的密度处理的穗干物质积累率,在开花16天后显著低于其他处理;济麦22号各处理间差异不显著,说明两品种对密度的反应不同,济麦22号耐密性较好,密度过大显著降低山农15号的穗粒数和穗干物质量。在本实验条件下,两品种均以亩基本苗10万株的密度处理籽粒产量最高。  相似文献   

不同播期和品种小麦小花结实的粒位差异   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
确定小麦不同小穗位和小花位发育与结实特性是实现大穗多粒的重要前提,本文通过对冬,春性小麦品种分期播种试验得出,较高的小穗结实力是增加穗粒数的重要因素,不同播期,品种之间,小穗粒重和粒数呈现相同的变化趋势,中部以及基部小穗粒重与穗粒重之间呈高度正相关,体现环境差异的播期效应以对中部小穗发育的影响为主,而冬,春性品种的基因型差异可反映在各个小穗位上,第2小花粒的子粒发育状况反映整个小穗的生产能力,结果表明,促进中部优势小穗(第5-15小穗)结实和第1-3小花位子粒发育是提高小花结实率和穗粒重的关键。  相似文献   

抽穗后不同时期去除旗叶对小麦产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
旗叶是影响小麦产量的重要光合器官,探明旗叶与产量之间的关系对小麦新品种选育具有重要的实践意义。以2008-2009年参加四川省小麦区试的35个品系为研究材料,通过在抽穗后不同时期去除旗叶,旨在探明各时期旗叶对小麦穗长、千粒重、穗粒数和小穗数的影响。结果表明:抽穗期去除旗叶对小麦千粒重影响最大,其千粒重减少14.7%,抽穗后7 d和抽穗后21 d去除旗叶对小麦千粒重影响较大,分别降低13.9%,14.1%;而对穗长、穗粒数和小穗数影响较小;不同时期去除旗叶对小麦产量影响不同,且不同品系间存在差异。  相似文献   

栽培条件对小麦产量构成因素的影响   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
通过多年多种小区试验和多点高产示范,对小麦的产量构成因素和产量进行了研究。结果表明:适期和适期早播,只要处理好与播量、冻害之间的关系,就可以协调好穗、粒、重三因素的关系,提高产量。晚茬麦,采用地膜覆盖栽培,能够较好地协调穗、粒、重三因素的关系,提高产量;采用露地栽培,只有增加播量,依靠主茎成穗,以穗多取胜,才能取得高产。磷肥具有促进分蘖增加穗数,促进灌浆提高粒重的作用。氮肥也具有促进分蘖增加穗数的作用,而对粒数和穗重,则具有两重性,只有氮肥用量和基追比例适宜,才能协调好穗、粒、重三因素的关系,获得高产。  相似文献   

春季低温对小麦花粉育性及粒数形成的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
小麦拔节后遭遇春季低温,每穗粒数下降,产量降低。为探明春季低温引起每穗粒数减少的生理原因,以春性小麦扬麦16和半冬性小麦徐麦30为供试品种,研究小麦倒二叶出生期(昼夜5℃/–3℃)、孕穗期(昼夜8℃/–1℃)和开花期(昼夜12℃/4℃)分别进行低温处理对小麦花粉育性及每穗粒数形成的影响。结果表明:倒二叶出生期和孕穗期低温均导致2个小麦品种在二胞花粉期和三胞花粉期花药中的多糖物质淀粉和蛋白质的代谢异常,绒毡层解体延迟;孕穗期低温还造成花粉母细胞减数分裂中染色体配对异常、出现微核等情况,影响正常雄配子体形成;花粉败育率表现为倒二叶出生期低温处理>孕穗期低温处理>开花期低温处理,徐麦30败育率高于扬麦16;3个时期低温均显著降低了2个小麦品种结实小穗数、每小穗结实粒数和每穗粒数,以倒二叶出生期低温处理穗粒数降低的幅度最大。相关分析表明,春季低温引起花粉母细胞减数分裂异常、绒毡层延迟解体、花药营养物质供给不足导致的花粉育性下降,是春季低温导致小麦每穗粒数减少的主要原因。  相似文献   

Grain yield and the number of grains per ear of wheat decreased under the low temperature after jointing stage. In order to explore the physiological reasons of the decrease of grains number per ear by low temperature in spring, the spring wheat variety Yangmai 16 and the semi-winter wheat variety Xumai 30 were used as tested varieties to analyze the effects of low temperature in spring on the fertility of pollen and the formation of grain numbers at the appearance of the penultimate leaf stage (5℃/-3℃, day/night), booting stage (8℃/-1℃, day/night), and anthesis stage (12℃/4℃, day/night). The results showed that low temperature at the appearance of the penultimate leaf stage and booting stage resulted in abnormal metabolism of starch and protein in the anther both at the binuclear and tri-nuclear pollen stages and delayed degradation of the tapetum. The low temperature at the booting stage caused abnormal meiosis of pollen mother cells, abnormalities in chromosome pairing, which affected the formation of male gametophyte. The abortion rate of pollen was more significantly increased under low temperature at the appearance of the penultimate leaf stage than that at the booting stage, and it was the minimum at anthesis stage. The abortion rate of pollen in Xumai 30 was higher than that in Yangmai 16. The low temperature at three stages had significant effects on the number of spikelets, the number of fertile spikelets and the number of grains per spikelet. The effect of low temperature at the appearance of the penultimate leaf stage on grains number per spikelet was the most significant. There was a significant positive correlation between the number of grains per spike and pollen fertility, which was affected by abnormal meiosis, delayed degradation of the tapetum, and undersupply of nutriment for anther development. Therefore, the decline of pollen fertility caused by low temperature in spring is the main reason for the decrease of grains number per spike.  相似文献   

Terminal heat stress has the potential negative impact on wheat production across the world, especially in South Asia. Under the threat of terminal heat stress, wheat genotypes with stay green trait would suffer from high temperature stress during their long grain filling duration (GFD). The genotypes with short GFD would be advantageous. To identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for heat tolerance, a RIL population of K 7903 (heat tolerant) and RAJ 4014 (heat sensitive) wheat genotypes was investigated under timely and late‐sown conditions. Heat susceptibility index of GFD, yield components and traits under late‐sown condition were used as phenotypic data for QTL identification. Stable QTLs associated with these traits were identified on chromosomes 1B, 2B, 3B, 5A and 6B. The LOD value ranged from 2.9 to 5.0 and the corresponding phenotyping variation explained ranged from 12.0–22%. QTL for heat susceptibility index for the grain filling duration were colocalized with QTL for productive tillers under late sown and GFD under late‐sown condition on chromosomes 1B and 5A, respectively. These genomic regions could be exploited for molecular wheat breeding programmes targeting heat tolerance.  相似文献   

The relationship between grain protein concentration and grain yield in different cultivars of winter wheat was examined in a series of field experiments carried out over three years, in which 13, 12 and 8 cultivars were studied in each year, respectively. The plants were grown at sites located in Shropshire, west-central England, in years 1 and 2, and at three other locations in eastern England in year 3. Above ground plant samples were collected at an thesis and again at maturity, when they were separated into grain and straw, and analysed for dry matter and N content. Analysis of residuals from regression of grain protein concentration on grain yield (grain protein deviation, GPD) showed that some cultivars had a higher grain protein concentration than was predicted from grain yield alone. It was deduced that the capacity to accumulate a higher grain protein concentration than predicted from grain yield is under genetic control and thus may be improved through breeding. Other factors (weight of N accumulated in the biomass at anthesis, weight of N accumulated in the biomass between anthesis and maturity and the concentration of N remaining in the straw at maturity) were added step-wise into the regression to enable statistical analysis of their relative contributions to grain protein. High GPD may be achieved through increased N accumulation after anthesis, combined with efficient re-translocation of vegetative N reserves. The use of GPD provides a selection criteria in wheat breeding programs to screen for increased grain protein concentration without a concurrent grain yield reduction. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Although individual grain weight is an important source of variation forgrain yield, there is still poor understanding of the causes determining finalgrain weight. Almost all studies conducted for understanding thedeterminants of grain weight have been focused on the post-anthesis period.However, there is important evidence that pre-anthesis conditions couldalso modify final grain weight. Three experiments including different sowingdates, genotypes and temperature regimes between booting and anthesis,were carried out in Argentina and Mexico to analyse the effect oftemperature and associated traits during the pre- and post-anthesis periodson grain weight under field conditions. In these experiments final grainweight could not be explained by average or maximum temperature duringthe post-anthesis period. However, average temperature between bootingand anthesis was closely related to the observed grain weight differences,probably as a consequence of the effects of this factor on carpel growth.Differences in grain weight between genotypes and grain position weresuccessfully explained by differences in carpel weight at anthesis. Theseresults suggest that our knowledge to determine grain weight could improveif the immediately pre-anthesis period conditions were taken into account.  相似文献   

普通小麦品种(系)籽粒的铁含量分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为了初步调查和评价我国普通小麦品种籽粒铁蛋白含量的分布状况,从我国品种中筛选铁含量高的基因型,为下一步高铁小麦品种的培育奠定基础,本研究随机选取了83个不同的小麦栽培品种(系),利用原子吸收分光光度法测量小麦籽粒中的铁含量。结果表明,这些品种的小麦籽粒铁含量变化范围较广,从5.64mg?kg-1到59.5mg?kg-1,平均值为30.13mg?kg-1,变异系数14.56,变异幅度比较大;籽粒铁含量为10~50mg?kg-1的品种占85.55%,而籽粒铁含量高于50mg/kg的仅占10.84%,在品种间呈现中间多、两头少的分布趋势;四月糙、金裹银、灰三糙等3个农家品种的铁含量超过了50mg?kg-1,说明在农家品种中存在着高铁含量的种质资源。农大3753等四个“有色”品种铁含量在40mg?kg-1左右,属于中高水平。  相似文献   

Although grain texture has been extensively studied, there is still some controversy about its mode of inheritance. The aim of this study was to use a microtome method to determine the inheritance of grain texture. The backcross method was used with a hard, well adapted cultivar, M29519 as recurrent parent, and Edwall, a soft cultivar with good biscuit-making quality, as donor. Segregation ratio's for grain texture were calculated after each backcross. The backcross derivates M29519 (soft) and M29519 (hard) and the donor and recurrent parents were also compared for biscuit-making quality. The microtome method was found to be very effective to determine grain texture. In this study grain softness was determined by a single dominant gene. M29519 (hard) and the recurrent parent did not differ significantly for any quality characteristics. M29519 (hard) and M29519 (soft) differed significantly for seven characteristics associated with biscuit-making quality, and M29519 (soft) produced a significantly larger biscuit diameter than M29519 (hard). M29519 (soft) differed significantly from the donor parent for six of the measured characteristics. Despite this, M29519 (soft) produced a biscuit similar in diameter to that of the donor parent. Therefore, although the transfer of the softness genes into a different genetic background did not transfer all the factors generally associated with good biscuit-making quality, it did produce a biscuit that did not differ significantly from that of the donor. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Summary The effect of temperature on seed set and embryo development in reciprocal crosses of barley and wheat was assessed in crosses involving two spring barley varieties (Betzes, Martonvásári 50) and one wheat variety (Chinese Spring). Detached tillers placed in nutrient solution were pollinated in controlled environments at constant day-night temperature regimes (12, 15, 18 and 21° C) with a light intensity of 30,000 lux and a relative humidity of 80%. When barley was used as the female, lower temperatures (12 and 15° C) produced the maximum seed set, whereas for the reciprocal cross, the highest temperature (21° C) produced the best seed set in the Chinese Spring × Betzes combination.Low temperature retarded the embryo development. The highest numbers of hybrid plants were produced at 18° C and 21° C in the barley × wheat cross and in the wheat × barley cross, respectively. Embryos of about 1.5 mm length in the barley × wheat cross, and of about 1.0 mm length in the wheat × barley cross germinated successfully. The smallest embryo giving rise to hybrid plants was 0.57 mm in the barley × wheat cross and 0.51 mm in the wheat × barley cross.  相似文献   

Rising atmospheric CO2 concentration ([eCO2]) increases the yield of wheat mainly by increasing grain number, but effects on single grain weight are variable. It is discussed whether single grain growth is limited by the sink or the source size under a non-stress environment. This study explores the effect of e[CO2] combined with varying N supply on the source and sink size during grain filling. Source size was defined as the amount of stem reserves per grain (SRG) and the proportion of incident radiation intercepted by the green canopy per grain (fIRG) at anthesis. Data from a 2-year free-air CO2 enrichment experiment with wheat with three N levels (on average 38 [Nd], 190 [Nad] and 320 kg N ha−1 [Nex]) and two CO2 levels (393 and 600 ppm) on SRG, fIRG and grain filling rate (GFR) and duration (GFD) were evaluated. SRG ranged from 2.5 to 12.9 mg and fIRG from 4.0 × 0.001% to 6.8 x 0.001%. Rising N supply or e[CO2] decreased SRG and fIRG via their increases in grain number. Accordingly, there was a negative linear relationship between grain number and SRG (r2 ≥ 0.84) or fIRG (r2 ≥ 0.97). Increasing N supply decreased GFR, but increased GFD, and GFR was increased by e[CO2] under Nad and Nex. For GFR and final grain weight, there was a strong positive (r2 ≥ 0.85), and for GFD, a strong negative linear relationship (r2 ≥ 0.76) with fIRG under Nad and Nex. Under these N levels, fIRG supplied the largest share (>86%) for grain growth and thus single grain growth was possibly source limited under Nad and Nex. Under high grain number such as under Nex and e[CO2], there might be a risk for low final grain weight due to the low SRG that is insufficient for buffering assimilate shortage under unfavourable environmental conditions in early grain filling.  相似文献   

Summary Environmental correlation coefficients were computed among all pairs of five traits, namely grain yield, heading date, number of tillers per m2, plant height and 1000-grain weight (grain size) using 30 Triticum durum and 30 Triticum aestivum varieties grown in 18 environments. Grain yield was significantly correlated with the other four traits in almost all of the varieties. The mean correlation coefficient over all varieties ranged from 0.58 to –0.83 for durum wheat and 0.66 to 0.88 for aestivum wheat. The correlation coefficients between heading date and the other traits were also significant, ranging from –0.45 to –0.79 in durum wheat and –0.61 to –0.85 in aestivum wheat. The correlation coefficient between number of tillers with plant height and 1000-grain weight were the smallest, 0.19–0.32 in durum wheat and 0.39–0.60 in aestivum wheat. It was concluded that agronomic practices favouring early and good stand establishment in the dry regions will favour the yield components and important adaptive traits, which contribute towards larger yields. Significant differences were found among genotypes in the environmental correlation coefficients and the associated changes in one trait as a result of changes in other traits.  相似文献   

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