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采用小苗法测定了嘧菌酯和吡唑醚菌酯对烟草白粉病菌Erysiphe cichoracearum的毒力,以及对苗期烟草白粉病的预防和治疗作用及持效期。结果表明:嘧菌酯和吡唑醚菌酯对烟草白粉病菌抑制作用的EC50值分别为7.62和9.90 μg/mL,对该病害的预防和治疗作用的EC50值分别为8.76、12.34 μg/mL和17.32、23.40 μg/mL;2种药剂对烟草白粉病菌均具有较长的持效期,在有效成分56.25 g/hm2 剂量下、2次喷雾处理烟苗,30 d后的防效仍分别达到94.45%和88.53%;2种药剂对新生烟叶均具有良好的保护作用,且在实验剂量范围内对烟苗安全。  相似文献   

2001年第4季度国家质量监督检验检疫总局组织监督抽查了农药杀菌剂 :多菌灵、三唑酮、百菌清。现将抽查情况进行通报摘要如下 ,以供参考。本次抽查的多菌灵、三唑酮和百菌清3个产品均在我国使用多年 ,百菌清和多菌灵原药的产品质量达到国际先进水平 ,尤其是百菌清原药产品质量高、出口量较大。三唑酮原药质量较差 ,其中有害杂质含量较高。该3种产品加工的可湿性粉剂是较老的农药剂型 ,与国外同类产品相比 ,国内多菌灵等可湿性粉剂的质量有一定差距 ,可湿性粉剂的悬浮率低 ,而悬浮率的高低直接影响到药效 ,是衡量可湿性粉剂的重要指标…  相似文献   

经过药剂驯化10代后,从对苯醚菌酯(ZJ0712)敏感的小麦白粉病菌Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici 3个菌株中获得3个抗药突变体,突变体的抗性指数均大于80,且其抗性能够通过无性繁殖稳定遗传。室内接种试验发现,突变体的致病力与亲本菌株无明显差异。细胞色素b (cyt b)基因片段序列分析发现,突变体cyt b基因的第143位密码子均由敏感菌株的GGT(丙氨酸)突变成了GCT(甘氨酸)。研究结果表明,小麦白粉病菌对苯醚菌酯存在较高的抗性风险,该药剂在使用过程中需注意采取相应的抗性治理措施,以延缓抗性发生。  相似文献   

 由专性寄生菌Blumeria graminis f.sp.tritici引起的小麦白粉病,是一种世界性的病害,几乎在所有小麦种植区都有发生,使用杀菌剂是目前控制该类病害流行的主要措施。但病原菌对杀菌剂抗药性的快速发展是一个很突出的问题。  相似文献   

内吸杀菌剂烯唑醇对小麦条锈菌和白粉菌发育影响的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
 小麦幼苗分别用小麦条锈菌和白粉菌接种3天后,用内吸杀菌剂烯唑醇喷雾施药。电镜观察烯唑醇对条锈菌和白粉菌在寄主上发育的影响,结果表明,烯唑醇引起两种病菌和寄主细胞发生一系列变化。小麦条锈菌和白粉菌菌丝细胞壁的内层普遍不规则地加厚,菌丝细胞的隔膜发育受阻而成为畸形;两病菌的吸器外间质变宽,并沉积有电子致密度较高的物质。小麦条锈菌的部分吸器母细胞产生的畸形入侵栓,不能穿透寄主细胞壁,部分吸器不能正常发育,吸器体呈分枝状,不能完全扩张、膨大。此外,被侵小麦细胞所分泌的物质可将条锈菌吸器完全包围起来。小麦条锈菌和白粉菌以上的细胞学变化可能导致了它们进一步发育受阻。  相似文献   

沸石咪唑酯骨架材料(ZIF-8)稳定性好,比表面积大,纳米粒径可调,具有酸敏感性.为研究其在农药递送中作为缓控释载体的性能和应用,以吡唑醚菌酯(pyraclostrobin,以下简称Pyr)为模式农药,以二价锌为配位中心,二甲基咪唑为有机配体,采用"一锅法"制备了pH响应性吡唑醚菌酯控释剂Pyr@ZIF-8;通过扫描电...  相似文献   

采用离体叶段法,分别测定了从河北、河南、湖北、陕西和四川5省分离的53个小麦白粉病菌单孢菌株对苯菌酮和喹氧灵的敏感性,并分析了白粉病菌对三唑酮和苯菌酮以及喹氧灵之间的 交互抗性。结果表明:小麦白粉病菌群体对苯菌酮和喹氧灵的平均EC50值分别为(0.001 9±0.000 6) 和(0.013 1±0.002 0) mg/L,苯菌酮比喹氧灵具有更高的抑菌活性;小麦白粉病菌对三唑酮和苯菌酮与喹氧灵之间均不存在交互抗性(R2值分别为0.102 6和0.491 9);室内盆栽试验结果显示:接种前1 d和接种后1d施药,苯菌酮和喹氧灵对小麦白粉病的保护与治疗作用防效分别为92.21%、84.25%和82.43%、70.25%,表明这2种药剂不仅具有优异的保护作用,同时还具有较好的治疗作用。  相似文献   

创制杀菌剂氰烯菌酯的应用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
2005-2006年防治小麦赤霉病田间登记试验表明,25%氰烯菌酯悬浮剂在有效成分375~750 g/hm2的剂量下能有效控制小麦赤霉病的发生与危害,对小麦生长安全。2005年防治水稻恶苗病田间筛选试验表明,25%氰烯菌酯悬浮剂在1∶2 000~5 000倍液浸种时,秧苗期防效达100%;在1∶2 000~3 000倍液浸种时,大田防效达95%以上,对水稻生长安全。  相似文献   

自1976年以来,三唑酮一直就是我国防治小麦白粉病的主要药剂.1991年首次在山东省发现抗性菌株,之后其他地区也相继有抗药性菌株的报道.本实验室从1995年就开始监测小麦白粉菌对三唑酮的抗药性,研究结果表明,平均抗性水平和抗性菌株的频率均总体呈上升趋势[1-3].  相似文献   

为明确噻呋酰胺与嘧菌酯混配对马铃薯黑痣病菌Rhizoctonia solani的增效作用及对马铃薯黑痣病的田间防效,采用菌丝生长速率法和田间药效试验测定二者混配组合对其的联合毒力,分别用Wadley法和Abbott法评价混配组合的增效作用,并比较拌种、沟施及苗期茎基部喷淋3种施药方式对黑痣病的田间防效。结果表明,噻呋酰胺与嘧菌酯以质量比3∶1、2∶1、1∶1和1∶2进行混配时抑制马铃薯黑痣病菌菌丝生长的增效系数分别为1.7、2.7、2.5和1.9,其中2∶1和1∶1的混配组合增效作用较为明显。240 g/L噻呋酰胺悬浮剂与250 g/L嘧菌酯悬浮剂1∶1桶混以240 g(a.i.)/hm~2沟施对马铃薯黑痣病的防效优于拌种和苗期茎基部喷淋的防效,沟施方式下对植株黑痣病的防效为65.3%,对薯块黑痣病的防效为71.6%,增效系数为1.1,表现增效作用。表明噻呋酰胺与嘧菌酯有效成分质量比1∶1的混配组合以240 g(a.i.)/hm~2为推荐剂量沟施可有效防治马铃薯黑痣病。  相似文献   

When the conidia of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh) are inoculated on barley coleoptile cells they produce short germ tubes called primary germ tubes (PGTs) about 2 h after inoculation. We evaluated the positive role of a PGT in inducing accessibility of the host cell under the germ tube. When an appressorium (APP) penetrated the same cell on which a PGT was present, the ratio of haustorium formation (penetration efficiency) was significantly higher than when an APP penetrated the cell adjacent to the one on which a PGT was present. When an APP penetrated the cell laterally adjacent to the one on which a PGT was present we killed the cell under the PGT by puncturing it with a microneedle and then investigated the penetration efficiency of the cell adjacent to the dead cell. As a control we killed the cell longitudinally adjacent to the one on which a PGT was present and investigated the penetration efficiency of the laterally adjacent cell. The results showed that the penetration efficiency of the former was significantly lower than that of the latter. This suggests that some accessibility factor might transfer from a cell on which a PGT is present to a laterally adjacent cell. The existence of a conidium body but not a PGT was not effective for induced accessibility of the host cell. Moreover, when a Bgh germling was removed 6 h after inoculation and another germling was transferred to the same cell, the penetration efficiency was significantly higher than that of control. As a control, a Bgh germling was transferred to a cell on which no germling was present. These results suggest that the existence of PGT is effective for induced accessibility of a host cell when penetrated by Bgh. However, it is unclear whether or not a PGT secretes some substance(s) which suppresses the resistance induction of a host cell.  相似文献   

The conidia of Blumeria graminis f. sp. hordei (Bgh), following contact with a host surface, first form a short germ tube, called the primary germ tube (PGT), and then an elongating germ tube emerges. It differentiates into an appressorial germ tube (AGT), and then the AGT elongates and swells. It forms a hooked, appressorial lobe that penetrates the epidermal cell wall of the host. In a series of infections, the positive role of PGT in the morphogenesis of the fungus is unclear except for the possibility reported by Carver and Ingerson that the growth of a long germ tube, with the potential to differentiate into an appressorium, seems to be dependent on the perception of a suitable host surface through contact with the PGT. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to further clarify the role of PGT in the morphogenesis of the fungus. When the conidia of Bgh were inoculated onto the coleoptile surface whose cuticle was removed with cellulose acetate, the emergence of the AGT was delayed. This delay was related to the length of the PGT. That is, on the cuticleless coleoptile surface the PGT tended to continue elongating without stopping. If there were gaps on the coleoptile surface such as a cell border on the more hydrophilic substratum like cuticleless coleoptile surface, the PGT stopped elongating there and after that the AGT emerged. Moreover, the length of PGT in the beginning of AGT emergence was same as that of the PGT after appressorium formation. This means that PGT elongation had stopped when AGT began to emerge. Therefore, it is necessary to stop the PGT elongation for the triggering of AGT emergence.  相似文献   

Six heterocyclic alkylating agents were synthesized and examined for activity against the oat stripe pathogenPyrenophora avenae on agar plates and against the barley powdery mildew fungusBlumeria graminis f.sp.hordei on barley seedlings. Radial growth ofP. avenae was not significantly affected by any of the compounds, but four of them,α,α-bis[4,7-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1,4,7-triazacyclononane]-para-xylene[3], 1,4,8,11-tetra(2-chloroethyl)-1,4,8,11-tetraazacyclotetradecane[4], 8,11-bis(2-chloroethyl)-1,4,8,11-tetraaza-5,7-oxocyclotetradecane[5] and 7,16-bis(2-chloroethyl-1,4,10,13-tetraoxa-7,16-diazaoctadecane[6], gave significant reductions in biomass ofP. avenae grown in liquid culture and in powdery mildew infection on barley when used at 25μM. Polyamine biosynthesis was examined by following the incorporation of labeled ornithine into polyamines inP. avenae. The four compounds3–6 which reduced mildew infection all reduced the flux of label through to the polyamines inP. avenae. Whether the reductions in mildew infection caused by these compounds is related to reduced formation of polyamines is not known and awaits investigation. http://www.phytoparasitica.org posting May 22, 2005.  相似文献   

The development of appressoria by germinating Blumeria graminis conidia depends on its germ tubes making contact with the host surface. Low angle, low temperature scanning electron microscopy showed that 80% or more of first-formed germ tubes of f. spp. hordei, tritici and avenae conidia emerged from close to the host leaf surface, and so made contact with it allowing them to become functional primary germ tubes. Light microscopy of f. sp.hordei confirmed this result and, in addition, showed that germ tubes frequently emerged close to, and contacted, various hydrophobic and hydrophilic artificial substrata. Geometric models of conidium-substratum interfaces were developed and a “surface point method” was derived to predict the frequency with which contact would result if germ tube emergence was a random phenomenon. However, observed contact frequencies were far higher (c. three to eight times) than predicted. Thus, the germ tube emergence site was determined as a response to substratum contact. In part, this appeared to be a non-specific response. Nevertheless, germ tube contact frequencies were greater on the curved surface of leaf epidermal cells than on planar surface, suggesting that specific recognition of leaf surface characteristics may promote directional emergence. The area of contact required to stimulate directional germ tube emergence was very small: contact with a microneedle tip or with a spiders’ suspension thread was sufficient for many conidia. Similarly, on leaves, the only contact is between the tips of a limited number of conidial wall projections and the edges of epicuticular leaf wax plates. Micromanipulation to roll conidia so that their original site of contact with a leaf was rotated away from it, led to the majority of first-formed germ tubes growing away from the leaf, i.e. emerging close to the site of original contact. The experiments indicated that the site of germ tube emergence is determined within 1 min of deposition. This implicated the release of conidial extracellular materials in recognition of the conidium-leaf surface contact site.  相似文献   

Developed by Mitsui Chemicals Agro, Inc. (Tokyo, Japan), quinofumelin is a novel fungicide with a distinct chemical structure including 3-(isoquinolin-1-yl) quinoline, demonstrating fungicidal activity against a variety of fungi, including rice blast and gray mold. We screened our compound library to identify curative compounds for rice blast and evaluated the effect of fungicide-resistant strains of gray mold. Our research demonstrated that quinofumelin has curative effects against rice blast and is not cross-resistant to existing fungicides. Accordingly, the use of quinofumelin can be considered a novel approach for disease control in agricultural production. In this report, the discovery of quinofumelin from the initial compound is described in detail.  相似文献   

采用喷雾法研究了大黄酚对黄瓜白粉病的生物活性及其在黄瓜组织中的内吸传导性。结果表明,大黄酚对黄瓜白粉病菌具有较高毒力,感染白粉病的叶片经200 mg/L的大黄酚处理2 d后,霉状物变褐色,病斑枯死。扫描电子显微镜观察显示,黄瓜白粉病菌经大黄酚处理后,菌丝和分生孢子梗扭曲、变形,分生孢子塌陷。盆栽试验表明,利用大黄酚防治黄瓜白粉病具有较长的持效期,黄瓜子叶上喷施100 mg/L的大黄酚,20 d后接种病原菌,其防效仍达84.83%,与有效成分500 mg/L的硫磺悬浮剂防效相近。此外,大黄酚在黄瓜组织中具有一定的跨层传导性,其横向传导性较弱,几乎无向顶及向基的传导性。  相似文献   

为获得新的鳞翅目害虫杀虫基因,根据已知cry1I类基因编码区设计简并引物,采用直接克隆法,以苏云金芽胞杆菌(Bacillus thuringiensis,Bt)菌株BN23-5质粒DNA为模板进行扩增,并对得到的基因进行鉴定和分析。结果表明:克隆得到一个完整的cry1Ie基因,全长2 160 bp,由719个氨基酸组成,该氨基酸序列与已知的4种Cry1Ie蛋白不同,与Cry1Ie2和Cry1Ie3的氨基酸序列同源性最高,为95.4%,被国际Bt杀虫晶体蛋白基因命名委员会命名为Cry1Ie5(登录号为KJ710646)。将该基因插入表达载体p ET-28a,转化大肠杆菌BL21(DE3),IPTG低温诱导成功表达,SDS-PAGE电泳验证其大小为81 k D,与预测的分子量相符合。生物活性测定表明,Cry1Ie5表达的包涵体蛋白对小菜蛾和亚洲玉米螟具有杀虫活性,LC_(50)分别为0.43μg/m L和48.39μg/m L;对棉铃虫的致死率不高,但能明显抑制其生长;对甜菜夜蛾没有杀虫活性。  相似文献   

为明确三唑酮和氟环唑、吡唑醚菌酯、啶酰菌胺、嘧菌环胺、乙嘧酚5种不同作用机制的杀菌剂对小麦白粉病的敏感性及交互抗性,采用田间小区试验和室内喷雾离体叶段法测定了不同杀菌剂对小麦白粉病的防治效果。结果表明,5种不同作用机制杀菌剂对小麦白粉病的防治效果可达90%以上,而三唑酮最高的防治效果仅为72.17%;小麦白粉病菌群体对氟环唑、吡唑醚菌酯、啶酰菌胺、嘧菌环胺、乙嘧酚的敏感性EC50分别在0.087~1.901、0.058~1.402、0.186~3.014、0.222~6.005、0.006~1.742μg/mL之间,5种不同作用机制杀菌剂的敏感性均呈连续单峰曲线,可作为小麦白粉病菌对5种不同作用机制杀菌剂的敏感基线。研究表明,三唑酮与氟环唑、吡唑醚菌酯、啶酰菌胺、嘧菌环胺、乙嘧酚之间不存在交互抗性。  相似文献   

To determine whether the cuticle of the barley coleoptile is responsible for a rise in appressorial turgor pressure in Blumeria graminis, we determined the appressorial turgor pressure by measuring cytorrhysis and plasmolysis in the presence of PEG6000. Appressorial turgor pressure significantly increased 13–14 h after inoculation. On the other hand, when the cuticle was completely removed from the barley coleoptile surface with diethyl ether, turgor pressure did not increase. Moreover, when we then recoated the surface with the exogenous barley cuticle fraction, appressorial turgor pressure significantly increased 12–13 h after inoculation. These results suggest that the cuticle on the surface of the barley coleoptile is necessary for the increase in the appressorial turgor pressure.  相似文献   

Foliar and root applications of different silicon (Si)-based formulations were evaluated for their effects in reducing powdery mildew and promoting growth of wheat plants. X-ray microanalyses of treated plants revealed that root applications resulted in consistent deposition of Si in the leaves. In terms of powdery mildew control, root applications at 1.7 mM Si gave consistently the best results, reducing disease severity by as much as 80%, regardless of the product used. Although less effective than root applications, foliar treatments with both Si and nutrient salt solutions led to a significant reduction of powdery mildew on wheat plants. This suggests a direct effect of the products on powdery mildew rather than one mediated by the plant as in the case of root amendments. In our experiments, Si amendment, either through the roots or the leaves, did not increase plant growth. These results lead to the conclusion that Si is primarily, if not exclusively, absorbed by the root system and that such absorption by the roots is necessary for an optimal prophylactic effect.  相似文献   

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